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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon

(Keep following the other two people you were with. Say something like "I was shocked and froze when I saw the Eevee fall..."
Yuki slowly crawled back, barely able to move from the pain running through her. She was scared, as all she'd ever seen were Pokemon who would attack her every chance they get.
I sense her emotions and retract my hand. Then I think for a moment. After the moment I smile and say, "Hi, my name in Ren. What's yours?" While saying this I walk over to gather the berries and then return to Vulpix, at a friendly distance. I then roll the berries to her. I put a smile on my face to show comfort for her. But, then I exhale from exhaustion and feel dizzy.
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Lili wandered through the forest. She was tired after a day of wandering through the unfamiliar forest, though she hadn't been attacked yet. She floated around happily in a patch of sunlight, using the move Synthesis to restore her energy. Finding many of the dry cornn berries she liked growing on a bush nearby, she drifted over. When Lili sighted two other pokemon in the clearing where the berries grew, she shrunk back, unwilling to make a confrontation.

{( ??? )}
Yuki was still backing up a little, though slowed to a stop as he rolled the berries to her. She ate one of the berries, her eyes staying focused on Ren, still scared that he might attack her.
He notices that she hasn't trusted him completely, which she has a right to since her attack by the Rattata. I decide to lay down to get more rest but I sense another Pokémon midway through the action. I Instinctively get in my defensive position and yell, "Who's there? Why are you hiding? It wouldn't be wise to pick a fight with us. We are the two strongest Pokémon in this forest." Although, he mainly said it to try scare it off since he was weak at the moment and did not know exactly where the Pokémon was.
(Wow, a LOT happened while I was away, so I'll try to catch up)

Chims felt confrontated when the mysterious fox-like thing chose the lettuce ball instead of his savings. As he jumped from lower branch to even lower branch, untill reaching the ground, the flame on his tail just grew stronger. By the time he got down, the two pokemon were already getting to know each other, which felt even MORE as a confront. The fox-like thing didn't even had the decency to wait for the brave one who risked his life for it! (Sort of)

---Lettuce Ball! Fox Thing! Do not ignore me!! - he yelled, as he jumped in between them with fingers pointing to both.
(Yay, the cute nosebleed's back~ <3)

Yuki sees the Chimchar, which immediately gets her to start backing off again. She was already easy enough to scare just by looking at her, but the yelling and flaming tail just had her terrified. She stood back up slightly, now running away from the two Pokemon, as far as she could go before collapsing in a bush not too far away.
Ralts gets startled by the all of a sudden yelling Chimchar since he still sensed a different Pokémon near (Lili). He saw the Vulpix run away, but decided not to chase after it since it did not want to trust him.
Chims almost lost it when the Fox-Like Thing ran away.

---We haven't even been introduc-- He then realized that the Lettuce Ball was stil there.

---Lettuce Ball! I don't believe we have met yet, arr. I'm Chims, from the legendary clan of "The Wilds"! Are you strong, Lettuce Ball?

Chims heard a far cry, but he was just too focused on this "Lettuce Ball" one.
(Guessing we are all in the same spot. Except for Kevin, for now.) Ren decides that he still has to rest a little bit to fully regain his energy. While walking to a nearby stump, he picks up a berry. Ren brushes the berry and begins to eat it. Once in front the stump, he climbs up and lays down on his back while staring at the sky.
Amber shied away from the Chimchar. He was worried about his burning tail, which he knew would super effective him, and he'd be down in a blink of an eye. "Oh, uh-" he wanted to correct him; he was no lettuce ball! But he didn't want to risk getting him angry, lest he burn him. "Hi." He said, looking to where the Aria ran off to.
The lettuce ball apparently wasn't so fond of Chim's sudden appearence. Chim felt a bid sad, when he sudenly realized -

"Maybe he thinks I'm a berry burglar!"

---Hey! Hey, Lettuce Ball! Look at me straight in the eyes! - he said, as he got way closer than he should.

---"I ain't no berry burglar, arr! I'm looking for strong, capable, independent and handsome partners! Even though you lack the last item on the list, I'll give you another chance. Do you want to join The Wilds?

He was...a bit energetic.
Amber's eyes widened as he naturally put up his relatively limp vines to protect him, even though a quick fire type move would easily tear that down too. "Listen- can you please-" he stuttered, not comfortable being to close to the flame. He wasn't even playing attention to what he was saying; he was too focused on avoiding the danger.
Bulb would be Floting around as he resently exited the cave were he live with the other Boldums but he was so curius of the outside world and aswell...he dint like the others too question him why he was Not Blue like the rest,as he floted about looking at the plants and so many things he has never seen,he sees berrys,Apples things he has not seen in a long time,he was so distracted looking around he migfht not notice anybody.

(Kinda busy so expect short post here and there)
Chim's was so interested in his own line of thought, he became deaf to the ouside world.

---What is it, Lettuce Ball? Can't you talk? Oh...are you deaf? Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't meant to be rude, arr.

He shrunk a bit. It seemed like he really did felt constranged.

--But...what are you trying to those with those vines? OH, ARE YOU SHOWING ME YOUR POWERS? Yeah, I know you were the one I was searching for. WELCOME TO THE WILDS! Right now, we have a full list of 2 members: Me and You. By the way, I'm Chims. I'm not your leader or anything, we're BROTHERS IN THE WILDS! Now, you must have a name, right Lettuce Ball? Yeah, must be something like, The Dude, McLovin, The Unkillable, The Undeniable, arr. What is it?

He was definitely energetic now.
"Amber," Amber said quietly looking away. His vines fell limpy at his sides. "It-It's just because your flame, it- just-"

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