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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia nodded and bobbed slightly up and down as jenna and hektor talked, feeling a little antsy as she watched the people of the town move by. there seemed to be a lot going on here - people were all going about their lives in a somewhat linear fashion, similar but distinct as they moved along the streets. she bit her lip as she imagined it. what were these people going about in doing? how did they all exist so... densely? fia's little bobbing motion slows slightly as she crosses her arms around her chest. it seemed so surreal to her, for some reason she couldn't quite place.

"a... library?" fia gave jenna a troubled look as she mentions the idea of moving their group to one. the word doesn't have much familiarity to her (none of them do, really) and it's hard to for her to know for sure whether it's because it is a truly new concept to her, or something she just couldn't fathom at the moment. since fia wasn't really sure why there was difference between the two in the first place, it was kind of hard to work out which it was. in her distraction, though, fia manages to make out two figures entering a building - a... plant? and a... well, they sort of looked humanoid. fia's sure the plant gives them a look.

she watches as people seem to come and go from it. it was sort of memorizing to her, in that they all seemed to resemble their group in a way. in that they had some sort of intangible weirdness about them. she guessed they weren't terribly so - a few people like the man entering the building before and their new large reptilian friend seemed to be emerging as the people around them dispersed. still, it was enough to catch her attention, and she grabs jenna's sleeve and points her in the direction of it.

"so, uh, is that what we're all looking for?" she asks, still sort of staring at it as she points it out to everyone. before much could be done about the revelation, a loud sound suddenly crashed against the barrier, and fia immediately tightened her grip on jenna, hiding her face in jenna's sleeve.

"what was that!?" she cried out, startled and upset by the sound of the noise. as she reluctantly turned her head upward to survey the damage, she could see an area of the barrier on the side of the town replaced by ice, and a seemingly nonchalant boy striding away from the scene, as if nothing of real importance had happened.

Jenna watches the streets, looking around for some place of importance. So far she's not able to see anything but people moving about in what she assumed to be their normal route. Just then, Fia grabs Jenna's sleeve to get her attention. That annoys Jenna a bit but she looks to where Fia is staring. People seemed to be going and coming from a building more than the other buildings around it. All sorts of strange people too. A weird plant-creature and a few more reptilian humanoid...things. "Is that what we're looking for?" Fia asks.

"I'm not sure.." replied Jenna. "But other people seem to be definitely looking for it, so let's see what's there." She walks towards the building, careful not to draw too much attention to herself as some of the people at the door creep her out.

Just then, there is a loud crash, and Fia is relentlessly pulling her sleeve. "What was that?!" Fia asks. Jenna doesn't say anything, cause of course she doesn't have the answer. But she does manage to see the white-haired boy calmly walking walking away from a barrier of pure ice. As she looks at the white-haired boy she notices his cold eyes and something about him strikes her. She knew him, somehow. And he did not belong here. Somehow, he wasn't one of them. Jenna shook out of her trance and continued on towards the library. She opened the doors.
The other Dragonborn, capable of understanding the language Xenith spoke but not of speaking it well themselves, simply stood silently in a circle, Draconian eyes fixed on Xenith as she explained what she had to say. There were five of them, 6 including jah'Ri and seven if Xai'Kah joined in. Glancing back at the library, Jah'Ri saw that Xai-Kah was still tied up, quite literally from the viny arm still about his body, with the plant-being over there. Perhaps she would simply have to do this without him.

The dragonborn gathering around Jah'Ri gave nods of approval and thoughtful grunts as Xenith provided a rather accurate assessment of thier people, as well as telling them of her kind, who seem quite capable indeed. Stroking her chin in a rather human-like gesture of contemplation, Jah'Ri looked Xenith in the eyes after a short pause. "Jah'Ri thinks she sees good plan. Weapons not needed between both races it would seem. Good. Not have to acquire, would take much time. Jah'Ri proposes her kin move in first, get enemy's attention, Xenith' s kin surrounding them in shadows. When enemy is busy fighting Jah'Ri's kin, Xenith's Kin join fight, catching enemy off guard, perhaps starting to free thier brethren as Jah'Ri's Kin fight. Sound like good plan?" Jah'Ri looked into Xenith's eyes with a hopeful gaze, hoping to impress Xenith with her simple yet efficient plan. Jah'Ri's kind clearly didn't know much of military strategy, but Jah'Ri remembers fragments of past skirmishes where her kind won with simple overwhelming force. Looking back towadrs her fellow Dragonborn, jah'Ri then said "Do Kin all agree to aid Xenith kind in this way? Will be dangerous."

One of the males spoke up after Xenith spoke her part of the battle plan, in a very thick draconian accent and accentuated his "s" and "r" consonants. "Xirr'Nah knowss that Jah'Ri iss Flamebearer, trrue descssendant of Fatherrss. We ssworn to follow, will trrusst herr." Jah'Ri gave the male a confused and slightly bewildered look. jah'Ri certainly didn't feel special, but then something dawned on her. 'Flamebearer... Jah'Ri's maw-fire is... unique?" A cocophony of nods and positive grunts followed, and Ja'Ri looked over her kin for a moment trying to comprehended all this before simply turning back towards Xenith. It was strange, in a way both women seemed to be some sort of symbol for thier peoples, held in high regard.

After this odd revelation, she then turned back towards Xenith. "It is settled then. Head out soon? One captor at a time, correct?" After these last few details were confirmed, Jah'Ri led her people in a group with the vampires, and the two groups discussed fine details of the plan if necessary.

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- Hektor -

Hektor examined Muro, a dinosaur...in the middle of a town? and one that could speak even? that was one sight to see. "My name is Hektor, very nice to meet you...sir?" He didn't know what to say exactly, what would you say to a dinosaur in order to be polite anyway?

Thankfully they were approached by Jenna, who promptly advised to check around the area, "Agreed." Hektor said with a nod and,of course a tip of his hat. He also noticed other...strange people walking around, lizard people of sorts, or rather, Dragonborns. "I'd say its best we move quick, I don't like the fact that the human population in the streets started to sparse, and well...I do not enjoy rain." He said as he followed Jenna and Fia.

Fia's question made him chuckle a bit. "At least a map would be nice, as long as we know where we are. The sudden noise did bring his attention however, but he didn't see what was the cause. Regardless, they entered the library.

@rusticyawn @Pashpu @Spinoceratopsrex

- Xicor -

Selian's...technology? so there WAS advanced technology in this world!, that was a nice surprise, cuz Xicor's fear was that if there was no technology, there was no way for him to improve in any way, much less maintain his implants...specially the one in his heart and lungs, but regardless. He listened to the Librarian's story with curiosity, he was a good listener, even though the visor didn't show any of his face. "Truly an unreasonable cause for a war..." Xicor replied.

Still, his thoughts were mostly about this Selian faction...maybe...just maybe they had some information about what the heck was he, and possibly technology he could 'borrow', but he doubted they would just hand it over. He began to hear the sounds of a battle in the distance. Turning his attention to it, but also noticing the newcomers into the library.

@NeverBetter @rusticyawn @Pashpu @Spinoceratopsrex

Tolan kept watch over the blood magic book, and as the librarian tossed it aside, Tolan took full advantage that Xicor caught her attention, as she rambled on about the war. Tolan quickly snagged the book from the table, but one thing for sure though, he could feel a power coming from the book...a power that was very familiar to him. And as he did that blood-colored energy began to swirl around his right arm, which he used to pickup the book. This book had certainly something of interest, and certainly, he wasn't gonna leave it here.

