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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Jenna Soloven


Jenna is now a rhino. A massive, adult rhino. It is utterly absurd..She can feel the sheer weight and bulk of her body, as well as her two companions sitting on top of her.

At the first few moments of her transformation, she felt a huge explosion. The battlefield had been torn apart by some kind of force- and it looked like the human soldiers (were they the Republic the Librarian mentioned) had retreated. She heard cheers coming from the ranks of the dragon-people and the vampires. Had they won the war? Was that it?! It seemed way too quick…. but if it was, then that was fantastic!

Hektor was now poking at her with a cane, prodding her forward. She headed towards the forest, where it seemed he wanted her to go. She wasn’t quite sure why, maybe it was to take shelter or something. Or maybe Fia was there. Either way, he seemed to know what he was doing, so she quickened the pace into a light charge.

Xicor was fidgeting around on Jenna’s back, which was a bit ticklish. She wished there was some way to tell him to stop. But his next words stopped any other irrelevant thoughts she had. “I picked up something on my scanner,” he said. “…highly technological...powerfu-...the selians have arrived."

Who? Jenna froze in her tracks. She looked around, and there in the distance not too far away, she could see huge men walking forward…..no, not men. Robots. Tall, armored robots, looking like skeletons and armed with some sorts of guns. It seemed the Republic was down, but not out. She heard Hektor gasp on her back.

This was not good. At all. The war should have ended, but the Republic had restarted it. She backed up, slowly..Ouch! Something had zapped right into her side! It was one of the lasers from the robots. It fired at her again, but managed to miss her by an inch.

Jenna could feel the anger surging in her. Her human self would have run away, but as a rhino she felt somehow much more bold. Much more ANGRY. They think they can fire at her without consequences? They think they can start the war again, putting the lives of people she cared for in danger?

She charged at full speed at the smaller row of machines, feeling the wind at her back, and the massive weight she was carrying, knowing how devastating it would be when she hit...


With pure force she managed to knock two of the smaller robots backwards into the ground. Jenna steadied herself and prepared for another round.


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"Xai..." Jaighed was surprised when another Dragonborn similar to her scaly companion hollerd at the duo. It was a surprise mainly due to the fact... well, this feminine being appeared to have a brighter aura than some of her warrior-companions. She seemed to embrace being herself and to live every moment to the fullest it could be. At least, it appeared that way due to brightness and glimmer to her eyes. Jaighed was a bit saddened to find herself envious of the sturdy woman. Not to mention... all her replies and actions she had prepared to respond to her reptilian friend quickly slipped from the grasp of her mind to become vague strands of nonsense.

So, in order to get right to the point, she decided to longer wait behind in Xai's shadow and rather become a presence - not just a flitting image or passing thought. She was going to make herself known here and now. Lives depended on that she did, along with the balance of life.

"Do you have the man-child called Nio with you? We has, have a plan to possibly inhibit the enemy," the plantiod's voice raises with each word, that is, until she catches it only to immediately lower it again, "If he could freeze the metal centipede and cause it to shrink enough, it will crush itself."

Jaighed hoped with all her being they did have him, or at least knew his location. If they did not have such knowledge, well, then they would just have to look for him until they discovered him. Then, in a quick glance, she found herself staring directly at the man Xai had described.

Porcelain pale, with a frosty mop of hair. She did not realize
this was him. That this was the one that had been so intrigued by her in the library. Small world she supposed. She had been in fact, thinking of the one on the stairs. A small shudder sends her body trembling - though only barely noticeable, as she was reminded of what had laid within the library.... She once again meets his red eyes, uttering a single word.


@DergTheDergon @VioletShadow
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as fia ran, she noticed the reptilian-ish woman turn to look behind her, as if to appraise her, and then keep going, as if only to acknowledge her presence. it felt kinda rude, but it was understandable - if she was as dedicated to looking for this xenila as nio seemed to be, then she probably wouldn't want to slow down for anything. though, with how many people after them, fia was beginning to think 'xenila' must be a person. it didn't seem to fia like objects would be seen as so sacred, hold so much importance as nio and the person in front of her showed this. good! or, not good. a person was so much more exciting, if unfortunate. fia couldn't wait to meet them! what would a person so endeared be like?

in her haste, fia suddenly tripped, toppling over. ouch. wasn't exactly ideal to hit the ground going as fast as fia had been going. for a moment, fia's head swam, struggling to pull her head from the dirt. it wasn't easy, when it was hard enough to tell which way was up. she didn't think it was from hitting her face that hard, though, it may have helped. it let up after a moment, though, and she clears the dirt from her eyes. as she's getting on her knees to pull herself up, though, she notices that the minisun is very bright. before, it was only a very faint glow in her pocket, hardly noticeable, but now it glowed brilliantly, it's full radiance visible even through the fabric of her dress. exciting! as she rises to her feet, she takes it out to admire it, spinning around with it as she does. it was really, really bright and really, really warm. when fia blinks, black spots start to form behind her eyelids, even. maybe a little too bright. she starts to put it away, and when she does, it suddenly hits her.

"xenila?!" it's more of an exclamation of surprise than a question at this point. she looks around, realizing the woman from before was no longer in sight. oh! that was bad. at the very least, fia knew what direction she had been running in, so she took off that way again, as if nothing had happened. luckily for her, she did manage to find the woman, eventually, and a whole parade of others. wow! this xenila was really popular! "nio." oh! plant lady was back, too. and nio, she guessed. she looked at the face of the plant lady, and followed her gaze to nio, with xenila, presumably, on his back. fia audibly gasped, immediately starting to run excited circles around nio.

"is this xenila?!" she asks, forgetting all formalities and going straight to the question. her eyes, which were already pretty open with some strange look in them, got even wider at the sight of this lady. on looks alone, she could see why everyone was so concerned over her. she was an unnerving pale, almost as if nio had crafted her himself, but otherwise very beautiful. "she's very pretty! i'm glad she's safe!" like an overeager dog, she continues to make circles around nio and the woman, blinking in the realization of a couple of things. she stops her circling, and stands squarely in front of nio, her wide eyes suddenly filled with curiosity and... did they look glassy?

"hey...! she's okay, right? she looks de- pale! anyway, is she light? she looks kind of light, but you're kind of..." she laughs a bit, rocking on her feet. her eyes go wide for a second, realizing the laugh might have been a little rude, before backtracking. "sorry! anyway, she looks pale. and you're carrying her. does she need help? i could help?" she points to xenila, and then to herself, as if trying to get the point across. her eyes suddenly catch a glimpse of jah'ri, and she looks over, and smiles. "oh, hi again! you're pleasantly warm!" she starts to circle jah'ri, this time backwards. fia didn't realize how hot she was running herself - from the distance she was standing from jah'ri, she likely felt like a cozy firepit.

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Tagged Users

Xenith La Rosia & Nio Magnetus


At Jah'Ri's sudden rage, Nio merely looked down on her, with a few disappointed words. "I thought you were more intellectual than that." Did she really think I hadn't thought about that? "Don't underestimate me. I refuse to tell you my explanation." Of course, he cared for her. He desperately wanted to keep her safe, despite her ability to dive headfirst into danger. His heart was torn between both sides, the need to keep her safe and the need to keep her soul. Always, he tried to balance it out. Perhaps his words from earlier, were a fling of emotion. That didn't change the fact that he wanted to leave the battlefield though. All the vampires were safe, so he didn't see the purpose in staying in this area any longer.


"Nio...I'm grateful that you care for me. However, there are times I will do dangerous things. In those events, I hope you will not stop me, but rather join me. In any case, I will try to do less reckless things in the future." Xenith suddenly spoke, a quiet voice explaining her opinion on the matter.

She didn't realize how much Nio cared for her, until now. She was grateful to have such caring friends, it warmed her heart, despite it usually being cold. She was also confused as to why everyone was so intent on destroying the Selias army. Their mission had already been completed, as the vampires were successfully being evacuated. However, if Jah'Ri chose to stay, so would Xenith. She helped her many times in the past, hopefully this would be part of the repayment.

"I'll only help, if Xenila i-" A sudden dizzy spell hit him, causing him to grasp his head in pain. No matter where he looked, everything began to turn blurry. The blood loss is finally taking it's toll....But isn't this...too sudden? "Xenila?" He tried to get her attention, despite the tiny whisper which was barely audible. "I'm..sorry." As the last words left his lips, he blacked out.

As Xenith began falling to the ground with Nio, a sudden flash of darkness appeared. Her wings had materialized, managing to carry herself and Nio in her arms. A regretful look was in her eyes,
I shouldn't have drunk so much...I'm the one that should be sorry. With a soft sigh, she began kneeling on the floor with Nio situated on her lap. She thought it would be rude to leave the conversation as it just started, and decided to wait a little longer before taking him inside. Rest was all that was needed to recover from his particular blood loss anyway. Suddenly, an unfamiliar figure caught her eye. She had barely noticed she was there, which angered Xenith slightly. My senses have become lax, I should train some more. She wanted to be a role model for the other vampires, therefore training was necessary. Realizing an earlier comment was aimed at her, she nodded a minor thank you. Finally, she began asking the question that had been on her mind for a while.

"Why are you three, so intent on destroying the Selias side? I'm not trying to say it's a negative project, I'm merely confused about your motives."

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fia blinked, listening to bits of conversation she had no context for. she simply seemed content, looping around jah'ri as she took it all in. she may have been a little too consumed in her looping though, because one moment nio's standing upright and another he's down for the count. at very least, xenila seemed to be alright, anyway. fia suddenly stops, looking over to her as she flew up a little and carried nio back down. "good night, nio!" she says cheerfully, waving to his unconscious body. she simply continues looping jah'ri, as if he had simply drifted off to sleep. he was... probably fine. maybe he'd feel better after he got some sleep?

at xenila's question, she's a little at a loss. not that it was directed toward her, but now that she considered it, she's not really sure why she came out here, other than for her sake. but now that she seemed to be okay, was there a point in staying? she did still want to participate, because it seemed like what she should be doing, but doing what? she wasn't really told she had to advocate for a 'side', nor was she clear on what any of this would accomplish. honestly, she wanted to know why anyone was fighting, too. she wanted to do the right thing, help people in anyway she could, but... no matter what she did, wouldn't she be hurting someone else? she considered this bit of logic as she looped, a thoughtful look on her face.

@DergTheDergon @VioletShadow
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Jah'Ri and Xai'Kah

Jah'Ri was confused at Nio's words, expecing more of an emotional reaction from him. Besides, the way he spoke confused her. Intellectual? She'd never heard that word in her lfe, and had no idea what it meant. Considering the way she spoke and how single-minded most of her opinions and ideas were, even if she did know what it meant she wouldn't believe it applies to her in truth. Mental fortitude was more the area of Xentih's expertise, which is part of the reason Jah'Ri adored her so. She respected deeply her knack for tactics and such, but had no grasp of them herself. Jah'Ri simply narrowed her eyes at Nio's response, only serve to tick her off further. . "Jah'Ri shouldn't have expected a straight answer..." she said callously, under her breath. She decided to drop the issue for now, especially since Xenith herself decided to address the issue in a clearer manner than Jah'Ri herself could.

As jah'Ri walked with Nio and Xenith, she began to see Xai'Kah near the tent off in the distance. Even from here, she could tell it was him before he even called out to her as he did. As the three of them approached, Xai'kah found himself looked towards Jaighed as she took in the sight before her, and addressed Nio. The look in her eyes was concerned to him, especially as she gaze at Jah'Ri. She seemed... disheartened somehow. Just as Xai was about to ask what was bothering the Plnatoid, jah'Ri had already approached. Xai let his gaze fall back upon Jah'Ri for now, deciding to ask his question of Jaighed later.

Jah'Ri looked to Jaighed at her question, and simply nodded towards the white-haired boy carrying Xenith on his back. "Yes. He is here. Why does plantlike one ask for him?" She asked curiously. At her explanation, she looked confused but then nodded. If he could help fight this looming foe, then perhaps it wa neccasary. Though, jah'Ri doubted that he'd help.

Jah'Ri was distracted from this conversation as the girl she had seen following her earlier, also looking for Xenith it would seem, began circling around the group excitedly. The gril spoke just as fast as she circled Jah'Ri, to the point where jah'Ri could not get in any words edgewise at the girl, until she greeted Jah'Ri. "Ah, hello again... what is your name?" Jah'Ri asked the girl, as she noticed the air around her growing hotter, her eyes circling with her as she spun and spun, drawn to some sort of glowing mass beneath the fabric of the girls' clothing. "And what is your power? Jah'Ri senses warmth... perhaps you are other flamebearer?" Jah'Ri knew no words such as 'pyromancer' or any other that Fia would most likely consider herself, so she went with the closest word to what she was asking. She found herself intrigued by this girl, and thankfully distracted by the rather dire circumstances of this basttle by her. "Ah, and what is that?" Jah'Ri asked curiously, pointing to the minisun tucked beneath Fia's dress, moving her clawed finger with Fia's movements until her question was answered.

