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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

He listened to what she had to say. He nodded and looked at her. " So, y'all are trying to find your teammate and you fought a cyclops, well shit thats a shit tastic day!" He chuckled and stood to his feet. He cleaned his trip-pants off and re adjusted his shirt. He put his Glamour back up to hide his body and unnatural eyes. It unnerved mortals to see him so he would make it easier for them to move. "Alright, i am with you as long as i need to be. I am a skilled fighter and can take care of myself. I am also a team player so i will take orders if you give them. I will make sure if needed that we can quickly disappear. I don;t know how skilled you all are but from what i can gather, your team mates have been trained like me and i like you all have a major goal." He left it at that and wrapped up backlash and clipped it to his belt.

(@Light )
"He listens to orders! Hear that! You piece of shit?" Alpha looks over at Upsilon and sticks her tongue out.

Upsilon flashes her a grin. "I'm just expressing my love to you." She winks as they start walking down the streets of Vegas. "Where the hell are the other. Also when are we getting the signal from Iota and Sigma?"

Beta sits at a slot machine. Banging his head against it. "Shit! I lost all my cash! Well... only one thing to do." Beta stands up on the chair. Pulling out his bow. Which to the mortals looked like a gun. "Alright! Give me all your cash!" The security wasted no time in tackling Beta off the chair. Yelling things about him being too young to be here and let go of the gun. Beta only screams. "Screw you guys! I'm the victim here!"
He followed Alpha with his hand on his whip. He focused hard on making the group look like tourist but it required a lot of energy and he wasn't use to focusing that hard so he just hid himself and his weapon from view of the mortals. He kept his speed with Alpha when he heard screaming. He turned his head and spoke. " You think we should head toward the crowd running and screaming?" He suggested. He could hear the screaming a few blocks away, it echoed loudly even over the crowds of people in the streets.

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"Yeah also you can turn your glamour down. We don't need it at all right now. We just walk around like we usually do. Unless you still want to keep it up for yourself though." Alpha shakes her head. "I bet all of you thats Beta causing that ruckus."
"It definitely is," Gamma said, stepping out from nowhere and looking at all of them. Her guitar was on her back as she looked at the new person. "Who's the dude?" she asked, awaiting an answer.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Alpha and Upsilon flinch. They both say, "Holy shit!" In unison. Delta just calmly says. "That's Jim. How much money you make?"
TheGodSnake said:
"Yeah, well we broke up about a month ago." Joey said following her out, "besides, I never liked that nickname, maybe you can make up a new one,"
"All right," Kyle said, standing up, "we need to find your brother, can your wisps tell us where he is?"

@Soul OMU
(I lost Internet for a few hours and this happens... Oh boy... At least you guys sorting it out... I hate giving time outs...)

Jules raises a brow. "You know I was talking to my bro for that right? And I didn't know you had a girlfriend..." She said slowly while narrowing her eyes a bit.

Z aighs softly and mutters softly. "Allez... Trouve mon frère..." She said softly as the wisps quickly went and did their work. "...he's here in the forest..."


Epsilon raises a brow and puts a hand on her hip while standing beside Dylan who seems deep in thought about something. "Hmm..."
Alpha and Upsilon flinch again at the appearance of Epsilon. "My gods!" Delta smiles at Epsilon and waves. They all make their way into the casino to see Beta stomping the shit out of a security guard.
Epsilon raises a brow. "Beta what happened?" She asked while Dylan seems to wander off towards the skyscraper?(am I allowed to do this Light? :P )


Light said:
Isabel reaches out after her slightly. Trying to ask if she can come with and shakes her head. She just decides to go off to her own place. After a while of walking away. She enters her cabin and drops. The pain finally hitting her. Tripled. The wounds pain she's gotten from her battle are tripled and the chronic headache is tripled as well from delaying it. She grips her head and violently jerks on the floor. Screaming in pain.
Bridget walking through camp, deep in thought, put her headphones as she walks.


Lexie currently making her way towards Camp Half Blood, planning on surprising an old friend.


