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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia winced at the two of them entered into a part of town that wasn't completely decimated. nicol took her hand as she went through the growing crowd, and she was glad he had. all around them were people still reeling from the event - bodies of people in the street, people looking for whatever they could find remaining on them. for fia it was a deeply distressing, pitiful sight. she squeezed nicol's hand harder as she put her head down, trying not to look around at all the signs of the disaster. it made fia physically ache. 'i could have done more...' she thought to herself, stepping over a stray limb. she couldn't just believe that something like this was unavoidable. she just couldn't accept a life where things like this were expected. a world where someone was always suffering.

nicol suggests they join the waiting crowd, and she isn't really sure why, at first. she doesn't really understand why people would make a formation like this. she holds off on asking, though. it's almost embarrassing to her, at this point. so she sort of nervously waits, watching intently where the line is going, trying to piece it together for herself. it was all incredibly uncomfortable. she didn't know what to do with herself, standing still like this and just watching other people, so she shuffled her feet, snapped her fingers. small little restless motions, trying to pass time. she saw a lot of people giving them weird looks, which didn't really help. what was up with them? was she doing something wrong? did they think the two of them looked weird? she found it annoying.
'if they have something to say, they should just say it already!" she looked over to nicol, hoping he wasn't bothered by it, but she noticed something else, too.

"hey, that looks like the picture that was hanging in the library!" fia says suddenly, drawing a few more looks their way. she gives a few of them an annoyed counterlook before lightly grabbing nicol's sleeve and pointing to it's direction. "that's a map, ya idiot," the child behind them points out. fia turns, sticking her tongue out at him, before looking back at nicol. "the small stuff beneath the pictures means something, right? could you see where the 'library' is on there?" she looked genuinely excited as she looked over at it, bouncing a little where she stood. "i can, um, keep standing here. if that's how it works." she still wasn't sure what they were doing. she hadn't really been paying attention. she just hoped this wouldn't make everyone more annoyed. she had no idea what they were doing wrong.

Their turn came up, as Fia was looking at the picture. He had taken two bowls, and carried them to her. "Eat this." he said offering the bowl to her. "This will help." he said trying to smile. It felt odd. He wanted to run away, and just run until everything was a blur. But Fia was scared. Anyone with eyes could see that. But there was more coming from her. Like a distressed animal, even when safe, would not calm down. Finding some flat rubble nearby, he motions for her to sit down. "Please, rest and join me." he offered.

ah. so that was why they had been standing in line. once nicol offers the food they'd received, fia nods, giving one last look at the 'map'. she didn't really didn't understand it. she knew it was supposed to be of the town, she at least understood that the pictures looked like the surrounding buildings, but she just couldn't figure out what was supposed to be what. she dejectedly nods, moving away to where he's motioned to sit. she felt a comfortably warm feeling as she sat next to him. she really did appreciate that he seemed to be looking out for her, like she wanted to for him. if he hadn't been here, she probably would have never realized the line had been for food.

"thank you, again,” she says warmly, her cheeks slightly red as she accepts the bowl. she felt almost bad for how inept she felt. from his account of things, he’d been in the world for less time then she had, but here he was, the one looking out for her. she took a deep breath as she looked into soup, letting herself settle in for a moment before she ate something. it had been awhile since she last settled down, stayed in one place for very long. now that she was no longer moving, she feel her body start to express it’s distaste for the abuse she’d been putting it through, a lot of places, her limbs especially, starting to ache. she felt the bowl of soup in her hands. it didn’t feel right. she tried to scoop some in her mouth, but she frowned. she swallowed, but she put her spoon back down.

”it’s just... really cold.” she says, wincing as she holds her a hand to her mouth. it probably didn’t taste that way to him, but it was uncomfortably cold to her mouth, her body seemingly expecting something much warmer. without much thought, she takes the small minisun, which she had been keeping in the pockets of her dress, and takes it back out. it’s strange, purple color has dissipated, leaving it the yellow-whitish color it had been when she had first received it. she nonchalantly placed it under her bowl, and began to hum. nothing specific, as she didn’t really know any songs. after a minute or so, she moved it back away, the soup now visibly steaming hot. ”is yours okay? i could heat yours up, too?” she looks up at him, spooning some of the steaming soup into her mouth. there were some real looks in their direction now, but she simply blinked.

at this, she simply removes the spoon from the bowl, and begins to slurp hers directly from the source. she didn’t really understand spoons, anyway. the warm feeling in her empty stomach was absolutely fantastic, though. it made her feel much better than she had been, even if she still felt pretty weak. she’d really had to remember to eat more. she smiled at nicol, clearly enjoying her break. still, her eyes couldn't help but wander back over to the map, an anxious look again painting her features. she really wanted to know what was on it, and she had no idea how to read it.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

ah. so that was why they had been standing in line. once nicol offers the food they'd recieved, fia nods, giving one last look at the 'map'. she didn't really didn't understand it. she knew it was supposed to be of the town, she at least understood that the pictures looked like the surrounding buildings, but she just couldn't figure out what was supposed to be what. she dejectedly nods, moving away to where he's motioned to sit. she felt a comfortably warm feeling as she sat next to him. she really did appreciate that he seemed to be looking out for her, like she wanted to for him. if he hadn't been here, she probably would have never realized the line had been for food.

"thank you, again,” she says warmly, her cheeks slightly red as she accepts the bowl. she felt almost bad for how inept she felt. from his account of things, he’d been in the world for less time then she had, but here he was, the one looking out for her. she took a deep breath as she looked into soup, letting herself settle in for a moment before she ate something. it had been awhile since she last settled down, stayed in one place for very long. now that she was no longer moving, she feel her body start to express it’s distaste for the abuse she’d been putting it through, a lot of places, her limbs especially, starting to ache. she felt the bowl of soup in her hands. it didn’t feel right. she tried to scoop some in her mouth, but she frowned. she swallowed, but she put her spoon back down.

”it’s just... really cold.” she says, wincing as she holds her a hand to her mouth. it probably didn’t taste that way to him, but it was uncomfortably cold to her strange mouth, her body seemingly expecting something much warmer. without much thought, she takes the small minisun, which she had been keeping in the pockets of her dress, and takes it back out. it’s strange, purple color has dissipated, leaving it the yellow-whitish color it had been when she had first received it. she nonchalantly placed it under her bowl, and began to hum. nothing specific, as she didn’t really know any songs. after a minute or so, she moved it back away, the soup now visibly steaming hot. she looks up at him, spooning some of the steaming soup into her mouth. there were some real looks in their direction now, but she simply blinked. ”is yours okay? i could heat yours up, too?”

at this, she simply removes the spoon from the bowl, and begins to slurp hers directly from the source. she didn’t really understand spoons, anyway. the warm feeling in her empty stomach was absolutely fantastic, though. it made her feel much better than she had been, even if she still felt pretty weak. she’d really had to remember to eat more. she smiled at nicol, clearly enjoying her break. still, her eyes couldn't help but wander back over to the map, an anxious look again painting her features. she really wanted to know what was on it, and she had no idea how to read it.

"Thank you, but the soup is fine." he said. He did not want her to be put out over him. Practically cold bread and stale water would have satisfied him at this point, but the soup was fine. He glanced up at the picture, and oddly lines in his head connected the places he had been to where they are now. After a few seconds of concentration, and he had lines for just about every place of import. Taken aback he shudders. What am I doing? This is beginning to scare me. He thought to himself. He did feel the air chill a bit, so setting the now near empty bowl aside, he removes his heavy leather cloak, and drapes it over her shoulders, as the smell of warm bread lures him back to the food line. "May I have one loaf please?" he asked the plump stout woman kneading dough outside in the cool evening air. "Sure, you sharin it with that lass over there?" she said pointing the rolling pin at him. "Yes, I am." he replied. "Good, cause I'd beat ya if you were takin it fer yerself." she finished in her rustic country tone. Gathering the loaf in an offered waxed cloth, he carried it back to Fia and offered her some. "It's not much, but hot bread does soothe and calm a bit." he spoke as he tore off a chunk of the field bread and dipped it into his remaining soup.

”alright then...” she says reluctantly, looking back to his soup one last time before continuing to drink her own. she was aware they were just fundamentally different, so it was just possible it was down to his own preference. as she’s preoccupied by her own meal, she’s happy to see nicol looking up over at the map. as soon as he’s finished, though, he’s already left, moving back over to the line. she watches carefully this time. it’s seemed like it’s purpose was to distribute food to those who might have been inconvenienced. the thought made fia feel a little better. people were in bad shape because of the monster’s actions, but people were still aiding each other. for the simple action done to hurt such a large amount of people, others were going to much more elaborate lengths to set things right. it felt right.

when he returns, she eyes the large loaf excitedly, immediately recognizing the heat coming off of it. she takes a bit of it gratefully, bowing her head slightly. she didn’t really understand how he could be so calm and considerate at times like these, but maybe that was just the sort of person he was. she took a piece of the bread into her mouth, considering it carefully. ’i want to be more like this.’ careful, diligent. not rushing into strange and dangerous situations erratically. it didn’t feel like she had made a conscious decision to do any of this, though. but maybe she could live her life calmer, more carefully. she closed her eyes, just taking a moment to enjoy the taste of the bread and appreciate the cool breeze on her face. she took a breath, letting herself just stop for a moment, not worrying about everything that was wrong for the moment. she tried to enjoy the rest of her meal, focusing on nicol and her actual meal rather than anything else. ”it’s really good,” she says softly. she sees him dip his bread into his soup, and does the same, tasting the two flavors together for herself.

