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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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HiHi! Just wanted to let people know that I used to be Infinities Lover, but am now Arkytior :)
Arkytior said:
HiHi! Just wanted to let people know that I used to be Infinities Lover, but am now Arkytior :)
Federoff said:
what is with people changing names? i have a hard time with them as is lol xD ;-;
I have issues when people change their pictures. I'm like... "wait... who's that????" Then I have to actually read their names.

so @Arkytior , you have made my job identifying you that much more difficult... but I like a challenge! (> :D )
You're very welcome!

I was actually kinda pressured to do this by two people xD
I kinda am too lol

Oh I meant the changing profile pic. The name I love <3
Welcome back all! It's been quite the hiatus! I know a lot of you guys grew quite adjusted to Nico and Pine-dearest as GMs. I for one will definitely miss them, and nothing will fill that void. That being said, I'll do what I can to fill that void. :P I hope you'll all have me, and if not, I can understand your departures.


Oh, some of you are still here? Wonderful, now then, let's get back to business. I've GMed quite a few times in my condensed RP past. I like to balance action with development as every turn. Having said that, there's definitely going to be an action post coming very soon, so those Hypnos kids will have to wake the f*ck up. ;) If anybody has anything they'd like to say or be known, now is as good a time as any. I think I have a good idea of who is here and who isn't, but speak up now or... you know, I may neglect to acknowledge you in my next post.

@The Architect I like the application. I am curious though, about the maddened state: where does his ability to fly come from? I know we have people that fly already, that in and of itself isn't the issue. However, children of Apollo aren't exactly known for their effortless flight capabilities. Also, the disease part is an interesting touch, but it might be too much. A death dealing disease is cool, but I thought the nausea by itself was good. If you think it'll ruin the integrity of the character to not have it, okay, but if you can tone down the disease factor (by perhaps choosing one) it's preferred.

As far as my availability goes folks, I will be able to, at the very least, post once a week. That should give those with restricted schedules enough time o post. However, there are times when I might post perhaps a dozen times in a day if character interactions require it. I work about every other day. Sometimes I'm free in the evenings, sometimes the afternoon, sometimes the morning, sometimes midnight. Just check in when you can and remember that posts are always appreciated. :)
G4hardcore said:
@The Architect I like the application. I am curious though, about the maddened state: where does his ability to fly come from? I know we have people that fly already, that in and of itself isn't the issue. However, children of Apollo aren't exactly known for their effortless flight capabilities. Also, the disease part is an interesting touch, but it might be too much. A death dealing disease is cool, but I thought the nausea by itself was good. If you think it'll ruin the integrity of the character to not have it, okay, but if you can tone down the disease factor (by perhaps choosing one) it's preferred.
@G4hardcore Since you're actually considering the Maddened State (I wasn't for sure if it would even be applicable), let me go ahead and explain it some and the logic I used behind it. I'll gladly change it if you believe an alteration is still needed, but I'm hoping explaining it thoroughly will give it some lee-way.

The Maddened Mind State is, in essence, embracing the force that inhibits him most of the time. The intention was to literally flip the character into someone that could contest a child of the Big Three if need be, but could not do so consistently. Not only that, the idea was to have him finally have a breaking point that didn't just send him into a seizure or catatonic state. As I believe I noted, it's not something I intend on utilizing early or reliably. As a matter of fact, I doubt there will come a point when he can activate the Maddened Mind State instead of just breaking down on his own whim. Prior to this state, he is mostly a support character whose only skill is an advanced, hyper-focused archery ability. Aside from that, he is almost useless in single combat and even his utility abilities aren't on par with others'; his core feature is his foresight. With that said, this state takes away his foresight and makes him everything he never was. He is an inversion of himself. He is stable because he is unhinged. Nothing holds him back or inhibits him because he is basically berserk. In summation, the Maddened Mind State is designed to be an unreliable inversion of his character persona via mental breakdown.

