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Fantasy Call of The Gods

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Her playfull smile was replaced with a hurt frown as she looked away. "Thats not what i wanted." She said quietly as she started walking away obviously not happy with his answer. Was he oblivious to her feelings?! Or did he not care. Or maybe he loved some one else. These thoughts didnt make it any better as silith looked back at lythrin then frowned more as she started to glow a bright golden color preparing to go fetch his souls

He snickers enjoying her pout. "Oh and what does my lovely darling want as her reward?"
Dearwolfy said:
He snickers enjoying her pout. "Oh and what does my lovely darling want as her reward?"
She stared at him for a few seconds then spoke. "You." She said then instantly She disapered hopping he would know what she meant and was willing to give it to her after she got his souls. Soon she appeared on the roof of a building in the city and looked around for some good people to collect for lythrin.
Threlm took a sip of his drink and nodded. "Alright if that is your standpoint." Threlm smiled. "So this place is what you have been tending too since we all came to the mortal realm?"

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Dearwolfy said:
Lythrin couldn't help but snicker. He knew her games and considered this one as one. "Well how about you can sit on my lap for awhile?"

@Daniel reaving
"I know what your thinking Lythtin and I am not playing around. I told you what I want and it's the truth." She said back to him as she dropped into an alleyway and found a rather nice inocent soul of a school girl and immedately took the girl and tied her up before the girl disapered reapering on her knees infront of lyrhrins throne as she hunted more. "I want you, this is no game that I play master." She said again knowing he could hear her as she caught another person who had just the right soul that Lythrin liked. She knew his tastes and gladly met those tastes.
The old man rang the bell, and Leone rushes Miyata with a quick jabs to his face, which he dodges in relative ease. "Come on, come on!" Leone thought. "Stop avoiding my punches!" Miyata's eyes were cold and calm, just swaying from side to side to avoid this woman's punches. She throws in a right hook, directly to Miyata's face once more, but he leans back to avoid the blow.

"Damn! This girl's punches, I can tell that their strong as all hell!" Miyata thought as he continues to dodge. He looks at Leone's stance, and swings. And it was that of a brawler on the streets. "But..." Taking one step forward, Miyata aims one quick punch to Leone's gut, and it lands with frightening accuracy. "Hrk..." Leone arches over from the punch, but Miyata didn't let up, and delivers a hard blow to the right side of her face, causing Leone to fall down to the ground. "Their predictable!!"

"Aw come on kid, is that all you got!?" The old man yelled as Leone slowly gets back on her feet. "How are ya going to fight with the big leagues, if you can't handle this?"

Once Leone got back on her feet, she get's back into a stance. "What the heck happened...? After he punched my gut... I couldn't tell what happened..." She stares at Miyata with furious glare. "I'm not going to give up now!" It was at this moment that Miyata began to hop around, tapping his feet on the ring. "W-What is he doing?" He then approaches forward, and sents out a punch directly to Leone's face. Leone quickly brought up her gloves to protect her face, while she moves her elbows to protect her stomach from any sudden blows.

"So, she learn from that blow to block her stomach, while also protecting her face." The old man thought as Miyata was continuous jabbing away at Leone's guarded face. "Heh, looks like the kid got some talent... after all." He let out a small smirk. But as he do that Miyata lunges forth, and punches Leone in her sides. She recoils in pain, and drops her guard ever so slightly. This causes Miyata to take a step forward and deliver an uppercut to Leone's jaw, which makes her fall over again. "Or... maybe she doesn't."

"Come on... you're making this too easy for me" Miyata says in very cocky tone.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I know what your thinking Lythtin and I am not playing around. I told you what I want and it's the truth." She said back to him as she dropped into an alleyway and found a rather nice inocent soul of a school girl and immedately took the girl and tied her up before the girl disapered reapering on her knees infront of lyrhrins throne as she hunted more. "I want you, this is no game that I play master." She said again knowing he could hear her as she caught another person who had just the right soul that Lythrin liked. She knew his tastes and gladly met those tastes.

The god watches her come and go and after the fifth meeting and thinking about her words. He walks over to her and raises her chin and grins with a devilishly. His sharp shark teeth showing as he leans in for a kiss but during that kiss bites her lips until they bleed. He laps the crimson blood from hee lips.

