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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Emerald She decided to fly back, she thought about training and it would be fun. As soon as she flew up from the city, she saw a huge 6 armed woman. She flew quickly there. "Alright. Who fused with who?"

Citrine "I don't know. Use those brown tall things." She pointed to a forest.
"Oh a fork with 2 points, how great!" Black Onyx said with a sarcastic tone. "Oh and I think emerald is on her way, so good luck showing her your fusion" Black Onyx Blended in his shadow and went to another place of the beach to train.
(Clear and Smoky) "We fused with Obsidus." (Smoky) "Neat, huh?" She added, the fusions third set of arms flexing in a show-off fashion. (Clear) I still have no idea what we are, but we do look interesting." Clear said, giving her two cents. the fusion's second set of arms going up slightly as it examined itself. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Goldy went over and tried to shoot the tree down, it didn't budge. He sighed "Trees don't work, I did find a cave if you want. I mean unless you can cut trees with a butterfly knife," he said trying to shoot the tree down.

(Obsidus) Quartz smiled "It's all new to us, the others are Smokey and Clear. So what do you think, am I amazing or amazing." She said putting the weapon away and crouching to Emeralds level. "Have you ever fused," she asked poking the top of Emeralds head.
Emerald She looked at the fusion, it looked like an Oreo. "So... is it 3 people or 2 people? And I've seen plenty of fusion with others to understand it. I've never did it before." She walked to the door of the temple. "And don't be unstable! I don't want you two falling and poofing!" Now that she saw fusion with teamates, she kinda wanted to do it herself now. But she couldn't find who, there were so many options of her teamates. Her powers could be abused by the other party, she didn't want that. Maybe Kyanite or Black Onyx are the best choices. She went in her room, forgetting the magical seal of the locking mechanism and laid on her leafy bed, it was pretty with flowers and vegetation everywhere in her room. She just laid there thinking.

Citrine She looked for anywhere that looked like the caves on other gem planets. She walked to a dark cave and used her gem as a flashlight. It was big, empty, and circular. She shouted out, "Found our HQ for now!"
Goldy looked around the cave "We have the worst HQ in all of gem kind. Never thought my next trip back to earth would make us end up in a cave, the diamonds will be so mad when we don't come back." He said laying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling.

(Obsidus) Black Quartz looked around and went back outside "So what should we, I mean I do." She looked up to see the temple and smiled, going up the hill and climbing down, holding onto the face of the temple. "I AM QUEEN OF THE WORLD!" She yelled looking out at the sea "You know, I like being a fusion. I finally have people to talk to," she said sitting on the nose of the giant women.
(Clear) "You could of always talked to us before." (Smoky) "Yeah, there was nothing stopping you. (Both) "You know, other than the fact we talk weirdly. Like right now." They said, Black Quartz staring out onto the beach, watching the waves as the went on and off of shore peacefully. (Smoky) "Oh, we've been meaning to ask." (Clear) "How did the fight go? We know the basic details." (Smoky) "But we don't know the whole story."
Citrine "Well, it's temporary. And how are the diamonds gonna reach us? The homeworld pad is broken and we don't have our diamond communicators. Just look at this place, with enough work this place could be cool."
(Obsidus) " I didn't feel comfortable around you guys. Every gem here had either been made in the kindergarten or where sent here from Earth. I was banished here and had to fight just to live so no one could relate, being something entirely new and enjoying it makes me feel amazing," she thought about what they had asked. "There was two gems, one was a short yellow Citrine while the other seemed to be a Pyrite. The odd thing was that the pyrite wore cowboy stuff, while the other was a discount Peridot gem." Black Quartz got up "We destroyed the galaxy warp so they are probably stranded." She said looking over at her surrounding as jumping onto the hand of the statue.