When Nio suddenly fell unconscious, Xai'Kah looked at him, eyes wide for a moment. He had looked rather pale, but what happened? Xenith seemed assured all he needed was rest, but considering that this essentially renders Jaighed's plan entirely undoable it was still disheartening. Turning towads the plantwoman himself, he sadi in a consoling voice, "I am sorry Jaighed but... it may be best to pull back. I would not want to to be hurt for this seemingly unwise battle, nor Jah'Ri or the others here. Our lives are important to keep, and risking them at this point in times seems... very unwise." He looked over Jaighed with

Jah'Ri looked towadrs Xai'kah in utter surprise as he said that, and honestly lookedd rather angry. "After all the suffering and destruction they have caused, you would not fight them to the last?! Jah'Ri wonders if you are truly Dragonborn!" Despite her words, her eeys showed the painful realization that perhaps Xai was right... fighting them would most likely result in more casualties than it was worth, simply gazing upon the large, angry-looking metal monsters in the distance. Xai'Kah sighed... he felt a sense of Deja vu at this conversation, like he has had it before. Xai"Kah is more prone to considering all angles of a decision before making one, while jah'Ri is very headstrong and lives for fighting in what she believes in. Just as this heated conversation was starting, Xenith asked a very astute question. Turning towards her, she only now noticed that Nio had fallen unconcious. He should have listened to her when she offered to take Xenith from him and perhaps this wouldn't have happened. Either way she paid it little mind before answering Xenith's question. "Jah'Ri's reason is simple: allies of strange metal beings enslaved Xenith's kin, injured Jah'Ri's. No one harms those Jah'Ri cares for without much pain. But...." Jah'Ri looked down, her demeanor suddenly switching to a more timid one that no one here has seen before. "Jah'Ri... is starting to see why others not want to fight. Many are injured, looming foes are... large, powerful-looking." Jah'Ri looked Xenith in the eyes, determined as ever, and onyl slightly sad. "If Xenith, who led us to recent victory, bleeives we should retreat... Jah'Ri will go with you... more than destrcution of foes... she wishes her friends to be safe."


Somrene glanced behind him as he heard a rallying cry, and noticed that the Oren Army was charging, alongside the Angel that he had seen fighting the pale woman earlier. "I still think this is a very bad idea! They are very big and we are very small." He yelled out simply, hoping someone would understand. Then there was another crash from behind him, and Somrene turned again to see a rhinoceros with two riders knocking down two of the suits. Somrene sighed very loudly, then reluctantly joined in, leaping high into the air, and bringing his hammer down on one of the fallen suits. He glanced to the rhino and its riders. "Do you have a strategy or is this blunt force and prayer?"
Roars of men echo through the plains. Oren, despite the casualties and injuries, are ready to fight and die for their cause. The most difficult to handle aspect of these men, bandaged, bruised, casted, and broken, stood almost completely unshaped by the mech suits. Almost as if they were waiting for this moment. From the crowd of wounded, stood four people: Two human males, a Dragonborn male, and a vampire male, decorated in medals and other such fancy army declarations of status.

The two human males were twins, almost perfectly alike, save for the center-most one's left arm: It was replaced my mechanical parts, although shoddily, as if the arm were just cobbled together out of need. His counterpart, much like himself, however, had bright red hair and yellow eyes to match their color. Their aged appearance made it obvious they stood there in their late thirty's: Scars marred their faces, though not long or very well distinguished, they were still noticeable enough, along with their battle-worn skin, wrinkled by time. They lacked armor, instead, they only carried a blade with them each: They were dressed in light, almost useless for combat, civilian style clothes: Mostly of browns and blacks, but these were stains of dirt and smoke: Were they washed right, they could be returned to their more pristine white color. Dyes were not a cheap thing.

The vampire male had long, spiky lavender hair, pushed towards the rear of his head, a lognsword at his belt and a tome in his hand, his clothing ruffled and in comparison to his hair, very unremarkable, aside from the decorations. Black, armor on his chest and calf to his foot, and pauldron
made up of smooth, layered plating adorned him. He looked at about his early twenties, and no battle damage had come to him thus far.

The Dragonborn was not of average make either, his skin icy blue and fangs more like hooks than teeth. His body was covered in large, heavy armor. The build was smooth, aside from some bessels here and there: It hardly looked like armor, almost more a statue of steel itself, hefting a very large lance, a long pole axe on his back, and a shield.

They were an impressive bunch. Too bad the machines of war were ready.

From inside his Mech, the Colonel opened his communication lines: Speakers from deep within the armoring of his tank began to boom with his voice. "My name is Colonel Rais, and your men fall today. Simple as that, as elegant as that, as war is an art: And I need more ink to paint it on the world! So! What do you think your paint will look like? Red like the rest?!"

"Colonel Rais, Titan Frame, launch!"

The machine he rode in was disengaged from the transport cart, the cannon barrel turning towards the Oren army as soon as it was not blocked by other suits, and launched a shot. The twins were the first to react: the shot was aimed right for them, after all. The drew their blades and together attempted to hold a block up against the cannon shot by crossing their weapons. The blades cleaved right through the projectile, but from behind it, two of the smaller armored suits had made their move: Right under the guard of the twins two shots of pure energy shot them point blank: The spread of the beams wide enough to get past their bodies as well: A column of Oren's finest was vaporized, including two of this divisions highest ranked in an instant.

But none of them seemed even phased, as the Dragonborn male, with little more than a grunt, seemed to vanish and reappear at the side of the suits of armor and drove his spear through the one open part in the machine: just between the arms, killing each one without so much as a thought.

It was becoming slightly more obvious that Oren was vastly under-powered, and their victories up till now had been either dumb luck, or their best warriors were far superior to what these men could do.

The tank-like machine began to speed towards the undeterred army of Oren as other "Frames' began to move off of the transport. One of these, alongside two of the armors, rushed towards Fia, Jah'Ri, Xennith, and Co., two suits began to move in on Somrene, jenna, Xicor, and Co.

So far, the score is four Armored Men down to a battalion plus two down.


Xicor's memory banks recall information from the Library on viewing the machines up close. The "Frames" of this variety are highly susceptible to extreme heat, and as with any average machine, the joints are able to be exploited as they cannot withstand high-speed movement. The armor is known as "Paladin Skin" A form of Power Armor. Their underarms are, though still armored, is far weaker than the rest of the armor, same for the inner legs and upper thighs, as those areas required more leniency for movement. The joints are not exploitable due to how well-protected they are, but the fragile points of the armor are still soft enough that a well-placed strike would end them instantly. (Critical Success)

Fia's Minisun begins to glow a bright blueish purple and setting items in the area a smolder, not hot enough to burn anything, but maybe hot enough to be used in combat.

Somrene has a stroke of genius when smashing one of the Paladin Skin suits. They're armored, and packed with fearsome weapons, but, fast enough creatures to dodge the attacks following his hammer swings would be able to finish them off quickly.

Jenna understands the Rhino better than before upon charging into two of the Paladin Skin's, granting her better usage of the creature and it's ability's the before, and yielding a Spirit Animal magic as unlocked. (Critical Success). The "Spirit Animal" magic allows Jenna to summon said creature when unlocked to fight with her on the field, only one of a creature at a time, but up to ten creatures can be used at any given time.

Nio dreams of cupcakes, and is unable to awaken yet (Critical Failure)

The guard shivered in response to Caesar's cruelty. "Damn you... This is far from over..." The guard ran, and ran quickly. Ceaser was free to do as he so wanted once again. Not that the staff would obey him, mostly out of fear of him.

Ceaser gained a new skill: Bloodletter. Intimidation checks will go over far more smoothly, when killing an enemy, teleportation to the victim's body is made possible, and reaction speed is highly increased. Ceaser must kill once a day from here on in to stay sane, it doesn't need to be human, just a living creature. When insane, strength is increased (Physical Fitness score doubled), and intimidation checks will always succeed, however any sane person will avoid you actively and your English skill is reduced to Zero, making it nearly impossible to speak to someone. Will wear off when Ceaser confirms a kill. (Critical Success, Critical Failure on skill roll)

"̟͕͍̃͘W̗̣̳͆̒͗͝h͕͍̰ͣ̿̍͐͌ͦͮa̦̼͉͍͍̠̩͍ͭͪ̉̒ͪ͜͞t̨͕̻̼͈̺̝̪̞͇̑̌̄͛͌ͦ͠ ̥̝̮͎̖̪͍̅́̃ͫͩ̇͊̎̚t̪̔͗ͭ͛ͦ̿ͦ̽͌́ͅh̠̹̱͙̉̔ͮͥ̊ͯ̆͋͐̀͝ͅe̺̯̮͈̘͓͖͕̒ͥ ̡̢̫̩̝͎̭̭̯ͩ̈́̾̍l̫͚̲̪̞̓͆̽ͣ̑ͮ̓į̵͓̱̭̝̾̔ͭ̇̈̔ͤ͒t̴̤̱̺̲ͥ̈́̑ͩ͞e͎̻̙̥͂̑̓̑ͬ͞r̷̤̫̬͓ͬ̋̐̽͑͂̔a̝̤̺̩̻̬̭̲ͨ̈͒͌̔l͕͎̬̖̺̩̇̐͒́͜͜ ̖͇ͭ̾̉̀f̦͇̰͍̗́ͥ̐́ͬͯ͐͠u͚͙̪̓ͧ͂̇̐͞c̵͎͚͈̃͊ͭͥ́k̒ͯͯ̂ͬ̚͟҉̷̞̖̙̯͚̭̟ͅ?̥̣̖̱͙̭̀̒͢͡ ̜͎̞̲͇͚̠͗̀"̫̥͙̤ͩͨ͛̊̇̒̾͌


