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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

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I shake the boy's hand and retract it. I smile weakly at the boy. "I don't recall anyone acting weird... Though I don't know what you mean by 'weird'... Sorry...." I look down and sigh. Not being able to be any use to the boy

*sorry! I re-read that Seer said. I was using fucking mobile revision. I'll revise it*
"Sure," Obligated to smile as she takes peoples orders. Kimi walks up to Tania as she starts to flip her notebook to a free page. "Sorry for the wait, what to want from the cafe" she asked as her heart dropped 3 stories hoping Tania wouldn't figure much out as stared a the notebook. Starting to pick up orders again.

"Well thanks for that i suppose" sighing in almost whiny type of way. Kei looks around, as he looks at the classroom as he sees the instructor coming in.
Ryuu jumped in surprise when he heard the voice of a woman yelling in the cafe and walks back inside to see what happened. He sighs when he realises that nothing was wrong and take a seat then, rather rudely, puts his feet on the table and leans backwards on his seat with eyes closed. 'This cafe is nice... Why didn't I find it sooner.'
Anthony finished taking orders for his tables and say down to get a drink.

"I'll have a peppermint latte. You do make those right?" Tania asked unsure if she'd have to change her order.
I sigh and and rest on head on my desk. Just waiting for class to start. The teacher gets in and starts. My head jolts up. Listening to the lesson.
Masaki hears Tania talking 'yelling' he got annoyed and muttered "Shut it lady" but it was quiet enough for nobody to hear it, that would look bad on the staff here, he sighs as he finishes any orders he had to do and he says "Its time for my break now... Im gonna go see if Naoya is alright" he looks at Kimi and waves to her as he takes off his apron and hangs it on his little hanger "Will be back shortly" he leaves the cafe not even giving Kimi time to answer, and heads to the school which he said he attended, he sighs as he sees a doves car parked discreetly round the corner "how many of them are there..." He sighs as he slips into the school, "I need to find his class and warn him.. He wont have a clue..." He was concerned for him. He kept thinking that Naoya would give up his identity. Or worse, sell out the cafe
"Sure" as she writes it down in her notebook wandering back to behind the coffee shops counter. Thinking thank god as the dove just wanted to order. As she releases a sound of relief as she starts to make the order for Tania. "Anthony, thank you again" Taking on Masaki's suggestion from before.

Kei does the exact opposite sleeping in his classroom. The teacher calling him to answer some questions when he woke up, trying to teach him a lesson. He retaliated with the correct answers, and told the teacher if he wanted him to learn then let him learn something new.
"...,sorry for disturbing"
I look out the door for a second and see Masaki. My eyes widen. "M-Masaki...!? What's he doing here?" I mumble to myself. Confused. Remember hearing he didn't go to this school. 'I-is he here for me' I think to myself.
Anthony smiled and laughed. "Anything for you Kimi." Anthony said before getting up and grabbing his lunch. He was hungry and started eating as Tania stared at him then turned and Anthony noticed her blue tooth. "I think the dove was calling and yelling at her Co workers not us. She has a blue tooth on and is still talking."
Masaki looks through the window to see Naoyas class, he looks at Naoya and smiles, then his attention to the person sat next to him. Masaki sighs "I need to get Naoya out of there, im certain Doves are in this school" he thinks to himself as stands by the door, thinking of a plan. Thi school made him feel strange. It was his first time being in one after all
I look away from Masaki. 'Maybe if this happened before the boy asked me see anyone weird I could have pointed to Masaki' I think to myself, joking I lean my head back and wait for whatever hoes plan is to set in motion. Knowing he's not just here for no reason.
Rokuro entered the cafe and sat down in one of the unnocupied tables and began to look at some photos. "I hope this incident has finnaly opened your eyes,Kei..." he thought to himself as he looked at the photos, one being the car the doves were in and the other being the inside of the car with the doves's bodies still in there. As he was looking at the picture he took some papers and began taking notes and marking the places on the photo that he thought to be important.
Masaki stands there as he thinks of a plan, he comes up with several scenarios. He sighs as he sees a student walking down the hall about to enter the class, masaki then hides behind a wall. "This is going well..." He said to himself sarcastically he then sighed and went into an office round the corner, gets changed into some spare uniform and then hides his clothes. He smiles as he also finds an old schoolbag. "I feel like a superspy..." He mutters as he then leaves the office and enters the class, "Sorry im late." He looks at the teacher and is called up to the front "I am a new student here at this school, my family travel a lot so I wont be here long. But my name is Akio Shu" he goes and sits at an empty desk near Naoya and smiles, his act fooled everyone.

