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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Belluam stopped the assault as another demonic creature of the dark flew up to her level. Belluam stared at the vampiric demos with a statue like expression... except for her eyes.. they screamed anger, fear, hate and confusion. Belluam needed order, her body convulsed with a need to exterminate these dark beings. Staring at the one that Flys before her, Belluam notices the rage in the dark ones eyes. Belluam smirked, her excitement growing for the impending battle of someone of her caliber. The Angel of order pointed her spear at the vampire demon. "You, Dark one. One filled with evil and all that is unholy. REPENT! relinquish your ways and allow me to cleanse you of your demonic corruption wi.." Belluam's words spewed from her mouth without thought Like an automatic machine, while she moved to grab a holy water vial from her belt. But suddenly she became aware of her automaton speech and stopped, her hand still on the vial. 'Why did I stop? What am I doing?' She asked herself all the while keeping the same position. Her halo flashed a bright gold, Belluam's featured soften and her grin ceased, Belluam's body earned her to attack but she refused as she was conflicted, confused. Nature told her to war, but her mind told her to bring order... Belluam looked at the demon with now a cold stare, though with a glint of pleading. "Being of the dark, please allow me to heal you of the dark taint and destroy these undead thralls. Order must be established." Belluam asked in a commanding tone, with a hint of sympathy.


The moment Jah'Ri and her fellow Dragonborn leaped from behind the trees and assaulted the commander and his subordinates, they had all been overtaken by a feeling that filled thier heart with excitement, thier senses with enticing and near-overwhelming smells, tastes, and sounds, and thier minds with little except a lust for blood. Battle had always been the most fulfilling thing for thier kind, from thier very inception... they had not known this before, but now, it was clear as the sunlight beating down upon this battlefield: this is where they all truly belonged.

The small army of Dragonborn simultaneously raged throughout the battlefield, brutally tearing open infantrymen, clawing and pummeling strange machines, and surrounding the ones that had fancy uniforms, the ones that were enslaving the people the Flamebearer seemed so fond of. The Flamebearer's allies were thier own allies, as far as they were concerned.

Jah'Ri, the Flamebearer herself, lived up to her name in full whilst her kin made short work of a few of the weaker soldiers and some of the machines. With mighty jets of flame, soldiers burned, war machines heated to unstable levels, and vampires were evacuated whilst Jah'Ri created walls of flame to keep soldiers from reaching the vampires being flown to safety. All was going well until, out of the corner of her eye, Jah'Ri saw something, no, some
one, fly up out of the massive group of fighting creatures and humans. Looking up at the Sky, Jah'Ri's eyes widened in fascination for a moment. This woman, with wings of alabaster and a seeming air of power and conviction, was... beautiful. It was as if she was made to be perfect.The very next moment however, Jah'Ri's awe was shattered as she saw the woman strike at a few of Xenith's fellow Vampires with a weapon seeming to have been materialized out of light. Thankfully, whilst feeling a surge of power coming from Xenith, Jah'Ri saw shields of pitch blackness appear over each of her kin, keeping them safe. It was clear now that this this white-winged woman, however beautiful, was Jah'Ri's enemy.

Jah'Ri found herself transfixed as she saw Xenith fly up in front of her challenger, barely making out a few of thier loudly-spoken words from down here. Her eyes narrowed with every self-righteous syllable that emerged from the white-winged woman's mouth. Her appearance was even a stark contrast to Jah'Ri's dear friend, and from that it was clear that however deceptively beautiful and pure this woman is, she had simply picked the wrong side in jah'Ri's eyes. Hatred replaced Jah'Ri's awe of the angel entirely.
Jah'Ri had been standing there, looking up at them, ready to breathe a jet of flame in the angels' direction the moment she attacked, but from her words it seemed she would rather have Xenith give herself up. She should not have hesitated in Jah'Ri's reptilian eyes, as she took this opportunity to conjure the longest, widest jet of flame she could muster, heading straight for the angel's feet and waiting to engulf her in its raging, burning heat.

@MsPolite @VioletShadow

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fia blinked. she had missed a lot of what he had done as she had been recovering from her own confusion. but... something about the display... her throat still felt tight. she clenched her eyes shut. she did her best to take a deep, calming breath. she didn't... she wasn't really - she was a bit overwhelmed, for some reason. she hadn't seen anything to make her feel this way, all she really caught was his frustration over a perceived slight, but the way he had gone about it had left her strangely uncomfortable, like she had just seen something she shouldn't have. she straightens herself out a little, opening her throat and her eyes quickly in an attempt to smooth over the event in her mind. it was okay. she was just...feeling off today. that was it.

when he looks back over to her, his expression still hasn't changed, and she unconsciously takes this as proof in of her perception. he'd just... gotten upset over being injured. okay. breathe. "isn't it more polite to introduce yourself first?" he smiles and laughs afterwards, and fia does to, without thinking about it, but her's peters out as quickly as it starts, her discomfort still too high to humor him. she let go of the hem of her dress and seems to shake her head, still smiling for some unfathomable reason. she cups her hands over the bright ball of light, which she had been keeping close through the exchange, and places it back into a pocket of her dress, a small glow emanating from it only just visible to those who expected it to be there.

"fia..." her voice trails at first, but she nods, and returns to usual form. "fia strast." ...strast? had that been the first time she'd said that? that was her last name. yeah. she says it to herself internally a few times. strast. she felt a little happier, as she did. she grinned, and stood a little taller, a hand to her hip. "so!" she says suddenly, her face going from a grin to a pseudo-seriousness glare. she pointed up to his face. "you know what's going on, right? jenna-" she makes a quick, grandiose gesture towards jenna, before turning back to nio. "- wants to get out of here. so um..."

fia rubs the back of her neck self-consciously, realizing that she still wasn't really sure what she wanted to do. she wanted to help by being the person she was told she should be being, but... she still didn't know what that entailed, really, and wasn't keen on asking for help to with something she didn't understand. and she didn't really think they could just leave, not with what going on outside. but they all had to do something, didn't they? they couldn't just sit inside a library while something went on outside. it seemed callous. "what's going on outside? can't we do something?" she didn't mean something to stop it, necessarily. fia wanted to, if she could, but she didn't want to force anyone else. "i mean, it just doesn't seem right to just wait here..." she elaborated.

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Tagged Users
@DergTheDergon @MsPolite @rusticyawn

Xenith La Rosia


"In other words, you are requesting that I merely let you kill my dear brethren. Are you an idiot? Why would I have come up here then?" Those extra lines were unnecessary, but hopefully enough to distract her a little more. Out of the corner of her eye, a blaze of fire spiraled upwards towards them. Not aimed at Xenith, but the angel before her. A little smile grew on her face, aimed at Jah'Ri for her aid. Her rage was momentarily paused, but once again darkened her aura as the smile left her face. With all the time that had passed conversing, her energy had charged up. It wasn't visible, but her body pulsed with the amount of energy stored. She had never charged up her power so much, namely because afterwards, the repercussions were usually dire. Her body ached to be unleashed.

As the fire grew closer, it's fiery heat warmed up the area, despite the distance between them. Whilst the angel was distracted by the fire, Xenith rapidly glided over to the opposite side and released another shadow beam. However, this one was much denser, filled with more power than ever before. It's size had dramatically changed, rather than being thin and long, like the one used on the commander, it was much thicker and shorter, in order to engulf the angel's body at a close distance. She hoped that where the fire and the shadow beam met, it would combine and produce an extraordinary force or collide in a shocking explosion. Either way, everyone was going to be affected.

Nio Magnetus


Nio watched Fia carefully, she was acting differently to earlier. I guess I scared her...He didn't particularly want to turn Fia into an enemy. The odd pairing that they were, interested him. He wondered what would happen, with polar opposites working together. This situation, wasn't planned. "Fia, are you scared of me?" Nio asked suddenly, with a calm, questioning voice. In order to clear his head, he wanted a definite answer. "It's fine if you are...I just want an honest answer." He turned his head away, in order to not scare her with his cold eyes. The sun reflected on them, causing them to glow a soft pink.

A thought suddenly popped into his head, he didn't answer her earlier questions. He wasn't really paying attention at the time, so whilst she thought, he might as well reply now.
"Well, basically-" A deep feeling pierced his heart. It was an urgent pain, as if he had to go do something. What? Why, does my heart hurt? He clutched his heart in surprise and confusion, when a thought rose in his mind. Xenila..? Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock "Xenila!" He spoke loudly in realization, but not as loud as a shout, as he knew that in a library he had to stay at a normal level of noise. "Fia, I'll be back!" He quickly stood up straight, in anticipation. He contemplated his next sentence for a moment, before speaking as he headed towards the doors. "Actually, you can follow if you'd like, to see the battlefield. Maybe you can help out." Within moments, he was gone. Running out towards the battlefield, a fair distance away. His mind was a muddle, confusion kept on piling up. Was it just a coincidence that my heart hurt? Nothing bad was going to happen....right?