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̵̡͈̻̳̯̝̞̗̾͋̇̔̋"̤̤͍͇̬̪͔̬ͫ̇ͫ̎̽̊͡Ț̴̶̨͚̱͙͗ͣh̅̎͗ͪ̄̊̚͏̗́ą̮̣̱̬̩̤ͣ̇ͯ̏̾ͅt̢̟̬͍̝͔̺͌̊̾̓̑̅ͯ ̙̖̼̒͗͝C̓̍̈̇ͩ҉̥͙a̶͕̫̥̫͉̗̳͐͆̉̾͛ͫͨͥ͜e̻̲̯̮̮̘͒͗ͦ̍̓͡s̻̳̄̍ͥ͊̂̿̔̔̕͟a̷̗̤̯̲̔̄̓ͤͪͣ̚̕r̷̤̊̓̅ͫ ̢̒ͫͩ̽ͯ̿̓҉͉͓͈k̢̢̗͉̻͍̣̪̺͔͐̍̌ͧ͋̒ͨ̾͞i̇͋̓̍̓̋́҉͚̻d̠̮͚̭̟͈̫ͭͧ͜.̨͖̘͔̬̾̇͛͒̄͑ͬ͡͝.͖̥̦̪̺̟̃̾ͫ͘͜.̢̡͖̻̥̘̊͌ͭ̎̊̆͂͒ ̷͕̱̉̉̃́͠H̶̛̠͚͚̭͒ͬͅề̢̲͎̙̙͕ ̈ͫͣ̓͊̋͒̏͏̣͈͔̞̕j̴̷̞͙̭͓̬̲̩̯̑ͣ̉ͦͯͥ̉̄ũ̢̨̥̪̦̩ͪ̐ͣͦs̐̑͏͓͘͜t͇̬͓̪͇̦̂̐̈́́͒̀ͅ ̸͔̯̤͆͆̑ͮ̇̋̀͑k̴̙̟͋͊̑̊̚̚͞i̸̎͒̄̈́̊̋͑҉̵̻͍͖͇̺̘̭l̔̏̉ͯ͏͎̹̺̯͚̜͔ͅl̅͋̆̿͊ͣ͐͗҉̸̭̼͘ȇ̦̺̣̰͗̑̆ͮ̀ḑ̴̠͚̱̖̑͆̑ ̙̬̭̒͢f̢̛͍̖̯͎̈́ͯ͗ͅo͈̞̝͖̰̺͍̥̱̊̃͒͝u̩̥͇̯ͤ͌̽̆̍͂̍ͨ̚r̵̹̙͓̙̳͌̊ͨ ̂ͨͥͫ҉̺p̷̭̼͈͖ͩ̽̈ͮͨ̃e̡̤͓̝̙͎̣̞̐̒̀ͅo̷̴̺̰͚̮̪̟̺̐͜p͙̱̮̭̖̈́̆̄ͫ͟͝l̴̴̛͇̳̯̠̤͖̺̽͒̈́̚e͉̩̯̺̮̘̺̱͚ͯ̏̂̏̅͆̇ ̺͔̹̣̋̈͊͛a̸̡̧̬̼͇̮̱̥̅͗ͦt̛̛̬̩̱̩̱̏͘ ̑̀̉ͩ̚҉̟̻̘̗͓t̼̥̰̥͇͑̎ḧ̭ͩ͝e͕̣͖̿̏͑̈́ͫ́ ̵̨̳̯̖̪͔̺̦͚ͯͦ̋ͬ̓̈́̎ͨḯ̸̡̨͉̦͍͋̏̐̌̈́̆͗n̷ͬͩͤͦ̄̐͋͑̚̕͏̣͖̳n̨̧͓̫̮̪̥͈̂̽ͬͥͧ,̛̦̰͍̳͓ͭ̓̇͑ ̨̖̝̳̩̞̹͇̖ͮͦͦ̄͞ï̤̰̜̳͇̦̓̽͑̓̅ͧ̀͘n̥̲ͬ͌́̀͘c̸̖̳̫̙̋ͬ̂l̆ͦ̋ͧ͏̡̻͍̺̳͙͕̥̭̠u͇͚̠̱͓̗̽̆͛̐͊̐d̨̻͕͍̅͒ͬ͛͗͑͒͝ì̬͎̯͕̺̼͎̯̂̔̍̄̉̃n̪̝͙̰̝̰͔͎̰̾̌͌ͩ̍͋̔͢g̶̵̭͈̦͐̌̐̎ͬ̔̌̂ͪͅ ̴̲̼̊͛̃͆̾̽ͥt̬ͭ̈́͛ͧ͞h͔̮̭̹̬ͧͯ̓̓͟r̡̮̼̣̬̗̒̏̇͐̏͊̈́̀̀e̩̲̦̬̣̖̝̝ͮͣ̊͆ͅe̿ͥ̈́̒̇҉̱̯͚̻͞ ͂ͫ҉̷̼̖͖h́̚҉͏̗̣̰͕̱͜i͕̯̱ͦͣ͑̃͒̇͟ǵ̒ͬ̅̓̉͠͏͓h͙͇̦͔͎ͩ̋̊ͥ̐̿͟ͅl̴͙̣͕͉̝͇͉̱ͬ̍̍ͧ͂̐͜y̥̟̫̩͎͍͋̄̀ͪ̓̽͢-̜̗ͣ̇͠t͒ͦͭͥ͏̮̗͙r̗ͨͯ̈́͛̈́͑͢͢a͈̯ͦ̉͆ͪ̿ͯͣ͘i̶̱̱̱̦̞ͬͬͥn̬͖͋̑͛ͪe̲̙͙͔͖̠̥̐̿̆ͩ̚͢͡ͅd̦̩̤̯̤͂̀ͥ̔ͥ ̹̦̩̺͈ͨͫ́͢͝g̡̥̥̬̣͈͖̒̔̆̋̓͜u̠ͮ̈̄͘͢a̅̏̏̍ͥ̄ͯ͗̿͡҉̲̲͇r̪̣̩ͫ̾d̶̪ͫ̔ͯs̯̬̰̤̥̥̬̼͐ͦͧ̿̽̌ͨ̄ͪ̕͘.̗̙͈̘͓ͦͮͣ"̧̡ͮ̈ͬ̉̃ͭͤ̓҉ͅ


̬͕͉ͪͬ͝"̶̢̟͚̠ͦ̑̂ͩ̎̏ͫ́̚W̴̷̝̣̥̋̊̔ͫ̀ȅ̝̰̯ͦ̋̓ͤ̽͋ͩ͗l̦ͧͧͪ̐ͥl̟̘͕͈̊̈́̒ͯ͘͟͞ ̯͈̠̘̌ͪ͢͞w̗̼̩͚̝͂̑̇͟h̃̋̃̀ͭͦ͒͏̺̘͈͙̼̦͞ȧ̷͓̪͎ͫ̉̃̀͗̋͞ţ̛͖̆ͨ͐͞ ̴̴̥̰͈̗̝̍ͫͪ̒̋̾̚t̡̲̳̤̙͈̳̝ͭ̅͢ͅȟ̖͖̮̠͙̜͉̗ͪ̀̕e̬̎ͥ̒ͭͦͧ͒̚̕ ̧̧̬̲̰̦͎͓ͣf̵ͣͧ̐̾ͪ̒̚͜͏̭̮̩̫ụ̥̖̼̺̞̐ͯ́̕c̭̹͙̤͗ͣ̕͡k̻̈́̀͜ ͐̑͐̈̓ͦ͏̮̱m̶͎͕̲̏ͧ̀͢ą̟̺͙̳̬̻̈͂̿̂ͬ̅̔͜͞n͉̪̬̱ͧ̆ͣ̑ͥ͞?̟̜̺̖͇͖͚ͤ̏ͭ̈́̎ ̧̥̮͈̮̝͖͆̈̓̎ͣ́̄ͧ̕R̸̦̖̰̫̋ͬ̽ͭ̉̈́̕ä̢͓̗͍̈́͊ͯ̈́̉̂̕͝î̘̞ͯ̅s̐͏̙̞͙͍̘̺͉̤̗e͒̊ͣ͛҉͎̥̗̦ ̷̃͗̊̍҉͍̩̳̠t̼̤͒ͪͣ̆̎͊ͤ̇̀̚h͚̉̍ͤe͚͊͗ͮ͋ͧͣ͋̚͝ͅm̝̜̖̟̤̥͙̈́̾̽ͣͅ ̧͕̱̼ͩ̐́f̹͚̫͔̻͙̠ͥ̇́́͢͠r̲̣̠̭̙͎ͪ̑̏́o͇̭̮͎̼̿̓̃̓ͮ͛̑ͮ͐͟͢m̸̶̛̟̜͔̼̉ ̛̳̱ͨͭ̉̋͟t̥͔̱̦̻̞̼̣̎̏͗ͯ̐̆͢ḩ̸̶̹̻̳̳ͭͧ̆̃͐̋e͔̱̼͉̥͛̌ͥ͂̄̀ ̖̣͙͇̫͈͇̑͋ͪͩ͌ͤ̚͜͢ḓ̵̫ͧͣͩ̾̂̚͡e̴̸̬̝̝͔̣̰ͮ̎ͦͮͣͤͭa̴̷̖̖̔̄̐̆̀̇̚d̠͍ͭ͊͛̽͑͟,̶̢̲̗̬͌̑͂ͪͯ̒̑ͬͤ͘ ͚͖͍͈̘̬̻͌͜ẃ̋ͫͩ͒̀̚͏̗͙̟̫̲͝ȇ̴̳͎̲͙̗̼̦̖̇ͤͤͪ̌͋ͮ̎ ͚̦͉̺̣̞̳͗ͫͣͨ͛ͥ̓̄͆ͅcͧ̂ͤ̽͊͊ͤ̈̈͟҉͇̠̘a͈̹̜̘̠͚͆̋ͩ̽ͬ̀͐ͤ̉͜ͅn̪͇͙ͩ͂ͤ̎̚͢'̢̡͈̼̰̥̹ͮtͧ͗͋̌̍͒͏̠̣̤̤̺̠̙͚ ̸̤̒ͩ͝h̯͂ͥͨ̀ͬ̄ã̧̛̪͎̜̙̘͈͕̈́ͅv̛̀ͭ̊̅̔҉̙͖̫͇̘̹͞ē͐ͤ҉̧̳̘ ̙̗͔̟̻͈̓̎̄̇ͧ̓͛̎̔ą̣̼ͫ͐̔ͯ͝ ̷̲̟͔̞̬̠̽ͪĤ̵̰̋͊̔ͤͅę̷͇̻̺̰̫̖́́́ṙ̵̹̯͉̺͖̺ͬ͘͡ͅo̷ͦ̾̔ͣ͏͔̹̞͕̟̖ ͎̞̥̙̌̒͐͐͗ͮ̓ͩ͜g͍͚̥͂ͫͣ͗̔ͧǫ̳̘̝̺͖͔̬̓̈͠ ̴̨̱̖̦̪̪̭͚ͯͬ̒̈̈͊́r̗͇̬͒͛͂͗̒́͝o̧̅̐ͦ҉͚͖̬͓g͛ͤ̂̾ͮ͊͆̄͊́͘ͅͅu̦͍̪̦̩͇ͬ̉ͮ̓ͮ̇̅̍͟ë̷͙̪̬̳̖̓̋ͮͩͅ,̶̺̘̻̘̬ͧ́̆ ̢̱͉̱͊͋ͪr̴̪̰̰̟ͥ̃ͧ͝ȩ͉͙̱̞̣͍̮̪̝̒̐̾̂̏ͨͪ͜m͖͚͍͓̩̠͊̔e̦͎̹̖̲̍̓ͮ́̇ͦ͑͗͝ͅm̭͙̤̺ͦͨ͗ͅb̢ͮ̚҉̗̝ḛ̷͇̌̒̐͢r͈̙̗̩̺ͦ͛ͬͅ ̨ͦ̉͑ͯ̈́͆͢͏͈̪͖̝w̪̭̜͚̪͕ͨ̈̏͊ͩ̿̉̚͢ḩ̷̪̝̞͇̗̇̓̆̑͐̍ě̲͖͚͎̥̟͗̊̓̋ṅ͇̦̰̙̘̤̗ͬ̍̆̊ ̛̥͐̆̄̄̾ͬͪ̓̿͞t̘̰͌ͪ̕͜h̴͈ͨ̊̋ͅī̪ͬ͊ͣͥͨ̔͜͠͝s̭̤̫̳͉̞̻̎̐́ ̨̗̲̱̔͢h̡̭̼́ͬ̀̍͂͘a͕̰͙͕͍͇͍̲͛͟p̨̩ͬ̇̓̋p̤̯̼̠̋̋͐͛͘ë͓̹̝̲̜ͨ̄̒ͩ̓ͧ̀͘n̡̳̳̘͙̩̠͙͔ͦ̈́ͭ̈́͌̽̔̕ē̈҉̱̬͖̞̙͙̟͚d̤̖͙̩ͩ͑̇̄ͦ͡ ̝͚̪̜̮̻́̇ͭl͇̙̱̝̞̝͇̄̋̎̆̒ͮͫ̌͞ą͖͙͎͚̫̥̣̲ͮ͒͋̓̌̇̅ͪ̋̀͜s̸̩̙̻̞̜͉̩̥̀ẗ̵̰̤͔̰̳͎̯́̾ͮ̏͠͠ ̸̭̮̺̪̻͉͛́͞ť̫̜̰͆̅̇̿ͫ͊ͥ̀ị̵̶ͭ͛̆ͩ̿̃̂̈͡m̢̛̭̻͚͊͆͝ẻ̢̖̤͉̹̜̗̣͕̹ͮ͘͘!̵̡̟̲͖̅ͣ̍̓̌̕?̟̪̜̥̠͔ͥ͘"͕̱͔̳̲͕̠̫̊ͯ̓̒́̅̊̑͑͡͠


