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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Maria wasn't so surprised that she gave her a kiss since she normally tries to sneak one. Maria thinks what she does is cute so it makes her blush. "Did you really come and see me?" She asked Rue since it's been ages since they've seen each other. Maria smiled and looked down when she embraced her so tightly that she felt her grip onto her robe,"Hey now...what's the matter?" She asked her as she made her way with Rue towards the messy mansion. @Dearwolfy
"Leone eh?" Genji says, letting go of Leone hand. He then immediately slaps her hand afterwards. "Alright Leone! Let's get straight to work" In the gym was a locker that hold a grey sweatshirt, he then toss it towards Leone. She grabs the sweatshirt, and looks at it with confusion. "What are you gawking at the shirt for? Put that crap on! We're going jogging through the streets!"

"Ah!" Leone quickly took off her current top in front of all the gym members, and dons the gray sweatshirt. "I'm rearing to go! Old Man!" Genji then bonks Leone on the head, she then covers it. "What the hell was that for!?" Leone cried out. "Don't call me Old Man, kid. I'm your coach now." The whole gym got into a whisper once they heard the words coming out of Genji's mouth.

Genji quickly runs to his office, and grabs a bike out of it. "Come on! Let's go!" He got on the bike from inside the gym, and pedals right outside the door. "H-Hey!? Old Man, wait up!" Leone then runs after him.
At that Rue sort got a bit irritated. Was she that blind? Then again it was her fault for thinking there was something in between but it just bothered her. She pushes her back a bit gently to look at her and holds Maria's shoulders. "Of course I did miss Amaria! Why would I lie to you? I...." She turns away with sadden eyes that were glossy from almost crying. She bites her lip. "...you know I'm always happy to see you no matter the times. So don't doubt me." She turns back towards her and leans back a bit to sigh. The position was quite awkward since she was pinned down a moment ago. Now Maria was sitting in between her legs. Of course only she would find this lewd not only that but her loose robe and she appeared to be naked underneath? Miss Maria now you're making things very difficult not to pounce on her like she use to do. Rue mentally groans and becomes flustered starting to over think it. "Also....you still look beautiful as ever." She mutters.

Leone was running right behind Genji's bike, trying her best to catch up with it. "Slow down Old Man!! How the hell am I going to be a better fighter if i'm just running!?" She yells out to Genji. But the man didn't answer back without any witty retort what so ever. "Hey! Answer me Old Man!!"

Genji just looks behind himself to see if the Kid, Leone. Was actually running. And to his surprise, she was still on his trail. "This Kid already got natural talent... but natural talent isn't enough for me! I'll make her into a true blood fighter!" He starts to pedal faster than original intended.

The sudden burst of speed caught Leone off guard, but she began to pick up the pace. Sure the people got in her way when chasing after the bike-riding old man, but she wasn't going to let this man get away. She could feel her legs tighten as each step she took was draining the energy out of her legs. "If you think if i'm going to quit Old Man, you got another thing coming!" Leone kept the bike in her sight, and made sure her breathing was not too quick, but not too slow. "Man... is this is how a human aims to get stronger? Because if so, I might have a newfound respect for them..."

The people in the city were looking at Leone chasing Genji widen eyes, not really sure too make out of the situation. But as some people saw the old man, they couldn't help but smile at the two.
FrostXShadow said:
"Isabelle?" he asked as he got up walking over to his bed and laying down with his hands under his head "who is Isabelle?"
@MuffinRPs uffinrps
"Isabelle's my mother," He spoke, his voice sounding more British (He's British-American), "but as you could see from Ryan, my father, I don't consider them family." He placed his ukulele down and walked over to the bed to sit next to Sammy, "But that doesn't matter! What does matter is the amount of alone time we have," He spoke not realizing how suggestive it sounded.

(Sorry I fell asleep and woke up again. I should go to sleep soon anyway)
"i guess we do have alot of time " he shrugged "what shall we do with is the question" now he was just messing with the boy he knew what he was suggesting but he decided to mess with him

The dinging of a single golden coin cut's open the empty silence. Spinning in the air reflecting its beautiful yellow shine in all directions reaching all four corners of the earth. Nothing of value could ever match it in Ano's eyes. But in spite of all of this, something caught his attention away from the treasure. A wandering but yet conveniently similar golden colored kitten was passing by on the cobblestone pathway they laid upon. The city was widely known for having animals of all shapes and sizes wandering around the city aimlessly, so this was no surprise. In sight of this, he quickly snapped his fingers, and in a flash made the wonderful coin disappear out of plain sight. Quickly pacing himself over ever so cautiously to the feline, he wanted a better look at the furry animal. Strangely enough, the kitten did not seem to run off when faced against a total stranger. Most animals have that kind of instinct. However, this one was different somehow. Ano bent down onto his knees and simply stared at it. The kitten in return looked up and gave a cute meow as if it was trying to say hello. Hearing this, he broke. Sudden emotions flow freely throughout his body giving him total happiness and joy. Smiling, he carefully grabbed the cat with both hands and held it inches from his face. Its fur was considerably soft and warm and was hard enough to not squeeze it to death.

