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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

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Kimi ' s fire has not lessened as she starts to take the order in a silent rage against Misaki. Looking at the door as she starts to make the coffee for the customers. Walking towards Anthony she asks "what was going to be interesting" the aura now clearly visible around her as she sees Masaki walking back to the coffee shop with Naoya and a new person.

"My greatest creation yet." Anthony said jokingly as he held up a mask made from a lot of different origami animals and machines. He then gets up and walks by grabbing a few orders and doing them off at the table to keep customers happy. He then hugged Kimi from behind and got close to her ear. "I'll find a way for us to be together safely. I promise." Anthony said with a whisper and a slight squeeze.

@Random Seer

@Maidens of Twilight
"Well... Here we are" he smile as he enters the cafe, running up to his room so he can quickly get changed out of this uniform and back into his work clothes. And then rushes back downstairs and start taking in any orders and then bringing them to his customers. He goes over to Kimi and mutters" Im sorry for being so late.. I had some business to attend to." He hints her to Naoya and then goes back to work
Kimi has no choice but to smile at him. However it wasn't one of taunting or joy. It was one of sadness. Thinking that there is no way that was going to happen without both of them dying. She hated to admit it that they were better off falling off a cliff actually that might be a understatement. Walking off away from him.

"It is fine Lily was taking care of your tables, and what was wrong "
pointing over to the girl taking orders and making coffee. As well as whispering the last part. Her fury dying down as she looks at the floor while warming up some coffee. "Lily he is back " gesturing to the person who just came in. She also starts to go try to get clustered with thoughts to forge about almost everything.
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Lila looks down as hears Kimi voice again. "Ok then, mind if I stay for a bit longer." She spoke looking over to each of the employees for acceptance or something close to it. Thinking that this place is a little welcoming to her. Blinking thrice she realized her mistake, "Oh if you don't want me to crowd things up its ok" quickly adding that to her previous bit of dialogue. Not wanting to make it seem that she was assuming anything about them.
"I have a lot of friends that are looking into what the health risks are and how to solve them. One of the men says he's close to finding out." Anthony said to Kimi out loud already devising a excuse for what he was taking about. He was discussing the health risks of trying to move to the 13th ward.
I nod to myself and head to my usual table in the corner. Thinking to myself about the quite eventful day with what happened with Masaki. I lay my head on the table. Waiting for someone to take my order. I have the ends of the bunny ears on my hood and play with them to entertain myself. Even though I have my phone and could do anything on that.
Masaki looks at Naoya and smiles at him, he sighed as he knew that he would have to explain everything to everyone later. When nobody else was around. He starts to take other peoples orders as he goes over to the girl who took over his orders when he was gone "Thank you for doing that.. I appreciate your kindness" he then goes away and sits opposite Naoya as all of his orders were done and dusted at the moment
"No problem. " smiling warmly at Masaki. After changing she sees the coffee shop again as she walks back to her apartment. Thinking that she would want to go back to the coffee shop later. Her ghoul eye now visible again. Since she hadn't been eating lately, she started to go to suicide point. Quickly before someone sees her in this state.
"What are you talking about" twisting around dragging Anthony to the back as the last customer walked out. Doing the same thing that Anthony was doing before. How is that even possible knowing that it was not possible. She thought to herself ready to call him a liar if she couldn't believe him.

Kai looks around as he throws another picture of the van in the fire. Annoyed with the inactivity of the Ghouls and Doves ready to fire the 5th dove today.
Masaki looks around as the cafe as he then gets up and takes more orders, "One coffee coming up" he says to one of the customers as he goes over to the machine and makes the coffee freshly. Once hes handed it to the customer he sits by the counter. He starts to get hungry but cant go down to get the food as that would be suspicous to any people who were In Here, those who were doves anyway. If there were any. His tummy rumbles and he sighs
I raise my head and stretch. I pull my book out of my bag and see the package of meat and my gas-mask. I quickly cover it with spare clothing and look around again before starting to read my book. Smiling as I immerse myself in it and get to not care about the recent things that have happened. Also it'll keep me busy until someone comes to take my order. Which I could care less about now that I have the book out.
"One second stay right there Anthony " Kimi walks outside as she starts to take Naoya ' s order. Her mind lost in thoughts which was unusual for her during orders. Noticing she had been standing there for a while she restarts taking his order for the table. " Sorry Naoya and Misaki lost for a bit. What do you guys want? " Kimi said starting to apologize to the two for being so deep in thoughts.
"Just a coffee please. I like it black." I reply with a sweet smile on my face. I then look at Masaki. Awaiting his reply.

*Sorry... Writer's block :( *
Masaki looks at Kimi and smiles, "No problem... And I dont need anything, Im fine thanks" he smiles kindly at her as he then looks over to Naoya "Im sorry if I... Scared you today... I just had to go to that school and inspect it" he says quietly so none of the customers hear it
I smirk and put down my book. I chuckle. "I was so confused." I talk using my hands a bit. "I just saw you in the doorway and froze. It was probably the coolest and funniest thing I have ever experienced." I laugh softly. Not minding it, actually finding what happened today to be quite funny. My more normal and less timid side showing though.
"Ok then" Kimi walks back over to the coffee maker and created the coffee and gives it to the table in the corner. As she starts to go back to the back no more customers coming in only out.
Masaki looks at Naoya and smirks "Well, it was my first time at a school today.. And I have to admit, i looked good in that uniform. But thats not the point" he sighs as he looks at Naoya "And before you ask, yes, I did go there for you. I had received intel on Doves being in the area. And I was planning on fighting for you until you can use your own Kagune..." He looks away as that pretty much made him seem to be a big sop, but really he was just worried for Naoya, for everyone.
My eyed widen. "You came to the school to... protect me...?" I repeat. Embarrassed by it. "Well, Thank you..." I smile lightly. "I should practice trying to use it... I'll try tonight in the car-park you were talking about yesterday."
Masaki stutters "w-well it wasnt ALL because of you.. I had to gather intel on the area anyway, I guess it was just fate.." He says trying to hide his true reason. "But yes, you have to learn how to use it.. So I shall accompany you to help you learn it" he smiles at Naoya, "Kimi would probably come too, if shes not busy"
I nod and smile. "Okay! I wonder what kind of Kagune I have..." I look behind my shoulder and at my back for a bit then back at Masaki. I look away. Suddenly serious. "Do you think I can keep my regular life going on after this? After what's happened...? Will everything change that much...? I ask
Masaki smiles "its quite exciting isnt it... I want to know too" he giggles and then listens to his question "Well.. Nothing will ever go back to the way it was, but that doesnt mean you cant continue to live your life the same way..." He smiles at him, "but of course, you can still go to school and interract with your non ghoul friends, but you just have to be carefull. Doves are everywhere nowadays"
I smile and nod, content with Masaki's answer. "I know it won't be the same. I'm just glad I can continue my life as it was. I'll be careful about the doves."

*I gtg. Hockey game tonight! Wish me luck! I'm off the body-check kid's into oblivion *^* *

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