With that said, let's look at what he loses: obviously and most notably, he loses his foresight. In addition to that, he loses Truth and Poetry. Right there, he essentially loses the core abilities that were trademarks of his father, Apollo. In addition to that, he loses Party-Sense and his Photokinetic-themed abilities, which were the trademarks of Dionysus. With that alone, he basically has nothing but archery. This is where I tried to keep the theme of inversion, not just addition. In the place of Foresight, he gains and incredible battle prowess that his berserk nature utilizes nearly perfectly without training. That is the major trade off, but that's just a single ability in the place of three. So, when I inverted it, I added Flight which is an ability possessed by Apollo himself, but none of his children. I will come back to this momentarily because I want to explain Disease Manipulation. Disease Manipulation comes in two parts: first, it causes nausea to essentially everyone around him. That is actually the only ability in reference to Dionysus that he has. The idea behind it is that he "plagues" all those around him with what would effectively be a hangover. Fatigue, headache, nausea, dehydration. That is a combination of both Apollo and Dionysus. The disease infection from sword or arrow is actually highly specific, and I want to quote it:

[QUOTE="The Architect]Secondly, anyone cut by his sword or impaled by his arrow becomes infected with a contagious, flu-like virus which ultimately causes a type of pneumonia and even death if not treated.

It is not a death-dealing disease. It's flu-like, contagious and can be treated. In fact, it takes a significant amount of time to work; well over a 24 hour period. It is viral, has no cure or vaccine and can cause viral pneumonia which spreads airborne with an airborne vector. That doesn't necessarily make it lethal; it makes it highly contagious and dangerous if left untreated. Not only that, the initial application of the disease requires one be cut by either his sword or arrowhead. This means that this disease can only ever take effect if he doesn't kill whom he cuts. Under that assumption, the only way for this disease to work is for someone to survive combat with a cut from him. If it's nearly-fatal, a body likely won't withstand the disease without divine healing anyway. If it's small, then there is plenty of time to get aide. And, if it's large or multiple cuts, it won't "add up" to a greater effect. So, while the addition of this ability might seem slightly over-the-top, it really has few practical applications and wouldn't at all turn the tide of a battle. It is actually more of something to be dealt with at the end of battle, days after. When creating it, I designed this in mind. Embracing madness will have lasting effects, and this ability represents that. The damage it causes, whether it is death or mere inconvenience, is an after-effect of embracing the Madness that gnaws at Nate.

That's why the ability is two-fold. This ability, in its first part, is meant to be a relatively powerful manifestation of his legacy of Dionysus. Nowhere else in this state does he have a single power from Dionysus, unless you count the Madness itself that he is embracing. The second part of the ability is a manifestation of the long-term effects, somewhat emphasizing that his breakdown is a real illness despite it being a mental one.

Now, you asked if I could remove it or just pick one part of it. Obviously, I would pick the part of it representing Dionysus if I had to. Will it break Nate to not have it? No, not particularly. It was something I added to really tie into the fact Nate is just a little bit messed up. What I might do, now that I look at it, is offer to change it from a flu-like state to a state causing paranoia, delusions and hallucinations, and has its effect linger on for several days. It would be applied the same way. That might fit the interpretation significantly better, and might suit your particular needs/taste more than my current iteration. I can also completely remove it if you like, but then I would also like to point out that in his Maddened Mind State, he is basically only gaining combat prowess and the ability to give people a hangover. I sort'a wanted him to have something that would add a bit more unique tension. Like, if it were to happen in RP, you would see the people on his team just going "Oh fuck. Nate just went off the deep end." but I don't want it to just be through raw power. I never did like just raw power. I was aiming for something more along the lines of an after-effect or repercussions.

