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Fantasy Call of The Gods

He stood up, "Sammy!" Beau yelled but he had already left. He then remembered all that had happened. Beau blushed and span around before falling onto Sammy's bed. His nose was buried into the sheets and he inhaled. It smelled like him. He got up and walked into the kitchen to see Gilgamesh cooking, "Smells good," Not as good as Sammy but good.
Jason appeared inside his villa, he freaked some maids by appearing out of nowhere. His appearance turned to the godly one, black hair and a dark clothing with roses. He walked towards his room and got on his laptop. He opened it and checked the statistics of his company, which is one of the worlds leading seller of watches. The company is called 'Time'. He saw that there was a fair increase in their sales and nodded. He checked another thing in his laptop. The time app. It showed if there was any disturbance in time and space. He found out that everything is normal, besides tons of gods and goddesses appearing at earth.

after teaching the ungrateful half bloods he shadow traveled back to the house and appeared sitting on the kitchen counter "oh what smells good Gilga" he said abbreviating the gods name. he looked at the archer god "hey there cutie" he winked

FrostXShadow said:
after teaching the ungrateful half bloods he shadow traveled back to the house and appeared sitting on the kitchen counter "oh what smells good Gilga" he said abbreviating the gods name. he looked at the archer god "hey there cutie" he winked
He looked up at Sammy and blushed, "H-Hey," He gave him a goofy smile, a smile that said, in his own words, Oh mai baby Yeezus I love this person too muchness, "So where'd you run off to? I thought we were just getting started." He cocked his head to the side and his eyes went from navy blue to crimson red but he blinked them back.
"Just starting what?" he smirked at the boy "i had a class of half-bloods to teach. he let his eyes flash from gray to gold and back to gray "i hate those little brats they are so ungrateful" he scowled and picked up a piece of bread, munching on it.


Jason sighed and closed his laptop. He stood up and then disappeared. He reappeared at a top of a skycraper. He sat down and enjoyed the city. He hummed his favorite song and smiled.

(@Anyonee??? need someone to interact with mine)​
FrostXShadow said:
"Just starting what?" he smirked at the boy "i had a class of half-bloods to teach. he let his eyes flash from gray to gold and back to gray "i hate those little brats they are so ungrateful" he scowled and picked up a piece of bread, munching on it.
"Just starting," He stepped closer to Sammy and wrapped his arms around his neck, "this," Beau kissed Sammy and felt butterflies. He had never felt this way about anyone then the shadow God came along and now all he wants is to be with him.
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Sammy smirked and deepen the kiss wrapping his arms around the boys waist pulling him closer. he his closed and of his body's own free will he used his powers to shadow travel to his room throwing the boy onto his bed without effort before getting on top of him and once again kissing the boy deeply

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FrostXShadow said:
Sammy smirked and deepen the kiss wrapping his arms around the boys waist pulling him closer. he his closed and of his body's own free will he used his powers to shadow travel to his room throwing the boy onto his bed without effort before getting on top of him and once again kissing the boy deeply

(( xD the one time i feel like writting a sex scene i can't oh well ))
(I'm terrible at writing sex scenes anyway >.< )

Beau glided his hands from Sammy's neck, down his back and towards his ass whilst he kept kissing him with his chapped lips. He lifted his shirt up and dug his fingers into his back dip.

(I also don't know anatomy because I don't pay attention in class)
(whoa hey free porn which I might kill because shits about to go down with villains for excitement)
Hisan smiles a bit and nods. "Axios nuha konahah brother. And also I don't think I'd like your mutt following me around." He shut up however when he was starting to be choked but he smiled even more as he nodded.

(( i never pay attention in class it's why my spelling and grammar is horrid and that would be good instead of fading to black @XXXIwolf ))

Sammy arched his back from the archer gods touch, 'i know this is the wrong time but i wonder if he is ticklish' Sammy asked mentally he moved his hands up the boy's side sliding his shirt off. it had been along time since Sammy had felt this way about another god, or rather another person in general.


((anytime now before this gets to hot and heavy xD ))
MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku simply watched as the God of Time and Space left the two. A home. Suzaku found himself lost in his thoughts at the words of his acquaintances. There is little he could do now, and even littler he could do in an event of a war, with the promise he made to Reina. Suzaku let out a sigh and leaned back on the bench, staring into the sparkling stars in the endless sky.
"I've always wondered to myself, why am I the God of Destruction? Does my life... hold no greater meaning? Is killing and destroying the only things I am capable of?"

@Wickedkent @CharmyPie
The goddess of love looked at Eclipse with a loving smile.

"You're more than your name, more than your title. You are what you choose to do, what you choose to be. Don't you dare limit yourself because of that. Don't you dare. Even gods can choose their fates." She cupped his face and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his skin. "There's more to you than that, dear. I know."
Wickedkent said:

Jason sighed and closed his laptop. He stood up and then disappeared. He reappeared at a top of a skycraper. He sat down and enjoyed the city. He hummed his favorite song and smiled.

(@Anyonee??? need someone to interact with mine)​
"The second Mongrel that i find today !" Gilgamesh smirk wearing his human outfit sucking a lolipop,with some lipstick on his cheek.

Gilgamesh inspect the guys smiling "Anyways you really seems happy,are you not scare to fall?"
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"Shut up! You will be supervised or so help me I will end you now." His eyes glow for an instant before dropping the man without a care. As he walks back to his throne, the rose he once held withers as if mana was taken away from life. He sits on his throne back into the position he was with legs crossed, head resting on his left hand. "Now as your first task I need you to reek havoc. Be a distraction to the god of fear while my minions do what is needed. Once the mission is over, I will judge if you did well or not. Now go."

