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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

She smiled. "Thank you... I guess I am overthinking it. I guess I'm not meant for fusion anyway..." She blushed a little bit, then went back to normal. "Rimu! How are ya'?" She said to the human.
Obsidus looked down before getting up "I must pay my respects to Dragon Breath Opal. It has been 10 years since her.....I must go," she said running out and going around the beach, making sure no one was around. She never really talked about her due to Dragon never being around much and the fact that they had been close, it hurt her to imagine how she died.
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((oh shit i HAD HOMEWORK))

Ruki groaned. He had to open up early, but luckily, it closed earlier because of that. Bringing his hand over to his mouth, he openly yawned in the back room, before messily throwing on his uniform and pushing his way outside. Something seemed to churn in the pit of his stomach, and he ran his hand roughly through uncombed hair.
Today is just like any other day, there's nothing to...

He stopped. Once he went to his post behind the glass window, a barrier between the counter and everyone else, he saw two individuals with rather different skin pigmentations than he was used to. Sure, he was awfully pale himself, and that was due to his mother and father, but this was a little bit too unusual, And their attire quickly supported the claim that he didn't want to agree to.


Self consciously scratching his cheek through the patch, the hard, uneven surface beneath the bandage reminded him of the traits that he didn't want to have. He never really exercised his own capabilities as a half-gem hybrid. He never summoned his own weapon, nor ever considered it. All Ruki wanted to be was a human, and yet...

Listening on their converation as he quietly baked behind the counter, serving people at the counter, he tried to come up with his own inferences.
Rejection, did the Gem try to confess someone? The way she phrased it makes it seem liker a much more whimsical and amorous, but it couldn't be? To preoccupy with a grandiose activity in opposition to the responsibility born with fortitude... "oh, uh... here."

One of the Gems had ordered a coffee, and he slightly clumsily gave it to her, the same apathetic expression over his face. Rimu was late, and it made his job a little more harder than it had to be...?



"What's the Kindergarten? I don't know a whole lot about Gem history, or it's a rather one-sided perspective I know about..."

Shrugging her shoulders as she awkwardly smiled, they finally came across the small cafe. Opening the door for them, it was then where she managed to actually look at the clock and realize how late she was. Her expression seemed to falter a bit, and a cold sweat dripped down her neck. She'd get scolded for sure during their break. Nonetheless, Rimu was sure that he wouldn't be that angry! Showing them in, she pointed towards a small table in the back corner, very dimly lit by the sunlight.

"There are some, well, human non-fiction stuff you could read. I'm not sure if it's of any interest to you, but it could teach you a little bit about culture! We have food and stuff too, but according to Ruki, you don't need that stuff to survive, do you?"

With her question, she heard a familiar feminine voice. Well, at least vaguely familiar. The regulars and passerbys of the cafe were people that she got to know pretty well, whether it be their favourite drink, or just hobbies and everyday problems. Similar to the relationship between a barber and who they tend to. You can get little conversations in. Spinning around, she eccentrically waved her hand at Emerald in response.

"Hi Emm! I'm doing great, thanks! Can I get you anything, or are you good?"

@TheOnlyCatbug @mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord
"I don't mind...I guess.....though catty sounds a little bit odd." he says softly staring at azurite with a little blush pushing his dark blue hair behind his small pointed ear. Seeing the books his eyes widened as he moved quickly amazed at the amount of books. He rather liked books, all the topics how wonderful. A blue tail popped out suddenly from behind cat that wiggled with excitement. "So many Books!!" He purrs.


Emerald waved back. "Golden flower tea, do you have tea? Coffee hates me..." She tried to control a cocoa tree once and it did the opposite of what she told it to do.

Citrine and Goldy finally went to the island. "Let's look for a map. Or explore, that sounds fun."
Obisidus ran to the behind the giant mountain they called home. She crouched underneath a small hole she had made and looked around as it expanded into a bigger room. She saw Sarah and went up, hugging her "Happy birthday! Sorry I was late, I was talking to Emerald," she said patting her head.

Sarah smiled "That's okay, am I finally going to meet the gems. You did say on my 10th birthday I could go, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" She kept asking as she held onto Obsidus leg. She was soon outside and basked in the sunlight laughing "THANKS MOM, I mean Obsidus." She said looking down.

