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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Gamma flew over to the dragon and got on. "May he rest in Elysium," she muttered, looking down at the scene. It was ravaged by the fighting and destroyed. That saddened her but also made her angry. "The next time I come across a monster I'm going to stomp the shit out of it for Sigma."

"But it has benefits, I believe," Collin replied, blinking a couple of times before keeping his eyes open. Pretty much working all the time makes him tired, and today he was extremely tired.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
"Sigma is dead?" He asked and his heart sank a little. He didn't get to know sigma but any day one of the demigods died was a sad day. He had failed his quest, he had failed his father but most of all he had failed the mercenaries and for some reason that hurt him more then failing his father. "Bata, gabe the ambrosia from my pack. If we get lucky there may be time to save Sig...." The world went black around him as he passed out from over using his powers. At the last moment he tried his hardest to be optimistic but he knew even in his blacked out state that it was more likely that Sigma was actually dead.

(@Soul OMU @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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Delta couldn't stand it anymore. He used a spell to propel himself into the falling rubble. Going after Sigma's falling body. He pushes off falling piece to falling piece. The entire Stratosphere collapses. Blocking the dragon from reaching him. All the others see is Delta just a hand away from Sigma's body and then he disappeared. Into the cloud of dust and smoke at the ground level. They all waited for what could have been an hour. Alpha was curled up and crying. Her hands still having Sigma's blood. "Lets just go to camp half blood..... this.... was a mission failure." Alpha starts crying again as the dragon starts heading to Camp Half-Blood. Blue starts cursing and blaming himself. Hanging his head and swiftly wiping away any tears that dared to appear. Upsilon just lays on her back. Her hands covering her face. Her body shuddering and you can still hear the sobs. Iota was loudly sobbing. They had just lost two people they've all spent most all of their life growing up with.

( @Soul OMU @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @TheMadHatter44 @Dolphan of Lyfe )
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"Like, three hours a night. Why did you ask?" Collin asked. He then realized that three hours a night wasn't good. He usually spent the night working with metals in his bed when he woke up in the middle of the night.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]"Like, three hours a night. Why did you ask?" Collin asked. He then realized that three hours a night wasn't good. He usually spent the night working with metals in his bed when he woke up in the middle of the night.
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Lexie narrows her eyes. "Collin!" She said while looking upset and annoyed with him. "That's not enough sleep!"


Lexie walking towards the camp, deep in thought as she walks in, slinking towards the Hephaestus cabin.
(You gotta give me the chance to mess with her shot at least once or twice)

Joey nodded, "nice shot, but I take it you won't answer my question, he almost sunk his last ball before the eight ball, it was in between Julia's ball and the hole.

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Omega nodded, "Let's dance ya pansies." Sheila appeared in his right hand and Babycakes (primary axe) appeared in his left, he bulked out and charged barreling into the swarm of monsters clouds of yellow dust flying up almost instantly.
Sebastian looked at the boy, "Do I know you." His voice was was empty which was normal except for the despair that was evident.

"well, I thought you might know who I am, but then again, I seem to be almost invisible to most people. If you don't know who I am then you haven't seen me fight, then wou might remember," he clapped his hands together, "but that doesn't matter, you sound like you need some help, or at least someone to talk to,"
"Yes it is. Plus I wake up and work with metals," Collin replied. He put his hood up. "Maybe it isn't. But I don't care that much."

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
TheGodSnake said:
(You gotta give me the chance to mess with her shot at least once or twice)
Joey nodded, "nice shot, but I take it you won't answer my question, he almost sunk his last ball before the eight ball, it was in between Julia's ball and the hole.

"well, I thought you might know who I am, but then again, I seem to be almost invisible to most people. If you don't know who I am then you haven't seen me fight, then wou might remember," he clapped his hands together, "but that doesn't matter, you sound like you need some help, or at least someone to talk to,"
Jules blinks. "Huh? What was the question again?" She asked while looking at him.


Z bites her lip and slowly steps out of the shadows behind Kyle.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )


@Dolphan of Lyfe[/URL])
Joey raised an eyebrow, "I asked whether or not you've started getting seen by others, or if your still the invisible woman," he smiled to let her know he was making a joke, once again hoping not to feel her anger.
"Alright. I'll try," Collin replied, rummaging through his enchanted tool belt. He then took out the pin he made. It had a skull and an eagle on it. "Here." He handed it to her and put his hands in his pockets.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Omega's tears wouldn't stop and he wasn't sobbing his reaction would be much worse, it had taken all his will not to jump down after his siblings, knowing that it would only make them worry. And thou he felt the loss of both Delta. And Sigma deep in his chest he had never been more proud of his little brothers as they fought even moreso of delta those moves on the way down...couldn't have done them better himself. Omega wrapped Alpha and Iota in his arms holding them the way only a brother can. "Delta's a survivor.....we'll probably see the little runt walk into camp in a few days with just a few scratches on him...." In the back of his mind Omega ran ideas through his head, he wanted to believe delta was alive but he also want to know if he wasn't.....he thought of the hades kids at camp but had also heard rumors about some Thanatos kid. His mind was made up as soon as they reached camp he would find that kid no matter if he had to drag the answers out of him.

