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Realistic or Modern Call of the Multiverse

Victor frowned. Guardians of the Multiverse? That sounded like a lot of work.

"Can I opt out?" he asked hopefully, already knowing the answer. It was pretty unlikely that this old man would clear out a broken planet for this, only to let him leave. Victor sighed. This was going to be a long, and more than likely, exhausting experience.

However, there was one question foremost in Victor's mind, one that he had to know the answer to, no matter what.

"So old man, where are the bedrooms?"
As the old man spoke directly to Dorian, it was at that point he decided that this was naught but a dream bought on by a coma or something similar. Then again... it would explain why the pool was extra bright and glowy and...

It was just like that book he'd read. Well, very similar. That meant his lifelong dream of going on some sort of epic adventure in somewhere not Earth was coming true.


That was his only response to this whole thing, his brain was too busy trying to deal with all of the information he'd just been told. He was special? Everyone else in this room was special? From what he knew, multiverses only existed in fiction, figments of the imaginations of the authors who spent hours, days, weeks creating these ideas. Now, it was real? He was caught somewhere between disbelief and excitement about this whole situation.

"So, I know I don't have any... magic powers. How exactly are we meant to do the stuff you want us to?" He glanced at the others for a moment. "I can't even fight."
Sam listened to this old man talk and was pleasantly surprised to find he enjoyed listening to this man more than most people in his life. Maybe because he was actually interested in what this man had to say, or maybe it was because he had mentioned Sam's rock with elevated praise. Either way, Sam felt comfortable with him. And the whole concept of being selected by the universe was pretty awesome too.

And now he was saying that they could explore this entire place? Sam was giddy with excitement with the prospect of this. He couldn't help but let a big smile cross his face and his eyes were soaking in the wonders of the room he was in now. How many more rooms could there be?
Brushing a strand of wet hair out of her face, Alice felt a rush of fatigue, as if she'd just run a marathon. She'd been tossed rather unceremoniously onto the wooden floor - now slick with rainwater - and had scrambled up into a wary stance. This was a strange (and messy) room, full of extremely strange people. That one had a sword. She shifted her weight, slipped on the puddle of water and tumbled back down to the floor.

By the time she found her feet again, the old man was talking. His manner of speech was hard to follow, and Alice found herself distracted by the person in the strange white armor. She had never seen anything like it. She forced herself to listen to the man speaking, although he was saying something nonsensical. Something about training. He wasn't British, she thought. Wrong accent. Neither were the others. It wasn't raining outside, was it? Bloody hell, how was she going to get back home? Her mother would throw a fit.

The man sat down, asking if they had any questions. Alice frowned and brushed her unruly hair back out of her face, trying to focus. They were trainees, and... this place was their home? She hadn't really been listening. She had no idea what was going on (which wasn't much of a change of pace). Remaining silent would probably be best, so she wouldn't embarrass herself.
"Yeah, where are the bedrooms." Ari asked. She was still a bit confused about the guardian of the multiverse thing. Only a couple of hours ago she was just a kid sitting in her apartment watching TV, an now she was some almighty guardian. Ari walked around a bit, wanting to get to know some of the people. Some had strange colored irises like her, another had a streak in her hair. Some of the others seemed completely normal. She smiled at the guy with blue irises. He looked strangely feminine, yet somehow wasn't. She just stood there, unsure of who to talk to first.
Shalin listened to the man whose name was soon found to be Valeray, interest in the topic evident in her humble expression. She enjoyed his presence which was both powerful and humorous some of his statements even causing her to smile softly to herself. Her hands grip on the cane in front of her body did not loosen from when she had first appeared in what felt like an exceptionally large room due to the slight echo which was created when someone spoke. Lifting a gloved hand she casually readjusted her floral top hat upon her head listening to each word and contemplating each sentence as the man continued to speak until his conclusion had been met with him asking for any questions like he where a teacher in a room of students. Which that seemed to now be the case of.

The carrot topped girl had many questions but didn't wish to create any problems or disrupt the other teens who had questions they believed mattered. So she kept to herself, wondering silently what casted them all out from everyone else what made her more special then Cathrine which lived down the road from her.