̡̮͍̳͈̀̋̊͟͝"͓͓̳̼͆̍͜I̞͖̺̖ͬ̎ͬ͛̿ͥͅ ̸͍͙̈̾̑̌̋ķ̩̣̝̲̗̲͗ͣͥ̈́ͤ͐͛ñ̡̮̤͍͚̏̾̈ͤ͢o̸͎̠͎̘̙̹͈ͩͮ̌̌͛̾̀ͅw̶̖̩̩̣̜̎̿̚͞,ͥ̆ͨͯ̄ͭ͂͂̓͏̢̢̻͍ ̴̨̹̩̺̩̝̦̋͞d̴̹̭̯̻̀̉ả̷̼͉̘̣̼̩̘̼̆͡ḿ͚̭̝̄ͯ̅̚̚m̝̟̜͔ͬ̽̓͆̚i̜̖̠̥̻ͧ͋́͜t̢̮̟͙̻̤ͦ͐͂ͩͦ̅́,̵̝̲̝͖͉̦͉̂ͧ̀̏͌ͨ̍ͬ́ͅ ̷̬̣̳ͭ̈̒͋ͥ́͠b̵̟̻̋̀u̗̣̮̲̪͚ͧ̂ͥ͒͐ͧ̂̽̚͜ṯ̷͔̩͓͒̽̈́ͨ͛ͭ̚ͅ ̢̹̠̿̾I̼͖͈͔̲̫̟͚ͮͤ͛ͯ̆͊̈͠ͅ ̵̨̲̆̾c̴͇̞̣̟̜̘̞͋̍̅ͯ͆̾̾̎ͪͅa̸̝̝̺͍̝ͯ̈̆͌͗ͨͯ̐ṇ͉͒ͦͬ̂ͦͫͯ͟'̸̨͍̦̪̱̩̒ͪ̋͆͐͜ͅt͓͖̪̺͚̽̀͒̌̽͘͠ ̦̮̟͔̺̖̞́͂̾̍ͣd͎͔͎̪͕̺̯̀̇o̦̝̮̻͚̾̀̀̽̈ ̡͈̠͈͙̎̒̌͟͟a̴̻̱͚͎̝͓̒ͩ͆̀̾͠n̵͎͓̠͗y̢̨̞̗̫̞͓͖ͨ̉̓̉́́́ẗ̷͓͇͇̳͇̩̫́͛̾͆̿̌ͪ͘h͓ͨ͆̒̑̆̕͞ï͓̠̖̝̼͕͚̘͌̈͢n̴͉̻̥̤͇̤̳̫̜̂̽̎̔̉̽̍͠g͓̯͇̭̪͌̌̔ͤ̽͞ ̼̝͍̦̩̺̯̜ͪͤ̓̃̃͐aͣ̂ͦ̌ͨ̿͟͏̟̬̫͉͈b̵͎͕͈͍ͣͪ̂͢ǫ͈̖͗ͯ̽̃̋̐̀̌̕ͅu̵͙̗͙̅ͧt̘͖ͤ̓͂ͧ̀ ͕̞̹̪̬̥͎̖͌ͯ̀̓̕͠i̻̩̺̦̬̒̿ͣ̋́t̨͚͖̩̊̈́̐̾ͧ͑͛̆,͙̑̌ͨ̓̿͒ͦ ̨̥̻̜̈͌̾́̉͛ͮ̃͢Ḭ͎͔͉͋̏͘ ͙͉̀ͪ͞o̴̗̱͎̖͗ͩ̔̽ͣ̏̇̚n̡̳̰̖͈̙̬͖͊͒͑̀͟l̼͕͉̦̺̤͖̱͗ͫ̎ͭ͋ͪ̂̿͘y͌͑͊̊ͦ̾ͬ͒͘͢҉̪͕̤̣̻̤̪̘ ͍͎̪̎ͭ͊ͬj̞͆̾ͬ̓͜͡u̹̫͍̩̬͇ͮͪͩͬͦ͝ͅṣ͂̾̋͐̃͟t̨̖͔͈̫̬̣̫̮̺́ͤ ̧́͛̆ͪ͏̣̣͓̮̻s̴̞̣̫̹̮̪̤̜̎̈͋̃͛̓͑̾̚͢͝ͅaͫ͗͊ͨ͌̊҉̶̶͉̬̙̦͎̪ͅw̶͓̭̯͉̑ͥ͆̄̍͛͒͞ͅ ̤̜̭̓̔̃̈ͭͣ͠͞ḭ͓ͦͧt̽͆̐̔҉͏̲͍̠͍͇̗̙͔͉̀ ̼̳ͭ̋̐̂̒́̓ͬ́͘a̛͉̜ͩ̂̏̆͗ͭ͘͢s̏̍͊ͭ̓̓̔̍͏̯ͅ ̵ͥͥͤͫ̍͑͏̩t̊҉̳̘̜͞ͅh̼͓̣͚̲͌́̒ȩ͕̠͓̘͉͔͆̇̒̽͜͟ͅ ̵͚̬̳ͥ̍ͪ́ͫͥͬ̍ͮ͢l̶̨̥̹ͣ̐̂̓̕a̡̖͚ͫ̌ͧ̆̍̑s͕̹̰̝͎͖̟̽͊͆ͬ̉͛̓͢ͅẗ̙́̃ ̣̮ͥͥͭ̈́̔ͪ̊s̮̭̱͈̘̰̲̝ͮͫ͒̌̓ͮ͑̔u̿̊̃̽̎ͮ̓͂͠҉͙̼̟r̸̵̪̭̦̟͙͒̊́͆͑͠vͫͭͣ͋̋̚҉̸̡̙̮ị̛̰͓̗͇͔̀ͯ̆͛̽ͯͪͭ̕v̛̲̝͖̰̟̆͐̓̅̂͊͒̓͠i̦̫͇͙͉ͯ̇̀̏̑̈́͋̑͘̕n̤̳̞͓̞͚͎̣̒̌ͯ̚͠g̶̜̲̼͇̭̏ͧ̑͛ͣ͊ ̢̥͈͉̤̝̘͈͂ͦḡ̴̪͇̘̗̤͓̰̺̳ͥ̌u̷̹̥͇̥̐̓̓ͦ̀aͮ͑ͨ̃ͪ̊̒҉͚̺̗̰̜͓ṟ̸̷̻̰̭͍̩̝̠͊͗͌ͭ̒̄ḑ̬͓̠̪̫͙̪̘̳̌́̄͐͛́ ̸̡̮̻̘͓̭̹̗̃̂ͪͅr͍͙̬̝̖̼͔͍ͥͅa̬̹͙͇̳͒ͯ̓͐ñ̩̬̙̗̫̗̮͂̅ͧͣ̂̀ ̸͔̳̩͆̏͐͟a̧̲̳̤̦̽͋ͭ͑͋̐̇ẅ̙̠͚̮̼́̏̍̿́a̹͈ͣͤ͒͢͠y̙͉̖̲̣̦ͦ͒ͅ.̞̜̟̘̳̮̻̦͊ͦ̈́̒̀"̨̡͓ͮ͂̂͗̕


̸͙̱͇͖͇̻͊̈̊̔ͤ͛̈́̀́"̷̤̫̣̙̦̘̮͖̣ͨ̄̆͒̍̓͜Į̵͙͓͍̪̭̫̳̇̈̇͌̔ͦt̢͎̳͓͙͖̮̲̃͡'͍̣͖̪͗ͦ͂̕s͕͔̳͓̤̺͎̀ͪ̏ͥ ̴̡͍̭̞͕̭̣̳͙ͬͥͧh̶͚͕̤̬̎̃ͮą̨̳̦̬̗̽͟p̣̰͔̃ͯ́͡p̜̝̳̹ͯ̅͐ͬ͘e̳̙͕ͯͥͧ̆n̥̯ͪ̂̐͋̄̈́͘i̵̟̳̿͐̿͂̃͢͝ͅṉ̘̫̥̌ͬg͕̪͉̞͔̗̃̇͛̆ͯͩ̓͒ͧ͠ ̵̺͕̪͖̻̍ͤa͇͖̰̮ͨ͂ͫ̐͂ͯg̸͉͚͍͖͈͔̬̟͑̏̕a͍ͩ͌͊ͨ̀̈̐̀͘͡ī̧̪͎͇̣͚̌͋ͦn̸̻̲̩͖̳̥͔̘̟̅ͫ͑͟,̷̻̣̥͎͍͕́̓ͨͯ̊͡ ̡̮̯̗̹̤̩̯͚ͥͨ̑̃̄́I̛͍̼̦͓͓̬͓̿͊̾̋̇͌̽͝ ̅̆ͤ͛͊̇̚͟͏̖͍͕̤͖͔̬̜t̵̉̕҉͕̜h̴̭̜̹̠̣̫̫͎ͩ͜͠o̸̜͕̖̝͉̹̰͑ͦ̕ͅu̷̯͇͕̔ͩ͆̋ͨͨ͋͜g̶͇͕̪̳͓̣̦̟ͥ̑̇͐̈́ͩͣͤh̩̹̫̖̐͊̍͂̽̇͘t̷̻̖̓ ̬̗̮̉ͣ̑͌̌̒̊̈͠y̤̭͖̠͚̪̳̘͒ͩ̈̉͢͟͞ǫ̦̣̤̳̠̻̮̞̬̒͊ͦͮ̅͊̂ứ̴͉̕ ̦͈̣̃ͪ̍̉ͨͨ́́̚ś̸͓̭͔̾ͧ͂͠a̯͇̗͇͐̿ͤ̈i̢̼͚̦̥̥͂͋̾͑͒̉ͭ͡d̨͈̬̦̥ͫ̓̾ ͇̜͈̙̞͍̻͕̓ͯ̂̄̚͡t̛͕̝̜̼̝̜̪̩͈̊̽̍̈̇͆̋͘h̷̠̥̟͍͔͈͛ͫͧ̅́ï̶͙̫̱͔̬̲͖̉̆̓ͮͩ̑ͧ͢ṡ̲̪̘̯͔͕̦́ ̛̞̅ͬ̈́ͮ̓̄̂̇w̯̯͎̪̤͔̠͈̭͋ͤ͐̈́́͂͑͟͡o̩̗̦͈ͦ̈́͜ư̷̰͙͈͍̥͉͋̏̑l̶̻̦̪ͪ͊͑̉ͦ͠ͅd̹̯͙̪̞͔ͭ̂n̡̟͙̮̪̥͚͇̾̃͗ͦͤ̑'̩͍̳̗̠̀̃̐̒͂͜t̢̡͖̐͐̓ ̙̯̤̼͖͕̥̘͂̾͆ͧ́͢h̖̞͚̜̩ͣ̒̂͘͠aͦͥ̒̏͂ͪ̓͏̷̰̯͎͙̬͕̖p̶̳̞̽̂͘pͦ̽̓̎̇ͥ҉̥̠ě̥͍̅ͮ̉̑̚n̠̻̪̥͐̑͌ͪ̍́ ̪̗̜̤̞͚̖͓̆̐͒ͯ̈ͬ̋͂͜a͉̰̬̞͇ͮ͗ͬͣ͌̽̌̅ͪ͘͝͞g̢̝̖͔̙̱̎̾͒͟a͖͇̥̱̦̪̙̥̞̓͐ͦ̽͌̊ͫ͜i̧̩̼̤̻͎̖̩͉͒̓̾̓͒ͫ̿ͨͫṇ̴͚̻ͨͤ͠?̵̮̹̻͈̩͍̲̞̍ͭ̔̃̂̎̒͢͝!̪̗̬̺͓͈̪͎̙̔̀ͩ̕"̸̡̏̅ͩ̌̑̇҉͔̠̝̘̰̝̹


ͯ҉̱̤͇"̟͚͍͇̂̑̌ͯ̃̂́Ŵ̵̙̦̫̟̽̔̾̏̐̃́͢e̯̐ͧ̉̅ͬͤ̎͌l͈̙͉̼̗͔̰͎̈̀̉͗͘l̵͍͚̫̺ͮ̾͞ͅ ̨̯̬̥̞̖̻̺͕̟̎̈́̅͠ơ̱ͣ̒̐̊ͦͧ̉͋b̪̘̱̯ͦͮ̃́͜v̨̹̭̝͇͖ͮ̽̏̅̔͋̄į͎̻͓̭̖̰̩́̓̽ͧ̈͛͡o̬̫̰͖̯͗̈́͢ṷ͓͎͇̮̲̘̆ͮ͗ͣͬ̇ͮ͟͞s̠̬̼̣͍̠͙̝̈̽̋̄ͫ͘l̸͚ͨ̓̓ͬ͂ͯ̎ͨ͗̀͜y̗̙̥̖̯̍̔́̑ ̸̶̘̩̟̦͍̑̅ͤ̿ͯ̈̌I̫ͧ̿ͪ͑̓͂̈́ ̸̵̧̥͈̫̳͛͗̇͛͑̇̆͋ẁ̵͙̗̳̝̉ͥ̆͝ͅa̢͙͇͎̰̒͌͐́̔́̚ͅs̭̥̹̥ͯ̋͘͢ ̵͈̊̿̀w̯̿ͩ͘ͅr̛͇̼̎ͮͧ̍̀̑͌̃͢o͈̺̭̓ͥ̋ͬͪ̓͌̓n̻̩̰̟̿̽̉̉ͯ͟͠ģ͍͔̺͎̞̬̤̏.̪̦͖̞͍͔̹̾̃ͣ͌̚͡ ̶̴̱̲̻͎̠̯͍͌ͮ̊ͨͨ̐̑̅Ą͔͙͚̾̔ͣ̈́̇̂͝t̎͋̓ͬ҉̡̰̻͙̙̳̙̱̰ ̳̹̳͓ͦ̂̍͑́̏ͪ͜͟l̅̑̆ͨ͆̏ͮ̇҉̵̯͎̼̹̜̞ȩ̷͎̝̌̚͜a̝̺ͩͦ̐͆͆̓̃s̸̪̫̻̹͙̻̈́ͧ͋ͅt̿̌ͧ҉̭͓͔̠̞̙ ̫͎͖̻͖̦̘͒̃͛ͣ́͘͟tͤ̒̇̍ͯ͑҉҉̲ḩ̸̳͓̥͎͊̀̃̋͢e̢̗͙̗ͭ͒ͪ̈ͫͬ̑ ̸̷̟̤̜̼͇̉̅ͨ̆̈́͜w̬͓̅̐̀͊̈̓ͬͬͪ́͜a̡̢͖͈͚͈̭͌ͣ̐̓̾r̝̥͕̹̭͇͎̃͑̀̕ ̢̲͚̠̮̥͈̞͋͆̅g̶̢̜͉̦͙̦̱̓͒ͦ́̚r̨͚̣̟̯̼͍̤͕̰ͧ̽ͨ̈̍̾́̀ỡ̮͔̫̫̄ͥ̾͌u̖̪̰̮͎͚̫̻̤̍̏̄̓̌̃ͪ́̚p̭͚̈ͦ̄̌ͅ ͗̆̈́҉͖̤š̨̳̲͚̎̔̀͢e̡͔̪̱͎̰̬̍̋ͅé̠̟̐͂̔͒́͑̚m̤̜ͥ̽̈̓̕͟s̬͚̜̰ͣ̓͂͂̍͐̋̚ ̶̘̣̫̹̼͍͓̏͑̽̐ͩt̶̻̝̭̥͓̣̲͉̓̆̊ͮͪͯͥ̍̆ͅõ̶͕̦̣̙̲̫̒͟ ̉ͧ̎̚͝͝͝ͅb̴̝̩͕̖́͛̐̀̅̒̊̚̚é̵̡͈̪͓͉̩̒̅̉̽̾̀̚͝ ̈̓ͤ̐̐̅͏̠͉̥͝u̹̖̱͗ͥ̈́ͪͭ̓n̞̗̟̹̭͗̽ͬ́͠d͍̥͔͈͈͋ͯͧ̀̚͢ͅẽ̡̞̻̮͓r̪̘͈͇̆̔̆͆̕ ̬̹͚ͪͫ̀ͮͮ͋͌͑c̤͕̦͍̻̮̀́̆̑͜ö̻̲͍͉͎̯̞̭́͋ͯ̍̇n͇̱̰ͪ͐́͡t͔̙̪̬̯ͪ̉̓͑̅ͫ͐͢r̪̭̤̼͔͙̫̹ͤ̃̍ͭͪͬ̂̓o̚͏͇̮͍̝̗̜̣̺̝l̯͙̲̚.̢̗̥͕̣̼ͯ̒̚"̟̹̣̟̹̳̰͔̆̇̇͂̀
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- Hanz heid - Avatar of truth - 'Avatar form'

