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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Oh hey Jim." Alpha swings at a harpy. Then kicks it back into the others.

Upsilon gets aggravated by the unending mob of monsters. She roars in anger and electricy erupts from her body. Spreading from monster to monster. Killing them. Lightning drops from the sky. Hitting the flying harpy.

Beta fires a quad shot at one of the tracks for the roller coaster on the Stratosphere. Making it fall and crush monsters.
@Light[/URL], @Dolphan of Lyfe, @TheMadHatter44, @TheGodSnake)
Dylan gives her a smile and winks. "No promises!" He said as he lunged forward and shot lightning at the first wave of monsters, stunning and sending them skirting back.
The two friends were almost to the rec room door, "well then, I'll just have to meet her later, but in the meantime," he paused, opening the door and motioning for her to enter, "beat you in pool?" He said with a smile
Jim looked at Alpha. "Ya good to see you too." He said as he diced up a Harpy sending it crashing into a cyclops head. The Cyclops fell over onto the one he had under his control earlier. As they fell a group of chimera appeared seemingly from nowhere. He lowered his gaze and blinked above of the chimera, wrapping his whip around it's mid-section and blinked again using the force from the blink to slam hard, ripping the chimera in half. The he wrapped all three head together with the whip and ripped it apart by pulling on it hard with the razor edge of his whip. He almost got hit hard with a paw when he blinked next to Beta. He had seen him after the roller coaster had fell. "Hey, whats up?" He said with a small smile. His left arm was going numb from the damage.

(@Light )
Jules gives him a cheeky smile. "Yeah right!" She said as she headed into the new rec room which was inside a large tent.


TheGodSnake said:
The two friends were almost to the rec room door, "well then, I'll just have to meet her later, but in the meantime," he paused, opening the door and motioning for her to enter, "beat you in pool?" He said with a smile
Beta looks over at him. "Who are you?" Beta fires a light arrow at a group of monsters. A void appeasr at their feet. They fall in it as Beta holds an arrow. Light charges up as it starts shinning brightly. A portal appears above him as he fires the arrow. It hits them all making an explosion bigger than usual. The explosion travels through the portal and kills the rest of the monsters looking down it at the other side. "Excuse me!" Blue runs off with monsters flowing them. He runs to a ride and ducks to the side just in time. They react too late and fall in it. He closes the door and makes the ride fire off. The ride was designed to rocket off the Stratosphere and act like it's going to run off the rails and have you fall to your death. Beta fires an exploding arrow right on time to make it really fall off the tracks. He makes his way over to another ride. One that dangles you over the edge in seats and rotates. Acting as an upside down merry go round. He shoots monsters with the portal light arrows and they appear in the seats. He presses the button making it start up. He treats it as an aiming game and shoots them all while its spinning. He runs back over to Jim. He looks over at Upsilon whom seems to be getting tired. "Hey Upsilon! You fucking suck!" Upsilon hears his comment and bursts in a rage. Finding more energy to fight.
" I am Jim, i was brought here by mistake. I am helping your team until you all are done with your mission." He said bluntly. He was highly impressed with this ones skill. He figured he was part of their team as he had never seen him before. He stuck out his right hand for a handshake. The back of his right hand was covered in the burnt marks he had since birth. For a moment he forgot they were in a fight.