"Hey, little guy! What bring's you here?" he exclaimed.

In acknowledgment, the cat took one of its paw's and tapped Ano's face. He was pretty bewildered on why it did that. But he did not need explanations.

"Uh.... Ok then? Would you want to come with me then?" asked Ano.

The cat gave another meow. Ano started to blush a bit.

"You will? That's great!" he yelled gleefully in excitement.

"Then you need a name if you are coming with me. I will call you...... Toby!"

Yet again, another meow as in agreement. With that fulfilled, he took the kitten up on the back of his neck so it could rest during their walk. Toby laid upon him hanging off on the sides in comfort. Now that he made a new friend he would continue his trip through the park. After a few minutes of walking, it became apparent that he needed a small break. Around the corner of the pathway, he spotted an empty bench that he could use. Rushing over to it, he sat down to catch his breath. A few seconds past until he felt something odd. Looking to the right of him he saw a man sitting next to him. His presence caught him off guard completely considering he thought the bench was empty to begin with. It would be rude if he did not say hello.

"Oh! Sorry for sitting here so abruptly. I did not know someone was already sitting here." he said quickly.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
CharmyPie said:
Reina smiled sweetly, a slight blush on her face. She appreciated the gesture.
"Thanks." She said as he put the jacket over her. "Ahh, we have to go around sometime." She nodded to herself as she navigated through the city.

They reached a house. It wasn't too extravagant, but it wasn't simple either. She unlocked the door and headed inside, still with the god of destruction and fire.
"Home sweet home."

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku smiled as Reina appreciated his gesture. Suzaku continued to take in the sights of this grand 'City of Love' as they walk to Reina's house. As they reached the front door, Suzaku thought that the house was lovely and even more so when he stepped inside.
"It's a really nice place." He commented as his eyes surveyed the room.

Threlm watched as a man rounded a corner of the park and sat down at the bench that he was sitting at. Threlm smiled knowing that it was another god. He had a cute cat sitting on his neck and looked almost spaced out when he finally noticed Threlm he talked to him. "Hello old friend. I don't mind the company I don't get much these days." Threlm offered his hand to the god, "My real name is Threlm." Threlm said with a friendly smile. The wind rustled the leaves of the trees making it a peaceful quite moment.

MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku smiled as Reina appreciated his gesture. Suzaku continued to take in the sights of this grand 'City of Love' as they walk to Reina's house. As they reached the front door, Suzaku thought that the house was lovely and even more so when he stepped inside.
"It's a really nice place." He commented as his eyes surveyed the room.

The cat jumped from Reina's shoulder and ran deeper into the house. They were at the living room. It had a high ceiling, a couch, a fireplace, televison, and high bookshelves, a carpet, decor and paintings on the walls, and a hallway at the side. Reina smiled at the sight of home.

"Come on, let's get you settled." She lead him to a room up the staircase.
Dearwolfy said:
At that Rue sort got a bit irritated. Was she that blind? Then again it was her fault for thinking there was something in between but it just bothered her. She pushes her back a bit gently to look at her and holds Maria's shoulders. "Of course I did miss Amaria! Why would I lie to you? I...." She turns away with sadden eyes that were glossy from almost crying. She bites her lip. "...you know I'm always happy to see you no matter the times. So don't doubt me." She turns back towards her and leans back a bit to sigh. The position was quite awkward since she was pinned down a moment ago. Now Maria was sitting in between her legs. Of course only she would find this lewd not only that but her loose robe and she appeared to be naked underneath? Miss Maria now you're making things very difficult not to pounce on her like she use to do. Rue mentally groans and becomes flustered starting to over think it. "Also....you still look beautiful as ever." She mutters.
"I never said you were lying haha," she chuckled as they entered the house and the door behind her closed. The inside of the house wasn't messy, it was only the outside since thats where the battle had happened. "Why are you crying?" She asked her and Maria brought her hands up to Rue's face to pull them gently to face her once more. "There's no need to cry Rue, what's wrong?" She asked as her heart broke to see her friend crying in front of her. (hey, Maria didn't sit on your characters lap...hehe silly) Maria was sitting down next to her with her legs crossed,"Thank you, but so do you too. I love what you did with your hair Rue," she said with a smile.
"Threlm..." said Ano's as he put his finger's under his chin. The name sounded very familiar to him but he did not know exactly why it did. When Threlm offered his hand to him, he was obliged to shake it. Grasping the man's hand, upon contact he felt something bold. Then it clicked. He knew Threlm was another god, just like himself. It would explain why he said "My real name...".

