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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Emerald tilted her head. "No Sarah, I mean about you. Like, can you taste things with that gem, what is your weapon, and what other powers you have. I'm very interested. And I'm planning for Rose to make your very own room in the temple." She stood up and went in front of Rimu and shook her head.

"Rimu. Stop. Ignoring me."
Blue cat's eye looks down the small human blinking. The only He knew everyone's names was because he read their minds to retrieve the info. The only reason he knew some of the gems in the first place is because for some reason I only have tried to interact with him but he was too skittish and always ran off like a stray animal. Blue cat's eye did not speak much after all simply getting overwhelmed by being surrounded by too many beings. In fact even even overwhelmed right now due to the fact of how many humans and gems were currently around. The only gem that he seemed comfortable with was azurite and that was simply because that was his new friend. He listened to all the conversations and interaction going on around him and by accident even had been reading everybody's minds and the voices flooded in his head overwhelming him making him feel like he was drowning suffocating inside. He put his hands on both sides of his head and then the next thing you know blue is seen heading for the door as quickly as possible. He runs outside in the rain yelling at the highest pitch his lungs could bring and bolting for it. Too many people. Too many people. Too many people. He couldn't take it any longer he was being overwhelmed he wasn't used to being around this many people. It was absolutely nerve-racking. Blue starts to run into eventually heads out over down the beach walking path forward into the Sand by accident with the high-pitched squeak in Falling Down into the sand.

@Shammy the Shamrock




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Sarah tilted her head "I can taste things, my gem doesn't stop that. I can breath fire and Obsidus believes I can survive harsh temperatures, does biting through stone count as a power. My weapon is this," she said as her mouth glowed and a mouth masked came from it. It had razor sharp teeth and looked was made to look like a dragon mouth. She breathed in and spat a little blue fire "This can make my fire hotter and my bites stronger," she said sitting on a chair and controlling her fire, moving it with her hands.
'Just like her mother...'

"Well, me and Meta are going back to the temple. I think it would be best if you come with us."

Just like that, Meta carried her like a fireman with her head facing where his was.

"Don't touch his gem, he'll get angry and punch you into space. I'm not joking." She said as they walked outside.

"You are just like your mother, you know that right?" She said as they walked onto the beach to the temple. She saw a cat and another person laying there but she didn't care. They kept walking.
Sarah looked down "What was my mother like? I never really knew her, Obsidus gets tense when I try to talk about her. She only told me that she had a fighting spirit and a burning passion," she said holding Emeralds hand, she walked in "Can I bring the stuff from my old home, I only took this," she said grabbing a Construction G.A.L.S from her pocket.
"Well Obsidus was right, she was powerful. She was second in command before she gave birth to you. Then I took command and thought she was dead. I can't believe he kept you a secret for so long. You were born before Meta here. You can get your stuff with Obsidus later."

Meta growled happily. His armor shook and made armor shaking noises as he walked.

They walked inside the temple, finally.
MightBeASithLord said:
((No one is going to tell me what's going on??))
(I just posted a moment ago, have azurite Chase after blue cat's eye....he's freaking out....also I think it's better to keep ooc in occ to keep things clean guys)
Sarah looked around and saw a picture of Rose "Who is that giant lady. I like her hair," she said pointing to the picture. She looked around and went immediately to the fridge and grabbed some milk. She poured some and placed the glass of milk to the side and drank the milk carton "I like when it makes the fire in me sizzle," she said breathing out smoke and giggling, she looked at the doors "What are these," she said trying to open one.

Azurite's head followed the fleeing Catty before he himself began chasing after the blue feline. "Catty? Catty, wait up!!" Catty didn't seem to hear him. Not in the mood for chasing, Azurite picked up the pace and appeared in front of Catty seemingly instantly. An easy feat, even with his limiter on. Azurite gripped Catty's shoulders so he couldn't run off again. He hoped the grip wasn't too hard. "Catty..." he said in a soft voice, "please...why are you running? Did one of the gems scare you? Was it everyone there at once?"
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"That's Rose Quartz. She's our leader but she isn't around much, hanging out with her new boyfriend and other things she won't tell us..."

"That's milk. We don't drink it much, Sugulite just likes ice cream. He makes his own... violently."
Obsidus jumped from the bed "Hey! How was it at the cafe, hope she didn't cause trouble," she said looking at the doors, she smiled "Those are our rooms, I don't go into mine much," she said pointing to her door.