”so, um...” there was awhile spent in silence before she awkwardly spoke again. she wasn't sure where it came from - she was no longer uncomfortable, rather just... oddly calm. it was just an strange departure from the normal. ”on the map... did you see the a library on there? that’s where my friends last were... i don’t really remember which side of town it was on, and i don’t really understand the map.” she points to it, trying to demonstrate her point. ”i get that it says stuff on it, but i can’t really... you know. if it’s still standing, i’d really like to go there.” she puts her bowl to the side, brushing the crumbs off her dress. she was glad they had taken the time to eat, she really did think it had helped. she looks over to nicol, clearly satisfied with what they’d had. she suddenly sighed. ”i’m sorry. i keep having to thank you, and i think i’ve only inconvenienced you since we’ve met. i hope it’s not too much to ask.”

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Last edited by a moderator:
rusticyawn said:

fia strast

”alright then...” he says reluctantly, looking back to his soup one last time before continuing to drink her own. she was aware they were just fundamentally different, so it was just possible it was down to his own preference. as she’s preoccupied by her own meal, she’s happy to see nicol looking up over at the map. as soon as he’s finished, though, he’s already left, moving back over to the line. she watches carefully this time. it’s seemed like it’s purpose was to distribute food to those who might have been inconvenienced. the thought made fia feel a little better. people were in bad shape because of the monster’s actions, but people were still aiding each other. for the simple action done to hurt such a large amount of people, others were going to much more elaborate lengths to set things right. it felt right.

when he returns, she eyes the large loaf excitedly, immediately recognizing the heat coming off of it. she takes a bit of it gratefully, bowing her head slightly. she didn’t really understand how he could be so calm and considerate at times like these, but maybe that was just the sort of person he was. she took a piece of the bread into her mouth, considering it carefully.
’i want to be more like this.’ careful, diligent. not rushing into strange and dangerous situations erratically. it didn’t feel like she had made a conscious decision to do any of this, though. but maybe she could live her life calmer, more carefully. she closed her eyes, just taking a moment to enjoy the taste of the bread and appreciate the cool breeze on her face. she took a breath, letting herself just stop for a moment, not worrying about everything that was wrong for the moment. she tried to enjoy the rest of her meal, focusing on nicol and her actual meal rather than anything else. ”it’s really good,” she says softly. she sees him dip his bread into his soup, and does the same, tasting the two flavors together for herself.

”so, um...” there was awhile spent in silence before she awkwardly spoke again. she wasn’t sure where it came from - she was no longer uncomfortable, rather just... oddly calm. it was just an odd departure from the normal. ”on the map... did you see the a library on there? that’s where my friends last were... i don’t really remember which side of town it was on, and i don’t really understand the map.” she points to it, trying to demonstrate her point. ”i get that it says stuff on it, but i can’t really... you know. if it’s still standing, i’d really like to go there.” she puts her bowl to the side, brushing the crumbs off her dress. she was glad they had taken the time to eat, she really did think it had helped. she looks over to nicol, clearly satisfied with what they’d had. she suddenly sighed. ”i’m sorry. i keep having to thank you, and i think i’ve only inconvenienced you since we’ve met. i hope it’s not too much to ask.”

(and he gave you his cloak.)

Picking up a stick like object, he drew in the dirt. He drew their position in relation to the map, and the clearly safest route to the Library. "I cannot say why I can do this, but I can. The map is in relation to current position. It is easiest to imagine if you were looking over the city and then its just following the safest streets to your objective." He said calmly. "And it is no inconvenience to help you. I am actually grateful for your company." he said as he fixed the broach on the drawstrings of his cloak around her shoulders. Oddly, it gave a faint light blue glow. "Now you can be warm, as I feel the air will get colder tonight." he said mustering a smile.

fia listened, looking up at the map and then the drawings in the dirt carefully. she couldn't say she could see it in the same way he could, but maybe that was just what made him like them. it was a quite incredible skill, though, at least to her, someone who didn't really even understand what everything on the map symbolized. she touched the coat he had given her calmly, feeling the slight chill in the air he had felt. she shivered slightly, very grateful to have it over her. it was starting to become a little uncomfortable, taking so much from him without really giving him anything in return, but she tried to push her anxieties about it away. she would find a way to repay him sometime soon, but for now, she would just have to be grateful. he at least seemed sincere when he said it was no trouble, but a kindness was a kindness. every pleasant moment she'd had so far had been gifted by someone else - it would only be a further joy to pay them back.

"i'm glad, then," she said, her eyes looking away, almost embarrassed. it went without saying that she was glad to have his company, too. the world was strange, big, and chaotic. even if the people with her hadn't helped her as much as they did, fia guessed that she probably would have been a lot more scared to be here. her eyes widened a bit as he fixed the broach, just faintly able to see the small glow it gives. "now you can be warm, as i feel the air will get colder tonight." her face reddens considerably when he smiles, realizing the strangely intimate nature of his gift. she accepts it graciously, though, a surprisingly wide grin showing up on her face. she felt silly, almost, taking it from him, when she knew that when it got cold, he'd want to wear it as well, but she was too reluctant to let go of it now. she placed her hand over the face of the broach for a moment.

"ok, then!" she says, obviously on the verge of laughing. "but if it gets too cold, say something, okay! no friend of mine is gonna be freezing on my watch!" she crosses her arms, looking a bit ridiculous in the coat much larger than her. as she does, she suddenly realizes something. "hey, wait, we're going there, right? that means it's wasn't on that side of town?" a familiar enthusiasm began to flood her, and she jumped to her feet, her eyes filled with a renewed hope. "so that means... thank goodness!" she realized she had finally started to cry, and they were tears of relief this time. she wiped her eyes, a weight coming off her that she hadn't been aware she was carrying. it didn't for sure mean they were for sure safe or they weren't, but it at least tipped the scales heavily in favor of them having survived it. it was likely they had left after the blast, but at least now she knew they were likely somewhere, safe.

she stopped, suddenly. shadowed silhouettes were being cast on the ground by something above them, and the people around them seemed to be looking above them. she followed their gaze to the ominous sight above them - winged beings, humanoid but otherworldly looking, flew overhead, one of their comrades in their arms. they were beautiful, but unsettling, like an eclipse in the sky. the crowd and fia watched breathlessly as the angels moved silently overhead waiting as they flew out of sight, into the distance. once they were gone, talking renewed itself around them, everyone around unnerved by the paranormal event that had taken place. talk sprung up about the meaning of such a happening, especially after such a terrible disaster. fia seemed nonplussed. "...you think that path is still ok to travel on?" she finally said quietly.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Last edited by a moderator:
rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia listened, looking up at the map and then the drawings in the dirt carefully. she couldn't say she could see it in the same way he could, but maybe that was just what made him like them. it was a quite incredible skill, though, at least to her, someone who didn't really even understand what everything on the map symbolized. she touched the coat he had given her calmly, feeling the slight chill in the air he had felt. she shivered slightly, very grateful to have it over her. it was starting to become a little uncomfortable, taking so much from him without really giving him anything in return, but she tried to push her anxieties about it away. she would find a way to repay him sometime soon, but for now, she would just have to be grateful. he at least seemed sincere when he said it was no trouble, but a kindness was a kindness. every pleasant moment she'd had so far had been gifted by someone else - it would only be a further joy to pay them back.

"i'm glad, then," she said, her eyes looking away, almost embarrassed. it went without saying that she was glad to have his company, too. the world was strange, big, and chaotic. even if the people with her hadn't helped her as much as they did, fia guessed that she probably would have been a lot more scared to be here. her eyes widened a bit as he fixed the broach, just faintly able to see the small glow it gives. "now you can be warm, as i feel the air will get colder tonight." her face reddens considerably when he smiles, realizing the strangely intimate nature of his gift. she accepts it graciously, though, a surprisingly wide grin showing up on her face. she felt silly, almost, taking it from him, when she knew that when it got cold, he'd want to wear it as well, but she was too reluctant to let go of it now. she placed her hand over the face of the broach for a moment.