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Jenna Soloven


"...I don't think I want to leave anymore," said Jenna in a small voice, in response to Fia. The librarian had said there was a path out, but with nothing out there. But that wasn't the problem; it was that no one else seemed willing to come with her. Because, she realized, it wasn't war she was scared of; it was being alone. If it came down to it, she could probably be a pretty good fighter and a nice ally- she had discovered in the walk to the town that she could transform into various kinds of animals, many of them more powerful than humans.

She turned to glare at Nio, as she heard him ask Fia "are you scared of me?". "And why shouldn't she be scared of you?" Jenna snapped. "After all, you did threaten to kill the librarian." She was liking Nio less and less by the moment. It was the fact that he completely ignored her, and the fact that he seemed to be very interested in Fia without reason ... Extremely suspicious individual, and she couldn't shake off the thought that he didn't belong, somehow. When Nio took off in pursuit off of "Xenila" or someone, she turned to Fia.

"If you're going to fight, or help somehow in whatever's going on," she said, "I would advise you not to immediately jump to his side....I-I just don't trust him." She glanced at the ball of light in Fia's hands, emanating such a bright glow. "Any idea what that does?"

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Belluam contemplated the vampires words, and then parted her lips to speak when she notice tendrils of an other source of fire approach and lick the soles of her boots. Belluam quickly and instinctively brought up her shield blocking the fire. But in the corner of her eye she saw the vampire move and sensed a great and dark powerful magic accumulating on her being. Belluam's eyes widen as she realized the strange feeling that overwhelmed her... Betrayal. Belluam for some reason had just assumed that the vampire would converse and if it came to it, fight honorably. 'so naive i am' She thought to herself. A unearthly rage began to consume Belluam's being at the realization of the deception and her own naivete, thena tear rolled down her cheek. Belluam knew what she had to do...Kill. She had Kill them all, purge the world of their taint! What did had she expected anyways, there evil and undead. Belluam moved back and engaged her shield of faith. A wall of light appeared in-front of Belluam's shield a bit larger than the actual shield. She directed the shield to the vampire, while at an angle to block the fire as well. The Bright and shining angel lifted her spear into the sky, engulfing her whole body in white holy fire, brighter than the setting sun. "Thy judgment hath cometh, Oh spawn of darkness." and with those words Belluam whipped the fire from her spear towards Xenith and over the Beam of darkness that spewed its putrid essence from Xenith towards Belluam, and mixing with the fire hurtling from bellow for an unknown effect...

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon @NeverBetter
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"fia, are you scared of me?" fia's blood runs cold at that question. she presses a hand to her head, suddenly feeling a little bit dizzy. she knew it now, her head was practically screaming it. something was wrong. something was wrong with him, with her. she clenches her eyes shut again, trying to regain control over herself, and she knows jenna is speaking and she's angry with him and that her words are swimming around in fia's head. she hears every word, and processes it slowly. "you did threaten to kill the librarian." kill... it takes a moment, but an idea of what the word means slowly trickles forth. she puts a hand over her mouth, her gag reflex threatening to shoot up whatever it was was in her stomach. "i..." she mumbles into her hand, her eyes opening slightly.

whatever she was going to say doesn't matter, because he seems to be immediately preoccupied with something else, shouting something she doesn't understand. she can see the look in his eyes, though, and she somehow recognizes for a moment the pure, existential dread. her own eyes widen in response, lured out of whatever rabbit hole her mind had almost sent her down. she's still confused, upset, but the word connects to what she sees in him. she'd seen that look before, watching her... friends(?) react to the plains lighting up underneath their feet. she almost thinks, irrationally, that he's hurt for a moment, but it comes to her even quicker that this must be something even worse.

"actually, you can follow if you'd like, to see the battlefield. maybe you can help out." he's almost halfway out the door when he realizes this, and it immediately sets fia's mind into motion. she isn't sure what it is - her mind making a connection between the word 'battlefield' and the librarian's words, or a sudden desire to personally see to it that the look in nio's eyes is properly reconciled, but it pushes out everything she's heard, her admitted fear of nio and what he was, and of the unknown and going again into the unknown and the thick of danger, and spurred her into action.

"jenna!" for what seemed like the fifth or sixth time this hour, fia suddenly shouts jenna's name, and without warning, suddenly throws herself over her, her arms wrapping her waist and into a tight hug. for a girl her size, fia was surprisingly strong. "thank you," she says, in a surprisingly quiet voice, softening her grip on jenna's waist a little as she realizes it may be a little too tight. "i won't." it's barely audible, and she's not quite sure it's true, but she says it firmly, as if setting it as a resolution for herself. when she lets go of jenna, she blinks, as if suddenly remembering the little ball.

"i... don't know? ...i think it's important, though." she ponders the strange thing for a moment, as if suddenly considering it herself, before remembering the situation at hand, and quickly stowing the ball of light back away in her dress. she gives one last grin. "i'll be back guys! i promise!" she says loudly, to jenna, to hektor, to muro, and to anyone who cared to listen. and then she was off, dashing off out the doors of the library and after the strange boy she'd met only a few minutes earlier. she could see him just in the distance, and sets off to follow him. it takes a little while, with how short fia's legs are in comparison to his, but she's pretty sure she might have the edge on endurance and leg strength anyway, as she manages to catch up.

"don't worry!" she offers up, smiling as she makes pace with him. she's still quite nervous - she has no idea what she's rushing into or with who. but who he was didn't matter to her right now. for this moment, they were one and the same, fighting for the same goal. whatever 'xenila' was, she'd keep it safe, for it's sake if nothing else.

@VioletShadow @Pashpu
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(Get hype)

- Tolan - Protecting a reckless vampire -

Tolan had silently followed Xenith, Jar rii and their posse to the forest, he'd intend only to watch over them for now, and maybe swoop in to help if things got hairy, he was pretty good at climbing on trees and whatnot. However the appearance of a fucking angel changed things...a lot.

Soon enough the forest was on fire, not a problem to him since it was pretty easy to keep himself safe from the fire, 'I thought the objective was kill the evil vampire and free the slaved ones...not set fire to the fucking forest, you had one job...and you fucked it up Xenith.'. Tolan thought to himself, as always criticizing anything he didn't like.

Jumping from tree to tree was rather easy, really, all he needed was to aim his grapples right and there he went, coming ever closer to where Xenith and the valkyrie flew to.

However the moment he saw the valkyrie's attack and the shadow beam's hit he knew things weren't gonna end well, 'they wanna blow up this entire forest, for fucks sake.' he thought to himself, almost facepalming but he had to act quick, and coincidentally he was closer to the valkyrie than to Xenith, and as he looked at the Valkyrie...a feeling began to well up on him, a feeling of...rage and...bloodlust? He was no vampire, least he didn't have any vampire fangs in his mouth from what he could tell, regardless, at his feet, some crimson like magic could be seen as he boosted himself high into the air, almost at the height of the valkyrie. "Hi" was all he said, as he actually passed by her from above, throwing his hook-grapple right at her in a swift motion, with crimson magic surrounding his feet...blood magic. he was going to be fine on the landing, and the shockwave that would follow, the grapple flew fast at the valkyrie, if she had time to deflect it she'd have to brace for the incoming explosion of the combined attacks of both her and Xenith, if the hook at the end of the grapple hit and ended up getting stuck in any part of her armor, she'd be pulled down towards the ground with uncanny force.

@MsPolite , @VioletShadow

- Hektor and Xicor - dealing with things at the library -

Hektor didn't have many reactions really, he was more interested in the vampire

/dragonborn posse forming over to the side, but what really caught his attention was both the mechanical man and the boy who let off an icy mist, and somehow wooed fia to follow him.

"Im with you Jenna, I don't trust him either...lets follow her shall we?" he asked Jenna as he too, went out of the library, following at Fia.

Meanwhile Xicor was in deep thoughts for a second...'A heart?' he was actually searching in his hard drive's database if he knew anything about it, and he knew what it was indeed, due to dense log of information about human anatomy. the only problem was...well, yeah, he didn't have a heart...yeah.

"huh." Xicor spoke, as he turned around to look at Jenna, seeing as he missed the events of what happened, "Uuuh...hi?" he greeted Jenna.

@rusticyawn, @Pashpu
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Jenna Soloven


Jenna waits for Fia to say something in response to her, and instead Fia seems absorbed in her own thoughts, deeply stressed out about something. Then suddenly, Fia runs up to Jenna and gives her a tight hug, and says "Thank you."

"Thanks? For what?" says Jenna, giggling a bit because she is shocked by the sudden hug. Shocked but touched. It seems Fia really cares for her, even if they haven't known each other for that long, and that feeling of being cared for, is wonderful. Jenna also realizes that Fia is the only person she truly cares for here. If anything were to happen to her....No, she shook off the thought, refusing to consider it.

