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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)


Azurite nodded in confirmation. "Yes," he answered, "in a very simple way to put it, it's a cluster gem. Although, it requires a visual to fully grasp the concept." Azurite went over to the kitchen and made three small cups of water. Then, put different types food coloring in each glass: Red, blue and green. Azurite used his power to bring each colored water to him, Meta, and Emerald, without the cups. Each color was then frozen in order to represent gems. "You see," Azurite began," Artificial fusion is when two or more gems are shattered, then put underground to be cemented together." Azurite opened his hands to break the 'gems', then mad different colored shards freeze together. "The amalgamation that results from this looks like something that comes out of a nightmare. It's something terrible, and flat out disgusting." He melted the ice and used the mixed waters to make a small, but hulking structure of something comparable to a human centipede, but with only one body. Azurite looked at his little model in disgust before continuing, "I hope no one here has to see them, or fight them...I have, and I feel terrible..."

Emerald Emerald squinted at the model he made before he made it go away.

"This is interesting. How can they keep stable, though. They can be defused can they?" She said with a bit of worry.

Meta growled longly. Emerald pointed at Meta with her thumb. "Meta here says he encountered something like that. On one of his missions he encountered something similar to what you just made."

He growled again.

"He says it had claws and that caused the scratches on his armor. That must be a terrible way to go. To live again as a monster, instead of staying in the afterlife. I never believed in that thing but they still don't deserve this fate." She said a little saltily.

"The gems remain stable just through their sheer desire to take form, but they don't have their whole gem intact, so they make due with what they have. Also, no, they can not defuse, as they are literally forced together via extreme heat and pressure. They are a single cluster of shards, as opposed to a normal fusion, which actually has multiple gems." Azurite stood up and walked up to the window that over looked the beach. He sighed. "Furthermore," Azurite continued, "despite this, an artificial fusion can be 'saved', but they'll never be their individual selves again. You have to find the shard of a single gem in multiple clusters, and let the single gem form with all of the cluster pieces. Even then, the build is quite psychologically unstable, due to it's literally broken life style. A limiter must be placed on it to subdue the blood lust.
All of a sudden, yelling came from Peri and Percy's room, The two had started fighting over a stuffed bear that both of them have the exact same of the other's bear. Percy named his Swats and Peri named hers Ms.Alice. They always fought over the bear's if they got lost.

"Percy! That's Ms.Alice!! Its not Swats!!"

"No it is Swats!!"

Percy's gem started to glow again and he immediately grabs his waraxe and started to swing it at Peri until she came out of the temple door.

"Someone stop Percy!!"

(Also Peri doesn't have her weapon yet too)
Emerald Emerald asked many questions.

"Do they act like a single mind or do they try to break free? Can the shards be separated by extreme pulls? Is there a limit to how many shards?" She kept rambling. "Wait, why am I asking you? You don't know how it feels, you're not part of a cluster." She found how dumb she acted.

Suddenly the Peritwins' door opened up with Peri shouting.

"Meta, go get him."

Meta nodded and went into the room. He put his right fist in his left hand, the way in the gesture that he's gonna beat someone up. He was confident, he had his hard gem armor and his tall muscular body. He can do this.

@AlekaXKaden @MightBeASithLord
(sorry if its bad, i haven't done a fighting scene ever soo yea) (oh i forgot to say that no one knows that Peri and Percy are Peridot's Son and Daughter)

Percy ran at Meta, furiously slashing his axe at him. Percy noticed for a split second his skin was turning green. Percy stopped attacking, trying to calm down, He started talking to help calm himself down.

"Calm down Percy, you don't want to get your and Peri's secret out. It's just an stuffed bear."
Meta The slashes did nothing, only a few scratches on Meta's armor. He picked up Percy by the hair and put him down in front of Emerald.

"What was that all about? Tell me." Emerald's a good motherly figure, she took it from Rose.

"We lost each other's bears. I'm sorry Peri"

Peri didn't even look at him, She was furious.

"I'm Sorry Emerald. I wasn't thinking"
(Why is everyone in cat's room???)

