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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Genesis, the Shapeshifting Kitten!

As most feline animals, Genesis was startled even with the slightest of sounds. He woke up and stretched himself, only then realizing the couple was gone. He swiftly leapt from the couch and wandered around the library. Unable to locate the male, he finally found the female. He went to her and only then realized she was conversing with the bird man. He didn't interrupt them and just stood beside Fia, licking his paws.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @rusticyawn @Spinoceratopsrex
Nixis, Void Archon

Not too far from the Town where some rested, others ventured to a Library, consciousness returned to a new entrant, its four glowing eyes snapped open with a start, realizing its...no, his predicament as he had awoken inside of an enclosed chamber of sorts, white mist surrounding his body and the walls of this cell as he placed his hands against said walls...all four of them. He only just fit inside judging by his half-extended arms only going that far, but it was tall, for his had not hit his head upon looking ahead, his eyes meeting a door. This was no accident, he had been put in here...but why? Necessity? Out of fear? Ease of Transport? Or was it for the simple delight of a flashy entrance into a new world, he did not care, he just had to get out of this chamber.

This would be happening sooner than he thought, as he heard movement throughout the cell...servos whirring, gas hissing and lights snapping on around the door ahead, soon the whole cell door was glowing a gradient white-black, with the former being the most predominant shade. He was being let out willingly, his lower right hand reached behind him and clasped the grip of a gun almost out of some kind of instinct...why did he have this instinct yet, no memory of what happened before he was in this cell...or even of his life beforehand? Whatever the case, he took a hold of the Shrapnel Launcher....the name rung into his mind as he gripped it fully, as the door hissed a final time before parting from the middle, opening with top and bottom flaps parting their respective ways, side flaps that supported it also moved as the visible hydraulics showed themselves attached to the primary door flaps.

He saw that the lower door flap acted as a partial ramp as he extended a foot onto it, extending his upper body out of his chamber, the sunlight would have been blinding were it not for his helmets visor adjusting the light for him. Using his upper hands he propelled himself from the cell and landed on the ground with a loud, booming crash that did no damage to the stone below his feet, but his entrance echoed through the land...he rose to a stand, taking the Shrapnel Launcher in his upper hands and looking around. He knew not where he was, nor what his life was up until this point and he did not know what lie ahead...but it did not matter as his name sounded like a chant in his mind...

The Void Archon...Nixis...had risen once again.
Ḩ̢̧͟e̷̴͜͡҉ ̢͟r̵̡͜͡ơ͟͢s̢̡e̴͘͠͏̛,̡̀͘͢ ͡͝b̴̀̀͝ų̛t̡͘͠ ̷̸̀̕͘f̴̶̧͞ò̧̢͡͞r̡̛ ̴͞t̷̷̷́h̷̀͡͡͠e̷͘͜ ̸̷̛҉f̸́͜͞ì̸̕͝r̷҉͜͠ś̛͢t͜͝͝ ̷͝͡͝t͏̢̀i̛͢m̛e̴̵͟͟͝

Setting off forward from where he stood, he came to an incline where he could see beyond the horizon lay a Town. There would surely be people there, so he slid down this incline and as he landed, he holstered his weapon on his back and ventured forth toward the Town, choosing the Library he could just see as his destination...maybe he would find answers there.


Dredgen Yor

Elsewhere, some distance away from Nixis's Chamber, lay another...a man. He too was unconscious much like the newly risen Void Archon, but he was human, not Eliksni, a bearer of two arms, not four. But if one were to feel the aura emanating from his body, it would be easy to see that he too had differences from normal Men...but they were not so, upfront, no, not like Nixis's extra limbs and eyes, not like his size...this man had something inside, like a seed germinating inside the folds of his Heart...it was Darkness. And it tainted the ground he had laid upon, the grass was not green in his immediate area, it was a dark gray and...different.

Whatever the case, his consciousness returned to him, but more softly than Nixis's had, more gradually like he was waking up from a peaceful nights sleep...

His vision was a blur, but it soon focused, his body rose as his hands and arms pushed him, his fingers gripped the grass in sight, tearing out a few blades holding them close to observe them deeply...he cast them aside and took a knee, then he rose to both feet, his green eyes took in the scenery around him as he inhaled the air deeply...

Sweet, dewy...a spring morning, perhaps?

Exhaling, he licked his dry lips and smacked them together, his eyes darting around as he surveyed the surrounding area, his sight picking apart details as his thoughts raced and soon, words were spoken.

"Now...where am I...?" The man uttered in a soft, genteel Southern Accent...a voice that could either soothe the hearts of the suffering, or send chills down the spines of his victims...or--

"Why not both...?" He vocalized the ending of his thought regarding his voice, his gaze met with a Town, bustling with life, people...and a Library. "Let's go there, shall we? ...ain't nobody ever benefited from a lack of knowledge....for my name, isn't...Dredgen Yor..." Dredgen Yor...
Dredgen Yor...Dredgen Yor...his name echoed in his head as he spoke it, almost as an instant reminder the precise moment he thought about it.

Dredgen then decided to inspect his person...perhaps there was something he had that would perhaps, trigger another memory? Or another name? Or--A gun. At his right side, in a dark holster was a gun...
his gun. "This is...my piece." Yor uttered quietly as he took the grip in hand and removed the weapon from its holster, bringing it in front of him before tracing two fingers together down the barrel of the gun, a Hand Cannon, down to the chamber all the way to the hammer...the barbed aesthetic to the barrel was like...

"A...thorn...Thorn...This is, my gun. My Thorn..." He spoke in soft yet apparent amazement. He found that the gun felt...right, in his grasp, so his hand tightened around the grip, making the gun his...furthermore, an extension of himself rather than simply fancy steel. Holstering Thorn, he patted himself down.

"Hmm...Cigars...Cigar Cutter...Lighter...a...a deck o' cards? Hmm...and...what's this...?" He named the items as he took them out to look and put them back for the next one; Eyeing a Cigar with interest, clicking the Cigar Cutter thrice, testing the Lighters flame, curiously playing with the Deck of Cards and now...he held in the palm of his hand--

"A Rose...
my rose...ohh, but it's cursed...green, burnin'...and yet...it has its own beauty. There is beauty in the Dark, even if to the common eye it is so very twisted..." Yor spoke aloud, allowing himself a chuckle as he concluded and put the Rose back where it was and headed off to the Library, not before spotting Nixis in the distance making his way too. "Now there's an oddity...but not a hostile one at that, just intent." He verbally noted and kept on his way.
fia softened slightly, almost a little surprised at how straightforward an answer she'd received. "my name's fia..." she said softly, removing her finger from her hair and moving it to her side, unsure what to really do with herself. "fia strast." she looked off toward the window, uncomfortably. "i-... guess, yeah." she just really didn't get this guy. but maybe that's why she wanted to know more about him, why he acted like he did. as it was, his actions were weird and anomalous to her, and fia was coming to really detest the unexplainable. if they had reason... she wasn't sure what that would mean to her, but she knew it would make her feel better, probably. "so, i really don't get it. what about it do you..-"

fia had been drawing out her words in a thoughtful, but she came to a stop as something entered her view. as she had been staring out the window, two silhouettes came into her view, approaching from a far distance out on the street. fia wasn't absolutely sure they were coming the library's way, but... it seemed likely that they were, and they looked to be rather imposing. fia stiffened, and as she did, she could feel a very familiar presence at her feet. she hastily bent over, only to delicately grab the small cat, placing him upright in her arms. "uhm," she looked awkwardly over at simon, and them back over to the window. "i think those guys are coming this way..."

fia immediately looked around, searching for where she thought nicol would still be 'sleeping', but it didn't take long for her to find him, stalking the library quietly. "nicol!" she says hurriedly, rushing over to him, a worried look on her face. was it just her imagination, or did he seem irritated before she called him? she tried to brush the stray thought away. she held the small cat close to her chest, nicol's coat still wrapped over her. "there are some... people coming over here. they're kinda... weird? come look." she lightly tugged his arm, trying to get him to move his attentions toward the window.

