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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky


By this point in the battle, Jah'Ri had been entirely consumed by the lust for blood, or... whatever sustains these metal creatures, she didn't know. All she knew is they can melt, they can be defeated, and they've committed a long list of atrocities on this day that they needed to be punished for. All around her, her comrades fought. A piece of the large metal creature that seemed to be taking the last stand for its brethren fell suddenly, and after ensuring she was a safe distance away from it Jah'Ri looked up to see Xenith had destroyed the strange weapon. Flashing her a knowing, toothy smile, Jah'Ri then found her gazes weeping upon the battlefield as she sprinted closer and closer to her large, looming foe.

Tolan climbed the beast's back, an abnormally large pale-skinned being demonstrated his strength upon the beast, and nearby, a pale-skinned woman Jah'Ri had met within the library summoned a horde of stronge-looking hroend creatures, that charged at a metal beast. Her eyes widened as she saw the girl collapse from seeming exhaustion, but seeing another rush to her side Jah'Ri resolved to refocus herself on the task at hand... helping to destroy this beast with all her allies, who she could feel the intent and adrenaline from. Everyone's hearts seemed to be beating as one, focused on the destruction of this abominable metal giant.

Once she had reached the feet of the creature, Jah'Ri felt an immense heat radiating behind and then past her from Fia's direction. Jah'Ri's eyes widened momentarily, as she caught a glimpse of that strange fire-like orb the girl had been carrying all this time, careening straight towards the metal beast in front of them. So great was the heat radiating from the molten ball of plasma, that Jah'Ri had a feeling even she'd be burned touching it, or even getting much closer to it then she was. It seemed that Fia's anger had fueled her fire to new heights. Jah'Ri felt as though she needed to back up this powerful, passionate attack of Fia's with one of her own, and so found herself leaping up towards the metal Giant's leg, bending her legs at the knees into a squat and pushing off the ground with all her might, leaping up as far onto the metal giant's leg as possible and digging her claws in. Then she started climbing, and as she looked up, took in a deep breath and let out the longest, hottest and widest jet of flame she possibly could, aiming straight upwards for the giant's strange head.

@VioletShadow @rusticyawn @NeverBetter

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Lyon breathed heavily... "Yeah, yeah." She said, gasping. She had not anticipated such a close call with death so soon. "No more debt." She agreed with a brief nod. Lyon got off of the man, noticing a stray detail as she moved. He practically exuded cold, and judging from his ice powers, manipulated it to some degree. "Glad we've started off on the right foot. Mutual saving of lives is a strong foundation for lasting friendships." Lyon continued, slightly joking, slightly not. "My name's Lyon... If you're all good, then I'm going to head down there, help out with taking that thing out. You can come with me if you want... You could like, freeze things or something to that effect." She said, moving her gaze to the battlefield below, watching several other warriors, ones she felt an odd connection with, attack the huge machine. "Thing is awful intimidating, they probably need all the help they can get." Lyon reiterated out loud. She took a deep breath, fully connecting with herself once again. She had to help those people down there... The Bloodsummoner sent another pulse of energy through her blade, and her garb swiftly changed to the onyx armor of Black Blood. "Charge?" She asked her companion one last time, before doing so herself, fully intending to do whatever she could, whether that was to heal or to stab.
@VioletShadow[/URL] @rusticyawn @NeverBetter


Caesar not only lands his first shot, but his second and third. The Paladin Skin, and subsequently it's flier and passenger all fell to the ground, smashing into it with a loud "thud" before exploding violently.

The combined force of Jah'Ri, Somerne, Hanz and Fia blow a hole through the leg of the Titan Frame, the supreme force of their attack severs it's leg from the rest of their body, causing the mech to fall.

Jenna took basically a direct hit from the mysterious energy cannon, but her Rhino took the brunt of the storm. Her unconcious body was sent flying back into town, crashing into the Elixir Shoppe and dousing her in a random assortment of potions.

Check one for Effects:


Positive result, a bonus will be granted.

Check Two:


Neutral, the second check does nothing.

Check Three:


Positive result, a bonus will be granted.

Jenna received ability: Water Magic (Temporary, but puts "Water Magic" and if unlocked other signature skills into possible future signature skill list.) and full healing.

Field Effect: Where potions Brew: Magic based ability's are rolled for the character.


No effect takes place...

The Elixir shop was destroyed as a result of the crash.

Hektor avoids the next attack that was incoming, but the west district of Cobbleblock was vaporized in an instant. There were no survivors in the location of, and at that, the magical field dropped with the blast: it was far too much for the shield to hold. Cobblelock is now in jeopardy.

Xicor's scans only reveal the schematics of the Titan Frame. It's a large, bulky, dense machine. Normally extremely fire resistant and incredibly difficult to combat as it takes very little damage from any normal source. Even the cannons on it's own back can't easily damage the armor normally. But the joints suffer wear very quickly, as such a bulky machine would obviously do. At that, though it's cannons are high-output, and fire very quickly, they're prone to overheating on repeated shots due to faulty cooling systems. The heavy cannon on it's back is able to fire three kinds of projectiles, a normal cannon round, an explosive, and a tactical electric barrier to prevent running enemy's from escaping or capturing large pray. But perhaps the most interesting ability is, like the Silver Shroud and other Frames, it has three forms, a vehicle, a robot, and an animistic form. The animistic can normally reach areas that the other two cannot and can blend in more effectively in places like caves or forests. The robotic has the best weapon usage, and the vehicle normally can traverse terrain the others cannot with little fear of getting stuck or being unable to move far.

Xicor's attack shoots the gun that was in-action, overheating and destroying it.

Muro successfully destracted the machine's other three gattling guns as the fourth was dealing with Xennith.

(And that, kiddies, is how to topple a giant. But don't think it's entirely over yet.)

"I guess their so-called "legend" is true. They're far too strong. So strong even my machine couldn't withstand more than a few blows..." Rais said from inside his cockpit, the displays bringing up warning sign after warning sign of damage. The screens began exploding, controls covered in the light that powered the machine as he tried so hard to keep fighting. "Left Percival Cannon is down, and I've lost a leg... I can't do much more here, I just hope my men escaped..." Rais' hand reaching for the comm switch, he called to the nearest possible comm relay. "This is Colonel Rais. I stand here in the Titan Frame, holding off Oren's Bastards of War as best I can, but that so-called legend that Dyon revealed years ago appears to be true. A group of warriors appeared from the blue, destroying most of my men, and soon myself. I will take them all out here and now if I can, but I can only say this: Gods bless our wonderful country, for I love her so."

The message sent as Rais' machine began to fall completely. It's other leg snapping, unable to withstand the weight of the full body for more than a few moments on it's own.

"You hear me you Bastards!? I may fall here but your witch of a queen will serve her justice! And she will start by losing every single one of you!"

Even as he fell, he commanded the arm of the cannon with grace, an old pilot and his machine. And he fired the charged shot of the other arm at what remained of Oren's main army.

The shield that the Dragonborn known as Bellin had made didn't last a moment. The blast vaporized every single one of them, leaving not much else. The only things that remained of Bellin and the Vampire were their weapons, the assortment of weapons Bellin used, and the sword and tome that the Vampire had used. There was not much else.

But the beam didn't stop immediately after it fired. The arm arced and swung, turning to aim at our hero's as best it could as the beam devastated the land around, and if not stopped immediately, the town of Cobbleblock.

C̀h͜o̧ice͏ ͡of̛ ąct̷ion҉:͟

̕Ru̸n ͟fo̸r̕ y̡our̕ ̛l҉i͏f̷e.̵


́Or͠ darȩ to̴ ̡st̵op̧ t҉h̕e ̸l͘a̢s҉t̴ att͞ac̵ķ óf ͟Ra͢is.