He hoped Xenith and Jarh rii noticed the sudden reaction but if they didn't it wouldn't matter, he'd need Xenith to translate it for him...if he couldn't translate it himself. He quickly put the book in his pack, which hid the book from the prying eyes of others, hearing the battle in the distance, and seeing as Xenith and The dragon woman wanted to leave and possibly fight. And also their plan.

"Kill the most threatening one first, if the one who holds the most influence and authority falls, everyone else scatters around like headless chickens, morale falls, they become disorganized, thats our perfect opportunity of a succesftull attack." Tolan gave his hunter and also assassin's thoughts of the plan. "I may not be as powerful in magic...well...Not that I know of, but...if what you say is right, then a one precise strike into an owner is all we need." He commented

And as he did so, he got a nasty stare of a male dragonborn, which he stared back at it. With even more killing intent than the dragonborn showed by staring at him. (This is just random to show Tolan is not fucking around :P )

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon
Tagged Users
@DergTheDergon @Scrapmaster

Xenith La Rosia


"That sounds like a good plan, Jah'Ri. Nicely thought out. It will be similar to a surprise flank." Xenith replied calmly, gradually gathering all the plans together. Her deep crimson eyes shone with a lust; a lust to save her brethren. As a realization dawned within both Xenith and Jah'Ri alike, she stared at her close friend, eyes open wide in surprise. "I always knew you were special." She spoke quietly, a genuine, sweet smile upon her face. "It's a little sad knowing that it isn't particularly useful in this situation..." Her expression returning to her usual, emotionless appearance. Knowing that fire breathers are rare doesn't add onto their fighting power, it lessens it. She didn't know fire breathers were rare, therefore sighing a little.

Worry filled her mind, what if they didn't come back alive? She bit her lip,
"If anything happens..retreat immediately." She gave a quick glance towards everyone in their circle, whose expressions darkened slightly, but were in acceptance of the inescapable truth. Death was certainly likely.

A familiar voice cut through the air, as Xenith looked up at him in surprise. She pondered slightly about how to say this nicely, but decided to be blunt like usual. "Who said, you were apart of this group?" She questioned, deeply staring at Tolan's hidden face. "Don't just slyly slide in as if everything's normal, It's disrespectful." Facing her circle once again, her little rant ended, she asked politely "Should he be able to join? The more manpower the better, in my opinion." The three vampires next to her looked at each other for a split second before replying, once again using the blonde woman as the spokesperson. "We will follow you in all your decisions, my lady." she nodded quietly. "Thank you for your input." she replied with a similar nod. Her feet twitched impatiently, as she awaited the others answers. She wanted to head out, in case something happened whilst they were discussing.

Nio Magnetus


Nio stood expressionless, silently leaning against a wall nearby as he listened to the whole situation. If she's getting involved so am I. He thought to himself nonchalantly. He was the kind of person who just went with the flow, not particularly afraid of death.

He stepped out into the open, after Tolan pronounced his presence, and asked politely
"May I join your group?" with the small hint of a smile. He wasn't particularly interested in why they were fighting, but merely wanted to protect Xenith. He gave a swift glare towards Jah'Ri, almost too fast for the naked eye to see, as he walked over. Sitting down near Xenith, he examined the creatures whose voices he had heard behind the wall. Dragon-borns and vampires teaming up? An unlikely pairing, but it might be a strong one.

Looking around, he remembered he should show the others what he could do. "This is my power.." he spoke calmly, towards everyone in the circle. Without a hint of warning, a ball of ice power materialized in his hand, he threw it swiftly and accurately at Jah'Ri's feet. The icy shards froze Jah'Ri in place, swiftly spiraling up her legs. As a freezing cold began to burst throughout the ice, he grinned with evil, before halting.

As he released his power, he spoke once again
"I do apologize Jah'Ri, I used you as part of my demonstration. I hope you'll forgive me..." His voice subtly sarcastic, only so that Jah'Ri would understand. He wasn't sorry. Not one bit. He stared deeply at Jah'Ri, a triumphant smile upon his face.

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VioletShadow said:
"Who said, you were apart of this group?"
(ooooooooohh, rude :P )

Tolan chuckled at Xenith's blunt reminder to him. and his tone changed to that of a unhinged killer, "I am part of whatever the fuck I want to be lady, and I don't need your permission to help. Regardless of what anyone else thinks." Tolan spoke in the same manner as Xenith spoke to him just now, he couldn't give a shit less if she found it offensive or not, Tolan was not one to take blunt, rude statements like that. as for her later statement.

"Oh im sorry I didn't think about this was an only vampire and dragon party...not that I give two shits about it. That battle can very well come to this town if we don't do something, and im only in this because I owe you a favor for saving my life." Tolan spoke, his tone returning to his normal unemotional blank tone with slight sarcarm thrown in. "And if any of you have a problem with me then by all means come talk to me in private...Im sure we can...sort things out" He mentioned. This time directed at the vampires and dragonborns alike, who stared at him with contempt for he talking back at Xenith.

Tolan then examined Nio's actions as the boy froze Jah'ri in place, Tolan nearly drew his axe to cut the boy until he spoke about being 'sorry, but needing to show it', what a farse, Tolan was hoping Jah'ri showed similar views on the boy...he did just freeze her in place.

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon
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Jah'Ri's eyes lit up with a joyful gleam to them as Xenith gave her approval of Jah'Ri's ideas. Her next words, spoken after the other Dragonborns' reassurance that she was some sort of paragon to them due to her ability to breathe fire, were touching to Jah'Ri. She wasn't expecting Xenith to say such a thing, and found herself momentarily speechless as she retained that loving glint in her eye. "Jah'Ri is.... not certain why you thought such Xenith, but thank you... Jah'Ri always knew you were special, at that." Smiling another of their toothy smiles, her visage then became as edxpressionless as Xenith's own, when she borught up a good point. "Yes, that is rather sad. More Maw-Fire would be very useful, but it seems Jazh'Ri the only one capable of it among her kin surroundong her. Jah'Ri... swears she remembers it not always being this way... as if our Fire was... silenced, except among a few..." rubbing her temples and trying to remember more details, she could not, and sighed nearly in Tandem with Xenith. Jah'Ri slowly as Solemly nodded at Xenith's request to retreat if anything happens. "That goes for Xenith as well," she added in a concered tone, staring into her eyes with sadness at the thought of losing her.

Jah'Ri cast a surprised glance in Tolan's direction as he spoke up. Raising the scaly muscle where a human's eyebrows would be, she listened to his insights and felt quite impressed by them. She caught his glare directed towadrs one of her Kin, looking at him caught his own Glare at Tolen, and sighed. It could not be helped, and Jah'Ri herself would be distrusting of Tolan if he had not shown his distaste for Nio so openly moments earlier. Jah'Ri allowed the glares to be exchanged, such communication was one warrior letting another know that a certain line crossed would mean bloodshed. Or at least, that is what she remembers the culture of her people having passed on in belief for a very long time. Jah'Ri was surprised as Xenith became so irate against Tolan, but thinking over her words, and hearing Tolan's rather angry reply, Jah'Ri then began to share her sentiments that Tolan wasn't exactly as entitled to be here as he thought he was. 'Jah'R'I agrees that Tolan joining is potential boon to this plan, not a Hinderance," she said, casting warning glancing at her kin, some of whom grumbled angrily under thier breath but submitted thier agreement nonetheless, reluctant or not. Jah'Ri herself was a bit perturbed by the things he said, but his earlier additions to the plan seemed to speak of his prowess in battle, prowess that the group may need. Looking towards Tolan she added, "Jah'Rihopes... sorting things out... will not be neded among her Kin. We cannot have our men fighting among thier allies. We need all we can get, and as Jah'Ri has said she sees Tolan as good for mission. He seems savvy, and wishes to repay Xenith for saving him." Another warning glance cast at a couple of the males, two of whom had flanked Jah'Ri in protection of her whilst glaring at Tolan.

