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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Citrine She got the hand of any tune anywhere. "I will fight to shatter those gems, the ones who stranded me here all alone. When I want to go back home, the gems will ruin my trip to go. Whenever I need to go, the rebels will never leave me alone." She kept singing silently until eventually silence, she was asleep now. Her gem produced a hologram of the memories of other worlds with rebels on them. They kept ruining her plans, destroying warp pads and ships. Then a fight scene was shown with her against a maroon fusion, on a world similar to this one.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy looked at the memories, the fusion made him curious. He patted her head "You ain't alone," he whispered walking outside. He soon felt tired and went back in a daze. He went over to Citrines hole and picked her up, getting inside, believing it to be his. He fell asleep the moment he placed his head down, holding Citrine like a teddy bear.

Black Onyx started sensing sunstones' emotions and thoughts, but he didn't find any disturbance, so he just woke susntone up and asked "What happened to you?"


(Sorry for replying late, I'm not recieving any notification)
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A pair of eyes opened quickly as blue cat's eye quickly shifted up with his long hair swishing behind him as he came to standing. He started running faster and faster as he could for some reason but tripped on a rock tumbling down into the sand with a high pitched squeak face planting onto the beach. Blue cat's eye quickly shot up on all fours shaking the sand off his body. He noticed the two standing there and stared for a long moment. He didn't move his lips nor did he carry any emotion but his dark blue eyes glowed him speaking through his telepathy. "You're like me........gems..." his soft girlish voice echoes.
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Emerald He accepted the fusion, good for them. Now there was a giant man with 4 arms, blue with green stripes around the shoulders and waist. Emerald wanted Ky to be first so she let him have fun.


Citrine Citrine laid there, moving so she can get comfy in Pyranite's arms. She got situated and slept.
Goldy awoke from his sleep with a yawn. He was surprised to see Citrine in his arms and slowly got up, he walked outside trying to be quiet. 'Time to go searching for these dang crystal whatevers' he thought looking out at the sea, he went behind the cave and started his walk.


Obsidus sighed "You want to go into town. I heard of this new movie and I wanted to watch it, however I have no one too watch with." She said peeking through his door looking around. She looked back at him, waiting for an answer.

Calcite raised an eyebrow as Obsidus talked about him being in his room for a while. "I have?" he said questioningly "Felt like only a few minutes in my opinion. Oh well, everyone's perception of time is completely different." Eventually, Cal stepped out of his room and heard about the new movie. He had seen posters strewn about Beach City talking about this movie. Cal only smiled as he said, "Sounds wonderful, shall we depart now? I'm sure there's a showing that'll start soon."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus grabbed his arm "We won't miss it for the world." She said running at a break neck speed out the door and to town, they had arrived in under two minutes. She smiled "I can't wait for Boomerang blade, the last blade," she said jumping at the movie they were going to watch. She walked into the theater "You want anything," she asked getting popcorn for herself.

The fusion took a step, but Ky and Emerald were suddenly thrown out of it. It turned into a mass of light and they fell onto the ground. Ky was doubled over, shaking for some reason.

Calcite was a bit surprised when Obsidus grabbed his hand and dragged him all the way to the theater. He only shook his head as he eas offered something to eat,"I think I'll have to pass up on your offer." he said simply as he walked into the room in which they would play the movie and took a seat dead center. The thing was, Cal stuck out like a sore thumb, he was the only person in the theater with blue skin, a gem on his back, back length hair, and a kimono. It didn't seem to bother him though. The movie would start soon, and Cal was excited to see the samurai movie. He had never seen a boomerang blade movie, but he heard that they were quite enjoyable. It wasn't far off to assume that they kept close to the source material, there's no way they could disgrace the name of the samurai. Oh well, the movie would be starting soon anyways. Hopefully, it ends up being enjoyable.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus sat down, she wore her normal clothing so to others she was odd. She took off her eye visor and sat down enjoying the movie, she thought it was fun and usually laughed at most parts, usually making a scene. When it was finished they walked out "That was fun, I enjoyed it. What did you think seeing as it was a movie involving a boomerang wielding samurai," she asked eating her popcorn and dawning her beach clothes.

Azurite descended from the heavens after safely fleeing from homeworld. "I can't go back..." he whispered as ice slowly encased him from the fires of entering Earth's atmosphere. "I can't go back..." he continued, "I mustn't return to homeworld... Earth is safe..." He whispered before he finally lost consciousness. When he hit the sands of Beach City, the sand became heated to glass, and the ice shattered. Yet, Azurite was unharmed thanks to the ice shield. He groaned before slowly rising to his feet. He shook his head, and held on to it in order to sooth the migraine from crashing into the earth's crust. Gee, did hitting the surface of other planets at terminal velocity always hurt this bad. Azurite's eyes widened and body tightened as he sensed other gems in the distance. He summoned his axe and walked toward the fusion silently.

