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Realistic or Modern Blood Moon [Reboot] [OOC]

Still waiting for Jax lmao. I mean, take your time Svadilfari Svadilfari , but how am I supposed to continue with my non existent "life" until I can make some posts, know what I'm saying?
"So you just mopin' out here and attracting pity from the ladies or what?"

SHHHH HOPE DO NOT REVEAL THE PLAN lol just kidding. I love her. <3

Dane threw a fleeting glance towards Aya, before his eyes settled on the ground, "We should exchange phone numbers and stuff, then."


I didn't come here to be lied to or to hang out with smokers.

Ouch, cold as iceee. No Eleisya come back we love you.
Ahhh! I'm so late! Sorry guys!

So anyways, here are the character relations:

AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd -> Alexia Crew
- Given that she's a new girl, Jonathan has only seen her here and there. Heard rumours that she's a little strange.
Noble Noble -> Hope Berenice Makepeace
- Jonathan gives little thought for the social deviants in the school, this also applies to Hope. So far, she's only struck him as strange.
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak -> Adrian Kol
- Jonathan doesn't see him often and doesn't hear from him much. Maybe another loner?
Svadilfari Svadilfari -> Jason Halliday
- Jason has been Jonathan's best friend since forever. A good partner to help him get to know the football team a lot more and a damn good friend that's helped him sneak all sorts of substances in the past.
Svadilfari Svadilfari -> Bentley Lagmay
- Bentley is somebody Jonathan looks up to. Good leadership material and generally a nice guy.
Svadilfari Svadilfari -> Aya Tachibana
- Jonathan never really paid attention to her until he saw one of her paintings. He always made sure to include them in the art section.
Svadilfari Svadilfari -> Madeline Haddox
- Madeline is portrayed as an older sister figure in Jonathan's mind. Smart, confident, popular, he strives to be like her and is an unquestioning, loyal follower.
Corgi Corgi -> Liam Weir
- Liam is a bit of a dickhead. He's gotten into stupid fights and such, you name it. He really doesn't want anything to do with him but kinda has to given that he's in the Oxen.
jbreezy jbreezy -> Avery Reed
- Avery is another person Jonathan admires, but in a more companion sort of way. He likes the fact that she studies a lot like him. He has had a couple of chats with her and they've revised together in the library but nothing more than that.
mikko mikko -> Fatimah Bennett
- Fatimah is one of those loud characters Jonathan tends to keep a distance from. Maybe he thinks she's just a tad too much.
Slade Slade -> Aubrey Dane Haddock
- Again, he strikes Jonathan as a bit weird and stays away.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx -> Quinn Ashley Beckett
- Jonathan thinks that they're a bit... strange. Like an alien, Jonathan politely keeps his distance.
Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma -> Melrose Freeler
- Has tried time and time again to get her out of her shell during revision periods in the library but has failed since. She seems interesting and mysterious enough with the whole guards and mother-who's-a-CEO business.
Elowyn Elowyn -> Eleisya Yater-Wycommin
- Another revision partner, this time, a good friend of Jonathan's. He'll sometimes go out of his way to go shopping with her in town but they mostly spend their time in the library.
Plutoni Plutoni -> Matias Romancek
- Not much of an outstanding figure and certainly not someone he bumps into a lot. So far, he knows nothing about him.
The Darkling The Darkling -> Ophelia Cleric
- Another weirdo, but this time, a weirdo that he has to interact with. Besides being in a number of his classes, Ophelia also provides him smokes which he sometimes bums off.
S n o w S n o w -> Adalynn Gallagher
- A face that Jonathan sees a lot when he's called to help with the yearbook and when he's hanging out with Jason in a party. She seems pretty cool to him with all those tattoos and stuff.

Will get a post up now. I swear I've never been this late to an RP before!
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I don't know how everyone knows about Melly's mom being CEO @-@ I thought student files were confidential
Kind of changes Melly's M.O

I suppose if you have strange guards picking you up at a public school, people are going to raise an eyebrow.

Also, it's a small town, rumours and stories are going to spread.
I suppose if you have strange guards picking you up at a public school, people are going to raise an eyebrow.

Also, it's a small town, rumours and stories are going to spread.
Makes sense lol just weird the rumor hits the nail on the head. Usually rumors are bit off because there's no basis of truth x_x
AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd Alexia Crew: Avery doesn’t know much about Alexia since she’s new, but she seems nice enough. They have a few classes together and Avery enjoys her enthusiasm.

Noble Noble Hope Bernice Makepeace: Though they don’t exactly have the same social circle, Avery secretly admires Hope and her “I don’t give a fuck” attitude.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Adrian Kol: Since he looks like he never sleeps, Avery wonders if he’s the type of guy who stays up all night on his computer. She wants to tell him about melatonin pills, but doesn’t want to come off as rude. Other than that they haven’t had really any interaction.

Svadilfari Svadilfari Jason Halliday: One of the guys on the football team who isn’t a complete asshole, Avery enjoys talking to Jax. She’ll also go to him if she needs anyone to edit her essays. It doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes either.