While the confrontation involving Tolan was still being resolved, Nio seemed to choose this time to step forward and ask to join. Jah'Ri had a bad feeling that him being around could jeopardize the mission, as well as that Xenith would agree due to the power he seems to have over her. The very moment the words "this is my powr, escaped the boy's mouth, jah'Ri found herself glaring at him, and tensing up in anticipation as he turned towadrs him, sensing his intent to demonstrate using her right away. The ice had spread up her legs before she could move, them now locked in place. The two maled that had moved to either side of her moved to run at Nio, but Jah'Ri held up her arms on either side, looked down, and breatehd her fire directly at her legs, melting Nio's ice entirely in second. Looking up, she then said cooly, not having seemed caught off guard by his action at all, "and that is Jah'Ri's power." Similar to Nio's own remark, only a hint of a htreat was present in her tone. Clearign her throat loudly and raspily, she then spoke to the group at large. 'Unless others begin to join, perhaps we should start moving towards first known location of "owner." Xenith's Kin know where, at least roughly, yes?" She looked towards the blonde female among Xenith's group of Vampires specifically.

@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster
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@DergTheDergon @Scrapmaster @Pashpu @rusticyawn

Xenith La Rosia


"If that is how you repay your favors, then I should never have saved you." Her eyes blazed subtly, she wasn't particularly happy about this situation, rather, she was angry. "On another note, I request that you do not swear in my presence, I dislike such vulgarities." As she began to calmly think about Tolan's abilities, her thoughts were divided. He was likely to be a good fighter...however, it seems as if his attitude won't be helpful here. If he cannot work in a team with us..then well, this won't work. Teamwork is vital in this plan, as there are so few of us, we need to be able to trust each other deeply, relying on each other to cover our backs. On the same thought, Nio should sit out as well...Xenith wasn't blind. It was obvious the glares and deep hatred Nio and Jah'Ri had for each other. However, she had turned a blind eye to it. She didn't want to have to choose between her closest friends...She was uncomfortable as she watched Nio and Jah'Ri's sudden subtle fight. Her mind didn't know what to do, apart from stare.

Ignoring the current situation, with a quick glance towards both enemies to check they were unharmed or in case somehow one was particularly displeased by the event, she requested politely
"I also request that we gain no new members at the moment, including Tolan and Nio." she began quietly, "Trust and teamwork are especially crucial to this plan, therefore I personally feel that these people should leave." As she awaited a reply, she decided to continue their plan, as this conversation was taking too long in her opinion. "What are your names?" She asked, aimed towards the vampires beside her. "On the battlefield, it would definitely be useful to know."

The vampires, unfazed by all the hostility and strange scenes before them, were merely studying the situation. The beautiful blond woman with deep blue eyes, replied, with a quiet voice, "My name is Cecile, this here is Niall, whereas this is Deo." Niall, the second-generation of the group and the leader, was a very quiet man. His pitch-black hair covered a little of his face, with only one silver eye showing. He slowly looked upwards at Cecile's words, a calm, emotion-less expression imprinted on his face. This contrasted deeply with Deo, who had a dark crimson hair-colour and mysterious jade eyes. He appeared younger than the rest of the vampires, possibly 14-or-so, with his slightly rounder face. Cecile was the clear spokesperson of the group, with the most normal appearance among them. Xenith nodded quietly at them all, staring as she examined. "Thank you Cecile, now, I request that you show us the way to the battlefield, preferably through a hidden path to avoid being seen." Of course, such a randomly, large group of people walking straight towards a battlefield is suspicious.

With a swift flick of her hair, Cecile bowed towards Xenith before heading out towards the icy forest.
"As you command, m'lady." Within the blink of an eye, Niall and Deo were next to her, glancing towards the rest of the group to follow. Xenith smiled towards the rest of her companions, as she awaited them to follow.

(@NeverBetter Could you give me a few details about this battle in particular? Such as the soldiers, battlefield state, weapons, enviroment etc.)

Nio Magnetus


With a subtle droop of his expression, Nio acted as if he was disappointed by Jah'Ri's retaliation. However, secretly, he was rather content. The ice had managed to numb a few of her senses in her feet and maybe her ankles, as he had focused the cold heavily on them. He was confident, that despite her thick skin, at least a few of her nerves had been dulled.

Nio was disappointed by the fact that he had to leave, but he didn't want to intrude on where he wasn't welcome. Giving a subtle smile towards Xenith, and a minor glare towards Jah'Ri, he began to stroll off, back towards the library. He decided to do a little more...research. As he passed through the dark wooden doors, strange people caught his view. Which distracted him from his thoughts. A startlingly red girl had entered, with ruby red hair and eyes. A more sensible woman was accompanying her, with short black hair and blue-purple eyes. On the other side, was a posh-looking gentleman, with finely combed blond hair and blue eyes. Staring slightly, his mind began to wonder, as he returned to thinking about his future plans. After doing his 'research', he was going to head out after Xenith and stealthily watch her, in case trouble arises. Grabbing another mysterious book, found in the far corner of the room, he sat at a desk. Carefully positioned so he could watch the strange people, and examine them quietly as he read.

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(Today we move forward, just wanted to put this out there. If they're is anything you absolutely wanna have done before the next update, do it now. Otherwise, new post is being written right now.
(Alright, so, my PC crashed and now I have to wait for Windows to use the repair program on it, which may take hours, which is great fun... I'll continue working on the post from my phone till its fixed)
VioletShadow said:
Tagged Users
Finally, I managed to do a longer post than normal. I hope you like it (:3)

Xenith La Rosia


Her eyes gleamed happily, despite how dazed Jah'Ri appeared, Xenith knew this was good for her, she could not sense a dark aura from the male dragon-born. She watched silently as Jah'Ri slowly drifted away into a world of her own, and wondered, did I act like that, when I met Nio? As she almost fell into her own daze, Xenith returned to her currency book, leaving Jah'Ri to herself. She likely needed some time to think.

The old woman began explaining to a man, about the various aspects of the current war. She listened, in case this effected her in any way in the future. Refined golden coins filled the page, as she learned about the various currencies throughout the world. Despite their differences, they were all uniquely similar and connected somehow. Now then.. how should I gain wealth? She thought silently to herself, before gazing out the window. Clear skies filled her eyes, as the rain slowly halted. A backup plan was quickly formed; sleeping outside was an option now.

Sweet smells filled her nose, sugary tastes on the very end of her tongue, slowly filled her mind. Looking over at Nio, who seemed to be busy, and Jah'Ri, who appeared as if she needed some time, Xenith left on her own, carefully pushing open the double doors. However, as soon as she looked upon the world outside, everything had changed, despite it all looking very similar.

The strange people, different to the normal civilians here, were dotted around the area, but she chose to ignore them, they weren't particularly eye-catching at the moment. Most of the humans earlier had left the scene, replaced with more dinosaur creatures like Muro, and dragon-borns. In a strange sense, they appeared similar, as they stood side-by-side each other. Generally, she thought such creatures were rarer than they appeared here. That wasn't what had caught her eye the most though.

Vampires, very ordinary-looking, roamed the streets. There were very few of them compared to the others, but they existed. They were slightly paler, and a little prettier than the average person, from a mortal's perspective. With her superior vampire abilities though, Xenith immediately spotted them, locating her brethren was easy by their aura. Her expression was firmly locked in place, especially when the vampires noticed her, and did something unexpected.