"ok, then! she says, obviously on the verge of laughing. "but if it gets too cold, say something, okay! no friend of mine is gonna be freezing on my watch! she crosses her arms, looking a bit ridiculous in the coat much larger than her. as she does, she suddenly realizes something. "hey, wait, we're going there, right? that means it's wasn't on that side of town? a familiar enthusiasm began to flood her, and she jumped to her feet, her eyes filled with a renewed hope. "so that means... thank goodness!" she realized she had finally started to cry, and they were tears of relief this time. she wiped her eyes, a weight coming off her that she hadn't been aware she was carrying. it didn't for sure mean they were for sure safe or they weren't, but it at least tipped the scales heavily in favor of them having survived it. it was likely they had left after the blast, but at least now she knew they were likely somewhere, safe.

she stopped, suddenly. shadowed silhouettes were being cast on the ground by something above them, and the people around them seemed to be looking above them. she followed their gaze to the ominous sight above them - winged beings, humanoid but otherworldly looking, flew overhead, one of their comrades in their arms. they were beautiful, but unsettling, like an eclipe in the sky. the crowd and fia watched breathlessly as the angels moved silently overhead waiting as they flew out of sight, into the distance. once they were gone from sight, talking renewed itself around them, everyone around unnerved by the paranormal event that had taken place. talk sprung up about the meaning of such a happening, especially after such a terrible disaster. fia seemed nonplussed.
"...you think that path is still ok to travel on?" she finally said quietly.

Her excitement made him feel better inside. But her worrying if he would be cold, was saddening. He felt that the cold would not be as troubling to him, as it would for her. "It isn't easy to learn, but somehow I know how to do it. But yes, that path would take us through the untouched parts of town, while being shorter, we will encounter other people." he said instinctively. However, his chain of thought was broken by the things in the sky flying by. Just what are they? And why do I feel a mix of peace and apprehension at their presence? He sorted out his thoughts. Getting her to safety was job one.


Genesis chased a bright blue butterfly all the way into the cold dark forest. Eventually, he got lost in the midst of dark oak beings and dark leafy creatures. The butterfly was out of sight and Genesis was saddened. His paws were a bit dirty and he decided to lick them clean before spotting a bright glow and chatterings abound.

He decided to move closer and sees a male and a female conversing. Being the friendly playful kitten, he decided to go ahead. He gave a small cute meow to acknowledge his presence. He moved slowly towards the couple.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @rusticyawn
G̥̟̳̣̦͔̼͔̪ͤ͂̾͐͡ȯ̅̽̔ͬ͗̆̎̈́҉̬̝͎̳̭̙͡ḓ̙̠̻̟̪͛̄ͯ̌̑ͅ.͔̘̣̗̘͓͍ͨ̂̓.̢̢͚̾̅̎͂̑͢.̦̬̘̦͍̠̟̆͐̕ͅ ͚̈́͂͝͠ͅA̷̵̡̱̦̙̼̠͋͆ͬ̊͊̚n͇̼̼̊͆ͦ̂̋͑̔̀̚̕o̵̡̖ͥ̃͝t̡̺̼̰ͪ̿h̹̳̣̓ͭ͝͡eͪ͋͑҉̴͏̠̳͎͍̱r͓͚̥ͧͭͤ̄̍ͨͮ̍́ ̧͇̺ͣ͘c̥ͭ͂̋͆h̛͖̃ͪͬ̀ͦ̍a̻̫̟̮̠͕͖̱̚ṉ̛͈̝̟̦̰̪͉͌͊g͂̈̎̓͏̖̣̻̥̩͢e̤͔̞̱̱͚̜͂͌̍͟ ̷͎̩̆́̏̾ͩ͑t̹̤̮̒̈̂ḥ̜̏́̑̌͘a̸̧͉͍̺̖̳ͬͧͦt̢̝̻̝̬̖̗̪̠ͦ̿̾̿̑̔ͮ͂ ̷̘̰͎͇̙̤̽̒̆̽̈ͮ̕͞ͅw̮̼̠̲̜̤̦͇ͦ̑̔ͦ̋ͣ͜͢͝ă̴̢̤̬͉̦͋ͅs̨̻̯̱̪̫̱̰̤̞ͧͥ̃̽̍͝n̍͐̎͏̘͓͉͝'͎͍̠̻͍̳͚̰ͩ́̀̑̈̅̀̏t͛̓̋̒̌ͨ̕͏̺ ̲̼̮̂͛ͩ͋͐͟s̗̦̠̅ͧ́ȗ̂̆ͨ̇ͬ̐͋̆͏̸̢̳̦̗̫̜̺̮p̰̠̞̮̦̟̫̰ͨ͐̚͘͠p̮͔̖͇̉̇͊ô̢̞̗͔̼͉͎̥͔ͨ̐͊ͩs̉̆̂ͣ͠҉͔͍͓̤ë̷͇̤̣͈́̒̈́͗̓̑̎͘͟ ̵̮̯̭͚͔̓͒̄̎́̑t̸̫̻̣͙͉̝̘́͌̾̊͊̔ͨ̂o̸͇̱̜ͭͤ̄͋̔ͭ͢ ̨̲͕̗̟̺̘̯̖̅ͤ͆͐ͦ͆̂͞h̵͕̳̰͎̗͚̰ͧ͑ͨ͊͌̈̓̓ͩa̜̙͙̫̦̞̿ͤͦ̆ͤ͋̆p̪̦͑ͫ̆ͦ͟p̬̞̂́̍̕͝ę̇̓̿͊̄ͧ̆҉̘̟̝̯n̳͓̮̲̣̤͗̀ͪ͊̌̽̅͒͜͠.̷̻̩̑͋̉ͬ̓͝ ̨̼̣͍͗͗͝O̳̝̥͇̺̒̈ͨ͗ͧ́̆͢͡ŗ̜̮͗̆̃̑ͦe̩̦͚͖̘͐ͤ̍̋͒̂n̸̡̡͉̭͓̭̬̝̹̻̘̉̋̉̓ ͉͈̯͚͎̝̆̔̌͂̔ͣ͂͂̓ẅ̝͎̤̟͙͊͢͡a̴̰̹̜̜̽͒ṡ̳̬̬̠͐ͥ͊ͩ̆͘͝ ̴̳̜ͦ̓̌̍͗ͪ͗ͧt̥̰̺̤̜̮͈̹̭͐̒͠oͩͫ̕҉͙͎̝̘͈ ̢͍̻̺̮̪͉̙͆̄̇̋ͦ̉f̬̞̯̒ͬ̿͆̌̚a̦̣̙͊̒ͭ̂ͨ̕͠l̤͖̲̝͓̮͋̾͡͡ļ̺̗̻̮̮̼́̅̌̚͟,̘̱̰̺̲̣̀̅͋̾̇ ͔̭̄͛̂ͫͭ͛̉b̴̴̫̰̹̥̱̱͕̓̒͆ͅu͍̰̘͋̀̌̄ͦ̃̎ͤ̿̀͟t͚̞͙̍̊̽̎̌͌͐̐̉̕ ̨̜̪͎͉͈͑̌̂̄̾̀t̨͙͔̝͍̫͕̫ͧ̅̆͑h̴͉̞̺̫̳̪́̇͗ͪ͆͟ͅȇ̦̳͕̼̙ͨ͛̽̂̂͢ ͓͙̉t̞̫͙͚̜́o̜͔̼̖̗̳̖ͬͥ͛͞w̧̱̭̩͍̌̌ͩͮ̀n̼̗̥̤͂̔͋͆͊͡ͅ ̱̖̟͖̎͌̋͝ͅw̛͕̣̅̃͂̈̊͠a̯͈͆͌̚͝͝s̒ͪ̃̋̏̚͞͏͖̬̼̫̝͇ ͖̟͖͔͕͎̓ͪ̑̅ͭͭ͘t͈̮̝͙̫͙͎ͦ͡͝o̭͓̽̿̐̆̾ͨ̄̽̐ ̝̩͈̹̯̣̉ͬͨͧb̺̺͚̗̲̜̳͓͐̑̍̀e̛͚̝̲̋̄̎ͭ̃̓͋͆͠ ̶͈̙̻̣̼͎͙̞͐̎̑͝l͙͕̣͙̻̭̇̌̏̌̃͛͡e͖̣̱̗͚͆̀͆ͯͨ̂̐̀f̨̭̠͕̭̜̬̜͆͑̌ͫ̐͛ͧͮ̒͢t̛̘̓ͭ̃̋̀̚ ̱̹̜͑ͦͦ̾ͮ̋̒͞͞s̢̖̜̗ͬͬ͗ͥ̿̏͞ṱ͉͖͖̯̩̠̗ͨ̈́̋͆̀ͅạ̷̳͊̿ͯ̔n̡̨͖͎͈̬ͮ̽̈́ͫ͂͂͜d̨̖̥̠̽́ͯͩͣ̀͝ị͋ͨͩ̍̓̋ṉ̂͗͋̑̀͢g̡̮̲̙̥͆̓͋,̴͈̠̗͕̯̑̍ͨ͋̉̂͐ ̴̛͈͓̩̪͖̳̪͉̔̾̅̌ṭ̣̜̮̣͍͍͓̏̆ͣ͒̾͡ḣ̢̘͉̭͈̂̔ͧ̾ͪ̋ͭa̲̓͐̿̓ͧͬ͘ẗ̢̛̬͍̞̤̺̥̹̗̮́̈́̉ ̷̘̲̎ͨ̌ͦ̈́w̴̢̻̟͙̜̍ͤ͆̃̄̊ą̸̘̒ͭ̾́̎ͬs̩̻͙̆ͩ͛̾̿͒ ̭̼̠̥ͭͯ̎̈͐͠t̴̡̩͋̀̆͐̊̚h̪̼̻̥̘̥̉ͦ̀̕͝e̷͕̪͂͠ ̵̶̮̼̰̻̼̝̝͛̃̑͋̈́̅̔̈̃͘m͚̽̽ͨ͆̐ͥ͌̀ȧ̵̢̰̮̪i̧͙͔̻̪ͪͭͮ̾͝ͅn̥̟̠̤͚̙̞̟͉̂͐͑͑̚ ̢̫̭͔̰̥̒̈́̒̈̃ͮ́ř̴̵̞̂ͧͦ̉͑͒̿͠e̥̩͍̤͗̈̾̍̆̚aͧ̈̇ͤ̏ͤ̈́͗҉͚̯̱̟̕ͅͅs̽̍̂̒͏͔͇͖̜̳͇͟o͔̰̫̱̠̹͊̅̄̅̇̽̐́ņ̩͓͉̺͔͊̍ͯͮ͊͋̈́ͫ̚͘ ̉҉̟͓͕̗̺̯̮̘f̻̩̞̝͚̑̾ͦ͛͂̀͢o̩̬̻̤̣̘͈͇͗̔̍ͤͧͩͥͪr̟̼̳̀̓̾̂̆̒̚͟ ̭̥ͩ̀͡t̊̔̋҉̵͚͚͕̳̩ĥ͛ͮͪͥ͒̔ͪ̂͏̳̲͟ȩ͚̠̠̇̈̄ͥ̋ͨ̆͂ͧm̶̠̽̒̒̃̅̿ͤ͜ ̣̘͊̅͒ͤͧ͆̈͜t̢̜̞̙̼̃̏͂̏́ͧ̈ͬo̷̗̻̺͔̍̂͟ͅ ̷͉̝͕̗̪͈̼ͫ͗ͬ̍̈̈́̒̚͞g̸̲̲̝̟̬̓͛͋ͤ̅o̲͈͍͎̝͖̤̺̎͒ͬͯ̉͒ͭ̀ͅ ͇̫̳͎͉̘̹͈̥ͨ͒o͚̜͓̖̖̻̳̩ͪ̓̓̋̇̐́́u͊ͬ̎͐̔͏̬t̯̖̜͇ͦ͋̋ ̔ͫ̈ͩ͆ͧͨ͋͟͏͙͔̜̺͈aͥ̍̄̊̿͑̈́̚͝҉̘̺n̬̫̈́̋̚̕͞d̗̞͖̥̞̰̼̽̐ ̸͇͈̗̪͈̮̯͇̅ͯ̽͗ͅf̻̗͙͙͍̣̐̎̏̓̕ͅi̶̡̧̳̱̠ͨͨ͒̐̏̚g̤͇̰̃ͣ͋ḩ̷̹̲͓̫͇̠̩͈͚̔ͪͨț̡̭̙͍̅͐ͤ̆͋̅͂ͣ ̧̲͕̈ͮͪ̎͊ͪ̋̀́͞a̰͇̫̪̱̳̰̓ͮ̍͋̿ͅg͕̭̟̥̳͍͓͊̾̑̂́͆͘͘͟a̴͕̱̪͍̤͚̿ͫ̊ͭ͜i͓̩̹͔ͯ̎̾n̸̞̘͇̳͔͕̼ͥͣ̽̂́̈́͊ṡ̢̻ͭ͜͟t̨̗̖̤̫̼̥͚̋͊̑̀̿͌̈́ ̨̛̥̞̼͓̮̼̞̼ͯ̉̂́̑̽͆̆t̖ͯͥͭ̐ͨ̂̋̿̚͝h̆ͨͮ͏͏̜͚͠e̖̜̦͒̉ͪͦ̃͆͋̍͡ ̛͎͙͉̫͍̪̤̃̄͠R̭̔̅ͭ͞ȩ̛̭̼̹͈̞̇̃͐ͥ̅ͧ͐̋p̤̰ͮ͆͐̅͞u̷̬̳̥͑̅ͯḅ̢͓̘̼̤̙̩́̅̔̓̀̿ͨ̕l̷ͦ̋̔̔ͣͦ̽҉̼͈̻͚̜͕̥̝̕í̟̪̲̳̲͍̠̹̂͌̎͂̍͜͡c̦͎̎̑ͨ̋ͤͦ́̓̾͜ ̖̗̭̰͂ͬ͒̐ͣͦ̏̕͝͞m͚ͣ̓͐ͦͪ͌̿͊̿͜͡ǫ̣̣̜̅̈ṟ̵̼̖̠̜̹̉ͩ̃̊ͫ̄̿ͦ͢e̺̳ͤͥͯ̊͒͗͌̀̔ ̦͙̩̥͍͔̔̅͛̕t̸̬̜̳̟̉̈̒ͫ̌̆̀ḩ̴͕̲͑̐̊̽̅a̷͚̲͉̎̇͆̂n̈ͮ̾̓҉̫͍̱̜̪͙̰̬ ̢͉̪͓͈͔ͯ͋̅̂ṯ̡͇̹̯͗ͬ̽h̜͖͕̄ͬ̍́̀͜e͉̞̮̹̰̠̱̼̺̎̍ͧ̋̉́͜iͩ̀̓̋̔͛͐͂͗҉̧͔̖̤ṟ̸̖͈̝̱̝̩̰̇͌ͯͯ͞ ̴͎̩͇̰͇͖̬̱͗̄̆̈̒̔̂̅̋͠d̡̧͓̞͎̗̪̗̞̈́̽̿ͣ̚e͇ͭ̈̂̑ͦ̌̃f̢̥̮̝̗̦͇̞͕̊̊̃̍͌̋ͫ͂́͟e͙̳̟̬̰͙̹̳͒͌̆ͤ͒̀͜a̛̗̬̖͔̓̿͂ͯͮ̈́ͯt͓͍̗̠̗̟̿̆͋͗ͬ́͠͞.̶̙̩̥̣͎̥͙͙͂̈͊͂ͧ̅͋͗̂ ̝͈̥ͬͨͨ̎̄̈ͤ


