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Realistic or Modern Blood Moon [Reboot] [OOC]

"gooooooooooooooooood mooooooooooooooooooornnnnnnniiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggg, vietnaaaaaaaaa---hOLY SHIT MOVE MOVE MO--," she cried, now knocked to the ground by her own stupidity. she rubbed her head, laughing. she popped up, offering her hand to the girl she felled.
A moment of silence for Lynn please.
WARNING: This may be a little messy because I was in a rush and I'm tired but you get the idea.

AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd
Alexia Crew:
She hasn’t really paid that much attention to her seeing as she’s new.

Noble Noble
Hope Berenice Makepeace:
She likes her attitude, and respects her. She sees her as an acquaintance.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Adrian Kol:
the kid that never sleeps, he’s caught her interest and she sees him as a little mysterious. Have had some small talk in class.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Jason Halliday: Has talked to him a couple of times seeing as he is on the football team, thinks he is a nice guy, but feels like there is something he is hiding. Has considered hooking up with him when wasted.

Corgi Corgi
Liam Weir: She is a bit attracted to him but doesn’t really see him as that approachable. Finds his attitude admirable.

jbreezy jbreezy
Avery Reed: Likes the fact that she’s not the stereotypical cheerleader, and that she is devoted to her work. She finds Avery kind, but also a little bit up-tight and strict, which make them get into conflict at times, seeing as they’re the opposite of each other.

mikko mikko
Fatimah Bennett: Finds her really freaking awesome and gets along with her pretty good, she’s also hilarious and really great to hang out with. Doesn’t seem to have a judging character, something Drea admires.

Slade Slade
Aubrey Dane Haddock: Finds him cute, but a little quirky. Has talked to him a couple of times but the conversation hasn’t really flowed that well.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Quinn Ashley Beckett: Finds him pretty troubled, but has stricken up a conversation with him when she was high.

Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma
Melrose Freeler:
Has noticed her, seeing as she’s all the way from Australia. But hasn’t had the chance to talk to her. She seems pretty kind and happy, but too much of that can get on Drea’s nerves which is why she doesn’t deem Melrose as her type of person.

Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
Jonathan McNeil:
Finds him a little arrogant, but has had a couple of conversations with him.

Elowyn Elowyn
Eleisya Yater-Wycommin: used to be a little annoyed of her being such a goody-two-shoes and nailing every class they took together, but has learned to admire it instead because of how Eleisya has offered her help on some subjects.

Plutoni Plutoni
Matias Romancek: Has had a couple of conversations with him, but thinks he’s a little too full off himself. Still, she considers him pretty attractive.

The Darkling The Darkling
Ophelia Cleric: Thinks she’s really talented and has an intriguing mindset, something she has gathered during the few conversations they have had while smoking.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Bentley Lagmay: Finds him really polite, but also too perfect. She believes his reputation and style is a façade. Nonetheless, she enjoys talking to him.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Aya Tachibana: Hasn’t really talked to her, but respects the fact that she has yet to call her out for copying her homework at times.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Madeline Haddox: Seeing as they’ve had both cheerleading and the yearbook committee in common, they have interacted on several occasions. Drea doesn’t really have anything against her, she could almost consider her a friend, if it weren’t for the fact the Madeline is a little too preppy and controlling for her.

S n o w S n o w
Adalynn Gallagher: While she was on the yearbook committee, Drea got the chance to really get to know her. She thinks Adalynn is really down to earth and fun to be around. She sees her as a pretty good friend.
AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd
Alexia Crew: Melrose seemed to think Alexia was kind of prissy but she seemed nice enough from the glimpses she had caught of her. Melrose found a sense of familiarity looking at her.