Obsidus smiled "Don't be sorry, now let's go wait for the rest at the temple. I can show you your new room, note I am your roommate," she said running to the temple and sitting on the bed with Sarah.

Goldy looked around "So what is this place called again, or does this place not have a name," he said putting her down and shaking water off himself.


Citrine looked at a sign. "Beach... City? Ok then. I want to explore, or something."

"Any tea would be fine, in fact. Rimu, the usual is in stock right?" It normally wasn't. The blend consisted of miracle berry extract, rare golden tea leaves, and other rare things that only show up once a week.
Ruki gave the best death glare that he could to Rimu. She brought more Gems?! Even when she knew hjow uncomfortable that it made him? Fortunately for him, it didn't seem like any of them were aware that he was part gem. And hopefully, it would stay that way. Rimu nodded her head and waved over at him, her typical angelic expression on her face. Rolling her eyes, he nodded his head, before quickly preparing the tea. Sliding it over the counter when he was done, business appeared to be quiet with two individuals investing themselves more in the books, and Rimu dealing with the customers.

"Here you go! The tea leaves you typically prefer are really cute tropical plants, too. We have one by the windowsill, and I named it after you! Isn't that right, Ruki?"


Nimbly picking up the cup, she slid it over to Emerald, spinning and landing without a drop spilling in front of her. Luckily for her, when she headed out to the Beach, she never exactly changed out her uniform, and most of the time, it never got dirty either. It was a small cafe that didn't serve much, and Rimu's high dexterity made it hard to actually spill anything. Then again, you always had your moments. Turning to the door when she heard the familiar bell ring, a radiant smile came from her as she started to welcome the newcomer, before she seemed to see that, no one was there. The door was open, but no one stood next to the door.

Was it the wind?

On the other hand, Ruki twirled a pair of tongs in his hand. He used it mainly for grabbing some of the delicacies that were baked further into the oven, which were heated hotter and typically baked differently from the rest, making that part of their cafe unique. He had odd cooking methods that came to be a threat to his own health, but with part-gem qualities, his pain tolerance appeared to be higher than most. Well, he liked to think it was. Invested in a book as he waited for the clicking of the oven to stop, he saw something flicker itself into the room. The door was open as well, but he didn't hear anyone come in, and yet, he saw someone dive straight from the counter into the kitchen.

"What the... hey, get out! You're not supposed to be here, you rockheaded nonpareil !"

Even with Ruki's evident hostility, he never held many physical capabilities himself. All he could do was give a cold stare at the blue-haired individual that had barged their way into the kitchen. It didn't take him long to realize that with the different colour of pigmentation, this individual was a Gem, and that made it all the worst for him, making him feel more bitter.

"Don't get your complications interlaced with my life."

The keyword that Ruki used here was "my", and not all of humanity. Because while it was very likely considering his origins, he never
ever wanted to associate himself with the people that caused him to go through such life-changing isolation. But maybe at some point, he had to.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
Goldy grabbed her hand "If anyone ask, we are a tourist couple and you have a skin condition, if they try to ask about it just flip out like if they called you a clod. I at least look some what human, don't make eye contact," he walked into town, his get-up looked weird but at least he looked the human part, he gave her a eye patch for her eye.

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Citrine saw a cat in the distance and tried to turn into it, it worked. "Or we can stay hidden like this."

"Thank you. How's Riku? I don't see him much when I come here." She took small sips, the best part of the drink was the miracle berry part. It makes sour things taste sweet, and the drink was too sour for humans to take one sip without the miracle berry.
Goldy smiled and picked her up "You're cute as a kitty," he saw flashing lights in the arcade and ran towards it. "WHAT'S THAT!" He said dropping her and running inside.

"... eh? If you wanted to visit, there's like, a cafe part of the cafe. What gives you the right to just teleport into the kitchen?!"

Ruki tried to deduce the possible reason. Most people in general know not to head to the mysterious back room if they were to check on someone, so perhaps he recently came down to Earth from Homeworld, or is rather new to the concept of human culture? Is this the first human that he's met to be just curious on her status? He most likely hasn't spent time long on Earth, which he was affirmative about, but he wasn't so sure when it came to anything else otherwise. Then again, what else was he even
trying to figure out? Ruki's personality was typically indifferent and blunt, and he wasn't afraid to scold someone. He prefered scolding and criticizing others harshly than he did with praising others for the things that they were admirable at. It was easier for him to find flaws in others than assets.

