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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Obsidus glared "Then start acting your age, this is one of the reason I don't talk to you. You over dramatic, samurai loving wannabe. You're just like Emerald, one of the other few home world gems and like the other, thinks by status. I am glad I left, so I didn't become you," She said with a growl, walking into the temple, climbing the ladder and sitting on the bed. She watched tv with the panda on her head.
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While Azurite was approaching the fusion, the gems immediately unfused and ran. Odd... He thought. What caused such an immediate fission? Oh well. He looked around to speculate his surroundings before he noticed another gem sitting on a hill. Curious. Aren't gems supposed to be social creatures? Azurite leaped to the sitting gem and stood at his side. He sat down beside him and looked up at homeworld. "Not too social, huh?"

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Calcite stopped suddenly as Obsidus insulted him. "Wannabe"? "Become you"? "Over dramtic"? That was it, Cal was now officially infuriated beyond belief. He went inside the temple and only stared at Obsidus before saying, "How dare you talk to me like that! I was a samurai for a short time, even after I still fought with them for hundreds of years! And become me? I am not, nor will I ever associate myself with homeworld ever again! I'm honestly trying here, but I guess to you I'm still scum. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not more laid back and I'm sorry I was made!" Cal had enough of today and simply let the gem on his back light up as the door slid open revealing a study. This, was Cal's room. He walked in and grabbed the door before slamming it shut and selecting one of his other scrolls before opening it and beginning to read. He just wanted to be alone for a while, that was all.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus went to a pillow and screamed into it. She sighed "I messed up again, GRAA!" She yelled jumping off and walking towards the door, she took out her sword. Obsidus ran out and ran around the temple a few times before running back inside, she sat at the door of Emerald and gently placed her head against her knees, breathing heavily.
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MightBeASithLord said:
While Azurite was approaching the fusion, the gems immediately unfused and ran. Odd... He thought. What caused such an immediate fission? Oh well. He looked around to speculate his surroundings before he noticed another gem sitting on a hill. Curious. Aren't gems supposed to be social creatures? Azurite leaped to the sitting gem and stood at his side. He sat down beside him and looked up at homeworld. "Not too social, huh?"
the butterflies burst back into particles of light which then did vanish as he sat up. blue cat's eye stared at the new prescience of another gem with glowing blue eyes. he stared at him cautiously. his lips actually moved for once and he spoke in a soft girlish voice."who are you? also what do you mean by social......I don't understand that word...." he tells him and narrows his eyes. blue cat's eye reached for his gem summoning his scythe. " is not being social a bad thing? are you wanting to attack me?? if you attack me I will seriously wound you with my scythe!! don't attack me....what does social mean?!!!" he yells not understanding and then was stressing out because of it.
Azurite chuckled.The thought of this gem harming him was hilarious. "Okay, first off," he said, "you will not be able to hurt me. Second off, the name's Azurite. Finally, social means you like to interact with the world. More specifically, other gems." Azurite stood and summoned his axe, which entered his hand from light, flowing from his two shoulder gems. He continted, "I don't plan to harm you anyway, and not being social isn't the best thing for us gems." He pointed his axe at the gem with a slacked wrist. "Your name?"

"blue cat's eye...." he says quietly and his expression shifts to a surprised look at azurite laughing and looks down. he's unable to tell what's so funny so he just looks down quietly. he swings his scythe down into the ground having observed that it seemed okay to lessen his guard. "this is the first time I've spoken to another being....." he says bluntly and exhales deeply before turning to walk down hill with a little huff looking up. "ah...it's time to go home,i need to feed my rabbit......" blue cat's eyes says stretching then stops to stare blankly at azurite. "you coming or not??"
Azurite shrugged. "Why not?" His weapon dissipated before he brushed the dirt off his clothes. "So, where are we going?" Azurite inquired, "I saw a temple. Are we headed there?" That sounds like a nice place to live in. It seemed spacious, so he would like a living space of some sort. Yeah, there was the whole, 'never talking to gems before' deal, but he planned to sort that out later. Now, he needs a place to reside, and that temple is ideal.
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite shrugged. "Why not?" His weapon dissipated before he brushed the dirt off his clothes. "So, where are we going?" Azurite inquired, "I saw a temple. Are we headed there?" That sounds like a nice place to live in. It seemed spacious, so he would like a living space of some sort. Yeah, there was the whole, 'never talking to gems before' deal, but he planned to sort that out later. Now, he needs a place to reside, and that temple is ideal.
Blue cat's eye shakes his head quickly. "Thats where those others live....I don't know them too well.." He says in response as he continued to walk to a place near by. It was a cabinen near by the beach but it was a decent living space. He steps to the porch and what seems to be a ferret comes up to him and he picks it up rubbing it's head and it purrs. He holds it up so they were nose to nose. "And how was your afternoon rabbit?" he asked and carried the ferret inside with him glancing back at the other gem losing his smile he showed to his pet.
"Thank you, please come again!"