͟Ýou͞ d̶ec̕id͠e ţh͢e̶i͏r̨ fa̢ţe.̢ You͝ ar҉e ͢t̕hei̵r ̀Gód̨s. And̡ ͞th̨eir live̶s̵ ̵a̧re i͠n҉ ͢yo͞ur ̧ha͝nds.
Caesar watched as the army was obliterated, and had to whistle at the carnage. It was hella intimidating, no one could deny that much. And personally, he did not want to get in the way of another attack like that. He was far enough away from the main group that the beam was not an immediate threat, and spotting the relics of the very unfortunate Oren Commanders, swooped in to grab the blade and tome of the vampire. He whooped out, "LOOT!" as he grabbed the gear, though it was unlikely anyone noticed. They had a death beam to worry about after all. The beam was still carrying through it's swing, and not wanted to get in the way of it, Caesar moved closer to the Titan Frame, then leaped up onto it, grabbing onto a ledge and pulling himself on top of the mech. He bit his tongue softly, looking at the beam continue to approach the other people, some of whom he recognized from before when he had awaken. And then awaken again, later. It would be a bad thing if they died, truly unfortunate. He really wanted a friend too, and they were good candidates for such a role. There wasn't a whole lot he could do... Kind of as to show how useless he was in the situation at hand, Caesar fired an arrow, trying to somehow get it into the beam cannon, interrupt it in some way? He didn't know what he was doing. He glanced down to the blade he had since affixed to his belt along with the tome, and hoping that something might come out of it, briefly flicked through the book. An easy spell perhaps?


Somrene moved almost instantaneously. Gigants were built for combat and intense situations. An adrenaline rush did not do their performance justice in a situation like this one. The beam was too dangerous to take a hit from, the ashes of the army told him that much, and far too large to block with his current gear. He was out of earth magic, not that it would have helped much. Somrene knew that it would be far easier to run away, far far easier. But he had a moral code. And allowing an entire town to die without doing anything certainly would not let him sleep at night. And so he leapt high into the air. The beam was clearly some sort of energy. Even Somrene with his limited knowledge could figure that much out. Energy created heat, and judging by the power of this attack, this beam produced a lot of it. Heat made metal soft. And when hammers hit soft metal, the metal changed shape. And so, Somrene smashed his hammer into the cannon, hoping to maybe cave in the opening, or otherwise damage what he thought might be the currently weakest part of the mech.

(Lyon after @VioletShadow )
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With the sounds of falling metal beasts, Oren warcries, and fellow lost souls damaging this massive leader of the beasts echoing through her ears, Jahri dug her claws and teeth into the beast, slashing and burning it from her position as best she can. Then, looking up, she began to realize that this chunk of metal she'd been tearing open was finally beginning to sever from the rest of the tough metal monstrosity's body. Gazing upwards, Jah'Ri reflexively craned her neck as far backwards as it could go to avoid what coould have otherwise severed her head with just one generous application of momentum, the massive metal humanoid stumbling and falling, leaving Jah'Ri still clinging near the top of the severed portion of metal leg.

Realizing this wasn't much of a vantage point for her anymore, Jah'Ri wrenched her claws from deep within the metal flesh of the beast, kicked off of it and jumped down, landing on all four on the ground below with a thud. Standing up and dusting her clawed, scaly hands on one another, she looked around the battlefield just in time to witness devastation on a scale she had never seen the likes of before. Her eyes widened, she shook with anger, and her fists clenched, as the army, headed by the shield-generating Dragonborn she hadn't even met yet, simply disappeared in a flash of bright light.

She continued staring, wide-eyed, noting the pile of weaponry left by her fellow Dragonborn. If she survived this, she had every intention on gathering the weapons up, taking one for herself and giving the rest to her friends and comrades should they choose to take them. She remembers a custom among her people that involved taking the weapons of your fallen brethren and vowing to use them to slay your greatest enemies. It is said that the souls of the weapon's previous owners smile upon thier kin each time thier weapons rend flesh once more. This gave her an idea. She sprinted towards the weapons as quickly as she could, the sound of the beam still sweeping the landscape in the other direction.

Grabbing the very axe that was not capable of stopping the beam before, Jah'Ri quickly grabbed it and hurled it at the strange metal arm that was creating the beam, as an arrow was shot towards the beam itself and on the other side of the cannon, a large, muscular lightskin struck at the metal with his hammer. With thier combined efforts, the town would surely be saved. Jah'Ri had complete belief in this. After all, they had beaten the odds so far, and very, very well to boot.

@NeverBetter @Yuffie Kisaragi

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Four Angels far above the sky, watch down upon the mortals observing there petty conflict. They watch with keen eyes as they strive to murder and struggle to survive the onslaught of machine and beasts. They watch there trivial game they call war with disdain, pity and sorrow. One angel with her head covered in clothe and crowned by a golden circlet, sheds a tear for the humans, while another grumbles on frustration. One stares with a disgust and the last is silent, and for all we know he could be smiling or crying.

But the silent angel with crimson wings notice something fly around the mechanized war machine. Something doused with holy light, and a bright cleaning flame with wings as pure as newly fallen snow. Her flaming spear pierces the machine with a mighty vengeance that could only be felt by the increasing heat of her flames. She shined so bright like a sun on earth.

Behind the machine another being Flys devoid of such light has been taken note of. Darkness surrounds that being... she would have to die, but for now the angels wait to see the outcome, to learn and discover this world the have been born to. Why they were here? No one knew.

Belluam's chest throbbed with an aching pain the stabbed her heart. The crushing futility that the Oren army faced was all to clear. The Meer mortal humans could only serve as cannon fodder as the more powerful beings fought the demonic machines. Belluam flew with all her might trying so hard to break this machine as fast as she coukd. She had to minimize the casualties, because this was her fault. She led the charge, she ordered the men to fight, oh her dear gallant knights had followed her, but she only led them to their deaths. Belluam strayed the skies dodging blasts, and only superficially penetrating the thick armour of the mechanized behemoth. Belluam noticed the vampire was up again, and a quick thought passed her mind to impale her there and then., but Belluam shook the thought as defeating the Republic was the priority so she may save more lives. Suddenly one of the machines legs. The enemy was falling. Suddenly in a blink of an eyes, the Oren army was gone, with only the weapons as evidence of there existence... they were just gone. But the beam of energy didn't stop as it scorched the found beneath. The arm took aim seeking to devour all that lay in its path. Belluam moved so fast in front of its aim and held her shield up with the holy light shield projected. Belluam will protect the innocents of the village even if it cost her her own life. Her muscles tensed as she braced for impact.
Tagged Users
@DergTheDergon @Yuffie Kisaragi

Nio Magnetus


Nio couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the woman's mutual friendship remark. "I'll take note of that fact, remember it for when I want another friend." A thin smile grew on his face as he spoke, only to quickly return to nonchalance. At her explanation of her next move, Nio wondered about her motives. "Why do you want to take down the machine? Is it because the machine is losing?" He questioned, pondering if she had hidden intentions. As the woman changed her armour, through a method unknown to him, Nio watched fascinated, a gleam of interest in his eyes. Within an instant, her pure-white coloured armour turned a deathly black. Deciding to question her about it another time, when they weren't in a battle scenario, he looked over at the machine as it began to fall apart.

The scene before him was so strange, a group of diverse warriors taking down a gigantic machine. A dinosaur, a vampire, a few dragon-borns, a gigant, an angel, whom he despised, and a few human-looking people. He smiled as he watched Xenith, who after skillfully destroying a gattling gun, was serving as a distraction, similar to the dinosaur. In a slightly bored state, he watched as the last of Oren's army was obliterated, with the gun now aimed towards the warriors, including Xenith. He knew Xenith could dodge the blow, but what he was most worried about, was her risking her life to save the village. But it was unlikely, as the amount of people already defending the village was great.

Glancing towards his current companion, he watched as she rushed towards the battlefield. Wondering what she would do, he approached the scene, but not so close as to be caught up in battle. A lingering eye was kept on Xenith, slyly watching her next move. Ready to retrieve her if needed.

Xenith La Rosia


A small smile, only barely visible, returned Jah'Ri's wide grin. Xenith was worried for her best friend's safety, but was glad that she was doing well for herself. A sudden noise of machinery snapped her gaze away from Jah'Ri, watching as the machine's leg was detached and the machine began to fall. A broader smile grew on her face, proud of her friend's achievements. However, the next scene darkened her expression. As the beam approached, she glided upwards, catching a glimpse of 4 winged beings above, whilst dodging the attack. Taking note of the onlookers, she swung her head round to witness the beam's direction.

There were already a few people attempting to destroy the beam's attack, which calmed her mind, as she left them to hopefully deal with the situation. However, she would not accept another beam from the machine's gun. As she pondered a way to destroy the source, a familiar axe flew towards it. Taking the opportunity, and giving a small nod towards Jah'Ri, she began creating a spell for the axe, to amplify it's power and effects. A dark haze of black energy flew towards the weapon, as blood-red runic markings began to float around it. As the axe flew on by towards it's target, she silently hoped that the gun would be destroyed.