̸̱͍̞̤̼͓͐̉ͅͅS̲̣̤̼͇̩̘ͮ͋o̸͋̂͗̿͏̹̙̳͇͚͕ ̵͕̞͙̯̦͚͈̽́tͬͨ͏͏̱̗̥h̓̅̂ͤ͗́̐͏̞̻̯̮̮͔̙̣͇ȇ̝̼͎͍̿̽͐̎̅̅̕͞n͌̽ͦ͌ͬ̈ͩ̃ͮ͏̛͙͉̺̪͓̫̠,̡̙̰͇̱̠̝̻̉͂ͮͥ͜ ͔̩̫̼̲̝̀̅͒ͦͮw̪̣͓̲̙ͬ̅̈ͪ͌̂̋̑̀͞h̹͙̜̭͔͈̠̟̰ͧ̍͗͋̋ͦͮ̉a͚̰͓͕͎̥̫̦ͯ̃̓̋͠t̶̷̷͇͖̱̖͊ͤ̈̎͋̂̎ ̴̺̬̙̝ͭ̈́͢d̋̉̀ͩ҉̠̯̖̙̥̹̙̹o̱̪̱͓͎̗̙͓̓ͫͣͫ͛̄ͩ ̖̘̞̲͙̌ͦ̂̄ͯ̍͠͝w͇͓͕ͦ̍̌̈́͂ͬ̌́͘ē̮͍͉͓͇̖͌ͯ͂̑͆̏̿͠͡ ̱͇̣̞͙͔̤͓̯̃̿͂͆ͯ̿ͤ̚d̢͎̲̈́͒̽ͣͮ̄ͯo̶̵̭̺͈̜̎ͫ͌ͩ̇͟?͙̩͓̌̒͠