@Spinoceratopsrex @MrPotato @Jofune Tsurabisu @NeverBetter
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia softened slightly, almost a little surprised at how straightforward an answer she'd received. "my name's fia..." she said softly, removing her finger from her hair and moving it to her side, unsure what to really do with herself. "fia strast." she looked off toward the window, uncomfortably. "i-... guess, yeah." she just really didn't get this guy. but maybe that's why she wanted to know more about him, why he acted like he did. as it was, his actions were weird and anomalous to her, and fia was coming to really detest the unexplainable. if they had reason... she wasn't sure what that would mean to her, but she knew it would make her feel better, probably. "so, i really don't get it. what about it do you..-"

fia had been drawing out her words in a thoughtful, but she came to a stop as something entered her view. as she had been staring out the window, two silhouettes came into her view, approaching from a far distance out on the street. fia wasn't absolutely sure they were coming the library's way, but... it seemed likely that they were, and they looked to be rather imposing. fia stiffened, and as she did, she could feel a very familiar presence at her feet. she hastily bent over, only to delicately grab the small cat, placing him upright in her arms.
"uhm," she looked awkwardly over at simon, and them back over to the window. "i think those guys are coming this way..."

fia immediately looked around, searching for where she thought nicol would still be 'sleeping', but it didn't take long for her to find him, stalking the library quietly.
"nicol!" she says hurriedly, rushing over to him, a worried look on her face. was it just her imagination, or did he seem irritated before she called him? she tried to brush the stray thought away. she held the small cat close to her chest, nicol's coat still wrapped over her. "there are some... people coming over here. they're kinda... weird? come look." she lightly tugged his arm, trying to get him to move his attentions toward the window.

Nicol was feeling besides himself. He was drawn to the window where he seen the shapes of people moving towards the library. "Take the kitten and hide. I will go speak to them." he told Fia. He drew what looked like the stock of a crossbow. With a flick of the catch, the crossbow sprang to life and form. He loaded a bolt into the channel and handed it to Fia. "Shoot anyone who is not me, bird thing, or the librarian, if things go wrong." he spoke as he stormed off to the door...




Somrene yawned loudly. It had been a long night, but true to his word, he had stayed up alongside Xicor. He glanced towards the town, watching the sun rise off on the horizon. He glanced back to the table and thought back to what he had found throughout the night (@NeverBetter investigation check?), then called to Xicor in the other room. "Sir Xicor, do you think it wise that we return to town now, show the others what we have collected? I'm certain they will take as much delight as you did in finding a vehicle that works. Surely it will provide us some opportunity to do some good elsewhere too?" He proposed to his cyborg comrade.



Lyon sat on the roof of the Inn, having woken up an hour or two prior. She wasn't doing anything in particular, just watching the sun rise. It was promising to be a nice day. She glanced down to the town, and thought about what she might do. Lyon wanted to continue doing good, and she quite enjoyed the company of the people she had met the previous day... But still. She glanced towards Uzpeni, which laid on the roof beside her. The Bloodsummoner's priority should be to get the gemstones. She recalled that a good source of information to help with her search was a library, and so, got up from her spot on the rooftop, and moved into the building and back down the stairs, swiftly heading towards the exit. She left and continued to move towards the library, a woman on a mission. She entered quietly, and called out curiously, "Hello? Anyone here?"

@rusticyawn @Jofune Tsurabisu @MrPotato


Caesar was in his element, ordering his minions, ahem, workers about with ease. His show the previous day had done its job fantastically, and though he still worried in the back of his mind about him being exposed and having to actually face consequences, he had become much more relaxed than he had the previous day about the whole thing. Breakfast was now prepared, and was sent up to all of his new allies' rooms. A servant would knock on the door to alert them, then carefully move inside and give them the meal, a delightful thing of sausage, eggs, and coffee. Neutral enough that he did not anticipate complaints. Caesar smiled easily as he barked for a poor girl to clean up a large spill that she had just created. He imagined his positive attitude while scolding only made him more disconcerting, which for this crowd, was exactly what he was going for.
@NeverBetter[/URL] investigation check?), then called to Xicor in the other room. "Sir Xicor, do you think it wise that we return to town now, show the others what we have collected? I'm certain they will take as much delight as you did in finding a vehicle that works. Surely it will provide us some opportunity to do some good elsewhere too?" He proposed to his cyborg comrade.


Lyon sat on the roof of the Inn, having woken up an hour or two prior. She wasn't doing anything in particular, just watching the sun rise. It was promising to be a nice day. She glanced down to the town, and thought about what she might do. Lyon wanted to continue doing good, and she quite enjoyed the company of the people she had met the previous day... But still. She glanced towards Uzpeni, which laid on the roof beside her. The Bloodsummoner's priority should be to get the gemstones. She recalled that a good source of information to help with her search was a library, and so, got up from her spot on the rooftop, and moved into the building and back down the stairs, swiftly heading towards the exit. She left and continued to move towards the library, a woman on a mission. She entered quietly, and called out curiously, "Hello? Anyone here?"

@rusticyawn @Jofune Tsurabisu @MrPotato


Caesar was in his element, ordering his minions, ahem, workers about with ease. His show the previous day had done its job fantastically, and though he still worried in the back of his mind about him being exposed and having to actually face consequences, he had become much more relaxed than he had the previous day about the whole thing. Breakfast was now prepared, and was sent up to all of his new allies' rooms. A servant would knock on the door to alert them, then carefully move inside and give them the meal, a delightful thing of sausage, eggs, and coffee. Neutral enough that he did not anticipate complaints. Caesar smiled easily as he barked for a poor girl to clean up a large spill that she had just created. He imagined his positive attitude while scolding only made him more disconcerting, which for this crowd, was exactly what he was going for.
Despite Nicol's slightly dulled senses, he heard the unfamiliar voice from the direction he was heading in the library. Now he had another problem on his plate. He picked up the nearest book and opened it with one hand, pretending to read it, the other hand, was prepared to cast if need be. Seeing the young girl call out carelessly, either meant she was not dangerous, or setting a trap. "Yes, hello." he said as he came around the shelf to face the girl. "How can I help you?" he spoke politely hiding his irritation well.

@Yuffie Kisaragi
fia was confused at first, not really catching the gist of his message for a moment. he was asking her to do... what? why? she starts to try to speak, but she's distracted by the crossbow being loaded. she... sort of understood the machinations of this thing, but she wasn't entirely sure how to work it, and it seemed wildly impractical to ask her to try to and wait where was he going. "h-hey, wait a-" fia tries to stutter after him, but she doesn't manage to get much out before he suddenly changes form, pulling a book from off the shelf as someone fia hadn't even noticed makes her way inside. fia's eyes narrowed for a moment, but she reluctantly straightened up and tried to act normal, stroking 'ciaty' lightly in her arms. she didn't get why nicol was acting weirdly normal, having been so headstrong before, but fia puffs up her chest. she felt a bit conflicted - not wanting to potentially mess up a delicate situation again, but not wanting to leave nicol alone, so she sets 'ciaty' down and treads over towards the nicol and the new lady cautiously.

