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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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I've tagged those who I have a reasonable reason to think are still active. I did not tag anyone inactive for over a month. If you're still here and I missed you, please let me know. Gods bless.
We need one of those! Go ahead and post your character sheet, and I'll review it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that this is a detailed RP, and try to keep your character's abilities balanced.


Federoff said:
i feel like ( in every rp i've been in) everyone always posts when i am asleep xD
I know the feeling lol. I'll try not to post in the dead of night when I can possibly help it haha.
Arkytior said:
Oh no.

Infini I'm so sorry! I totally brain farted. With you and Nico's name changes, it honestly threw me off. My mind literally fused you two together, intertwining your essences. Uh, just to clarify, you're still in this yeah? I mean, of course you are! ...right?
Arynne said:
Yes, Alex is still there. She's going back to the Hephaestus cabin now, correct?
No, what's happening involves Chiron speaking to all your active characters. So if you're still interested in playing them, then consider them among the named ones. It's been a small challenge pinpointing who is all still among the active members, but I expect smooth sailing from this point!

So I'll reiterate here that if your handles are still active, consider them among the named. I will edit Chiron's post tonight. :)


Arkytior said:
Leila and Marion yes
Been debating about Jade
I will edit Chiron's post asap. I hope I didn't offend. :/ And I take it that the two former respectively, and not the latter, are still active, yeah?
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Once I realized you were just confused, I wasn't.... xD

Like at first I was like really T.T

But then things got cleared up and I understand.

@GinjaGen PERFECT! *starry eyes*

Leila can see the trident and jump on Cas xD
9forgotten said:
coolio, sorry this is taking some time :b family keep getting me sidetracked
It's okay mate, we'll find a good way to integrate your character once he or she is made when the time comes.
haha i finished, easy way to bring her in is that she like just shows up or something in which case i'd adjust her history a bit but yeah:p

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Also... did we lose all of our Hades kids? That just occurred to me...

Are Clem and Celebi still here?

Clem vanished long ago, and Nico and Pine left

So yes. No Hades kids. I thought of that earlier. lol
G4hardcore said:
Do you mean as GMs, or other players?
# of Characters: 15

# of Members: 10 (11 with you)

# of GMs: 1
characters haha but coolio, kinda excited haha whats goin on annnndd how should i jump in ???
9forgotten said:
characters haha but coolio, kinda excited haha whats goin on annnndd how should i jump in ???
Before you jump in, there's just one thing I wanted to bring up in regards to your character sheet. It definitely has all the necessary detail for this RP, but I'm curious about her powers. Specifically, her magical abilities. You have that she can cast and control a wide variety of magic, without actually going into any specific examples of limitations. Can you clarify what general type of things she can do with said magic? Also, what is a summoned misinform?
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hm sure, so in general, there's nothing in specific I could find about Hecates magical abilities or at least the ones I found along with her other powers, it would make it seem Av was some sorta invincible person so I didn't put that down. I also didn't really wanna type out a long butt list but I was just thinking the basic elements and maybe some of the subforms of them (healing, metal, lightning (but maybe not since that's a Zeus thing)), uhhh i'm blanking now...telekinesis, telepathy (but that might just be something on its own completely), I wouldn't say teleportation would count cause then that makes her a tad invincible in the aspects of she could disappear and such whenever wherever...but along the lines of things like that. Does that clarify it a bit...? Sorry if it's a bad explanation haha Hecate has the powers of all 3 main gods nearly to the same degree along with her own tales and abilities and such leaving a huge range of things that her child could have. Looking at one of the daughters recorded in Percy jackson, it mentioned the powers I listed but doesn't go much in depth about the actual magic components. It was also difficult finding things she'd like or dislike since Hecate seemed to like everywhere and totally fine with whatever...

and what summoned misinform?

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