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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Upsilon looks over and gives him a stopping glare. Electricity erupts out her hand as her sword takes form in it. She had already let go of Omega and Dylan. "Who the hell are you?"
"I am Jim, son of Tartarus. I was sent to make sure you guys stay safe." He kept his glamour up and readied himself for combat but he didn't want to hurt her if he could avoid it. He set there looking at her. "I just came from the camp, what's going on here?" He asked looking at the two she had been dragging." He wasn't sure what the quest was about but it was his duty to protect them. Unbeknownst to him his father had given him the wrong information on purpose in order to see his skill.

(@Light )
Upsilon squinted. "Take that stupid Glamour off. I'm a mercenary I can easily tell when I'm being deceived. Also I don't know what camp your talking about and honestly with all these people talking about it I'd rather go back to Alcatraz. It's none of your damn business whats going on here and I don't give a shit whether or not you were sent to protect us we don't need it." Upsilon started to scowl.

Delta noticed her anger and stepped infront of her, trying to calm her down.

Alpha sized Jim up. "Nobody knows about this. At all... well except for a few. It wasn't prophesied. It was a last minute notice mission. We're trying to find our remaining mercenaries."
Omega stepped in front of Upsilon and Delta, "Let me handle this." He turned to the kid, "We aren't on a quest and give me three good reasons not to remove your head from your shoulders.
"You should listen to the guy. He still hasn't gotten his daily kill yet and he can't go a day without killing." Alpha backs up.
Peyton skipped off to the training area to practice with her prized axe. It wasn't a typical weapon for her family tree but she had a knack for throwing and working with it sans shield.

Sömmer carved an 'x' into he trunk of the tree with her knife and headed back to camp, wanting to spar.
He chuckled at the male standing before him "I am one of the few who would gladly give his help, I was misled into thinking you where on a mission and i am apologize for interrupting you, and i could dispatch you with little to no effort on my part if i so wished." He said calmly dropping his Glamour and showing his true body. His eyes were a deep green mist with no pupil, parts of his skinned looked naturally burned. He looked harden from battle, his whip hung from his belt loop, the silver cords and manticore hair shimmered in the lights of vegas. He didn't realize he would be coming in contact with mercenaries with God blood. This was a surprise, he couldn't wrap his mind around why his father would send him on a mission rather then a quest.

"So, i would ask you give me the same. Tell me three good reasons i shouldn't drop the lot of you here and now." He said calmly with his hand on his whip.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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Omega laughed, to him the kid didnt lok nearly as intimidating as he let on. "Youre funny kid.. run on home before I give you some new scars. Weve never needed help, least of all yours now scram before I stop being polite." Omega reached his hand up and an interesting weapon appeard in it, it appeared to be a sword but had a full axe blade just under the sharp tio. Omega called it Sheila and it was his preferred weapon when he was pissed off.

Upsilon looks unimpressed. Though she does raise an eyebrow. Delta puts his hand on his sword. Alpha already has a dagger in each hand. "I don't know who you think you are but we aren't your average demigod. I also don't know if you've noticed but theres one of you and five of us. You may think you're the shit because your Tartarus's lousy son but in the real world. You're just a brat who's pampered by his little father to me."
A dropped his weight to the ground and vaulted into the air over the man. He lashed his whip forty times before landing on his feet and turned on his heels. Every shot was missed on purpose, there were deep cuts in the concrete around the man standing before him. "Call me a kid again and i'll rip you apart without so much as a warning shot." He had already placed his whip back in his holster " Tartarus wants me to protect you so i am doing my job whether you like it or not, if you want me to hang back i will but apparently you have caught the eye of the oldest primordial." He was calm, collected. He had more training than most demigods, his father saw to it he was put through the ringer on a daily bases. " I am not you average demigod either, so we either get done with what you guys are doing or we fight, either way i am walking away after it's said and done." He was the last person to be pampered by anyone. over 4000 quest under his belt and an almost as much training as a full battalion of warriors, he wasn't afraid of dieing here.
Upsilon rolls her eyes, "Chaos was the first, then he made Gaea, then Ouranus, and then Tartarus and Pontus. So take your Tatarus is the oldest primordial god bullshit elsewhere."
He looked at her and had a "No shit...." look on his face. "Well my bad for not reading up on my greek mytho" He said with a chuckle. "Well now i know, thanks!" He said with a laugh.
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Cole turned to the boy a murderous look on his face that would make Phobos cringe, and the Keres squeal with excitement. "One ...your head would be rolling. Two... your body would be shattered. And three..... No god can save you from me....Those are three reasons you'll never want to see me again KID". Cole stepped towards him pavement around them shattered. Before the first bit of rubble dropped sheila was a quarter inch from the kid's nose and two other axes were on there way, one aimed to knock the whip off of its holster and the other nailing his pantleg to the concrete.