Sarah smiled "I know what milk is, do I get a room. I WANT MINE TO BE ON FIRE!" She yelled the last part but quickly went quite "Sorry, got a little carried away." She smiled before running up to the tv "TV! YAY, you guys have everything," she said watching some show on tv.
"Obsidus, have her sleep in your room before her's magically appears in a few days. And we don't have everythi-"

Meta jabbed her and snarled.
Obsidus looked at her room "My room? I haven't been inside for ages. Also Emerald don't ruin the kids imagination," she said looking up at Sarah on the bed and smiled. "I've had her for 10 years, I am surprised myself how good I was at hiding her." She said a bit proud as she looked over at the two gems.
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite's head followed the fleeing Catty before he himself began chasing after the blue feline. "Catty? Catty, wait up!!" Catty didn't seem to hear him. Not in the mood for chasing, Azurite picked up the pace and appeared in front of Catty seemingly instantly. An easy feat, even with his limiter on. Azurite gripped Catty's shoulders so he couldn't run off again. He hoped the grip wasn't too hard. "Catty..." he said in a soft voice, "please...why are you running? Did one of the gems scare you? Was it everyone there at once?"
He heard a loud boom of thunder and he jumped a little bit suddenly clinging to azurite hiding his face in the larger gem's shirt shaking like a leaf. "I just...," he says softly as another sound of thunder is heard. He shakes even more.

Azurite looked up and quickly made the connection between Catty and the thunder. Azurite hugged him close to calm him down. "It's okay. The sound won't hurt you, Catty. It's called thunder, and it happens when lightning strikes. I read about it in a book before we left." Lightning flashed once more, but nothing happened immediately. A little later, thunder sounded throughout the sky. Azurite hugged Catty tighter to ensure that he'll feel safe. "See? The thunder won't hurt you. Now," Azurite smiled at Catty, "may we head back inside the temple with the other gems now?"

((I'm calling it a night.))
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Citrine Still in her cat form, Cirine saw a gem at the shore. She walked up to it, motioning for Goldy to follow.

"Um, are you ok? This is just rain..." She asked as she saw the Homeworld diamond symbol on the new gem.
(hoping I wasn't ninjaed. This group is very sporadically active. I like it)

Amber took a moment to blindly trust this New gem. "So, the world isn't ending?" They looked thoughtfully up into the sky, it was a marvellous sight, actually. Not that it mattered much. This place was in the way of the Diamond Authority.

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]

Goldy followed and sat by the new gem "Hey pal, you scared," he said licking his paw and hiding under a newspaper.


Amber looks back down at the cat gem. He turned into a Praying Mantis, "No! I'm a fierce defender of the Diamond Authority! Not even the cluster will stop me!" Amber shifted into a dragonfly, flitting into the air, slowly growing accustomed to their situation, "Gah, I hope I could maybe learn to control my form a bit more, though." Amber shifted back into a humanoid, their cracked gem visible on the back of their head.
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TheOnlyCatbug said:
Citrine Citrine saw the gem and wondered how it got cracked. Still as a cat, she spoke.
"Dude, we're also from homeworld, don't worry... Why are you here anyway?"

"Oh, that's simple! I'm a defence unit for the Amethyst Kindergarten. There were others but..." Amber looked down, "I don't think they survived the Rebellion."

Amber perked back up suddenly, "Hey, what are you two doing here?"
Petro Wood

Petro held two bubbled gems, corrupt like all the others. He had left on a mission a few weeks ago, he had knows these gems. They were Crystal gems during the war, that is until the explosion corrupt them. Petro still held the memories of Clear quarts, the fighting, the deaths, everything. The gems hair floated around him as he sped though warp space, a somber look painted across his features. The usual whirr of the warp pad ensued, signaling that he had arrived. He cocked his hands up, making the pale brown bubbles teleport into the Temple. " Hello? Is there anyone home?" His steps echoed slightly as he walked, where were the other gems? He summoned his wings, he flew up to get a better look. Or in case there was any intruders.

@just about any one
Emerald Emerald went out of her room to see Petro there.

"Oh, hi Woody, I hope I can call you that. Welcome back, there's still some cake in the fridge from yesterday if you need something to eat. I still don't understand you." She mumbled between sentences.


Citrine She got angry again. She summoned her butterfly knife and began flipping it professionally.

"The gems stranded us here, breaking the warp pad between here and homeworld again!" She said, her knife getting faster with each word.

"I was sent here to assassinate them."


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