Quietly, they approached and bowed before her. "We have been waiting..." they whispered in synchronization. This was how it was meant to be, Xenith could feel it within her. These vampires were below her, as she was a pure-blood, a descendant of the very first which roamed these lands. She smiled softly, before greeting them individually. Two third generations and a second generation... interesting. She paused for a short moment, in taking all the new information, and the responsibilities she holds.

Nio Magnetus


Nio slowly paused his actions, before turning to face the old woman, who was much shorter than him. He gave a little smile towards the plant-like creature, before simply staring at the librarian with a slightly displeased look on his face. Eventually, he asked the plant-like creature "Do you want to come outside with me?" he paused for a moment, contemplating his next actions. "If so, I'll meet you outside." He began to casually stroll towards the exit, hands within his pockets.

As he pushed the doors open, he noticed Xenith, commanding a presence of nobility, surrounded by a few people bowing in her direction. He felt if wouldn't be his place to intrude on such a matter, it seemed to be an important reunion. He nodded in her direction, before looking around a little more carefully.
The creatures outside have changed, no longer do mere humans roam the streets, but strange, out-of-this-world creatures do.

Suddenly, loud noises began to explode in the distance. The barrier, previously lowered as the storm ended, had awoken once again, just in time to prevent a bullet entering the premises. It wasn't exactly a strong barrier, therefore Nio decided to re-enforce it slightly, but only in the general area of where the bullet came from. He used his ice powers, to solidify a minor portion, which was slightly weaker from the bullet.

Sighing softly, he began to browse around casually, without a care in the world. He didn't particularly care about anyone here, except for Xenith, and maybe the plant creature too, so if this village decided to blow up, he wouldn't really mind. He would simply escape with them to another place. But, he might have to get involved, depending on what happens...For now though, he simply was interested by the magic potion store in front of him.

rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia nodded and bobbed slightly up and down as jenna and hektor talked, feeling a little antsy as she watched the people of the town move by. there seemed to be a lot going on here - people were all going about their lives in a somewhat linear fashion, similar but distinct as they moved along the streets. she bit her lip as she imagined it. what were these people going about in doing? how did they all exist so... densely? fia's little bobbing motion slows slightly as she crosses her arms around her chest. it seemed so surreal to her, for some reason she couldn't quite place.

"a... library?" fia gave jenna a troubled look as she mentions the idea of moving their group to one. the word doesn't have much familiarity to her (none of them do, really) and it's hard to for her to know for sure whether it's because it is a truly new concept to her, or something she just couldn't fathom at the moment. since fia wasn't really sure why there was difference between the two in the first place, it was kind of hard to work out which it was. in her distraction, though, fia manages to make out two figures entering a building - a... plant? and a... well, they sort of looked humanoid. fia's sure the plant gives them a look.

she watches as people seem to come and go from it. it was sort of memorizing to her, in that they all seemed to resemble their group in a way. in that they had some sort of intangible weirdness about them. she guessed they weren't terribly so - a few people like the man entering the building before and their new large reptilian friend seemed to be emerging as the people around them dispersed. still, it was enough to catch her attention, and she grabs jenna's sleeve and points her in the direction of it.

"so, uh, is that what we're all looking for?" she asks, still sort of staring at it as she points it out to everyone. before much could be done about the revelation, a loud sound suddenly crashed against the barrier, and fia immediately tightened her grip on jenna, hiding her face in jenna's sleeve.

"what was that!?" she cried out, startled and upset by the sound of the noise. as she reluctantly turned her head upward to survey the damage, she could see an area of the barrier on the side of the town replaced by ice, and a seemingly nonchalant boy striding away from the scene, as if nothing of real importance had happened.



@rusticyawn[/URL] @Pashpu @Spinoceratopsrex

- Xicor -

Selian's...technology? so there WAS advanced technology in this world!, that was a nice surprise, cuz Xicor's fear was that if there was no technology, there was no way for him to improve in any way, much less maintain his implants...specially the one in his heart and lungs, but regardless. He listened to the Librarian's story with curiosity, he was a good listener, even though the visor didn't show any of his face. "Truly an unreasonable cause for a war..." Xicor replied.

Still, his thoughts were mostly about this Selian faction...maybe...just maybe they had some information about what the heck was he, and possibly technology he could 'borrow', but he doubted they would just hand it over. He began to hear the sounds of a battle in the distance. Turning his attention to it, but also noticing the newcomers into the library.

@NeverBetter @rusticyawn @Pashpu @Spinoceratopsrex

Tolan kept watch over the blood magic book, and as the librarian tossed it aside, Tolan took full advantage that Xicor caught her attention, as she rambled on about the war. Tolan quickly snagged the book from the table, but one thing for sure though, he could feel a power coming from the book...a power that was very familiar to him. And as he did that blood-colored energy began to swirl around his right arm, which he used to pickup the book. This book had certainly something of interest, and certainly, he wasn't gonna leave it here.

He hoped Xenith and Jarh rii noticed the sudden reaction but if they didn't it wouldn't matter, he'd need Xenith to translate it for him...if he couldn't translate it himself. He quickly put the book in his pack, which hid the book from the prying eyes of others, hearing the battle in the distance, and seeing as Xenith and The dragon woman wanted to leave and possibly fight. And also their plan.

"Kill the most threatening one first, if the one who holds the most influence and authority falls, everyone else scatters around like headless chickens, morale falls, they become disorganized, thats our perfect opportunity of a succesftull attack." Tolan gave his hunter and also assassin's thoughts of the plan. "I may not be as powerful in magic...well...Not that I know of, but...if what you say is right, then a one precise strike into an owner is all we need." He commented

And as he did so, he got a nasty stare of a male dragonborn, which he stared back at it. With even more killing intent than the dragonborn showed by staring at him. (This is just random to show Tolan is not fucking around
:P )

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon

(As far as I can tell, you lot are our remaining members. As such, if you know there are others and they've just been far too busy to post, let me know, but within the next three days, anyone who is
not confirmed to be still active or desiring to be so will have their characters eliminated. I feel three days is fair enough time, I don't demand a post in the game, but a heads-up that you are still willing to play if you do so.)


Tolan recieved the Book of Black Blood

Xenith has recieved a new power based on her ranking in the Vampire hierarchy: Natural Leader - When talking to dignitarys or other people in power, speech is more effective. NPC's aligned with you will more readily listen to your commands, and attempting to talk through conflict will be far more likely to occour in favor. NPC's that are encountered are more likely to listen to you and obey your orders or even join your team.

Jah'Ri recieved a new power on learning her abilitys being rather rare: Massive Roar - animals and more beastly creatures will fear you when yelling or when obviously enraged, and are more likely to back down as a result.

All players who have entered the Library now know the major landmarks of the town.

Tolan and Nio were told to stay back, it's only the Dragonborn and the Vampire. Still a very unlikely combo... one would wonder what they could do together.

As they marched to the field, bullets and arrows soared, missing them only barely. On the dreary daytime sky, out in the middle of the path that stretched out for miles, stood two armies. The boarder on the ground seemed so harshly superimposed by their formations. On one side, the less advanced soldiers of Oren stand, rooted to the ground with wall shields covered in reflective surfaces, bouncing back and away the attack's of the more advanced Republic, archers standing between the shielded men and firing when able.

On the other side, the Republic fired away at the enemy forces, bullets and beams of light smashed into the wall shield ahead, not caring for the aim, hoping to overcome their defensive line with sheer offense. Arrows would bounce off and away from the machines, they were just not strong enough to pierce the armor on the machines.

Honestly, the fight looked rather boring and all it would take would be for one or the other to make a real advance rather than pea-shooting or turtling. Whilst, of course, the Republic had Vampire minions, they couldn't get close, the arrows had all been soaked in Holy Water before being shot, one stray arrow and they were done for. As for the fine warriors of Oren, they almost seemed mildly helpless, deflecting attacks, but having trouble deflecting even the most basic shots with their smaller shields and not being able to get in range to use their melee weapons.