With the wave of his hands Lythrin sends the three away suddenly appearing back at the rooftop where they once were. Rue looks at Hisan and crosses her arms. "You heard the boss. Go find Kropolias. Keep him distracted. I'll be watching you. Dont make any stunts either. He's inside you watching as well."

As Leone opened her eyes, the sun was up and bright. It's rays staring down at her face. "Ugh... I can't believed I passed out." She blocks the suns rays with her hand, and slowly get her back off the tree. Now standing, she let's out a big yawn. "Well, time to see what this day holds..." Leone turns at the mansion, then back to the city, proceeding to walk back into it.
FrostXShadow said:
(( i never pay attention in class it's why my spelling and grammar is horrid and that would be good instead of fading to black @XXXIwolf ))
Sammy arched his back from the archer gods touch, 'i know this is the wrong time but i wonder if he is ticklish' Sammy asked mentally he moved his hands up the boy's side sliding his shirt off. it had been along time since Sammy had felt this way about another god, or rather another person in general.


((anytime now before this gets to hot and heavy xD ))
Beau removed his shirt fully and began to take Sammy's. He wanted this. The shadow god was perfect in every way. The archer god couldn't do anything but give himself to him entirely. He didn't know what this was; if it was just a quick fuck and that was it but he knew he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. He shook it off and continued to kiss the blue haired boy.

(You F2B when you want to. I never know when to. Different rps with different rules)
(( im pretty chill on the sex thing but f2b when it gets way to hot and heavy ex... Thrusting))

Sammy sat up taking his shirt off fully off, his normally gray eyes were gold and filled with lust for the archer god, began kissing the boys neck trying not to leave marks but failing in the process leaving marks all over the gods neck and some on his chest "Sorry" he whispered before kissing the god again


((after your post we will f2b so make it good xD ))
(let me uh...help you finish. @FrostXShadow lol)

While the two love birds were going at it, some demons decided to interrupt and crash into the mansion. In the dark corner a skull head demon with black fur and the body of a werewolf with jet black fur nears the two in bed in silence stalking them there was another one on the ceiling upside down. The demon growls from the corner aad pounces them.
Sammy's eyes glowed as he blasted the demon with a shadow ball still kissing Beau. he stopped kissing the god "duty calls" he rolled his eyes and got of the boy summoning his staff and slapping the demon with enough strength to send it flying into the wall. he looked up and blasted the demon through the roof, he looked at the archer god "remind me to fix that for Maria will ya" he said before blasting another demon through the wall and outside the house making all the demons in the mansion follow him outside "alright lets get to working he said changing into his god form and began blasting the demons with shadow balls along with hitting them with his staff

@XXXIwolf @MuffinRPs
XXXIwolf said:
"Shut up! You will be supervised or so help me I will end you now." His eyes glow for an instant before dropping the man without a care. As he walks back to his throne, the rose he once held withers as if mana was taken away from life. He sits on his throne back into the position he was with legs crossed, head resting on his left hand. "Now as your first task I need you to reek havoc. Be a distraction to the god of fear while my minions do what is needed. Once the mission is over, I will judge if you did well or not. Now go."

With the wave of his hands Lythrin sends the three away suddenly appearing back at the rooftop where they once were. Rue looks at Hisan and crosses her arms. "You heard the boss. Go find Kropolias. Keep him distracted. I'll be watching you. Dont make any stunts either. He's inside you watching as well."

"Oh my. He's inside me hmm?" He says laughing. "Hot bro. Anyways where's this God of fear?" He asks looking at you. He took off his face as if it were a rubber mask, his cheekbones were crushed, his lips were cut off, as well as his ears, his face was bleached white, and his violet eyes were sunken in.
NickTonCutter said:
"The second Mongrel that i find today !" Gilgamesh smirk wearing his human outfit sucking a lolipop,with some lipstick on his cheek.
Gilgamesh inspect the guys smiling "Anyways you really seems happy,are you not scare to fall?"

"What is there to falling?" He said "I do not fear anything"

Wickedkent said:

"What is there to falling?" He said "I do not fear anything"

"You do not fear anything..." Gilgamesh laugh "Sorry,but...That non sense ! Every human have something to fear !" Gilgamesh start to clean his eyes with his arms "Anyways,how beautiful is my city isn't it?Admire the treasure of my will !"
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Rue puts on her mask and kneels down touching the floor with her gloved hand. "Seems the beasts Lythrin sent out earlier is over by a mansion." A beast emerges from the ground. "Follow it to the mansion and you will arrive to the destination. Curently the god of fear is being distracted by some of the demons. It's our job to fight him as a distraction. Don't worry you won't die. I'll make sure of that." She hisses. The hound like demon starts running off leading Hisan.

Rue takes this opportunity to text or call the rest of the followers. "Meet at the park. Lythrin has business with us." Rue turns to Silith. "Follow me." The lieutenant jumps off the roof and transforms into a Raven. She arrives at the mansion watching it being attacked by the demon's. Rue in bird form sits on a tree in the woods watching.

Meanwhile more and more demons sprout from the ground at the mansion. One by one different level beasts break into the mansion crashing everything in sight to get to the gods.

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NickTonCutter said:
"You do not fear anything..." Gilgamesh laugh "Sorry,but...That non sense ! Every human have something to fear !" Gilgamesh start to clean his eyes with his arms "Anyways,how beautiful is my city isn't it?Admire the treasure of my will !"

"Every human, that is" He chuckled "and your will? what do you mean by that?"


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