"how can we help you?" fia corrects lightly. she gives a reluctant look over to nicol, determined but still obviously apologetic for not having done as he asked, before looking back over to lyon. fia folds her arms together, obviously trying to look as imposing as she can, but she really only succeeds in showing her discomfort, unable to really hold her stare as her gaze keeps moving back towards the door.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @Jofune Tsurabisu @MrPotato
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia was confused at first, not really catching the gist of his message for a moment. he was asking her to do... what? why? she starts to try to speak, but she's distracted by the crossbow being loaded. she... sort of understood the machinations of this thing, but she wasn't entirely sure how to work it, and it seemed wildly impractical to ask her to try to and wait where was he going. "h-hey, wait a-" fia tries to stutter after him, but she doesn't manage to get much out before he suddenly changes form, pulling a book from off the shelf as someone fia hadn't even noticed makes her way inside. fia's eyes narrowed for a moment, but she reluctantly straightened up and tried to act normal, stroking 'ciaty' lightly in her arms. she didn't get why nicol was acting weirdly normal, having been so headstrong before, but fia puffs up her chest. she felt a bit conflicted - not wanting to potentially mess up a delicate situation again, but not wanting to leave nicol alone, so she sets 'ciaty' down and treads over towards the nicol and the new lady cautiously.

"how can we help you?" fia corrects lightly. she gives a reluctant look over to nicol, determined but still obviously apologetic for not having done as he asked, before looking back over to lyon. fia folds her arms together, obviously trying to look as imposing as she can, but she really only succeeds in showing her discomfort, unable to really hold her stare as her gaze keeps moving back towards the door.

Nicol gritted his teeth slightly, as it seemed Fia was determined to throw herself into danger and the lions mouth. She would need to be protected. "Yes, *ahem* How can we be of assistance?" He asked diplomatically. "We are just opening for the day, so it may be a little messy, but please do look around. Alert us if there is anything that you may need help with." he spoke cordially. Moving to Fia's side, he had taken her free hand. "If you do not mind, we have not had our meal yet, and we will return once finished. But you may continue to look around." He had bowed deeply, then slightly pulling the puffed out girl along with him, to the library's living area.

Once out of earshot of the newcomer, he turns to Fia. "I think I am something, but immortal or Indestructible are the two things I know I am not. Please, when I tell you to do something, just do it. I would hate to see this face and wonderful person hurt." he said as he instinctively brought his hand to lightly brush her cheek...

@Yuffie Kisaragi


fia looks a bit surprised as she realizes nicol's taken her hand, but she simply nods when he makes up an excuse to the stranger, and takes her away from the door. that wasn't quite how she expected that to go, but she still follows him away without much of a fuss. her posture starts to shift uncomfortably, though, as he begins to speak, and noticeably so when he lightly touches her cheek. his manages to be both uplifting and crushing in the matter of a few sentences, and fia has to put in an effort to not make her immediate distress apparent. on one hand... it really made her deeply happy to hear someone cared about her so much. it was almost a relief to her, in some strange way. on the other hand, she now felt the full brunt of her brewing insecurity her straight in the gut.

"you... really think..." she mumbles, her eyes looking away from his bright, consoling ones. she suddenly felt so sick, so disgustingly inadequate. was she really just as good as ciaty to him? something fluffy and cheerful that needed to be minded? she frowns, no longer able to hide her disappointment. he... wasn't really wrong. she didn't know anything, and because of that, needed help with almost everything. she lightly touched the hand he had placed on her cheek, a suddenly strong look on her face. "i think you need to see something," she requested solemnly, moving his hand away and pulling it light towards her, trying to use it to lead him back toward the doorway. this wouldn't change what she couldn't do, but she could at least try to show him what she could.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia looks a bit surprised as she realizes nicol's taken her hand, but she simply nods when he makes up an excuse to the stranger, and takes her away from the door. that wasn't quite how she expected that to go, but she still follows him away without much of a fuss. her posture starts to shift uncomfortably, though, as he begins to speak, and noticeably so when he lightly touches her cheek. his manages to be both uplifting and crushing in the matter of a few sentences, and fia has to put in an effort to not make her immediate distress apparent. on one hand... it really made her deeply happy to hear someone cared about her so much. it was almost a relief to her, in some strange way. on the other hand, she now felt the full brunt of her brewing insecurity her straight in the gut.

"you... really think..." she mumbles, her eyes looking away from his bright, consoling ones. she suddenly felt so sick, so disgustingly inadequate. was she really just as good as ciaty to him? something fluffy and cheerful that needed to be minded? she frowns, no longer able to hide her disappointment. he... wasn't really wrong. she didn't know anything, and because of that, needed help with almost everything. she lightly touched the hand he had placed on her cheek, a suddenly strong look on her face. "i think you need to see something," she requested solemnly, moving his hand away and pulling it light towards her, trying to use it to lead him back toward the doorway. this wouldn't change what she couldn't do, but she could at least try to show him what she could.

Nicol's confusion was short lived as he could almost see her feelings. It was fuzzy, and they shifted constantly. Like a page in a book that once written, empties and rewrites itself. He could not pin down an exact emotion, maybe a minute trace of joy. But her pulling his hand woke him from his deep train of thought. He could almost touch her feelings, but without his proper sleep thing, he was clouded in mind. "Okay, I trust you." he uttered some heavy words. He felt like he never used them together in that configuration before. Trust. What was it exactly? He knew what it meant, it was a belief that something or someone was good, and reliable. He did infact trust her. She has not given him any reasons not to so far. But it was not her that he did not trust, but the fact he woke up in a town almost obliterated by some struggle or accident. Nothing good comes after an event like that, until everything is brought back to normal. So he followed her, being lead by her soft, very feminine hands.

fia nodded, her face unwavering from the unshakably somber but determined expression she wore. she pulled him forward, toward and past the library doors. she could still see the figures in the distance, their who or why still unknown. "it won't take long," she reassures quietly, looking back for just at him for just a moment before tightly turning the corner of the building, heading toward the back of it. she wasn't going to be able to ensure absolutely nobody would see, but this was important, and at the very least, she could at least prevent whoever those figures were from thinking the two of them were hostile. she pulled him again around one last corner, and finally led him to a spot a distance away from the library proper. she held his hand firmly for a moment, and then delicately lets it drop away. "don't move. seriously." she warns, her eyes obviously moving to look at the surrounding area before firmly looking back into his.

she takes a step or two backwards, looking down to readjust before looking back up at him. "you're ready?" she attempts to confirm, waiting for a positive response before she going forward. she waits, and then she nods. she raises her arms and points them directly outward, and takes a final, deep breath. in a flash of color and a sudden sweep of sound, flames suddenly pour out from fia's hands and into a swirling vortex around them, their surroundings obscured by a blanket of flames in only a matter of seconds. the sudden exertion of so much power is surprising, but it fails to break her focus, fia's face unchanging throughout the sweep. the flames continue to move around them, surrounding them like a protective dome, even when fia lowers her arms back down.

"the monster that ravaged so much of this town - we didn't just stop it. we killed it. i melted through it's body until i saw these flames explode out from it's back." as she talks, her voice grows more and more obviously pained, like she was forcing the words out of her throat. "this is all i know how to do, but... it's at least something i can do for you. so... that's that." fia can't help but try to look away, suddenly feeling a bit more bashful, but she resolves to look confidently at him, the flames around her beginning to slow and dissipate as she's gotten her use out of them. "i just thought... you needed to know that. that i can be here for you, too!"