Pathetic. But this was likely more of a result of a lack of desire or morale to fight on Oren's part, and lack of skill or ability to use their more skilled units on the Republic's. If one wanted to end this fight, at least for Jah'Ri, it wouldn't be too hard at all for either side on her own.

Inside the Library once again, the Librarian sighed as Xicor stated the obvious. "Yes, of course, that's why someone has to stop it. But most people can't do anything about it, we're all too weak, but..."

The Librarian opened another book seemingly pulled from thin air. "In this book, a listing of the passage of fate, they say one day a group of seemingly normal people from every walk of life will come to stop the Reasonless War, no matter whose side they choose, and as a result will purge great evil from the land. You odd looking fellows, all grouped together, was a big sign to me that the hero's from this passage were you lot! Mysterious, with goals all diffrent, but hearts of the same steel. Pasts they may not say but fates forever intertwined." She opened the book to a page depending someone who looked closely like Xicor. "Mainly you, young man. You, a young woman of fire, and a pair: one of scales and one of teeth, those are the only ones marked for sure." She turned the page, showing primitive drawings of beings thst could almost pass for living things. "However, there is one man who will stand in your way. His blood runs cold, and was constructed by the great evil foretold to be destroyed by you lot to do nothing but cause pain and suffering. Finding and eliminating them is of up-most importance." A picture of a being whose figure was hidden in a cloak was shown.

The newcomers to the Library could overhear every word spoken. But, of course, they could ignore the crazy librarian lady and head straight for the world map section. What to do.

Ceaser, stood in the nice Fourier of the town in, scented in daffodils and rose, one could sleep on the floor and wake as if they rested for a mellinium. The hard wood floors and dark green carpet were homey, the banners strewn up and about in a red color and the pine tree in the corner were oddly comforting. A warm fire burned to the side of this L-shaped room. Windows covered with light brown curtains and adorned with green scarfs, and the decorations made it look other-worldly. Aside from the smell of flowers, an aroma, strong, earthy, and hearty seemed to waft from what seemed like a kitchen area, some kind of mushroom and beef stew was in the kettle to cook, and though it didn't overwhelm the flowers, being close enough to the doors would make anyone hungry from smell alone.

However, despite the lovely interior, the management was far from nice. "We don't need workers, and with the war picking back up again just outside the town, we can't afford to give anyone a room! We barely have enough space as it is! If you come back with maybe ten hundred gold pieces, I could maybe make room for you, but otherwise, skedaddle!" The manager could not be heard, but his voice was irritating to hear, it was as if in the middle of every word his voice cracked severely, he sounded as if someone lodged a bone in his throat and was able to knock it loose for a moment as he talked before it would get stuck again. But it was clear: there was no roomfor him.

Somrene arrived on the field about a hundred yards from the Vampire and Dragonborn group, the Republic being the side he was closer to. He could see all that could be seen, except, out a few hundred yards out, a much larger group of Republic soldiers and machines of war were incoming. It didn't look food for the Warriors of Oren...

as fia enters the little town's library, everything inside is immediately puzzling to her. all around her are decorations and things she isn't sure the use for, and all around her are a strange sort of people, all engaged in different sorts of odd activity. it's a little scary for her. naturally, though, she's drawn to what she can understand - the sound of someone speaking. she immediately tunes her ears in to listen to the librarian's rant. it's all a bit much for her, and she thinks she's able to catch it all, but especially the part of particular interest.

"e-excuse me!" she says loudly, immediately forgetting the purpose of the visit and quickly marching up to xicor and the librarian. in comparison to the two, she is laughably short, but it doesn't stop her tenacity to get noticed. she comes up to xicor and stands very close and as tall as she can, just short of standing on the tips of her toes.

"i, uh, don't really get the war part, or who the evil blood guy is. but..." she pauses, remembering the small sun that waited in her pocket. she pulled it out and presented it to him in the palms of her hands. "i think i could be that fire woman she mentioned?" she really had nothing else to base it on, but it really couldn't hurt, and fia did fancy herself to think she sounded like that lady in the story. life was... this weird thing she was just sort of experiencing at this point, but maybe there was an order to it? maybe she was so confused because she was... out of order? it was uncomfortable to think about, actually, so she pushed those thoughts away, and instead focused on the present.

"i can help you!" she wasn't sure what she was agreeing to, but... it couldn't be bad to help others. (...right?)

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Simon was still cheerfully flipping through the pages of the disease book. It fascinated him, all the weird and wonderful ways people could die. Some even looked hilarious to Simon. "Haha! Look at this guy, his head looks like a mushroom!" He laughed and laughed at this picture, he was finding it far more amusing than a normal person would, but of course, Simon was far from normal. Was he insane, or just a little twisted? It was hard to tell. Just then Simon overheard something, about prophesies and heroes and a man whose blood runs cold, it intrigued Simon. So he started walking towards those who had just entered.

"So." Said Simon "What do I hear about prophesies and heroes and cold blooded men? I must say, it is very intriguing." He turned to one of them. "Hey, if it isn't the overgrown turkey!" He said to Muro.

"How are you, my good friend"

"My name is Muro." The creature said. "And we are not friends."

"Oh c'mon, why not? Is it the mask? The hat? My interests? What!? Speak up!"

"You frighten me." Said Muro. "You sing songs about killing, you laugh at people who are sick. You are not right. You're mad.."

"Simon! My name's Simon. I don't know if you caught that but its my name."

Muro started into Simon's eyes; "We are not friends. Go away, or I'll make you."

"Oooh, stop being so edgy! I might cut myself on that! Hehehe. Look, Muro, whatever kind of stupid name that is, you're not getting rid of me, so if you don't mind, even though I know you do, I'll just stand and watch what happens here."

Talk of war and battle of the past had driven Jaighed to... boredom. Yes, that was the word. For whatever odd reason, she found that she could understand people better and her thoughts didn't seem as scattered. The vine that anchored Xai'Kah loosened slightly as her mind drifted, not very much attention being given to the strange Dragonborn and Pale-skins around her and the others as they discussed war. On a whim, she wraps her vines around the girl that was laying on the floor, who had gone complexly unnoticed by all, save for her. Her vines strap around the girl, and hold her against her back like an unconscious meat-shield. (@Okami Izumi)

She followed them silently and lagged behind, her tiny tendril around Xai's waist completely detaching and curled once more around herself as the marched to battle.

"I can help too..." she whispered... barely audible to anyone who could hear her - that is, if anyone even noticed her.

She closed her eyes and burrowed a tiny root through icy ground and reached into the earth. It felt odd being so alone - save for the woman upon her back -, and so she figured she would remedy that by connecting with the earth. She breathed deep and allowed her senses too explore. Her root interacted with another, more ancient oak that had been cut down years upon years ago - yet still lived. He, she dubbed it, reached out to other plants and more and more until she could pass her sentient mind and pass between each of the plants as if it were her own body. She stops suddenly, a flat field before her, the voices of lesser plants - grass - crying out as men, metal carriages, shields, arrows and other things fell upon her kinsmen, severing roots, trampling limbs and leaves. Yet, no one ever notices those below.

Angry, she pulls up her own root, disconnecting from the other minds and plants, and then stalks after the marching army, acting as a natural shield as the arrows bounce off her bark skin from the distance which lowered the momentum. She even managed to catch a couple mid-flight before they connected with their target.

Jaighed had never felt so... alive. That was the word. As she reaches into a strange, yet seemingly natural instinct, she forces her vines to whips around her deflecting and occasionally launching back an arrow. This Republic, which she had managed to overhear mentioned, would pay for hurting her people, little or big.