Noble Noble
Hope Makepeace: Melrose heard that Hope was a gothic punk and quite the extrovert, but that's all she really knew about her and she wasn't one for gossip so she has dismissed most of those claims.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Adrian Kol: Melrose thought Adrian seemed distant, his mind seemed like it was elsewhere in their conversations but she's also sure it was just because she talked too much. She likes him for the most part seeing as he was the first person to approach her hyperactive self and he seemed to handle her well. A less active person was welcomed in her too active space.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Jason Halliday: Melrose has only seen him in passing after he acquired some pretty shiners. But she could tell under the shiners he must've cute. Girls seemed to whisper about him and Melrose assumed it was because he was good-looking, she thought so too. He looked like a fun time. But he also struck her as dangerous; pretty boys usually are, especially pretty boys with black eyes.

Corgi Corgi
Liam Weir: Liam definitely rubbed Melrose the wrong way just by his aura. He seemed uninterested in everyone and everything around him. While Melrose was intrigued by such cold eyes, she was not in any rush to feel the chill.

jbreezy jbreezy
Avery Reed: Melrose thought Avery seemed like a nice girl, almost too nice for her own good. Seemed like someone would bite Avery's head off and she'd apologize for standing too close.

mikko mikko
Fatimah Bennett: Only seen her in passing. Doesn't know much about her.

Slade Slade
Audrey Haddock: Melrose saw him offer Aya his jacket and could swear he had a major crush on her. He was the cutest, art nerd she had ever seen though. She decided she keep an eye on them and root for them quietly.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Quinn Beckett: Melrose didn't know how to skateboard so much as she did longboard, so she thought it was cool to see him on a board. But she wasn't too sure about the gender scenario. She knew people in the hallway talked about Quinn by using "they" and "their" pronouns but she wasn't all too sure why.

Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
Jonathan McNeil: Had only seen in passing.

Elowyn Elowyn
Eleisya Yates: Melrose saw her briefly outside before entering the building earlier but she seemed very maternal. She seemed to hover over some students outside. Melrose guessed she would be a great girl to have a in a group of friends; headstrong and strong moral compass.

Plutoni Plutoni
Matias Romancek: Only seen in passing.

The Darkling The Darkling
Ophelia Cleric: Melrose had seen Ophelia walking into the school and was almost had a heart attack by her appearance. It was stunning whilst also intimidating. Melrose wasn't too excited about the bullies who'd get under her skin when they talked about her. She thought Ophelia looked nice and the most down to earth in the entire school body.

Svadilfari Svadilfari
Bentley Lagmay: From what Melrose could see, he seemed like an all too eager Hooksett student. He looked almost as if he enjoyed school. He'd be interesting to cozy on up to in case she really needed help biology or math.

Aya Tachibana: Melrose adored Aya's appearance. She thought she was just the cutest and Melrose wanted to dress her up in all kinds of cute dressed her mother had gotten from around the world. But she figured Aya wouldn't too much like being dressed up like a doll.

Madeline Haddox: Melrose thought she was really pretty and really sweet to go out of her way to invite her to the Oxen party. But it wasn't Melrose's first rodeo either, she knew Madeline was probably fishing for homecoming votes. Still, she hadn't shown her she anything but kindness.

S n o w S n o w
Adaylnn Gallagher: Melrose thought Lynn looked as if she knew everything about everyone. Like she had it a skill to be at the right place at the right time. But she also seemed friendly with a lot of people; a real jack of trades if the trades were actually people.

Genya Genya
Drea Dahan: Melrose thought Drea seemed mature and very independent but steered toward a future oriented crowd she thought. While ideally, Melrose would love to be friends with everyone and enjoyed a life of dreams, Drea brought a sense of reality that Melrose wasn't all fond of.
1 out of 4 posts is up! Decided to cut the posts into four parts because A.) Don't want a giant wall of text, and B.) Can't access my laptop right now (WE HAVE SHIT WIFI HERE OML SEND HELP I HAVE TO USE DATA) to be able to post everything. Apologies in advance guys. This might take a while since I have to type everything via mobile (hella pain for me lol) instead of using my laptop.
1 out of 4 posts is up! Decided to cut the posts into four parts because A.) Don't want a giant wall of text, and B.) Can't access my laptop right now (WE HAVE SHIT WIFI HERE OML SEND HELP I HAVE TO USE DATA) to be able to post everything. Apologies in advance guys. This might take a while since I have to type everything via mobile (hella pain for me lol) instead of using my laptop.