Fia takes off after Nio, making Jenna wonder if she really heard her advice at all. Maybe she's not gonna immediately trust Nio but she's just observing him? She didn't really know.

"Stay safe, Fia,"
Jenna says softly, hoping the girl could hear her. But she is already gone.

Jenna is still staring in the direction of Fia, when Hektor turns to her. He has been so silent for a while, so she almost jumps when he speaks. "Im with you Jenna, I don't trust him either...lets follow her shall we?" Hektor says, and then he exits the library. Yes Hektor! Good idea.

As Jenna is about to run after Hektor, the somewhat mechanical guy in the back, Xicor? she thinks the name is, turns to her and says "Uh....hi".

"Hi," Jenna says blankly. But she's not thinking about Xicor. Because a plan is forming in her mind. A dangerous, crazy plan. And she was going to need all the help she could get. The librarian's words, which she hadn't paid attention to, echoed in her head: a group of seemingly normal people from every walk of life will come to stop the Reasonless War. Suddenly, she grabbed Xicor's hand and dragged him outside the library to where Hektor was standing (hopefully he wouldn't object, he seemed an innocent enough person). Battle cries of war could be heard everywhere, and the two armies were fighting fiercely again, with flame and arrows. Looking around noticed that Fia and Nio were nowhere to be seen....

"Guys...," Jenna spoke to Hektor and Xicor. "Er, guy and robot-ish person, I mean. I have a plan." She got down on the ground and lied down face-forward on her stomach. She was probably looking really insane right now...."On the count of three, get onto my back. It's urgent, just trust me, please." Inside, she channeled her thoughts to one purpose...large...scary...land mammal....elephant....RHINO... "1....2...." she said, hoping Hektor and Xicor hadn't run away. "3!"


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Caesar looked at the Innkeeper. No room huh? That was kind of shitty. He looked down to the ground as he sighed, then turned around. Back to the drawing board. Oh well, he couldn't well have expected such good luck off the bat right? Then he felt his bow hit his back when he turned.

Hold up.

He had a weapon. The manager did not.

Caesar pulled the bow from his back and turned back around, nocking an arrow in a smooth motion. "That is no way to treat a potential customer." He said, cold edging into his voice. He pulled the bowstring back and in one fluid motion, let the arrow fly into the manager's forehead. Caesar Vorenus walked over to the now dead manager, and pulled the nameplate off his shirt. Caesar broke off the piece of the nameplate that had the unfortunate manager's name on it, leaving it with only "Manager". Caesar clipped it onto his shirt, then held his arms up broadly. "This is my Inn now! If anyone has any questions about this fact, ask the former manager." He proclaimed to everyone. Then Caesar grabbed the manager's keys and wallet, and walked into the back office. Who said he had to listen to anybody? He needed stuff, and as it turned out, he had the ability to take it. SO it was only reasonable that he did so. Caesar took a seat on the office chair, and set his feet up onto the table.


Somrene watched the chaos unfold. Then he jumped in. He wasn't going to mess with the angel or the demon. No no, that was not his fight. The Gigant was just looking to gain a foothold and maybe get on someone's payroll for his skill. He barreled into the ranks of the Republic's army, and though he knew little about what was going on, he did know how to wreak havoc. A swing of his massive warhammer sent one unfortunate grunt flying. Somrene saw him hit a commander's tent in the distance, causing it to collapse. He almost laughed, but decided that he needed to focus on the war. Most of the soldiers were still so absorbed in everything else, they had little attention left to give to the Gigant. Somrene surged forwards, crushing several more soldiers with his hammer. He called out to some nearby dragonborn. "I do not know what your goal is, but I hope you do not mind my help." His voice booming across the battlefield. Might as well try and make some friends with what seemed to be his comrades in this war. He brought his hammer down in a hefty swing, smashing one trooper into the ground, and a minor shockwave accentuated by his magic knocking over several others.
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(A bit of a pre-post thing, holy fuck you guys. This is coming together so well, everything is quite exelent. It feels like the characters are really coming into their own, and the drama is wonderful.)
[QUOTE="Okami Izumi]As Mina woke up, her eyes were first graced with snow, and the sight of warriors around her crying out. She groans, realizing she awoke from being jostled around, but fear struck as she tried to move. Then she realized that she had be bound to something. As she struggled to get free she just slipped right out and dropped to the ground, snow crunching with her new weight. Mina laid there for a moment trying to figure out what had just happened, trying to ignore outer distractions. She clumsily stood on her feet, and turned. To see.... some sort of strange creature. Strange indeed.
She could tell that this thing was what she was tied to, judging from the vine that was still wrapped around her thigh almost parodying a marionette. Just as she was about to say something to it, a masterpiece crafted of anger and surprise from moving her, she saw a faint object in the air. Coming down... to destroy them. Realizing the danger, she got up and shoved this plant-creature away, out of it's trajectory. After all, she had to repay the favor... right? At that point it was to late for her to try and do anything else to help, and narrowly dodged arrows - weakened from being in the cold air and the fact she was already exhausted from early - from before the library.

Mina watched in horror as she realized another projectile behind the one from earlier was coming. In fear, she put both her arms up thinking that this was the end for her. She gasps as she feels something connect with her hand, and slowly opens her eyes. Then Mina realizes, in astute amazement, that she some how cought the metal sphere with a claw. She studies it for a second, recognizing it as a cannon shell, and the hefted it up. She launches it back, putting all her strength into that one the sphere back.

"Go to hell! " she screams, forcing it out as loud as she could. As it took out one of the metal carriages or machinations, she collaspes to her knees, quickly burnt out from the amount of strength the she had used.


Lekar said:
Giorno had missed most of the conversation, but what he caught at the beginning was enough. It seemed like this librarian could rant on about a single topic for the rest of her life if she wanted to. She kept going in circles and circles. He let out a patient sigh, standing up and looking at the librarian. "You talk about a war, and how you might think we may make a difference, but how can you be so sure? What if it turns out we really are just a random series of visitors in a certain place at once?" He didn't want to jump into a war because some old woman in a library told him, but he had nothing else in his life to turn to. He wanted a purpose to fight for, he didn't want to be blindly following and killing.

DergTheDergon said:

The moment Jah'Ri and her fellow Dragonborn leaped from behind the trees and assaulted the commander and his subordinates, they had all been overtaken by a feeling that filled thier heart with excitement, thier senses with enticing and near-overwhelming smells, tastes, and sounds, and thier minds with little except a lust for blood. Battle had always been the most fulfilling thing for thier kind, from thier very inception... they had not known this before, but now, it was clear as the sunlight beating down upon this battlefield: this is where they all truly belonged.

The small army of Dragonborn simultaneously raged throughout the battlefield, brutally tearing open infantrymen, clawing and pummeling strange machines, and surrounding the ones that had fancy uniforms, the ones that were enslaving the people the Flamebearer seemed so fond of. The Flamebearer's allies were thier own allies, as far as they were concerned.

Jah'Ri, the Flamebearer herself, lived up to her name in full whilst her kin made short work of a few of the weaker soldiers and some of the machines. With mighty jets of flame, soldiers burned, war machines heated to unstable levels, and vampires were evacuated whilst Jah'Ri created walls of flame to keep soldiers from reaching the vampires being flown to safety. All was going well until, out of the corner of her eye, Jah'Ri saw something, no, some
one, fly up out of the massive group of fighting creatures and humans. Looking up at the Sky, Jah'Ri's eyes widened in fascination for a moment. This woman, with wings of alabaster and a seeming air of power and conviction, was... beautiful. It was as if she was made to be perfect.

The very next moment however, Jah'Ri's awe was shattered as she saw the woman strike at a few of Xenith's fellow Vampires with a weapon seeming to have been materialized out of light. Thankfully, whilst feeling a surge of power coming from Xenith, Jah'Ri saw shields of pitch blackness appear over each of her kin, keeping them safe. It was clear now that this this white-winged woman, however beautiful, was Jah'Ri's enemy.

Jah'Ri found herself transfixed as she saw Xenith fly up in front of her challenger, barely making out a few of thier loudly-spoken words from down here. Her eyes narrowed with every self-righteous syllable that emerged from the white-winged woman's mouth. Her appearance was even a stark contrast to Jah'Ri's dear friend, and from that it was clear that however deceptively beautiful and pure this woman is, she had simply picked the wrong side in jah'Ri's eyes. Hatred replaced Jah'Ri's awe of the angel entirely.

Jah'Ri had been standing there, looking up at them, ready to breathe a jet of flame in the angels' direction the moment she attacked, but from her words it seemed she would rather have Xenith give herself up. She should not have hesitated in Jah'Ri's reptilian eyes, as she took this opportunity to conjure the longest, widest jet of flame she could muster, heading straight for the angel's feet and waiting to engulf her in its raging, burning heat.

