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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Petro Wood

Perto looked down to find the second in command, ironically they shared the same ability even the wings. But he was different, A fusion of a living thing and a rock. Petro did like his cake, unlike the other gems here he actually needed to eat or he would parish. He lowered him self down and retracted his wings. " Oh hey Emerald, didnknownthat you were in here..." He scrached the back of his head bashfully, he had grown attached to the older gem. Which in hindsight would just end in a heart break. " Hey mabye after I finish eating we could spar, it's been a. While since we did any training together." He walked over to the kitchen were he gathered his peace of cake.

TheOnlyCatbug said:
Citrine She got angry again. She summoned her butterfly knife and began flipping it professionally.

"The gems stranded us here, breaking the warp pad between here and homeworld again!" She said, her knife getting faster with each word.

"I was sent here to assassinate them."

Amber "Oooh! Assassination! I like it!" Amber rubbed their hands together like a villain with one eye and an evil cat, "Who do we assassinate? I've got shards" Amber demonstrated, summoning razor-sharp shards of various crystals, floating just above their hand. They gestured outward, sending the shards off in a direction, dissipating after a dozen or so meters of travel, "Heheh, I can't wait to get into the action!"
Emerald She shrugged. "Yeah, I guess we haven't. You aren't around much either, so this can be fun." She walked into her room and back out with a tan stemmed, orange petaled flower grown around her arm like a snake.

"Look what I found on the beach yesterday."


Citrine Citrine was surprised to see someone more excited to kill the gems here than her.

"I'm here to kill the crystal gems here on this planet." She saw the shards fly.

"Wait, how can you do that?"

@ferociousfeind @Shammy the Shamrock
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite looked up and quickly made the connection between Catty and the thunder. Azurite hugged him close to calm him down. "It's okay. The sound won't hurt you, Catty. It's called thunder, and it happens when lightning strikes. I read about it in a book before we left." Lightning flashed once more, but nothing happened immediately. A little later, thunder sounded throughout the sky. Azurite hugged Catty tighter to ensure that he'll feel safe. "See? The thunder won't hurt you. Now," Azurite smiled at Catty, "may we head back inside the temple with the other gems now?"

((I'm calling it a night.))
Blue cat's eye blushed looking at azurite. "I dislike thunder..." he murmured softly and have seemed to calm down a little due to azurite's arms around him. he looks down quietly giving a light nod. he sighes softly moving away slowly but ends up grabbing his hand a moment but let go shyly and turned around heading in the direction of the temple unable to help flinching a little at the loud thunder hitting his ears. he stopped opening the door and stepped inside hoping azurite had followed him.
"Oh, that's easy. It's my new gem weapon, after I got assaulted by a rebellious Amethyst." Amber is smiling, apparently oblivious to the social tension. It appears that crack did a number to their social adeptness.
mewbot5408 said:
Blue cat's eye blushed looking at azurite. "I dislike thunder..." he murmured softly and have seemed to calm down a little due to azurite's arms around him. he looks down quietly giving a light nod. he sighes softly moving away slowly but ends up grabbing his hand a moment but let go shyly and turned around heading in the direction of the temple unable to help flinching a little at the loud thunder hitting his ears. he stopped opening the door and stepped inside hoping azurite had followed him.
Azurite smiled and followed Catty inside. Upon entering the temple, he walked to the center of the living room and collapsed. "I haven't even fought anyone, but I feel like I need to just...I'll be fine, but I'll be right back..." Suddenly, Azurite's body became light, then dissipated. The only things left were three gems, but... each gem did not look like an individual gem. Rather, they looked like shards of each gem stuck together. The three pieces flew to each other and stuck on to one another.