Sebastian looked directly at the boy but his gaze seemed to be going through him, "I don't socialize with anyone so no I have no idea who you are and have no desire to." He recognized the fact that his sister was behind the kid and his suspicion was confirmed. "You can leave now, I will speak with my sister." There was a dangerous look in his eyes that put a silent 'or else' after his comment about the boy leaving.

Suzume blushed when Amanda took her shirt off and instantly averted her eyes with an audible gulp. She reached into the supply bag which had become her best friend and pulled out some bandages and other items to dress Amanda's wounds with. She began using some disinfectant and gently dabbing the cuts on her wiping up some blood as well. "You.......should be more careful."
TheGodSnake said:
Joey raised an eyebrow, "I asked whether or not you've started getting seen by others, or if your still the invisible woman," he smiled to let her know he was making a joke, once again hoping not to feel her anger.
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]"Alright. I'll try," Collin replied, rummaging through his enchanted tool belt. He then took out the pin he made. It had a skull and an eagle on it. "Here." He handed it to her and put his hands in his pockets.
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Omega's tears wouldn't stop and he wasn't sobbing his reaction would be much worse, it had taken all his will not to jump down after his siblings, knowing that it would only make them worry. And thou he felt the loss of both Delta. And Sigma deep in his chest he had never been more proud of his little brothers as they fought even moreso of delta those moves on the way down...couldn't have done them better himself. Omega wrapped Alpha and Iota in his arms holding them the way only a brother can. "Delta's a survivor.....we'll probably see the little runt walk into camp in a few days with just a few scratches on him...." In the back of his mind Omega ran ideas through his head, he wanted to believe delta was alive but he also want to know if he wasn't.....he thought of the hades kids at camp but had also heard rumors about some Thanatos kid. His mind was made up as soon as they reached camp he would find that kid no matter if he had to drag the answers out of him.
Sebastian looked directly at the boy but his gaze seemed to be going through him, "I don't socialize with anyone so no I have no idea who you are and have no desire to." He recognized the fact that his sister was behind the kid and his suspicion was confirmed. "You can leave now, I will speak with my sister." There was a dangerous look in his eyes that put a silent 'or else' after his comment about the boy leaving.

Suzume blushed when Amanda took her shirt off and instantly averted her eyes with an audible gulp. She reached into the supply bag which had become her best friend and pulled out some bandages and other items to dress Amanda's wounds with. She began using some disinfectant and gently dabbing the cuts on her wiping up some blood as well. "You.......should be more careful."

Jules lining up her shot."nope, still the invisible woman." She said while getting ready to hit the ball.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

Z takes a deep breath. "He stays or else we aren't speaking." She said while watching him as the wisps flew around playfully.

Amanda sighs softly. "I know... But my patients are one of my top priorities.... As are you." She said softly while looking at her.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
The dragon flew through the camp borders and circled around the camp in the sky. The mercenaries wiped away their tears and hardened themselves. Not even showing a hint of sorrow in their eyes. The dragon landed by the tent which was now the infirnary. "The hell happened here?" Beta looks around. "Chiron!"
Chiron sighs softly and shakes his head while the Hephaestus kids with the help of the other campers are currently rebuilding the Big House. "There was a bit of an incident. However it has been resolved.. Welcome back." He said as Dylan headed to the infirmary to get his wounds checked.
Upsilon got off the dragon and headed in after him for some nectar and rest. Alpha went to talk to Chiron about them all staying here. Beta went to the Hades cabin and flung open the door. Only to see an empty cabin. He ran over to his own cabin and saw Courtney dressed and petting Diego. Courtney seemed to not hear him when he called out to her.
Sebastian looks at her blankly, "I don't care if we talk or not....but he can stay."

Suzume blushed and rested her head on her back, "I care for you as well."
Z watching him. "Okay... What do you want to talk about...?" She said slowly while looking at him.

Amanda smiles a bit as she looks at her. "Good, I'm glad..." She said before noticing Dylan and Upsilon. "Oh hello, I didn't know we would be getting other patients." She said and pulled her shirt back on and went over to help them sit down.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Light)
Upsilon gasps and squeals. She flies off swiftly and finds Theta. Practically tackling him in a hug and cuddling him intensively.

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