Yes, he had simply stated his need for those with flaws and she was full of them but she was still oblivious to most physical objectives like fighting or running through a field she'd never walked down before without her cane. Shalin let out a small sigh as she awaited the next event to take place, she planned to stay in the shadows and try to be of use in her new situation.
Indira tasted blood.

She'd fallen flat on her face, accidentally biting into her lip with ridiculously sharp teeth that bizarrely enough kept growing back no matter how many times she'd tried to file the damned things down. The fact that she hadn't yet lost her tongue could be chalked up to a win, she supposed, but still. She'd been sucked through a vortex, been physically pulled through time and space and was now standing in a stranger's messy house with several other people she'd never seen in her life, holding an empty teacup because somehow, against all odds, she'd lost another cup of chai.

And this villainous old man, this Valeray fellow with the fancy machines and magical thingamawhatsits, had the nerve to ask how the trip had been.


"क्या मुसीबत है?" she choked, sending a mouthful of blood down her chin. She scowled, wobbling to her feet and shaking her cup at the old man in a vaguely threatening manner. "You drag me from my house, mind you, unwillingly so, to some fairytale place and expect me to do whatever it is that you want me to do? I don't want your stupid Multiverse! I'm Hindu! The world is going to be destroyed and re-created over and over again anyway! Who cares about Multiverses? Who said I intend to be a guardian? I want to see your manager! Do you have an idea how rude this all is? Are you going to reimburse me for my tea?"
Loki careened through the portal. Like he had a choice. He was airborne. Amazing,the Tenno may be,but they still obey the laws of physics,and that means that he can`t change his heading while airborne. Not without outside assistance. The passage through the portal spawned a very familiar sensation. Nervelessness. All sensation ceased. Loki knew that this would be temporary,and he would get his sense of touch back when he arrived. Passage through Void portals had a similar effect.

However,what Loki did not expect was the sudden loss of all energy. Loki collided on the far side with a shower of sparks and a mighty clatter,and he landed in a boneless heap,his Dakra Prime sliding halfway out of the scabbard,stopped only by the pommel hitting the floor. When a voice asked how their journey was,Loki immediately recognized it as the voice that caused him to trip and fall in the Obstacle Course,and replied, "Eventful." His voice gave the quality of having to speak around a mass of pus,or a tumor. Which was,effectively,what he was doing,thanks to his mutations from the Void and Technocyte Plague.

After a few moments,Loki felt his energy returning,and he quickly picked himself up off the floor. By flinging his legs up and over his head and springing upright from that. His ivory and golden sword slid free from the scabbard as this happened,though Loki caught it deftly,without even looking at it,and returned it to the sheath,all while observing the room.

It was magnificent. It reminded him,in ways,of the ancient Orokin towers he ventured into on special assignments. Then,he caught sight of his host. Loki couldn't feel power,but he could see that the man wielded great power and experience. He was his superior. And so,Loki did what anny Tenno would do when in the presence of a superior.

He removed the scabbard from his hip,and sank to his knees,head bowed. Once he planted his knees,Loki placed his sheathed sword on the ground in front of him,and placed his hands on his thighs,awaiting further directive. He even called them his apprentices. The Multiverse? I've heard theories. Guess this is the proof in the pudding. Loki was interrupted from his musings by one of the summoned going on a rant. Insolent little... Loki snapped his head up,and barked, "You're in the presence of a Master! Know your place!" Loki attempted to Switch Teleport with her,just in case,but a message flashed up on his visor. UNKNOWN SYSTEM ERROR. LOCKOUT IN EFFECT. Damn! I need those! However,Loki's intent was never visible,not unless anyone present was a mind reader. Still,his muscles tensed,ready to spring to action.
[sorry I didn't reply sooner. School has been hectic, and you guys seem to post when i'm asleep. Anyway, sorry for the absence. Hope this post makes up for it. :D ]

There was darkness. Darkness consumed her like a fat kid indulging in all kinds of junk food, and not being able to stop. She felt cold and alone, the vast emptiness around her seemed to mock her. There was pitch black darkness everywhere... yet no where at all. Andy felt as of she was floating in uninhabited, mindless space, as if she had been sucked into a large, dark pitch black hole with no chance at escape.

