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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN: CHAPTER II | OOC [On Break!]

Also I left a comma before an and in that post and can't edit it.
Also I left a comma before an and in that post and can't edit it.

Where? Give me a list of edits you want made, here or in PM, and I'll make them.

If Ezra and Sam were to meet he would maybe call her fortune telling fake, but propose they join up to scam people in London.

Sam wouldn't be bothered that much if he thought she was faking, but would be appalled at the idea of scamming people. She's a bit sheltered and naive, isn't too familiar with the idea that you do what you have to when the going gets tough.

...She'd actually be a pretty good mark for a scammer like Ezra herself, now that I think about it.
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Wonder what she would see above Lisa. I'm torn between nothing at all and Lisa simply saying whatever it is, she isn't interested. Lol
Wonder what she would see above Lisa. I'm torn between nothing at all and Lisa simply saying whatever it is, she isn't interested. Lol

The pattern I'm trying to establish is that Aetherians in particular have toooons of images above their heads. Anywhere from 10-30 that shift and change very frequently. Abnormals might have anywhere from 1-10. Normal people tend to have 1 or 2. Maybe three or four, rarely. The theory being, Aetherians come from someplace magical, so they get the most. Abnormals tend to have longer lifespans than the average person. More of their lives ahead of them = more future to tell= more images above their heads. Of course, in all categories, there are some people who don't have any at all, for whatever reason.

I should mention any viewings Sam has, she would usually keep to herself. I'd reveal them in an internal monologue of hers for the author of the character, but unless she has a good reason, she generally won't tell the person she sees the viewings for what they are. She'd just stare at them intensely for a minute. I can think of situations where she'd give them a little nudge in the right direction, though; for example, if she saw a sign for a store above someone's head, she might think of a roundabout way to tell them they might want to take a look inside, but not that she saw a viewing of the place.

That said, for anyone who's potentially interested in a Sam foretelling, to come up with viewings or Dreams, I'd first ask the author if there's anything they would want to show up above their characters' heads based on any plots they've already got planned out that they want to foreshadow. Then I'd just write her seeing what the person gives me. That's one way to do it.

If you want a viewings but don't have any definite plans, the other way we could go is to just make up a bunch of random stuff that sounds cool. Then it's up to the author to come up with a story for their characters that incorporates all of those random elements into a coherent narrative. Like a writing prompt.
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Interesting, I thought the images were something like... karmic destiny, like how many strings someone has attached to their fate, that's why Roland has fuckton cuz the fate of the entire world (maybe two worlds) rests on his shoulder. And a relatively normal Aetherian wouldn't have that many more images than the average earth human.
That's a pretty interesting way to look at it too. Probably safe to say there might be a relationship between how many notable things a person is destined to do and how many images they have in addition to what I mentioned before. There are probably a lot of contributing factors that play into whether a person has images and how many, not just one or two things.

I'm kind of working it out as I go, but I was thinking Aetherians are closer to the magic that's ultimately the origin of Sam's ability, so images pop up more easily for them. Especially true for magic users, people afflicted with vampirism/lycanthropy and members of long-lived races. In general, an average Aetherian human with no special qualities or abilities might not have that many more than a typical Earth human, though.

Practically speaking, what the people I'm working with want plays a lot into it too. If one author doesn't want any images for their character, then she won't see any. And if another person wants a lot of them, then I'll make her see a lot, whether they're human, abnormal, Aetherian, or Earth-born. Or whether they have a lot of great karmic destiny-ordained events in their future or not. The reasons can be figured out later, if it becomes necessary.
Oh well I tend to not think too far for my character development save for a general idea about what kind of person I want them to grow into. Nothing set in stone tho, one of the fun in rping is throwing our characters into a story and see how they grow.
Oh well I tend to not think too far for my character development save for a general idea about what kind of person I want them to grow into. Nothing set in stone tho, one of the fun in rping is throwing our characters into a story and see how they grow.

I tend to find that overplanning just stifles creativity and ends up being an issue if things are pulled in a way you didn't predict. Better to leave it free.
Oh well I tend to not think too far for my character development save for a general idea about what kind of person I want them to grow into. Nothing set in stone tho, one of the fun in rping is throwing our characters into a story and see how they grow.

I tend to find that overplanning just stifles creativity and ends up being an issue if things are pulled in a way you didn't predict. Better to leave it free.

Quote by George R.R. Martin: “I think there are two types of writers, the arc...”

Spoken like true gardeners.
Good afternoon lovelies. Today I have to read one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. It’s a little hard to get through; I find it quite boring.

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