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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

"Oh, sorry about him. It's just the way he does things... Anyway, this is Sugulite but you can just call him Meta, he liked that name."

He snarled at Emerald. "He asks if you can call me Emerald instead of that nickname."

Emerald went to Rimu's ear and whispered. "He can't talk. Also can we get 2 chocolate cupcakes, those are awesome." She sat down and Sugulite followed. He found a bigger chair and sat. Looking out, he could see the rain was still pouring. @Entarriance

Citrine liked shifting now, it WAS fun. "I like today. We might find gems soon, then I'm prepared to kill them." She followed Goldy and sat down. Rain was pouring, so she hid with him. "No humans are out much, rain is harmful to them I'm guessing?" Then she saw 2 children in hoodies, they were small and one had shorter hair. "Kill humans?" @Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy placed his paw on her nose "No, they aren't our goal right now. The gems are our goal." He went out the side and walked through the rain "Why didn't you let me get bubbled, isn't it the mission that counts," he asked drinking from a puddle.

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"Oh, that's okay! Just don't break the door, and it's all okay!"

Nodding her head, she heard him snarl. Apparently he was also asking for her to stop referring to Emerald through a nickname. Rimu did that with everyone, but perhaps it was a bit too informal with the customers?

"Sure! Two chocolate cupcakes for Meta and Emerald, got it!"

Rushing over to the counter, she expected to hear the exasperated sigh of Ruki, or at least the silence of him reading, though instead, she heard the genuine discomfort and exasperation of his voice as he appeared to speak to someone in the back.

"My god. Do you mind? I bear no interest in being a Crystal Gem, nor would I even consider, especially under the authority of you. You're the one intruding into my life right now, and I couldn't care less about what you have to say on the issue. Stop trying to force someone's life down a path that they prefer to not head down. I don't care if it's the easy way out, I don't care if it's my 'destiny', or whatever predetermination you think it is. Besides, why should I listen to you, anyway?!"

Rimu turned her head back to look towards Emerald and Meta. The conversation was rather, "quiet", but it's because Ruki never had the tendency to yell. He still wasn't yelling, but just walking a little closer to the counter would make their conversation pretty evident. Rimu had no clue who he was talking to, but whoever it was, they must have done something to get on his bad side at least. You usually get on the bad side, or none at all, and it typically was the latter. Poking her head into the kitchen, a worried expression on her face, she looked straight at Ruki, who didn't have his arm around his face like last time, but his arms folded over his chest in slight irritation.

"I-is everything okay back here? Ruki?"

"This a friend of yours?"

Ruki tilted his head towards Ky.

@Quillicious @TheOnlyCatbug
Emerald was talking with Meta about Ky and his rejection, as well as other things. When she saw Rumi's head out of view for a while and her order didn't come quickly as usual, she ordered Meta to investigate.

Meta went behind the counter and put his hand on Rumi's shoulder. He looked in the room and he saw Ky and another human with a gem on his cheek. 'Decoration, these things don't exist.' He thought about the human gem. He walked towards Ky, and hearing what Emerald had to say about him made him madder. He grabbed Ky by the neck and put him in a choke hold with one hand. The grip was tight but gems don't need oxygen anyway. His armor shook and rattled making it sound like steel, it was scraped a little from his last encounter with another corrupted gem. He walked outside, rain in his hair, and threw Ky up and towards the temple. He went back inside and growled.

"That solves that."

Sarah snuck out while Obsidus wasn't looking, she breathed in the salty air and let out fire.

Obsidus picked her up and walked into town, she kept Sarah behind her back. She smiled going into the cafe "Hey Em! You want to see something cool," she said, Sarah's giant hair stick from behind her back. It could have easily been confused with a plant.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Entarriance
(Last post for tonight, I'm tired.)

"Oh, hey Obsidus. Sure... whats that?" She moved her right hand forward and back from under the table, but the plant he was holding didn't move. 'What is that thing...'

Sugulite sat next to her in the big chair, glaring at Obsidus.
Obsidus placed Sarah down "This is Sarah Dragon, daughter of Dragon Breath Opal. I've taken care of her for 10 years now, she's the last remaining part of the original Dragon," she said glaring back at the new gem.

Sarah gave a weak wave "H-Hi, my mo-, I mean Obsidus told me gems use to fight with my mom. She told me I would meet the green lady on my tenth birthday," she smiled, sticking out her tongue, revealing the gem.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Entarriance
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"I don't mind...I guess.....though catty sounds a little bit odd." he says softly staring at azurite with a little blush pushing his dark blue hair behind his small pointed ear. Seeing the books his eyes widened as he moved quickly amazed at the amount of books. He rather liked books, all the topics how wonderful. A blue tail popped out suddenly from behind cat that wiggled with excitement. "So many Books!!" He says purring as he picks up a book. he starts flipping through the pages quickly but carefully scanning them over but set the book down looking up at azurite smiling just a little.





(reposting cuase you know nobody responded and my post got buried)
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Azurite took in the information that was laid before him. He patted Catty on the head to let him know he was aware of his presence. He picked up a book that said, "Earth's Geology over the millennium." He opened the pages and began to read of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and tidal waves. He lifted his nose up to the scent of something warm and sweet. "What's that smell? Wanna come along, Catty?" He walked over to the cafe and saw Rumi handing drinks over to two other gems. A green one, whom he guessed was Emerald. And a purple one, who (by process of elimination) was Meta. There was a human with Rumi. They looked like Rumi, but more built, and with shorter hair. Related, perhaps? "Rumi," Azurite called, "Are these more gems? Also, who's the human?"