Then their was a thud. A very painful thud as if her whole body suddenly realised gravity meant more than weightlessness. She groaned in pain. She had fallen flat on her face, and her chest hurt from the impact. Drowsiness also kept her from moving. She was energy deprived, which contrasted how she felt as if she'd slept for longer than a year without food or water, despite the fact that she just wanted to curl up and die. Figuratively? Eh...

She frowned. It was if the darkness was filled with other beings. Their voices were muffled and disjointed. The only voice that spoke out to her as clear as day was the old, fabricated voice of an older man who spoke as if he'd lived hard and long, and had experienced far more than the average man.

"Hello. How was your trip?"

Andy frowned. She knew she was somewhere other than her bedroom back home in Australia, and she knew other's were with her as well. But for some odd reason, the darkness still engulfed her like blankets would in a blizzard.

It then occurred to her to perhaps, open her eyes. As she did, she was amazed at how bright the room she lay in. She sat up and looked around the room, at the disfunction of the house she and a few others now occupied was so precise it was as if the layout of the clocks lining the walls, the countless number of papers thrown around the room aimlessly confused yet awed her.

She was going through denial. As the old man spoke, she couldn't help but disagree. Guardians of the Multiverse? Um.. No. She hated her life back home, but at least it was a life. Her mark? Yeah, it was just a coincidence she was born a freak with white hair and wings printed on her back. But that didn't make her special. That just made her a weirdo loser freak. A time machine? Was this guy out of his mind? Yeah sure she may have just experienced a jump in time and space sure, but a time machine? The fact that this man also had the power an full authority over the universe also was preposterous. This guy was so old, how could he train them with this newfound duty? He was barley able to stand for longer than a few minutes. He did have a mouth though.

This... this all felt as if she was in a dream. Maybe if she pinched herself....

Andy almost laughed aloud. How cliche could she be? This old man had practically kidnapped her from her home and dumped a universe full of responsibility on her shoulders. She felt like Atlas, being forced to hold the sky up to keep Uranus and Gaia from touching. And her toons! She clutched her iphone in her hand, glad she still had her music with her. Hopefully the earpods weren't broken. She wouldn't be able to live without music, especially her specific variety.

The worse part of it all? Andy was scared. She didn't like this, not at all. She lay on the cold, hard surface of what seemed to be the living room floor, with others of all shapes, sizes, nationalities and history around her, asking all these excited questions about adventure and shit. At least she wasn't the only freak here. Probably just the more sensible one.

The old man asked if she had any questions. Ha! That's an understatement. When you wake up to find your anywhere but where you remember you being last, of course your gonna have questions. Like, Who are you, where am I, shit like that. Most the old man... Valeray had already explained, but Andy couldn't really absorb the information. It was all to much, and all she wanted right now was to go find a bed and jam out to her music away from all these whack jobs. Was that guy in an armoured suit? So the army had something to do with this? Ugh...

She sighed and shook her head. As she did, her ears popped, and all the muffled voices cleared and pounded her eardrums when someone spoke, and most were talking right after the other. Andy winced and frowned, bringing her ears to her head. She had an abnormally painful migraine, and laying down felt like a good idea at the time.

The suited man beside her yelled at another Indian looking one for speaking rudely. His sword had been unsheathed from it's scabbard and helped his threat of insolence. Although to Andy his shout felt like a million hammers were hammering nails into her skull. She had enough. Although, she usually wasn't one for words. Instead, she decided to leave, thinking better not get in the way of all her fellow 'guardians'. She didn't need to dwell on their problems. They were most likely just as fucked up as she was anyway, and she didn't have the patience for them.

So quickly and quietly she tried to make her escape, but the old man's unusual clear, youngish looking eyes kept her from moving any further. He wasn't looking at her directly, but his eyes were so captivating, it was as if they were looking at the whole universe.. multiverse all at the same time as well as dealing with this mess.