̴̢͕̖̲̫ͥ̋̿͟W̻̙̞͙̱͉̙̊ͥ͐̈́̎͟͝ę̴̟̙̘͇ͨ̾ͦͅ ̬̙̩̮͉̯ͧ̄̀ͫ͐̆̌͋n̢̯̜͙̻̞̗̤̬̎ͬ̄͆̓̄ͪ̆ë̯͔͚̔eͫ̅́҉̝̜̻̮͓͇̝͙d͚̳̒̈́̀ ̨̱̥̲ͯͩ͛̚͟t̡̞̻̰͚͔̻̼̩̠ͨ͐̾̈́̔̎̎ḩ̶͕̪͚̋ͫe̥̭̬͔̣̘̐̏́̍̑̏͑͒͑m͖̯̳̙̳̮̜̦̟͆̊͘ ̣̲̦̫̝̙̺̍͌̈ͭͭ̆͗t̡̤͙͇̱̳͙̪͆ͩ̃̏͊̒̿ͬͭ͢͠ͅỏ̱͈̝̟͓̈́͆̓̉ ̙̬͇͍͎̦͈͎̔̆͋͊̽͛̚̕͘ļ̙͍ͯ͝e̱̟̰̣̙̞̍͂͛a̒͑͆҉̵͓̣̝̬̫v̧̖̤͔̟̗͓͉͂͌̑͆̈́ë̸̞͕́̏ͦͨ̆͡ ̴̸͔̺̪̦͉͈̱͗ͤ̄͑̔ͪt̫̖͊̐̕h̲̤̒͊͐͋̓̔͌͟e̷͖̫̟̻͉͓ͪͤ́ͤ̒͋̚͢͟ ̖̘ͨ͌t̛̬̋ͣ̆̋͗ͩ̀͞ȯ͕̦̣̬̩͔̺́̈́͗̇̚w̨̛̘̳̳͔͍̪̗͈ͭͦ͂n̢͚͓̩̰̱̫̙̰ͧͥ̾͊ͭ́͝ͅ,̄̊̋̈́͂̋̇̀҉̪̲̙͇ ̼̫̙͖̣͍̲ͣ̆m̷̪̼͉̺̰ͪ̄̽͛̀a̢̞̫͂̊́͞ỵ̶̨̞̩̼͙͉̟͎̙ͥͮ̅̑ͬ͋͆̚b̮̳̺͎͚̰͛́̈́̀ͨ͗̂̕͢e͔̳̰͍̻̥̣̖͆͊ͥ ͖̗̝͛̓͋ͧ̍i̸̲͔̰̣̓͐ͥ̿̉̅̾̎͊͝ͅǹ̯̺̠̤́̕ṣ̶̡̝͎̖̠͔̱͐̾̉̇̅ͬͮt̤͕͙͚̜͖ͨ̏͗̄͑ͮ̒͋ͬ̕͝ͅe̷̵̬͓̭̲̠͉̦̯̐̒ͫ͆͆̉aͤ̂҉̮̪̻̯͖͕̰̗d̵̻͔͔̳̙̦͕̖̚͝ ̤̭̣̩̠͕ͧ̍̃̇͋͢o͓̯̦͉͆̃̌́̈̅̋f̴̩͙̖͙̩̙͖̬̈́̌͐͜ ̡̱̦͚̑ͣͥ̒͆͐̀ḑ̳͙͎͉̣͔̜͇̦͌͂͢ȩ̶̵̙̦̳̫ͫ͆̓s̵̲̒̂͑͢tͯͧ̈͏҉̴͙̦̘ͅr̮͇̤̮͙͇̟̬͎͗͐͛͒̄ͭ̐̏́͠o̩̖ͯ̈́̈́ͅȳ̛̺̦ͮͭ͆̅́̈́i̓ͦ̉͟͏̱̜̜̮͇̙̩͞ṋ̸̡̼̗͂ͯ̐͛̊̎g̡̘̬̺̯͍̱͓̔̓ͦ̄ͮ̑͂ ̯͓̝̗̮̰̥́͗͟͠i͓̻̜̲̥͂̅̓͊͐̃ͦ͌͂͜t͕̖͎̬̝͖̣ͩ͛́,̞̟̼̰̞̳͙̲ͪͮͯ̽̅̈́ ͙̤̯̤̦͕̒̑ͥ̊ͥ̄I̵̼̰̟̗̣̜̹͌͂ͮ͑̑̈́ͯͯ͞'̥͉̭̲͇͉̤̱̫ͥ̒ͥ́̿l͚̜̙͉̪͚͔͖͌ͨ̇͆ͯ͌̊͛ḷ̵̷͔̠̜͔̥͎̠̻̅ͧͦ̽̂̓̀ ̠̞̺͍͖͔͈̩͆ͥ̋͑ͫ̄̕͢͡ļ̸̱͈̯̭͙̻͕̪̺ͮͭ̚͢ḙ͈ͩ͑͒̾ͤ͢͝t̝ͬ̈͡ ̴͚͉͖ͧ̈́ͦͧ́i̮͙͖̖͇̮͕͑̿̏̔̇͌ͦ́̕͞t̏͒̓̈̓̒̐͏͢҉͇̜̥̥̠̭̟̝̖ ̷̨̜̪͉̼̮̘͖̫̦̅̽ͯ̏̑ͭ͛͢g̨̛̪̩̼͖̯͍ͣͅr̷̨̡͎̰͉͍̞̜̱͍̔̑̽̇ͤ̏ͩͤŏ̤̻̰͈̣̖ͤ̽ͧͩ̏ͪ̚̕w̵̡̥̤̱̩͙̝̆ͣͨͯͯ̆̀̆ͅ.̧̢̺̞̤̺̗̂̉̋̃͆̄̌̚ͅ


̳̱͉̬̉ͮ͘͝L̷̻͕͛̎̏ͨ̉ͮ́͝e̵̘̘̬͇͇͔̍̋̽̀́t̀ͭͯ͑͏̬̟̝̭̘͉̲̙ ̻̰̟̺͉͛͑ͮ̃͒ͨi͈͈͒̋́̃ͤͫ̋ṭ̰͉̻̜̥͂ͭ̏̇ͬ ̿͂ͩ͑̔҉҉̴͖̹̭͕g̸̵̺̟̉ͪ̉ͭ̕r̴̯̥͔̰̟̻̠̺ͫ̅̓̐͌ő̊ͦ҉̤̘͈͟w̸̧̘̖̹̤̪̻ͩ͗ͥ?̴̣̰̣̣̮͚̰͖͊͐͞


̢͍͕̯͎̓ͦY̦̩̝̮̣͖̝̟͆̀̃͜è̖̟̮̣̑ͭ̾̓ͪ̇͢͢š̍̌́̚͏͉͉̫̻̣̙.̤̔̔̽̈ͬ͊̕͜͜ ͔ͣͧͩ͛̂̐̔͘L̄̏҉҉̥̩̺ḙ̩̖̤̝͉̦ͪ̎́̋ͫ͜t͍̏ͥ̾͒'̧̺͇̰̭̼̬̮͓͙̆̑͊͒ͤͫ̿͢s͎̬͇̗̞̳͖̱̽͗̌̐̌̀͡ ̨̝́̆ͣ̇̍͛s̵̝͕͓͈̺̓͗̓̍͌ͬ͘ͅe̶͖̠̤̭͇̮͎̊͒̿ͪͪ̈͋͘̕e͈̻̝̩͈̪̔ͮ̆ ̹͙̲̭̒ͬͦh̬͔͈̄̂͋̕̕ơ̯̟̖̜̗̗̻̲̍ͥ͘͜w̲͍͉̗͈̲̹̜̺̉͆̾ͨ͌̀ ̗̥̞̗͓̲͂̓̿i̻̼͙͈̝͈͓̟̓̎̈́͐̊͋ț̵͇̪̻ͭ̂̊̊ͩ͞͠ ̫͔͈͇̀̾̓̾̒ͤ̀͘t̂ͪ͏̧̮̀ű̷̝̭͎̯̠̔ͪ́͘ͅr͉̝̰̱̘̞͛ͩ̍͜ṋ̶̝͉̙ͦ͑̎̄͑̂́̔̚͘s̵̊ͬ̾ͨͨ̌҉͏̥͖̰͓ ̓ͬ҉҉̨̘͉̪̹o͎͍̜̙͕͌̒̓̈́ͪṷ̳̹̇͛̆͐ͫͭ̚͢ͅṭ̦̬̲̩̻͕͊̇̒͌̂͋͜.̢͖͋͛̌̎̾̑͜
Smoke rose from the town, now with dusk's light starting to fall on it. The battle was a long one... Many died just to ensure the defeat of the Republic and it's machines of war. But, was their choice to fight Selias? Was it right of them to fight in a war they didn't know the whole story on? They didn't know. They couldn't know.


Tolan's scan reveals the machine is unmanned at the moment but can be driven. It holds housing for all pilots, as well as repair services for any sort of technology or weaponry, even the less-impressive gear of the Oren army. It could easily be used as a mobile transport for an army of fifty people in terms of just the Frame or Paladin Skin crew alone, but a majority of the space set aside was for the Titan Frame. There are also a plethora of spare parts, weapons, and so on, inside the machine, as well as chemicals that could prove handy. In the research bay, there are multiple tomes and "magic" weapons that were being studied. Most are badly damaged, but something of use may still be there.