"Don't think that raising your hands and backing up will do anything. It's obvious that you didn't come in here through the door like a normal individual. Whether it be you teleported, super speed, something like that, the point is I didn't hear you come in, or even see you until I raised my gaze. You can easily just do that right now and hurt me if that's the case."

Skeptical, his gaze remained hard. But even with Ruki's intimidating appearance, he held not even an ounce of combat capability. He was good with coming up with strategies, but when it came to acting to them himself, his reflexes and strength wouldn't let him. Even if he held decent endurance, he didn't know how to use any of that when it came to fighting, so that wouldn't come to use of him. And with someone with a sharp tongue like him, maybe he should consider working on that at some point.

On the other hand, Rimu outside was wiping down the tables, casually conversing with the few that were present.

"Ruki? He's doing fine! As you know, he's not a whole people person, so he kinda locks himself in the Kitchen for the entire day. How're the Crystal Gems? I saw someone that looked like a Gem rush out when I was coming in. Is she a friend of yours? Black, heterochromic, pretty dark colour scheme, she looked nice!"

@Quillicious @TheOnlyCatbug
Ky lazily summoned a knife and threw it into the air, spinning it, and catching it.

"Look, you seem like a nice enough guy. I don't wanna hurt you, but I'm okay with killing my own kind, and even half-breeds. I'm just here to see the half-Gem. You, probably."

Ky raised an eyebrow and glanced at his cheek.

Citrine's gem eye lit up and a hand came out to grab Pyrite and pull him back. The hand went back in.

"I said follow my lead." She began walking toward the sidewalk, and she finally noticed somethings fall from the sky, they felt wet and slid off her. "What is this? Water from the sky?"

"Oh, them. They're... doing fine. Yeah, they're doing good, some of them trouble makers but we are fine nonetheless." She looked out the window from where she sat. "God, I wish it would stop raining. Monsoon isn't gonna spare us one sunny day, huh?"
Huh. So some of them can tell. Too bad they like extending it for dramatic effect... filthy rocks...

"Neutral rock debris, are you? I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no personal concern in regardation to you, and neither you with me. Unless you want some custom cake, I don't think I'm obligated to facilitate you. So if you don't mind, take your little play-thing and your personality that's edgier than your own knife and leave my kitchen, clod."

As intelligent as he was, Ruki seemed to be cursed with the lack of shame in expressing his own negative feelings on things, rather than positive. In contrast to Rimu's earnestly kind and bubbly personality, he was cold-hearted and indifferent, and no matter what he thought or what his words had experssed, whether it be dissapointment, anger, or frustration, his bitter stare never left his face. But he made no attempt to arm himself, and he knew well enough that if he was going to get killed, than he was going to. It irked him on how easily that the Gem seemed to easily see through his nonchalance, and Ruki had previously hoped that the conversation could merely be overlooked. It appeared that wasn't the case.

"Hmm, well, the rain may be kinda gloomy and bad for business, but I think it's really pretty! 'Cause you always know it'll clear up, no matter what! And it gives you something to look forward to, dont'cha think?"

The rain pattered hard against the window, and raindrops raced down against each other on the glass panes. It was going to exponentially fall into a downpour, though she didn't mind. Somrthing about being in a cafe while it was pouring seemed a bit cozy for her. Humming to herself as she helped organize some of the tables, re-adding sugar packets and cream, or merely replacing napkins. She got into the habit of folding the napkins into origami shapes if she had enough time, and it usually turned out pretty well with the ocassional blob-creature.

"Alotta Gems seem to be coming here. Not like that's a bad thing! I really love the company, no matter who you are! I'm just hoping that there isn't too much turmoil between everyone. I would really love to see where you guys hang out, all I've ever been was to the Beach and around the city~."

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
Goldy crossed his arms "You're no fun, fine," he said turning into a cat. He sighed as he kept the hat he always had "I hate laying low, this is what you call exploring, also the thing from the sky is called rain. It happens a lot," he said lying and rolling on the ground
Ky smirked and a knife thumped into the wall behind Ruki, seemingly thrown without any movement.

"What? Scared you might not like the Gem side of you? Sucks, cause you can't hide it."

With each word, Ky stepped closer until he ripped the bandage off that was covering Ruki's gem.