@Scrapmaster [/size][/font][/right]

[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Caesar looked at the Innkeeper. No room huh? That was kind of shitty. He looked down to the ground as he sighed, then turned around. Back to the drawing board. Oh well, he couldn't well have expected such good luck off the bat right? Then he felt his bow hit his back when he turned.
Hold up.

He had a weapon. The manager did not.

Caesar pulled the bow from his back and turned back around, nocking an arrow in a smooth motion. "That is no way to treat a potential customer." He said, cold edging into his voice. He pulled the bowstring back and in one fluid motion, let the arrow fly into the manager's forehead. Caesar Vorenus walked over to the now dead manager, and pulled the nameplate off his shirt. Caesar broke off the piece of the nameplate that had the unfortunate manager's name on it, leaving it with only "Manager". Caesar clipped it onto his shirt, then held his arms up broadly. "This is my Inn now! If anyone has any questions about this fact, ask the former manager." He proclaimed to everyone. Then Caesar grabbed the manager's keys and wallet, and walked into the back office. Who said he had to listen to anybody? He needed stuff, and as it turned out, he had the ability to take it. SO it was only reasonable that he did so. Caesar took a seat on the office chair, and set his feet up onto the table.


Somrene watched the chaos unfold. Then he jumped in. He wasn't going to mess with the angel or the demon. No no, that was not his fight. The Gigant was just looking to gain a foothold and maybe get on someone's payroll for his skill. He barreled into the ranks of the Republic's army, and though he knew little about what was going on, he did know how to wreak havoc. A swing of his massive warhammer sent one unfortunate grunt flying. Somrene saw him hit a commander's tent in the distance, causing it to collapse. He almost laughed, but decided that he needed to focus on the war. Most of the soldiers were still so absorbed in everything else, they had little attention left to give to the Gigant. Somrene surged forwards, crushing several more soldiers with his hammer. He called out to some nearby dragonborn. "I do not know what your goal is, but I hope you do not mind my help." His voice booming across the battlefield. Might as well try and make some friends with what seemed to be his comrades in this war. He brought his hammer down in a hefty swing, smashing one trooper into the ground, and a minor shockwave accentuated by his magic knocking over several others.

Over the battlefield, it had become such total and utter chaos, that it was baffling. As the shield of light and beam of darkness collided, the skies above cleared way, the bright cerulean of the sky glowed out as a shockwave of energy billowed out. The explosion more or less decimated the Republic's force as its magnitude of power vaporized lesser men and shattered their machines of war. Those not destroyed were blown far back and away, though everyone would come out of it mostly unharmed. The forest, burning away, had been flattened. It took mere moments for everyone to come back to, our hero's were basically the only ones to survive the explosion, save the Colonial and a few of his men, who deployed an energy shield just in time.

The Warriors of Oren cheered aloud at the defeat of their enemy, no way a small grouping of Republic dogs could do anything to stop them. The fight was won. Loud cries and cheers erupted from the crowd of men and women, armed in steel and exhaustion washed over their faces and their body's sinking to the dirt now that they had a moment they could take of peace.

And just in time to turn the tides, just in time to ruin everything, the machinery that Somrene saw in the distance had finally made its to the battlefield.

It was a larger silver and white container on a truck bed with so many wheels that one could only ask if it were really necessary, the wheels being about three meter's tall and at least a meter thick. It was almost like a tank with how many wheels sat bound to the bulky body of the "truck", though it was obviously a truck, it looked rather strange: It's front was masked by no grill to the front, in fact, it was completely smooth, almost like a half of a cylinder, but with an odd angular point to the near center. There were no side-mirrors, the back end of the cab was covered by an orb of light, obviously an energy shield of some kind. The container itself was, in contrast, highly angular and blocky. It lacked paint, in fact, it was mostly composed of what seemed like metal beams and metal platforms and the sort. But it was gigantic, much like the truck, but even larger, one could run the length of it in maybe a half an hour if they were to run as hard as they could. And this impressive sight was quite welcome to the Colonel.

Machinery clicked and whirled, gears at work pulling and pushing. The transformation of this cab came in almost an instant: Inside, ten highly advanced looking mechanical suits of armor, and ten large, rivaling the size of a smaller skyscraper, suits of armor, both objects were armed to the teeth with advanced weapons like none had seen before this day. The Colonel laughed as he and his team rushed to and mounted the armors under the protection of their shield.

Only now could they really get a grip of what they were looking at in detail.

The smaller suits, elegantly designed to follow a human's natural form factor and movement without hampering it, were all painted stark white save for the helms, each decorated with a different drawing of some sort. Some bordered childish, with insulting words pointed to those they faced written out in stylized letters, some elegant, drawn to resemble a Knight's mask or a Centenarian's helmet in a cartoonish style. Others still went with basic designs, Skulls with crossbones and bleeding hearts sat adorning the otherwise pristine suits. They almost looked like statues made from snow, not a line or a seem to be seen. Perfect, save for their faces. Whilst some had more obvious armaments, like mini missile pods or Gatling mounted to their shoulders, others were seemingly unarmed, each tool of war being hidden within the smooth panels of the armor.

Meanwhile, the taller units, built as slender as could be, they almost looked like skeleton's. Their bodies sharp, angular, and none sharing the same sculpted. Their formation suggested that they were as business as it could get, aside from their paint jobs: Armor in places that needed it, like joints or around the cockpit, very unrefined, but very obviously strong: Many of them sat mounted with large weapon binders, laser weaponry, cannons, you name it, they had a little. Bulky, heavy looking armaments in contrast to the rather slender bodies Each was, no matter how scratched or damaged as they were, painted in bright colors: Red, yellows, golds, browns. They looked like a symbol to whoever would face them that there was no safe escape, that this was your fate and you would have to accept it. They lacked heads, instead cameras and sensors from under the armor gave the pilot all they could need.

The suit the Colonel entered was far different, however. It was large, in fact, it took up most of the platform. Though it was no taller than the rest, at least at the moment, it was long and wide: It resembled a tank in it's current form. Gigantic double-barreled cannons and a single plasma cannon sat nestled at the top of the turret of the raven black and scarlet red tank-like machine, multiple Vulcan guns sat nestled around the body, prepared to take on anything that dared try to attack.

However, of course, these machines took a moment to warm up, something so large wasn't easy to move, and the smaller armors needed to run system checks before deployment.

The machines are starting up, you better hurry...

Ceaser could hear the shuffling of men as the door to the office hastily opened up, men dressed in armor and armed with spears entered the room. "You're under arrest for the murder of Diego Cassonave, the owner of this inn! Come peacefully, or we will use deadly force."

It was as simple as that.

Simply staring up the angel, Eyes filled with hatred and determination to protect Xenith, Jah'Ri let free the fire from her maw, the burning, scorching jet of energy careening towards the angel's feet. The raging lizard woman was nearly unaware of the beams of light and darkness that had clashed, though she did feel an intense power radiating from these magnificent beings as they fought. She only barely noticed the other being rising in the sky above them, only enough to decided to deal with him after the fire had hiti ts current mark. Her mind was centered and focused on one thing: helping Xenith defeat this powerful being that dares attack Jah'Ri's dear friend.

The next instant however, there was a magnificent blast, Jah'Ri's sensitive lizardlike ears reeling from the sound the three outpourings of pour made when they had clashed. The next thing Jah'Ri new, she was lying awake in the battlefield, scaly hands shaking her lightly. She looked up to see one of the males that had called her "flamebearer." She found her eyes opening to this word, frantically spoken in a worried tone. 'Flamebearer! Flamebearerr! Is she..." the male looked into her eyes as they opened, his frantic words halting due to her proof of consciousness. He held out a scaly claw to help her up, and Jah'Ri accepted it, grunting as she stood, then looking around the devastated battlefield with wide eyes. "What happ-.. did Xenith and strange light-being's clash..." the male nodded slowly, his brownish-green scales reflecting a bit of the sunlight as his eyes solemnly looked around the battlefield.. "They caused this destruction... thier power plus your divine flame, it was too much for strange soft beings, and stranger machines." It was still day, so it seemed to have not taken long for Jah'Ri to come to after the blast. Suddenly, she grabbed the male's shoulder in a panic. "Where is Xenith? Xai'Kah? Any sign of either of them?!" The male, seemingly unphased by Jah'Ri's sudden change in demeanor, understanding it due to her current circumstances and how much she cared for each of these friends, shook his head slowly. "We have not seen either of them. Have only found a few of our brethren, no sign of vampires yet." Jah'Ri took her claws from the male's shoulders, took a deep breath then looked him in the eyes. 'Attempt to round up fellow dragonborn. Jah'Ri shall Xenith and Xai'Kah. Flamebearer is counting on you."