A realization suddenly hit her, as she understood what the beings floating above the scene were. Angels. She was in trouble...especially since they would most likely team up with the other warrior angel already here. The vampires have already left as well, making her more vulnerable. With a little sigh, she began to make preparations for possible combat, despite how exhausted she already was from the constant conflict. Using hand and eye gestures, she signaled towards Jah'Ri to look upwards. After realizing that Nio was nearby as well, she gave him similar indications. As she examined her own wounds, she realized how much she needed a rest. The make-shift bandage around the wound from the sharp branch, was now tainted red. It was her most dangerous injury, which required more care than she could give at the moment. She carefully covered herself once again with Nio's coat, and stared at the scene, hoping good luck would be on their side.

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"I want to take it down because otherwise all those other people are going to die." Lyon returned, a quizzical look coming to her face. Wasn't that obvious? The advantage to her seemed to lay with the machine, and it also appeared to be the aggressor, at least from what she had seen. Plus, the life of one machine against all those people? Lyon knew her choice. She continued moving down, but stopped her charge as her chosen opponent fell to the ground, it's leg blown off. In an instant, the army was vaporize, along with a large portion of the town she had been in only moments before. It was on its last legs now, but still a last attack came in. Lyon saw an angelic like figure move in front of the beam in an attempt to block it, and thinking fast, looked back to her companion, who she just then realized had not shared his name. "Ice guy! Put up another ice wall to help her!" She called, hoping that he would listen and follow her directive. Lives were at stake. Lyon felt regret that she did not have a shield, else she would go and assist too. However, she noticed another person attacking the cannon in an attempt to stop the beam, and that was much more in her wheelhouse. She moved forwards with the increased speed of Black Blood and leaped, stabbing Uzpeni into the cannon, and using that initial stabbing to get a foothold on the arm as it swept across the ground. Lyon continued to try and damage the cannon, ripping her blade out violently before stabbing it in again.
just as fia dug in as hard as she could with the little plasma ball, she didn't even realize how many people were aiding the effort until one of them politely aided her effort. the words 'excuse me' barely registered as she felt the sensation of a new source of heat alongside her own. so quickly, the grand effort succeeds, and the leg severs away from the main torso of the monster. a mighty sound rings out as the monster falls under the weight of it's own body, and fia moved a short space away, to watch it as it toppled. as it it's previous transgressions were not enough, it does something even more unthinkable as it goes.

so quickly, the machine takes aim, and in one fell swoop, fia watches as the entirety of the oren army fall to the monster's sudden attack. even the reptilian man, who has seemed so strong and noble only minutes before fell easily to the machine's blast, not even one among them able to put up even a moment's resistance before being incinerated. they were just... gone. people leapt into action all around her, doing their best to suppress the damage and save what they could, what was left, but fia just looked on in disbelief. even harming a single child was unthinkable to her but... all of those people?

hot tears began to fall down her cheeks, her anger began to burn harshly in her heart again, this time truly feeling like a painful, destructive inferno. she started to climb the torso of the beast, slipping in places where it was too smooth to pull herself up before she got to the top. if this thing wanted to try to continue slaughtering innocent people even as it lay vulnerable, she wouldn't show it an once of mercy. she took the minisun once again into her palms, and held it tight. as she began to summon the flames to once again heat it up, her mind flashed again to images of the scene before her, and her anger swelled even higher inside of her. she had experienced how hard it was to fight to be alive - she couldn't accept something so easily ripping it from people who had obviously fought so hard to preserve it!

her chest began to feel tight as her hand was now practically engulfed with fire, trails of it stretching high into the sky as she lamented. she brought all of it down as she aimed the now wildly flaring minisun towards the side of the torso the arm of the cannon rested and tried to push it as hard as she could inward, the flames around her dancing wildly in response. if this was not enough, she'd only pour more and more of herself into the effort. this could not go unpunished. for the sake of those had died, and for those who were still in jeopardy. she'd melt this thing to it's core.

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- Hanz - The avatar of truth - Taking the Titan down.

Hanz was originally satisfied that the combined efforts of everyone could cripple the Titan mech...however. The thing just wouldn't stay down, and he was both saddened and enraged that the man had the nerve to wipe out the Orem army and innocent civilians from the village as well. He soon bursted with energy.

Soon followed after everyone's attacks at the cannon. His sword ignited in flames and light as he dashed at the arm firing the laser, but instead of attacking the cannon directly, Hanz aimed for the area between the shoulder and the arm, where possibly a joint would be located, if he could cut it off, he would sever the cannon from the main body.

Hanz dashed right into it at high speeds, and thrusting at it with all his might...and magic.


- Tolan - The hunter - too old for this shit.

Tolan was genuinely angered that Rais killed so many people from Orem, and civilians from the village as well, "Fucking son of a bitch!" He cursed, as he quickly regained his posture, well, whatever posture you can have while climbing a giant machine, which just fell on one knee.

Tolan wasted no time, he maneuvered around the mech quickly, and much like the others, he attacked the arm as well, but trying to find any unprotected area first, so his axe would do more damage. Quickly lunging on top of the cannon, Tolan began hacking away with his axe. his strenght enhanced with blood magic.


- Hektor - (not much to do here honestly)

Hektor carried Jenna to safety, thankfully he managed to dodge the blast...however, many citizens died. which made him stagger in surprise, also sadness, but he watched as the others attacked the cannon, and hoped their attack would be succesful.

Putting Jenna down, laying her back against a tree as he put her in a sitting position. "It needs be destroyed..." He said as his eyes glew bright yellow once again, as his cane began sparking with lightning, as he thrusted it in direction of the mech, aiming for its head, hoping it'd hit where Rais was. A concentrated, heavy bolt of lightning shot out of the cane, with quite the force behind it.

@NeverBetter @Pashpu

- Xicor - The cyborg - in a mech.

Xicor slammed his hand in frustration at what just happened. "Dammit..." He said as his analyzis's results arrived, Xicor pressed a few buttons as the Silver shroud transformed itself into an animal form. (assuming, silver shroud, has a wolf animal form, since I can't remember that being stated).

Using the increased maneuverability XIcor was originally going to attack the cannon itself, but seeing Hektor's attempt to hit the head...also prompted him to do so. After Hektor's attack hit (or missed...or did no damage :P ). Xicor ran at it with the Silver shroud, and pounced on its head, attacking it with whatever weapons the Silver shroud had in its animal form. Or just slamming into it would work too...


As she sent the late Bellin's axe hurling towards the side of the cannon, Jah'Ri's eyes widened as suddenly a strange blackness from above enveloped the spinning weapon, strange crimson symbols beginning to appear around it, The spell's power could be felt from where Jah'Ri stood, even as the weapon it was cast upon flew closer and closer to its destination. Her narrow, violet pupils turning upwards as she tilted her head, she was surprised, yet slightly in awe, to see Xenith seeming to concentrate her energies upon the Fallen dragonborn's axe. Another brief toothy grin spread across Jah'Ri's scaled features, and as her gaze traveled down once more towards the carnage ensuing at and around the falling metal giant, her grin only widened, seeing Fia among others swarming upon thier enemy with the fury and intesity of true Dragonborn, despite not bearing her kind's blood. The beats's fate was sealed... .but would it be in enough time to stop the beam before it reduces the peaceful town nearby to nothing? Jah'Ri could only hope.

Out of Jah'Ri's peripheral vision, Xenith seemed to by trying to get her attention from the air. Turning her head to see what her pale-skinnewd friend was trying to show her, she found her gaze moving the the directions she was gesture, only for her eyes to widen then subsequently narrow as she caught sight of what Xenith seemed to be trying to signal towards. Four more beings high above even Xenith, barely visible from Jah'Ri's position on the ground, that looked rather similar to the one that had attacked her before the battle started. They seemed to be looking for an opportunity to swoop down onto Xenith, but she wouldn't be alone in that case if Jah'Ri could help it. All but forgetting about the battle ensuing around the mech, she sprinted over towards Xenith, glancing up, prepared to launch a jet of flame at Xenith's possible assailants as soon as they made a move. Finally, she refocused her attention on the more immidiate threat of the robot, unsure what she could do from here to help end it. her earlier attack and the all the other beings attacking it seemed be be enough though, thankfully.