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon

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A war? The librarian's words rang in Jenna's ears. Between who? Over what? She had no idea. The librarian then said some strange things about a Republic, and choosing sides between good and evil, and something else about a man whose blood ran cold...Jenna had already started to tune her out as it seemed she was batshit crazy.

But the librarian was right, because outside the library, she could see two armies standing, exchanging a volley of arrows at each other. It had already begun.

She had to get out of here, somehow. Even if there was something to fight for, which there wasn't, she didn't fancy going and getting herself killed. She turned to Hektor and Fia (who for some reason seemed eager to join in). "We have to get out of here. Is there some safe way out of the Library?" she asked the Librarian.
Jah'Ri and Xai'Kah

Jah'Ri was confused at first at Xenith's angry response to Tolan's offer to help. Sure, he hadn't gone about his offer in the kindest way but, more forces on thier side was a good thing, wasn't it? Then again, Nio did want to join and Jah'Ri highly doubted any good could come of that. She found herself smirking at the alabaster-haired boy's seemingly disappointed reaction to his ice being so handily rendered into liquid. She felt a slight, cold, stinging numbness on the backs of her heels and along her reptilian ankles, but she made a conscious effort not to let on that she was physically discomforted by this in the slightest.

Suddenly, Xenith spoke up once more, giving a request that equally confused, enlightened, and relieved Jah'Ri all at once. Jah'Ri wasn't entirely certain why Xenith was so dead set against acquiring any more members of her fighting force, but now that it was called to attention it made a degree of sense to Jah'Ri that trust was important. Jah'Ri trusted Xenith, Xenith trusted Jah'Ri, the Vampires trusted and followed Xenith and the other Dragonborn followed and trusted Jah'Ri. Neither Tolan nor Nio carried that sort of trust among the group. Jah'Ri wondered if she had noticed how little herself and Nio saw eye-to-eye... perhaps that was why she requested he sit out as well. Jah'Ri returned Nio's glare with tenfold intensity, not caring if others saw, and watched with a feeling of satisfaction as he strolled towards the Library. Moments later, she began to see two figures, one being the male Dragonborn named Xai-kah and the other being the strange femenine ploitoidthat had been staying near Xai'Kah this entire time. approaching the gathered forces.

Xai-Kah listened to the librarian curiously, yet quietly, not seeing a need to answer questions when the more he heard, the more he knew what he was going to do. He'd been observing Jah'Ri and the strange pale being she seems rather well accquainted with gathering up soem sort of joint fighting force made up of members of both races. Xai'Kah was pateintly standing there, observing for now, and was about to ask Jaihged what she would do now before he felt her tentacle loosening from about his waist. Looking her direction, he watched in curiosity as the plantoid wrapped her vines around a girl whom, until just now ,had gone mostly unnoticed by Xai-Kah with all that'd been going on around him. He was curious to see this female's reaction, but before he knew it Jaighe had already been dragging the girl out of the library door, seemingly unconsciously. Seeing her moving towards the gathering Jah'Ri has taken part in, Xai-Kah took the opportunity to head over that direction himself.

"Jah'Ri," Xai'Kah called out towards the said female, causing her head toturn. "Ah, Xai'Kah. Jah'Ri and these kin are preparing to join battle. If you are true kin, you would join us. " A quick nod of acknowledgement was Xai'Kah's initial response, followed by an elaboration."Yes, I have heard several good reasons to join from my vantage point near the library's entrance. The strange paleskin running the place mentioned a book that tells of your part. 'A pair, one of scales, one of teeth,' it said." Jah'Ri was momentarily surprised by this. This was a decision she herself has made, joining this war party, yet it was already documented somewhere? What higher power would bother ensuring a small, petty war among two scarce peoples would end? The gods always set propheicies into motion, this was common knowledge among Jah'Ri's people. Jah'Ri knew not, but in a way this news added to her determination, as it had done for Xai'kah the moment he heard the librarian read the excerpt that mentions her. "Xenith, one more of Jah'Ri's kin shall join. She trusts him fully." Once she had let her know that, and Xentih had learned the names of her followers, the group began to move out. Xai'Kah nodded towards Xenith, standing just behind Jah'ri, anf thier fellow Dragonborn all nodded in aggreance, nearly in unison.

A small, familiar voice suddenrly reached Xai'Kah's ears. It was Jahiged, voicing her desire to help. "Brave and honorable of you, Jahighed," Xai'Kah answered, looking back at her with a look of rpide upon his face. It was clear bravery and willingness to fight was well-respected among his people. Xai'Kah watched as Jahiged bore her roots into the ground with curiosity, his eyes widening with concern as her expression gradually changed. She seemed... angry now. Did the plants communicate to her something that angered her? The moment she began to move with renewed determination towards the Republic forces, trampling and kicking at the grass underneath without a care in the world, the source of her ire became clear. She moved so close to the army that projectiles began to stray towards her, but it seemed Xai'kah had little cause to worry for the plant being. She deflected and caught projectiles with ease, her Viridian skin being deceptively tough it would seem. Xai'Kah wonder dhow and if to help the enraged plantoid for a moment before he felt profoundly called to notice the wind upon his back. Wind... I can control wind, Xai suddenly and profoundly thought. His eyes darted towards an arrow that was suddenly flung from one of Jaighed's viny protrusions towards the republic forces, and as he focused on it, lifted one claw towards it and thrust his scaly arm forward, sending a small gust of wind to push the arrow along with more force. Such force in fact, that it may be able to puncture one of the republic's machine's or high tech weapons if it hit one of them.

Jah'Ri, watching this happen, was amazed for a moment before she refocused on the impending assault. She leaned closer to Xenith and spoke to her quietly. "Xenith. Point us to first owner and we shall leap into action against them." Jah'Ri was unsrue what the owners looked like, or if they even had distinguishing features, and it would be best not to alert all forces at once. She stood by, ready to charge in fire blazing and claws slicing at a moment's notice.

@SolisNighsun @NeverBetter

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@DergTheDergon @rusticyawn

Xenith La Rosia


An icy breeze whipped across her skin as she examined the battle. Her dark hair flew powerfully in all directions, seemingly reaching for something. Xenith laid a hand upon the tree in front of her, sheltering her from view. It was apparent that the battle was dull, hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to infiltrate. Her thin fingers fondled her torn black dress, her mind in subtle thought. Her gaze locked onto her pitiable brethren. They each had a dead look in their eyes, dark and gloomy. Their bodies had visibly painful bruises and slashes, obviously caused by being beaten into submission. It was painful just looking at them. However, she wasn't the most affected by the sight.

Cecile, behind another nearby tree, was frozen in place, her eyes wide in pain. Her pupils had shrunk in horror and rage, trails of tears rolling down her face steadily. Her mouth was left slightly ajar, as whispered a name
"Cain..." As she knelt down, hands clasping her face, Niall appeared from virtually thin air, and supported her gently. His arms wrapped around her, despite him not saying a single word. His hair fell upon his last visible eye, covering his entire face from view. Deo was still in shock, staring into the distance with gradually fading eyes.