With a determined nod and no words of any sort, the male wandered off, looking for other bretheren, and helping up another nearby female who had just come to. Jah'Ri being sprinting across the battlefield, loking for any sign of Xenith first and formost. 'Xenith! Yell for Jah'Ri if you hear her voice!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She did this a few times before she began to notice the large, odd machines moving towards the battlefield from a distance. Her eyes widened as large,e powerful-looking mechanical beings emerges one by one from the massive vehicle. Were they beings? Jah'Ri could only smell the scent of the humans inside each, and only barely, as they were obstructed by the metal. No time to worry about that however, the arrival of this clear foe spurred Jah'Ri on to search for Xenith even more frantically and single-mindedly than before. She hoped her dear friend was okay... if she needed blood to help with her injuries Jah'Ri decided to provide that as soon as possible. Anything to ensure her friend was alright.

@VioletShadow @NeverBetter

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"This is not good my friends." Somrene called out loudly, echoing probably everyone's thoughts. He stared up at the robots and pondered for several seconds. It seemed very unlikely that they could defeat these.... metal gods. A Gigant was courageous. But an important part of courage was sacrificing victory for life. Or, at least, that's what Somrene was deciding at this moment. For now it seemed like that machines were going to be stuck warming up for a little bit. "I heartily believe that instead of fighting these things, we should instead run as far away as we can." Somrene proclaimed, beginning to backpedal away from the huge robots as fast as he could. Somehow he thought that no one else would join him... In that case he would do his best to help. But he really really hoped that they listened to his recommendation. Those things were the size of small mountains. He was big, and knew that big things were almost always very strong and very tough.


Caesar looked up to the cops. "He was a poor businessman and got what he deserved." He said with a wide waving gesture of his arms. Caesar doubted that these fantasy police would feel the same way. He looked down to his desk. "But..." Caesar had decided that he did not want to go to jail. And currently... His desires were the driving force of his actions. No matter the consequences. "If you will use deadly force then I will have to as well." He lunged forward, grabbing a paperweight off of the desk and throwing it at the nearest guard's head. He slid over the desk, kicking another in the stomach as he did so, aiming right for the juncture in between his breatplate and waist armor. Caesar landed on the ground, but immediately dove to the ground to dodge the incoming spear thrusts. Caesar reached up and grabbed close to the heads of the two spears and pushed outwards, knocking them off balance. He took the moment's opportunity to grab another arrow from his quiver and stab it into the neck of his first victim. He stood up fully just as the one he had kicked was recovering, in time for him to grab his spear by the head and snap the polearm in half with a quick and powerful kick. Caesar used his mini spear to stab downwards in between the breastplate, so that the spearhead was buried deep into the guard's torso through the neck. The two he had pushed away were now back in action. One lunged forward whilst the other threw his spear. Caesar, with his enhanced reflexes moved ever so slightly, dodging both hits and managing to grab the spear out of midair. The Innkeeper used his new weapon to beat the other guard over the head knocking his helmet off. Caesar spun the spear and took advantage of his now helmetless opponent and drove the spear into his skull. He snapped the spearhead off, leaving it buried in a head. Then Caesar dropped his pointed stick and turned to the last guard, pulling his bow out and nocking another arrow. "If I need a business license, I'll pick it up in town hall tomorrow. Are there any other problems that need dealing with?" Caesar asked as a pool of blood accumulated at his feet.



Jaighed was confronted with a many of different things such as, but not limited to: debris, metal balls (or bullets she later discovered), arrows, dirt, even bigger metal balls (cannons), and things that blew up... some sort of explosive she never learned the name of. Though, surprisingly, the force they had brought with them to defend the town held up well, with a very low causality rate despite the situation in which they had been situated within. Ugh, the thoughts and the thinking process of simply trying to think was starting to make her thinking organ hurt.

Though the injured steadily climbed through the roof.

The fact that the heavens collided above her in an immense display a raw power did not help matters. Fire and beams of odd-colored light was projected onto the clashing armies in a kaleidoscope display, though every thing was abruptly interrupted in one final clash. That clash was a strong turing point for them. Disintegrated soldiers in mere seconds - turning them into heaping piles of black sand and turned the ground into varying shades of smoky ash.

Jaighed was quite lucky she did not become a fire pit herself.

However, the cheers of the people she had protected behind her made her quickly forget her qualms about everything. Even though many acres of trampled grass lay littered with corpses bathing in their own crimson. As she noticed this detail, and her waist-vine twitched, she realized she did not see her rugged Dragonborn companion, Xai'kah.

"Xai..." she whispers, a strange jittery feeling starting to cause her body to wind up within. Worry, was the word, but the emotion seemed so much stronger. With a start, she rises from her position on the ground and retracts all of her previously extended - and rather battered - vines around herself.

With such vigor, and extreme intent, she stumbles over her own roots several times as she searches the injured and the non...living. Albeit, her search was fruitless. Frantic at this point, and all the while earning questioning stares, she begins parting a platoon of deceased Republic soldiers in which the Dragonborn regiments had been anointed to, even though it appeared even more troops were coming to eradicate the people of Oren. So she continued shifting bodies this way and that.. looking for her friend.

Miraculously, he was alive. Or, at least Jaighed assumed he was. She places a leafy ear upon his chest, as she had watched the doctors in the infirmary tents do earlier. A small gasp emits her lips. Beneath her, his heart was making a noise. A thump. thump thump. Thump. Smiling subtly, a slim bark-en hand traces his scaly cheek, her eyes watching his chest rise and fall and he breathes.

Then, as her gaze met his chiseled face, a concerned look crosses her expression in an instant. A long gash was stretched across his forehead, dribbling down a streak of scarlet.. like the men on the field. Jaighed, rises instantaneously, and wraps Xai in her varying green leaves and vines. As quickly as she could, without disturbing him, or loosing her only recently gained balance, she takes him to the blaring white tents in hopes to better him.

Jaighed was greeted by several people in white garments, who simply did not understand her urgency. She clears off a makeshift cot and places the reptillian gently upon it, as a mother would tuck a child in bed. She was not going to move a muscle until he was alright.

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Despite his desire to aid his fellow Dragonborn throughout the battle, Xai'kah found himself staying by Jaighed's side, attempting to change the trajectory of a few of the projectiles heading towards her by using strong, precise and sudden gusts of wind. This took quite the toll on the Dragonborn, and so he found himself gradually weakening, physically though not one bit in his resolve to negate as much damage to the brave and determined Jaighed as possible. A few stray projectiles hit him quite well, one straight in the forehead in fact, but his thick scales prevented much damage from coming to his more delecate parts underneath them. Xai'Kah paid his own pain little mind through the adrenaline and determination to support his brave Plantoid friend coursing through his veins. Looking up at the sky as two powerful figured ascended above the battle field, Xai'Kah watched in awe as thier beams, mixing with fire from below that Xai'Kah knew must be Jah'Ri's, collided with each other. A bright flash of light and a loud boom were the last things Xai saw and heard before falling unconscious.

Xai'Kah fell into a vivid dreaming state as Jaighed found him, previously in a dreamless unconscious state. But in his dreams, she was there as well. In his dreams he found himself meditating in a beautiful garden, taking in the surroundings and simply sitting quietly whilst one of jaighed's vines gently hung about his scaly waist. Little did he know, these images and sensations where brought on by the plantoid gently caressing him with her vines, then bringing him to safety wrapped up amongst them.

Xai'Kah awoke ion a strange makeshift bed of sorts, eyes barely opening to See Jaighed by his side at the very first moment. "Where... am I?" Xai'kah asked weakly, a clawed hand coming up to his head to feel at the wound upon his temples. Then he remembered... the battle! "Where... are others? Other Dragonborn? I must... see the aftermath for... myself..." he said as he tried to gett up, grunting in pain. Managing to sit himself up, he grabbed for his sword on the wall. He seemed hell bent on going out there. Looking back towards Jaihged he said, "I am... glad you are... alright, though you look worse for... wear..." Xai'kah said between throbs of pain, his body telling him not to get up but stubbornly being ignored. "I suppose I have... you to thank for... bringing me here... thank you but...I must see..."

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when fia arrived, the lovely bright blue of the sky looked just a little brighter, aftershocks flying overhead. the smell of smoke was most prominent from where she stood, but for whatever reason, it seemed to be dissipating quickly, as if the wind was quickly pushing the fire it presumably originated from further away. there had been some odd explosion to precede it, a light show of color and sound that was way more intimidating than anything she'd experienced before. for a moment, it had almost seemed literally stunning, her brain threatening to force her in place to stop, reconsider moving forward. but the strange cocktail of adrenaline and confusion had an adverse reaction to the scene, and propelled her forward, even faster, forgetting even basic consideration for whether nio was managing to keep pace or even still following at all.

now she was here, standing on what was presumably the 'field' that entailed in the word 'battlefield'. her eyes began to look around, noticing motion in every direction. in the distance were some colorful... giants? their existence confused fia - they had a sort of humanoid shape to them, but they didn't really look alive. a little closer to her, some reptilian(?) looking people, akin to the man she'd saw enter the library and on the streets seemed to be conversing. fia couldn't see their faces, but their body motions seemed to signal fear and confusion. which seemed apt to fia, but it was nice to have someone else confirm that her confusion was warranted for once. there were others of some description, scattered here and there. away from them, but closer than the giants, were some people, who she could barely see at all and someone running, yelling something that sounded as soft as the breeze from where she stood. hmm. where had explosion originated from, then? the most likely answer seemed to be the giants, but this whole thing required explanation. this place seemed a lot more... sparse of scenery then when the two of them were coming towards it.