She sighed. Why did she have to be so darn curious and worthless? She was about to plug her earpuds in, but decided against it. Maybe this guy.. Valeray had something important she might need to hear to sway her mind. She wasn't technically against what she was experiencing... at least it got her away from home and isolation... but it also overwhelmed her. She wasn't anything special or an all powerful being with powers... just a normal...ish freak that just lives to survive.

Although... the guy in a black tank top, jeans, black boots that stood beside her seemed to be the exact opposite. He felt powerful with his light grey eyes and thin lips. His medium length dark black hair also added to this powerful aura around him, and the fact that he had chains attacked to his wrists intriqued and frightened Andy more than anything else. Or, maybe it was the fact that she knew nothing about any of these people and place that scared her the most. Na... that came in a close second.
Starting from when I post, we will begin using the tabletop-esque system as described in earlier updates and such. You don't have to immediately focus your attention to the objects, and can instead first decide to inspect your surroundings, or each other.

To avoid having to respond to multiple people's posts, I will wait for multiple people to post, then respond to all of them in one big post. This tabletop segment will end once everyone has successfully chosen their object.

If your character loses focus whilst attempting to focus their energy, interesting things may happen...*maniacal laugh*

In any case, commence!

Valeray watched the strange teen in the armor. He had been waiting for him to make a move, to say something, but what the kid did next was unexpected. He was bowing? And showing incredible amounts of respect, which was strange, considering they had never met before.

"Master? Oh no, haha. No, that will not be necessary, my dear boy. You have much humility. I'm flattered, but you may simply treat me like you would an uncle, or a grandfather. But commander or superior officer, no, that is not my role. I am not here to instruct you, or drill you, or give you orders. I am here to guide you to your destiny and help you along the way."

He watched as the teen reprimanded the young darker-skinned girl who was ranting and asking a million questions and saying things about reimbursement for tea and various other crap that Valeray figured was just the result of drinking way too much chai, overstressing, fatigue, or all of the above. His eyes glowed cyan, and they seemed to pierce right into the Indian girl's soul.

"You claim you were brought here unwillingly. If that is true, then I will gladly send you right back to the boisterous home from which you came. I thought you'd want to follow your destiny, to fulfill a higher calling, but I understand if you'd rather go back to never getting any sleep and taking prescription painkillers so that you could bear the torment of your obnoxious brothers. But, I digress, you may as well spend one night here before you make a decision."

Valeray was well-versed in the human sense of "sarcasm", as they called it, and he smirked as he turned around to face the rest of the group. He was certain that there was no way that girl would be able to stand going back to her old life, especially not if she saw the kinds of beds and rooms he had prepared for the group.

"You are correct, dear boy," he said, addressing the kid who had said he possessed no powers and didn't know how to fight, "you do not yet know how to channel the Multiverse's power. But you will learn, in time, and you will come to master its power as I have."

As he said this, there was a flash of cyan light in the palm of his hand, and a large pitcher of piping hot chai appeared in his grasp. He tossed the chai casually over his shoulder, the handle landing perfectly in the Indian girl's palm.

"The thing about reality, is that it cannot be created or removed. It is simply...reality. But, with the right training, one can learn how to change what is already there. It is the most powerful and purest forms of control there is, and it will be essential once you grow to take my place. The only thing is, it takes a very long time to learn, with lots of practice and repetition. And your training begins right now."

Valeray walked around towards the eighteen objects that had fallen from the pile, picking them all up in his arms and carrying them over to the table. He placed them on the table, spacing them out from each other. The objects were seemingly random and inconspicuous, things that normal humans wouldn't bat an eyelash at.

"It is very difficult to learn how to control these forces when the power is thrust into the hands of an unprepared beginner. That is why you will begin your training with these. These objects are known as Conduits, and they hold the same reality-warping power within them that you will learn to command with your bare hands when you are ready. Until then, you will use these objects, and they will help you learn to harness power and to control it.

"Each of you may choose one object. You may touch and inspect each one before coming to a decision, but once you have chosen, there is no going back.

This will be your first exercise: inner energy control. To finalize your choice, you must lift the object into the air and focus your energy into it. This is going to sound awfully Oriental, but the power of the Multiverse flows through all of us like a river, carrying each of us in its current. A beginner may not be able to change the whole river itself, but they can easily learn how to swim in it, and how to make small ripples on the surface.