Theta slowly wakes and yawns as he gets up, looking around where he stops Amanda and Suzume. "...uhm excuse me?" He asked as Amanda looked up. "Hm? Oh your awake, that's good." Blake looks towards him. "We were worried since you just passed out..."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Dolphan of Lyfe)
(Yeah were going there right now anyways. To be ambushed... but we still have to make it to the top since thats the only place high and isolated enough for the dragon to pick us all up with Sigma and Iota. We couldn't do it before since the two werent there or ready when they flew in.)

"I lost all my cash so I tried to commit a mass robbery." Beta shrugs.

The signal is given off. Alpha turns away telling everyone its time. Walking after Dylan.
Dylan wandering towards the skyscraper. "....hmm..." He said as he makes his way there and stops in front of it.

Epsilon follows, hand on her hip as she shashes after them.

(Gtg for a bit, shopping~)
Soul OMU](I lost Internet for a few hours and this happens... Oh boy... At least you guys sorting it out... I hate giving time outs...) Jules raises a brow. "You know I was talking to my bro for that right? And I didn't know you had a girlfriend..." She said slowly while narrowing her eyes a bit. Z aighs softly and mutters softly. "Allez... Trouve mon frère..." She said softly as the wisps quickly went and did their work. "...he's here in the forest..." ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:

Epsilon raises a brow and puts a hand on her hip while standing beside Dylan who seems deep in thought about something. "Hmm..."
Joey nods, "yeah, but it didn't last long, I guess there wasn't much there, it was too straining for me to keep my aura at a normal temperature for longer than just school, and I couldnt ever explain the constant injuries I would have. Either way, she just wasn't the one for me," he smiles a bit deciding to change the subject, "so I saw that I now have a sibling, what can you tell me about that?"

Kyle nods, "alright, just wait for the wisps to tell you when to shadow travel," as he finished one of the wisps flew around him and flew off, he followed it and soon found Sebastian in a large clearing, the sun shining into it, "Hey seb, how've you been?" He said as he walked into the clearing.
(Edited my last post to include Kyle, also - @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

Joey laughed, "and I thought I lost control of my powers sometimes, poor solace," he looks around as they get near the big house, "so where could my new sister be?"
(Epsilon no!)

They all enter the building and look around. It's completely empty. Silent as well. They see the ticket booth and the two elevators that'll take them all the way up. Alpha starts walking toward the elevators. Still no mortals. They all split up into the two elevators and go to the top of the Stratosphere. Where the amusement rides are. Sigma and Iota smile and run up to them. Thats when the horde of monsters showed themselves. "We just need to hold out until the dragon arrives to pick us up!" Alpha pulls out two daggers.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Soul OMU @Dolphan of Lyfe @TheMadHatter44 )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-10-09-21-28-1.jpg.eae2903b4d304a4d0fed710781e8fda5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-10-09-21-28-1.jpg.eae2903b4d304a4d0fed710781e8fda5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Stratosphere. )



  • 2014-12-10-09-21-28-1.jpg
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He turns his head and looks at the new person who had joined the group. He said hi to them in turn and followed the group into the casino. He dropped the glamour around everyone, including himself because there were no mortals around. He prepared his mind for a fight. He didn't know if things where going to get worse or better in the moments to come but he was ready for anything.

(@Light @Dolphan of Lyfe )

Envy was a bit disappointed in how the sparing match he was watching ended.

He sighed and stood up, Envy thought it was about time to go the person who ran the camp, so Envy started to wander around camp to look for this person.
TheGodSnake said:
(Edited my last post to include Kyle, also - @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
Joey laughed, "and I thought I lost control of my powers sometimes, poor solace," he looks around as they get near the big house, "so where could my new sister be?"
Jules rubs her neck. "Uh she's gone... She was chosen for some big quest... They left like a week ago..." She said while walking with him.



Epsilon narrows her eyes as she gets her weapons ready while Dylan summons his sword and twirls it.
Upsilon has her sword ready. Alpha has her daggers ready and her throat clear. Delta pulls out his sword as he whispers things. Magic symbols dance around the blade. Beta had his bow ready and four arrows notched.