Aaaand, back to Flight. As I said earlier, if you look at Nate now, he gains two abilities at the cost of five. Notably, Party-Sense is half-worthless, Poetry is also not particularly useful and Truth likely isn't going to turn the tide of any fight any time soon. Still, that is a loss, and a lot of this abilities helped define Nate. In addition to that, Flight is a relatively rare ability and Apollo can use it. It would also amplify is combat prowess significantly. On top of that, really, it would give him something unique. Nate has no musical talents, like most children of Apollo, but I wanted to give him something straight from Apollo. Flight fit the bill perfect, and it made him significantly more dangerous in his Maddened Mind State. Notably, he loses Foresight and Photokinesis, which are big ties into Apollo as well. Flight was, in my mind, a support ability from Apollo that helped emphasize his other abilities. If he's only going to gain three, even if they are more powerful and significantly more combat effective, I wanted them to have a significant impact. Letting a crazy man fly around with a sword, bow, making everyone sick, becoming an very strong battle combatant and with the potential to make people even more sick really, really ties it all together.

In regards to Flight, I originally considered Pyrokinesis. Give a crazy man the ability to control and generate flames while making people sick. It's another ability of Apollo that is not seen in his children. I opted not to pick it to avoid giving this form a lot of raw power. I thought Flight fit better. And, really, the idea of giving a form Flight has always been a sign of power without it really being "power"; gaining Flight itself symbolizes rising above your previous self. I really liked the addition of Flight because alone it's not really powerful and it's not like his aerial skills will be greater than those who have the ability naturally and practice it. Yet, at the same time, it gives him a feel of being more powerful with it. A common trend was trying to micromanage a TON of abilities (he notably does have quite a few) without making him too powerful. If I had to lose Flight, I would probably try to replace it with something more suitable. In my head, it tied the form together quite well for being such a simple ability. The abilities I was using for this spot were all ones not really seen in his other children: Flight, Pyrokinesis and Invisibility. Since I didn't give him a musical talent (intentionally), I wanted to give him something else that really stood out as being the Son of Apollo and Flight did that for me without pushing him over the edge.

A couple alternatives I do have in mind would be, as I said before, turn the flu-like symptoms into something more akin to hallucinations and mania that wear off quickly but persist slightly for a few days.

And, if you really want me to replace Flight, the other abilities I had in mind were Pyrokinesis and Invisibility. I would prefer Invisibility of those two because I personally wanted to keep his power and capabilities lower, but then none of his other children have invisibility either, so the logic behind it make little sense. Of the three, I preferred Flight.

The last alternative I would consider optimal is to drop the last portion of his Disease Manipulation ability and give him outright Pyrokinesis. This would make his blood ties with Apollo bluntly obvious, which was part of my goal, and it would make him more powerful at the cost of some utility. Not only that, it would make his Disease Manipulation purely a manifestation of Dionysus. Letting a berserk man loose that controls fire would also most definitely make even his teammates go "Oh fuck. Nate's gone over the deep edge."

All in all, these are some ideas you can bounce back with me over. Tell me what you like, what you don't. And, with more insight to the Maddened Mind State itself, you might mull over some of the options. Overall, I was trying to balance the character thoroughly, even if that meant giving him abilities that weren't exactly 'common' in Demigods. Foresight itself isn't common, yet it showed up in the books. If he has Foresight, maybe him having another rare manifestation of his divine parent would make sense? Anyway. I'll uh... wrap up this wall of text.
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@The Architect

Well, I certainly appreciate the amount of thought you've poured into crafting your character! I don't mind walls of text, so no worries. I prefer that to a lack of detail any day of the week. Now then, the Maddened State itself, is a cool idea. I think you implemented it in as fair a way as you possibly could have. Knowing that the disease takes a while before reaching critical is a thoughtful point, and with that in mind, I can't say there's anything I would change about your character sheet.

I wasn't exactly saying flight was not a viable option, I just wanted to know where it was coming from. :) I've never known Apollo children to fly, so it threw me off a bit there. If you wanted to swap the flu-like disease for delirium and hallucinations, by all means. I think that would be more interesting in the midst of a fight, personally.

On foresight; when it comes to receiving incapacitating visions at random times regarding the future, I suppose that means the GM would be responsible for the induction of said visions, no? Just so I'm understanding how best to keep his ability in mind. I can definitely accommodate and incorporate that ability here and there.


Federoff said:
now that i think about it, i think i've posted once here xD
In context?! Heh, wow! If you're sticking around, that'll likely change.

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