Rimu, her hair tied back and standing on her tippy-toes, waved cheerfully at the doorway in a waitress' uniform. It wasn't a very big or crowded cafe, and it's walls were made out of shelves chock-full of books. A not too well known book cafe crammed in the corner between two stores, it didn't hold a lot of popularity among the booming eccerntric nature of Beach City, and didn't seem to fit in all that much. Bored behind the counter, Ruki had his cheek pressed against his face, and his boredom was obvious behind the glass pane that separated him and his workspace from out by the counter. For the honesty and trust of the customers, he did most of his baking and cooking outside where others could see. He was indulging himself in a book, idly flipping his pages as business was slow for him, having cooked most of their pastries beforehand, and it's scent pleasantly wafted throughout the air.

"Hey, hey, hey, can we please go to that temple?! It looks so cool!! Do you think it's a museum?! We can maybe bring some snacks if it's like a tourist sp-"


"No?! Why!"

Ruki didn't bother with explaining, simply shrugging his shoulders, before looking back down at his book. He knew why, and he hated the reason. Ever since they came here, there always was this feeling in him that there were gems close by, and the mysterious aura of the temple seemed to back him up on that theory. While he hasn't seen any for himself, he always held this weird resentment towards all gems, either Homeworld or Crystal. Scratching at his cheek, the uneven rough surface beneath it reminded him of that, and he scowled.

"You're lookin' scary again! I'm going to go check out that hill again, okay?"

"Check out."

With thoe blunt words, Rimu quickly leaped towards the door, a bit of a jump and a twirl to her open step. Briefly writing something on the colourful chalkboard, without changing out of her uniform, she happily strolled towards the beach, leaving Ruki in charge of the building


Her feet sank into the soft sand of the ground, finally making it to the beach. The good thing about Beach City was how close it was to the ocean, and well, how close their store was really. Anywhere you went, the ocean was never far away. Breathing in the salty breeze, she looked around, and something seemed a little more,
mysterious about the place, as if there was this weird unearthly energy present. Looking to the right, there was a patch of trees that seemed to border both ends of the beach that stretched far from each other. Her curiosity reaching it's peak, she pushed her way through the vegetation, poking her head around a few trees. There, she saw a strange building of wood that seemed to settle itself secretly but snuggily at the beach. An odd hair of long blue hair seemed to be by the porch, as well as shadowy figure covered by the shadows of the vegetation she couldn't identify.

"... hey! This is a nice cabin, but are you allowed to construct a building here? Doesn't this overpass some property law... or..."

@mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord


Blue cat's eye looked up moving stepping away letting his ferret run away as he ducked down with his hair covering his eye hiding behind azurite. What was a human doing here? And so close to. This bothered blue cat's eye. He never been this close to a human not to mention ever spoke to one either. He didn't move his mouth and spoke through his telepathy out load. "What's a human doing here too?! I don't understand! I though I hid this place well....."his voice echoed aloud for both to hear but he didn't move his lips once to speak normally just stared blankly.
Rimu stopped... and then.

Everything seemed to suddenly jerk into place in her vision, as if in a blink of an eye? Everything suddenly shifted so suddenly, as if she had froze in time temporarily. Patting her own face and body, it seemed like she was in one piece at lest, so there was nothing to worry about! Looking at the figure that had appeared right in front of her, and like the woman... man? The person behind him, they both had strikingly noticable blue hair, and his skin pigment appeared to correlate with the rest of his body. She gently tilted her head to the side when he asked her to leave, both in denial and in curiosity with why.

"You see, you might get caught up in the Gems' important matters, so yeah."

The man raised his hand up, and there, she saw the iconic stone that all Gems had, both so similar to each other but incredibly unique. Ignoring the darkening cheeks of the gem, she reached forward and grabbed his hand, her cheeks slightly flushed out of fascination and admiration. Unlike Ruki's clear detestment, she always found a fascination with Gems in general, what capabilities they held, where they may have begun, and their interactions and relations with human. Gripping his hand tightly, she shook it up and down.

"You're a Gem... amazing! I had a friend who was one too, I'm sure she would have loved to meet you. Oh!"

The figure that she had spotted earlier quickly turned around, and unlike what she had thought, his anatomy displayed features more masucline than feminine, despite the ambiguity with it. While he was tall, maybe even taller than Ruki with that, he hid behind Azurite, his hair covering over his eyes. Perhaps he wasn't the most social? It wasn't the first time she would have encountered people like that, but being a waitress, you really are pushed to the limits of being social.

"What's a human doing here, too?! I don't understand! I thought I hid this place well...."

He never moved his mouth! Perhaps it was a form of telepathy, or mental communication? Was it only her, or was it mutual among those here?

"I'm sorry! I had a friend who trained around these trees often, and I kinda felt like something was around here! I didn't mean to frighten you or your friends if I did.."

Rimu's expressions and voice were very open with her own thoughts, and it can easily be inferred she wasn't the best at lying. Her voice fluctuated in tone from surprise, to happiness, to apologetic sadness, it was rather shocking how quickly but earnestly she could have conveyed herself.