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia nodded, her face unwavering from the unshakably somber but determined expression she wore. she pulled him forward, toward and past the library doors. she could still see the figures in the distance, their who or why still unknown. "it won't take long," she reassures quietly, looking back for just at him for just a moment before tightly turning the corner of the building, heading toward the back of it. she wasn't going to be able to ensure absolutely nobody would see, but this was important, and at the very least, she could at least prevent whoever those figures were from thinking the two of them were hostile. she pulled him again around one last corner, and finally led him to a spot a distance away from the library proper. she held his hand firmly for a moment, and then delicately lets it drop away. "don't move. seriously." she warns, her eyes obviously moving to look at the surrounding area before firmly looking back into his.

she takes a step or two backwards, looking down to readjust before looking back up at him.
"you're ready?" she attempts to confirm, waiting for a positive response before she going forward. she waits, and then she nods. she raises her arms and points them directly outward, and takes a final, deep breath. in a flash of color and a sudden sweep of sound, flames suddenly pour out from fia's hands and into a swirling vortex around them, their surroundings obscured by a blanket of flames in only a matter of seconds. the sudden exertion of so much power is surprising, but it fails to break her focus, fia's face unchanging throughout the sweep. the flames continue to move around them, surrounding them like a protective dome, even when fia lowers her arms back down.

"the monster that ravaged so much of this town - we didn't just stop it. we killed it. i melted through it's body until i saw these flames explode out from it's back." as she talks, her voice grows more and more obviously pained, like she was forcing the words out of her throat. "this is all i know how to do, but... it's at least something i can do for you. so... that's that." fia can't help but try to look away, suddenly feeling a bit more bashful, but she resolves to look confidently at him, the flames around her beginning to slow and dissipate as she's gotten her use out of them. "i just thought... you needed to know that. that i can be here for you, too!"

As he was being led to the spot in the woods, and even after this display of power, AND even after her words of support, and through it all, his analytical mind was processing everything as best as it could under its current rest deprived condition. It dawned on him, and something inside told him she needed comfort. So he gently, but firmly embraced her. "Thank you, I am glad to know you can help me too." He spoke as he held her close for a few seconds before releasing her. "But truthfully, I wanted you to guard the back door. As it would have been easy to flank us if things went south." he finished as he smiled, trying to hide his disgust. Something inside told him that what she did was horrific. Burnt trees, flowers and shrubs leave a tell tale marker for such a show of destructive power. However, he could not find it in himself to hate her for what she had done, despite deep down inside of him was screaming about justice.

His hand glowed green as the thought of nothing more than to return everything that was burned right again. So the leaf and vine natural magic circle extended out to encompass the scorched area and with a small exhale, it exploded in a warm, gentle ball of light. Everything burned was slowly returning green. It would slowly recover. But it was better than being completely incinerated and dead. But now he was left exhausted. "Let us return inside. I was not lying about breakfast." he said truly smiling and pet patting her head.

fia sharply inhaled at the sudden embrace, surprised by it's suddenness. she to feel comforted by the sentiment, to finally let herself be relieved of the anxious feeling of weight in her stomach, but the payoff doesn't come. even as she wraps her arms around him in return, it just won't leave her, her mind still trying making sense of something he'd said. "but truthfully, i wanted you to guard the back door." 'then why didn't you just say that?' she thinks the thought loudly to herself, almost having half a mind to speak it aloud, but she firmly hinges her mouth shut. her mind still continues racing, trying to justify it, downplay it, or obsess about it, but she let's them all fade out of focus as she lets go of him, leaving only the weight and the embarrassment that seemed to come with it. worrying him with all of her problems - it felt like just another way she was dragging him down. fia felt her whole body stiffen.

she watched as his hand glowed, covering the area around them with a green light for a moment before fading back away. fia could see the minute changes nicol had made to the landscape, in essence, fixing what she'd destroyed. she could only look on quietly, hands clasped incredibly tightly together as she to keep a hold on her composure. he was just fixing what she'd messed up. for as much as she'd tried to show how she could be useful, she had again managed to do it in a way that only accentuated how useless she actually was. maybe it was just the momentum of her self-deprecating thoughts, but he seemed to be worse off for it, too. her fingers twitched. she felt so close to cracking, but she held herself together. she would not do this again. it would only make it worse.

fia blinked, feeling his hand on her head. she looked to see his smiling face, and smiled in turn. she was tired of worrying him with her problems. and it was exhausting, feeling this low. she just... had to be better. just had to try harder. "ok!" she chirped softly, pulling apart her hands and throwing them out to her sides. he didn't seem to know that she noticed these little things, so she'd keep it to herself. maybe her worries would pass if she let them go. "so, umm..." her voice trails. she starts moving back toward the direction of the library, at first treading softly, carefully, than going with a slight skip to her step. "breakfast... soup...?" she asks awkwardly, having to remember the word for they'd eaten yesterday.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia sharply inhaled at the sudden embrace, surprised by it's suddenness. she to feel comforted by the sentiment, to finally let herself be relieved of the anxious feeling of weight in her stomach, but the payoff doesn't come. even as she wraps her arms around him in return, it just won't leave her, her mind still trying making sense of something he'd said. "but truthfully, i wanted you to guard the back door." 'then why didn't you just say that?' she thinks the thought loudly to herself, almost having half a mind to speak it aloud, but she firmly hinges her mouth shut. her mind still continues racing, trying to justify it, downplay it, or obsess about it, but she let's them all fade out of focus as she lets go of him, leaving only the weight and the embarrassment that seemed to come with it. worrying him with all of her problems - it felt like just another way she was dragging him down. fia felt her whole body stiffen.

she watched as his hand glowed, covering the area around them with a green light for a moment before fading back away. fia could see the minute changes nicol had made to the landscape, in essence, fixing what she'd destroyed. she could only look on quietly, hands clasped incredibly tightly together as she to keep a hold on her composure. he was just fixing what she'd messed up. for as much as she'd tried to show how she could be useful, she had again managed to do it in a way that only accentuated how useless she actually was. maybe it was just the momentum of her self-deprecating thoughts, but he seemed to be worse off for it, too. her fingers twitched. she felt so close to cracking, but she held herself together. she would not do this again. it would only make it worse.

fia blinked, feeling his hand on her head. she looked to see his smiling face, and smiled in turn. she was tired of worrying him with her problems. and it was exhausting, feeling this low. she just... had to be better. just had to try harder.
"ok!" she chirped softly, pulling apart her hands and throwing them out to her sides. he didn't seem to know that she noticed these little things, so she'd keep it to herself. maybe her worries would pass if she let them go. "so, umm..." her voice trails. she starts moving back toward the direction of the library, at first treading softly, carefully, than going with a slight skip to her step. "breakfast... soup...?" she asks awkwardly, having to remember the word for they'd eaten yesterday.

Nicol stopped and winced. He nearly collapsed in the dirt. Her emotions were beating him down. "Stop..." he said staggering to keep himself upright. One emotion became utterly clear, but he paid dearly for that clarity. Pain coursed through his body as if he was being hit by a jagged, barbed lightning bolt. Trying to stop the pain proved useless, as he could not begin to grasp what was going on, so as a last ditch effort he blocked out everything around him. Now that the pain was fleeting, The emotion was Whispered into his head..."Worthless." He had never felt so Angry before.