@TheOnlyCatbug @mewbot5408 @Entarriance
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Blue cat's eye tilts his head looking at emerald with his glowing eyes. "...you mean blue cat's eye ,right?? Also don't strain yourself to just say my name....you'll hurt yourself." He says bluntly with a deep breath giving her a light pat on the shoulder for effort. He looks at meta puffing up his cheeks. He looks back at azurite blushing the gestures and introduces everyone by name gem wise.




Ky slammed open the door. He stormed in with a scowl on his face, aiming it at Meta. Again, he hated to be touched.

"What the heck?!"
Emerald looked down at the kid.

"OB? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... wait what!" She stared at Obsidus.

"So you kept her a secret from me instead of telling me! I thought Dragon was DEAD! You liar..."

Meta bent down like a knight and picked up the child carefully. He growled, but it was kindly.

(Last post for a while)
Obsidus glared "WHAT DID YOU WANT! This isn't a gem, this is a child, Dragon trusted me with her so I took care of her and I made sure to keep her away from gems til she was ready. Plus don't get mad at me, it is her birthday so make a good first impression," she said with a laugh before looking at Sarah, tensing when she was lifted.

Sarah laughed "Wow, are you a gem Mr. Growl," she said looking over at Emerald, a look of worry on her face. She clasped her hands together and shook a little letting her hair down.
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Pink Marble was once again stuck in a bad situation due to her lack of attention.

She was just doing what she found interesting at the beach, collecting seashells near the ocean, she always thought seashells looked fascinating with their different shapes, designs and creatures that live inside the shells, in fact, she happened to pick up a crab that took a liking to her, and she also seemed to like the crab as well and named it "Sandy".

When she started to feel tiny drops of water fall onto her, she ignored at first, figuring it was only the mist coming from the ocean, when the rain started to drop even harder, that's when she became worried for her little "friend" and started to run for shelter, taking Sandy with her.

She ran past a bench, not noticing two homeworld gems staying hidden from under there as her mind was set on keeping Sandy safe, she eventually found a small cafe and burst inside, running to a table and placing the small crab there.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TheOnlyCatbug @mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord @Entarriance
Meta didn't like the name he was given. He put the child down and went back to Emerald. He shook his hair around, his gem on the back of his neck was cracked at the bottom.

"Oh... What's her name? She seems... energetic. Oh, this is Sugulite, or Meta. Obsidus, did you not tell her about who is who? She doesn't seem to know who I am, despite me being second in command after Dragon "died"." Emerald saw the only gem taller than Meta.

"Hey Pink Marble, who's your friend?"
Obsidus smiled "Her name is Sarah, and I really didn't tell her about you guys. I only told her about Dragon, she's as jumpy as her mom. I didn't want to tell her much about gems," she said before seeing Dollie "Hey Dollie, hows it going," she said waving. "Also please, her mom is a touchy subject, I don't even talk about her much," she said giving a nervous look.

Sarah laughed before looking at Emerald "I go to school and Obsidus refused to tell me about gem history or her group, said it wasn't good to hear at my young age. So are you Emerald? HI! Does anyone have anything to eat, I haven't had lunch yet," she said picking at her teeth. She let out a sigh that soon turned into a breath of fire, she covered her mouth "S-Sorry that happens sometimes," she said looking down.
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Amber had been deactivated for such a long time, they had nearly forgotten their purpose. But, it all came flooding back... Literally. Amber reformed in the middle of the ocean, definitely not their outpost, with a beach in the distance. Choosing the more sane option, Amber swam ashore. Being a gem, this wasn't too hard, but they did lay in the sand for a few minutes... Hours... They got back up when it started to rain, "Wha...?" a thunderbolt struck, making a loud sound, "Holy @$#& the cluster's hatching!" Amber shouted as they began looking for some form of shelter from the rain.
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Emerald Emerald hesitated to touch the crab but she did. It felt smooth, so she kept her hand on it. "Ooooooooooooh, he's nice..."

When she saw the fire, she had a face of fear and realization. "Obisdus, keep Sarah away from my room at all times until she learns about her powers more. Hey Sarah, I need to ask a couple questions so we all can understand you better." She turned her head to Rimu.

"Rimu, where are our cupcakes? You've been daydreaming all day."

@IIQueenestII @Shammy the Shamrock @Entarriance

Citrine Still in her cat form, Cirine saw a gem at the shore. She walked up to it, motioning for Goldy to follow.

"Um, are you ok? This is just rain..." She asked as she saw the Homeworld diamond symbol on the new gem.
Obsidus nodded and sighed, she went up to Sarah "I'm going home to rest, you be good with Emerald ok." She said ruffling her hair, when Sarah nodded Obsidus ran back to the temple and sat on the bed watching Canadian programming.

Sarah looked at Emerald "What do you want to know. I got tons of information like......I know how to use a phone," she said with a shrug and looked around for whoever she was trying to call.

@IIQueenestII @TheOnlyCatbug @Entarriance

Goldy followed and sat by the new gem "Hey pal, you scared," he said licking his paw and hiding under a newspaper.


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