"nio!" she called, pacing as she looked around, and then behind her, and even up. h-huh? where had he gone? had she... oh. she looked behind her again, realizing that she may have made too much haste. or maybe she had taken more time than she thought in examining this place? either way... she wasn't just going to stand here looking for him. she would look for him afterward, but... if she was honest with herself, she wouldn't really be concerned if she never saw him again. it felt insensitive, almost repugnant, to admit, but considering she got the same ugly feeling when even thinking about him, she figures it's probably best just not to worry about him, for the time being. but that posed a problem - just what or who was xenila? she blinked, giving her question some consideration, before totally neglecting it altogether.

"xenila!" she bolted off, calling as loud as she could as she charged across the battlefield at top speed. she had a surprising amount of endurance, all things considered - nio and her both went as fast as they could getting here, and it had been a considerable distance, but here she was, again galloping as fast as she could, still with a smile on her face, moving towards the unknown. fia knew in the back of her mind that this was probably weird, to look and feel so excited under the dire circumstances, but she couldn't help herself. she was really enjoying the exertion, on her legs and her lungs. she could feel the wind zipping past and adrenaline like electricity through her veins, sparking up flames in her head and heart. she felt fantastic! she could do this forever! the ball of light at her side seemed to agree - the faster she went, the hotter she could feel it and herself getting! maybe she'd-!

her fervent exhilaration was pierced briefly by another sound - one she had heard, but hadn't heard well enough to understand until now. "xenith!" huh! what that reptilian-ish figure shouted sounded a lot like xenila! "xenila?" she called again, a childish sense of enjoyment apparent in her yell, but this time it was more like a question, directed to whoever was running ahead of her. maybe if she could catch up to whoever this was, they'd know what xenila was? and lead her toward it? but she didn't think she could do that... she was running at her top speed, and though she's sure she can follow like this for awhile, she knows she definitely isn't going to catch up to someone so well-built, not unless they slowed down. but maybe they'd hear her...? either way, she did her best to follow, her almost alarming, ferocious enthusiasm rising even higher in her anticipation.

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon
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Blue eyes stare dazed, up into the beautiful, cloudless cerulean sky. The sun beaming down onto the earth that is being swept by the winds once blocked by the forest. Time seemed to stop as everything was quite and peaceful for once since Beuam's short time being here. 'Peace...' The angel laying on the ground sighed. She smiled; order had finally been obtained... and it was bliss. She relished the quite, never wanting it to go while the winds caressed her warm glowing body. Suddenly the sound broke, with cheers roaring from the army of gallant knights, yells of names being shouted and orders being barked by the heathens. The fragile peace and silence was shattered once again by the machine called war, as it continues to roll it's path of destruction. Belluam closed her eyes not wanting to get up or move, just wishing it would all go away... just wanting to be alone. Belluam's eyes flashed open a scowl on her face as she thought 'No, I can not sit idly by. I have ever a responsibility to the Chivalrous warriors who would dare oppose the abomination that plagues this land.' Belluam had a duty... but where her sense of duty came from she did not know. Belluam sat up, taking her spear and shield then standing up. Belluam glided over to the Oren army, Completely ignoring any commotion that may be going on around her, and the igniting her self on fire for only a moment if only to clean herself and her armor. Belluam then stopped in front of the army. Gazing upon this army, so primitive compared to the other, a pang of sympathy coursed threw her body. She needed to help, and protect them. Belluam walked and knelt by one soldier that was laying injured and cradle his head. He was bleading, broken, and dieing. One of the unlucky few, yet he was smiling. "I thank thy for thy service Oh gallant Knight." Belluam said to the dieing soldier. Then a there was a twinkle in his eye for a second and it was gone. His body fell limp from Belluam's grasp. The Angel stood laying the man down to peacefully rest in his eternal sleep and then flew above the Oren army gazing out upon the Republic camp as the tattered remains were quickly reinforced with new and otherworldly weaponry. She then looked down at the Oren army and flew to there level touching the war trodden earth. Belluam in a sudden spurt of excitement and zeal, threw her fist that held her spear into the sky and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Gallant knights! I will bless you with my holy presence and Guard you in your coming fight! The God's are on you side today and we will fight! for Victory! VICTORY!" "VICTORY" army yelled back "VICTORY" Belluam said again and the army repeated each have time. "VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY!! CHARGE!" Belluam and the Commander of the Oren army gave the command in Unison, whipping the army into a war frenzy as she flew towards the Republic army, body engulfed in the Holy flames. The army yelled it's battle cry charging faster and faster towards the enemy. And in a faint and soft prayer Belluam said, "gods bless us."

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith had predicted the explosive collision, however, what she didn't expect was her particular consequence. Due to her close proximity to the shockwave, she was flung farther back than most of the others. Where she landed, was very unlucky and disturbing. One of the few trees left of the flattened forest, had their branch torn in ways that it's end was razor sharp. This particular branch, pierced Xenith's lower stomach and pinned her against the tree. Blood dripped fluidly, creating a small puddle underneath.

As Xenith awoke, her first thought was dark. Death is approaching. She could feel her life draining away, becoming weaker as time went on. Her energy had already been exhausted, firing her power in a shadow beam was no lenient task.

She was tired, without any energy to call out to Jah'Ri who she could hear calling her name. Someone else was calling her one of her nicknames, she couldn't tell who it was, her initial thought was Nio, who was the only person who called her that, but realized it was a feminine voice.
I have...regrets. She thought, as she realized there wasn't much hope for her. She was a fair distance from the battlefield, which sadly meant her friends most likely wouldn't find her. I should have been with Jah'Ri more, I should have been nicer to Nio, I should have found out who I was, I should...I should have done so much more...Her tears trickled down her cheeks, as her mind was in frustration. Her eyelids slowly fluttered closed.

"You're not dying on my watch." A voice, commanding in it's demeanor, surprised her enough to force her eyes open. A familiar face came into view, and she smiled brighter than she had ever before. "Nio...." she whispered.

Nio Magnetus


As soon as he reached the battlefield, a powerful shockwave came over him, almost knocking him out. But his resolve was firm, and he managed to keep one of his eyes open long enough, to watch Xenith fall through the sky. He watched her fly much farther back than the others, somewhere within the flattened forest. Without a second thought, he immediately dashed towards the area, pushing and shoving anyone in his way. He momentarily forgot about Fia, his mind focused on one person. As he reached the scene, his eyes widened in horror. He was sweating and panting, from the sudden rush he was in. But there was no time to waste.

He summoned a pillar of ice underneath him, so he could reach the branches Xenith was close to, and carefully sat on the one to the side of her. Frantically, he summoned an ice shard and slashed it against his wrist. Blood began to flow quickly, as he placed it against Xenith's lips.
"Drink." He ordered, trying to stay as calm as possible. He watched as her senses began to awaken, as her eyes glowed a crimson lust. His mind was calm and numb, as his blood was drained away. Suddenly, Xenith thrust the hand away from her. "Don't...I might..kill you. I've had...enough. I'm...fine." He stared closely as he watched her colour return to her face, then the rest of her body. A relieved smile appeared on his face, paralleling Xenith.

Quickly but carefully, he picked Xenith up and attempted to pull her out of the large, sharp branch which had pierced through her body. After the first attempt he stopped, as the utter pain on Xenith's face scared him to death. As she recovered, he tried his hardest to think of a way to help her out of this mess. He was frustrated at his lack of ability to help her, but suddenly an idea dawned upon him.
"Stay calm, and trust me." He placed his hands around the wound, careful not to cause her too much pain and slowly cooled the temperature. As she became numb, he quickly began to pull her out of the branch, the numbness likely to dull the pain. A few pained looks and moans escaped her, despite the effort she was putting in to prevent them. However, it had worked, and she was free.

He gave a heavy sigh of relief, and began making preparations to staunch the bleeding. Pondering momentarily, he asked
"Can I tear your dress?" with a serious look in his eyes. With a silent, approving nod from Xenith, he began ripping the few bits left of the dress and turned them into long rolls of material. He carefully wrapped the make-shift bandages around her wound, stopping the bleeding. A glance at her outfit was all he needed, as he took off his coat and placed it on her shoulders. "Come on, we need to get out of here. You want to see Jah'Ri right?" Without a moment's hesitation, he picked her up and placed her on his back. A slow and steady pace was kept, to prevent any discomfort for Xenith.

