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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

Ky shifted uncomfortably. He seemed nervous at the thought of fusion. His eyes kept darting from the ground to Emerald and back. He scooted over to let her sit next to him and motioned for her to do so.

"You have?"
Emerald She sat down and a slosh came from the bed. "Yeah... I've been thinking about who to fuse with and it seemed like you could be the best match, the other's personalities don't match mine..." She was really worried, it was like asking for a date...


Citrine She still laid there. "Do what you want, crush ocean depth wasn't good for my legs. I'm gonna lay here for a while." She turned and hugged the gem shards she collected. Hopefully they were natural and not lost battles.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ky was debating on whether or not to go for it or let Emerald. He secretly had wished to fuse with Emerald, but now that he had the chance he was unsure.

"Heh, I guess we could be a good match. I just...don't know about this."
Goldy ran out trying to find some sort of life around. He was out for hours, Goldy sat on a branch for two of those. He came down and walked back to the HQ and crawled into his cubby. He swerved to the side and started messing with his bubbled crab.

Emerald She stood up gently. "I'll give you time to think." She walked out of the room. Then she remembered Sandstone talking gibberish. She went into her room quickly and grabbed a bottle of pink liquid. She went out the door and knocked on it. "Sandy, are you in there?"

@Quillicious @Erbrin

Citrine Citrine laid there, she couldn't let go of the fact that they were stuck here. She tried to hide her tears and tried to go to sleep, she heard it was possible but never actually done it. She kept the gem shards in her arms, there were quite a lot of them.
Obsidus sat on the bed and decided to watch some Canadian tv. She flipped through channels and placed her hand under her chin "Darn I missed an entire episode, this must have been a bomb episode," she said trying to follow what was going on.

Goldy sat up and then the idea hit him hard. They were stuck on a rock, it could be years til a gem finds them, he sat down on the floor and put his hand in his knees. "No one will find us, we're stuck," he said to himself, shivering at the thought.
He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. Ky decided to stop time and follow Emerald. He stood in front of her for a while, until he finally decided to let time resume.

"Are you sure about this?"

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Emerald She stopped banging on the door and turned toward Ky. "I made my choice. If you make yours and say no, then I have a backup plan." She pointed at Obsidus with her thumb and walked into her room, locking the magic door for once.

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock

Citrine She stopped crying. "Well now we can kill those jerks without the Diamonds nagging at us." She felt a little relieved.
Goldy got up "I want to put a bullet in that Black Obsidian. I am just glad she didn't bubble me, I am surprised they had an emerald." He said feeling better about their situation "The diamonds can't tell us what to do, well now that makes you my leader since I was commanded to protect you on your journey," he said seeing the torches dim.

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Ky stood there, dumbstruck. He was terrible at making decisions like this, but he couldn't miss out on his first fusion.

"Okay, then. Meet me on the beach at midnight. See you then."

He walked over to Obsidus laying on the bed and sat next to her, patting his knees with his hands nervously.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus looked up from her show "Sup dork, hows it going. WAIT WHAT I MISSED IT!" She yelled grabbing her head, she had missed the twist in her show and put her head down. "Nice getting Emerald at least, I really have a love hate kind of feeling towards her," she said continuing to watch tv.

Emerald Emerald heard him through the door. He said yes, if he didn't it would be Obsidus next in line. She laid down, she waited until midnight, thinking what would come out of the fusion.

Citrine "Well, I saw that flower of hers around her neck and it seems to me she likes it here with these primitive green thingies, Yellow diamond told me they were non gem plants. It seems she controls them. No wonder why she rebeled. She was awesome on Homeword, the sixth emerald to exist."

@Shammy the Shamrock
It was finally time. Ky was sitting on the beach, the waves lapping at his feet. The moon was full and he was anticipating what would happen. He breathed in the cool ocean air when a salty breeze blew in. He sighed and closed his eyes.

Goldy sighed "Eh, I never really cared for gem status. If I did I would be wearing the shiniest clothes right now." He said with a laugh, he saw tear stains on her face "Are you ok, what is with the water works," he asked concerned.


Obsidus decided to talk to someone she would most likely didn't want to. She usually didn't like Cal but decided to have a nice chat with the stuck up gem. She knocked on the door "Cal, you in there buddy," she asked looking down at her book.

Emerald She stood there a distance away from Ky. She thought of a name, and it worked well for her. "Turquoise." She silently said. She moved with twirls, spins, and jumps. The tree's leaves and the grass on the hill moved with her hands, like they were part of her. [media]


Citrine Citrine wiped the marks away, she wasn't sad anymore. Now she was angry. "They stranded us here. They almost bubbled you. They are the reason we're here. And I need to kill them." She stood up, summoning her knife, flipping it around and striking between flips and stabbing it in the wall.

@Shammy the Shamrock
((so sorry it took me so long to post. I had things to take care of.))

Calcite sat in his room in silence. He had a old scroll open in front of him. These humans created such incredible tales. The story was about a group of strange looking heros fighting against an entire army. Legend had it that they'd actually combine and become a hero of great strength and wisdom. As Cal finished his reading, he looked at a illustration of the warriors. One held a set of bladed fans while the others held weapons that were seen as odd. But one, he hair of beautiful pink curls with a shield that would protect all behind it. Ah, those were the good old days. Cal rolled the scroll back up and slid it in with the rest. Right as he was about to sit down he heard someone call his name from outside his door. Cal turned around, his long hair falling to his shoulders. "Yes, I'll be out in a moment. Just bare with me for a short while." he responded as he walked up to his door.

Outside, a bright blue gem lit up as the door slid open like a old fashioned screen door. There stood Calcite is his usual attire, a blue kimo with clouds and small lines indicating powerful winds all throughout. He smiled as he looked at Obsidus. "
Ah Obsidus, what can I do for you this fine day?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Pyrite grabbed her arm "Don't take it out on the wall. We'll get our revenge soon enough," he said calmly. He looked down at her, signs of worry and fear on his face.


Obsidus shrugged "I came to see how you where doing, you've been out for a while and haven't come out if your room." She said, to her he was a samurai loving dork but she still insisted on talking.

Ky turned to her and stood up. He cautiously walked over to her and watched her for a while, unsure of what to do. He had already made up his mind to let her lead. Slowly, he circled around her, waiting for her to make a move.

Emerald After reaching Ky, she grabbed his hand and put her other arm around him, giving him a hug, her body turned to light while she hoped he would apply this.


Citrine Citrine breathed heavily, her anger was almost out of control when she calmed herself down. "Fine. We'll wait until morning. Then the emerald is mine, I can capture her and take her to the Diamonds, or I'll just kill her." She was forming a plan, but was too tired to think of anything else, so she laid in her cubby facing away from the vast interior of the cave.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Goldy patted her head "That's the spirit." He said sitting at the mouth of the cave. "We are the home world gems. Here to ruin the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way," he sang the song he was working on as he looked up at the stars.

Citrine She also sang something in a similar rhythm. "We. Are the homeworld gems. We're here to kill your race. And if you think we can't, we'll punch you in the face. That's why the people of. Your. World. Will bow to. Citrine, Pyranite. the yel-low gem pals."

She liked singing, but she liked humming more.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Pyrite laughed "Yellow gem pals..I like it. You got a nice voice," he said walking back and sitting under her cubby. "I will fight for the world I was made in, home world is the only home I have ever known." He sang laying on the wall, putting his full weight on the wall.

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