@mewbot5408 @Quillicious

Ky tried to tug his hand back, but he didn't care anymore. He just let her hold it while he stood there, somehow not awkwardly.

"This place is dangerous for humans, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, we get this a lot. Not the hand stealing thing, though. That's a new one. So, who's your Gem friend?"

In coming old art ;-;


"Mm? Oh, whoops! Sorry!"

Letting go of his hand quickly, she awkwardly scratched her neck apologetically, averting her gaze to the side.

"I'm rather open with people, which I get scolded about constantly. But I'm sure it's fine! The Gem? Uuhmmm..."

She wasn't sure how to phrase it exactly. When she came to Beach City, she wasn't exactly in the best of conditions. She held this strange spitefulness similar to Ruki of all gems. Sodalite, the one Rimu had met, was always seen as this sort of "bandit" and "rebel figure" back on Homeworld. She was an outlaw, and there were often rumours from long ago that had spread about her and her evil doings, which were far exaggerated from the truth, but back before the Rebellion, they couldn't tolerate a single word of it otherwise. It wasn't uncommon, but she was typically very vaguely known of now, even ages after the end of the Gem War.

"... her name is Sodalite. I don't think she's around here anymore."

For the longest time that she was able to stay here, she trained Rimu with what she knew when it came to combat, as well as a biased perspective on her own opinion of Gems, which she believed Ruki devised his own beliefs from. But even despite that, she still viewed Gems as admirable beings, and it was up to both humans and Gems to work together to accomplish things, instead of fighting over one another as so. With the arrival of Crystal gems to Beach City, Sodalite took the swiftess opportunity that she could to leave.

"Soda was really nice though!! Have you guys heard of her? She always said that she was a little bit popular, but she didn't look too proud of popular.. oh! I'm Rimu, Ree-moo~"

"Don't worry about it, I understand meeting a Gem can be...exciting. About your friend, though."

Ky thought for a while, then shrugged.

"I haven't really been aroybd that many Gems, sorry. I'm Kyanite. Ky for short. Nice meeting you, I don't really see that many humans that actually like us."

He looked down shyly.

Morning 8:00

Emerald Emerald didn't sleep all night, not like she needed to but she did normally. She spent all night thinking about Ky rejecting her IN the fusion. That was all she thought about. Her room was dying, plants wilted and the air wasn't as fresh as it used to be. The room looked sad almost. Emerald unlocked her door from her leafy bed, which was damp with tears now. She would come out in a bit but she still needed to think about choices for the day. She was still crying.

@any1 who can interact

Citrine Citrine woke up conveniently in the morning. Now it was time to kill the gems. She swiveled around the bigger gem and stretched.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Really?! I have no idea what you mean!! Gems are amazing, I can't see why anyone would dislike them?"

Despite the flattery that appeared to be in her words, she appeared to be earnest in what she said. She puffed out her chest with confidence, hitting her fist where her heart was. She was genuine with her words, which could both be seen as awfully childish, but honest as well. Ducking down to make eye contact with him, who looked down rather shyly, she poked her finger in between the space between both his eyes.

"Hey, you gotta look up! Lookie, the sun's rising!"

Even if she was human, Rimu's sleep cycle was a complete whack. She could stay awake as long as she wanted without any effects of it before crashing all at once if she kept it up for long enough. Pointing at the temple, her expressio was as bright as the sun that peeked above the horizon, using her other hand to serve as a visor for her eyes.

"Anywho, you're all big and strong and cool and stuff. Whats'up there? I really wanted to check it out but my work-cycle didn't let me!"




Blue cat's eye was 6'1 with pale blue skin that carried darker tones around his places like his lips and eyes his hair a deep blue with his gem visible in the center of his throat taking up a good amount of space there. He listened to them both before his curiosity had been peaked so he spoke. "How many others of us are there?? Also is it normal for humans to know about gems? And another thing...what do you mean by the world home world? I'm confused..." He pipes up actually moving his mouth and still carried a blank expression. He honestly didn't understand. Blue cat's eye was still considered a new gem not to mention he was a rarity. Cat's eyes weren't very common oddly.
Ky laughed, a genuine laugh. He hadn't talked to a human for this long in a while, but it felt good to have someone else to talk to.

"That's definitely not a place you should go. You probably shouldn't be here anyway, but I'll pretend I didn't see you. You might want to run along now. I've gotta go back to the temple. A couple Gems don't like us, so we have to protect it. I wouldn't want you or any other humans getting wrapped up in our problems.

He smiled at her comment about being 'big and strong and cool'. Maybe he should hang out with humans more often.

"See ya, Rimu. Stop by any time. I can always use company."

Ky waved as he started to walk up to the temple.

Ky walked up from meeting the human in a good mood. So good, in fact, that he decided to talk to Emerald about the fusion. He entered her room quietly with his hands behind his back.

"Em? You okay?"


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