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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

  • Holo

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  • Lucky

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  • Both

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  • Neither

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*I don't know it but it reminds me of ŌKAMI lol. Also no but he's the coolest CCG member ever. Also brb, I'm gonna go work out.*

I put my empty mug in the sink and smile. "Well, I'm ready now." I chuckle and head towards the door and stops right by it then looks back.
((BINGO! *Cries with happiness* I just like this mask. And the coolest? Hmm xD and Okay xD have fun))

Masaki looks at Naoya and smiles, waving to everyone ad he leaves the coffee shop and starts heading to the abandoned carpark near the town centre. He stops and waits for Naoya, holding his mask.
"Thank you" Lila Saikna, Lily , spoke. Noticing the two talking about fighting and battle.Which includes sparing I suppose as her healing ability being able to cover her skin. As she put on her clothes a little pink thinking as a afterthought that it was a guy who was treating her. Lily shrugged off her thoughts her face clearing up nothing that he helped her out. "Sorry for making you work a little more.And sorry for making assumptions" starting to explain that she thought all ghouls ate meat from fresh humans. Not thinking that there is people who also eat from suiciders.
"I just don't like people looking at me while I eat" she says to Anthony as Kimi then shook her head at Lily at her complete disregard of thinking that there was more ghouls that eat, dead people. Forgiving Lily for her incompetence about the subject would be the right thing to do Kimi thought to herself. "It is alright" noticing the other dove cars coming in. "Want to stay with us,and do you want to go with them. " moving her hand towards the two who were about to spar. She said this to be nice noticing that Lily wants to go speak with them. As well as, although this embarrasses her thoroughly, she wanted to be alone with Anthony. Trying to keep that hidden from him she quite easily concealed it.
" I can stay here at the cafe" her in-humored face being covered over with small happiness. Lily smiled at the Kimi ' s understanding as she starts to walk over to the two for now watching them spar or wanting to spar. Keeping her head down as she noticed the Dove van coming to get the dove from later who had his Quinque open but not all the way or was about to .
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"Since you apparently took out a Dove on the way here you really have no choice" watching her as she starts go with the two who were going to practice, Masaki and Nayao. Sitting down in a rotatable stool spinning as she then closes the blinds and the lights outside as well as then flipping the sign.Still wondering how unlucky can Lily actually get...
I walk with Masaki to the abounded car park in the cold. I look over at him and smile lightly. Though I'm not sure what to actually say I look away and put on my gas mask and look around at the town. I pull up my hood, letting the ears attached to it dangle to just past my waist, shoving my hands in my pockets I again look over at Masaki
Lily looked at the two thinking that she would need a mask later on as she sits down against the metal card that were broken not all too different to see this area. After all her past always haunted her and this broken car is starting to look like a older one, her mother's old broken car. Frowning at her thoughts she considerable focuses on the spar at hand.
Noticing Naoya has finally caught up, he puts on his mask and then starts to walk in the direction of the abandoned carpark "Its not far now, in fact its just over there" he points in the direction as he begins walking, and then turns to the girl "You appear to be following us... Who are you?" He says as he smiles at her through his mask
Thinking that she might haven't introduced herself yet she frowned at herself which disappeared smiling back at the two. "Lila Saikna, please to meet you." Lifting her hand out for him to shake going to do the same with the other person wearing a gas mask. Wondering why she was being so nice again to the world she ignored before.
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I see the girl extend her hand and smile from under my mask. "My name is Naoya Mujakina." I shake the girls hand and not. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Saikna." I keep smiling at Lila, feeling an odd sense of happiness go through me. Of course I didn't mind the emotion I felt at the moment.
Masaki looked at her and smiled, shaking her hand after Naoya does it "Well, you can tag along if you want, I can tell that your a Ghoul so I feel a bit better,at first I thought you were a Dove" he smiles and then continues walking, "anyway we are here, we just need to get to the top floor.." He smiles as he goes over to the stairs and starts walking up
I smile. "That's a great idea, the more help I can get with using my kagune the better." I stretch and look at the top as I follow Masaski up the stairs. I look around off the staircase and at the city around us.
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Anthony yawned and laid on the ground. He was getting tired and needed a nap or some real sleep.
She continues to smile for a bit until Masaki spoke again. She bit her tongue as she heard the two words she hated the most, one considerably less then the other starting today. Although both word stung deep in her skin biting her lip. Truly trying to keep up her composed image she gives a fake smile.As she follows the two, covering her face a little as well as her hand to cover up her rage.
Masaki smiles as they reach the top, "Well... Here we are" he stands somewhere near the centre and looks at Naoya" Its probably best if you try using your Kagune first, I cant help you with that part. Thats what you have to do by yourself, then I will do my bit" He smiles at Naoya and then to the girl
I nod and look straight ahead. Concentrating, not sure what else to do my eyes go wide when my kagune shows, Four blood red, pillar shaped tentacles appear from around my waist. I have a Rinkaku kagune. I move them around, trying to get used to having them, I smirk a semi-sinister smirk from under my mask.
Masaki watches as Naoya releases his Kagune "So grotesque.. Tentacles just flapping around. Ugh" he laughed as he said "Well done... Now then..." Red veined pink wings start to show on his back, the edges transparent. Each wing is about the size of Masaki. "You can have the first move" he smiles and then begins to float
I think of what to do, being a strategist I finally make my plan and nod. "Okay, first hit is mine then." The tentacles straighten and I brace myself. I send 2 of them at you to attack from the sides.
He smiles as he shoots up at a great speed, evading the attack so the tentacles smacked into each other. He then spread his wings and shoot millions of tiny spikes towards Naoya and then stayed floating in the air "Rinkaku Kagunes specialise in power more than anything. Whereas Ukaku specialises in speed and agility. Try using the enemies kagune to your advantage. Even if your at a disadvantage yourself"
I smirk even more. "I know what I'm doing...!" I evade the spikes and divert my tentacles to attack from behind, trying to get him to fly closer.
Lily looks at them, the all too familiar feeling of deja vu trying to make sure that her mind doesn't go in the past. Looking up at the two trying to convince herself that they are just sparing no one will get hurt.

Trying to talk herself out of the past she looks at them noticing the red veins in each of them, the pink wings apparent and unique in itself.
Masakis ghoul eyes show through his mask. He smiles as he wraps his wigs around him and spins at a high speed and as the tentacles make contact they just bounce off. After that he spreads his wings and flys up, shooting spikes from all directions and head towards Naoya. "Then show me your skill!" His voice slightly shaky as he hated fighting, but nobody could pick that up
*OMG! I'm so sorry... I didn't get a notification :<*

"D-Don't test me!" I growl back, Not mad really but just getting heated, My one ghoul eye shows, as my other can't, My pupils, both my iris' go small, red and blue, leaving a lot of black space on my ghoul eye and white space on the normal one. I take the tentacles i used to attract Masaki and pierce them into the ground and catapult my body at Masaki, I stop midair and arch my tentacles then fire them at Masaki, Only 3 go, leaving one uncounted for, the approach in such a away it leaves a potentially fatal spot in which he could go straight towards me and attack, I smirk from under my mask, wanting that result.
*Happens to everyone*

Kimi sits down at the opposite side of where Anthony was sitting. Her face calmer than usual when she is with him. Mostly due to the excessive teasing from him which makes her flustered beyond comparison. Trying to forget what was happening around her she looks back at the coffee shop instantly grabbing in, now somewhat like a habit to drink 3 cups of coffee sometimes 5 a day. Kimi then starts to hear the slight noises of battle from the two. She wasn't sure what was going on. Now hoping that people other than her heard that.

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