((All this just for Naoya.. ;-; xD ))
My eyes widen at Masaki. 'What the fuck is he doing!?' I think to myself. Although it's funny I'm more so afraid of how the act itself is risky. I look back at the front of the class and try to pay attention. I take a deep breath and grit my teeth, trying to keep my composure.
Masaki sits at his desk as he looks around at the other students "what do I do.." He thinks to himself as he puts books on his desk and tries to blend in with the rest, surprisingly he did it perfectly. "God... Whats Kimi going to say.. She will have my head when she hears about this.." He thinks. He looks at Naoya, thinking of a way to communicate with him. "I may as well just stay here and make sure everything flows smoothly.. For all I know any of these people could be a Dove" he mumbles quietly to himself as he looks around, extremely alert.
I keep listening to the lesson. 'Did he do this on his own or did everyone send him to look after me' I think to myself and mumble "This is going to be one hell of a day... isn't it?" I look back at Masaki and smile lightly. 'I'm going to have to talk with him after class... Just what is he doing?'

Just then I thought. 'How'd he even get in in the first place?' I sigh. 'Please don't be anything too serious...'
Lila Saikna walked inside the Coffee shop. As she sits at the inner table of the Cafe her brown - red hair falling off the table as she flicks a coin back and forth between her hands. While she waits for someone to walk up to take her order. Thinking about the past again as she then starts to think about the Cafe being busy. Well at least she thought so,she had been exploring town. Lila lays down her head on the table as she started to stop flicking.
Masaki seems as if hes paying attention to the lesson, writing in his book, solving the questions easily.but really hes paying attention to the people in the room "that guy next to Naoya looks suspiciously familiar.." He mumbles to himself as he then smiles back at Naoya, then signals him discreetly to be alert at all times. He then gest back to his "work" as he writes in his book... "Im not looking forward to the explaining im gonna have to do.." He thinks to himself with a slight smile
"You think so" she whispered as she stays at the counter not looking at that side of the coffee shop. While she spoke Kimi started to create Tania ' s peppermint latte. "But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't work " Kimi said jokingly punching his shoulder as she points to the girl on the table.

When she walks back over to Tania and places her Latte next to her. She quickly soon after walks away from the dove.

Kai walks out of the class as he then heard the new student going in. Thinking to himself, I don't think that he is rarely out of his home watching his unique activity of him to be so obvious over awareness.
I get bored of the lesson, Well. Not so much bored just not being able to pay attention. already knowing everything about the lecture already I just start to draw like any other teenager would. 'How the hell did HE sneak into the university?' I think to myself. 'At least I have a friend here now. So I shouldn't complain...' I smile as I continue to draw. 'It's not too odd... We are both the same age basically... If i count they year we're born... The two youngest kids are friend's... Yes...! What's more innocent than that.' I smirk to myself. Knowing I'll be that much safe. Though Masaki's signal to stay alert keeps me on edge a bit.

*Joke time! So two grade 10's go into a university classroom... Both of them are ghouls *^* *
*Masaski (LeSoraAmari) should be in Grade 10 but my character skipped grades to get to University early and Masaki was home schooled (We're both also ghouls) It's not supposed to be a witty joke xD It's just what's going on lol*
Masaki sees the guy walk out of the classroom as he sighs and keeps on writing in his book, this time he writes a note saying "No time to explain. But Doves are in this building. Will explain later. Oh and rip this up after you read it.." He gets up from his chair, walks past Naoyas desk and puts the note on his desk discreetly, he then continued walking, going over to a bin and put something in it to make it seem he got up to throw away rubbish, he then sits back in his seat and' listens 'to the lecture
Anthony waited for her to get back and then leaned by her ear. "Of course my beautiful trouble maker." He said trying to make it as serious as he could while still being loving. He wanted her to understand that he really did like her and want just playing with her. He served his tables and some of Masaki's too.

@Random Seer

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