As the battle raged on, with many deaths for the Orens, and just a few to the selians, the fight was clearly uneven and highly disadvantageous for them. But an energy spike could be felt nearby, not holy, but also not dark, it was 'Pure energy'.

As the frames charged at some, Hektor, jenna and Xicor for example. One suit which attacked them was stopped by a flash of light passed right by Belluam, at high speeds. It struck one of the armors, which was headed after Somrenne. A figure, with the size rivaling half of the suit's of Armor's size, as it arrived it backhanded the armor, sending a shockwave of light energy from its attack, possibly throwing the suit back.

It was a sight to behold, a figure shining bright, with a sword almost bigger than it, rivaling the Armors. "Behind these suits of armor are men, their bodies frail from overdependence of their technology, and they can be defeated, Brave men. I shall assist you all driving back these machines." Spoke the being, its name was Hanz Heid. The Avatar. His voice echoing through the battlefield, for all to hear.

Hanz quickly engulfed his greatsword in flames and dashed at the suit he attacked previously, Thrusting his sword at hight speed and with great strenght iat its chest. With white fire engulfing his blade.

@MsPolite @NeverBetter @Yuffie Kisaragi

Xicor and Hektor - the Cyborg and the Gentleman - at war.

Xicor's databanks revealed quite the ammount of information about Selian technology, very good.

He quickly turned to everyone in his vicinity, Hektor, Jenna, Somrenne (Maybe)

"Guys!, they cannot handle speed, their suits don't allow for agility due to the joints, so Hektor, you can easily outmaneuver them. Their underarms are much less protected than the rest of the suit, their open part of the armor less protected as well, They also cannot handle much heat, their armor isn't designed for it." Xicor quickly explained the armors's weaknesses, hoping the orem army could hear as well.

Xicor quickly looked at the other suits of armor, some of which were not attacking, but defending the colonel...very good, Xicor quickly zoomed in on it and analyze its computing systems...and as he thought, they weren't very well protected, Xicor quickly slapped his left arm, which opened up a small hologram, as he moved back for a safer position, he crouched down and began a hacking attempt, with one objective in mind, complete control over the suit, so he could use it against its allies. Its technology was incredible, and surely, he could get some access to their databases if the hack was successful.

Hektor nodded "If you say so. Its time to show these armored beings what a gentleman can do" Hektor spoke readjusting his tophat. As his eyes flashed yellow for a second. Before he began running at the other suit which was running at them. Preparing his cane for a fight.

[style] ["Warring vulpine"] ['Clairvoyance ready' (The prediction ability)]

Hektor quickly ran at the suit, in zigzag at incredible speeds to make it harder for him to be hit. All of his movement with finnesse and skill, almost as if he was dancing, upon getting closer to the suit of armor, he quickly maneuvered, as Xicor said, for their not as well protected underarms, as one of the orem's men had done it, Hektor dashed upwards with wind magic, and attempted a thrust with his cane, with lightning coming off of him, adding the element of electricity into the attack.

@Pashpu @Yuffie Kisaragi @NeverBetter

(Tolan's on standby to assits Nio and the rest.)
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Tagged Users
@SolisNighsun @rusticyawn

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith silently listened to the whole conversation, gently brushing hairs off Nio's face. She adored Jah'Ri's straight forward and blunt attitude. It was nice to have someone always honest near her. As her name was mentioned, she explained her opinion. "We have already taken a gamble by coming out here. Luckily, we have managed to get by and complete our goals. I feel that it would be a wise action to turn back now, before trouble arises."

Suddenly, a quiet voice entered the scene. As she turned her head round to face the source, the sight surprised her, but she retained her neutral expression. A vampire child, appearing around the age of 5 or 6, asked shyly, "Um..m-m'lady could y-you tell me where the others are?" His light silver eyes sparkled, as his windswept, dark navy hair danced lively in the wind. He was a slight distance away from her, as if he was attempting to be respectful and cautious. It was obvious he was one of the vampire slaves of the Republic's army, but why would they kidnap someone so young? Brushing the thought aside, another important matter needed to be addressed. Why was he left here? Was he accidentally left behind, by the evacuating vampires? As she opened her mouth in reply, the next scene horrified her to no bounds.

A bright yellow laser, whether intentional or misfired, disintegrated the young, malnourished child to a pile of ashes. Xenith's eyes were wide in despair, he was right in front of me, yet I couldn't protect him...Her mind was in turmoil, you're a disgrace to the noble pure-bloods! You couldn't even protect a child right in front of you?! How pathetic! "Ah.." She stared at her hands, which trembled uncontrollably. In an effort to regain her composure, she slapped herself, so hard that a red mark was left on her face. It gradually faded, however she had revived. With a clench of her fist, she spoke quietly, back towards the rest of the group. "I retract my previous statement. It appears that revenge has taken over mind. If you any of you are willing to fight as well, I would be grateful." A dark look was visible on her face, despite how hard she tried to be calm.

Just as the words left her mouth, a loud rattling of machinery was heard behind her. Without even looking back, she could tell the noises were headed in their direction.
"Everyone, I hope you can defend/avoid yourselves, as I cannot put up a shield at the moment." With those words, she tied Nio's coat around her and flew up into the sky with Nio in her arms. This was were she had to think. Where is a safe place to lay Nio down? The strange machinery were practically headed towards the medical tents, so that wasn't a good idea. The town...also isn't particularly safe. As guns began to fire in her direction, she dodged them, barely with the weight put on her. No, anywhere will do for now. I risk injuries for both of us. With a little sigh, she flew back towards the forest. As she reached a high tree, similar to the one she laid in before, she laid Nio atop a sturdy branch, sparsely covered with a few leaves. With a triumphant smile, and a thought of worry, she began to fly back. Silently, a dark, evil aura began to form around her as her powers began to charge up. Her mind was vivid now, fueled by the extra blood Nio had provided and her desire for revenge.

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The wind of the high speeds Belluam flew at left a tail of fire following her, her body grows brighter and brighter. She heads the army along with the that seems to lead the army. She felt a faint tinge of taint form of of them 'vampire'. But her battle fury was to great currently, she will have to deal with him later. Beams of energy began zipping past her, and in a blink of an eye a group of Oren soldiers were suddenly gone... Belluam ignored the feeling of loss, she ignored her feeling of dread and fear, she focused on her enemy. 'Focus' Belluam activated her shield and flew ahead Charging one of the tall mechs "Mori gentes curet nocte" She yelled in a language only understood by angels and demons. Her white-flaming spear and body crashed into the mech attempting to penetrate but without a second thought flew in the air and dove down hitting another then throwing three "whips" of holy fire towards the giant tank/mech that unloaded from the metallic worm (the truck). Explosions were all around, the air smelled of burning flesh, blood, and smoke. Screams could be heard threw the desperate fight for survival. The Screams were agonizing to Belluam's ear. Their pain was hers and her heart ached. Belluam had to fight harder, for she didn't fight to win, nor for glory. She was fighting for the People to save them, it was an instinct that drove her to save them whether she died or not. With Her mighty Spear she again dashed towards the Republican Colonel's tank, and stabbed it repeatedly. She ignited her body on fire and three fire at the tank try to draw its attention away from the Oren Army. "Fight me you bastard!" the angel yelled "I Challenge you to a duel you cowardly whelp. Only you in that machine and me.. Now Fight me!" She stabbed the tanks cockpit door with her flaming spear. Not hearing a response she flew up again about to rain down her holy fire on the machine when suddenly a flash of light zipped past her faster than the eye can catch. The Shimmering heat could be felt on her skin and it felt all to deliciously pure.

Then she saw the being... It was as if Light and purity incarnated its self and graced us lower beings with its precence, the aura it gave off was almost overwhelming for Belluam as she felt a sudden urge to bow down to it as if it were a god, and for all she knew it could have been. She flew towards the Avatar of light and smashed her shield into another Mech continuing to fight by the gods side.

@Scrapmaster @NeverBetter
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Lyon awoke. Well... not really awoke. She gained thoughts. Her blade felt heavy in her hand, and as she looked at it, noticed a dim gray light exuding from it. Lyon suddenly remembered it all. Well, obviously not all. But she knew Uzpeni, she knew her bloods, and she knew her goal. Get those gemstones. Lyon looked around her, noticing that the crowd was moving in a very specific direction. She glanced where they were headed, and noted nothing interesting. So were they being chased? Lyon looked in the other direction and noted something very interesting. Huge mechs and an army below them. Lyon immediately knew that she had to help in some way. She dashed off towards the battlefield, looking around for someone to help out if she could.


Somrene felt satisfied with his kill, and as he looked over the broken mechanisms, realized something. A quicker combatant following up a strike like that could easily deal a lot of damage. However, before he could say anything, Xicor grabbed his attention. Somrene listened attentively, and nodded slightly after the cyborg was done. He was about to lunge forwards when the Avatar appeared out of nowhere, dominating one of the Armors singlehandedly. The Gigant nodded in gratitude towards Hanz before dashing towards the other one, aiming to assist Hektor. Somrene stomped the ground, and sent a small shockwave towards the Paladin Skin, sending it stumbling. A prime opportunity was available and Somrene swung his hammer with both hands, hitting the inner thigh of the armor powerfully.


Caesar watched the final guard flee. Then he felt... Kinda empty. It was not nearly as satisfying as he had thought it would be. Caesar aimed for the safe, and using the keys he had taken from the manager eventually unlocked it, and took everything inside. He walked out of the office, and the first staff member he saw, he tossed his manager pin to the worker. "Have fun, you're manager now. Don't get me wrong, I still own this joint, and I expect payment when I get back. But all of that work... Not into that." Caesar said casually, before walking out of the building. He sighed loudly as he glanced about the town, noticing that it was all but deserted, the people having retreated into their homes. It took only a second longer of observation before he noticed the war going on outside of town. Caesar wondered what he really wanted. He wasn't hungry, wasn't feeling that tired anymore, wasn't thirsty, etc. But he had a carnal craving for something... Caesar wanted a friend. And the best way to a man's heart would be to save his life. He moved forward, getting closer to the battlefield, then loosed an arrow, hitting a wounded man and killing him. Caesar felt a new wave of power surge through him, and suddenly teleported next to the new corpse. He glanced around, but no one had seen him do that, far too focused on the actual threats. Good... Wouldn't do to lose any hope of getting a new friend by appearing to be an evil killing demon. Caesar moved closer to the actual fighting, and watched as an angel began furiously assaulting a tank. Hoping to do something productive, Caesar aimed for any hole in the armor that the angel might have created with her onslaught with an arrow.


Lyon made it to a forest and noticed an unconscious boy with pale white skin and a white head of hair. He did not seem okay. Lyon knelt next to him, and though he was breathing, he was quite clearly out of commission for a while. She frowned, and sent a pulse of energy through Uzpeni. She shifted into White Blood, her armor changing with her. Lyon waved her hand over the passed out boy, casting a healing spell as she did so.
Jenna Soloven


After Jenna had trampled the suit, she felt a power surge rising in her. Something was happening to her....her vision blurred, and she was lifted, literally lifted into of the air. She was somehow glowing, hovering above the ground, and she could feel herself being separated from the rhino. The rhino, looking ghostly pale, fused out to one side, and she landed slowly on the ground, in human form.