Blue cat's eye rolled over and hugged onto azurite with a little huff. "This is my room....it's not a party in here..geez.." He mumbled tiredly. Blue cat's eye moved his arm around azurite closing his eyes with a yawn. He liked to sleep just like some gems liked to eat blue cat's eye enjoyed sleeping. plus for some reason his body took on the need to sleep some how and he could end up sleeping for long periods of time to resupply his energy. He still unable to continue sleeping sat up next to azurite blinking and rubbed his eyes. "I love sleeping also , my body requires rest to keep the balance between my dark and light matter...." He says softly.
@mewbot5408 @TheOnlyCatbug

Azurite held on to Catty's arms and kept them around his chest. He smiled at his friend and explained, "I'm telling everyone about artificial fusion. Also, Emerald," he turned to her with answers ready. He began, "The artificial fusion, although unstable, will act as one mind. At this point, the shards just want to take form. The shards can't be pulled apart, but can be broken again. Lastly, there technically isn't a limit to the amount of shards. Although, it does increase the instability of the fusion, making it more violent."

Azurite toyed with the water a bit more, turning it into various animals and weapons. He continued, "I've worked with artificial fusions a lot whilst in homeworld, but I realized how unorthodox they were when some of my friends were shattered to make one." Sure, he thought, just keep adding lies.
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@TheOnlyCatbug[/URL] @ferociousfeind
"A pyrite, eh? You seem a bit... Unorthodox? Oh, who am I kidding, I don't know anything about that class of gems." Being an Amber, they were stuck near the bottom of the social hierarchy, "I wonder what it's like, being in more control than a Ruby or Amber." Amber flinched, grabbing their head, "Ruby, Ruby. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby." With each repeat, Amber twitched, and fixed back into the fetal position.
MightBeASithLord said:
@mewbot5408 @TheOnlyCatbug
Azurite held on to Catty's arms and kept them around his chest. He smiled at his friend and explained, "I'm tellli artificial fusion to everyone." "I actually used to work with them, when I was younger, but I stopped when my friends were involved. And Emerald," he turned to her with answers ready. He began, "The artificial fusion, although unstable, will act as one mind. At this point, the shards just want to take form. The shards can't be pulled apart, but can be broken again. Lastly, there technically isn't a limit to the amount of shards. Although, it does increase the instability of the fusion, making it more violent."

Azurite toyed with the water a bit more, turning it into various animals and weapons. He continued, "I've worked with artificial fusions a lot whilst in homeworld, but I realized how unorthodox they were when some of my friends were shattered to make one." Sure, he thought, just keep adding lies.
Blue cat's eye sighed and tilted his head looking at azurite as he explained things. "You don't have to lie....I already know everything....." He says softly brushing his hair from his own eyes with a serious gaze. He looked down. "I have telepathy....and I don't mind what you are. I'd even want to be a blue tiger's eye with you...sometime." He says softly mentioning fusion with a little hum smiling a little bit. Blue cat's eye didn't smile much but he seemed pleased with being with azurite.
mewbot5408 said:
Blue cat's eye sighed and tilted his head looking at azurite as he explained things. "You don't have to lie....I already know everything....." He says softly brushing his hair from his own eyes with a serious gaze. He looked down. "I have telepathy....and I don't mind what you are. I'd even want to be a blue tiger's eye with you...sometime." He says softly mentioning fusion with a little hum smiling a little bit. Blue cat's eye didn't smile much but he seemed pleased with being with azurite.
Azurite's eyes widened at the mentioning of fusion. All the memories came flooding back. The abominations he had made, the scientists forcing him to dance with gems he didn't know, and the terrified look he got from other gems. Fear began to strike him hard, and painfully. The fact that his identity was revealed didn't seem to matter anymore. He looked down to avoid eye contact with everyone. Especially Catty. He said with a voice trembling in fear, "Catty, I'd rather not. It's nothing personal, just...bad memories of when I was tested on..."
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Pyrite sighed "Hey, hey, hey you ok, what is the problem," he said going over to Amber. He looked up "Maybe we should chat somewhere that isn't this open," he said looking back at Citrine.

@TheOnlyCatbug @ferociousfeind

Sarah frowned "You lost your bear, I lost my G.A.L once. I couldn't find her for a week and almost burned down my home. I'm Sarah, newest member of the gems," she said extending her hand up to Percy with a smile.