"Good to meet you too friend. The name's Shawn. But now I guess you can call me Anos." replied with a defeated look.

He then let go of the man's hand and looked straight ahead of him taking in the beauty of nature.

"How long did it take to find out who I was?" asked in a curious tone.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
CharmyPie said:
The cat jumped from Reina's shoulder and ran deeper into the house. They were at the living room. It had a high ceiling, a couch, a fireplace, televison, and high bookshelves, a carpet, decor and paintings on the walls, and a hallway at the side. Reina smiled at the sight of home.
"Come on, let's get you settled." She lead him to a room up the staircase.

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku watched as the kitten ran off immediately. He followed Reina up the stairs as he continued to marvel with the things he sees.

The sweat was forming on Leone's face from keeping on with Genji's bike. Her legs were absolutely killing her, but she wouldn't let the old man get last laugh on her. So, she pushed her legs to go even faster, pushing her current limits. "My legs are on bloody fire... I want to stop running... but I can't give in now! I won't quit!" Her breathing was once again feeling ragged, and she could feel the pain from that quick boxing bout with Miyata in her stomach. Leone's sway in firm pattern, but on closer inspection. They would seem to be losing their steam.

Genji once again turned his head around and realized that the Kid was more closer to him than he thought. He was quite proud of her tenacity to say the least. The more that spend on this running business, the more Genji can read this girl's personality without even having to speak to her. "Ain't quitting eh..." A smirk was forming on his face. "I think we'll have to stop soon enough, because i've seen enough."
sprouhtt said:
"I never said you were lying haha," she chuckled as they entered the house and the door behind her closed. The inside of the house wasn't messy, it was only the outside since thats where the battle had happened. "Why are you crying?" She asked her and Maria brought her hands up to Rue's face to pull them gently to face her once more. "There's no need to cry Rue, what's wrong?" She asked as her heart broke to see her friend crying in front of her. (hey, Maria didn't sit on your characters lap...hehe silly) Maria was sitting down next to her with her legs crossed,"Thank you, but so do you too. I love what you did with your hair Rue," she said with a smile.
Rue gasps and slightly jumps at her touch. It's been so long since she's been touched like this as well as given this much attention. Of course Maria would notice. She knows her all too damn well when it came to certain things. Rue leans her face near Maria's touch enjoying it as if she didn't it would be gone in an instant like the last time they met years ago. Her tan hand above Maria's fair hand holding it against her cheek and the feeling of her being brushed made her sigh in content. She kisses the woman's palm thr very same one held on Rue's face. She kisses her back hand then her wrist then moving the sleeve of the robe up to kiss further up until she reached her shoulder nibbling that part. Rue's eyes overwhelmed to be in the presence of this goddess has got her feeling lustful for a brief moment until she widens her eyes and pulls her head away blushing still holding the same hand she peppered with kisses.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you. Hahaha. Like a dog with a bone. Um...I would like to catch up and talk to you maybe I can sleep with you like before? If it's not too much to ask?" Rue looked so exhausted from years of torment and nightmares. She even seemed out of it from time to time. The old Rue was much more cheerful and curious now she seemed different than what Maria can remember.

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Threlm smiled. "Well before I give you my answer I must say that I never forgot at all. And kept my skills and knowledge sharp by always atleast talking to another god every week. In addition as you probably know Lythrin has been stirring things up. So I knew almost instantly but not exactly brcause you are not in your true form." Threlm gave a small laugh. "In case you dont exactly remember me I am the god of spears and protection." Threlm smiled.

MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku watched as the kitten ran off immediately. He followed Reina up the stairs as he continued to marvel with the things he sees.

Reina opened the door to Suzaku's room. It had a Queen sized bed, a balcony, its own bathroom, and it was furnished. You coul live in this room.