(Btw, it is sometimes said Nyx was first and given that Zeiss still hasn't even attempted to fight her it's scary it's true because even chaos and ouranos have fallen to Zeus while Nyx is unchallenged.)
The axes hit his holster but he wasn't there. The full power of his Glamour kicked in about five minutes ago. He hadn't been standing there he had been standing behind them quietly observing them while talking with them through his power. The Glamour has disappeared and he was standing with his weapon already lashing out at Omega. "I am not without my tricks!" He said, running up toward throwing seven lashes at him. "You stong, but i am more of a threat then i look!" He yelled as he dodged to the side and swung a wide arch that surrounded omega. He pulled it in hoping to ensnare him.

(See, i am not much of a Greek buff but i do love percy jackson, i might need to brush up more on my mytho.")
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Upsilon swings her blade sending an electric wave about. Hitting Jim and his whip. Knocking the whip away from Jim and messing with his nervous system. Paralyzing him. Alpha charmspeaks. "Freeze child of Tartarus." Delta pulls out his sword and uses a spell. Making Jim's shadow bind him and hold him in his place.
(Hey, looky here no GMing. I used my guys power to avoid getting hit you just straight up hit me without giving me a chance to defend myself.... WTF)

(@Light )
( I'm not going to explain myself to a guy whom has been god modding the entire time. One front flip and 40 lashes. Appearing behind them? 4000 quests? Barging in on somebodies business and taking in their plot into your own hands. Talking so arrogantly. So yes. I hit you just like your supposed to in fights. You get hit. Deal with it. Grow up. I paralyzed you I didn't harm you.)
(I never GM'd once, if would have i would have killed your character in one stroke. Ya you paralyzed thats all well and good but binding me and did i put 4000, i meant to put 400 but never mind and 4o lashes may of been a little much...... ok i give your right i overstepped my characters bounds and i am sorry continue, won't happen again.)
"I already paralyzed him. Well the hell Delta!" Upsilon throws her arms up in the air.

Delta shrugs and has the shadow unbind him. He doesn't say a word.

Alpha makes sure the charmspeaking fades off. "Upsilon let him go. I wonder what this kids deal is."

"Excuse me?" Upsilon walks up to Alpha.

"That's an order." Alpha growls. Upsilon sighs and taps Jim. Freeing him from his paralysis.
For a few moments he was in pain, the other he couldn't move and then all the sudden he could. He slowly got to his feet and looked at the female who shocked him. "Well, i didn't see that coming." He chuckled as he did his rib cage burned and he held his chest. " That stings a little." He coughed. "Well, why did you let me go, you had me where you wanted me?" He asked

(@Light )
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"I've had enough killing fellow demigods to pass down to the next lifetime. You got lucky. If little miss Aphrodite wasn't here. You'd probably be with your father." Upsilon rolls her eyes and walks off.

"Upsilon. You watch your mouth!" Alpha barks at her.

"It was a joke! Calm down. You make yourself seem like the Alpha of a wolf pack rather than mercenaries." Upsilon laughs. "Anyways I don't know how to answer that question. I don't know what goes in that head of hers." She points at Alpha.
He nodded, and set down on the ground. "I apologise for my temper toward your team, i just don't like being treated like a child." He said rubbing his head."So mercenaries hey, dame my father must of been testing me." He shook his head and he thought to himself "F-ing jackass almost got me killed, i was outnumbered by skilled mercenaries with no back up and no way to explain why i was here other than telling them i was on a quest." He looked at Alpha. "So, i guess your stuck with me for a little while, until i finish what ever he has me started on, by he i mean Tartarus." He shook his head again.

(@Light )
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Alpha sighed. "I guess so. Saddle up, you came at the right moment.... if you want to experience hell. "I'll explain what's happened so far." She starts to explain their mission of searching for the other mercenaries and what happened at the factory with the cyclops battle.

( I tagges you to the beginning of the cyclops battle in the factory if you want to read it.)

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