Shockingly, it also revealed new data on the Frames themselves. They're called "Life Frames" in full, and are technically somewhat sentient. In order for it to function effectively, the brain of a living organism must be implanted inside, often times an Animal that is trained to follow orders is used, and as such, they normally do not fight back against their master's.

The portion of the town that was destroyed is smoldering, but will definitely not catch fire again... Thank god.

A ̴h͡įdd͝e̛n ́skįĺl ís ̶ava͘iļa̷b̡le͡ t̴o al͝l̢ p͢l̢a͞yer̵s̢. Spéak to̸ ̴m̢e̴ in ̴my̛ ͏to͢un͞ge a͡n̴d̵ ͏d̸e̢s͝c̸ri̵b͠e the abi̡l̸i̡ty͢ ̀yǫur ͠c҉h͢a̷ra̢c͏tȩr͜ des̕i͟r̕e͏s ͘s͜o҉, ̡and̵ ͝I ̛s͡h͏all̸ mak̀e ͢it ̨hap̷ṕen͜.̷

Thunder nearly strikes on the gaggle of Angels from out of no-where. Obviously, some God out there is not happy with what they just did.

The townsfolk have begun to gather in the center plaza where the Fountain is, something major is going down.

(As far as I can tell, this is all I have to put in, but I may have forgotten something, if I did, sorry, let me know!)

In the center of town, the townsfolk stood. Candles held in their hands on small trays: All the lights in the town had been extinguished save for them at this point. They were holding a vigil to celebrate the lives of those lost.

The cobblestones that were but the foundation of the town had water run through them, originating from below the fountian the fountain. The water ran and ran, dripping through every crack in the ground and every stone that it could penetrate. Then, as the water trickled through the town, what looked like two mages, both dressed in old looking garb, separated from the groups and began a spell together, focusing the energy they could summon into the water. They did all they could with every moment of the spell, setting up a new barrier around the town. The water served as the catalyst for determining the size of the barrier: As the water flowed, so did it's radius extend, until it covered the entirety of the town. The color was a bright cerulean, like the sky itself, and it seemed to stand stronger than the last.

There, the water dried, and the Mages fell over in exhaustion. The people then continued the vigil, as if nothing had happened.

Obviously, everyone was tired. Maybe it would be best to call it in for the night.

B̴u͟t ҉p͟le͏a̡se͟, ҉my ̀d́e͞ąr͞ ͡crea͠tures,̸ ́don͞'t bé a̸fr̴a̧iḑ ͞t̀o w͡a͠ņde͏r t͡he͜ d̶a͢r͢k..̡.́

R̨e̛le̢ase ͠y̨o̴u͠r͟se͜l̢v͟e̢s, my̷ d̴ear͏ ̵c̶re̸ation̛s.͜ i ǵa͠ve ýo̡u ̷th́e ̛a͜bil͠ity t̵o thi̢n̷k f̴or͟ your̡sel͠v͢e͢ş. ͞So͠ do̷ ̨it.
"alright," she says warily, glancing up one more time at the sky. she frowned at how quickly it was turning now to night, with the sun seeming to just disappear from the sky. the sky was a noticeable scarlet above them, and she guesses if they wait around much longer, they'd be stumbling the streets in the dark. wouldn't they? maybe a 'town' would have some sort of way to counteract the problems night created, but fia knew there were others reasons she probably wouldn't want to linger in the dark. she again takes out the small minisun, it's familiar warm glow now clearly visible in the encroaching darkness. "it's warm too, actually, but i don't know how close you'd want to get to it..." she informs nicol, holding the minisun out in front of her in one hand.

with the other, she takes his hand in hers again. he clearly had a better idea of where they were going and how they would get there then she did, so of course he was going to lead. of course, this was different the last time, where there were crowds of people to get lost in, but... "i can't see very well in the dark," fia starts to explain, somewhat bashfully. she stops suddenly though, feeling something warm and soft near her feet. she nearly jumps, hearing the sound of something 'meow'ing at her feet just before she looks down at it. her heart settles almost as soon as it jumps, though, seeing the small animal happily looking up at them from her feet. this... probably wasn't a person so, technically, in fia's mind, it was a prey animal, but she couldn't help how her heart lifted at it's cute demeanor. "hi!" she says merrily, taking her hand and quickly scratching it on the head. she wasn't sure why an animal was here, amongst a crowd of people, but it was small, and nobody else seemed to notice it, so maybe it was normal.

that done, they two of them began to walk, fia's free hand taking nicol's again. nicol didn't seem like the type of person who'd care much one way or another, but fia still felt bad this was just another way he was helping her to compensate for her own inability. she shakes her head, looking back up to the sky. she couldn't even see the sun anymore, only the faint remnants of it's rays were still visible on the horizon. soon enough that weird sleepiness would set in again, properly offset by the minisun to an extent, but with how tired she already was, she could only hope she wouldn't simply collapse. she tried to explain as much to nicol. "i didn't realize how late it is... when we get there, we'll have to ask the librarian lady if there's a place we can stay for the night. i don't think i should be out at night, when the sun isn't up..." she nods, looking up to nicol hopefully, her smile visible in the light the minisun cast. "she's the one who told me about the fight that was going on, so, maybe she'll be happy to hear that we handled it?" fia selfishly hoped that maybe she'd let them sleep there for the night for the trouble, but she didn't express that sentiment. the librarian owed her nothing, realistically. she felt bad for even considering it.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @MrPotato
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

"alright," she says warily, glancing up one more time at the sky. she frowned at how quickly it was turning now to night, with the sun seeming to just disappear from the sky. the sky was a noticeable scarlet above them, and she guesses if they wait around much longer, they'd be stumbling the streets in the dark. wouldn't they? maybe a 'town' would have some sort of way to counteract the problems night created, but fia knew there were others reasons she probably wouldn't want to linger in the dark. she again takes out the small minisun, it's familar warm glow now clearly visible in the encroaching darkness. "it's warm too, actually, but i don't know how close you'd want to get to it..." she informs nicol, holding the minisun out in front of her in one hand.

with the other, she takes his hand in hers again. he clearly had a better idea of where they were going and how they would get there then she did, so of course he was going to lead. of course, this was different the last time, where there were crowds of people to get lost in, but...
"i can't see very well in the dark," fia starts to explain, somewhat bashfully. she stops suddenly though, feeling something warm and soft near her feet. she nearly jumps, hearing the sound of something 'meow'ing at her feet just before she looks down at it. her heart settles almost as soon as it jumps, though, seeing the small animal happily looking up at them from her feet. this... probably wasn't a person so, technically, in fia's mind, it was a prey animal, but she couldn't help how her heart lifted at it's cute demeanor. "hi!" she says merrily, taking her hand and quickly scratching it on the head. she wasn't sure why an animal was here, amongst a crowd of people, but it was small, and nobody else seemed to notice it, so maybe it was normal.

that done, they two of them began to walk, fia's free hand taking nicol's again. nicol didn't seem like the type of person who'd care much one way or another, but fia still felt bad this was just another way he was helping her to compensate for her own inability. she shakes her head, looking back up to the sky. she couldn't even see the sun anymore, only the faint remnants of it's rays were still visible on the horizon. soon enough that weird sleepiness would set in again, properly offset by the minisun to an extent, but with how tired she already was, she could only hope she wouldn't simply collapse. she tried to explain as much to nicol.
"i didn't realize how late it is... when we get there, we'll have to ask the librarian lady if there's a place we can stay for the night. i don't think i should be out at night, when the sun isn't up..." she nods, looking up to nicol hopefully, her smile visible in the light the minisun cast. "she's the one who told me about the fight that was going on, so, maybe she'll be happy to hear that we handled it?" fia selfishly hoped that maybe she'd let them sleep there for the night for the trouble, but she didn't express that sentiment. the librarian owed her nothing, realistically. she felt bad for even considering it.

Nicol's skin crawled as the lightning crackled above. He felt his hairs stand up as all this energy was flowing around him, and yet, he knew not why he could feel it or how it was possible. The only break in the sensations was that of a cat. A cat, that seemed determined to get to know them. So as they passed by, he picked the cat up, and placed it on his armored shoulder. "Sit still, we have to travel." He spoke oddly at the cat, for some reason he thought the cat would understand. "I doubt she would be displeased at the matter, but we need to proceed with utmost caution. I can feel it, coming in the air tonight." he said as the dying light left his eyes and all of a sudden the area was bathed in red, but he could see, even in the shadows. Again this was strange. On the outside, his eyes were shining in a faint silver. He began to walk with her, keeping her hand firmly in his.



