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Realistic or Modern Blood Moon [Reboot] [OOC]

Ophelia Cleric: I've seen a bit of her art one time by accident, I wanna talk to her more. In fact, I wanna talk to all of these people more. I should bake a list...
Now I'm imagining her putting a list in an oven with mittens and an apron.
Hey, we've had 11 users active in the last few pages of this thread. Nice job guys! I love seeing folks bein' active~ (mostly bc i have no life rn cuz break)
Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for not being too active, I've been pretty down lately and stuff just hasn't been getting done. I'll write a post and get my character relations done.

Liam acts like a dick so most people don't like him. Then again, he doesn't say much in the first place, so... I guess it deoends if your character talks to him. From the character relations so far, it seems fine with what the people have sakd!
Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for not being too active, I've been pretty down lately and stuff just hasn't been getting done. I'll write a post and get my character relations done.

Dw, Svad has put IC posts on hold for those who haven't made a starter post anyway so there won't be a mountain of posts to catch up on
Hey Corgi ! Welcome back, and no rush! <3

Also I l o v e how no one has a clue on what the title means. <3 This is gonna be sooooo good.

starter post is up and im providing a trigger warning for bad jokes and mention of prescription od'ing and sad kid thoughts.
im providing a trigger warning for bad jokes and mention of prescription od'ing and sad kid thoughts.

I think anyone that trigger warning would apply to wouldn't have such a great time on a teen murder-y, kidnap-scented RP anyway.

Except for the bad jokes part, of course. I don't think anyone's safe from them (or mine).
I think anyone that trigger warning would apply to wouldn't have such a great time on a teen murder-y, kidnap-scented RP anyway.

Except for the bad jokes part, of course. I don't think anyone's safe from them (or mine).
VALID POINT but if i put it out there no one can be like "reading ur post made me relapse why didnt u warn me DDDD^:" because i did, in fact, warn them
AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd
Alexia Crew:
Liam doesn't pay enough attention to what happens at school other than his work to really care about a new student, he has heard the name whispered in the halls, but other than that, nothing too big.
Noble Noble

Hope Makepeace:
Also someone has hasn't really noticed or cared to notice. He knows of her existence.... maybe.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Adrian Kol:
Knows of him and has probably had a class or two with him, but Adrian has most likely been asleep for them and Liam works too hard to pay too much mind.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Bentley Lagmay:
Annoying, but he finds his dedication towards school admirable.
Aya Tachibana:
Hasn't noticed her and doesn't have time to.
Madeline Haddox:
Owes her big time but won't admit it. They're similar, not that he wants to be.
Jason Halliday:
Possibly the most annoying guy he knows. For some reason, he persistently tries to be his friend no matter, and occasionally will give him the hope since he seems to be useful from time-to-time. Liam would really like to smooch faces with Jax but in a totally bro way.

mikko mikko
Fatimah Bennett:
Has noticed her quite a bit, from being late to class to yelling excitedly in the halls. He sometimes finds it irritating, but he took an interest to her in his Sophomore year, seeing as he wasn't there Freshman year, and knows that she's genuine despite her seemingly fake happiness.

jbreezy jbreezy
Avery Reed:
Since Liam plays football, he has seen her on the sidelines cheering, but hasn't tried to talk to her. They probably have had a conversation before, but nothing that he would distinctively remember. He knows of her, which is great, supposedly.

Slade Slade
Aubrey Haddock:
Took interest when he thought that him and Madeline were related, but it turned out someone misspoke. Through the little research he did on the boy, he figured out that he tries hard to fit in. Liam noticed that he has potential to be useful, but doesn't want to put in the effort to make him handy.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Quinn Beckett:
Doesn't particularly like them with the brief run-in's he's had with them, but couldn't care enough to bring himself to dislike them entirely.

Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma
Melrose Freeler:
Same business with the whole "new kid" thing. He doesn't care enough to notice.

Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
Jonathan Mcneil:
He is a bit weary of him. He's the newest member of the Oxen and a reporter at that, so he doesn't trust him whatsoever and has actually talked to Maddie about him, but nothing has happened yet. They've gotten into a few fights, which Liam never enjoys.

Eleisya Yates-Wycommin:
Slight respect for her ingenuity. He was paired up with her as a partner for a project (he prefers to work alone) but he found her quietness and work ethic admirable.

Plutoni Plutoni
Matias Romanček:
Doesn't know much about him at all. He has seen him around and heard about him, but other than that he has nothing.

The Darkling The Darkling
Ophelia Cleric:
Hasn't noticed and hasn't cared to. He remember vaguely seeing her, but it must have been a couple of times because if you asked him who she was, he wouldn't be able to say.

S n o w S n o w
Adalynn Gallagher:
Doesn't know her, so he doesn't have a problem with her.

Genya Genya

Drea Dahan:
She's also apart of the cheer leading team, so he has seen her around and knows of her, but also hasn't bothered to converse. She seems like she'd be useful to have around, but seeing as he won't really need anyone handy after high school is up, he doesn't bother.

This is a family-friendly RP you guys. Hush. *exaggerated wink*

W o w alrighty, seems like this RP is moving fast lol. Anyways, for now I'd like to put posting in the IC on hold until I gather the responses and make the second post. :-) Unless you haven't posted yet (a couple of people), then please feel free to post your starter! <3

Hopefully everyone gathered all the clues in the first post. It'll help with the coming events. In the meantime, what do you guys think of the Episode Title? It's one of the biggest clues to be able to survive this Episode. :ghostuvu::ghostuvu:

It was awesome =)
Are we supposed to be posting the character relationships between our character and the others in the RP? That looks interesting and very helpful :3D:
Are we supposed to be posting the character relationships between our character and the others in the RP? That looks interesting and very helpful :3D:
It would be nice if you did! It gets a bit of information out there about your character and how they feel about the others.

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