@VioletShadow @NeverBetter

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Scrapmaster said:
- Hanz - The avatar of truth - Taking the Titan down.
Hanz was originally satisfied that the combined efforts of everyone could cripple the Titan mech...however. The thing just wouldn't stay down, and he was both saddened and enraged that the man had the nerve to wipe out the Orem army and innocent civilians from the village as well. He soon bursted with energy.

Soon followed after everyone's attacks at the cannon. His sword ignited in flames and light as he dashed at the arm firing the laser, but instead of attacking the cannon directly, Hanz aimed for the area between the shoulder and the arm, where possibly a joint would be located, if he could cut it off, he would sever the cannon from the main body.

Hanz dashed right into it at high speeds, and thrusting at it with all his might...and magic.


- Tolan - The hunter - too old for this shit.

Tolan was genuinely angered that Rais killed so many people from Orem, and civilians from the village as well, "Fucking son of a bitch!" He cursed, as he quickly regained his posture, well, whatever posture you can have while climbing a giant machine, which just fell on one knee.

Tolan wasted no time, he maneuvered around the mech quickly, and much like the others, he attacked the arm as well, but trying to find any unprotected area first, so his axe would do more damage. Quickly lunging on top of the cannon, Tolan began hacking away with his axe. his strenght enhanced with blood magic.


- Hektor - (not much to do here honestly)

Hektor carried Jenna to safety, thankfully he managed to dodge the blast...however, many citizens died. which made him stagger in surprise, also sadness, but he watched as the others attacked the cannon, and hoped their attack would be succesful.

Putting Jenna down, laying her back against a tree as he put her in a sitting position. "It needs be destroyed..." He said as his eyes glew bright yellow once again, as his cane began sparking with lightning, as he thrusted it in direction of the mech, aiming for its head, hoping it'd hit where Rais was. A concentrated, heavy bolt of lightning shot out of the cane, with quite the force behind it.

@NeverBetter @Pashpu

- Xicor - The cyborg - in a mech.

Xicor slammed his hand in frustration at what just happened. "Dammit..." He said as his analyzis's results arrived, Xicor pressed a few buttons as the Silver shroud transformed itself into an animal form. (assuming, silver shroud, has a wolf animal form, since I can't remember that being stated).

Using the increased maneuverability XIcor was originally going to attack the cannon itself, but seeing Hektor's attempt to hit the head...also prompted him to do so. After Hektor's attack hit (or missed...or did no damage :P ). Xicor ran at it with the Silver shroud, and pounced on its head, attacking it with whatever weapons the Silver shroud had in its animal form. Or just slamming into it would work too...

S̷o̕.̷́ ̷̷̢Y̢͘o̴u̷̡͏ ̢̢͡çh̨̀os͟e҉͠ ̨͠tǫ̸̡ ͠͏sa̛͏v̨̀e̢̡͘ ̕t́he̸̵̢m.̛ ͡H̵͞o͝w͠ ̷͞p͘͜e̵͢t͢t̕͞y̷,̧́͠ ̵̸͞t͢h̨èi͏r ̴̴͞f̴͟a̶t̴͟e̷̶, ̕lįk̀͢e a̧͞l̴l ̵͜mor̨҉̵t͜a̢͝l̴ ̨b͘͢eį͘nģ͏s̵҉,̛ ͢͝i̡͞ş̀ ͢t̷ơ ̶͞͠d̡i̸è̕.͜ ̡A̶n̶d̕ ̷͢ý͞e͘͏̶t̡̛ ̶͢y̧͘͢o͜͝҉u͏ ̷̢s͏̴t̸í̷͡l̷͞l҉̵ ̸d̛͠҉á́͝r̀e ̨͘t͟o̧͘ ̴t͢ŗ͘y ͏͠a҉nd̛ ̶ḩ͡é̶lp͜ ͜͠the͟͞m̷҉̨ c̶li͘ņg̶͡ ͏t̷͝o̧̧ ̀̕̕l̵͘̕i͢͞f̷̢é̶ ͠͡a͞͠ś ҉h̨͡a̸r̷͘d ̵̢̛as͝҉ t́he̢̨ỳ̶͟ ̷ć͝a̕͠ǹ.̵







̀͜͜I ̨̕ho̕͠p͏e̛͝d̶́ ́f̡or͏̡ ̷mo҉̨r͞e̷̷̷ ̛f͏̨͘r͝o̧̧m̸͠ ͏̷y̸o̢u͏͟ ͜l͘͝o̶̷t̶͝.͠҉͟..̛


Caesar's arrow is instantly disintegrated, the beam was far more powerful than a mere arrow could even touch. The tome flashes a bright light as it was opened, it's innermost secrets revealed to Ceaser in an instant (Critical Success)

Caesar gained total usage of the Tome of Light: "Sharuben". Though his skill with the spells will be rudimentary at the start, every spell seems like a familiar statement to him. The tome consists of mostly defensive spells, like light barriers and the like, however some minor beams of light and healing are also available. In the table of contents, it is made note that there are seven other books besides it with different properties.

Fia aimed right at the cockpit of the Titan Frame, and with all her willpower, melted a hole through the cockpit block, despite how thick it was, instantly killing Rais and the rest of the controls to the machinery. The beam's output is significantly lessened by this.

Bellaum's attempt to block entirely succeeds first three checks, meaning that so long as something lowers or stops the beam output, she will have no trouble holding the blast back. Fia already lowered the beam's power, decreasing it's stability, and resulting in a complete success on her part to block the beam.

(This is the big roll, guys. Because so many people are involved in the destruction of the cannon, the roll for it means that if even one of you crit, you all crit. This is also considered the first Daring action made in the game, so, good luck to you all.)

Through the combined efforts of Jah'Ri, Lyon, Xennith, Somrene, Tolan, and Hanz, the cannon itself is attacked with the force of an army of a million wide. There wasn't much the arm cannon could do, save explode in a bright, blue cloud of head and energy, taking the arm it came with into the smoke with it.

Xicor and Hektor's actions topple the machine entirely, the energy core is damaged in this assault, however, and will not be salvageable from the remains.

The fight was over.

The back of the Titan Frame exploded out in a column of fire of a blinding blue and dazzling red: Like ruby's and sapphires made into flames, which licked through the hole they oh so zealously created. Fia had probably saved the town with that alone. Rais had been vaporized in the instant of flames melting through the dense armor: He cursed under his breath as he felt the skin on his body burn away. He left nothing but ashes.

As this happened, six of our hero's took up the challenge directly: Throwing everything they had left in them, they smashed through the beam cannon: It exploded into a blindingly bright cyan plasma and ash grey smoke: The cannon was completely gone, and to boot, the explosion wasn't even a fifth as bad as it could have been: Fia's attack weakened the machine so much that the sparkly cloud was all it could muster after such an intense blast.

The blast itself crashed into Bellaum with the force of a truck: her barrier cracking and shaking with every second of holding the shot back. But it was enough, as the blue aura of energy subsided: It's sky-blue light dissipating from it's location. Cobbleblock was safe, albeit damaged, but safe. There wasn't anything more they could ask for.

