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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

"Ta ta!"

Waving him off as he left, she spun around on her heels towards Blue Cat's Eye, a wide grin on her face from her pleasant interaction earlier. Shuffling a little closer, she brought her index finger towards her own cheek, poking it.

"Me? I'm not a 100% normal human. When I was a short and tiny kiddo, my best friend was a Gem! She taught me some things, so I guess I kinda know about Gems 'cuz of her. I'm grateful! And Homeworld? Hmm... you must not be from around there... uh..."

Chuckling, she roughly ran her hand through her hair. Unlike Ky, Blue Cat's Eye didn't seem as social, and more confused than anything else. But it's all the better oppotunity to make friends! She held out her hand for a handshake.

"My name is Rimu! I work at Café de la Lune that's pretty close by, but not many people stop by there. What's your name?"

She herself was unaware of the Kindergarten, which was a bit of an ironical statement with her friend knowing so much about it, as well as Ruki who was overly perceptive of it's existence. Rimu wasn't exactly sure where he came from if it wasn't the Homeworld, perhaps he was derived elsewhere? Where there other Gem planets? Ruki had never talked about it, or rather, he wished not to approach the subject.


Emerald She looked at Ky and didn't know what to feel. Angry, sad, pissed, depressed.

"Please... leave. I'll be out... in a moment..." She sounded like both emotions at once. She looked mad, but there were tears on her face. She still needed time to figure out what to do.
Goldy smiled "You ready to kill gems, should be fun." He said taking out his revolver, he pointed it at the cave entrance and walked out. He looked around at the sky and waited "Ya coming Yellow Gem Pal," he said with a chuckle.

Citrine She sighed with a smile. "Yep, buuuut how are we going anywhere from here? We don't have a map. And guessing means it can take us ages." She giggled at the thought of it, just them together, lost at sea with water around them.
Goldy looked around "SHOOOOOOOT! We are lost in the middle of the ocean. At least we are together," he said walking over to a tree and climbing it "All I see is sand, sand, and more sand. What should we do boss," he asked, putting his weapon away.

Citrine Citrine had a solution that she never did before. She just remembered it now.

A thin yellow beam went out of her gem and she turned full circle. She pointed in a direction. "That way. Do that thing you did, where you carried me." She wanted to try it now, it seemed fun but he looked heavy.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy shrugged and picked her up, he started walking in the direction of the pointer "Do you know where we are going," he asked looking around the beach. He looked down at her and smiled "You're the boss, you lead, I follow," he said whistling the tune from earlier.

Citrine "The nearest place where land is over seas. Swimming effort at a minimum. I saw a sign thingy and it said Beach City, so there are humans there. Just lay low." She was excited but afraid of humans, the diamonds told her they were a waste but seeing what they can build from space was really astonishing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy sighed "I'm gonna have to swim again," he said still following her arrow. He froze at the word 'humans', he had only met the ones back west. He never really trusted the diamonds saying there waste but hadn't met any in so long, he continued his walk.

@Entarriance @mewbot5408

Azurite snapped his head to the sound of the new voice. It was a...what is that? Not full human? Well, nonetheless she introduced herself. Likewise, he should do the same. "Rimu, was it? I'm Azurite," he said, "I ran from homeworld, and I arrived here but moments ago. To be perfectly honest, I don't know much about this planet..." He didn't bring up anything about artificial fusions. It didn't need to be mentioned at the moment. "You said you're not 100% human? How's that?"
Blue cat's eye blinked staring up at her with his blueish purple eyes. he stood behind azurite still hiding behind him. not understanding what a handshake was he poked her hand with his finger. "blue cat's eye...." he murmured in response standing up still behind azurite at his full height of 6'1 and hunched over still trying to hide his hand clinging to the back of azurite's shirt for dear life almost even though he wasn't exactly.