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Petro Wood

Petro shoved the food into his mouth, he did enjoy food and everything about it. But having to eat it eventually gets kind of stupid after a while. Whit a gulp he passed everything down in to the depths that were his stomach. He took a gander at the flower that Emma brought out, it was pretty. " Let me take a closer look." It was a fact that Petro had a better affinity to plants, due to the fact that he was part plant. He could even tell what emotions they were holding in their beings. The flower began to grow longer, and grow more stems. Eventually blooming into a bouquet worthy for royalty. " Opps sorry, sometimes I can't control that. But the flower is very pretty, it also looks like it like being wit you."

Emerald Emerald had a disappointed expression, it was faint but noticeable.

"How have you not managed to control your powers in the long times you are gone? I can teach you but the way you do it is... different."

She tugged the air and moved her arm around the tan flower like she was holding it on a string. The flower went back to it's original form around her arm.

"But yes, training with you could help both of us. We all have an important mission tomorrow. Rose said to do it today." She pointed at a calendar, there was a pink X on the day that was tomorrow.

@purplepanda288 (Sorry, I didn't get the alert somehow...)
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MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite smiled and followed Catty inside. Upon entering the temple, he walked to the center of the living room and collapsed. "I haven't even fought anyone, but I feel like I need to just...I'll be fine, but I'll be right back..." Suddenly, Azurite's body became light, then dissipated. The only things left were three gems, but... each gem did not look like an individual gem. Rather, they looked like shards of each gem stuck together. The three pieces flew to each other and stuck on to one another.
Blue cat's eye picks up azurite's gems carefully and carries them with him to his room. He unable to help himself gaze azurite's gems a little kiss before setting them down on the nightstand in his room. He then clicked off the light plopping down on his bed quietly pulling the covers over himself. He closed his eyes listening to the small tick of his clock.
Petro Wood

Petro let a frustrated grunt, she was right he was completely different. Not only the way that his powers work, but his entire being was different. The plant the sat on the counter grew a bit and started to stroke his arm, for what ever reason that plant was basically sentient when Perto cam about. He calmed down, he was different and that's good. He does things that other gems can't do. " I send most of my time away collecting Corrupt gems, and you know that... Especially after that blast." He tapped his fingers on the counter, he was practically drilling a hole with his eyes. " An important mission? What do you mean?"

Emerald Emerald saw the way the plant moved. She let it go for now.

"Some sort of darkness is out for us. We need to destroy it. From what Rose tells me, there are a fleet of homeworld ship with new technology that can shatter gems instantly. And one case where they corrupted a gem, turning it into a monster. She told me to tell you guys to destroy the presence. As always, she is busy with other things like her new boyfriend. Whatever that means." She looked outside, it was nighttime.

"Well I'm going to sleep. I might need it." She went into her room, waving goodbye to Petro.
@mewbot5408 @TheOnlyCatbug

Azurite's gems began to glow and float before reforming his body by Catty's bed. He looked down on the sleeping gem, and patted his head gently and smiled. Azurite sighed with relief. "Being a kindergarten gem," he whispered to himself, "he probably doesn't know anything about artificial fusion, let alone that I am one. Let's keep it that way." His raised his head to the sound of foot steps. He turned around to see Emerald. Oh no, he thought, please don't tell me she heard that. Although he'd rather keep his being an artificial fusion a secret all together, he would rath Catty be the first to know, but I guess that wouldn't be a thing.
(WARNING: Percy has not got his weapon yet for some reason *i'll make the reason later on* so bear with me please)

Percy had been walking around Beach City all day. He was exhausted, but when he thought about going home to the temple, he noticed his gem glowing. He hurried into an alleyway.
"Why is my gem glowing this much? It's never done this before"

Before he knew it, he had a green waraxe in his hands. "Whoa, I get a waraxe? This is, like, medieval. Oh well"

Percy found how to put it away and headed to the temple.