Svadilfari Svadilfari Bentley Lagmay: Avery likes hanging out with Bentley because he’s as driven as her. It annoys her a little that he’s always trying to hang out with the super popular kids, but he always knows what’s going on with everyone and Avery always enjoys a good nugget of gossip here and there.

Svadilfari Svadilfari Aya Tachibana: Avery doesn’t know much about Aya, since she tends to keep to herself, but Avery doesn’t have a problem with her. Supposedly her artwork is beautiful, but Avery hasn’t really seen it.

Svadilfari Svadilfari Madeline Haddox: Since they cheer together, Avery and Maddie hang out a little bit, but they certainly aren’t best friends. Avery certainly wouldn’t trust her with any big secrets.

Corgi Corgi Liam Weir: Avery thinks Liam is a jackass, but she would never say that. In her mind, he always acts like he’s too good to know anyone except Maddie and Jax.

mikko mikko Fatimah Bennett: Avery likes Fatimah a lot and thinks she’s very funny. Avery admires how she seems to be friends with almost everyone she comes across.

Slade Slade Aubrey Dane Haddock: Dance and Avery don’t really talk much, but Avery wishes she knew him better. He used to be really loud and funny, but lately he’s gotten quieter and more withdrawn.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx Quinn Ashley Beckett: Avery doesn’t know them very well. They seem angry a lot and don’t really seem to care for school much, making them quite opposite from Avery.

Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma Melrose Freeler: Melly seems nice, but Avery doesn’t know her well. She thinks it’s a big weird that Melly has body guards considering the tiny school they all go to.

Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom Johnathan McNeil: Avery really likes Johnathan and his commitment to the paper. They study a lot together in the library, but they usually only hang out in school, although she wonders if he’s any less driven outside of his classes and the paper.

Elowyn Elowyn Eleiysa Yates-Wycommin: Though Ellie is more introverted, Avery considers her to be a friend. They spend a lot of time studying and Avery likes to hang out with her to relax when she feels overwhelmed from being around the loud girls on the cheer team.

Plutoni Plutoni Matias Romancek: Avery doesn’t exactly know him well, but she doesn’t have a problem with him. Cute too.

The Darkling The Darkling Ophelia Cleric: Avery doesn’t really know Ophelia really well, since she’s more of a loner. It makes Avery angry that people can be very nasty to her though. She pulls off the goth aesthetic well.

S n o w S n o w Adalynn Gallagher: Avery likes Adalynn and could maybe see them being friends, but she doesn’t know her too well.

Genya Genya Drea Dahan: Avery hangs out with Drea occasionally, but thinks she can be a little immature sometimes. She’s always good to hang out with when Avery feels she’s being too boring though. Drea tends to push her out of her comfort zone a little.
all that pesky murdering business



Svad don't worry, you're doing awesome =) No rush on replies and such

You're so awesome Em!!! <3 I'll get the rest of the posts up soon. Apologies for the delay! I'll keep you guys posted.

Ahhh! I'm so late! Sorry guys!

ESH I MISSED YOU WELCOME BACK HELLO! Also Jonathan. :-) His skateboarding skills are 11/10. Bless him.

Elowyn Elowyn

Eleisya breaks my heart. </3 I love it.

Elowyn Elowyn

Eleisya breaks my heart. </3 I love it.


Talking about breaking hearts...

...I'm mad crazy for this guy:

super wanna date/befriend. the dude has HORSE (and I'd always wanted to ride and have a horse of my own) a TWIN BROTHER (i kept saying how i found twins super cool lately) and SEES PEOPLES' EYES (which I do a lot). And he MODELS (something I've been thinking about doing lately). and he's european--namely italian and german (i told my friend that i'd date/marry a european)

can i just marry this dude? i've never had an internet/celeb crush before...
He’s not technically “mine” (he belongs to my university) but he’s such a good boy!
CUTE! :o:D
Do you have one where you're riding? Or out in the pasture?

(I want to do paintings. I've already visited a local barn, but the girl isn't going to be available until next week. I'm thinking I want to practice some before I try one irl.)
CUTE! :o:D
Do you have one where you're riding? Or out in the pasture?

(I want to do paintings. I've already visited a local barn, but the girl isn't going to be available until next week. I'm thinking I want to practice some before I try one irl.)

Not really lol. I do private lessons, so I don’t really have anyone to take my pictures haha!

That’s neat though, I always try to doodle them when I take notes, the legs are so hard though! Would you ever ride? Or do you just want to paint them? I love anyone who shares my obsession lol ;D
ESH I MISSED YOU WELCOME BACK HELLO! Also Jonathan. :-) His skateboarding skills are 11/10. Bless him.

Rebonjour! And Merry Christmas!

I tried learning how to ride a skateboard but... ehhhh. Didn't go too well. I had a friend recording me when I fell off and it basically turned into a local meme.
Hope everyone had a merry christmas and a happy holiday! Ive been running around my state visiting family and spending christmas with my family. Ill try to get back on track here in the next couple days as I finally come own from this holiday craze xD
Hope everyone had a merry christmas and a happy holiday! Ive been running around my state visiting family and spending christmas with my family. Ill try to get back on track here in the next couple days as I finally come own from this holiday craze xD
Hope you had a good holiday too~!

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