"Imagine your inner energy flowing from your body into the object, and make an attempt to focus that energy inside the object. Be sure to focus. When manipulating reality itself, a lack of focus can cause very strange, and sometimes disastrous, results. I will demonstrate how to perform the choosing."

Valeray walked over to the huge pile of objects, opposite the room from the table with the eighteen others, and he lifted a medium-size blender from the pile. "As you may have guessed, this specific object does not contain any special abilities. It's just a blender. But the technique can be used to focus power into any object. Observe."

Lifting the blender aloft by the handle, he put his other hand on his temple and closed his eyes. The wrinkles in his face deepened as he focused, and soon the blender began to glow a gentle cyan. He opened his eyes and lowered the blender, which continued to glow for about ten seconds before fading.

"And that's how it's done. Once you've chosen your object, it will grant you specific power based on the object that you chose. As to which objects give which powers...I don't know. It usually depends on the person who chooses them. But once you have chosen, you will know. The knowledge to use your object will come to you. Now, go on, you may begin making your decision."

Valeray gestured towards the table of eighteen objects.








Dual Bracelets


Dog Tags


Dice (yes, I meant it to be plural)


Spinning Top





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He smiled, free falling. It was a feeling he'd never known before, but he knew what it was. Something he'd not been in over twelve years. FREE. Now, in this blank, empty, very windy state of space, he was free. It was like he was flying, finally being realized to something better from the evil Hell he had lived in.

Until his feet slammed damn hard onto a floor, driving him to one knee, the sword falling to his side, still covered in blood. And then he felt a warmth about his wrists. He knew before he opened his grey eyes that they'd be bleeding, but it wasn't all around or deep. He remembered one of the, be it unfortunately or fortunately, successful surgeries his former captors had performed on him had left him with an amazing ability to heal, and to ignore most injuries. Most that weren't overtly fatal, but that one was never tested.

He reached over, and grabbed the sword, standing as he did so, the two chains making a clanking metallic sound as they slid along the ground behind him. With no expression on his face, he wrapped the chains around his wrists, and looked around him. There were several others, though they looked like they had come from an easier life. They didn't have bruises on their hands, their faces, their hair was not messy, dirty, unclean. Maybe his hair was so dirty it was black and it was actually blonde. And then he noticed the man in front of them, old, beyond years he'd have time to tell. Valeray, as he called himself. The man soon explained to them where they were, what they were to do, and all that.

Saviors of the Multiverse, eh? He thought to himself, it amused him, but he didn't smile. His smile was gone before he ever fell to the ground in his Terminator like pose.

He then looked at the others, again. Some where bickering amongst themselves, and then there was one who was looking him over. Him of all people. His time in his own plane of Hell had told him that he was nothing but a Subject, Subject 76...but that was not his name...His name was Hicks. And he was free, and he'd be grateful to the man, for aiding in his escape.

Then the man spoke again, and gestured to the table. Hicks was the first to the table, his silvery-grey eyes focused immediately upon the locket, and unconsciously, he picked it up, staring at it.

His only thought was, father.
Indira is too preoccupied with wondering if the man in the white suit is some form of asura to question how Valeray knows about her muddled life. She chooses to inspect the chai.

It is acceptable. She pours herself a cup, and then takes suspicious a look at the dice.

[Did I do it right]
Shalin listened intently to the mans words, they held such rhythm and poetic value in her opinion. And though she could not see him or the other trainees around her simple formal stance they all held power and potential now that the current information of their state was brought to herself and the others attention. Her mind reeled with all of this information thinking about her new situation intensely, it wasn't as if she'd get the same offer back in Ireland so she'd be foolish if she weren't to accept such a strange but interesting offer.

At the soft amount of clatter her head perked up her bangs dancing in front of her vibrant blue eyes as he awaited a new set of information. A river example was what he use to explain what was to happen. Shalin was a bit hesitant any visible sign would do nothing for her so she'd have to search for that spark of flowing energy which she knew would pulse through her like her own rushing blood. Valeray seemed to complete the last word of his small lecture on their first task at hand. As her heightened ears heard only one other set of feet step towards the items she did herself, her magician type boots clicked on the floor as she stepped forward her cane skimming front of her every other set of steps. She felt like each of her moves where being studied as if her flaws where being searched for even during the simple natural task of walking.

