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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon

---AMBER! I have no idea what it means, but sounds AWESOME!

Upon some time of silence, he finally got together in his head what Amber was trying to say all along.

--Oh, the flame? Sorry, I can't turn it off, arr. I mean, only when I sleep and I don't feel like sleeping right now.

He really didn't.

--Now, my pal Amber *taps him in the head*, let's help some dudes who need help, arr.
Ralts witnesses the conversation with the Bulbasaur and Chimchar. He can't help himself but at the comedic show that was happening. He gets up, brushing the dirt off of him and stretching, feeling refreshed.
Bulb would be wondering around and see multiple Pokemons ahead,as he would look at them for a wille but rather be cautius as the last time he met a pokemon dint went well,as he would flote up too one of the trees and look from there....he feels like he is a Ninjask now....sneaki
"Is that what we do? Help please?" Amber had to smile at least a little bit at that. He liked helping people, since at this level he wasn't able to be a front runner in any battle, and his vines made him virtually useless. Maybe if he went on adventures with this Chimchar, he'd level up and become stronger!
---Yes, that's what we do!! See, the point of being one of THE WILDS is...well, I'm still figuring THAT out, but yes, we help.

Chim's head began to nod, as he continuosly shook his hands.

---Amber, stay alert. I feel others. They must be...somewhere...HEY! What's that Green Mushroom with a Punk Surfboard to the head?

He looked at Amber and whispered.

-This is our chance!

He ran towards the Ralts, yelling (again)

---Green Mushroom with a Punk Surfboard to the head!! Do not ignore me!!
He saw them approaching and then thought to himself "Oh boy, what am going to do!" He started to climb off the stump. "Oh dang that Chimchar is catching up." Once he got off the stump, he tried to walk away in a smooth style to not make it look like he is ignoring them.
Lili watched wide-eyed as she saw more Pokemon arrive. She was still a little shy with larger crowds of Pokemon in one place, because of her quiet nature. Ending along the length of the clearing to reach the cornn berries, she avoided the ralts and vulpine which didn't look the most friendly.

{( Around what level is everyone's Pokemon? )}
Bulb would hear as that Chimchar (Shar?) is a little...Odd,and the others were...well he cant describe them,as he kept himself hiden as he watch....he wonders if his white and gold color made anything...Nhaaaa he dint think so,as he would keep watching them as he would like too see them a liitle longer befor he makes contact,as he cas causius
"He didn't actually ignore me! Such a polite one" Thought Chims, as he slowed down.

As he tried to catch his breath, he waved to Amber, and then looked back to the Ralts.

---He..he...hello, Mr. Dude..*puff* *puff* I am...honored to..be...at your .... presence

He then proceeded to bow, and sit on the floor of exhaustion.

--Am...am..AMBER!..Come..we..we got a new...friend

Chims eyes snapped open.

He jumped from the ground, stood with both arms on guard position and started yelling.

---Are you friendly?? Come on, no time for jokes. I've got the whole gang of The Wilds just waiting to take you down. Now, look me in the eye!

He came in way closer than he should.

---Are you friend or foe?
Ren suddenly stopped as he sensed the Chimchar get defensive. With a sudden swing of his body to face Chimchar, Ren also got into a defensive position. "It would be best to not provoke me. I can be a friend but also a foe." He suggested. "I am not afraid of your gang."
"DAMN, INTIMIDATION DIDN'T WORK" He thought to himself.

--Oh yeah? Very well. I wanna see you not retreat and regret every word you said a thousand times when you see my best man. The ninja, The Undeniable, The Unkillable, The Everlasting, The Bringer...AMBER! Show up, dude!

He then proceeds to tilt his head just a bit, and give a striking look to the Bulbasaur.

-HELP- he whispered.
Bulb would be watching this scean as that Chimchar was.....very...he cant put words in too it,as he would keep watching thinking its a bad idea too show up as if he dose he might end up the same but he was brave,he was not scared but he was stull unsure if he shoold show himself,as he would be less hidin too take better looks as he was still ontop of the tree
"Oh, uh, hi." Amber tried to smile to seem friendly. Unlike the Chims, he thought his way of recruiting wouldn't rely so much on intimidation, but friendliness. "Yep, I'm Amber. What's your name?"
Ren acknowledges Amber but keeps his Focus on the Chimchar, anticipating for him to attack. "Dare and undermine my abilities but I promise that you will be the one regretting."
(Well, currently hiding off in a bush alone after being scared, so I'm free, but don't expect to really get near me with how easily scared and shy my character is .-.)
Bulb would be looking at the grupe as somthing got his one eye,as he would see some Trainer with a flareon as he has never seen a human befor and aswell that pokemon,as he would flote too a nother Tree too get a better look at the trainer but the leaves were bloking his vision,as he would flote down too the tall grass and hide inside it and would look at the trainer very curiusly

"DAMN AMBER WHY ARE YOU SO NICE?" He thought to himself.

"Alright, I cannot chiken out now. It's gonna be good. Yes, hm...experience! Power...hm...yes, let's do this!"

---Alright Green Mushroom with a Punk Surfboard, let's settle down this with a fight! - He yelled, while his face took on a serious expression.

His right leg moved backwards, as his head tilted down and he launched himself in the air, yelling

Ren prepares for the attack. He puts his arms in front of him to block the attack. The kick hits once...Ren's arms reduce some damage to the body. Second attack hits...Ren's body moves backward from the hit and his arms go to his side. "That was good but not good enough for a psychic type." He smiles then his eyes turn blue and purple waves for in from of him. "Confusion!!!" The waves head for Chims.
Chims head tilted in Confusion. Everything became blurry, and it was hard to focus.

But still, he was able to launch a fireball from his mouth in the direction of the Ralts.

--E..Ember! - In it's course, the grass on the way caught up in a bit of flames as well. This distraction and possible hit would give enough time for Chims to recover again.
(Confusion is a damaging move with a possible side effect of confusing) Ren jumps in the air to avoid the ember attack but fails to dodge it completely. The fire attack manages to hit on the far end on his left leg. He lands from the jump but doesn't land successfully. He ends up kneeling down on his left leg since his left leg couldn't take the force due to the damage. "Darn. How could I let it hit me." He inhales deeply and lets out a Growl. (If Bulbasaur is in the battle, he will be affected also, if Growl manages to affect at all.)
(I'm sorry, I thought it simply inflicted confusion upon the enemy. My bad :P For now, I'll wait some time to take actions again, considering that more pokemon may want to join the battle.)

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