Goldy looked around "I guess you're right, with enough work maybe we can get back at those crystal rejects," he said sitting against one of the walls. "Hey have you ever heard of fusion," he asked, always knowing of it but was curious if she knew it.
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(Both) "Serves them right!" (Clear) "Hopefully they're far, far away from here." (Smoky) "Yeah, so none of us have to deal with them." Black Quartz continued looking around. (Both) "Perhaps we should un-fuse." (Smoky) "It would be quite nice to go inside." (Clear) "It also draws a lot of attention, which could be a bad thing." (Both) "It wont be much of a shock in battle if our enemies can already see it."
(Obsidus) Black Quartz nodded as they began to un-fuse, Obsidus had no room on the hand and fell to the ground. She fixed herself mid-fall and landed on her feet. She looked up and waved before going inside and sitting on the couch, still in her beach clothes. She decided to watch tv and sat on the empty bed. "Why do we have this bed again," she asked herself watching tv.
The 'twins' waved back before slowly climbing down and walking inside. The two decided to head back to their room, Clear wanting to finish her book she had left on the rock. Halfway there the ground began to shake, causing the two to fall down on the ground, and pieces of furniture to topple over, the glass objects, such as lamps, shattering. It stopped after two minutes, the two laying on the ground before slowly attempting to get up. "Ow..." The two said, holding their heads.
Citrine "I know how homeworld uses it, but I don't need to. I was sent here as an assassin as well as repair that warp pad. I need to be stealthy and silent, and in case you didn't know, fusions are the exact opposite."
Black Onyx afinished training and entered the temple "I see you unfused, I hope you liked it" Black Onyx sat on the couch and grabbed the news paper, he took his hood of and fixed his black hair on a ponytail with hadns made out of dark energy while he read.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Goldy picked her up "You are a tiny assasin, it makes you adorable. Where are we? I would guess an island but i'm just assuming." He went outside and sat down "What part of homeworld where you from," he asked looking up at the sky.


Obsidus "Yup, now I am just watching tv, human tv is so weird." She said sitting on the bed and rolling around in the covers. She soon was in a ball "I'M A POTATO! Fusing is so much fun, I felt huge, powerful and fast at the same time," she said laughing and sitting up on the bed.

@Galen Ardila
Sunstone would still act out of character. He's running around really slowly, and it looks as if he wasn't a Crystal Gem. He began to shout out gibberish. "D kcdg pbgz vzf umdloog uyen!"
Obsidus jumped down and grabbed him, she smacked him across the face "STOP BEING CRAZY!" She said slowly lifting him off the ground, she looked nervous, placing him on the bed.

Ky was in his room, his waterbed rocking back and forth steadily. He was splayed out, thinking to himself. He thought of the Homeworld Gems he encountered, and wondered what they were doing. He also thought of Emerald, and the rest of his allies. He turned his head as someone entered his room.
Emerald Emerald chose who to fuse with after a long while, it turned out to be night time by the time she chose. She went into Ky's room with her hands in front of her in a ball against eachother.


Citrine "Near the Diamond Authority bases, where they gave me jobs for certain places." She started to build the HQ, ignoring anything around her. By the time she finished, it was night time.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy used his gun to slowly wear away at a wall. When he was finished he went out and brought in some things from the sea. He had a bubbled crab, some shells and branches which he lit on fire. He made holes in the wall with his gun and placed the torches in, he smiled "HQ is looking nice," he said crawling into the medium sized hole he had made into the wall and looking up at the stone.

Emerald "Where would you even get one of those? We don't have money... Anyway that's not the point. I've been looking into fusion..." She wondered how he would react.


Citrine She had a large array of gems she found deep in the sea, almost a complete rainbow with clam pearls. "How many gems were killed underwater? This is rather large of a collection." She laid down in a rock cubby she made with precision. "So, what do we do now? Look for those crystal clods?" She twittered with her knife, spinning it slowly.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus looked at Sun Stone and took him off the bed, she placed him in Onxy's hands. "I can't fix him so you take him," she said in a agitated voice, she took out her sword and poked Sunny's arm, trying anything to help him.

@Erbrin @Galen Ardila

Goldy shrugged "Do you know how to find them. For all we know they could be half way across the world," he said getting out of his cubby. He sighed "If it will help ya mind ease i'll scout and see if I can find them." He said tipping his hat and walking outside.


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