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"Xai, you must not. You are broken," the plant woman replies, her lower lip quivering, though she offered no resistance. Instead, she pulled back the cloudy white fabric wall of the tent, revealing a grotesque scene of immeasurable destruction. She had only been sitting with him a few brief moments, but staring at the landscape aged the previously naive plantoid more that she cared to take note of.

"And the metal centipede is coming..." she adds, her wide eyes gazing in fear at the slick metallic being making it's way to them. The ghastly creature made it's way across the landscape, plowing over trees and bodies alike. At this, the Florian visibly cringes, her eyes tracing the shard of miscellaneous shards of bark and wood fragments as they descended in a cloud of disturbing confetti.

As she allowed the Dragonborn to view the exhausted field of battle, she opened up the other wall to reveal his comrades at arms, many of them wrapped with burlap-colored gauze, socializing at a roaring fire in attempt to raise morale for the incoming fight - for they were to be the reinforcements this round. Though, she pretends she did not see what they were fueling the fire with..

She smiles at their attempts, though it was obvious it did not reach her eyes, nor did she allow her gaze to mingle with Xai's. Mostly it was so that he did not see the sadness in her eyes, or her mental pain of learning all of
this so quickly. This, meaning everything she had witnessed. Death, happiness, and joy, followed with sadness, defeat, and perhaps the most vital thing she had witnessed yet.


As the people of Oren charged forward, she saw it shine in all their eyes, like the stars on a clear night. It radiated outward, like the light of the majestic being leading them, one sort of deity she assumed, but nonetheless they were hopelessly out.... hmmm... gunned.

"Xai.... must you go? Surely we can parlay with this enemy... or ask a magician to provide a barrier for us... or even..." she trails off, realizing their leader from earlier, the strange pale human from the library, was nowhere to be seen. Her typically languid face twists as she realizes this.

But, alas, she never learned the woman's name before she conjured her own wings and met with the other god in the sky. She wistfully shakes her head, wondering vaguely if the metal centipede could be bested if it got cold enough.

Most insects would curl up and die in their sleep, but it was made of metal... then maybe it would burst apart. After all, metal is brittle when it contracts in cold air - like anything else. She recalled this from some life before her own... The old oak! She had communed with before had bestowed the information, though she hadn't realized it till now due to everything swirling around her in one scenario to the next.

"Shatters like glass..." she mutters aloud, her muses raised into the air like a question," Do you think -- "

Her question is abruptly cut off as a rather large bang resounded across the valley followed by bellows of man and screams of metal. Their footsteps resounded through the pristine air, and if she hadn't known better, she would've though it was rain. Though she did, and this quelled all her hopes and fears in that knowledge.

The battle had started.

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Tolan - The blood hunter - Forest post-shockwave.


Tolan prepared for the worst, even he had to admit attacking the valkyrie like that was reckless, and he should plan better next time, not that it mattered, as he was now slumped up against a tree with his right arm broken and a small branch stickying out of his leg. The first thing he looked for was his axe and hook, thankfully they were right next to him. "Good" He grunted as he moved his left arm to his right in an attempt to relocate it.

Small,muffled grunts of pain came out of Tolan as he literally put his arm back into place, soon regaining control of his arm and everything, he now had to deal with the branch sticking out of his leg, taking the branch off was no problem, the problem was that he had no bandages to staunch the bleeding.

But much to Tolan's surprise the bleeding wasn't as high as he thought it was, it was almost as if his blood refused to leave his body...which was...weird, But manageable, soon enough he got himself up, and looked around, he did not know where he was, or what the hell was going on after that shockwave. "Least the forest fire's gone." He commented dryly. "Fucking vampires and valkyries'n shit. Dragonborn i'd have a beer wit her." Tolan commented as he started off with limp but managed to go back to walking normaly.

What was he going to do now? walk back to town? go find Xenith and Scold the hell out of her? he didn't know, but he had a good reason to stay, now that he could hear in the distance what seemed like machines, 'something arrived' he thought.

As he began following the mechanical noises from afar, which sounded like a battle tank Tolan ended up walking past Nio with Xenith on his back. Tolan was surprised at the scene, he was actually more surprised that Nio hadn't murdered Xenith.

"Hey!" Tolan shouted at Nio as Tolan walked in front of him. Examining him up and down. He sighed, and muttered to himself 'aaah fuck it' he looked at Nio, "Get Xenith out of here, something just arrived, and I think a battle is going to take place soon." He told Nio as Tolan walked past him. Figuring he could trust him with Xenith as Tolan followed the sound of the mechanical noises with an unflinching walk, and a serious expression below his mark.




Hektor and Xicor - on a motherfucking rhino.

What choice did they have, as much was Hektor did not want to jump onto Jenna's back he was pushed by Xicor, but much to their surprise, Jenna actually turned into a Rhino, and they began charging for the forest.

"This is...unexpected" Spoke Hektor as he held onto Jenna as the led them to the forest in all her rhino-y glory, holding onto his cane and his precious hat, he would never want to lose it, it probably made him look silly, in a classy way.

Xicor However was cocking and tinkering with his rifle as he sat on Jenna's back, silent, as his comms picked up MASSIVE comms signals, probably from a highly advanced vessel, or highly advanced suits.

"What the...I picked up something on my scanner, and its getting stronger the more we approach the forest, highly technological...powerfu-...the selians have arrived." Xicor spoke as he began tinkering with his rifle even more now. Getting ready for battle.

Xai'Kah did not heed Jaighed's warning, continuing to get up and grab his gear that Jaighed had put down beside his bed when she brought him here. Seeming to realize that her cautioning words were of no use, she proceeded to pull the covers off of him and prop open the tent flaps with another of her viridian tendrils, earning a nod of appreciation before Xai'Kah stood, limped over to the tent entrance and found himself freezing in place at the grisly sight that laid before him. "By The Elder ones, such destruction..." he rasped breathlessly, staring wide-eyed and in fear at the body-strewn, explosion-ravaged battlefield. Jaighed's next words seemed apt to describe the ominous-looking metal beast that rolled onto the battlefield, carrying massive metal humanoids that seemed to neither be alive or immobile, like magical constructs of a sort yet Xai'kah felt no magic radiating from them. "Yes... and such a beast must be destroyed," He replied with conviction in his voice.

Glancing to his side as one of Jaighed's other tentacles opened up another flap in his peripheral vision, he found himself relieved to see a small grouping of other Dragonborn gathered round a fire, all seeming well enough to fight. That was a relief... it would seem this ragtag army will need all the reinforcements they can get if they are to defeat the metal centipede, as Jaighed called it. Glancing back at Jaighed's face after looking over the faces of his comrades and greeting them, receiving expressions of relief that he was up and moving, he fleetingly noticed a worrying look in her eyes before she turned sharply away from him. She seemed... saddened at the sight of his comrades, but why would she be? Looking upon the scene, Xai's eyes found themselves fixed upon the campfire and he began to understand. "The sight of wood burning disturbs you, doesn't it?" Xai asked quietly, so only Jaighed could hear, in a concerned voice. "My brethren mean nothing callous by it... they cannot feel the pain of the organisms they are burning as you likely can. I am sorry... my kind are cold blooded so warmth is essential to our well-being at times," He continued, attempting to console her whilst gently laying a scaly hand upon her viridian shoulder.

Turning to look out at the battlefield again, the strange metal beast looming ever closer, Xai'kah shook his head hearing Jaighed's desperate words. "I doubt such things would work on this foe... we must fight. Come to think of it, where is the one called Xenith Jah'Ri was so fond of? Could she be-" perhaps thankfully, before he could finish his grim thought, the unmistakable sounds of battle echoed through the tent. The Dragonborn at the fire simultaneously got up and rushed outside. Xai'kah looked towards Jaighed, seeing a look of determination in her eyes that gave him strength simply looking at her. "We've no choice. We must aid in this however we can. I will be fine, I can walk. The pain is already.. subsiding.." he finished his statement with a wince, making it not all that convincing. He wasn't being entirely truthful, but he knew he could move well enough despite the pain. Besides, running or hiding did not seem to be viable options in the face of this forboding foe. Xai'Kah turned to Jaighed and said "Do you not see? If I sit idly by here and rest, I fear I will be resigning myself to a grim fate... you seem determined to fight... and so am I." With that, Xai'Kah stepped out onto the battlefield, thinking over Jaighed's words from earlier. He saw what she was getting at... perhaps extreme cold could spell the doom of these massive metal beasts, but Xai'kah did not command the cold. He could certainly decrease the temperature of an already cold area or surface further using wind magic, though what could... wait. That strange young man from earlier! He didn't seem all that trustworthy, but if he was alive and well, he could be indispensable in this time of desperate need.
"Jaighed. If we can find the white-haired pale-skinned male being we met inside the settlement, he may be able to provide the cold we need. We should keep an eye out for him, it seems worth trying."