P̤̱ͯ͌̊̓̏͗ͩ͘i̢̼̙ͫ̓͛̏ͪ̎̀̍͠t̴̞̝̥̞̲ͤͥͬ̋i̴̧̼̱ͤͯ̽̌̔̓f̢͉̟̣̝̜̊ͯ̔̎̊ͦ̏́ú̵̢̦͈́̐l̒̈ͧ҉̞͙̳̹̲̟̲͘ ͐ͤ҉͈͓͖͙̯d̡̨̝̦̲̳̹̭̒ͪͧ́ͩ̓ḭ̧̘͙̞͉̻̭̓͛͐̔͌̎̋͗l̵̼͕͔̘̹̝͉͈̇ͯ͟ṷ̬̩͎̠̘̈͛͘ṫ̛̺̰̘̬̟͙̔̉̽̄̀è̸̲̖̩̦̼͖͙͌ͭ̾͛̏ͤ͌̀ͅd͍̭͉̠͚̹͂̂͝ ̢͚̪͑͡f̧̲̬̹̤̊̂͆̐̐̎̿̾ǫ̺͖̣͙̑ͤ͛ͥͬ̈͜o̶͍̩̩̼͍͎̹̓̌ͬl͇͉͕̜̄̂̃ͩ͊̋ṣ͉̮̩ͪ̽.̴̳̞̭ͤ̏̃͐̾̾ ̢̢̭̻̟̟̟̺̗̼͒ͣ̿̓̈̾ͯP̤̱ͯ͌̊̓̏͗ͩ͘i̢̼̙ͫ̓͛̏ͪ̎̀̍͠t̴̞̝̥̞̲ͤͥͬ̋i̴̧̼̱ͤͯ̽̌̔̓f̢͉̟̣̝̜̊ͯ̔̎̊ͦ̏́ú̵̢̦͈́̐l̒̈ͧ҉̞͙̳̹̲̟̲͘ ͐ͤ҉͈͓͖͙̯d̡̨̝̦̲̳̹̭̒ͪͧ́ͩ̓ḭ̧̘͙̞͉̻̭̓͛͐̔͌̎̋͗l̵̼͕͔̘̹̝͉͈̇ͯ͟ṷ̬̩͎̠̘̈͛͘ṫ̛̺̰̘̬̟͙̔̉̽̄̀è̸̲̖̩̦̼͖͙͌ͭ̾͛̏ͤ͌̀ͅd͍̭͉̠͚̹͂̂͝ ̢͚̪͑͡f̧̲̬̹̤̊̂͆̐̐̎̿̾ǫ̺͖̣͙̑ͤ͛ͥͬ̈͜o̶͍̩̩̼͍͎̹̓̌ͬl͇͉͕̜̄̂̃ͩ͊̋ṣ͉̮̩ͪ̽.̴̳̞̭ͤ̏̃͐̾̾ ̢̢̭̻̟̟̟̺̗̼͒ͣ̿̓̈̾ͯ

It was finally over. They could breath again. The town was saved. The machines of war either long gone or destroyed. They had finally a chance to take a victory lap.
The chaos had been audible from quite a distance, and so as a result when Odile woke up in middle of nowhere without a single bit of knowledge as to who she was or where she had woken up, it had been able to catch her attention. As a point of fact, it had grabbed for her attention with all the tenacity of a desperate, drunken toddler with separation anxiety and clung just as fiercely. As a result, she found herself creeping through the terrain with thoughts cascading and churning in her mind. While she might have forgotten all about herself, she recognized the sound of war yet felt no sense of fear or reprehension.

Instead, the movements of her legs drew her more assuredly in the direction of the battle, her heart beginning to race as the shockwaves and flashes only grew louder and brighter. Her hands clenched as she ran, and the feel of something cool and heavy in her hand caused her to halt and examine what she was suddenly grasping.

In her hand rested a single how that appeared to be carved marble. The veins that ran through it and glowed were blatantly unnatural, and as she dropped it, the bow seemed to fade away entirely. A blink of confusion followed, and in that moment she noticed that the sound of fighting seemed to have stopped. With that she bolted, eager to see the conclusion of this fight and perhaps discover if the victors could make use of one more person.
an enormous hole burst through the back of the machine as fia burnt through it, the flames which had backed high up into the sky flew through it gratefully as the monster itself gave final dying sparks. fia felt a metaphorical cold run through her as she saw the flames exit out the back so easily, something in her stopping dead in it's tracks at the wild show of lights. it was over. before, she had just sat and waited, waited for someone to tell her it was okay to stop, but this time, it had been unnecessary. it was if she could feel it for herself. the monster was dead.

fia let herself collapse to her knees as she watched the body fully go. there was no more fear, no more tension. she didn't have to pay full attention to know that everyone was okay, that the beam had been stopped, but... what? she raised her hands to her face, a sudden anguish washing over her. why had this happened? she still had no answer to that question, and she knew now that she would never have any. the people that were dead were gone - the army who had fought for their lives, and the monster who had worked so hard to destroy them. nothing was left of either of them. so much was lost, for nothing. this had all amounted to nothing.

she wanted so much to let go of everything she felt, to give it tangible form and force it away from her, but she had nothing left in her to exert. not even tears would come. her body breathed so shallowly, as if preparing to sob, but as much as she wanted to do or to feel something, nothing happened. she slowly moved her hands away from her face, to around her arms, as if to hug herself. her breathing began to slow, as she quietly and slowly stumbled to her feet from where she had collapsed. she looked at the corpse with hard, distant eyes. fia did not feel righteous, or relieved, or even particularly happy. had she... done the right thing? it was over, but was this truly what she was supposed to do?

she slowly looked to the sun. she just didn't want to be here any longer. her limbs ached, and she felt truly and overwhelmingly exhausted. she wanted to be back at the library. back with her friends, back with jenna. she wanted to willingly fall sleep and just have another day start, one where she wasn't in the middle of something so perilous and terrifying. she just wanted some peace. all around her, people moved and began to go about new business, but fia didn't look particularly aware of any of it. she just started walking.
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"That went far better than I thought it would." Somrene said, a smile of relief coming to his lips. He stood up fully on the ground, stretching his arms towards the sky. He glanced over the body of the robot. Then he remembered what he had been doing originally. Looking for employment among one of the armies... And continuing both were decimated, that goal was clearly not going to be achieved anytime soon. Oops. Caesar snapped his book shut, a small smile creeping to his lips over the contents. They would be most helpful in the future. He also made his way to the ground, then ran his hand through his hair.

"Welllll.... Good job I guess. Glad we were able to stop this thing. Kinda unfortunate that the army had to get wrecked in the process though." He said genuinely, glancing from person to person to person. There were quite a few, and of all different types. A group of misfits if they ever existed. If anything, it would be tough to not make a friend. "I'm assuming we all have the same kinda deal? No memories, no ambition, no place to go?" He quickly deduced, especially from remembering a few from when he had originally awaken. "Could I suggest that we band together? A good ol' adventuring party? Oh, my name is Caesar by the way. Pleased to meet the bunch of you." Somrene glanced to the little man, and had to smiled.

"You have assumed correctly Caesar! My name is Somrene and I am homeless." The Gigant swiftly confessed. Caesar looked to the big guy, and his grin spread.

"See? Do homeless people band together? Is that like a thing? Just a pack of them?" Caesar asked, wondering. Lyon pulled Uzpeni from its sheath of twisted metal before turning back to the others. She changed bloods to Gray, her armor changing as usual.

"I don't know about flocks of homeless people." She answered his question as she looked over the group, her eyes lingering on the very handsome Nio for a second. "But I'm glad that we were able to do something to save the town. It's terrible that the army died though. My name is Lyon." She said, deciding not to mention her goal of the gems as of yet. Besides, that was more of an eventual thing... Really, continuing to help people like she had just done would be fulfilling enough for her.
The blast shook the unwavering angel to her core, but as soon as the attack hit, it was over. Belluam look up, her light barrier dissipating into thin air. The land was gray and barren. A smoldering husk of the Titan burning among the ashes of the fallen Oren army, with the only evidence of the army ever being present was there arms and armour.

Belluam's mouth was dry. Something was caught in her throat as she made an inaudible sound. As her hair blew in the now very present. Belluam descended to the gray earth, shaken. She threw off her helmet, her full head of golden hair now waving like a flag in the wind. Tears began rolling down her cheek as she gave a moment of silence to the fallen. It pained her to look upon the ashes. She then lit her self and the field afire with holy flame, raising her arms in the air and crying. "god in heaven! Please bless these poor souls with the gift of paradise, let them be cleaned of the sins with the Holy fire and be welcomed in the kingdom of the stars!" She yelled, praying hoping the whatever god was here heard her. Belluam then stood up, and wiped away her tears, turning to glare at Xenith, directing her misdirected anger and sorrow towards the vampire. Belluam the said a few words only the most ancient beings would understand. *"Mors ad te, Mors ad te, Mors ad te."