@Quillicious @TheOnlyCatbug
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Blue cat's eye stays at his distance from them before turning away unnoticed with a deep exhale as he moves quickly. He bolts for it and runs away. He didn't know how to interact with others. He found himself soon alone again and plopped down backwards staring up at the sky with a blank gaze. How had he been here? A short few moments felt like eternity. The blue gem touched the stone in his throat and rose a hand to the air as a white formed in the breeze creating a soft butterfly that fluttered onto his hand. It then wasn't long before butterflies surrounded him as he closed his eyes beginning to relax.

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Calcite shook his head as he exited the theater. That movie was unbelievable! When he saw he heard her say how fun the movie was he simply crossed his arms as he said, "But extremely misleading. They couldn't be bothered to capture the true essence of a samurai. If anything, they only brought shame to the name. Boomerang blade...what kind of moron would use something like that?" before he left towards the boardwalk. He just needed to be away from that horrid movie. Maybe he could stop by the arcade? Anything to forget what he just saw.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus smiled and grabbed his hand "Let's go to the arcade so you don't get flustered when we walk home." She said taking her swords out and pretending them to be a boomerang blade. She took him towards the arcade and gave him so money "I'll be playing with the claw machine," she said walking over to the machine and playing, hitting the machine every time the object fell.

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Emerald Emerald tried to land smoothly but she couldn't form her wings in time. The fall hurt, and she wondered why they unfused. She gave full control to him, but it seemed like he didn't want to. Tears formed as she stood up, grass wilted at her footsteps running back into the temple and in her room. She locked her door.

@Quillicious @MightBeASithLord @Any1 else who was in the temple/outside.

Cirtine Timeskip til morning in a few posts.
Ky was laughing. He had gotten too excited and he guessed that was what made them defuse. After he looked around, he stopped laughing and frowned. He thought that was fun, but he say Emerald running away. He followed the path of wilted grass until he got to the temple. She probably needed some time alone, and he sighed as he turned away, walking to the cliff overlooking the sea. Ky sat down and twirled a wilted flower between his fingers, regretting he lost control. He started to hum a song to himself, but he choked on tears. Sniffing, he tried to stop himself from crying, as he almost never did, but he eventually let the tears flow down his cheeks and onto the grass. One hit the flower, and it drooped even lower. He sighed again and held his chin in his hand.

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Calcite took the money in his hand as he did what he had seen done at least a couple hundred times: he walked up to the coin dispenser, inserted his money, and got it back in tokens. Cal took the tokens and stuffed them into a small pocket in his kimono. He saw a new machine that must of been put up recently. It was named "Punch buddy junior". There was something about the way the odd doll on the front stared at Cal that made him approach out of curiosity. "Come on kid, I bet you can't even knock me over! Talk about weak." the doll shouted to Cal. This got him quite upset as he said, "How dare you! You have no idea what I'm capable of! I'm save your world from sure destruction and this is the thanks I get? I'll wipe that disgusting smirk off that horrendous face of yours!" Cal then slipped a coin into the slot as the doll popped out and shouted, "Come on, hit me with everything you've got! I'm the champ, chances of you knocking me down are slim to none!" That was when Cal wound up and backhanded to doll. He released a burst of wind the moment he came in contact with it and watched it fly out the arcade and into the ocean. Calcite only watched as some tickets began to pour out of the machine. "Looks like I won. Some champion he was, more of a senseless fool in my opinion. Humph."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus saw this and ran over with her new panda bear. She hit him with it a few times "BAD CAL! BAD CAL! You can't go breaking peoples stuff, even I know this and I can't make a sandwich." She said a bit agitated, she went up to the owner "How much," they talked for a bit before she went back to Cal. Obsidus grabbed his hand and ran out and hid behind a bench "I refuse to pay that guy a cent, that thing is expensive," she said going up to a vendor and getting cotton candy, she grabbed his hand and walked towards the temple.

Goldy walked around while the darkness was still around them. He grabbed a branch and lit it, walking around the forest. He placed the hat on Citrine so she could sleep.
Calcite sighed as he was once again led out of somewhere by the hand like a child. "And I refuse to be treated like an animal. I give you respect and I expect the same back." he said in response to Obsidus' comment on the price to repair the machine. As his hand was once again grabbed Cal yanked it free and walked with both in his pocket. He locked over to Obsidus and finally said, "I'm more than capable of walking on my own thank you. I'm not some human infant that can hardly stand on its own two feet."

@Shammy the Shamrock

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