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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon


Scree was flying through the skies, a favorite pasttime of his, when suddenly he heard the sounds of battle from below. He glanced down to see Pokemon fighting down below him.

(My computer is glitching, darn it)
Generic Pokemon Trainer #303245643 came stumbling through the forest. This was no beginner trainer either; he had a fully trained Flareon stalking the forest with him. He was on his way to battling the Elite Four, so why would he be involved in such a low-level area? Oh, right, he was shiny hunting. He knew if he chained his pokemon battles his chances of finding one would go up. The problem was he wasn't very good, causing many unnecessary K.O.s with smaller, innocent pokemon. He was getting frustrated, as was his companion the Flareon.
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(I guess i post again xD )

Bulb would be looking at the grupe as somthing got his one eye,as he would see some Trainer with a flareon as he has never seen a human befor and aswell that pokemon,as he would flote too a nother Tree too get a better look at the trainer but the leaves were bloking his vision,as he would flote down too the tall grass and hide inside it and would look at the trainer very curiusly.
"That patch of grass!" The trainer exclaimed to his Flareon buddy. "That must be the next battle to go to," he said, even though the Flareon wouldn't respond in a known language. The trainer bounded toward the grass patch that Bulb was in,
Bulb would sudently see the human aproche him as he would be too late and see his feet infront of him,as his eye gose small as....this was the badest idea he has ever done...but...he whanted too Fufill his dream Of becoming a metagross and this was a good way too get started,as he would levitate upwards towards the Trainers level and would."Boldum!" he says as he really said in Pokemon Laughage "Ok lets do this!"
Scree decided to fly down and land, watching the battle, when suddenly he heard a loud cry. "What was that about?" he wondered aloud, taking off in the direction of the noise.
The Flareon charged ahead, ready for battle. The trainer right behind, he smiled when he saw the shiny Beldum. "There!" He said happily. He hadn't expected the shiny to take so much longer to find.
While Chims was still a little confused, he heard a lot of things.

--WHOA! Did you hear that? Let's go Green Mushroom with a Pink Surfboard to the Head, it seems like trouble! And you know what someone in trouble needs? Help! AMBER! *he inflicted a serious look on the Bulbasaur* LET'S ROLL!

The fire on his tail intensified, which made him dizzy. On his way, he fell on a rock. When at the ground, he looked up and though : "Stupid Chims", and proceeded to punch himself in the face. He did hurt himself in confusion.
"Are you alright, Chims?" Amber said, just wanting to be sure his travelling companion was alright. "We have to hurry so we could go help that pokemon that must have cried out for help that Chims heard.
The Beldum would see the Flaron get a Fighting position,as he would say "Come on Little Buddy...Lets Do this!"as for the human can only hear "Beldum!"as he was brave and strong of heart,as he would close his 3 Metalical Pincers and would use {Meteor Punch} at the Flareon
He turns his face in the direction of a noise, "yes, I did." He replies. Then he suddenly sees Chims running off. "Hey! Wait! What about the battle? Grrr" As much as he wanted to get away from the Chimchar, he knew he had to find out what the commotion was about so he proceeded to head in the direction of the noise, although he was not going very fast due to the damage of the ember on his left leg.
---You are right, Amber!! Heroes mustn't fall back, arr.

He then proceeded to start clinging from tree to tree in the direction of the noise.

---Follow my lea... *he gazed at the Ralts coming on their direction* COME ON GreenMushroomwithaPinkSurfboardtothe Head, THIS SEEMS BIG!!

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