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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Bridget raises a brow. "That was a compliment, and I don't give those often. Anyways im bisexual, so if your not cool with that, I suggest you get the fuck out of my dad's cabin."
"I have no problem with that actually! I mean whats wrong with you in the sense you see me angry why are you making jokes!" Isabel starts to calm down.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Bridget walking to her cabin, pulls her hair out of its ponytail to shake it out, nodding her head as she walks, swaying her hips.

Jules smiles a bit. "Really?" She said her voice squeaking a bit.

Joey laughs, "yeah, really. Had a fiasco at my school, guess the monsters were no longer content with attacking me in alleys,"
Bridget raises a brow. "You think I'm joking when I say your cute when your angry?"


TheGodSnake said:
Joey laughs, "yeah, really. Had a fiasco at my school, guess the monsters were no longer content with attacking me in alleys,"
Jules smiles a bit and shakes her head. "Of course not... Anyways Cooooal! Can you take over this for me?"

(@TheGodSnake, @Dolphan of Lyfe)
As he made his way to the barrier he opened a portal made of the green swirling mist of traturas and picked some wild flowers and placed them into the portal. "Dad, send these to Newt. She needs to know i care about her." He said and the portal closed, the flowers appeared in a green mist at the feet of Newt. He smiled as he stepped through the barrier and ran deeper into the forest to find the direct portal near the camp to his father domain.
Newt walking through the forest, threw her painting on the ground again, upset and frustrated, gripping her hair.


Bridget raises a brow. "Wow. that's sad."
Collin walked over. "Don't call me that. And sure, as long as you tell me what you're forging," he replied, peering over her shoulder to get a look of what it was.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]Collin walked over. "Don't call me that. And sure, as long as you tell me what you're forging," he replied, peering over her shoulder to get a look of what it was.
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Light said:
"I'm used to it. Thanks anyway." Isabel smiles. "So... can we hang out?"
TheGodSnake said:
Joey raised an eyebrow, "take what over, you know I'm not that good on a forge,"
Jules smiles at him and bats her eyes. "Aw but how come she gets to call you that?" She said referring to his girl back home as she hits Joey's arm lightly. "You goof, not you." She said as she got up. "And I was making a proton electrical gun." She said while heading out.


Bridget shrugs. "Maybe sometime today."
After the match, Elizabeth figured that she should probably go remove her little trick from the Hades cabin. So she walked to the cabin and removed the plants with a wave of her hand. Removing stuff was always easier to do that creating it.

@Dolphan of Lyfe

Sent from the cloud kingdom
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Collin scratched his head. "Because I let her," he replied, yawning. He then grinned. "Okay, I'll finish it. You can go kiss your friend." He started working on the gun as he summoned fire to bend metals so he could add them to it.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Jules smacks him upside the head. "Oh hush up you shuck bucket!" She said as she makes her way out of the cabin.


Light said:
Isabel draws circles with her feet. "So.... not right now?"
Bridget shrugs. "I gotta find the asshole who crashed on my bed." She said as she headed out of the cabin with a murderous grin.
Isabel reaches out after her slightly. Trying to ask if she can come with and shakes her head. She just decides to go off to her own place. After a while of walking away. She enters her cabin and drops. The pain finally hitting her. Tripled. The wounds pain she's gotten from her battle are tripled and the chronic headache is tripled as well from delaying it. She grips her head and violently jerks on the floor. Screaming in pain.
Collin chuckled as he summoned some more fire to attach the metal to it. He then plunged it into the water and took it out. He then set it down and took out a hammer, starting to work on it officially.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
"Yeah, well we broke up about a month ago." Joey said following her out, "besides, I never liked that nickname, maybe you can make up a new one,"

"All right," Kyle said, standing up, "we need to find your brother, can your wisps tell us where he is?"

@Soul OMU
He stopped in at the foot hole too his fathers portal. He looked back toward camp and felt ashamed of himself but he knew he had to do this he wished she could understand. He turned toward a swirling green mass and jumped into it. In an instant he was standing in a throne room made of black marble. A skinny, dark skinned man stood up from a throne made of thorns and ramble. His eyes where nothing but green swirling gas and his body was decayed looking. " Hello, my son!" He said to Jimmy as Jimmy hugged him. "Hello father, what is it you need me to do?" He asked curiously to him.

His fathers hands were cold agianst him as he said. " I need you to go and find the demigods that are apart of the quest that may end in death and make sure they live!" His voice was cracking as he spoke. Jim took hid hand and placed it on his whip. " As you wish father." And he walked out of the throne room.
Solace made it to the arena and walked in looking a round somewhat timidly he hoped no one would spot him as he made his way towards the wooden practice dummies, he left his lance in its dormant form and swung it around using the spiked side on the dummies to some effect on less armored dummies he left decent cuts and slashes but when he got to bronze plated dummies his staff bounced off and the vibrations rattled it out of his hands. "I've got a long way to go."

Suzume was beside Amanda worried about her since she still hadn't properly taken care of her wounds.

Sebastian was in the woods wearing himself out turning into his ethereal form and making his spiritual features and clothes tangible, when he did this his skin became pitch black and his eyes glowed a bright mix of white and blue. He had developed horns on his forehead which he attributed to the Minotaur he absorbed. He was annoyed that he let the other eidolon escape him thinking of the power he would have gained. "I can't protected her much anyways." He said growling he flapped he demonic wings on his back that had sprouted from the tattoo. He reverted to his human form and rested against a tree something telling him to hide his spirit form.

Solace made it to the arena and walked in looking a round somewhat timidly he hoped no one would spot him as he made his way towards the wooden practice dummies, he left his lance in its dormant form and swung it around using the spiked side on the dummies to some effect on less armored dummies he left decent cuts and slashes but when he got to bronze plated dummies his staff bounced off and the vibrations rattled it out of his hands. "I've got a long way to go."

Suzume was beside Amanda worried about her since she still hadn't properly taken care of her wounds.

Sebastian was in the woods wearing himself out turning into his ethereal form and making his spiritual features and clothes tangible, when he did this his skin became pitch black and his eyes glowed a bright mix of white and blue. He had developed horns on his forehead which he attributed to the Minotaur he absorbed. He was annoyed that he let the other eidolon escape him thinking of the power he would have gained. "I can't protected her much anyways." He said growling he flapped he demonic wings on his back that had sprouted from the tattoo. He reverted to his human form and rested against a tree something telling him to hide his spirit form.
Upsilon drags Omega and Dylan out the mall. Finding Delta and Alpha and now looking around Vegas for Gamma, Beta, and Epsilon.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Soul OMU )
One of his fathers people gave him the location of the five on the quest. He took his map in hand and spoke the name Upsilon, one of the Demigods who went on the quest and there location. The map glowed and the world around him ripped apart. Golden energy seemed to pull him through time and space. He landed in Vegas, in an alleyway next to a shopping mall. He looked around as he picked himself up off the ground. His body now glamoured to all who viewed him, his whip was hidden within the glamour as well. He couldn't just let it hang from his hip with mortals about.

He walked around the building and spotted another person dragging two out of the mall. He slowly approached them. His green eyes scanning over the situation. He raised his voice toward the person. " Hey, Upsilon!" He waved, a somber look on his face as he rushed towards the three.

(@Light )

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