The horde consisted of every monster you could name. It seemed to be like an army. "Bro... you better make it out of here alive!" Upsilon looked at Dylan. "All of you better make it out of here alive!"
"If i die here, carrier my body back to camp halfblood. Give my whip to a girl named Newt and take any weapons and equipment out of the cave in the woods." He said calmly. His eyes were focused on the task at hand. He was going to fight as hard as he could so that he made it home one day to Newt. He prayed to his father in his mind for the power to use his gifts without fail. He knew he could only hold most monsters in the portal for approximately 3 mins but that was only if he didn't use a lot of power. It would damage monsters but not kill. He had a lot on his mind at that moment.

(@Soul OMU )
( For the months skip. After this they go back to camp just saying so they'll be at camp.)

"Screw it! If I die, I'll go down with you!" Upsilon front flips into the stream of lightning coming out of Dylan. Her determination to win and love for her family gives her the strength to pull off a new ability. She joins the stream turning into the lightning herself as if it were her own version of shadow travel. She flows into the monsters. Turning them to dust then exiting the lightning stream. Reforming and cutting monsters down. She slams her fist down on the ground and a thunder clap occurs. Killing a a group of hellhound surrounding her.

Beta shot a cyclops in the eye with a void arrow. Making its eye be absorbed by the arrow. He then fires void arrow at its feet, making its feet disappear and he fires an exploding arrow at its chest making it fall back on a group of monsters. Killing them all. He starts to go to work on the flying monsters.

Alpha spars with two stymphalian birds. She runs up to one and kicks off it. Flying at the other. She slits its throat, turning it to dust. She back flips dodging a strike to the Achilles heel by the other and lands on its back. She stabs it. Turning it to dust and she makes the Laistrygonian gaints turn on the other monsters with charmspeak.

Delta whispers more spells to the blade and he throws it in air. Stabbing a harpy as the spell activates. The sword shatters to different pieces, killing the harpy and hitting the monsters arround him. He had a group of harpies shadows rush up to an overgrown hellhound and literally tear it in half. The shadows then kill their owners. Delta runs up to a cyclops and spins. His sword pieces together and flies into his hand right on time as he spins and slashes the belly open. A blast of dust hits him.
Jim runs into the fray, his whip wraps around the neck of a cyclops and he is vaulted into the air. He swings around landing on its back. His eyes glow an eerie green and his voice echoes loudly. " You are mine!" The eye of the cyclops glows green and he is under Jim's control. He makes the cyclops attack the others as he jumps down onto a Harpy who passes by. He snares her throat and rips her head clean off and jumps to the next doing the same. He lashes out as he falls from the dead harp and snares the foot of a minotaur. "FOR THE GODS!" He yells pulling with all his might and tripping the minotaur. As he did, he got hit with a club form a cyclops and sent flying into the air. He was hurt but not mortally wounded, luckily he was only grazed.

He curled his body into a ball and opened a portal under the cyclopes feet sending him into the realm of Tartarus for a moment before opening another and releasing him on top of a pack of manticores. He couldn't use any more power or risk getting killed if he passed out. His left arm was pretty banged up but he could still fight.
Sigma raises his hands as a bach of monsters start to levitate and inflate. The keep doing so. He claps his hand and they all smash together. Popping into a cloud of dust. He makes the cloud of dust suffocate the other monsters.
Jim couldn't take his mind off Newt as he took down monsters. His rage was growing, the brunt parts of his body started to glow a soft green. His heart felt heavy and everything seemed to slow down in his mind. His body seemed lighter than air, his feet seemed to float across the ground. His love for Newt gave him the boost he needed to use a gift he never thought possible, he could use the green mist to blink. He would be in one place and then another almost instantly. The blink seemed to take a lot out of him but his rage kept him going. He used his whip to vault off the rafters of the ceiling and come down on another Minotaur.

The battle was going better than he expected. He took the minotaur down and severed it's head with Backlash.

He had never been in this big of a fight, he never knew he could fight so well. He knew he had the training but never got the chance until now to use it. He looked over toward Upsilon and blinked behind her as a harpy swooped down trying to pick her off. He lashed his whip as he puffed from the green smoke and and cut one of it's wings off. " I know you hate me but i got your back!" He said before blinking next to Alpha. His blink had a limitation, he had to see the location to blink toward it. He stood back to back with Alpha now.

(@Light )

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