Shalin took a small shaky breath never enjoying any amount of attention just as her cane hit the leg of the table the items where set upon. Seeing as the stand she hit was on her left side she rose her free hand and placed it on the edge of the table and slowly began to walk its length. And though there was no need to she shut her eyes in concentration waiting for that small prick of energy she was searching for. Then as if on cue she halted mid motion her hand unknowingly set in front of the pair of boots. Oblivious to the object she set the cane on the tip of the table and reached forward taking hold of one of them, she recognized their length both pair feeling like her own. She liked the small bit of familiarity that filled her but as well having these things in her grasp felt right.

Shalin brought one of the boots closer to herself her fingers trailing up and down the fabric examining it with her other senses casually before all of her motion came to a stop. Her hidden gaze bore into the boots as she tried to feel the flow of energy transfer through herself and the simple lifeless organism. She imagined her own life force entering the single pair, a soft sage was the hue of the energy. It swirled like its own tornado and though it felt like forever it was mere moments before the bots began to give off a soft tinted sage fog for a few seconds before fading. She felt the click of energy between herself and the inanimate object and became content before whispering a small grateful thank you to the man as she bowed with the use of her head. And took hold of the other boot before leaving back to a where she imagined she had been, hearing other steps approach the table.
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You bring the dual bracelets to your face. They are a shiny metallic color, halfway between silver and gold. The bands are shaped in a twisting sort of design, and you can see your warped reflection on the surface of the coils. You aren't quite sure just from looking at them, but they appear as if they were designed to fit wrists about the same size as yours.

After holding them for a while, you suddenly realize that the bands are hot. Like, really hot, as if they'd been sitting out in the sun for a long time. Strangely enough, you don't seem to be feeling any pain, and the bands aren't burning your skin, which is probably why you didn't notice it before.
"No problems following along so far for me at least. Seems simple enough to understand. Multiverse has the usual disasters to deal with. People need to be around to fix it and you are looking to take at least a break from the job and as such have rounded up a group of people to train to handle things in your place."

Raleigh chuckles to himself as he looks around the room and all the stuff lying around. "I feel like I've landed in Gensokyo only to meet a witch."

After having heard the spiel about the items and manipulation of reality he steps toward the pile of assigned items. He is personally interested in several of the tools on display so gives a good close look at the athame, book, and ring. He is careful not to focus too intently on any of them nor to pick them up but merely to see if they have any thing of note to their appearance.
After watching some of others go up and claim an item, Sam couldn't wait any longer and went over to where the remaining items were. Sam immediately looked at all the items briefly except for one, which he couldn't figure out what it was just by sight.

Drawn by the mystery, Sam walked over and picked up a mass of fabric. As he held it up to the light, it unfolded itself into a Cloak.
Loki was taken aback by Valeray's humility. However,Loki simply inclined his spine,dipping his head lower. "Your humility marks you as a great leader. But,if not Master,what title would be appropriate?" However,a directive was given. Loki raised his head,and observed the example while listening intently to the lecture. Shaping reality? I can think of a few ways to use that... The theory behind using a Conduit was remarkably similar to how novices trained on the use of active Warframe systems,and therefore nothing new,to him. Several of his peers approached the table,and plucked up items,observing them. One,he noticed,was blind,judging by how she used that cane of hers. Loki picked up his scabbard,and stood up while affixing it back to his hip.

Loki approached the table,and saw several items that instantly caught his attention. The yo-yo and spinning top reminded him of the childhood he never had. He heard stories,but he never partook. The Old War was his childhood. He set them down before moving onto the dog tags,which reminded him of his service to the ancient Orokin Empire. He growled and cast them aside like they were high-yield explosives; They brought back bitter memories.

The final thing that caught his attention was a dagger,an athame,if his guess was accurate. He walked silently behind the person holding it,and examined it over their shoulder. That would make a decent sister weapon to my Dakra Prime...
@Alad V

The Yo-Yo is unremarkable, a simple transparent-orange butterfly design. By the feel of it in your hands, the thing must be built to withstand lots of tricks and high-grade manuevers. You set it down and inspect the Spinning Top.