What the heck was that?
Jenna staggered backwards, knowing it was not safe to fight in her human form. However, the rhino continued the fight, engaged in a vicious back-and-forth tussle with another one of the robot-suits. She flinched as she watched it take a heavy laser to the back, singing its flesh.

Jenna also noticed her companions around her had gone into full-fighting mode. Hektor was twirling around in midair with his cane, engaged in ardent duel with one of the suits. He slammed into it with a jolt of electricity, looking every bit like a master of combat.

"Never thought you had it in you, Hektor!" yelled Jenna, impressed. He really hadn't seemed like the fighting type. She also saw Xicor urgently fiddling with some technology on his arm. He had said something about the machines' weaknesses...perhaps he was going to figure out how to exploit them?

"What are you trying to do?" Jenna asked, wanting to see if she could help somehow. Too bad she didn't know much about technology.

Just then, there was an absolutely massive explosion. One of the larger suits had fired its cannon, melting down rows of human warriors. As it came closer, she was awestruck by its sheer size. It was as tall as a huge building. There was no way they could possibly defeat those. They had to retreat.

But as Jenna was contemplating escape, she watched as a massive man cloaked in light appeared in front of it. It charged at the armor suit and engaged it in combat. It was terrifying. Flaming sword hit metal, and metal countered back.

Watching the two fight, Jenna felt yet another surge of energy rising inside her. She was hovering a bit over the ground again, and her body felt warmer than usual, almost in a haze...somehow, she knew what she had to do though. Visualizing them in her mind, she then proceeded to summon eight rhinos to appear in front of the suit. They solidified out of the air, looking pale and almost like holograms. She knew they were awaiting her commands. Attack metal man! she urged inside her head. Aim for his feet, V formation! The rhinos heeded her command and charged together at the armor suit, spreading out into a V formation. In size they were tiny compared to both the armored suit and flaming light warrior, but they had numbers behind them. They collectively rammed the suit's feet from the behind and the sides, causing it to stagger and lose its balance.


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fia blinked, as she turned and turned. "i'm fia!" she said as she spun, smiling as she turned around her. she'd heard enough of the conversation to assume the lady she was spinning around was 'jah'ri', but it added a layer of confusion to the picture that she was apparently saying her own name? that was an interesting choice... maybe fia should do it too, to make sure people didn't have to ask? "perhaps you are other flamebearer?" fia eyes widen with excitement, and she starts to go a little faster at the suggestion. the next question comes quickly after, though, so finally stops, addressing it first.

"oh, this?" she starts to dig it out of her pocket, and it sits in the palms of her hands. once she's taken it out, she makes herself as tall as she can and presents it to jah'ri, smiling happily as she feels it's warmth on near her face again. for everyone else, she and it were probably uncomfortably hot at this point, but fia was certainly enjoying herself, not at all aware of the strangeness of the situation. she starts to speak quickly again. "i dunno! but it's gotten pretty bright - oh, you probably shouldn't stare at it - but it's like... a lot of fire... condensed? like a mini sun! but not really. the sun's different. i can't make the sun. oh, but yeah! i made this. i guess. since i'm holding it, i guess i'm flame bearing?"

she waited with the minisun in hand, listening patiently as jah'ri replied to someone else. she had been looking toward jah'ri for the duration of the exchange, but since she wasn't focused on her at the moment, and she wanted to take her own advice by not looking directly at the minisun, she looked toward the current speakers. when the navy haired child spoke up, she watched the scene in front of xenila unfold. she saw the navy haired child, and then she didn't - a bright yellow light came and went, and suddenly, he was gone. her heart immediately sank, horrified by what she'd seen. she knew that yellow light had to have been fire or something - fire left only ashes, and that child...

"if you any of you are willing to fight as well, i would be grateful." xenila talks cooly, as a sound comes rattling in the distance. it was hard for fia to tell what it was, but she an unpleasant look on her face. she looks towards the sounds, a pit forming in her stomach. giants. did they... do this? "i hope you can defend/avoid yourselves," she suggests, saying something more before she merely flies off, taking nio and leaving them all to their devices for the moment. fia blinks, taking in everything as her mind still reeled from the events that had unfolded. for a moment, she almost doesn't realize that the minisun, which had been glowing a brilliant white, had turned to an ominous shade of purple. she examines it carefully, her mind blank as she instinctively holds it closer to her. as she does, the grass beneath her begins to smolder. she holds the sun slightly closer to it, and it begins to speed up. how... hot was it, now? she looks over at the approaching giant.

these giants had hurt someone that had no chance to oppose them. fia feels a surge of emotion finally coming through her, remembering that child as she watches the giants. people had to have reasons for doing what they did, right...? but... this was... she holds a hand to her chest. why would someone do this? her hand grips her dress hard. it's anger. the thing, that emotion that threatens to rise up into her and burst back out is anger. the area around her feet begins to heat up, and smoke rises up from out from beneath them. why? why why why? she clenches her eyes shut, trying to suppress it, trying to stop her trembling body from shaking so hard. there's just not enough room for all this anger inside of her. it proves too much of an effort. she lets it go.

she yells, at first sounding like a painful cry, but mixing into a savage call. flames erupted from beneath where fia stood and she charged forth, running as quickly as she could toward the machines, the flames following behind her steps. she looks up at the group and chooses the odd one out - the 'frame.' she travels a distance between it and herself, and once she deems herself close enough, she spreads her arms up into the sky. the flames behind her came flying forth, flying past her and towards the machine with as much force she could muster. two lines of flames gracefully arced through the air and from separate sides, attempting to sandwich into the sides of it's opponent's torso. there was not a lot flames in her shot, they were relatively thin and long, but they made it lacked in quantity it would have to make up for in force. she's not sure what the giant is, or what it could withstand, but everything had a melting point. she just had to find it.

@NeverBetter @DergTheDergon
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"Fia..." Jah'Ri repeated, as if to audibly etch the new name in her mind. The Dragonborn found herself distracted by the chaos surrounding her, and addressing Xenith, but her attention returned to Fia the moment she stopped her constant running and pulled out what she called a 'mini sun'. Her words were far too fast and complicated for Jah'Ri to understand for the most part, yet her eyes widened when she said something about condensed fire and then said, "so maybe I'm flame bearing?" Indeed, even with Jah'Ri's limited grasp of the common language, she could deduce that, in her own way, Fia was indeed a bearer of flame. The heat radiating off the molten object was comfortably warm held in front of Jah'Ri like it was, however the others may not agree to such a sentiment. "Hmm... Jah'Ri finds this intriguing." She was certainly wondering what sort of capabilities in battle the girl would have, but a sudden and shocking chain of events that happened so fast time seemed to slow down for Jah'Ri would answer her question quite a bit sooner than she thought it would be answered.

Jah'RI stared with wide eyes at the spot where the child once stood, seemed to have been ashified by some powerful source of heat. The anger welling inside her was so great from the sheer amount of things she found wrong and unjust with the sight that had just played out before her, that for a moment her mind went entirely blank and all she could manifest within her mind was the fire of her rage burning these infernal machines, one of which had destroyed an innocent, defenseless creature without a second thought. Jah'Ri found herself reaching out and putting a clawed hand on Xenith's shoulder before she left. "Xenith... be careful. Jah'Ri lay waste to enemy as best she can before you return." Her voice was cold, even and on the verge of exploding into a ferocious roar, which it did mere moments after Xenith flew away.

Jah'Ri found herself charging at the same strange machine Fia had sprinted after herself, backing up her attack with a steady jet of flame that made up for Fia's attack not having much volume. This machine could not burn, perhaps, but Jah'Ri's rage was keen on seeing it dissolve into nothing, however much flame it took. There was nothing in jah'Ri's world right now but herself, her comrade Fia, and the machine they were both intent on melting into a pile of useless molten metal.

@NeverBetter @rusticyawn @VioletShadow
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- Tolan - The hunter - At war -

Tolan had ample time to set up a trap between where the Machines were heading and where Fia and Jah'rii were, he spent a good ten minutes making this simple trap before the machines even began moving to their position, thankfully he was a keen scout, and was able to detect the machines coming from a mile away...although that wouldn't take much skill.

His trap was. Two half cut trees, one on each side of the open path the machines and Fia and Jah Jah were moving, why half cut? because they'd fall onto the machines the moment the trap were sprung, between these two trees a rope, laying on the ground, was tied to their trunks, hard to notice, specially with the size of those frames, however those two trees weren't the only things supporting the rope, there was other two nearby trees supporting it with their weight, all Tolan required to do was to activate the trap.

Tolan was there to see Xenith fly away, which really disappointed him, frankly he had already low expectations of her, but now? now he wondered why he was so stubborn about repaying those who helped him, "So let me get this straight. Xenith, you are abandong your kind, and your best friend and a girl , for a boy who: 1) threatened to kill an old lady in cold blood... 2) could have easily killed jah rii with that trick of his back at the library, or left some long lasting damage. and 3) is just plain untrustworthy? Christ now I wonder why did the vampires even follow your unreliable ass through this. And I feel sorry for the dragonborns too...They don't deserve this shit." He said sighing.

Fia and Jah running at the machines was a problem though, which prompted Tolan to jump out from atop tree, landing right in front of them with a roll as he landed, putting both his hands forward motioning them to stop.

"Think before charging in headfirst into an enemy ten times your size...and wait for my signal, would you kindly?" He told them as he pointed at the trees he had trapped, as he also motioned them to hide in the bushes and wait. "Better chance if we get them by surprise. If my trap works, you two can go to town on them with your fires, while they won't be able to get up...unless you want to wait for Xenith to come back...after tending to her precious iceboy. " Tolan snarked once again, but holding some truth in his voice, like it or not, he had some sense of duty in his tone and he'd need their help to do this. He'd make quite the tactician, or rather trapmaker when he put some thought into things.

With that Tolan ran back into position and prepared to spring the trab, using the last bit of rope to pull everything into position, and trip the frames.

He waited for the Frames to get closer to the trap in order to spring it.

With their combined efforts, they could take the machines down, and possibly get out of this alive.

He really didn't want to see anyone he knew dying today, he still had a drink to buy for Jah rii after all.

@DergTheDergon @rusticyawn

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Tagged Users
@Scrapmaster @rusticyawn

Xenith La Rosia


As Xenith glided over the barren forest, which once stood proudly, she examined the area for her companions. A tuft of bright red hair caught her view, poking out of a dark green bush. She was rather eye-catching, which made Xenith smile slightly, despite how hard she was trying to disguise herself. Jah'Ri on the other hand, with her green scales, was almost unnoticeable, especially with the distance between them. Her improved perception caused locating everyone simple enough, Tolan was watching through the leaves of a nearby tree. However, she doubted the machines could see where they were. Especially the largest one. It depended on whether the cameras were located near their legs.

Xenith wanted to join them, however, she knew she couldn't. Her flying position in the air was eye-catching enough, and she didn't want to ruin the ambush/trap the others had put in place. She wasn't sure what was going on, but from her angle it appeared to be an ambush, but knowing Tolan, despite how little she knew of him, it was probably something more. She carefully landed within a tall tree, startling similar to the one she lay in before, with a spiky torn branch, but there was no dry blood. Her position was far behind the others, yet in the same direction of the machinery's path, so to not lead them astray. These machines weren't particularly fast, or if they were, the distance they had to cover must be large, as Xenith just watched silently as they approached.

This extra time gave her the opportunity to rest a little more, as well as plan attacks and study the machines. However, she knew very little about machines and technology, especially since her race was one of ancient times rather than modern. She clicked her tongue at her lack of knowledge, and vowed to research much more after peace had returned. In preparation, she materialized around 10 shadow orbs, which slowly circled round her. Each one individually pulsed with dark energy, an electric vision of purple sparking within. Some were explosive, similar to bombs which spread a small shock wave of paralyzing dark energy. Whereas the others, were filled with compressed power, which zoomed towards their target at dangerous speeds. However, they all appeared the same. Not one tiny detail was out of place. The only one who knew which ones were different, was Xenith. Calmly, she awaited the time to attack.

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Scrapmaster said:

- Hanz heid - Avatar of truth - 'Avatar form'

As the battle raged on, with many deaths for the Orens, and just a few to the selians, the fight was clearly uneven and highly disadvantageous for them. But an energy spike could be felt nearby, not holy, but also not dark, it was 'Pure energy'.

As the frames charged at some, Hektor, jenna and Xicor for example. One suit which attacked them was stopped by a flash of light passed right by Belluam, at high speeds. It struck one of the armors, which was headed after Somrenne. A figure, with the size rivaling half of the suit's of Armor's size, as it arrived it backhanded the armor, sending a shockwave of light energy from its attack, possibly throwing the suit back.