(@Light )
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Gamma summoned a shard of ice and threw it at a >insert a monster here.< She then drew her dagger and got in a fighting stance, awaiting for a monster to charge her. So far, one hasn't. But she kept her eyes peeled. For she could be attacked from anywhere.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Beta gives him a quick handshake and gets back to shooting. "Alpha! X out, now!" He fires an arrow at the back of her head. Right before it hits Alpha brings her daggers up in an x motion slicing a monsters head off and she ducks. The monster turns to dust and the monster behind it doesn't see the arrow coming through the dust. The arrow hits it in the forehead while Alpha backflips away. Exploding and killing other monsters.
"Hey, cover me while i use my full Glamour on these monsters. I will need you or someone to carrier me out of here after the battle and feed me the ambrosia from my pack!" He said quickly to Bata as he focused his power. They would have three mins max to eliminate as many monsters as possible before he blacked out. He would make them see the other monsters as enemies but that still didn't make this a safe task. Someone could still get hurt by one of them even if they monster couldn't see them. His body started to glow in a green light that slowly covered the entire area. The monsters started tearing each other apart, some were still able to see through it but were distracted by the other monsters attacking them. He could feel his energy fading fast but the reward was a slaughter feast of unequal proportion.

(@Soul OMU )
Soul OMU]Jules gives him a cheeky smile. "Yeah right!" She said as she headed into the new rec room which was inside a large tent. ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:
Joey smiled as they walked in, "so, how've you been while was gone?" He asked as he put a thin spot of clear ice on each of the pool balls. He waited for an answer as he grabbed a cue and the triangle from the rack
"In the forge, as always," joey laughed as he set up the game, "youve been in that place most of the time since you got here, then again you are a hephaestus kid,"

@Soul OMU
Joey sighs, "well, I was doing alright, I guess I got better with holding my aura at a different temperature for a longer period of time, but I was constantly tired, and I wasnt doing much better or worse than others, so it wasnt so bad. I will admit its better to be back, for various reasons," as he finished, he broke, and started the game, a solid rolling into a side-pocket. he shot again and hit one of Jules balls from an easy shot.
Joey smiles, lining up, "so how are you and people these days? still mangaing to stay hidden from existence against all odds?" he said it jokingly, but hoped that she wouldnt think he was trying to be mean. He lined up and hit one of his balls, and the cue ball rolled into a second ball which hit a third, the first two sunk of their own accord, Joey saw that the third one probably wouldn't make it so he focused and lightly adjusted its trajectory, almost unnoticeable, and it bounced off a wall and roled into a center pocket. "smoooth, I think im good, two balls left, you can take your turn now."
Jules nods as she lines up her shot and narrows her eyes as she focuses before shooting the ball hard, knocking one of her balls in, then bouncing off and hitting the second one and finally the third one, leaving her with one and the black 8 ball.



Lexie walking towards the camp, deep in thought as she walks in, slinking towards the Hephaestus cabin.
Collin, at the forge started making some changes to the gun's structure. "Done, done, and done," he muttered, summoning some fire to mold onto it. Looks good, gotta test it though, he thought, wiping his hands on his jacket.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]Collin, at the forge started making some changes to the gun's structure. "Done, done, and done," he muttered, summoning some fire to mold onto it. Looks good, gotta test it though, he thought, wiping his hands on his jacket.
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Lexie has her parasol open as she walks towards the forge, petting Patterson. Patterson walking beside her, wagging his tail, a hellhound.
Collin was multitasking as he got the hilt of a sword he was making. Because of that, he dropped the hammer he was holding almost on his foot and he jumped. "Crap," he said out-loud, although he didn't mean to. Usually if he talked to himself then people would think he was weird. At least nobody was near him as he thought.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Omega nodded, "Let's dance ya pansies." Sheila appeared in his right hand and Babycakes (primary axe) appeared in his left, he bulked out and charged barreling into the swarm of monsters clouds of yellow dust flying up almost instantly.

Sebastian looked at the boy, "Do I know you." His voice was was empty which was normal except for the despair that was evident.
Dylan jumps back a bit as he gets lunged at and nearly fell. "Woah~! Oh shit!" He said as he falls back.


Amanda making sure Theta is healthy and good to move around. Theta claps his hands and starts looking for Valencia with Blake.


Z waiting by for the signal by Kyle. (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
"A sword, Lexie," Collin replied, turning around. He knew it was her because he knew her voice. He grinned and put out the fire on his hand. "Nice to see you."

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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