Four Angels way above, touch the very fabric of the sky, looked down bellow to the burning earth, as one of there own sends a prayer to the god of the bright heavens and stars. The eldest and wisest that wore a silk hood, to cover her head, smiled with joy as she watched the young warrior angel. Costos, the highest ranking angel of the group denoted by the red she wears, spoke it a gruff commanding tone, "Let us go." She said with narrowed eyes targeting the vampire that flies. The four Angels quickly grabbed Xentih, tackling her to the earth. The Angels without explanation pushed her back against the groun as the eldest angel held her hands tightly, yet not roughly. "Do not fight young one." the elder cautioned "We mean you no harm and this will only take a moment." She said again soothingly using her ability to attempt to put a calming affect on all beings in the vicinity. another Angel that wore noting on he head and looked rather young quickly grabbed a holy water vial and poured some on her amoured hand then flicked it across Xenith's face. "This will burn, but bare with it for a moment. Naun'ii, do it." The Elder told the young angel. Naun'ii then straddled the vampire, placing her forehead against Xenith. Naun'ii the young angel began to close her eyes and fell into a seemingly deep sleep, while a tiered calming affect began to sweep threw Xentih's body. While the two angels were occupied the other two more warrior Angels stood up raising their shields guarding the trio on the ground.

*(death be upon you)
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Tagged Users & Notes
@MsPolite I will post as Nio a bit later, as this post took forever, I'm tired and I haven't done my homework. (:'()

Xenith La Rosia


Her vision blurred, as the bright cloud of cyan and ash-grey smoke filled the air. It was an extravagant sight, almost too much for Xenith's weakened self to handle. It was a relatively peaceful ending to the conflict, despite it only lasting a few moments. Without warning, the sound of air whizzing past caught her ears. Immediately, she knew the angels had descended and were heading her way. As she attempted to evade the attack, she could feel her wound ripping farther along her stomach, which caused her enough pain to recoil, and staunch her actions. Her bandage was now a vivid red, almost entirely coloured crimson.

As she was slammed into the ground, wound still ripping further, her mind momentarily blanked with the pain, as she felt as if she was in the slowed, continuous motion of being heavily sliced. Her body didn't process the tackle very much, she felt it, but barely, as her mind was focused on her wound. Her bandage was now slowly dripping with blood, Nio's coat gradually becoming tainted crimson.

The angel's words were unprocessable, as she was struggling to remain conscious, especially from all the battling going on in one day, her body was fatigued and heavily burdened by the sudden force upon her. As the holy water was flicked onto her face, she flinched slightly from the sudden action, but grew accustomed to the pain within a few moments. Strangely, the water reminded her of something in the past, but she couldn't remember what... As the one known as Naun'ii gently placed their forehead against Xenith's, her weary body immediately fell to sleep, easily influenced by the calming affect.

*Unknown Realm*

The calming waves of the sea awoke Xenith from her slumber, as it's peaceful indigo colour changed it's shade. Beautiful, shining stars were etched into the heavens, each one unique and breath-taking. As she arose from her position, she easily noticed how endless the sea was, stretching vast distances farther than the eye could see. A beautiful sunset, frozen in time to last for all eternity, caught her view the most. Her entire environment had a peaceful, calming effect. As if to preserve the moment, Xenith merely sat still, and embraced the beautiful world she was suddenly thrust into. Her wings flapped calmly with a rhythmic pace, in order to keep her afloat. A figure caught her view, the one who had pressed their forehead against her's, as they began walking towards her, creating ripples as they calmly walked along the ocean.

"Be calm." the angel said in a soothing voice "We mean you no harm. I am here to communicate with you." Communicate? So, to re-open wounds, bruise and transport to another realm is how angels communicate? How peculiar... Xenith thought sarcastically, riled up by anger, frustration and confusion. She wasn't particularly interested in how they had entered a magical world, magic was practically unlimited in their natural world afterall. As if continuing her speech, she spoke once again "Xenith. That is your name? My name is Naun'ii a messenger of the angels. We have decided to communicate with you instead of eradicate you, for two fold reasons. One, we wanted to see if you are a pure-blood Vampire, or a human transformed into a vampire. When we witnessed you our first impulse was to slay you but then we notice you were fighting with the humans. We could not comprehend why a being of darkness would help them. But now i see. I've searched your memories, and find that like us, you have no memories. So that brings me to our second reason. We want to make a pact with you. Because of your valiant effort in fighting and your nature to do good, we ask that you and your kind not feed on Any humans. And in return we will heal you and not slay you or your kind. But if you break this pact, Blood will be spilled."

In silence, Xenith contemplated the angel's words. Much of it was a surprise to her, some of which confused her as well. "Please elaborate on what you mean by 'not feed on any humans', if we do not feed on anything we will die. If you mean not to kill, that is what we have always aimed to do as a society. Ones that have killed innocent beings are outcasted as criminals. I presume you do not know too much about us, as a race. Let me give you a few more bits of information, you may find useful." For a little break in speech, she gave a short sigh. "Vampires have many different ways to feed, but most follow their own schedule and stay with it. The majority feed off their close friends, no matter the race, which satiates their thirst. Some, who do attack random humans, either erase their memories afterwards, or kill them, and become known as criminals. Of course there are deviations, and entirely different methods, but there would be too many to name, most of which I am not too knowledgeable about." Xenith thought silently, wondering if she had missed something. There was a high probability of that happening, but she decided to leave it to the angel to ask. As her mind drifted, she wondered how the other world was doing...

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(Time for my post)


@VioletShadow @MsPolite @DergTheDergon @NeverBetter


- Xicor - the cyborg - Probably being the most productive of the group.

As the battle ended Xicor felt both relief, and regret...for both the fact that the town was hit and many civilians lost their lives, but also that there was nothing remotely undamaged on the titan mech that could be salvaged, that power core looked mighty fine. But he remembered something. That transport that brought the frames in...maybe that had something within it?

Xicor soon maneuvered his mech, still in wolf form to the Seliian transport, its size was quite big, and best of all, it was undamaged, so loot would surely come off it, hopefuly.

he did look at the conflict happening between the angels and the others, and sighed. "Can't have five minutes of silence...eh, they'l deal with it." Xicor said as he got out of the Silver shroud. And began to head inside the selian transport. Preparing a total scan of the machine and what was inside of it.

He didn't know what he'd find inside...it did look unmaned anyway.

- Tolan - The hunter - Time for blood.

Tolan managed to land safely onto the ground, thankfully he didn't seem phased at the size of the being they just took out, he was more focused on what happened to the town. He oh so hated collateral damage, and this pissed him off quite a bit, he could feel his blood boiling to some extent, and considering he had blood magic...blood boiling probably wasn't good.

He saw the angels and some of them assisted in taking the machine down, but he just could not feel safe around them, specially since if they saw his power they'd try to kill him on sight.

But something happened, something very, very bad happened, Angels happened, and they tackled Xenith to the ground, something he wasn't pleased by, even though he didn't inherently liked the girl, he still owed her somewhat. So it clearly angered him more...and this wasn't good.

"What the heck..." He muttered as he felt his heart beating harder, as blood began rushing through his body at a much faster rate, and he could feel...a certain bloodlust? this confused him, but his thoughts were clouded with rage, not only did a town get nearly wiped, but angels are trying to burn someone he knew with holy water, this just could not stand.

"Gr.........." He said putting his hands in his head for a few seconds before a burst of blood energy was cast around him, as a...devilish, blood aura enveloped him.

Without a second of interval Tolan charged at the shielding angels, at impressive speeds, zig zagging, dashing all over while he closed the gap, to keep the angels disoriented as he pulled out his axe and dashed at the one in the right.

Tolan dashed but he didn't swing, instead he kicked the shield with extreme force, with blood magic bursting on impact, increasing the force behind it as he used the momentum to bounce off the shield and maneuver towards the other angel, as he slashed down with his axe as he fell on top of him, with quite the force behind him. "You sons of bitches call yourselves angels?! she helped save the city and you attempt to burn her? fight someone who can fight back you pieces of shit, FIGHT ME!" Tolan shouted at them

Tolan was certainly pissed...

Blood rage mode looks (just the aura, also red eyes from inside his helmet)

- Hanz - Avatar of truth - Just what he needed -

Hanz was both relieved and saddened that the mech fell...too many lives were lost, and that he also came at too late. "If I had come soone-" Before he could finish his sentence the angels attacked Xenith.

Hanz did not have time to rest, or go back to his human form, and this form was taking quite the toll on his stamina, but he would hold out for a few extra moments, specially now that he had a situation to disarm.

Hanz did not think twice about charging at the angels, however Tolan had already lunged at them with full force, this allowed Hanz to pass by the two shielding angels unnanounced as he dashed at the main group, who were pining Xenith down.