"Know the consequences of being with me." His fingers run through her hair before tugging and pulling it back. "My prescious girl."
Dearwolfy said:
The god watches her come and go and after the fifth meeting and thinking about her words. He walks over to her and raises her chin and grins with a devilishly. His sharp shark teeth showing as he leans in for a kiss but during that kiss bites her lips until they bleed. He laps the crimson blood from hee lips.
"Know the consequences of being with me." His fingers run through her hair before tugging and pulling it back. "My prescious girl."
She blushed when he got close and kissed her making her happy till she felt his fangs draw blood from her lips making her yelp as she pressed her Self against him tightly then he spoke as he tugged at her hair making her yelp a little as she watched him lick her bright golden blood off his lips. Then she swated his hand away from her hair and locked her lips with his again as she held onto him. She didnt know what these 'conciquences' of being with him were but she had waited so long for this moment that she didnt care. As far as she knew he was hers now which made her happy, even if he was hurting her a little bit. She looked at him with a smirk. "You forget my love, Im not one to be so easily dominated." She teased him before she kissed him not carring what he did as long as they were together

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He didn't close his eyes into the kiss like most lovers. He simply let her do as she pleased for now. He figured having a woman for his pleasure wouldn't be bad. Though he can't guarantee he will be paying attention much to her. He growls amused of her slapping her hand and taking him by force. Just the kind of God he needs by his side to win. He stands up after the kiss and walks back to his room to rest.

"I have a mission for you. I need you to torment people until they break so they fan warship me. Make them miserable. The more worshipers the stronger I get and I don't have to feel ridiculously exhausted."

@Daniel reaving
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Dearwolfy said:
He didn't close his eyes into the kiss like most lovers. He simply let her do as she pleased for now. He figured having a woman for his pleasure wouldn't be bad. Though he can't guarantee he will be paying attention much to her. He growls amused of her slapping her hand and taking him by force. Just the kind of God he needs by his side to win. He stands up after the kiss and walks back to his room to rest.
"I have a mission for you. I need you to torment people until they break so they fan warship me. Make them miserable. The more worshipers the stronger I get and I don't have to feel ridiculously exhausted."

@Daniel reaving
She gladly kissed him till he got up. Then she quickly started for his room with him. "Of course my love." She said as she walked by his side her arms wrapped around his as they walked. "May I sleep with you tonight my love?" She asked him wantingly. She wanted to be treated like a lover, sit with him, hug him, sleep in the same bed as him. She wanted to be treated as his wife and would do anything she could to get that. "Where are these people my love?" She asked about the people he wanted her to torture
"S-Shut it..." Leone once again gets back on her feet, and puts her arms, and hands up. The people in the gym were starting form around the ring. Not paying attention to the crowd, Leone took couple of steps and deliver rather strong left and right punches, causing Miyata to dodge and weave.

"A combination!? How the hell does a beginner know how to throw those kinds of punches? And at such quick speeds!?" He was rather surprised that such punches were getting thrown at him. But then Miyata notices that Leone took one good step, and shifts her weight that was in her hips. And with her right fist, she delivers one straight punch to Miyata's face. "Shoot! I gotta guard this!"

The straight connects with Miyata's block, but it breaks the man's guard. "Now! I'm going to let you have it!" She quickly lower her body, but immediately shoots up with a rising fist and his Miyata directly in the chin! Afterwards, she gives him a mean right hook, knocking Miyata onto the ring's mat.

"She went straight for the chin!? And dish out a right hook!?" The old man stare at Leone in shock at the punch she delivered. "This kid... she's a natural born fighter!" The old man gets into the ring, and takes a gander at Miyata's condition. "He's shaking... but he's good." He then looks at Leone. "You sure that you're a beginner?"