With a motion, he had bound her with magical air, and lifted her to hang safely, yet still unable to move much, maybe her feet. "Your feelings, hurt me." he said coolly. "Real pain from something not physical." he said trying not to let the anger rise in his voice. "I just met you, How can you be....what was that word again...Worthless? Useless? A terrible weight to bear?" he said as he lowered her magically and cupped her chin. "I will not let you go until you tell my why you are feeling so despondent, when you can incinerate the world if need be? I just met you, and already I like spending time with you. Please relieve yourself of those feelings, before they batter me senseless. If I even entertained the thought you could possibly be worthless, then why would I go as far as to keep you safe? You people protect treasure, not junk right? Highly valued works, a magical tome, a potion of immortality, a statue of a goddess. Still you are not TRASH to me!" He finished his speech and released the bonds, catching her in his arms, to look into her eyes. A slight blush rose in his slightly pale cheeks.

it took fia a moment to realize he'd asked her to stop, so she'd taken a few more steps before she finally turned around to see him, truly seeming as if he was in pain. she didn't have enough time to truly process what was happening before she found herself strung into the air. her body's first response was to try to struggle, to get away from where she was trapped, but no matter how hard she strained her limbs to move, they refused to budge, unable to resist whatever force was holding them in place. she immediately panicked, trying to cry out or scream but finding not even her mouth unresponsive. all she could do was watch. it didn't even become clear to her that it was nicol's doing until she sees him speak - as usual, so calmly and evenly - about how her feelings had somehow effected him. which only further fueled her panic and confusion.

she felt like she should be angry. she could feel a sharp anxiety in her stomach as he grabs her chin, a rush of energy in her head, all telling her to get indignant. did he really think that slinging her around was appropriate? that she would be okay with him suddenly doing whatever he wanted with her? it was hard to focus on what he was actually saying when she had to do it while he unnecessarily held her face in his hands, just to make his point. and yet, she couldn't even muster proper anger. it settled into something like heavy disappointment. his words felt sincere, heartfelt, but again, they were hard to reconcile with where she currently was. when she fell down and into his arms, she's too surprised for a moment, but once she regains her senses, she climbs out of his arms, and moves away from him slowly.

"y-you just compared me to objects. you treated me like an object," fia growls. "i felt worthless because i can't do anything for anyone! i could have done more for those people if i had known anything about what going through, but they were incinerated. i lost track of my friends even when i promised i'd be back because i didn't stay and help - i went back even when i could've stayed to help those people out. if i knew even half as much as you did, i'd actually have a reason to be here, but i'm afraid that if i try to actually do what that dumb drawing says i should do, i'll just ruin it worse for everyone!" she's pretty much yelling by the time she reaches the end of her speech, on the verge of tears. she hadn't thought a lot of it outright until now, but now it'd finally been said. once she was finally done, she took a couple of breaths, her anger quickly giving away after she'd finally gotten what she'd been feeling for awhile off her chest. she sighed. she could feel a surge of regret already stirring in her. all he seemed to want to do was console her, and all she'd done is shout at him for it. she still wasn't sure how she felt about what he'd done, but she knew she hadn't done it maliciously.

"...i'm sorry," fia says quietly, finally moving her intense gaze off of him. she looks down, raising her hands to her face. "i just got so caught up in feeling like a burden because of stuff like that that i figured you see me like i see me, i guess." her breathing shook, ending up with simple frustration for the current circumstance. she didn't feel particularly proud about complaining at nicol again. it had only been a matter of hours. she was tired of making her problems his problems, apparently to the point of causing him physical pain. "i just don't want to be a problem anymore for you. ...for anyone. it seems like the world has enough problems. i don't want to make it worse."

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

it took fia a moment to realize he'd asked her to stop, so she'd taken a few more steps before she finally turned around to see him, truly seeming as if he was in pain. she didn't have enough time to truly process what was happening before she found herself strung into the air. her body's first response was to try to struggle, to get away from where she was trapped, but no matter how hard she strained her limbs to move, they refused to budge, unable to resist whatever force was holding them in place. she immediately panicked, trying to cry out or scream but finding not even her mouth unresponsive. all she could do was watch. it didn't even become clear to her that it was nicol's doing until she sees him speak - as usual, so calmly and evenly - about how her feelings had somehow effected him. which only further fueled her panic and confusion.

she felt like she should be angry. she could feel a sharp anxiety in her stomach as he grabs her chin, a rush of energy in her head, all telling her to get indignant. did he really think that slinging her around was appropriate? that she would be okay with him suddenly doing whatever he wanted with her? it was hard to focus on what he was actually saying when she had to do it while he unnecessarily held her face in his hands, just to make his point. and yet, she couldn't even muster proper anger. it settled into something like heavy disappointment. his words felt sincere, heartfelt, but again, they were hard to reconcile with where she currently was. when she fell down and into his arms, she's too surprised for a moment, but once she regains her senses, she climbs out of his arms, and moves away from him slowly.

"y-you just compared me to objects. you treated me like an object," fia growls. "i felt worthless because i can't do anything for anyone! i could have done more for those people if i had known anything about what going through, but they were incinerated. i lost track of my friends even when i promised i'd be back because i didn't stay and help - i went back even when i could've stayed to help those people out. if i knew even half as much as you did, i'd actually have a reason to be here, but i'm afraid that if i try to actually do what that dumb drawing says i should do, i'll just ruin it worse for everyone!" she's pretty much yelling by the time she reaches the end of her speech, on the verge of tears. she hadn't thought a lot of it outright until now, but now it'd finally been said. once she was finally done, she took a couple of breaths, her anger quickly giving away after she'd finally gotten what she'd been feeling for awhile off her chest. she sighed. she could feel a surge of regret already stirring in her. all he seemed to want to do was console her, and all she'd done is shout at him for it. she still wasn't sure how she felt about what he'd done, but she knew she hadn't done it maliciously.

"...i'm sorry," fia says quietly, finally moving her intense gaze off of him. she looks down, raising her hands to her face. "i just got so caught up in feeling like a burden because of stuff like that that i figured you see me like i see me, i guess." her breathing shook, ending up with simple frustration for the current circumstance. she didn't feel particularly proud about complaining at nicol again. it had only been a matter of hours. she was tired of making her problems his problems, apparently to the point of causing him physical pain. "i just don't want to be a problem anymore for you. ...for anyone. it seems like the world has enough problems. i don't want to make it worse."

Nicol tilted his head thoughtfully at her. Her outburst felt like cool water to his browbeaten face. He took in every word she spoke, and ended up laughing. He was not laughing at her. No, he was not as thoughtless as that. No, he laughed at the fact that for a second there, she looked like she felt relief. "You are alive. You are pretty, and you are young. What part of you is perfect enough to hold in all of your problems and feelings? You talk to me, you keep me company. What more do you need to do for me? I am here for you, because like you, I am lost. I do not know what I am, or where I come from, and worst of all where I belong. So lamenting over the past, worrying about your use, and what you did wrong is only moving us backwards. Face the sun head on and I will follow you to hell, if need be." he said as he took her hands in his, after filling the distance quickly. "I do not know why it hurts me, when you feel bad, but its my weight to carry. It probably will get worse with other people, but thats my burden to bear. So let us go eat and relax. As I find no fault in you." he said as he kicked the dirt a little.

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fia cringed slightly, hearing him laugh. she came to realize why pretty quickly, but for a moment, it really shook her up again. she started to relax as he talked, her avoidant eyes eventually falling back on him. it didn't come all at once, but the combined effects her insecurity had caused finally seemed to be alleviated. fia smiled softly, a deep feeling of relief finally beginning to spread throughout her. "thank you," she mumbled quietly, an awkwardness finally seeming to leave her now that things seemed to actually be okay. there were things fia still did regret, but nicol had at least helped put things greatly into perspective, ridding them of a tension that seemed to have lingered since they met. she suddenly began to laugh herself, her free hand rising to wipe her face. it all just felt incredibly stupid in retrospect, but fia was just so glad she didn't have the weight of those feelings on her anymore.