"If you need anything, i'll be in the next room." She smiled sweetly.
Dearwolfy said:
Rue gasps and slightly jumps at her touch. It's been so long since she's been touched like this as well as given this much attention. Of course Maria would notice. She knows her all too damn well when it came to certain things. Rue leans her face near Maria's touch enjoying it as if she didn't it would be gone in an instant like the last time they met years ago. Her tan hand above Maria's fair hand holding it against her cheek and the feeling of her being brushed made her sigh in content. She kisses the woman's palm thr very same one held on Rue's face. She kisses her back hand then her wrist then moving the sleeve of the robe up to kiss further up until she reached her shoulder nibbling that part. Rue's eyes overwhelmed to be in the presence of this goddess has got her feeling lustful for a brief moment until she widens her eyes and pulls her head away blushing still holding the same hand she peppered with kisses.
"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to see you. Hahaha. Like a dog with a bone. Um...I would like to catch up and talk to you maybe I can sleep with you like before? If it's not too much to ask?" Rue looked so exhausted from years of torment and nightmares. She even seemed out of it from time to time. The old Rue was much more cheerful and curious now she seemed different than what Maria can remember.

Maria watched as she kissed her hand and then traveled up to her wrist then her shoulder. Maria pulled away for a moment since she felt a bit uncomfortable. It's not like Rue hadn't done it to her but it's just that it's been so long since someone has touched her in that kind of way, it made her feel different on the inside. Maria giggled,"Sorry...it's not you" Maria told her before she rest her hand on her lap. "I would love for us to catch up. Why not stay tonight?" SHe asked. Maria trusted Rue but it has been a long time since they've seen each other. SHe heard that Rue was on the Lythrin side and this meant that she couldn't be trusted so easily so Maria would have to watch her back. "Are you hungry?" SHe asked.
Seeing a clearing with a nice patch of grass to sit on, along with a nice clean river to view. Genji pedal in that direction, seeing how it was nice stopping point for the Kid. "I got myself a real winner here... that's for sure." Kicking down his brake on the bike, he waits for the Kid to catch up with him.

Spotting that the old man was putting his bike near the river, Leone made one last sprint with her aching and burning legs, and made it towards the Old Man's location. Afterwards, her legs immediately gave out and she lands her behind on the grass. "Ha... Ha..." She took in several breathes after that legwork business. "Told ya... I wouldn't quick..." Leone laids her back on the grass, and the Old Man sat next to her.

"Don't you mean... don't quit?" He says with a smirk. "Anyways, that was some nice roadwork. But, we ain't done yet."
CharmyPie said:
Reina opened the door to Suzaku's room. It had a Queen sized bed, a balcony, its own bathroom, and it was furnished. You coul live in this room.
"If you need anything, i'll be in the next room." She smiled sweetly.

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku took a few steps inside the room. He looked around for a short moment before turning to Reina.
"Thank you.. I had never thought of receiving such warm hospitality." He smiled, sincerely saying his thanks to Reina.

Rue stares at her for a long time contemplating if she should accept or not. The way Maria seemed to treat her and act unsure, she felt like there was a slight distance between her. In that realization her heart throbbed with pain. Is it even possible to change it into something more or at least get close like how it use to be? She shakes her head and stands up helping the goddess. "Yes I'd like that. Guess it couldn't hurt." She shrugs and smirks.

MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku took a few steps inside the room. He looked around for a short moment before turning to Reina.
"Thank you.. I had never thought of receiving such warm hospitality." He smiled, sincerely saying his thanks to Reina.

Reina smiled sweetly.

"Where have you been all my life? You could have lived with me." She stepped in the room too and put a hand on his shoulder, soft and gentle. The cat ran in too, meowing. It disappeared under the bed. "You're always welcome here, with me, alright?" She stared deep into his eyes.
"Are you kidding me!" Leone slowly moves her head upward, and stares at the Old Man. "Jesus... you're putting me through the wire, and my legs are hurting too." The Old Man then bonks Leone directly on the head again. "Ow!" She crys out.

"Stop complaining Kid. You said earlier that you wanted to fight in the ring with a crowd watching you, right?" Genji asked as he gets back up on his feet. Leone does the same, but it was lot more difficult since her legs were in pain. But after standing up, she nods her head to answer Genji's question. "Good. Now." He points over to the tree over in the distance. "We're going to move over towards the tree. I want to test some more... and don't worry, this is the last thing you're going to do."
CharmyPie said:
Reina smiled sweetly.
"Where have you been all my life? You could have lived with me." She stepped in the room too and put a hand on his shoulder, soft and gentle. The cat ran in too, meowing. It disappeared under the bed. "You're always welcome here, with me, alright?" She stared deep into his eyes.

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku stepped forward and was barely an inch away from Reina. He locked his blue eyes with hers. He smiled, blushing a little. He was so focused with Reina that he didn't noticed her kitten dashing into the room and under the bed.
"What have I ever done to receive your kindness?" He spoke softly as a smile formed on his lips.


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