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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Obsidus ran over "I GOT IT!" She said extending her hands as the portal open and waited for the rest. She smiled, proud showering her ways of helping.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious

Goldy took out his gun and shot the hologram in the head. "I could, my question is can you handle them. I mean, you only have a butterfly knife, what can that do in a gun fight," he said picking her up. He looked at the ocean "I have to admit, it does look nice from afar," he said placing her back down, he messed with his diamond badge.

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"Let's g-" Time stopped.

"Yes it does but I don't get it... And it's not a butter knife." She reached for her eye and summoned her butterfly knife. She did tricks with it, they seemed impossible but anything can happen with enough practice.
Goldy sat down "What are we waiting for again. Our mission was to fix the warp, we did," he said looking at her doing tricks. He spun his gun and shot it in the air "Guns work better in fights," he said putting the gun away. He sat on the edge and whistled, waiting for action.

Obsidus took out her swords and got into a battle stance. She pointed her sword at the two "You are in a non colonization zone. You will be punished by the crystal gems." She yelled waiting for orders from Emerald.

Goldy took his gun out "You get the eye girl. I'll get the emerald, I will enjoy this." He said pointing his gun and shooting at Emerald, he grabbed Citrine and moved her out of the way "You want me to throw you," he asked, still shooting.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
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Ky rolled his eyes and stopped time again. He took everyone's weapons and stuffed them into his pocket, and stood in the middle. When he resumed time, he put his hands up to stop everyone.

"Alright, alright. Cut it out."
Emerald dodged by just moving sideways. She summoned her dagger, it was beautiful. "Yeah, guns suck..."

"No, I got the green one!"
When her dagger was gone, she couldn't believe it. She made it poof. "What the heck man?"

Citrine tapped her gem eye, it started to glow.
Goldy was about to shoot seeing his gun vanish. "What the- HEY GUNS ARE AWESOME!" He looked at Citrine "We are outnumbered, don't react until you see your chance," he whispered, poofing his gun and twirling his new one. He grabbed the new guy and threw him "NO HURTING MY TEAM!" He yelled, getting aggressive towards Ky.

Obsidus stood still, she took her other sword out "Don't go stealing our weapons. We are crystal gems, we fight," she said, frustrated at him trying to take her weapon.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious

Ky stiffened up at Goldy touching him. His voice was deadly quiet.

"Do that again and I'll rip out your gem and shove it down your throat."
"Um, whoever you are..." She pointed at Kyanite. "That's not possible." She pulled out her knife and spun it around for fun. She always did this when she was bored, finding new ways to spin, reflect, catch, sheathe, and swipe with the knife.
Goldy glared "Hurt her again and I will crack your gem. I ain't afraid of no rebels," he threaten, before going over to Citrine. "Calm down, the rock needs to know his place," he said looking back over to Ky, he stood in between the two gems. He spun his gun and shot at Ky just missing his ear "That was a warning shot," he said with a laugh.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
"Do not test me. I can find a way."

Goldy suddenly had a bunch of graffiti drawn in permanent marker on his face, and his gun was replaced with a banana. Citrine had two eyepatches on, and Ky had knives pointed at each of their gems. They were stopped in time. Only Ky, Emerald, and Obsidus could do anything.
"Seriously? Can you do anything other than practical jokes?"

(I just realised, this time power NEEDS a downside. Let's say he gets a bit cracked the more he uses it.)
Ky winced and resumed time. He collapsed onto the floor and started crawling to the portal. His gem looked like it did before, but worse.

"Okay...you guys protect Earth or whatever...I'm gonna go get a cookie...'

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