"i mean... same here! duh. it was probably a lot easier for you to tell, but yeah, i'd do the same. i... feel the same." a slight flush moves to her cheeks, finally feeling an actual palpable feeling of joy over the resolution. one hand still placed in his, her free arm moves to the back of her head, and she looks away, her face looking a little more thoughtful. "and i mean, i'm sorry about causing you pain. obviously, i wouldn't want to hurt you, so um, i'll try to be a bit more open about it, in the future..." she looked a bit embarrassed she had to say as much by her final words, looking slightly down and almost mumbling them. her eyes dart back over into his, though, and after a briefly wavering expression, she seems to settle back into a soft smile... which quickly collapses into an even wider smile. "yeah then. let's go!" her hand slips out of his and she does a small half twirl, towards the direction he's facing.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
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rusticyawn said:

fia strast

fia cringed slightly, hearing him laugh. she came to realize why pretty quickly, but for a moment, it really shook her up again. she started to relax as he talked, her avoidant eyes eventually falling back on him. it didn't come all at once, but the combined effects her insecurity had caused finally seemed to be allievated. fia smiled softly, a deep feeling of relief finally beginning to spread throughout her. "thank you," she mumbled quietly, an awkwardness finally seeming to leave her now that things seemed to actually be okay. there were things fia still did regret, but nicol had at least helped put things greatly into perspective, ridding them of a tension that seemed to have lingered since they met. she suddenly began to laugh herself, her free hand rising to wipe her face. it all just felt incredibly stupid in retrospect, but fia was just so glad she didn't have the weight of those feelings on her anymore.

"i mean... same here! duh. it was probably a lot easier for you to tell, but yeah, i'd do the same. i... feel the same." a slight flush moves to her cheeks, finally feeling an actual palpable feeling of joy over the resolution. one hand still placed in his, her free arm moves to the back of her head, and she looks away, her face looking a little more thoughtful. "and i mean, i'm sorry about causing you pain. obviously, i wouldn't want to hurt you, so um, i'll try to be a bit more open about it, in the future..." she looked a bit embarrassed she had to say as much by her final words, looking slightly down and almost mumbling them. her eyes dart back over into his, though, and after a briefly wavering expression, she seems to settle back into a soft smile... which quickly collapses into an even wider smile. "yeah then. let's go!" her hand slips out of his and she does a small half twirl, towards the direction he's facing.

He watches her twirl gracefully and opens the back door to the library. he slipped in and held the door for her as he returned to the hearth of the fireplace. He stoked the fire some more, until it was hot and the pot started to heat up. In the pot, he had gathered water, and strangely, things he felt they both can eat. Not that he was a chef by any stretch of the means, but somehow, this rudimentary soup felt right. He stirred it and let it simmer down, while keeping Fia company. The woman from earlier might still be inside, so he kept his guard up..


@Yuffie Kisaragi
T̶͡h͏e̴ ͏́l̢í̢͘g̨̛h́t̡̧̀ ́͡o̡f̸͞ ̴̢a͝ ̷nè̕w ҉̧̡d͏҉ay.̷̧.͞.̶ ͏̵̡i̛͟t͡͡͝'̧s̢͜ ̧͢co͏l̀d,̵̧͜ ҉͘a͏̴n͢d̢̛͝ ̡i͝t͟͞ ̶̡͜cò͘͡me҉s͠͝ ̡͝w̴i̸͟t̛̕h̕.҉̕.̡.́ ́҉c̛͡͡o̵̶nc̶͝e̷̡q͢u̡͜͝en̨ć̢͘es͏̕.́
So, if I may continue.

One year and four months have passed since what the Republic refers to as "The Battle of Seared Stone", where, in an incredible feat, a fleet of Paladin Skins and Living Frames were eliminated by the Oren Army and a group of hero's matching an ancient Oren prophecy which was captained by one of their best men- Colonel Rais.

Since then, the town that which our Hero's swore to protect is slowly being chipped away by the constant fighting at the border for that town. They send fleets of their finest every week or so. Many perish in just the smaller skirmishes, this includes many of our beloved cast, as the Republic's army grows ever stronger, and even despite their best efforts to train and improve, our Hero's are stuck with what minimal power they had on that day. Some may have given up the fight entirely and went on to travel or otherwise, but the situation remains the same, though growing worse by the day- The Republic's Paladin Skin production has ramped up in both speed and quality, and the Living Frames have become more monsterous, ferocious, as well as deadly.

The little town of Cobblelock is barely to be considered a "town" anymore. The Lybrary, where many of our cast first met, has turned into a shelter for the homeless. Most of the farms and good soil is ruined, the town survives on the charity of other near-by border towns just to feed the young and heal the old. Their once proud magical barrier has all but become a little dust in the wind, the crystals that kept the barrier active could only handle so much repeated strain before they became useless. Those who remained in Cobblelock fight tooth and nail to keep what is left of the ghost town alive, but their almost at their limit...

Inform me, if you will, the fate of your character, if you would do so kindly. Unless previously accounted for, if you do not at least state the current fate of your vharacter, I am to assume they perished in one way or the other.
Caesar was content to stay where he was. At least... For now. Another scene like his first day at Cobbleblock had not broken out. And it seemed that the local militia were not going to bother him about it. Reasonable. He had become far too powerful anyway, and was not a repeat offender. True to his word, he had gone out and gotten paperwork squared away soon after the first battle. He had continued to manage the Inn skillfully, and had treated his workers with the respect they deserved. If only Cobbleblock wasn't such a skeleton of a town, one could say that his business would have been among the best in the region. He had also been among the frequent defenders of the town, earning trust from the others like him. With his book of magic he had become a scourge on the field, a killing machine. He also hunted on days when battles were nowhere to be seen, just to curb his bloodlust from becoming uncontrollable. Overall Caesar was satisfied.

But he grew bored. And Caesar Vorenus was not the type you wanted to be bored.


Somrene became legendary. His size and strength, along with the tremors he could cause made him a gift to Cobbleblock. He had stayed in the town, not journeying away. After all, he got free room and board being friends with Caesar, and the townsfolk were indebted to him at this point. Thus, Somrene was satisfied to stay and fight. Gigants were born for war, and the war here was to his liking. When not fighting, drinking, and eating, Somrene was frequently building his own workshop out of debris and other materials. Gigants were also skilled craftsmen, and it just so happened that it was finally done. Of course, it was far too large for a typical human to operate, but Somrene was excited to get started making things instead of solely destroying them.


Lyon also stayed in Cobbleblock. Her benevolent nature made her really. She was happy to help the town for as long as she needed to. It helped that her quest for knowledge for the remaining stones had been fruitless as of yet. She constantly checked the library for information, but there was little on bloodsummoners, and thus even less on the race's sacred treasures. But she kept trying, and until her kindness called her elsewhere, Lyon would defend the town.

@NeverBetter is that enough?
In the time between the battle of Cobbleblock and the present moment, Jah'Ri had stayed by Xenith's side in good faith. The two agreed, along with thier respective followers and Nio, to move onto greener pastures after the fighting continued and seemed to have no end in sight. Jah'Ri had been happy to have an outlet for her Draconian needs to use her natural strength and challenge herself, her followers Xin'Dah and Nah'Kei content with the same. However, the cause itself had never been something they wholeheartedly believed in. The safety of those who stayed in a warzone instead of attempting to move (as the Nomadic Dragonborn would often do to get away from war) was something that in thier eyes was the townspeople's fault. Folk can survive anywhere with the right know how, after all. With all this in mind, it was not difficult for Xenith to coax Jah'Ri into moving elsewhere.