When he got to the temple, he just went to his room and got on his laptop.
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Petro Wood

Petro watched as the plant waved off Emma, a small smile spread across his face. " Your too cute leafy." He laid his head down, leting out a small huff as he did so. The potted plant played with his hair, trying to comfort him. " Hey leafy, what do you think homeworld is about. I know they have some pretty weird tech nowadays, wonder what they would think of a gem like me.." Petro eyed Percy as he walked into the house, he a point it smile a give them a same wave before going back to his brooding. The plant seemed to shrug at him, at this point it made a large braid with all of Petro's hair. " I'm going to bed, your coming to my room." He picked out the pot, and took the small Leafy with him. The temple door glowed brown for a second, and opted to reveal his room. As he passed though into the room smell of Cocao beans entered his nose, A smile painted in his face. He set down the play pot and fell into his bed, passing out as his head hit the cushion.
Percy stuck his head out of the temple door and said "Well I forgot to say I got my weapon today." He put his head back in and went back to his room to continue, on his computer.
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Obsidus sat on the bed and watched tv with Sarah. She took out her sword and smiled "Hair cut," she said grabbing Sarah's hair and cutting it with her sword. She whistled and kept eyeing the tv while she worked.

Sarah struggled "Really! Why today, you could just do this tomorrow," she said crossing her arms as her giant hair was cut to medium size. Her clipped hair fell on the bed, it became hot and was thrown on the beach when Obidus was done.

Obsidus patted her head "At least you are clean," she said lying on her stomach, she started to doze off then sleep. She didn't notice herself falling off the bed and rolling onto the living room floor.
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Emerald was listening to Petro's question and thought about it too hard to hear anyone else. She heard "artificial" and that sparked her head.

"Wait artificia- Woah!" She was surprised that Petro was carrying her. If she wasn't thinking so hard, then she would've tried to turn Petro inside out.

She saw him pass out, so she just went back out. She had her answer but he was more important somehow.

She looked down at Obsidus.

"How come you guys sleep more than me. We don't even need to." She still had a bit of Homeworld logic in her, she was from there and she kept a few memories from her time there. Meta stood behind her and put his right hand around her neck, not a grab but more of a pat, a long pat on her neck.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Emerald was listening to Petro's question and thought about it too hard to hear anyone else. She heard "artificial" and that sparked her head.
"Wait artificia- Woah!" She was surprised that Petro was carrying her. If she wasn't thinking so hard, then she would've tried to turn Petro inside out.

She saw him pass out, so she just went back out. She had her answer but he was more important somehow.

She looked down at Obsidus.

"How come you guys sleep more than me. We don't even need to." She still had a bit of Homeworld logic in her, she was from there and she kept a few memories from her time there. Meta stood behind her and put his right hand around her neck, not a grab but more of a pat, a long pat on her neck.
(Wait, so is Emerald in the same room with Azurite and Catty, or is she somewhere else?)
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Sarah jumped down, landing on top of Emerald "I'm still here!" She said before getting off and looking up "What are you doing," she said with a tooth smile. She swayed back and forth, looking up at her.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Any1 else
@TheOnlyCatbug @mewbot5408

Azurite shrugged and chuckled lightly. Emerald's question was a good one, considering that gems do not require sleep to live. "I honestly don't know how Catty needs sleep," he answered, "but I just fell from outer space after fleeing from home world. Naturally, I need a break." Azurite smiled down at Catty once again. "As for what I said earlier," he continued, "I said that I was glad Catty didn't encounter any artificial fusions, and I hoped to keep it that way." He had to lie. If emerald, no, anyone found out about Azurites identity, it could be over for him. It could mean that he'd never get to see Catty again. He'd have to flee back to homeworld, and face two options: Return to the lab and be a test subject, or head over to a diamond and answer for his acts of treason, which included shattering many scientist. Yeah, he'd rather do neither. Besides, no one needed to know anyways.
Emerald Emerald fell on her stomach when Sarah hopped on her.

"Sugulite, get her off." She said, Meta picked up the girl and put her in piggyback ride position holding her legs.

She got up and turned to Azurite. "What's an artificial fusion? Is it a cluster gem?" She was a good guesser most of the time.

Meta confusedly snarled at her, like he was supposed to answer.

@MightBeASithLord @Shammy the Shamrock

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