"Ashamed? Shouldn't be. You know, I think you keep this act up to hide the fact that you acknowledge you might not be accepted becuase you're a half-Gem. You cover up your insecurities with this facade in order to draw attention away from what you consider to be a curse. I'm here to change that."

"Well this is how I operate and we can't be seen by the many humans that could hurt us here. You don't want to be spotted do you?"

Emerald had a confused expression. "How do you not see our hideout... on the beach? I'll show you once this rain clears up."

Suddenly the cafe door was open, with a loud thump. Someone kicked it open, how rude.

A tall, 6'7", purple armored, purple striped gem with long lavender hair stepped in and looked at Emerald and the human next to her.

@Entarriance @Shammy the Shamrock
Ky was taller than Ruki by a few inches, and probably a far more fit. Ruki was a strategizer, a nerd here, anything but a fighter. Brains over brawns, as some say. But as the knife seemed to appear merely centimeters from his face, Ruki didn't flinch. He did expect to be able to see the knife moving, but it wouldn't be surprising if he found a knife jabbed in his shoulder all of a sudden. He never had anything to look forward to, so why should this mean anything otherwise? But when Ky brought his hand up to his cheek, ripping off the bandage. Ruki shoved the Gem by the center of his chest, a distasteful expression on his face as he instinctively covered that side of his face with his arm. What anyone could have caught a brief glimpse of was a rich and smooth gem with a slightly blue hue to it, appearing to range in highlights from orange to yellow.

"Pardon you, it's rude to remove expediency placed over a laceration. Or at least one to cover up an aberration. And you seem to be misconceiving something. I'm not aghast at who I am, and frankly, I don't hold any personal concern to whether I'm accepted or not. To fear and to hate are very different words, and I doubt you have the brain capacity to understand that, as the rock you are. It's even sadder that I can come to the denoument you associated yourself with Rimu just to find me, though that's a bit of a stretch with the number of logical fallacies and discrepancies that holds."

Rimu heard a thud from the kitchen.
"Hey, you should take a break soon! Don't get stressed over a cake or something!"

"I'm fine!"

She returned her gaze towarsd Emerald. Happily clasping her hands together, she nodded her head an agreement to her words.

"I'd be happy to check it out! Ruki always told me it was some historical artifact, I didn't know you actually stayed there! Is it cool! Is i-"

Before she could finish her statement, she heard the bell.. uh.. door... slam? Spinning around, Rimu scurried over to the door, but before she could bow, the first thing she had to do was, look up. The figure was massive, towering over her, looking down upon those sitting in the cafe. The door creaked under the force it was opened under, and his intimidating gaze scanned everyone, before pinpointing on Emerald and her. While she did have the right to cower, Rimu kept her bubbly personality up.

"Welcome! If you don't mind, sir, I rather you not roughly open the door! It's important, 'cause people, like, go in and out of doors 'n stuff, y'know? Oh, are you a friend of Emms? Emms, is he a friend of yours?"

@TheOnlyCatbug @Quillicious
Ky didn't care about the slander, but he hated people touching him. He didn't budge at all from the shove, either. On the bright side, he knew how to get Ruki to reveal his power or at least a weapon.

"Well, hatred and fear can both stem from ignorance, so that at least explains why you're angry all the time. Anyway, a half-Gem would have a hard time understanding the responsibilites of a Gem, so you'd better perk up if you're gonna be a Crystal Gem."

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Goldy smiled and put his paw on her nose, he laughed "This is fun," he said before walking around the city. He hid under a bench and looked at the cold air, and the rain fall.

"Anger is voluntary. Fear is an involuntary response. And I have no interest in being a Crystal Gem, and in no way does it serve as my obligation."

Formally refusing, with his arm still up against his face, he moved towards one of the metal cabinents at back, The kitchen was filled with numerous utensils, spices, anything a restaurant kitchen would really hold. But for safety measures, there was also a medical box near back. Pulling out a similar-shaped patch for just the ocassion, he pressed it back up against his face, forming the iconic patch that Ruki seems to always have on his face. Shutting the cabinent, it did seem like he was making an attempt to overlook the conversation, and end it in general. While he didn't express it, the genuine uncomfortable tone in his voice hinted strongly.

"If you're looking for someone capable, talk to someone else. You have the wrong kid emotionally, physically, and socially."


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