And so, Jah'Ri set out with her band of Dragonborn, Vampires, and one Ice Elemental to find a calmer place to settle. Once they'd found a settlement to reside in a good few miles from Cobbleblock, but still close enough to travel back in good time if needed, they then began the process of finding a place to belong within the community. Xenith and her ilk seemed to be having an easier time fitting in than the Dragonborn, but that was to be expected as Dragonborn are rather alien to these lands and Xenith's people could pass as human to the untrained eye.

After some searching around for a place to belong, Jah'Ri found hers in the form of town Militia. She rounded up criminals, kept watch on the outskirt of town for bandits, wild predators and the like, and dealt with them. It got boring every now and then, but on those days she found other odd jobs to do aroudn the village, such as assissting in carrying, lifting and moving large objects, or burning refuse to keep the streets clean. With all the help she was giving to the people, Jah'Ri found herself rising up the ranks quickly. The mayor decided, in the short few months she was in the militia, that she should be in command of it. Their former General was unceremoniously demoted, becoming of of the few people in the villiage that despises jah'Ri, at least for reasons beyond her race and simple way of thinking.

Nah'Kei, the female Dragonborn that followed Jah'Ri here, found a spot for herself as a miner. Her skill with a pickax dramatically improved as soon as she began learning it, and she could haul carts filled to the brim with ore to the mine's entrance much faster than the human miners. A few of the men even began to admire her despite her otherworldly appearance, but unfortunately for them, her heart was Xin'Dah's territory and he protected it fiercely. The two had grown very fond of each other after travelling together in Jah'Ri's wake.

Xin'Dah became the town's lumberjack, the man he was apprenticed to retiring so Xin could take over. His ability to haul logs larger than any human could carry, and swing an axe with more force than his master ever could, proved to make him a suitable addition to the town as well. In short, after some time each Dragonborn found thier niche'. They assisted Jah'Ri in fighting off threats to the town every now and then as well. Insofar, not much has threatened the town despite the war raging over in Cobbleblock.

One evening, Jah'Ri headed back into town after taking care of some bandits that had taken up shelter in a nearby cave, robbing caravans that happened by. The light mail armor that the blacksmith had supplied with was soaked in blood, but she made no efforts to clean herself jut yet. The moment she had allowed her men to go back to the barracks and get freshened up, she headed over to the establishment Xenith found he Niche' in a while back. She was a jeweler now, making pretty trinkets that radiated magic. Jah'Ri often found herself browsing her dear friend's wares, buying a few when she had the coin. She made a habit of stopping by to see what Xenith was working on, and having a bit of a chat with her, every day. Peeking her head into Xenith's place of work, she called, "Is Xenith here? It is Jah'Ri." Xenith had to know her voice and odd way of speaking by now, by Jah'Ri still always made a point of announcing herself like this.

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- Hanz - THe Avatar of truth - Cobbleblock -

Hanz's stay in Cobbleblock was...very strange, well for starters, he began being considered a god both in and out of avatar mode because of his healing aura, and because of said aura, he'd be requested constantly by the civilians to stay at the town plaza, and use his aura, to heal any wounded, sick or il, hell even old men began acting new again because of his rejuvenating, calming aura.

Of course he took the these times in the plaza to meditate in silence, only asking that the population remain silent and calm when he was there. It was his only request for his services. After all what else would he ask for? money? praise? the latter was already being given to him.

He stayed on good terms with mostly of his former teammates, mostly the draconians, the vampires, albeit they didn't like him much for some reason, then again his presence hurt them since it was raw light. Staying on good terms with the mechanical man named Xicor and even asking the villagers to find a good place for him to put the newly acquired, and now customized transport, in the east part of town.

What was Hanz up to now? he was walking around town in his human form, today seemed like a quiet day, he hasn't been asked to heal anyone yet, thankfully he wouldn't, after all how did these people keep getting hurt anyway? They have no self preservation instincts, gotta be. He was actually going to help the farmers try to restore some of the land, with his healing powers, hopefully it affected the plant-life, he did not know why the draconians or vampires weren't helping the town that offered them shelter after their assistance in defending the town. Selfish beings, the both races, the draconians were honorable but the vampires were out for themselves mostly.

- Xicor - The cyborg - Cobbleblock - Taking his new mech to a test drive towards Somrene's workshop.

A large, but not giant white mech was flying around town, it wasn't attacking anyone and they had been warned beforehand that his project would be ready in a day or two. Well this was Xicor's project. By tranforming the earlier mech he had, customizing it with salvaged parts from the transport and from, and taking a good chunk of its weight and size off in order to increase mobility without compromising offensive potential, technomancy helped a lot in that aspect, after he cracked the Tech bio-animal research a year ago, his projects took a nice boon in speed, with technomancy everything was much, much easier. He would connect to technology almost instantly, and without any issue, begin to control it, he had trained in hacking, as well as upgrading his body in several ways.

The white mech floated towards Somrene's now fully built workshop, Xicor had offered to help the Gigant build the workshop before, but it would be refused the giant of a man. Though Xicor managed to keep in good terms with him, although he hasn't had many interactions with the others, specially the vampires, one of them got scared of him recently, getting him the nickname of "Metal man" to them, they could sense he wasn't fully human, hell, he was more machine now more than ever, so they probably found it really strange. Same for the draconians, they were...pretty weirded out too. Least some of them anyway.

Xicor parked the mech outside the workshop, coming out of the cockpit from the back as it opened up. Xicor's appearance was mostly unchanged, aside from some devices on him, specially one on his shoulder, which was a portable, turret with auto targeting systems, mostly used with stun rounds but it had the option for explosive sticky darts too, albeit those would be used in the most extreme of circumstances. And a small attachment in his chest area, a magnetic device of sorts, designed to shield him from metal or shrapnel, by deflecting it, although it was still in its prototype stages and would overheat very quickly upon protection of a few bullets, the faster, stronger and more mass the projectile would have, the more heat it would build up.

"Hey Sorem!" Xicor called, as he looked around the workshop, waaayyy too big for his size and any normal human to be exact. But he had to give credit ot where credit was due. "This workshop is looking good!, you didn't need my help after all I see..." Xicor commented lightheatedly.

His reputation with the people was very neutral, with the help of Hanz, he didn't need to worry about anyone snooping around his workshop, which pleased him greatly.

(The newly customized mech's appearance).

- Hektor - The Gentleman - Cobbleblock -

Hektor's stay in the town was pretty well received, hell, he had charmed many ladies in the town in his stay with his gentlemanly's personality and overrall politeness, although he would occasionaly find himself bored, he had been helping in defending the town on occasion, and he was tired to getting questioned his choice of attire for combat, he did a fine job cleaning his suit each time. Thankfully he didn't had much trouble with everyone else. Aside from a few individuals, he stood on good terms with most.

Strolling into a small bar, right accross Caesar's inn, he had taken a liking to refined drinks and alcoholic beverages, although nothing would beat a fine wine. He strolled up to the bartender's counter, taking a seat and simply asking, "What do you have today my good sir?" He asked politely as the bartender looked at him and laughed. "Why are you always so polite? you've been here for an entire year you don't need to be so uptight with everyone!" The bartender commented. Hektor chuckled.

"I guess you could say I can't help myself to do it...now please, would you give me a glass of your finest alcohol?" Hektor asked the bartender with a small smile.