Meanwhile, Jah'Ri was still running at full speed across the battlefield, repeatedly calling Xenith's name. No answer.... though she did hear a similar name being called from behind her. 'Xenilia?!" Jah'Ri had heard it before, from Nio... yet the voice calling it was feminine in nature. Jah'Ri turned around to see a light-skin female being she recognized from the library. Her seemingly cheerful and excited demeanor was... surprising, to say the least, not matching her anxious calls for Xenith. Whatever reason this girl had to search for Xenith, Jah'Ri was glad for the help. Finishing these mental observations, Jah'Ri did not so much as greet the girl, and turned back around, still single-mindedly focused on finding Xenith herself. Besides, she could run faster than this girl it would seem, and so can more efficiently search for her. No time to waste.

Finally, Jah'Ri saw two figures in the distance, one hoisted over the other's back. Her eyes widened, then narrowed, catching thier respective scents. Xenith's... then Nio's. Jah'Ri had a feeling he'd be up to something callous whilst Xenith was in her current state. Jah'Ri could smell her blood from this distance, but the smell seemed to be rapidly dissipating as if she was healing rapidly.... just like the time she had drank of Jah'Ri's blood. Bounding towards the two as Nio carted the injured Xenith out of the devastated forest, Jah'Ri looked over Xentih's body the moment she was close enough, seeing that indeed, she had suffered quite a bit of damage but was rapidly healing from it. She was still worse for wear as of the moment, however. "Jah'Ri is glad... you are alive and well..." she said softly, wearing her toothy smile. Becoming once again aware of Nio after her initial moment of overwhelming relief seeing Xenith alive and conscious, she then looked over Nio's face to confirm her suspicions. Her eyes widened... indeed, his face seemed... paler than Xenith's for once... she recalled a vivid memory from back in the forest she had initially woken up in, where Xenith's face filled out with color after drinking jah'Ri's blood.

"You... saved her... Jah'Ri... thanks you..." she said a bit reluctantly, before switching gears immediately, returning to the rather demanding tone of voice that she usually used with Nio. "Jah'Ri can take her off your hands. Blood loss must be taking its toll. Jah'Ri doubts you have the strength to carry her entirely to safety." He looked at Nio, not Xenith, as she asked this, genuine concern in her eyes despite her aggressive tone. Granted, her concern was mostly for Xenith in the hands of someone that despite all this, Jah'Ri still could not trust with the way he acts towards her, not to mention that like she said, he seemed almost ready to collapse any minute while Jah'Ri still had much energy. She could even stand to lose a bit of blood in order to speed along Xenith's recovery process and still be more spry than Nio seems at the moment, her race's constitution seeming invaluable at this point in time. "We must get her to safety quickly.. .strange machines of death loom. Jah'Ri is not sure how we can defeat them."

@VioletShadow @rusticyawn


Xenith La Rosia


Xenith sincerely valued Nio. Despite how everyone seemed to dislike him, she adored him. She solemnly swore to never abandon her dear friend. Despite her energetic mind, her body felt like lead. Without wanting to, she kept sighing softly, especially when Nio traveled on bumpier terrain. However, she could feel her strength returning. Her body felt much better than earlier, even during the battle against the angel. Looking forward caused her to become dizzy slightly, so she decided to rest her head against Nio's shoulder. It was cold. Yet somehow comforting, and familiar.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the air. Immediately, she knew it was Tolan. She didn't know what to think of him, as she saved his life, he tried to help her battle against the angel, but was also rather rude to her. With mixed feelings, she decided not to say anything.

Nio's only words were,
"I know." They were quieter than his normal words usually are, which confused her slightly. She couldn't see his face, but a cool aura had begun to form. Perplexed, she decided to ask him about it later, when she felt better. As the roaring battle noises grew louder, Xenith, with her head tilted sideways, gazed silently as the dead forest surroundings became a violent bloodbath. She looked up, slightly hesitantly, ready to examine the scene for Jah'Ri. Luckily, just as she looked up, familiar reptilian scales caught her view. "Jah'Ri!" She spoke excitedly, a relieved smile broadening on her face.

Nio Magnetus


Nio slowly grew infuriated. His emotions swirled in a terrifying vortex, as he thought about a singular statement throughout his travels. If I was a moment later...If... He was careful not to show Xenith his face, shrouded in despair with his eyes misting. He barely noticed Tolan, which caused him only to reply simplistically. As he reached the battlefield, his mood didn't improve. All he could locate was danger. Jah'Ri wasn't visible to him, until she spoke her last line. That was when he snapped.

"Who says we have to defeat them?" Nio asked, a serious stare in his eyes, finally ablaze in resolve. "I will be taking Xenila to a safe area away from this battlefield, away from possibly even this town." He explained, a subtle anger hidden within."Wait, Nio-" "Xenith. If I was a moment later...you could have died." A heavy silence fell between them, as he knew that she knew the gravity of the situation too. "I refuse to put you in any more danger. I should have stopped you earlier as well." He clicked his tongue and clenched his fist, regrets filled his mind.

Suddenly, as if to change the subject and atmosphere, three bat-winged beings flew down.
"We've been looking for you M'lady." Stated a young crimson-haired male. "We've successfully finished evacuating the last few vampires. There are 7 in total." Spoke a blue-eyed female. In synchronization, they bowed down together "We thank you for everything, m'lady. You have done much for us, even though we have caused you heavy injuries." The woman's eyes glazed over Xenith's injured body. "Oh...It's no problem at all. If you do not mind me intruding on your private matters, where do you plan to head to next?" The woman appeared slightly surprised by the question, but her eyes lit up, presumably in anticipation. "We are hoping to head back to our hometown, Vernok. There, we plan to revive the dead souls of the vampires we saved. It's not too far from here, but the terrain is rough." "I see... thank you for letting me know."

Quietly, both Xenith and Nio, thought about their next move...

@DergTheDergon @Scrapmaster
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Jah'Ri & Xai'Kah

Jah'Ri regretted her rather difficult decision to be civil with Nio the moment he snapped at him for her last sentence, seeming to pay no mind whatsoever to her kinder-than-usual offer to take Xenith literally off his shoulders. Fixing him with an equal glare as they walked, showing no fear and only determination, perhaps a bit of anger in her gaze, she was attempting to formulate a response to what Jah'Ri saw as ludicrous word hwhen Xenith interrupted him, and Nio brought up a fery real point, reminding Xenith that she could have died. Jah'Ri narrowed her eyes at Nio's last words. "Jah'Ri does not understand... you care for Xenith, yet you wished to stop her from fighting for what she believes in from the very beginning? What use is protecting the life of one you care for if you will not let them live how they choose?! Answer Jah'Ri!" She was visibly seething right now, baring her fangs as her eyes showed a piercing void of pure anger.

Yes, Xenith had nearly died in the blast, but Xenith's conviction, her wish to help her race and destroy those that enslaved them, seemed to give Xenith a sense of purpose nothing else had thus far... and Nio deemed to take that away from her. Perhaps he doesn't wish bodily harm to Xenith, as otherwise he wouldn't have given so much of his blood to her, yet it seemed he was committed to the death of Xenith's soul, even if he did not realize that. Struggles of purpose such as this were seen by Jah'Ri as gifts from the heavens. There seemed to be no greater sense of fulfillment than fighting for what one believes in. Jah'Ri was honestly considering striking against Nio, if it were not for the chance of harming Xenith, before a few of the vampires from earlier swooped down, and resolved the situation in thier own way.

Jah'Ri looked between Xenith and the lesser vampires in silence as they spoke, thinking it not her place to speak. This was business between the vampires. Come to think of it, Jah'Ri has not seen her kin, including Xai'kah, the strangely familiar male she'd only seen for short moments amid this chaos. Once the vampires flew off, Jah'Ri found herself glancing around the battlefield hoping to catch a glimpse of him or the others, faithfully following Nio as he still carried Xenith. She would attempt to snatch her from his grasp if she was not afraid that she'd hurt her dear friend in the process.

Finally, after searching for a good few minutes, the enemies in the distance still closing in, albeit thankfully slowly, Jah'Ri caught a glimpse of two figures standing just outside the Oren medicine tent. It was Xai'kah, and the strange plant-being that had been accompanying him every time Jah'Ri had seen him thus far. "Xai'Kah!" Jah'Ri called out to him. "Ah, jah'RI!" Xai called back, waving a scaly arm at her. He then turned to jaighed at his side. "Shall we go speak with them, Jaighed? It seems they have rescued the one called Xenith, which is a relief. Nio, perhaps our surest hope of Victory, is with them as well." Jah'ri heard Xai'Kah speak, and found the complicated way he spoke, well, just that. His use of the common language was closer to that of the majority of other beings Jah'Ri had met in this strange place than other Dragonborn, who seem to have a similarly simple grasp of that tongue compared to thier native Draconic. Shaking these thoughts off, she began to approach him and the strange plant being that she could perhaps finally introduce herself to. She seemed to be rather fond of Xai'Kah and vice-versa from what Jah'Ri had seen of her.


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