Hanz did not want to attack, nor did he want to hurt them, however. He had to get them off her. Swiftly using the momentum from his dash, and his size and strenght, he used the momentum to shoulder charged one of the angels who were pinning Xenith down, possibly knocking him away unharmed, as he did not put much force behind it, as before the angels could finish their reaction Hanz already had his sword at the back of the elder's head.

"I demand you cease your actions right now...mistress. This 'vampire' assisted in preventing further deaths and countless innocent casualties. I till not Tolerate you harming her, especially when she did not do anything against any of you...else that man is possibly going to kill one of you..." Hanz vocie was serious, and very, very deep and menacing to some extent, his aura however felt as if it was made of pure light energy.

- Hektor - The gentleman - New acquaintances.

Hektor was still with Jenna, watching over her hoping she'd recover, as he heard someone through the bushes. As she arrived into the battlefield Hektor turned to her. "Salutations, I don't believe I know you, no matter. The threat has been taken care of, what brings you here miss?" Hektor spoke to her in his ever so polite and classy mannerisms. Motioning at the giant, now destroyed mech to prove his point. "Although we are having some trouble with angels..."
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Jah'Ri glanced around the battle field all around her, feeling a small amount of weight fall off her shoulders as th others around her came to terms with thier victory, rummaging the battlefiedl for loot, chatting amongst themselves. Despite the fat the Oren army was obliterated, the Republic still was defeated in the end. Jah'ri then hada terrifying thought... Xai'Kah was nowhere to be seen amomgst the others, and the las ttiem she saw him... ehr eyes widened in fear. H was fighting among the fontlines in the Oren army. The place where they all, Xai'Kah and his plantoid friend included, once stood was... empty. Jah'Ri sook with the sadness of losing her friend, there seemed to be no way he was alive. Still, she simply stayed nearby Xenith however much she wanted to look for him... the figures above her seemed as though they were waiting for a moment to strike.

The way they struck caused Jah'Ri to momentarily panic, and then boil with rage. They seemed to know exactly how to premptively counteract Jah'Ri's prepared fire Volley, which was swoop down onto Xenith from above swiftly, surrounding her and giving Jah'Ri no feasible opening to attack without possibility of harming Xenith further. They pinned her down quite a ways from where Jah'Ri was standing ,rather swiftly as well. Jah'Ri heard Xenith's cries of pain as she was tackled from above, causing her to seethe for a moment ,unsure of what action to take that wasn't liabble to harm Xenith in the enraged state these self-entitled angels put her in.

However, she had to act. Jah'Ri found herself sprinting towadrs the shielded angels that surrounded Xenith, hate and fury towards this injustice and its perpetrators in her eyes. No words came to her, just a simple, bestial growl, a scream of rage and terror, that echoed throughout the battlefield quite literally like a dragon's raor. Jah'Ri didn't remember ever making a noise of this volume and intensity in all her memories, including the fragments of those long past, in antoehr world... even during the battle earlier, such a bestial, primal roar was not issued from her motuh, nor anything close to it.

Glancing to the side where she heard another pair of rushing footsteps for just a moment, she caught an equally angry pale-skinned being with crimson and darkness now surrounding him in a glowing aura, charging in the same direction. Good. Someone else just as outraged at this, and simply being near him it was clear he was powerful and strong. Angels beware. As Tolan charged at the shield-wielding angel to the right, Jah'Ri pounced onto the one on the left, tackling them to the ground and holding them there, one claw on thier neck. Looking up at the scene in front of her, she glalred at the angel holding Xenith in what seemed like a trance his forehead pressed against her own. "Release her at once unless you wish Jah'Ri to dismember you! RELEASE HER OR DIE!"

@MsPolite @Scrapmaster @VioletShadow

Jenna Soloven


Jenna was falling. She was falling through a chasmless pit, an endless tunnel, and she kept spiraling down and down....then she hit the bottom. Thump. She had landed in some glistening, hard substance. With a gasp she realized they were bodies of the warriors, covered with blood. Jenna tried to move but her body wouldn't respond properly and all of a sudden she was staring into the face of an angel....so bright....so deadly. And the angel's face transformed into Fia's. Fia smiled at her and said something loud. She was shouting now. "Jenna! Jenna!"

Jenna blinked. Everything seemed to swirl into focus around her. It had been a dream, just a dream. She was lying back-down on the battlefield, in an awkward position. Someone, or something was hovering in front of her...Hektor! She moved the front of her body up but her vision was blurry and she was still a little disoriented. She lunged and grabbed Hektor's arm to steady herself.

What had just happened? Jenna dug inside her thoughts, remembering. She had been shot by the Machine. She had thought she was going to die. She rubbed the side of her body where she had felt the blow, expecting to feel a sharp pain or something, but there was nothing there. Just some soreness from lying down so long.

"Hektor," said Jenna suddenly, realizing why he was standing beside her. Agh, her voice was so hoarse. "You must have saved my life. Thank you." She sat up, feeling better now, and feeling grateful that he had thought to save her and carry her out of here. Looking around, she noticed that the action seemed to have died down considerably. There were no soldiers fighting anymore, and the corpses of the machines lay strewn all around. Was the war over? "What happened while I was uh...passed out? Is everyone still okay?" she asked. By everyone, she mostly meant Fia, but she felt some fear for her other odd companions too. Please say yes, Hektor....

Just then, two figures walked over from the battlefield, a girl she had not seen before, and a very large man. Hektor spoke to them in his usual overly polite way. "Salutations, what brings you here?" he was saying. Also something about trouble with angels.


@Scrapmaster @Yuffie Kisaragi

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Nio Magnetus


Perhaps it was his tired conscious, which was the cause. Or possibly he was distracted by the armour-shifting female, or the fact that the sun was in his eyes, or that the blue smoke cloud was perfectly positioned to ruin his view of Xenith. No matter how many excuses Nio came up with, he knew, this mistake would be something he would regret for a long time.

As he heard her cries of pain, his eyes widened as the smoke finally cleared, suddenly faced with a new situation. Fury boiled within him, growing more and more powerful, as his shocked mind recovered. Despite that it was something he was meant to expect, especially from the signals from Xenith, his mind didn't process the dangers enough, subconsciously wanting to keep the peace

His eyes glowed a beautiful fuchsia, as his aura grew ever colder. As he took steps towards the angels, he left a trail of frozen ice, the atmosphere around him practically freezing from the cold. Icicles formed on the trees nearby, sharp, and deadly. He glanced towards Tolan and Jah'Ri, who were taking care of the defending angels, barely taking notice as he slowly walked towards Hanz and the elder. Paying no mind to Hanz at all, not even a simple glance or nod, he fiercely grabbed the angel's left wing, and began to freeze it.

The pure white colour of the wings swiftly changed to a dull blue-tinted ash grey, it's feathers appearing dead-like. As clumps of feathers froze, Nio sadistically began tearing them off, rage practically seething through his fingers. His expression remained the same, however, the aura and appearance changed drastically. One look at his bright-pink eyes, and you could feel the anger piercing your soul. Occasionally, he would glance with a softer look towards Xenith, wondering what had happened, as it appeared as if she had merely fallen asleep. As his eyes caught the other unconscious angel however, his rage continued.

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(I'm back)

Muro's ears rang at the sound of the explosion, the huge metal thing for lack of a better word,had been obliterated by the group, Muro wished he could have done more to help, but he guessed he played a role in the destruction. But just as he thought there could be some calm, no. Some angels had decided to attack Xenith, which in turn caused them to be attacked by the others. They hadn't seemed to help much, they had just been, there, and now they were attacking, Why? To Muro, this was pointless, they were being attacked for seemingly no reason, only little children or madmen would try to hurt someone for no reason at all, as far as Muro knew, perhaps they did have a reason, perhaps it was a simple misunderstanding of some kind, either way, it needed to stop. This fight could only end in death, Muro would not get involved in the bloodshed, nor did he want to see it happen to others.

Muro screamed at the top of his lungs to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone!" He yelled. "Stop this! Now! It is foolish, stop trying to blindly kill each other, we must work together to survive, not tear each other apart, who knows what other threats we may have to face? We need as many alive to assist each other as possible! Please, I implore you to see past your differences, for all our sakes!"

Muro desperately hoped this speech would work to calm the others, it sickened him to watch this fighting, this pointless violence.