- Tolan - The seeker of moonlight. - Cobbleblock.

"Another boring day in this town..." Tolan spoke walking around the streets, bored out of his mind, out of everyone who he had fought alongside. He had the most drastical change, both in personality and in clothing and fighting even. After being given power over the arcane with moonlight, he began to advance in both blood magic and 'Moon magic' as he would call it. Which was basically a different version of arcane magic, most prominent under the moon. Although it still worked wonderfully in daylight such as now.

Tolan had ditched his leather armor and axe, prompting to making a sword with the local blacksmith, and with some help of other magical individual (any magical character, feel free to join in the making of Tolan's greatsword! :D ). Tolan had carved a sword of both steel and moonlight, in its normal form it looked like a regular greatsword but with seemingly some sorts of scroll paper or something wrapping around it. Which if applied with moonlight would change the sword from its steel form into its pure magical form. Allowing Tolan to channel moon magic onto it effortlessly, as well as giving its attacks a innate magical effect. He could also apply blood magic into it, and into his moon magic as well, turning it from its green-blue-ish hue color into a bright red color, giving the magic a blood magic effect, he could also utilized pure blood magic. But where would the fun be in that? He also keep his grappling hook...because a man needs his grapple.

The most notable would be his choice of clothes now, ditching his earlier unwieldedly and badly made leather armor, for an attire much like that of Hektor, but with more padded areas as well as some leather parts, the attire of a hunter really. His eyes could be seen, for once...they were bright red, the color would change depending on how much magic he would be using and if he was in a blood rage on occasion.

Helping the town defend against attackers helped at least boost his reputation within it, so that he wouldn't be shunned, but he was still pretty rude, sarcastic and snarky individual, but he was trying to be a bit better to most. Except the vampires and draconians, well the draconians he had nothing against, it was just that some vampires didn't exactly like him very much, hell some despised him. It wasn't very rare for Tolan to purposedly pick fights with some vampires just to piss them off. Why? because he loved seeing their frustrated expressions, that and he still owed Xenith a favor, so he wanted to keep in contact with her, someway or another, and the vampires would object to that...so he would end up causing trouble prompting Xenith herself to come solve the problem! He didn't care, he just wanted to know if she was still alive and well. After all you can't let someone you owe a favor to die now can you?

He passed by a family, who did give him some weird looks. "If you aren't gonna look at me nicely then don't bother looking at all woman." Tolan promptly spoke to the passing woman and her family, who simply walked away silently.

He was soooo boooored, until he saw a common sight, Lyon, the woman was known around the town. And very liked by everyone. Surely she was doing something right? and besides, Tolan knew of her blood related powers, at least they felt as if they were about blood anyway.

He walked over to her, with most of his face hiding behind his attire and cowl as he waved at her. "Yo! Lyon right?" Tolan called her, hoping she wouldn't treat him with disrespect. "Do you have time to talk?" He asked her, his voice gruff and harsh like always, but he was trying to be at least somewhat polite now.

(Tolan's greatsword, both locked and unlocked.)


(How tolan actually looks now.)


Xenith La Rosia

As the majestic beast faded away, the tingling sensation of power was left on the back of her hand. Soon after, as they recovered within the inn, Xenith, Nio, Jah'Ri and other dragonborns decided to head out to a nearby, more peaceful town. Xenith's kin had already evacuated, there was no point in her staying in such a dangerous settlement. Afterall, she had other needs which needed to be fulfilled. Her once beautiful dress, now tattered and worn into mere shreds, was hidden behind a soft teal coat. She couldn't wear someone else's belonging forever, her independence wouldn't allow it. But in order for her to gain enough wealth, she would have to find a job.

After hunting around the quaint town for a few days, she finally found an occupation which interested her, jewellry creation. A wise, but strict old man by the name of Agnos, was willing to take her in as an apprentice. Despite his age, his dexterity was impeccable, having never made a mistake in years. His skills and wisdom would surely have won him great fame throughout the land, but as Xenith asked him about this, all he replied with was
"I started jewellry creation for myself, my wife and my daughter. Not for anyone else. The only reason why I sell my work, is because we want to make a peaceful living." This earned Xenith's respect, as she looked up to him more and more, despite the constant yelling at the beginning of her training. Eons past as Xenith became a wonderful jeweler, efficient and careful in her creations.

However, one fateful day, Agnos passed away. It was a dreary day, with grey skies and dark grass. Xenith remembered the slow fall of tears rolling down her face as she held his pale, limp hand. Days passed as she continued working at his shop, but she gradually felt more and more tired as she went on. However, in the mail, she received a small, silver key, engraved with a beautiful amethyst jewel upon it's head. After searching through Agnos' basement, she found a matching silver chest, with amethysts patterned delicately around the sides. Lifting the lid carefully, she found a thin scroll tied with purple ribbon, along with a mysterious rose carved out of ruby. Reading the letter, she smiled as she finally understood what she should do next.

Xenith began testing out blood enchantments upon her jewellry, watching carefully as swirls of a mystical essence filled the gem. After mastering blood, she moved onto darkness which led to her creating dark combinations of the two in the end. Weeks passed before she finally accomplished her goal, opening her own jewellry store, known as 'Rosial'. She sold rose-themed pieces of jewellry, ranging from bracelets to earrings, but focusing heavily on necklaces.

Life was peaceful for her.

"Jah'Ri? You may enter." Despite how easy it was to recognize Jah'Ri's voice now, after how long they've been together, Xenith found it routine to reply like this. Perhaps it acted similarly to a coded greeting. Carefully polishing the bright emerald gem which glistened against her pale fingers, she gently lowered it towards her wooden desk, a desk she's been working on top of for months now. Smiling at Jah'Ri as she enters, she hands her an intricate sapphire bracelet, which despite it's detailed design, is thin and light, therefore unable to cause a hindrance during heavy action. "This bracelet should heighten your stamina, and give you a slight flexibility boost." She explains softly, pointing towards the swirling patterns within the gem. "What do you think of it?" She asks curiously, as any feedback she receives is always imprinted within her mind.

Nio Magnetus

Nio was content now that Xenith had decided to finally move out of danger. He happily accompanied her and her companions to a nearby town, which was safer than their earlier location, albeit still a little dangerous. Following Xenith's idea of settling here, he also hunted around for an occupation to his liking. A luxurious cafe, humbly famous in the local area, recruited Nio as a waiter. Despite the simple aspect of the job, he found it pleasant, not forced to think about too much and having more freedom than most occupations. He eventually learnt a few tips from the chefs inside about baking, which improved his cooking skill. Occasionally, when business was good, he was allowed to pick a few pastries to take home and share with his companions.

His occupation was not the only event that happened in his time, he also discovered his adoration for a specific environment close to the town. He was merely taking a stroll around the area, when he discovered a beautiful waterfall subtly hidden behind a forage of bushes. This quickly became his favourite place to be, as he occasionally wrote stories, thought about various humble ideas and took naps in the nature around him. However his main action whilst there was practicing his ice abilities. The fact he couldn't protect Xenith as well as he would have liked, hit him hard. He dedicated a decent amount of his free time in training, which led to increased speed and power.

Regret was tying him down.

Casually, with an elegantly styled bag in one hand, he walks towards a detailed sign with the title 'Rosial' in intricate letters. Walking past the crimson-coloured sign, he heads around the back of the petite wooden building to knock on the door. Peering through the bag carried by his left hand, he smiles as his unusual eyes catch the 5 slices of cake beautifully arranged in a flower formation. With layers of sweet butter cream and the subtle hint of chocolate, these cake slices are feats for the eyes.


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