Just holding it in your hand makes you a little dizzy, but you aren't sure why. It is even more unremarkable than the Yo-Yo. It is a stone-aged design, made of some type of metal. You move on to the Dog Tags.

They look like they belong in a landfill, covered here and there with grime and dirt, beaten and dented so badly that the name on the label isn't readable anymore. The memories they give you disgust you almost as much as their appearance. You toss them aside and examine the athame. (scroll up for athame description)
@The Villain King

Raleigh reaches out to pick up the book and give it a closer look letting the athame slip his notice for now. "So long as I don't do anything stupid and say Kaltu Verat..." Clearing his throat he chuckles to himself. "Valeray, you got a translator thing set up for us? I'm pretty sure we are going to need to be able to read languages we probably aren't even aware exist in this job."
The singing was beautiful, and it sounded motherly to him. Thoughts of his mother came to mind, he only barely remember her, before she moved away. No, she didn't move away. His mother was a Doctor, a Doctor researching a cure in some far off place. She had left when he had turned six. The voice of the singer sounded almost like his mother, at least to him. Maybe he was imagining it. Maybe he wasn't. He hoped he wasn't.

And then, it hit him. Why he remembered it, why he recognized it. It was very similar to the locket his father carried with him, and even let him hold on that day. That locket was probably still there, in that alley, next to a dumpster and covered in unspeakable things. He closed his eyes and hoped differently though.

Hope, what a funny word, feeling. He hadn't had that in years and now here he was having emotions. Mentally, he grabbed onto his emotions and wrapped a chain around them. He must not let them get the better of him.

And then, against his own thoughts, he opened the locket.

Valeray chuckled. "The book is only readable to the owner. You'll have to choose it if you want to know what lies inside. But for all you know, it could be a recipe book, or a science textbook, or a long, dull narrative about hapless characters that embark on boring adventures. But it could also be something of value. The choice is yours."


As soon as the locket opens, the singing becomes much clearer and less distant. The inside of the locket is bare, much smoother on the inside than it is on the outside. There are two tiny metal prongs designed to hold a picture in place, but there is no picture there. The only thing inside the locket is a small ball of cyan light, hovering perfectly halfway between the lid and the base of the locket.
Shalin felt the surface of the boots silently as she felt the sudden urge to try on the boots. The fabric didn't feel smooth it felt like her own a bit leathery but not to the point of hers which made it a bit difficult to place the fabric. She ran her index finger down the bottom of the shoe measuring the length mentally and saw it could easily be a perfect fit. Surprised by this fact she felt the patterned bumps on the part which would grip her legs, her first guess was that they where pins but they seemed to smooth for that, a button out of the question so perhaps gems, crystals. Then cautiously she began slipping off her boots, thoughtfully setting them beside her as she pulled on the other pair.

Just as she had observed they fit perfectly, they where nice and comfortable like an old pair of slippers.
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Ari placed the bracelets on her wrists. She smiled, flexing her hands. Her eyes seemed to glow along with the bracelets. She flexed her hands, punching some invisible person in front of her. She started running around, having fun. She stopped and stared at the bracelets. They were in a weaving like pattern. Miki focused her energy into the object. She tried, and at first it was a bit hard. She took a deep breath and tried again, this time making it glow.
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Sam held the cloak in his fingers for a moment longer as he ran his other palm over the material. It was indeed one of the coolest things he had ever seen. The way it moved seemed almost magical and it reminded Sam of the river nearby his house. The one he had played in everyday when he was younger, with both his sister and Max.

It was then, that Sam decided he wanted this to be his object or whatever Valeray had meant by that. In one large swoop, he pulled the cloak over his shoulders and fastened the clutch at the nape of his neck. He pulled up the hood so it rested gently on his head. Sam had to fight the urge to turn into a three year old and run around the room like a superhero because with everything that had happened, he felt that was exactly what he should do, but he contained himself. The cape was just so swishy!

Now he just had to figure out how to do the magic blender trick…

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