It was a sight to behold, a figure shining bright, with a sword almost bigger than it, rivaling the Armors. "Behind these suits of armor are men, their bodies frail from overdependence of their technology, and they can be defeated, Brave men. I shall assist you all driving back these machines." Spoke the being, its name was Hanz Heid. The Avatar. His voice echoing through the battlefield, for all to hear.

Hanz quickly engulfed his greatsword in flames and dashed at the suit he attacked previously, Thrusting his sword at hight speed and with great strenght iat its chest. With white fire engulfing his blade.

@Scrapmaster @rusticyawn {/slide}


Xenith La Rosia


As Xenith glided over the barren forest, which once stood proudly, she examined the area for her companions. A tuft of bright red hair caught her view, poking out of a dark green bush. She was rather eye-catching, which made Xenith smile slightly, despite how hard she was trying to disguise herself. Jah'Ri on the other hand, with her green scales, was almost unnoticeable, especially with the distance between them. Her improved perception caused locating everyone simple enough, Tolan was watching through the leaves of a nearby tree. However, she doubted the machines could see where they were. Especially the largest one. It depended on whether the cameras were located near their legs.

Xenith wanted to join them, however, she knew she couldn't. Her flying position in the air was eye-catching enough, and she didn't want to ruin the ambush/trap the others had put in place. She wasn't sure what was going on, but from her angle it appeared to be an ambush, but knowing Tolan, despite how little she knew of him, it was probably something more. She carefully landed within a tall tree, startling similar to the one she lay in before, with a spiky torn branch, but there was no dry blood. Her position was far behind the others, yet in the same direction of the machinery's path, so to not lead them astray. These machines weren't particularly fast, or if they were, the distance they had to cover must be large, as Xenith just watched silently as they approached.

This extra time gave her the opportunity to rest a little more, as well as plan attacks and study the machines. However, she knew very little about machines and technology, especially since her race was one of ancient times rather than modern. She clicked her tongue at her lack of knowledge, and vowed to research much more after peace had returned. In preparation, she materialized around 10 shadow orbs, which slowly circled round her. Each one individually pulsed with dark energy, an electric vision of purple sparking within. Some were explosive, similar to bombs which spread a small shock wave of paralyzing dark energy. Whereas the others, were filled with compressed power, which zoomed towards their target at dangerous speeds. However, they all appeared the same. Not one tiny detail was out of place. The only one who knew which ones were different, was Xenith. Calmly, she awaited the time to attack.

(I will say, you guys went to TOWN on those Frames In just a few posts, you eliminated like 3, broke the legs of one, and hacked another. Jesus good freaking job.)


Xicor successfully hacks into the Frame "Silver Shroud", a black and silver Frame near by the Titan Frame, gaining access to it's mainframe. Though he cannot control it, he can set it's Autopilot's next target location and shut it down otherwise. Maybe someone smart enough could mount the machine and use it to assist (Critical Success).

Fia's blazing fire, coupled with Jah'Ri's fire, are able to completely melt their target Frame, rendering it nothing more than a pile of liquefied metal and weapons. The explosives within went off, destroying anything that could have been left, the Pilot was the only thing to "survive", however, they had been covered with molten metal, it was safe to say that they were finished off as well. (Both rolled a Critical Check, Jah'Ri gained: Flametongue a larger window of stamina for her fire breath and an extra Physical Fitness point independent of Permanent stat increases) (critical, standard roll) and Fia gained new ability: Body of Flames: With proper movement of ones body, they generate flames independently of a Magic pool, as it comes from one's will and physical stamina. Physical actions are also easier to preform, and learning new attack-based abilities has been raised significantly (+2 to future Physical rolls independent of Permanent stat increases) (Critical x3 roll)

Tolan's Trap successfully catches the next Frame that was incoming, crushing it under a multitude of trees.

Jenna's Rhino Army charge and destroy the legs of a Frame, completely removing it's ability to move.

Bellaum's attacks deal no significant damage to the Titan Frame, only dents here and there. However she was successfully able to destroy the first frame she attacked.

Caeser's arrow bounces off of the dense armor of the Titan Frame. He would need more power behind his shot before he could do any serious damage with regular Bows.

Hanz successfully destroys the Frame he had attacked, the pilot unable to cope with the sudden attack of a giant claymore-wielding titan of a thing.

Hektor and Somrene destroyed the Paladin Skin with little trouble, their system of combating them was effective.

Current score: 14 men of the Republic remain active, two of which are trapped. The remaining about seventy men of Oren's Army suffer no casualties as of the completion of the last actions.

The game state had changed. And Rais knew it. His men and women, all falling to the bastard guerrilla's crawling out of the dirt. They were obviously on Oren's side. Nothing they had could stand up to such a force was with them, aside from his Titan Frame. His trusted machine.

As his soldiers fell, were hurt, as even he was damaged (if only ever so slightly), he knew there was nothing they could do to truly win this fight, or at least live through it. Not now.

"Men! Retreat! That is an order!"

He called over to the people he called friends, family, loved ones. They already lost so many. This was not how it was suppose to go. This was not how it was going to end, either.

"I will cover your escape, just run!"

What Frames which were left and the Paladin Skin's that remained, they didn't hesitate. They knew that even if they survived the fight, and Rais came out of it OK, he would never let them live down failing their Colonel's orders. They fled. What Frames still worked began to convert their forms, each taking on an odd-looking lion-like appearance, and charging off, tail between their legs. They were moving much faster like this, much, much faster. All save one unit had left. The Colonel yelled to the pilot, but he couldn't control the machine. Colonel Rais commanded he exit and a Skin pick him up. The skins were capable of high-speed thrust-assisted flight, but not for long periods of time. Their jets were highly vulnerable as well, not safe to use in combat, and not glamorous looking. As the feet, backpack, and hands opened to reveal the flight thruster's, the inner mechanism of those portions showed: Their gears and wires messy contrary to the outward appearance.

As they fled like the fearful men they were, Rais turned his Frame to the warriors on the field. "This machine has survived over a hundred thousand sortie's, and I, one of the most highly decorated men in the Republic's army. You will not live through this, and I will not let you harm another one of my men!"

The tank-like form began to shift apart, the armor seeming to crack and separate and it's weapons rearrange. The tank now began to stand like any other Frame, but this one was not like any of the others.

Unlike the others, for instance, it is heavily armored. It looked like a wall, and stood about twice as tall as the other Frames, the bulky, block-like body parts were minimally decorated, little to no panels showed, the only lines available were from where the Tank form had previously covered. The two beam cannons had been mounted now on it's arms, their long and blocky design made them look like they were hard to maneuver in any capacity. The tank cannon had been repositioned to the left shoulder, and gattling guns moves to face the front, though they were on a free-moving turret: they could now fire in any direction. Unlike other Frames, this one was gifted with a head: It looked like a gas-mask had been fused with a beekeeper and a fencer: The front was a curved, soft-looking sculpt, but a big, blocky mask covered the mouth, and surrounding it, an odd helmet-like cage.

And with no hesitation, he fired a beam cannon shot at the army of Oren's army, try to at least level the playing field for him, bring it down to an army in the twenty's or so.

Only the Vampire warrior of their team had other ideas. "Bellin. Shining Black Wall. Now." The Dragonborn male grunted in response to the Vampire with a nod. he drew the axe from his belt and held it ready as the Vampire cast some sort of odd magic onto it's edge.

The beam came, and Bellin slashed downwards. A burst of magical force erupted as the swing came out. The energy collided with the blast as the Dragonborn readied another swing, and slashed, releasing another burst. And another, and another, and another, until a wall of magical energy held the blast in place until it dissipated.

The battle was already almost over, it was only now a matter of how long Rais can hold out. "I'm sorry, my men. You all, I hope you can forgive your Colonel's weakness."

He fired another shot, and another, and another from the beam cannon on his right arm, and on his left, he prepared another, more powerful blast.

Oren, meanwhile, had the Dragonborn known as Bellin, continue to keep this counterattack going. Every swing damaged the ground below him from the weight they each carried. With every slash he, as well as Oren's army began to move up.
Caesar watched as one damaged frame was pulled away from the fight by a different flying machine. Unfortunately for both, the flying robot had exposed a weakness. Caesar decided to take advantage of this weakness. He moved swiftly, nocking another arrow and holding his bow carefully. He needed a good angle. Caesar searched for a good spot as the pair began to fly away. Come on... Finally! He crouched down and brought his bow up, pointed straight towards vulnerable wiring in the thrusters. Caesar imagined the machines exploding violently like fireworks, and sincerely hoped that was what would happen this time around. He let the arrow fly, then pulled another from his quiver and fired again. He repeated this two more times, in hopes that one of them would do anything as his targets began to escape.


Lyon glanced nervously from the ensuing battle, as multiple mechs were destroyed in a grand fashion, to the boy beneath her. "Wakey wakey." She whispered to him, pushing more healing magic into him. She wondered how anyone could sleep so well with such chaos around them. "Time to get up now, we do not want to get caught in one of those blasts."

(More once Nio awakes)


Somrene looked to Hektor. "That was most effective. I value your abilities." He said, his naturally loud voice carrying across the plains. Soon afterwards, the rest of the machines began to flee. Somrene was not one to pursue a fleeing enemy, even if such a decision may come back to bite him later. No, he was a staunch believer that if you surrendered, no harm should come to you. So he turned his attention to the remaining machine. This one was much larger and sturdier than the others. But he had previously thought that the other robots were nigh invincible, so this one could not be too difficult right? He charged forwards, coming from behind the Titan Frame. As he neared it's legs, the Gigant leaped high into the air, and brought his hammer down with both hands against the back of its... knee of sorts. If it had a knee Somrene assumed that he was hitting it. Simultaneously, he channeled another tremor through the ground to assist his process of knocking the machine down to size, though it was much more difficult from the air. He was unsure if he could pull off another magic trick anytime soon.

Jah'Ri didn't close her flaming maw until the strange being-like machine was nothing more than a molten hill of metal, just as she had planned. Her throat started to ache, the glands within that produce her Dragonfire strained to thier limit. As she caught her breath, inhaling needed oxygen in massive gasps, she swore she felt her glands... shifting inside of her throat. Little did she know, they had become stronger due to the amount of use they'd gotten in the last few moments alone. Looking towards Fia to see how she was holding up, Jah'Ri then spoke to her. "Good work. Hideous metal beast did not stand a chance against our flames." Glancing around the battlefield at the ensuing carnage, the Dragonborn found herself smiling her toothy smile as she saw that the tide had now definitively turned to thier side, the other beings who had suddenly found themselves here making quick work of thier alien, metallic adversaries.

The largest of these robots suddenly signaled something to its brethren, or so it seemed, as they began retreating moments later. Still wracked with adrenaline brought on by the heat of battle (pun intended), Jah'Ri shouted at the fleeing Frames with a ferocity that would strike fear into the most ferocious predator. "Cowards! Face your death with courage!" It seemed that this only made a few of them run away faster, for some reason. It was frustrating that there was only one enemy left to feel the heat of Jah'Ri's rage, but at least there was still one particularly massive foe on the field to take said frustrations out on.

Just as Jah'Ri was about to attack the massive metal leader of the Republic forces, it changed and shifted suddenly, growing taller and seemingly larger, looking more like its fleeing brethren by the minute, causing the Dragonborn pause. She then wished she had not stopped in her tracks as it subsequently let loose a venerable hail of strange projectiles, the strange blue variety she could feel a great deal of heat radiating from as she dodged one. Looking to see a fellow Dragonborn causing some sort of black shield to appear with swings of his axe, Jah'Ri moved behind it, looking around Fia, hoping she got safely behind them as well. Looking to her, she said, "Jah'Ri doubts this foe can be felled by her and you, though she suggests we charge at it when an opening is clear." Glancing around for others making attacks at the beast, she decided to charge once she saw a clear opening in the hail of strange projectiles.


fia gave it her best, pushing the flames as hard as she could into the machine until it gave away entirely, nothing left of it more than it's scraps. she, too, was breathing hard, her face still contorted in a frustrated, furious look. she thinks, maybe, she should be pleased, but she's not sure she's even capable of it right now, her body filled with so much disdain she could almost taste it on her tongue. leftover flame prickled and danced on her skin before finally burning itself out, and something in her limbs felt different. more limber. they only really loosen up when jah'ri speaks up, and then they let go, as if needing the verbal confirmation that the giant was truly dead before they would give. she gives a small nod, to let her know she'd been heard and agreed with, but there was still a far off look in fia's eyes as she stares at the pile. when jah'ri looks off, she finally does too, a bit aghast at the carnage that had went on in the meantime. this was a battlefield. she shuddered slightly, inadvertently. she didn't get a long look before the giants began to turn tail.