Mad respecc for typing four posts at once on mobile

1 out of 4 posts is up! Decided to cut the posts into four parts because A.) Don't want a giant wall of text, and B.) Can't access my laptop right now (WE HAVE SHIT WIFI HERE OML SEND HELP I HAVE TO USE DATA) to be able to post everything. Apologies in advance guys. This might take a while since I have to type everything via mobile (hella pain for me lol) instead of using my laptop.

I know that feel so much it's sad. Apologies in my advance in case my phone autocorrects a word or two, and I forget to correct it.
I know that feel so much it's sad. Apologies in my advance in case my phone autocorrects a word or two, and I forget to correct it.
Correcting the autocorrect........................................for some reason I don't think that's how the creators intended it to work. :\
this is how I've sorta done this in the past (ok maybe like. once. hehea) so here you goo
also!! I am veeery down to get into PMs if anyone wants to change some things or add some more detail :kissclosedeyes: hmu you beautiful people
Matias will 100% have gone out of his way to speak at least once to most, if not all, of the people here since joining last year, if only briefly. He's outgoing as heck & people and connections are veery, very important to him :bishiesparklesl: he's got his disdainful tabs on all of you shshs

AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd : Alexia - Matias doesn't know a lot about her, having met only fairly recently, but she seems pleasant enough. Going beyond the cursory introduction has not been the top of his most recent priorities, but maybe the party's an opportunity.

Noble Noble : Hope - She's someone who can actually pull off the punk-rebellion thing she's got going, but, presently, he doesn't really see them being more than bare acquaintances. Who knows. He finds it difficult to judge a response from her. Probably just as likely to end up her kicking his weirdly perfect teeth in as to them actually getting along.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak : Adrian - The boy can blend into the background of Matias's tableaux like nobody's business - he actually has to be actively looking for him to see him around. Other than that? Chill guy, but needs to get his life together before he starts tripping over his eye-bags. (sympathy.exe not found.)

Svadilfari Svadilfari : Jax - Once he looks past his certain dislike of American 'football', of course, Jax is the kind of person who he would definitely spend time around in his last school, and still would here. He think's he's a pushover for Maddie to walk all over, though, but still. Nobody's perfect. Except maybe Bentley.

Bentley - He likes Bentley, certainly. Who doesn't, after all? I mean, he still thinks he's perfect enough to be hiding shit, but he enjoys his company when he's around, in regulated amounts. It keeps him interested. He has a sense of humour, which he appreciates, but he seems so enthusiastic about this place it can actually start to grate. Matias still has a hard time trying to understand it.

Aya - They always say it's the quiet ones you have to look out for, but the only thing you seem to need to look out for is her blowing away in a strong breeze. Matias thinks she's adorable, in a baby animal sort of way, and would probably do anything she asked. Might have played around with getting her out of her shell if he wasn't conscious of the fact that he makes her shy.

Madeline - There's nobody in this town that ignites his ambition quite like Madeline Haddox. She's the head of this school, which he understands, respects, once related to, but she's also the one at the top to, well, push off. Not that he's actually out to do it, of course. It's more a.. subconscious thing. He doesn't care nearly enough about this 'hole in the ground', after all, but he certainly admires her enough to want to become closer.