(I am basing my elvish character off of the Dnd/dragonlance lore, in which they can speak with animals, are attuned to magical energy and have natural dark vision. Just giving clarification in case people thing Nicol is becoming OP.)
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fia watched as nicol picked up the cat, now resting atop his shoulder. 'what a weird animal.' she hadn't really seen many actual animals yet, only her friends who took their appearances. this small thing was different - it was not at all large or threatening, or lithe and stealthy looking. it was just... fluffy. she wasn't going to make any objections, though. it was free to stick around as long as it liked. after all, if someone had left her behind for being useless and fluffy... well, ouch. fia hadn't expected the comparison to be so poignant. anyway, she wouldn't do that, no matter how much of it this cat understood. "welcome to the group!" she chimed jokingly to the kitten, looking over at it as they walked.

fia blinked, hearing his words. "huh? the cold? yeah, i believe it. without the sun, things are going to get pretty cold. even if it turns out we can't stay here, we'll have to find something else soon." she muses all of this aloud, a little intrigued as she looked up into his eyes. he seemed so... mystical. he had sort of that otherworldly quality the angels had, but in a much more relatable way, if that made any sense. maybe it was just the large of amount of differences between them, but he seemed much more aware than she did. in fact, he probably was - just as fia was thinking this, she nearly tripped over something in the cobblestone streets, her hand slipping out of his grasp and her face almost onto the pavement.

"i-i'm good!" she shouts quickly, repositioning herself so that she didn't completely fall over. with fia's luck, she'd probably just tripped over her own feet, so she tried keep moving as if nothing had happened, her face looking freshly annoyed as she inadvertently began to stomp. she almost immediately stopped though, looking up at the building directly in front of them. "oh, hey... i guess we're already here." had they really been walking that long? the sky seemed completely dark by now, and lights shown brightly somewhere off in the distance. it was interesting, but not as much as what waited in front of them. fia immediately made for the entrance of the library, trying to push her way through the doors once more.

"i'm back!" fia tries to call out. then, in a much lower voice, "nio isn't..." whether the librarian or her friends were in here or not, she figured they would probably like to know both points.

@NeverBetter @Jofune Tsurabisu @Scrapmaster
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(Finally, a post!)

Simon watched from the distance as the events on the battlefield unfolded, first there was a huge robot, then it blew up, which made a nice noise and looked kind of pretty, then there some people with wings and they started fighting and shouting at each other, at least, that's what Simon saw. He thought of coming down and joining in, just for the hell of it, then decided not to, it would be more entertaining to watch. Then the wing people left and everything calmed down.

"Oh come on!" Said Simon, somewhat irritated "You were just getting to be the good part!"

Simon sighed, then headed back the way he came, back towards town-

To find that everything had completely gone down the proverbial toilet, bodies everywhere, destroyed buildings. One guy looked like he had been knocked around by some kind of blast, his hands twisted backwards, Simon pointed at the corpse and laughed, the look on his dead face looked less like pain, more like someone who was really surprised, it looked pretty comical to Simon. He continued on his way, whistling the tune to his song about stars and hitting them with crow bars. Striding forward, he saw the library he had been in before, tried hard not to laugh as he remembered the disease book were the guy's head looked like a mushroom. Outside the doors he could see a girl, a boy and on his shoulder, some kind of furry creature, Simon decided to rush past and slam his body against the closed doors.

That wasn't supposed to happen, right? This probably meant the doors were locked, or they were simply pull to open, but that possibility didn't occur to Simon, so he knocked the door repeatedly.

"Hey open up! C'mon, this isn't funny, I wanna see that book again dammit!"

@Jofune Tsurabisu



The small kitten simply made himself comfy on Nicol's shoulder armor. His size was perfect for Nicol's shoulder plates. He didn't understand what the humans were saying but even a kitten knows to be gracious and polite. He didn't make noises when the two were speaking.

As he heard the door banged, he became alerted and his head rose and cocked towards the door. He gave a hiss at whatever was banging the door on the other side, thinking it could be a threat.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @rusticyawn @Spinoceratopsrex
rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia watched as nicol picked up the cat, now resting atop his shoulder. 'what a weird animal.' she hadn't really seen many actual animals yet, only her friends who took their appearances. this small thing was different - it was not at all large or threatening, or lithe and stealthy looking. it was just... fluffy. she wasn't going to make any objections, though. it was free to stick around as long as it liked. after all, if someone had left her behind for being useless and fluffy... well, ouch. fia hadn't expected the comparison to be so poignant. anyway, she wouldn't do that, no matter how much of it this cat understood. "welcome to the group!" she chimed jokingly to the kitten, looking over at it as they walked.

fia blinked, hearing his words.
"huh? the cold? yeah, i believe it. without the sun, things are going to get pretty cold. even if it turns out we can't stay here, we'll have to find something else soon." she muses all of this aloud, a little intrigued as she looked up into his eyes. he seemed so... mystical. he had sort of that otherworldly quality the angels had, but in a much more relatable way, if that made any sense. maybe it was just the large of amount of differences between them, but he seemed much more aware than she did. in fact, he probably was - just as fia was thinking this, she nearly tripped over something in the cobblestone streets, her hand slipping out of his grasp and her face almost onto the pavement.

"i-i'm good!" she shouts quickly, repositioning herself so that she didn't completely fall over. with fia's luck, she'd probably just tripped over her own feet, so she tried keep moving as if nothing had happened, her face looking freshly annoyed as she inadvertently began to stomp. she almost immediately stopped though, looking up at the building directly in front of them. "oh, hey... i guess we're already here." had they really been walking that long? the sky seemed completely dark by now, and lights shown brightly somewhere off in the distance. it was interesting, but not as much as what waited in front of them. fia immediately made for the entrance of the library, trying to push her way through the doors once more.

"i'm back!" fia tries to call out. then, in a much lower voice, "nio isn't..." whether the librarian or her friends were in here or not, she figured they would probably like to know both points.

Nicol wanted to catch her, but she righted herself quickly. Once inside the library, he let Fia do as she pleased. "Just be careful." he warned her as he stood watch.

Spinoceratopsrex said:
(Finally, a post!)
Simon watched from the distance as the events on the battlefield unfolded, first there was a huge robot, then it blew up, which made a nice noise and looked kind of pretty, then there some people with wings and they started fighting and shouting at each other, at least, that's what Simon saw. He thought of coming down and joining in, just for the hell of it, then decided not to, it would be more entertaining to watch. Then the wing people left and everything calmed down.

"Oh come on!" Said Simon, somewhat irritated "You were just getting to be the good part!"

Simon sighed, then headed back the way he came, back towards town-

To find that everything had completely gone down the proverbial toilet, bodies everywhere, destroyed buildings. One guy looked like he had been knocked around by some kind of blast, his hands twisted backwards, Simon pointed at the corpse and laughed, the look on his dead face looked less like pain, more like someone who was really surprised, it looked pretty comical to Simon. He continued on his way, whistling the tune to his song about stars and hitting them with crow bars. Striding forward, he saw the library he had been in before, tried hard not to laugh as he remembered the disease book were the guy's head looked like a mushroom. Outside the doors he could see a girl, a boy and on his shoulder, some kind of furry creature, Simon decided to rush past and slam his body against the closed doors.

That wasn't supposed to happen, right? This probably meant the doors were locked, or they were simply pull to open, but that possibility didn't occur to Simon, so he knocked the door repeatedly.

"Hey open up! C'mon, this isn't funny, I wanna see that book again dammit!"

@Jofune Tsurabisu


Nicol had propped himself against the door. Just adding weight to it, incase something bad wanted in. Just as he was comfortable, something slammed into the door, and he placed his hand on the door instinctively. A large circle formed on the door itself. "Stop, Friend or Foe!" He said as he stood, bracing the door against what was on the other side.

MrPotato said:

The small kitten simply made himself comfy on Nicol's shoulder armor. His size was perfect for Nicol's shoulder plates. He didn't understand what the humans were saying but even a kitten knows to be gracious and polite. He didn't make noises when the two were speaking.

As he heard the door banged, he became alerted and his head rose and cocked towards the door. He gave a hiss at whatever was banging the door on the other side, thinking it could be a threat.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @rusticyawn @Spinoceratopsrex
Nicol kept his shoulder steady for the kitten, whom he named aptly "Ciaty" (c-a-t) "Be still little one." he spoke to the cat as he was bracing the door.




Genesis meowed in acknowledgement. Surprisingly, he seemed to somewhat understand what the man had said. He adjusted himself on Nicol's shoulder so he won't fall off. He prepared himself to take on a sabertooth form should they needed to fight. He figured this place is important to the couple.

@rusticyawn @Jofune Tsurabisu @Spinoceratopsrex
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@DergTheDergon I'll write for Nio another time, I don't think he would have any special input at the moment.

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith was surprised by the mention of Xai'Kah, but of course didn't let it show. She felt guiltier by the fact that she almost forgot all about him, similar to the plant creature she saw earlier. Her heart began to ache as she watched Jah'Ri let a single tear roll down her face, or perhaps it was her injury. No words came to mind, as she finished speaking. Instead, she squeezed Jah'Ri's hand for comfort, reassuring her, that she would be there. No matter what.