Xenith wistfully returned her gaze to the battlefield, she couldn't feel the same pain Cecile, Niall and Deo did, but felt a strange, desperate need to save the vampires fighting on the battlefield. After her vampire companions' recovery, Xenith immediately began commanding their next move. She analysed the owners carefully, and created an order as to which to kill and when. Her eyes studied the most charismatic owner, one of the commanders of a squadron. "The dragon-born squadron will burst out of the icy forest closest to him and isolate him by pushing him back towards the forest behind them. That's where the vampire squadron will flank him, by ambushing through the forest. After he dies, and the vampire is set free, one of the vampires will fly them to safety before returning to the battlefield. Immediately head towards the second owner, the officer over there. Continue with a similar pace." She slyly pointed towards another person near the commander, careful not to attract any attention. "Are we clear? Or are their any last minute adjustments?" She rubbed her hands in anticipation, focusing her magic to be ready at any given time. "If so, let us head out!" Her voice was still quiet, but slightly louder than normal with her final words. Her vampire companions were visibly ready to extract their revenge.

Nio Magnetus


With his book closed, he slowly gathered his thoughts over the librarian's words. Xenith and Jah'Ri... Hmm..It wouldn't be too bad if one member mysteriously disappeared right~? It seems that mechanical person and visibly red female are also apart of this..Well I might as well introduce myself as I head out. His hand brushed against the black and crimson cover of his book, as he carefully slotted it back within the bookshelf.

As Nio approached the strange people, he smiled at the height of the red haired woman. From afar, she didn't appear very short, but now...With a little laugh, he began resting his chin upon the soft ruby coloured head.
"So..what's the situation over here?" It wasn't a particularly comfortable position, but he slyly wanted to tease the woman over her height, despite the familiarity it might express. Within moments, however, his eyes locked onto the small ball of light within the woman's hands. It's appearance was similar to the sun, he felt he had seen it before...

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She became more excited and determined the closer her and Xenith's forces neared to the republic forces. Glancing over towards Xai'Kah, he seemed busy aiding the plantoid and so she turned her attention back towards the vampires as they came back from thier scouting, tail wagging back and forth unconsciously in anticipation. As she looked upon thier faces, gazing through the small army's cover at thier enslaved brethren, Jah'Ri felt a twinge of sympathy for them. Such proud and powerful creatures do not deserve such a sad and painful fate... Jah'Ri found herself impatiently awaiting Xenith's order to charge, gazing through the trees at the vampire slaves being lashed and ordered about. Finally, words came from Xenith's mouth as music to jah'Ri's ears, outlining clear first and second targets and a plan of attack.

Jah'Ri listened intently to each word Xenith uttered, understanding completely. Simple, yet clever and all-inclusive. With Xenith's brilliant tactful mind at the helm, Jah'Ri knew they would win. Suddenly realizing she was staring in near awe at Xenith as she asked her question, Jah'Ri snapped out of it and hastily yet quietly replied, "Yes, Jah'Ri and her kin know what to do." She glanced back at the other Dragonborn with a questioning look, receiving nods of agreement. Without another word, Jah'Ri and her force of fellow Dragonborn crept up towards the area at the forest's edge closer to the commander, and rushed out towards him all at once, hissing and growling menacingly, weapons at the ready. Jah'Ri breathed fire towards the commander's side at such an angle that he'd have to move forward to avoid it, right towards Jah'Ri's kin and closer to Xenith's forces waiting in ambush, a few of the others attacking the soldiers near the commander in order to keep them from attacking Jah'Ri, and hopefully thin the ranks a bit.

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Xenith La Rosia


"3..2..1.." Without a moment's hesitation, all four of the vampires charged towards the commander in a swift ambush. Xenith stayed near the back, charging up for a powerful move whilst the others distracted. Confusion swept through the Republic's army, as they struggled to comprehend the situation. Cecile and Deo were taking turns slashing the commander's army, forcibly keeping them away from the commander so they couldn't defend him. Niall had bitten his hand earlier, using the wound as a weapon. A blood whip rose from his injury, crimson and as sharp as a dagger. He repeatedly slashed the commander's armour, until eventually, it fell apart. With him finally vulnerable, Xenith shouted a warning to her companions to move out of the way before unleashing a powerful attack, Shadow Beam. A thin beam of dark energy shot out of her outstretched palm, a manifestation of evil. With an accurate aim, it pierced the commander's forehead, leaving a thin wisp of dark energy. He slumped down onto the floor slowly, as he died. Silence filled the air as everyone took in the event that just occurred. Xenith watched the soldiers' faces, as they slowly drooped in shock. She could see their morale dropping.

Suddenly, a breeze of air whipped past her. A flash of crimson. Looking at the source of the vision, Deo was picking up the unconscious vampire, left behind by the dead commander. She had crimson hair, similar to him, barely able to tell because of the dirty, torn state it was in. Deo was hugging her lightly, almost afraid of her breaking apart. Despite the unsuitable situation, the words left her mouth before she could stop them.
"Is she your sister?" The look on his face told Xenith everything she needed to know. "Take her to safety." Slowly, Deo released his dark crimson wings and began to fly into the air. A sudden change in pace occurred, as Deo began flapping his wings faster and faster, in a rush to return and save the other vampires. As the battle began to rage once more, Xenith, Cecile and Niall dived into the fray, eager to reach the officer in the slight distance.

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Giorno sat at the table, the Lybrarian ranting and raving, he wasn't quite sure what to say.

Bellaum and Lyon walked the streets, almost as if in a daze, their minds clouded and knowledge just as little as those before. They roamed the streets without a thought in their mind, mixed amongst the crowd.


Both army's stop combat, stunned by the sudden appearance of vigilantes on the field. An arrow, guided by wind, pierced one of the machines of war, however not very deeply, in the midst of this confusion.

The Librarian now likes Fia.

The Librarian now dislikes Jenna.

The Librarian very much dislikes Nio.

The Republic's colonel stood from the middle of his battalion of riflemen, shocked at the sudden arrival of unforseen enemies the likes which they had never seen before. A plant woman, scaled people, so on, in his confusion and mild panic, he uttered three words:

"What the fuck?"

Clearly, he was not pleased, but was still rather... confused.

The Librarian's face glowed with joy as Fia brought the ball of light up, only for her mood to be quickly ruined by the rudeness of the white-haired boy and the girl asking for a way out of the town. As calmly as possible, she slammed the book shut that she had laid out, and smacked it across the fact of Nio. "Rude. Young men should not touch a woman without asking, not use them as a placement for their heads without even asking. We're you raised by Mudborn?" She sighed in anger. "As for your question, no, not unless you want to take the walk to the west into the forest, but there isn't much up there." She stated plainly.

(...this was only a mini-update .-.)
As Mina woke up, her eyes were first graced with snow, and the sight of warriors around her crying out. She groans, realizing she awoke from being jostled around, but fear struck as she tried to move. Then she realized that she had be bound to something. As she struggled to get free she just slipped right out and dropped to the ground, snow crunching with her new weight. Mina laid there for a moment trying to figure out what had just happened, trying to ignore outer distractions. She clumsily stood on her feet, and turned. To see.... some sort of strange creature. Strange indeed.

She could tell that this thing was what she was tied to, judging from the vine that was still wrapped around her thigh almost parodying a marionette. Just as she was about to say something to it, a masterpiece crafted of anger and surprise from moving her, she saw a faint object in the air. Coming down... to destroy them. Realizing the danger, she got up and shoved this plant-creature away, out of it's trajectory. After all, she had to repay the favor... right? At that point it was to late for her to try and do anything else to help, and narrowly dodged arrows - weakened from being in the cold air and the fact she was already exhausted from early - from before the library.

Mina watched in horror as she realized another projectile behind the one from earlier was coming. In fear, she put both her arms up thinking that this was the end for her. She gasps as she feels something connect with her hand, and slowly opens her eyes. Then Mina realizes, in astute amazement, that she some how cought the metal sphere with a claw. She studies it for a second, recognizing it as a cannon shell, and the hefted it up. She launches it back, putting all her strength into that one the sphere back.