"cowards! face your death with courage!" jah'ri's words, which seemed to only fill those fleeing with fear, began to fill fia with courage. jah'ri was surely right. the acts they had been committing were abhorrent, unacceptable, and now that they could not do them without opposition, now they wanted to leave without facing repercussions? fia ran to jah'ri's side. she couldn't get quite as loud as the other woman, but she still shouted to their disappearing silhouettes. "y-yeah! c-cowards! get back here!" she can't be quite as imposing as jah'ri was about it, admittedly, but it doesn't seem to matter, anyway. none of them were turned back. her face scrunched up slightly at the sight. her eyes widened a bit when jah'ri turned immediately to face their final opponent, but she followed closely behind.

when the two of them were safely behind the counters of the strange blue reptile guy, fia looked over to jah'ri when she looked at her, a look of intense confusion on her face. what was even going on anymore? what kind of weapon could just... stop all the stuff that had been heading toward them? fia watches the display intently as jah'ri speaks. an opening... the guy from earlier had warned them off from attacking indiscriminately attacking the giants, didn't he? but she doesn't hesitate when jah'ri bolts out from behind the barrier, moving straight toward the giant with her with as much speed as she can muster.

jah'ri is a slight distance ahead of her, faster than fia, but fia can see in front of them another giant, this one discernibly more human. while he didn't seem to match the size of the machines, he was very obviously bigger than fia or jah'ri by a large margin, and he was going in on the machine, from the look of his posture, about to aim his hammer at the knee of the monster. "jah'ri!" she shouts, trying to catch her attention. could the two of them even match that? fia felt around, grasping at her dress. as she ran, she pulled out the glowing, smoldering purple ball, and looked toward the monster. fia wasn't even sure if the giant's swing would prove effective, but maybe they could match the effort with fire?

she began to feed into the minisun, using her own flames. it began to fuel and spark in response. fia wasn't sure exactly what it could do, what it would do, but she heated it hotter and hotter, as much as she could do in the run over, and once jah'ri and her were close enough, she yells. "let's go!" with somrene on one side, close to the other leg, fia and jah'ri were on the other, and presumably at once, the went for the leg they were near. fia jumped, and launched herself up and toward it's knee, pushing the minisun out in front of her and, with as much heat as she could muster into the minisun, she tried to force it through the machine's leg.

@DergTheDergon @NeverBetter
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Muro watched as the others rushed out. He'd heard the explosions, the sound of fighting. His friends, could he consider them that? He'd known them for but a few moments, yet he felt he should be with them, perhaps it was just his instincts, telling him to be part of a pack, to help others, hunt together. But something held him back. Fear. Like when he had fled the forest monster, what seemed like an age ago now. He wanted to help. Muro started running...

Only to be stopped by a hand grasping his feathered tail

"Oh, so is this an emergency brake?" Came the voice of Simon Cross

"Get off!" Roared Muro at the top of his lungs, snapping his jaws at the masked man.

"Oh, are you mad? HaHa! Alright fine, go on your little suicide mission, I'll just be at the sidelines, watching you all duke it out with... whatever.

Muro ran out the door of the library, out of town, across the now war torn landscape, the scent of fire in his nostrils, something was burning, the sounds of retreat from one side if an army and...

Muro stopped dead in his tracks. A huge, mechanical thing seemed to be in some kind of stand off with the people he had seen in the library, as well as some other acquaintances. Muro analysed the situation. The thing was shooting projectiles. Muro couldn't kill it, he could however, make an opening.

Muro charged forward and screeched as loud as he possibly could, running in zigzags so we wouldn't get hit easily by anything, he just needed it to be distracted from the others.

Simon Cross started going after Muro, not running, but going at more of a jogging pace, when he arrived, Muro was charging and screaming.

"Oh this is gonna be good!" Said Simon, watching from a safe distance as the battle continued.
Jenna Soloven


Jenna was tired. Using the power of her rhino horde had taken all the energy out of her. She felt a bit dizzy, and her breathing was a bit tense. But it had worked, she had incapacitated her giant- that was what Jenna was calling them in her head, since they weren't really robots. And they seemed to be winning the war, unbelievably. One by one, the giants fell down, overcome by the sheer force of the army of men and the various powers of her companions.

Jenna watched as the largest giant signaled to the other ones something, and they all started retreating backwards. She gasped. So they had surrendered, for real. Was it over? She heard someone yelling loudly "Cowards! face your death with courage!". It was a strange, raspy voice. Jenna turned in the direction of it, seeing a Dragonborn yelling, and next to her, looking very fierce with the minisun in her hand, was Fia!

So this is where she had been all along, right in the center of the action. Jenna ran across the fields towards Fia's direction, thinking it was safer now that the rest of the suits had been retreated. But she was wrong. The largest of the giant machines, the one who had ordered all the others to retreat, had kept on fighting. He was firing massive blasts from his canon, wiping down rows of soldiers except the ones that stood underneath the black energy shields. But Jenna had no shield. She was trapped in the middle of the field, virtually unprotected. The giant seemed to glance at her, and fired a massive cannon blast that missed her by a few feet. She yelped and kept running...if only she could use her powers now...muster up some possible energy...

The second blast didn't miss. She felt it coming before she saw it, felt the hairs standing on her back, as the cannon shot hurtled towards her body. As the blast was about to strike her, a translucent image of a rhino appeared before her, and partially absorbed the blow. Her last, reflexive defenses. But it wasn't enough, because the remainder of the shot slammed with immeasurable force.

She blacked out instantly.

@rusticyawn @VioletShadow @NeverBetter

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- Tolan - The hunter - At war...alongside crazies.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Was Tolan's reaction to huge tank shifting itself...and everyone else charging at it, specially Jah Jah and Firegirl over there. He facepalmed as he sighed, quickly leaving his spot and running around the battlefield quickly, if he had any shot at this, he'd need to climb up on it, thankfully he had a grapple...that helped.

Before moving out however, he noticed Xenith flying above the battlefield. "HEY XENITH!" he shouted towards her, hoping she'd hear, "Since the others are distracted attacking it head on, and you can coincidentaly fly, attack whatever weak point you see from above!" He shouted at her as he turned to the thing again, and began dodging incoming cannon fire, thankfully it wasn't considering a high value target, so not a lot of fire was concentrated at him.

"Least they are a good distraction...for now." he spoke as he finally got behind...the huge machine of war, it was much, much bigger than he was, but if he managed to climb up on it, maybe he'd be able to hit a weakspot, or something.

"Ah screw it it." he said as he pulled out his grapple hook, and started climbing its legs, doing powerful blood enhanced jumps from point to point, from its legs up to its torso, all he needed was to hold on, as this...was quite a horrible spot to be in, but it looked like the only viable way of doing any significant damage.

@rusticyawn @DergTheDergon @VioletShadow @NeverBetter

- Hanz - The avatar of truth - At war

Hanz was unphased at the sudden turn of events, however, the deaths of soldiers of the orem army displeased him greatly, as the frame he had earlier attacked felç, destroyed. he turned his attention to the new enemy. His appearance looking glorious as ever. He dashed past the soldiers of the orem army, rushing at the, now much bigger than him, robot.

He saw some people attacking one of its legs, figuring attacking both legs would be a waste of time, he decided to assist them. Deciding to ignite his fist with fire and infusing it with light energy, he dashed at it, and punched the leg, alongside Fia, him standing right above her.

Looking down on her for a second. "Excuse me." He spoke as he delivered a devastating fire/light punch into the leg, alongside Fia.

@rusticyawn @NeverBetter

Hektor - The Gentleman - At war as well.

Hektor was satisfied that his attack worked, he however did not know he had lightning AND wind magic, this made him think for a few seconds as he was spoken to by Somrene, He smiled and tiped his hat towards the man, "Least I could do" He spoke. his tone as classy as ever.

He frowned as he saw the now, giant frame shift into position, but he, like the others, was ready to continue the onslaught, he was going to rush at it and try to hit it from the sides while it was distracted, but he was interrupted as he saw Jenna being knocked out. "No!" He shouted as he quickly rushed to her position.

He also noticed Muro, the dinosaur from before at the town. "Mr. Muro! I fear Jenna is in trouble!" He spoke, hoping the dinosaur would hear.

He soon managed to get to her and grab her, but another blast from the giant machine came his way, he was in its line of fire anyway. But at that moment his eyes shined and changed their color to a golden color momentarily, as used lightning to dash out of the way of the attack, the lightning increasing his speed dramaticaly, hopefully it would be enough to get him and her out of the way. "I'l get you out of here Miss Jenna, this is no place for a lass like yourself to die!"

@Pashpu @NeverBetter @Spinoceratopsrex

Meanwhile Xicor - The cyborg - Obviously, at war too.

Xicor was...satisfied that his hack worked, and that he managed to take over the mech too!, "Yes!" He said fist bumping the air, he was quite happy, to be honest. Quickly pressing a few buttons in his hologram screen, as the mech was sent towards him on auto pilot.

He wasted no time getting onto and inside the frame, checking out its circuits and systems, now that they were linked to his own systems, controling it manually would be a breeze. Checking out its weapon systems amazed him, such advanced weaponry, on a low ranking unit...he needed to have this tech for himself...later, for now, he needed to assist in taking out Rais's mech.

First of all, he ran an analisys check on Rais's mech with what data he could take out of the "Silver Shroud"'s databanks and scanner, combining it into his own was easy, and it would allow him to acquire info he did not have before.

He also readied the Silver Shroud's main gun, moving a bit to the side, out of Rais's line of fire, he fired at it from the side, waiting for the scan to be complete.

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@Scrapmaster @Yuffie Kisaragi

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith watched quietly, as the scene began to unfold before her. Mechanical machines fell all around, one melted beyond recognition, one crushed by nature's fury. Her companions were amazing fighters, she found herself watching Jah'Ri more often than not. As she examined the events before her, strange, runic symbols began to swirl around her, similar to the orbs of dark energy, but faint in appearance. Finally, as the gigantic mechanical figure began to transform, she made her move. With the dark aura once again surrounding her body, she silently flew up into the air, her dark vampiric wings eager to be free.

As she stealthily was gliding right above the gigantic robotic figure, a voice annoyed her to no bounds. Tolan. She couldn't help but facepalm depressingly.
Firstly, you are finally behind the monstrous figure, and now you have alerted the commander that you are there. Now he could turn around, and get rid of you. Especially with your new vulnerable position. But no, you didn't only ruin your own battle position, you ruined mine. With her stealthy tactic no longer usable, and her annoyance clear on her face, she was startled by the sudden rattling of machinery facing her direction. She gave an exasperated sigh, before heading closer towards her new target, the gattling gun currently attacking her.

She weaved between each of the shots, slowly getting closer, yet not too near, so she could study the machinery. Within a few moments of contemplation, she found her aim. Moving slightly farther back, she commanded 5 of her dark energy orbs to charge forward. The first three were diversions, with their rapid speed catching the gattling guns attention. They distracted the machine as the other two came closer. As the last diversion died, the two explosive orbs, filled with a paralysis effect, charged at the gattling gun from both sides. As they exploded, the paralysis shockwave merely dented the object, however, it had paused it's firing and movement for a few moments. And those few moments, were enough.

Within the blink of an eye, Xenith was next to the gattling gun, despite her being on the right side of it. She pressed her hands against the opening she had found, and fired her shadow beam. Her body glowed with a dark electricity, conducted through all the shadow attacks lately. The gattling gun slowly fell to the ground, thoroughly detached from the gigantic robotic figure. It crashed into thousands of pieces onto the floor, the weight of gravity too much for it's weakened self to handle. With a little nod as she watched it crash, she began flying around the machine, looking for more openings whilst being a distraction.

Nio Magnetus


Within his unconsciousness, he could feel a warm white light enveloping his body. It was soothing and pure. However, to him, it was utterly disgusting. He awoke with a jolt, as if to escape the magic surrounding him, he held his head in pain, because he had awoken much too suddenly. After a short struggle, he remembered the past events, and looked up in surprise to see a woman looking at him. However, behind her was a gigantic blast of energy, moving along at dangerous speeds. She was obviously oblivious to the fact, that they were both in serious danger, as she was looking at him slightly confused.

With a little sigh, from the sudden action he has to take, he grabbed the woman with one arm, pulling her close, whereas with the other, a powerful wall of ice suddenly formed, barely withstanding the attack. Energy seeped out from both sides of the wall, the wall barely enough to cover them both. Immediately after the blast had disappeared, the wall of ice disintegrated into a dazzling shower of harmless ice shards. Panting slightly, his mind still a muddle from the sudden awakening, he examined the woman he had just let go of. Long wavy grey hair, crimson eyes, similar yet distinct from Xenith's, and a strange white knightly outfit. Her outfit was peculiar, yet fascinating, with all the random details added in.
"I apologize for grabbing you so suddenly, but with this, I hope the debt is repaid." He had noticed it was her throwing all the magic onto him, he was rather sick of the warm feeling, yet grateful for her trying to help him.

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