Corgi Corgi : Liam - As Liam's heard of him, Matias has heard of Liam. Currently a friend (well) of a friend at best, he's both the kind of guy he's pretty sure he's met (and almost been) before and one that also raises some kind of curiosity. Approach carefully and all, he knows, but he's betting that he'll be at the party.

jbreezy jbreezy : Avery - Ah, cheerleaders. Such an American phenomenon. He'd like to say he doesn't have any preconceptions about them from his time at San Francisco, but that would be somewhat incorrect. She keeps to her own group, but from what he's seen, she's cool. Studious.

mikko mikko : Fatimah - Not like Matias would ever play favourites at this godforsaken school (cough), but Fatimah would probably be near the top end of the list. He may judge her weed-related habits now and forever and likes to take the piss accordingly, but he does (usually) enjoy her company reaallyy. he luuvs the goss

Slade Slade : Dane - A class-clown type, or..? Matias still hasn't got Dane completely figured out. He gets the feeling that he hasn't either. Either way, he seems alright, but he's never been one to spend much personal time at all around that kind of guy. (Snob.) His opinion? It's always self-esteem issues.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx : Quinn - He knows they have a dog, apparently, so there's kudos for that. But that's all, really - they seem to be content in self-imposed isolation. He's seen it before. Probably some ill-formed defence mechanism. Matias won't waste his time.

Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma : Melrose - He hasn't spent enough time around her to form much more of an opinion other than that she's quite new, quite sweet, a lil' shy, and probably filthy rich. Bodyguards don't go unnoticed. Not by him, at least. Maybe they've got something in common. Perhaps he'll find out sometime.

Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom : Jonathan - One of the cases of there's probably 'more than what meets the eye'. Jonathan is a student he likes to keep close & friendly tabs on, because reporters, even budding ones, are often mines of news. (How shallow.) He'd like to say that his side of the friendship was more than that, but he finds his day-to-day company just.. Alright.

Elowyn Elowyn : Eleisya - He only really needed to speak to her once to learn all he needed. Straight-laced and scholarly, but she's still somewhere on his radar nonetheless as these types (in his humble opinion), well.. They always end up wanting something. He does appreciate her intelligence and certainly her determination, but he doubts they'd ever exactly be buddies.

The Darkling The Darkling : Ophelia - It wouldn't be an American high-school without at least one goth, after all! He'd probably say they're vaguely acquainted, but not close. Thy run in very different circles, and not ones that he'd care to overlap.

S n o w S n o w : Lynn - The photography makes him think of his half-brother, which raises things that seem to just boil down into a mild, pervading feeling of annoyance. He's not entirely sure why. He's by far his favourite brother. He'd spend time around her for easy, mundane company, but probably little else.

Genya Genya : Drea - She's refreshing, in a way. Cute. He'd spend time around her, but she does remind him of how he would never let himself aim so low. He may not exactly be her favourite person, which he knows, amusedly, but they can keep up some banter between them.
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Are we still on pause or should we respond to the RP? I wanted to respond but Svad said to wait earlier and I don't want to overload him with my eagerness lolol

Hey! No worries. :-) Take care of yourself. <3 Hope you get better for the Holidays.

Been pretty busy volunteering. Sorry. Will get everything up in a couple of hours.

Take your time! <3

Oh btw, Svadilfari Svadilfari , am I still an Oxen member?

And of course! :-)

Mad respecc for typing four posts at once on mobile


Do not be fooled. There was a lot of w e e p i n g involved and a ton of s c r e a m i n g i n t o t h e
v o i d.

I know that feel so much it's sad. Apologies in my advance in case my phone autocorrects a word or two, and I forget to correct it.

#thefeelisreal. :'-D

Are we still on pause or should we respond to the RP? I wanted to respond but Svad said to wait earlier and I don't want to overload him with my eagerness lolol

Feel free to respond to Aya! :-) Oh and I am female btw lol.
Got a really cool necklace as a present. Don't normally wear these kind of things but it sure looks nice and mega itchy.
I don't usually wear necklaces, but when I do, I wear the really small low profile chokers so that I don't stand out and everyone isn't staring at my neck.
to my embarrassment, i would be one of those people to stare at someone's elaborate necklace/clothing/bag/shoes/etc. It's just such eye candy~ :33:
Oh and I am female btw lol.
Lol, I am surprised. But then thinking back on it... I cannot truly imagine a man writing such things.

Oh, and pretty necklace btw! (even though it is scratchy)

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