"Go to hell! " she screams, forcing it out as loud as she could. As it took out one of the metal carriages or machinations, she collaspes to her knees, quickly burnt out from the amount of strength the she had used.

Giorno had missed most of the conversation, but what he caught at the beginning was enough. It seemed like this librarian could rant on about a single topic for the rest of her life if she wanted to. She kept going in circles and circles. He let out a patient sigh, standing up and looking at the librarian. "You talk about a war, and how you might think we may make a difference, but how can you be so sure? What if it turns out we really are just a random series of visitors in a certain place at once?" He didn't want to jump into a war because some old woman in a library told him, but he had nothing else in his life to turn to. He wanted a purpose to fight for, he didn't want to be blindly following and killing.

fia smiled as she saw the librarian's face light up, a warm delicate feeling filling her chest. she wasn't sure why, but it was so intensely satisfying to be able to please someone, to bring them a small happiness like this. it only last for a moment, though, before she could feel a small pang of... something. the light warmth suddenly begins to dissipate, leaving behind a strange, numb hollowness in it's wake. she blinks at the sudden change, her cheerful smile fading. what had just happened? she couldn't really place why the sudden melancholia had gripped her, after feeling so warm and happy. by all accounts, she should be happier than she's been at all so far.

it shocks her, makes her think to take a second, to readjust, but not unlike her sudden onslaught of strange thoughts, a sudden sweep of cold fell over her. it doesn't hurt her, but it's an unexpected shock to her system, and it reflexively forces her to take a sharp breath. she feels something lay itself down on her head, and the sound of someone's laugh. "so..what's the situation over here?" the voice comes from above her, and before her eyes turn up to meet his, it registers that the weight on her is that of a person. she doesn't have the time to properly make sense of exactly what's going on, but she feels another chill crawl down her spine, this one not emanating from the person above her.

smack. fia recoils, just a little, as the person above her does, his face having been hit by what fia realizes was the 'book' they were being shown. for a second, she just blankly stares, completely nonplussed. "rude. young men should not touch a woman without asking, not use them as a placement for their heads without even asking." huh. was that true? maybe that was why it had made fia so uncomfortable. still, she decided to turn to face him, a hand lightly wringing the hem of her dress. she still wasn't sure what to think of him, but being smacked upside the face with a book probably hurt. "a-are you-?"

as she begins to ask if he's okay, her eyes start to narrow. wait a minute. this was that guy. that guy from earlier! fia still didn't quite understand anything pertaining to what the librarian had said, honestly, but she figured it was probably the reason for the noise and whatever that guy did about it. so... he seemed like a good place to start asking questions. she carefully strides up to him, fully intending on standing as close to him as she did xicor but she stopped, feeling the chill start to slip in. she folded her arms, partly out of discomfort partly because her arms were just cold.

"we saw you earlier!" she says suddenly says, loudly and strongly, as if it's an accusation, but honestly, she really doesn't know what to do with him. this guy was an enigma. there were... so many things to ask, but, there was so much she didn't really know. not just about him, but... anything that was happening. "w-who... who are you?" she starts with the obvious, but as soon as she does, she feels stupid for having done so. it really didn't matter, and if he was like the rest of them, he probably didn't know. but was else was she supposed to ask? she had so much she needed to know, so much she needed explained to her. even a guy she had failed to see when she came in seemed to know exactly what was going on, enough to be making a fuss at the librarian about it. why was she the only one so far behind? fia swallows hard, her throat suddenly tight.

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Tagged Users
@rusticyawn @NeverBetter

Nio Magnetus


Nio was merely pondering over where he had seen the beautiful orb of light before, but was interrupted by a violent bash to the face. He managed to stand his ground, albeit recoiling slightly. Crimson blood trickled down his face, as he rose a hand to feel the injury. "Woman, I gave you three chances." His voice was quiet, with a subtle anger hidden within. "One, was taken through you possibly harming the ritual book. Two, was taken for this injury." Suddenly, he fiercely grabbed her collar towards him and whispered "If you anger me a third time, I won't hesitate to commit murder in this very town." The blaze in his eyes was of a chilling cold, as if he could freeze just by staring. With the same calm expression, he released the librarian and faced the young red female, now right in front of him.

"Isn't it more polite to introduce yourself first?" He chuckled with a slight smile on his face, no hint of the murderous man earlier. "My name is Nio Magnetus, I don't know where I come from or anything like that." He began leaning against a nearby bookshelf behind him, as his body finally locked onto the warm aura emanating from the woman in front of him. He edged slightly farther away, he didn't particularly like the warmth. Putting the pieces together, he realized she must have some affinity with the sun. He chuckled quietly, what an odd pairing we are...

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The angel suddenly gained consciousness as she realized that she was awake and out of her daze. She didn't know where she was or how she got there nor does she have any memory of it . All she knew was she is in the middle of a crowd. The angel noticed the crowd was going one way away from something. Belluam did not know why but for some reason she felt a familiar presence. It was warm and Welcoming, as if calling for her to come. It was war. She knows it is war that's why she was created, for war. That is her purpose. A slight grin appeared on her face, as her heart began to beat faster, excitement coursing through her body. Belluam jumped and flew into the sky to gaze upon the battle that is taking place. Her wings shined in the sun, radiating a Saintly glow, and her Halo shimmered with light as she gazed down upon the mortals of the land. Then Belluam felt it. An unnatural taint the affected the very core of her being. Dark and evil beings roamed this land, agents of chaos and too look down on all this disorder caused an anger to boil, threatening to explode. "Undead." Belluam heard herself spoke. Her voice one of hate and malice. She had to extinguish this blight before it corrupts more. Belluam dove down to the army of machines and Undead, until she could hover right above them. She raised her spear to the sun "I am Belluam Ignius, Angel of Light and Order, and I have judge you!" Her voice boomed to the Republic army. She pointed her spear at the mortals. "And your punishment for harboring unholy undead.... Is to be bathed in the cleaning fire!" Suddenly Belluam's whole body and wings lit up with a holy white-yellow fire brighter than any other. Belluam lifted her spear once more and "whipped the fire at the vampire minions within the Republic army.
Tagged Users
@DergTheDergon @MsPolite

Xenith La Rosia


"Dark Shield" With a quiet whisper, a shell of demonic, evil energy deflected the spear's whip of holy fire. A small shockwave echoed throughout the area, terrifying the nearby wildlife, if there was any. One look at Xenith, and you could tell she was furious. Without a moment's warning, she had released her majestic black wings, tinged with crimson, and flew up to the supposed 'angel of light'. Her glare was horrific, a deep crimson stare of pure hatred. Of course, she attempted to reason with herself. Tried to calm herself down even. But the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. This woman...attempted to burn my kin who have done absolutely nothing. They're practically already dead, tortured beyond repair. Their eyes hold no emotion, their souls are broken. Now she wants to kill them? What right, does she have to do that? Her aura practically pulsed with darkness, her anger fueling her powers. Using her perception, she glanced at the 5 holy water bottles on her belt. A ball of demonic energy materialized above her palm, filled with swirls of purple and black.

Rage had overtaken Xenith like a storm.

As Cecile and Niall flew over to help, also enraged by the situation, but to a minor degree compared to Xenith herself, Xenith rose her hand in defiance. "Hurry and evacuate the vampires. All of them." Her command was quiet, with anger practically seething through every word. "But m'lady-" "Listen to me." Cecile re-coiled as Xenith looked over her shoulder, still keeping a watchful eye on the angel before her. Her eyes appeared as a crimson flame, dark and terrifying. Niall nodded at her words, and pulled Cecile back. "Come on Cecile." Together they returned to the battlefield, in a heavier rush than before, plowing through enemies in a reckless hurry.

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