((Getting hit in the chin shakes your brain in such a way, that it makes your body freeze up because of your nervous system))
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Nathan22 said:
Hisan started to walk around looking for his colleague. "Rue! Rue! Cmere pup pup!" He called out in front of the mansion where he fought earlier.
As he called around a sinister and dark aura filled the air, one way stronger than lythrins. It was evil and ancient. Whispers started calling out in his head. "Help help, come closer, closer, closer, please, you and me." The whispers echoed these words over and over in his mind as the aura grew ever more
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]As he called around a sinister and dark aura filled the air, one way stronger than lythrins. It was evil and ancient. Whispers started calling out in his head. "Help help, come closer, closer, closer, please, you and me." The whispers echoed these words over and over in his mind as the aura grew ever more

"I'm not looking for you, but where are you?" He asks as he follows the voice. "You and me will create such sweet memories!" He starts to sing.
Nathan22 said:
"I'm not looking for you, but where are you?" He asks as he follows the voice. "You and me will create such sweet memories!" He starts to sing.
A giggle rang out of the whispers as the sky's and area around him seemed to darken in an unnatural darkness as the whispers kept ringing out from everywhere. "Will you play with me?" A child's voice called from deep in the darkness that surrounded him
Nathan22 said:
"Of course I will. What are little girls your age into nowadays?" He asked as he continued walking as if he could see through the darkness.
@Daniel reaving
Suddenly a child appeared right infront of him a sinister look in her eye as she smiled up at him. "What do you mean?" She asked softly
Hisan looked at the girl and smiled softly. "Hello sweetie, don't you wanna play?" He said in a fatherly tone. He sat down in front of you and started to smoke. However he made sure not to blow the smoke in your face.

@Daniel reaving
Nathan22 said:
Hisan looked at the girl and smiled softly. "Hello sweetie, don't you wanna play?" He said in a fatherly tone. He sat down in front of you and started to smoke. However he made sure not to blow the smoke in your face.
@Daniel reaving
She gasped a little as a tendril of darkness whipped out and ripped the cigaret from his mouth. "You shouldn't smoke!" She said cutely as she crossed he arms and glared at him childishly
Nathan22 said:
He chuckled and said "Alright I'm sorry. What's your name little one?" He took out his pack of cigarettes and tossed them away.
@Daniel reaving
"Halith. God of all evil and nightmares." She said to him with a confident nod as she watched him throw the cigarette pack away and then smiled at him happily
"It's seem.Or maybe the god hide something after all!I'm just here to please my eyes to see were it will go.After all i use too much of my treasures already...They also get iritate pretty easily." The Golden spaceship appear outside "It was fun God of spears!Don't hesitate to come back at anytime at Gilgy restaurant.Open whenever i'm here !" Gilgamesh laugh before leading his way outside,flying with the Golden Ship.
MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku, with his hand in Reina's, followed her through the streets of Paris. He enjoyed every sight he saw and every smell he could take in. From time to time, he kept looking at Reina. After a while, he noticed she was shivering. Only then he noticed that the temperature was colder than the previous places. How fortunate that he was wearing his white jacket at that time. Suzaku may not be the most romantic person but his time on the mortal realm, studying about humans has thought him some basics about romance. He took it out and wore it over Reina.
"It's ok, I'm good." He smiled, reassuring her.

"I guess I have heard about this place but.. I've never even seen a photo of this place, let alone been here." He laughed, a little embarassed.

Reina smiled sweetly, a slight blush on her face. She appreciated the gesture.

"Thanks." She said as he put the jacket over her. "Ahh, we have to go around sometime." She nodded to herself as she navigated through the city.

They reached a house. It wasn't too extravagant, but it wasn't simple either. She unlocked the door and headed inside, still with the god of destruction and fire.
"Home sweet home."
Dearwolfy said:
He stops and looks down at her with a glare then smirks and pats her head with his eyes closed.

"These people are human. Torture any human will do. I will be resting until night."
He yawns and starts walking down a hallway illuminated with green fire.

Once approaching his room he gets tugged by the woman once again and peers down to her. saying she wanted to sleep with him. He really wanted to be alone but if it was to shut her up and knowing this kid she will. He didn't have the energy and time for her whining. He removes her hand from his arm and yanks her in his room and tossing her on the bed after closing it behind him and looms over her on his large mattress which contained some curtains like the medieval days to keep the bugs away.

(Rue is busy with Maria well trying to flirt with her hahaha sorry for the late replies guys my internet was being a douche)
She yelped at the sudden movements of him throwing her into the room and onto the bed then looming over her. She blushed at the sight of him then looked away knowing he was angry. "I'm sorry I angered you my love." She said softly as she sat up a little and stared at him. "Forgive me?" She said softly as she. Waited for him to punish her in some way. He wants one easily forgive and she knew this would come at a price

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