@mewbot5408 @Entarriance

Azurite blushed a bit at Blue Cat's Eye's grip, but he chuckled it off. "Don't worry," Azurite said to Cat's Eye, "this human means no harm. They merely seek converse and knowledge about us. Although," Azurite walked up Rimu and bent down to her height, so they could bake eye contact. He said softly, "could you teach Cat's Eye and I about the human world? We could use the knowledge. Also, do you know about the gems inside that temple over yonder." He pointed to the temple he was intrigued by when he landed.
Rimu's eyes widened as Azurite introduced himself. There seemed to be a large amount of Gems at Beach City than what she had expected. Ruki made it seem as if there was a measly 4-5 that were well aware to the area, but from the sound of it, he seemed to be new here. And from Homeworld, as well! Reaching out, she grabbed Azurite's hand, nodding her head with great enthusiam.

"About the human world? You bet I can!"

Azurite mentioned about how there were gems present up in the temple, and her shoulders seemed to jump a bit, as if surprise. She couldn't have guessed, it seemed more like an ancient relic than anything else. But of course, that was the only place that she could imagine Gems staying if it were here. Nodding her head in consideration, she closed her eyes as she pondered for a second.


Her eyes blinked open, and with a joyful grin on her face, she said.

"Nope! Not one bit! Oh, but I'm sure Ruki knows!"

While it was in her best intention to stay quiet about Ruki's own origins for the sake of both of them, she couldn't help but be enthusiastic about her new friends. Pointing off towards the city, Rimu thought of ctopics that she could discuss. They wanted to learn more about this planet?

"... the place that I work at is a really quiet little library cafe. Cafe's are where humans like us eat food and stuff, but I don't think Gems need stuff like that, right? Books are what we use to keep track of what each generation knows, and sometimes it's for our amusement as well. Not a lot of people should be there now! Come along too, Blue, I really enjoy the company! Can you guys tell me all about Homeworld, er, wherever you came from, really? All I've ever experienced was here, so..."

Rimu kept quiet, but the only things she had ever heard about anything related to Gems so far had been negative. Sodalite, who hated herself and Gems as a whole, and Ruki, who grew up to detest the part of him that isn't human, and viewing the world as monochrome with either Yes or No as an answer. Meeting those who bore their own opinions and experiences was already an adventure in itself. With that, she awkwardly (attempted to, she's like 5'5 and you guys are
massive compared to her + human ) tugged them along towards the empty cafe, the streets quiet due to the low hum of the morning air.

@mewbot5408 @MightBeASithLord
Ky smiled weakly and left a jar of flowers he had found on a random table in her room. He had tried to make her feel better with it.

"Yeah, I'll...uh...do that."

He stepped back out.

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blue cat's eye's cheeks became tinted with a purplish color and he looked down. "I'm from the kindergarten....or that's what I heard it was called... " he mumurs in response. he watches as azurite had stepped forward and then was being tugged on by the human girl so kitty follows seeming desperate to not be separated from his friend. he isn't hesitant at all but he seems uneasy and uncomfortable being around others. he had made a exception for azurite since he was the first the blue gem spoke to at all but anyone else made him unsure. he was not to mention a bit confused on the side. he definatly didn't understand what was ment by home world.
Azurite took in the details of human architecture. Structured, like homeworld, but nowhere near the technological advancement. He began to wonder how long it would he could keep up remembering 'Blue Cat's Eye.' "So, Cat's eye," Azurite started, "How would you feel if I called you Catty? I hope you don't mind." He looked at Catty with a warm smile on his face. He hoped that nickname was suitable for the new gem. Kindergarden, huh? Azurite had heard stories during his short time on Homeworld...
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Emerald finally figured it out. She went out of her room happy. She went outside, it was raining. She felt a few drops on her, then formed her wings. She flew out into the city and landed on the sidewalk. She saw where the gems usually hang out with other humans, the cafe. She walked in and sat down at a table, waving at the rest of her friends.

@Everyone in the Cafe
Obsidus went into town, wearing her beach clothes trying to get her mind of last night. She walked around soon seeing the cafe, she ignored the rain and saw Emerald in it. She went inside and waved before sitting down with her "Hey Em, how's it going," she asked shaking out her hair.

Obsidus sighed "It's fine, you're are thinking to deep into this, listen I may not be the most sympathetic gem. However, if you need someone to talk to i'm here for you." She said with a smile, she got a coffee and sat back down looking at the other gem.


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