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Naun'ii the Messenger

*within another realm*

Naun'ii smiled, glad to see Xenith at least was a civilized vampire. She stepped forward again feeling Xentihs's emotion and thought flow threw the air. "Xenith, be at ease." Naun'ii said with a smile as she put a hand on Xenith shoulder. "You may not know but all thoughts and emotion are transparent here, that's why we want to speak with you, so there is trust and no hiding behind masks and lies. My thoughts are yours and your thoughts are mine." Naun'ii suddenly pulled Xenith into a hug. "You see? You can trust me, I'm not as strict as the others. Now this pact... We are obligated to protect humans from undead. So that being said we don't want you to feed at on humans specifically. Other races are not our concern. Humans are our prime directive."

Naun'ii extended her hand for a hand shake. "Will you Forge this pact with us?" Suddenly everything went white. The sea of stars and the sunset disappeared leaving an eerie blankness. Naun'ii then dissappear ed and the world crumbled, fazzing out of existence.


Naun'ii awoke on her back, her vision hazzy from he abrupt end to the communication. She sat up, noticing the sounds of clashing steel, yell and angry roars, then a cry of utter fear and pain. Naun'ii looked to her right and saw Caedes pinned underneath the claws of a humiod reptilian, then looked to her left to find froSt encroaching on Consilium's wing. Again Naun'ii looked past Xenith and witnessed Costos doing battle with another being enveloped in darkness. This was all wrong she thought. These ignorant mortals so quick to anger... She then yelled for the last angel, one she knew but had yet to meet. "Belluam help!" Naun'ii cried then running to knock over the lizard pinning Caedes.

Costos the Commander

Costos raised her shield deflecting the would be fatal blow. The warrior angel smiled at the taunts has a battle fury began to swirl in her eyes.

"I will gladly fight you, demon SPAWN!" Costos yelled back as she swung her shield to push away the attacker. "You ignorant mortal. Such a small mind you have, cannot even conceive any other thoughts but war and battle. Now taste ,e steel heathen!" Costos roard, slashing her sword down at the perpetrator.

Caedes the Soldier

Caedes felt a great weight being lifted from her chest. She quickly got up seeing Naun'ii was dealing with the lizard. Caedes the flapped her red wings and zoomed at high speed causing a thunderous clap boom threw the air. She flew directly at the two threatening Consilium the angel attempting to heal the wounded vampire although Caedes would rather killer the vampire now. Caedes stuck her arms out pulling the avatar of light and the vampire of frost away preventing further harm to the healer. After two seconds of high speed flight she let go of the two enemies as they were now away from the others a bit and closer to Belluam. Caedes sprinted forward lunging with her sword pointed towards the light avatar.

Consilium the Advisor View media item 8701

Once Xenith and Naun'ii were in the deep telepathic slumber she moved to Xentihs's side and tore her garment a bit to get a better view of her wound. It was bad. She went to work immediately. Her hands began to glow an aqutic blue while she traced the wound with her hamds. The would d began to mend at a faster rate than normal but would still take considerable time.

"I demand you cease your actions right now...mistress. This 'vampire' assisted in preventing further deaths and countless innocent casualties. I till not Tolerate you harming her, especially when she did not do anything against any of you...else that man is possibly going to kill one of you..." a deep heavy voice sounded off. "You do not understand being of light..." Consilium began but suddenly Consilium felt a sharp cold pain. Her eyes widen in fear and shock as she bare witnessed to a clump of frozen feather fall from her wing.. the elder shrieked in horror and pain. It hurt so much, that she tried to pull away but the agony was coursing through her wing. "S-stop, oh god please stop.." tears began rolling down her eyes as she begged the vampire that were pulling out her feathers. She couldn't feel part of her wing anymore.. The elder began to hyperventilat as she sobbed like a child, her beautiful pure white wing, was turing a dull ugly gray. But suddenly the vampie and avatar was out of her sight. Where she went she didn't care as she began to crawl away and grabbed her injured wing nursing trying to heal it while she cried. It was like witnessing a nightmare born to life watching ice corrode her wing... "not again... "she mumbled threw her tears.. "not again not again.." Consilium was terrorfied of frost magic, as if she had had a traumatic event in her past with it... but she couldn't remember. She knew though this had happened before....

Belluam the Justicar

"Belluam Help!" Belluam stood at attention looking towards the plea for help and saw other angel in need of her. Without another thought she flew to assist her siblings. Coming across one Angel with red wings facing two opponents. Belluam dove down to face the other that was not occupied and notice that the area had become rather chilly. She then realized the Nio the vampire was fighting and using his frost magic. Belluam's eyes widen with fear as her breath was caught in her throat. Belluam hesitate as she raised her spear, then threw fire at Nio the vampire like she was panicked."Burn fiend" she screamed.

(@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster @DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex )
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Odile had been creeping slowly closer, but as she slipped quietly through the bombed out city streets she began to hear something. It was softer, but unmistakable. The fighting had started again, raging anew. Her heels picked up, and she stepped lightly as she got up close only to bear witness to the chaos that was unraveling between the combatants. Four people with wings were in a battle against several without, and it seemed that the greater numbers consisted of those without wings. As she watched the ongoing struggle, she once again felt the tainted cosmic energy materialize in her hand as a bow, even though she was not yet aware of where it had come from or how.

She raised it, tugging listlessly on the string. She had some idea of how it should work, but knew that without a projectile of some sort to be fling by the string that it was essentially worthless for its intended purpose. However, while she stood there playing with the string the fighting was only getting worse. Angrily, she tugged on the string with a jerk.

To Odile's surprise, the veins that ran along the bow fed out where her hand grabbed the string, and as she pulled back in frustration the liquid inside that had been fluctuating spat outward to touch the pulled back metal, forming right there in front of her into a white tri-pointed arrow with black feathers. Feeling confidence, she waited to see who the likely winner of the dust-up would be.

@VioletShadow @MsPolite @Scrapmaster @DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex

Jah'Ri continued pinning the angel down, eyes burning with her anger. She intended to kill this one, then another, then another, until they were either all dead or had let Xenith go. All of a sudden, she felt a swift kick to her side, snapping her out of her bloodlust. It was clear she needed to be more aware and careful with these foes, it was clear they were not pushovers. Seeing that the angel that got up was not heading towards Xenith laying on the ground, Jah'Ri focused all her attention on the angel that hit her. "You were the one keeping Xenith in trance... if you simply leave, Jah'Ri not kill you. Others may back as well. Jah'Ri not understand your intention, but it seemed you wished Xenith harm. I hear your brethren calling Jah'Ri's comrades small of mind, heathen, fiend... but we simply wish to quell threat we see to one of us." Her tone of voice was cold, even and predatory.

Then, Jah'Ri glanced over to Xenith now that she had a clear view without the one she had been pinning down blocking her from seeing her friend. There was an angel by her side, her wings being torn by a furious Nio. She had been kneeling beside Xenith moments earlier... what had she been doing? Either way, she did not attempt to fight Nio back unlike her brethren. She seemed so genuinely afraid, Jah'Ri's eyes glistened with a hint of sympathy, which only deepened looking back at Xenith. "Jah'Ri protect Xenith until this is over," she said to the angel who had confronted her. "Jah'Ri harm no others unless they try to harm her." Jah'Ri's bloodlust had been overwhelmed by her people's other strong instinct: to protect those close to them.

The others were holding the angels off, yet no one was ensuring the safety of the one they were fighting for. Granted others may have other motives, but jah'Ri herself had certainly intended to fight for Xenith's sake, until she saw the pale, fair being still lying upon the ground, defenseless as violence raged around her. If Naun'ii or any of the other angels attacked Jah'Ri, it was clear she no longer had intention to fight. She stood in front of Xenith, watching the fighting around her with awareness. She hissed and made threatening gestures towards those that came near Xenith showing hostile intent. If they followed through with an attack towards Jah'Ri, Jah'Ri would wince or cry out in pain but not fight back, afraid that in her rage she would lose awareness of Xenith and something would happen to her. She had made up her mind. She would stay here, standing guard over Xenith, only attacking if an angel made a move towards Xenith herself.

At a point when the coast seemed mostly clear, Jah'Ri would turn around and lean over Xenith, protecting her with her scales, bearing the pain of any attacks leveled at her so as they would not so much as graze Xenith. Leaning over Xenith so that her neck was positioned in front of Xenith's mouth, Jah'Ri whispered close to her ear. "Xenith, drink. Replenish your strength. Jah'Ri protect you."

@MsPolite @VioletShadow
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