As she was suddenly swung into a tight hug, she felt her breathing stop for a moment. "Jah-Jah'Ri...? ..fine...This might hurt a little, but please relax..." Sighing softly, she positioned her fangs above Jah'Ri's neck, and carefully bit, the sweet taste of blood filling her mind. It was deeply alluring, to just keep drinking and drinking till the end. However, she was determined to only drink just enough so that she could stay on her feet, but not so her wound would heal in the slightest. Her eyes a glowing crimson, she abruptly pushed Jah'Ri away and wiped her lips, "Sorry...I had to stop myself..." After recovering slightly, she approached Jah'Ri and gently wiped the wound on her neck, "Come, let's get going? I just about remember where the inn is." Smiling softly, she began walking towards the town, gesturing for her and Nio to follow.

Darkness covered the skies, a comforting feeling enveloped her, as she felt this was her, and her kin's time to rise. It was a powerful colour, almost alive in it's appearance. Looking forwards once again, she noticed the familiar cobblestone path which she had followed earlier.
When times were peaceful... She thought silently. Shadows of destroyed buildings filled the path, along with little, but bright torches shining the way forward. As she turned around a corner, a strange figure caught her eye. It appeared to be a beast of some-sort, but it was merely sitting there, perhaps patiently waiting for something. The darkness obscured most details, but it had the shape of a panther, mixed with a snake's scaly, reptilian skin. It's colour blended in with the night, perhaps some inattentive people may have merely walked past it. Suddenly, it swung it's head around to face her, it's facial features coming into view. A third eye, the most eye-catching feature, was etched onto the presumed forehead of the creature, it's colour a mysterious gold. It's other eyes were a lovely violet, large and unique in shape. Perhaps the rest of it's face was the shape of a panther's, but she couldn't be sure. Slowly, it began to move closer, and Xenith was spellbound, stuck in her initial position.

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Simon jumped back from the door slightly as the circle formed on the door.

"Oh, me?" Said Simon to whoever was behind the door "I'm friendly, like, uhh.. one hundred and ten percent a friend, nothing but!... probably. So yeah, if you don't mind me could you, y'know, open the door? Please?"



@Jofune Tsurabisu

Jah'Ri stood firm, holding Xenith tightly with her head near the dragonborn's shoulder, enticing her to drink, and after Xenith's initial surprised reaction found herself relieved as she gave into the temptation. "Jah'Ri shall be fine, just drink," she replied, wincing slightly as her flesh was penetrated by the vampire's fangs but dealing with it rather well. She was prepared for this bite, and she knew how it felt due to Xenith's surprise bite back in the forest atop the giant shelled beast she had woken up in initially. As Xenith pushed her away suddenly, Jah'Ri turned her head to look into her eyes conceredly. She nodded slowly at her words, smiling a bit. "Jah'Ri is glad you are so considerate of her... you could have drank more... Jah'Ri feel only slightly light-headed." Looking down at Xenith's wound, not seeming to have closed at all, her smile immediately left her face and she stared into Xenith's eyes with a knowing, worried look.

Xenith seemed to be staying on her feet now however, and as she urged Jah'Ri and Nio to get going a raspy sigh escaped Jah'Ri's lips. Perhaps that would have to do, and getting Xenith somewhere to rest seemed like a solution in itself. Jah'Ri nodded and followed, worriedly glancing over at Xenith's wound every now and then as the
ragtag group headed back to town, Xenith, Nio, Ceasar and Somerene seeming to head the movement back towards town along with Jah'Ri. Jah'Ri glanced around the ruins of the town as they moved towards and then through it, taking it all in with initial disbelief... one attack devastated this place so thoroughly, not to mention the beam that disintegrated an entire army. Jah'Ri felt a sense of comfort knowing the metal monster that caused such needless, wanton destruction was dead.

Speaking of monsters however, as Jah'Ri turned a concer close behind Xenith, a large, dark and imposing figure loomed before the Dragonborn and the Vampire in front of her, inhuman in shape. It seemed almost dragon-like in nature, but it lacked wings, not to mention it only being half-reptilian and half... feline? Jah'Ri couldn't quite tell. It seemed to almost blend in with the shadows, but it was still clearly its own figure, far too real to be some sort of hallucination. Stepping in fornt of the frozen-in-place, mesmerized Xenith upon protection instinct, she narrowed her eyes at the beast, taking a firm defensive stance in case it was hostlie. She would only make intent to attack clear if it did. For now she simply stared at the strange, looming creature without a hint of fear in her eyes, only suspicion and a hint of curiousity about what, or perhaps who, she had just stumbled upon here.


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Spinoceratopsrex said:
Simon jumped back from the door slightly as the circle formed on the door.
"Oh, me?" Said Simon to whoever was behind the door "I'm friendly, like, uhh.. one hundred and ten percent a friend, nothing but!... probably. So yeah, if you don't mind me could you, y'know, open the door? Please?"



@Jofune Tsurabisu
"Come in." He said as he opened the door, but did not drop the circle. "One false move and it will not end well." he warned. His only goal was to keep Fia safe. He watched as the thing came in. It looked predatory, but it could also speak, which meant it had some form of intelligence. "What do you need here?" he asked the creature cautiously.



fia flinched, as she heard the sound of a heavy weight being pushed against the doors of the library. "gah! what the hell?!" they had literally only just gotten here and already something wanted their heads. it was like trouble was following her or something. she left where she had been standing and ran behind nicol, squinting as she looked outside to try and see what exactly was the hell. it was way too dark to actually make anything out, though, and she could hear just about as much as nicol as he rambled through the glass, so she doesn't recognize him until he's already in the door.

as nicol speaks, fia's eyes only narrow with annoyed recognition at the appearance of the man. oh. now that she was able to see him, she remembered who this was. "i remember you!" fia suddenly shouts accusingly, almost cutting nicol off. she points a finger at the large beak of his mask, getting close enough to nearly touch it. "what are you doing here? why were you banging on the door like that? you scared everybody here!"

@NeverBetter @Jofune Tsurabisu @Spinoceratopsrex @MrPotato
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"Oh, I don't know!" Said Simon. "I never really know why I like anything, why I do things, but I do know there is an absolutely hilarious book somewhere in here...Ah! There it is!" Simon quickly walked to a shelf and pulled out the disease book from earlier, he flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for, an illustration of a man whose head was swollen up like a balloon, cracks in his skin, bulbous veins, yellow pus coming out of his mouth.

"Gahaha!" Simon couldn't stop himself laughing, this was, so far, the most hilarious thing he'd ever seen. He turned the book around to show it to the others.

"Look at him! His head looks like a rotten mushroom! I bet he never had many friends after that!" He laughed again. "He looks hilarious, right?"



@Jofune Tsurabisu
Spinoceratopsrex said:
"Oh, I don't know!" Said Simon. "I never really know why I like anything, why I do things, but I do know there is an absolutely hilarious book somewhere in here...Ah! There it is!" Simon quickly walked to a shelf and pulled out the disease book from earlier, he flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for, an illustration of a man whose head was swollen up like a balloon, cracks in his skin, bulbous veins, yellow pus coming out of his mouth.
"Gahaha!" Simon couldn't stop himself laughing, this was, so far, the most hilarious thing he'd ever seen. He turned the book around to show it to the others.

"Look at him! His head looks like a rotten mushroom! I bet he never had many friends after that!" He laughed again. "He looks hilarious, right?"



@Jofune Tsurabisu
"No, he looks like he is hurting and in need of healing." He said as he snapped his fingers and the book blew away into dust. "There is no humor or joy in the suffering of others." he said flatly. He was pained at the loss of the book. But it was an acceptable loss, as the thing was using misery to laugh at.... He kept his eyes on Fia. She looked angry.



fia growled, folding a hand into a fist over her heart. she couldn't believe how inconsiderate this weird bird man was being. "he's right! you can't just make fun of other people's suffering! neither of us would laugh if that happened to you!" she shouted passionately, sounding more distressed this time then annoyed. she wasn't as appalled as she thought she would be over such a terrible display, just... disappointed. she sighed, placing a hand to her face. she wanted to really lay into him for this sort of thing, to hopefully set him straight, but in retrospect, she didn't exactly have the energy for moral outrage today. she'd already exhausted herself over this sort of thing already. she just wanted to get the day over with.

"j-just, look, where did muro go? you were with him earlier, right? did you catch where he went?" she finally asked. she closed her eyes for a moment, an annoying wave of exhaustion trying to take her, so she casually props herself up on the nearest piece of furniture, a sidetable. she was fine. just... tired and annoyed. but she wanted some answers, not just a bunch of nonsense for once.

@Spinoceratopsrex @Jofune Tsurabisu @MrPotato @NeverBetter
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