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MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite's eyes widened at the mentioning of fusion. All the memories came flooding back. The abominations he had made, the scientists forcing him to dance with gems he didn't know, and the terrified look he got from other gems. Fear began to strike him hard, and painfully. The fact that his identity was revealed didn't seem to matter anymore. He looked down to avoid eye contact with everyone. Especially Catty. He said with a voice trembling in fear, "Catty, I'd rather not. It's nothing personal, just...bad memories of when I was tested on..."
"I understand.....and I won't force you to. " He says softly and moves cupping his face with a small smile. "Azurite, you're someone very special to me,okay?" he says softly despite emerald was in the room he gave azurite a little kiss on the forehead hugging the larger gem. "Also,Its nothing to be afraid of,azurite.....fusion is a special experience and it's something I'd like to share with you one day...that is when you're comfortable with it. I can see your memories and I know what you're feeling so let's make new memories to replace the old ones...."He says softly hugging azurite a little tighter.
Goldy turn backed into his gem self "Back to the island!" He said picking up the two and walking towards the ocean, he smiled before jumping into the water. He climbed back onto the beach and went to the cave dropping them "Boom! Welcome to the yellow gem pals base," he said with a laugh.

@TheOnlyCatbug @ferociousfeind
Goldy shrugged "Do you really want to be the multi-color gem pals," he said looking around, he saw the bubble he had made. "I almost forgot Mr. Crabs," he said going over to the oddly yellow crab. "I haven't fed it and it is still alive, wow," he said showing off the bubble.

@TheOnlyCatbug @ferociousfeind
mewbot5408 said:
"I understand.....and I won't force you to. " He says softly and moves cupping his face with a small smile. "Azurite, you're someone very special to me,okay?" he says softly despite emerald was in the room he gave azurite a little kiss on the forehead hugging the larger gem. "Also,Its nothing to be afraid of,azurite.....fusion is a special experience and it's something I'd like to share with you one day...that is when you're comfortable with it. I can see your memories and I know what you're feeling so let's make new memories to replace the old ones...."He says softly hugging azurite a little tighter.
Azurite face turned to a deep navy blue before he hid it under his scarf. A muffled grown of embarrassmentcould be heard from Azurite before he stood up and walked out of Catty's room, with Catty still clinging. "We should head outside now," he said with the scarf muffling his words. "Sunlight is good!" He walked outside to the beach and sat down in the shallow ocean waters. The clothes Azurite wore are made of light, so getting them wet wasn't an issue. He buried his face in his hands to further hide the blush from Catty.
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(oops, I forgot this existed for a few hours.) Being picked up seemed to reboot Amber, "Oooh! What a neat hideout!" Amber got back up, checking out all of the yellow things. He then remembers the past 15 minutes, and scratches his head, "Oh, heh, sorry about what happened before, cracked gem and all. Like a human's 'broken recorder'... or something." And just like that, a smile was on his face, a cheerful attitude in stride. He smirked, summoning some shards, and... Sprucing up a corner of the Yellow Gem Pals Base.
MightBeASithLord said:
Azurite face turned to a deep navy blue before he hid it under his scarf. A muffled grown of embarrassmentcould be heard from Azurite before he stood up and walked out of Catty's room, with Catty still clinging. "We should head outside now," he said with the scarf muffling his words. "Sunlight is good!" He walked outside to the beach and sat down in the shallow ocean waters. The clothes Azurite wore are made of light, so getting them wet wasn't an issue. He buried his face in his hands to further hide the blush from Catty.
Blue cat's eye sat across from azurite in the water as the breeze blew his long hair gently behind him looking up at the sky. He couldn't help but to chuckle seeing how embarrassed azurite was leaning over torwards him. "Azurite...you Okay??" he asks then smirks splashing him with water playfully to lighten up the mood a little.
(( Sorry @Shammy the Shamrock that it was so long. I've been doing other things ))

Percy Shook her hand "Nice to meet you Sarah, I'm Percy and that's my sister, Peri"

Percy pointed back at Peri when he told Sarah about her.
Petro Wood

With an annoyed grunt Petro awoke from the ruckus, his hair in complete disarray. Little leafy had somehow fallen asleep with Him, which was a surprise. Before he left his room to investigate, he patted Leafy's top leaf. A small chuckle left his begin, the Temple door opened with a faint pale glow. Out steped Petro, he looked like he was about to murder the next gem that crossed him. He walked towards the kitchen, opening the fridge to down the carton of milk. He wiped his lips, getting off all the excess liquid of his face. " You know some of us need sleep, Organic life form remember." True he could just stand out side in the sun to get energy, but that was boring. Sleeping was better.

(Sorry about being gone for a little while, my notifications messed up.)

Pink Marble was back at the beach again looking for more seashells, until she saw Azurite and Blue Cat's Eye sitting together near the water, she seen Catty splash Azurite with water, then Pink Marble got curious and ran in the water in front of the two and kicked water onto them in a playful manner, giggling happily.

@mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord

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