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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Clear and Smoky followed her out, looking at the sky, the sun giving their face a bearable 'burning' sensation. They could easily see the hill and the two pointed, noticing the moving vegetation and, a hard to see, Emerald. "There she is! I thought it would of been harder." The two said in unison.
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Obsidus grabbed the two's hands and ran to the spot Emerald was, in a few minutes she was there. "Emerald! You really got to tell us where you go, Sir." She said a bit agitated but then calmed down taking a deep breath. She sat on the hill and admired the view, letting out a relaxed sigh.

@BigBadWolf @TheOnlyCatbug
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She noticed the gems behind her. "Who are you calling 'sir'? Anyway we need to go to the galaxy warp. Rose says there's been suspicious activity there and we need to check it out at night. She would take car of it but she's having fun with a new pink lion."

@Shammy the Shamrock @BigBadWolf (sorry, didn't get the alerts!)
Obsidus became stiff "Sorry mam, I mean Emerald, won't happen again. The warp? We haven't been there in a while, and a pink lion, well that's Rose for you. She is something," she said getting up and taking her swords out. She created her normal clothes and put her eye visor on "I'll be ready when you need me, how hard could this be, maybe it will be another false alarm," she said walking towards the temple.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf
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"Pink lion?" The two ask, their voice a mix of confusion and awe. "Could you elaborate on the suspicious activity? Did she tell you what's going on?" Clear added, finding that to be a more important question. "Yes, may you?" Her 'twin' added.
"Don't call me ma'am silly guy." She said as he left.

"A... yellow gem was spotted there doing something, not sure if the warp to homeworld is repaired or still broken. Anyway, she saw someone that probably shouldn't have been there."
Kyanite was just chilling out on the edge of a cliff overlooking the beach. His legs were swinging back and forth, alternating directions. He yawned and looked around for anyone else. There weren't any humans on the beach for him to watch, so he was bored.
Obsidus went inside and immediately went to the kitchen for a sandwich. She made herself one and sat on the couch looking down at her food "That William Dewwey, my god was he a twat. The time I asked to join and he gave a long speech, just swam up to his boat and hoped in." She reminisced on the past, her adventures, stories and thoughts, she talked to herself not knowing if anyone was listening.
Obsidus jumped and immediately pointed her swords at him "Gosh darn it Ky, you really shouldn't sneak up on a gem eating. Please don't jump me again, I don't want to crack you," she said going back to eating her food. She looked over and offered him a slice of the sandwich.

Ky shrugged and took the slice of sandwich.

"A little jumpy today, eh? You should relax. Take a walk, y'know?"

He took a bite of the sandwich and chewed thoughtfully.

"What's in this, anyway?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Emerald had enough of the sunrise. She went inside and heard the question that Ky said.

"That's a sandwich. It just has a bit of greens and meat. Quite simple really." She said, waving the arm with the flower around. The stem grew so it can grasp her arm without falling. She went into her room and placed the flower back into it's pot of sand.

She went back out and sat on the floor next to them.

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock
Obisdues laughed at him saying walk "I don't walk, I run, fastest soldier on homeworld. How has it been going, tonight we have to travel, there is a disturbance at the galaxy warp." She said looking down at the sandwich "Sand! That is what you put in a sandwich, the others usually make me food," she said taking another bite.

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Obisdus looked at Emerald "You are the the only few who have also been from homeworld. I must ask, how where your experience with our original home, I hope they were better than mine." She said putting her hand under a cushion and showed a old brown picture, that had names on the bottom. "A weird idiot with a good heart, to bad politics got in the way," she said with a laugh leaning back.

@Quillicious @TheOnlyCatbug
She facepalmed. She took a deep breath.

"Am I really the only one who knows what humans do..."

She walked into her room after grabbing a bread loaf and a plate. She came out with an actual sandwich that was cut in half. She took her half and set the plate on Ky's lap.

"This is a real sandwich. Enjoy."

She took a small bite of her half.

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock
"Well, people liked me. I was one of the 6 emeralds to be made. The rest are still on homeworld. Anyway I was liked for my rarity. That was really it until I decided to come here. They let me due to popular vote, and now I'm here with you guys."

She basically summed up her life in those short sentences.
Ky's cheeks turned a deep blue.


He pushed the plate to the side, towards Obisdus. He slowed down time for a second and thought for a while, but he lost track of time and time returned to normal.

"Ugh. That doesn't feel right..."

He glanced at his gem, which had glowing blue spiderweb-looking fractures on its surface. He gulped.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Shammy the Shamrock
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Obsidus sighed "You got the easy way here, nice for you." She said in a angry tone before taking a deep breath "The closest I have gotten to meeting royalty is you and Blue Diamond. Except you are nicer than old Blue," she said looking at the fracture in his gem. "Did I do that, I don't know what to do," she said shaking a bit and trying to figure out a solution

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
"No, I just had an accident."

After a few moments, it faded, and Ky's gem was as good as new. He examined it, but didn't see any more cracks.

"Huh. Strange."
Obsidus got to her feet "At least you are fine, don't want a person being cracked on my hands. When can we head out, I am just dying wanting to fight something." She said jumping up and down, striving for adventure like in her old days.

@Quillicious @TheOnlyCatbug
"Dunno. I just go out whenever I feel like it. Ask Emerald."

Ky was suddenly sitting upside down on the couch, trying to balance a blue knife on his finger.
Osidus jumped "YES! I want to be out of this place for a while, I need to be out of this place," she said walking back and jumping over the couch. She rolled over to Emerald's door "I STUCK THE LANDING!" She said laughing before getting back up and creating her swords.

Goldy examined the fixed warp, he looked back at Citrine "Ya, this old rock had only one thing that was interesting. The old west, but that is gone, do ya think those rebels still inhabit this place. Those pansy," he said next to her, he lied down and rolled around on the floor, gently tapping Citrine's side.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious

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