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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

  • Holo

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  • Lucky

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  • Both

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  • Neither

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I read Masaki's note and rip it up. I shove it in my pocket so no one can go piece it together. Just to be safe. 'There's doves in the school huh?' I think to myself and look down. 'As long as I don't act suspicious I'll be fine... Right?' I think to myself. Hoping everything will go fine.
Again ignoring the complement well horribly doing so. Her face getting pink as she starts to walk away from him. As she takes the orders. Noticing the girl siting by herself as she gestured to the table. Wanting Anthony to take the order her face back to normal as she took the orders on the other side.

Kai lays down until class was over to talk to the two. Thinking that they have some sort of connection noticing the paper but not anything else. Passing notes wasn't unusual he thought.
Masaki smiles at Naoya, it was obvious he was pretty nervous. It wasnt about the whole situation, he just didnt want to use his kagune if a Dove came and attacked. He closed his books as the lecture ends snd class is dismissed, as the students leave the room Masaki walks over to Naoya grinning "It was my first day of school today... Oh yeah, dont ask. I just came to make sure nothing happened,." He whispers in his ear "i should be at work..."
Anthony took the order and then started making them feeling annoyed that he couldn't get the message across. After delivering all of his orders he gently took Kimi's hand and let her into the back where nobody would see them. "I like you so stop blowing me off. I promise I'm not teasing you." He said doubting she'd get the point or take him seriously and so to put a period on the subject he kissed her cheek before going back out to take the last few orders.

@Random Seer
I nod in reply. I stand up and stretch. "I'll be there after school." I whisper back at Masaki. I look around the classroom and stand there.

*Don't feel bad Maiden xD *

*(Holds head) Dammit! Writer's Block ;^; I'm sorry that reply was so short.*
((Its fine xD and AWH HE KISSED HER. Love is sweet xD ))

Masaki smiles at Naoya as he says "Im not leaving until I know this place is clear, and before you ask, i have many plans in my arsenal...Also, I ask one thing.." He looks at Naoya "if anybody, I mean anybody. Comes and speaks to us.. Let me do the talking. Even if its your head master. Got it." He looks at him sternly and then says "now, we gotta leave" he starts to walk out the lecture room, signalling Naoya to follow
*Love is sweet indeed xD *

I gulp and nod as Masaki. Kinda afraid of what might come up now that he brought it up. I catch up to him. "How'd you even get in...?" I ask. The question poking at my curiosity for sometime now. Ever since he just up and entered the classroom. I look at Masaki as he's in the uniform and everything. I smile. Not even knowing the answer just amused by the fact he got in and no one questioned it. Kinda funny to me.
Masaki walks next to Naoya and whispers, "I just slipped in through the crowds.. Hid a few times and then found an office to put on my disguise.." He smiles as he then keeps walking, his smile turning into a serious look as they both leave the room, walking past Kei and then heading down the hall
Seeing Masaki's expression change as we pass by the boy who had asked me if I had "Seen anything strange" earlier I tap Masaki's shoulder. "What's with the bitter look? You look like you saw the person who killed your dog or something." I ask. Concerned for my new friend.

*I can't colour (Yes with a U... I'm Canadian) my dialogue and thoughts because I'm on the Mobile version. I'll change that once I get on a PC again if I don't find a way to do so here*
Masaki smiles as he says "Nothings cwrong, in fact I dont even know that guy, hes just suspicious. He sort of looks familiar, anyway, lets go" Masaki turns a corner and heads down a flight of stairs, not bothering to get his clothes back from that office, he would turn behind him every so often just to see if anybody was following them. The exit to the school was in sight as he looksd to the front again

((Its fine xD
"What is it Anthony" After listening and feeling what Anthony wants to say. Kimi looks at him, just starts to look at him . She blinks twice when she realized she was starting to stare she turns around and goes to give people their orders. Until she reached the girl with the brown - red hair. "Would what you today like" still flustered from Anthony, she jumbled up the letters "Sorry what would you like today" noticing another strange type of clothes looking at her hat's ears.

Kai walks out of the school with them by Naoya side.
"You are getting a little bit more social Naoya" playfully punching his shoulder. " Hello nice to meet you my name is Hikaru Akasa " Waving his hand towards Masaki. OK so that is the connection between the two. He thought thinking about it that would be normal for the two people being friends.
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"Oh um looks like you are short staffed at the moment" making a hand gesture to the door that the worker went through. "I was wondering if I could volunteer to help out if that is ok with you. " Lila rubbing her hands together in light nervousness. Although she tried to be generous as possible sometimes generosity was not needed. And it just made things worse.
"Yes thank you" as she moves to the counter. Kimi looked at her thinking that she seems weird. "You are new here aren't you " looking at her face, she hadn't seen this place or any other place in the 12th ward before. Kimi not waiting for a answer takes her hand and takes her in the back to get the uniform. "Oh my name is Kimi Lanae you can go change in my room"
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"Yes i am new how did you - " Lila Saikna ran down to the back with her dragging her behind. Thinking this Cafe seems nice, I should help out more often smiling warmly. "My name is Lila Saikna Nice to meet you " as she takes the uniform somewhat unsure as she looks at the new person she met, Kimi. "But most people call me Lily" as she starts to change in Kimi ' s room she goes back out taking orders out herself.
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Masaki looks at 'Hikaru' and smiled at him in response to him waving, he then looks forward and puts his hands into his pockets "I swear I've seen him somewhere before.." He thinks with a sigh, as he tries to think about it. He then looks at the boy and says "Myself and Naoya have been friends for a long time, Family friends you see" he says as he smiled at Hikaru, filling him in with false information to make them both seem like normal teenagers. He was glad that it was him that came to this school, since deception was one of Masakis specialties. But he knew there was something off about this guy, and he knew that he was probably quite smart too. He sighs as they walk past the Dove car, Masaki acts as if he didnt know it was there
Anthony finished his tables and realized that the usual rush hour was over so the place was beginning to empty but would fill up again later. He sat on the chair by the lady table in his section. "Masaki's customers didn't dilly dally at all. They just knew exactly what they wanted when they came in."
"Ok Lily" Kimi started to walk towards the counter. To sit down at least till she had to take orders again. Also thinking that she will give Masaki hell if he puts Rush hour in the hands of a new person who volunteered . The ominous aura coming from her was almost visible. Her eyes even demonic like she looked at the door.

Kai walks along listening to the story of between them. Wondering why is he even telling him this. It is not like he asked him directly, but it doesn't seem normal kind of blurted out. He marked that down to study about. As he kept on his kind charade. "Alright Akio, lifelong friend A and B. " when he said b he pointed to Naoya.
Anthony looked at Kimi and smiled. He then went back to folding up a piece of paper. "This is going to be interesting." Anthony said making a bunch of animals from the paper he had.

@Random Seer
Lila walks away from Kimi a chill down her spine. As Kimi was started to scare her walking off as she sits down on a empty table. Noticing the other employee or was he also a volunteer. She thought to herself as she waved in the brief period no one is here. "Hello there my name is Lila, but most people call me Lily" meeting yet another person in her new neighborhood of the 12th ward.
Masaki looked at Kei as he made a mental note, he then smiled as he thought "If I keep this act we should be totally safe... Considering if hes a Dove or not" he thinks refering to kei 'Hikaru'. He looks at Naoya and says "So, did you find that lacture useful today? I mean, I sure didnt" he laughed as thoughts of work spiralled in his head. The rush hour was fastly approaching. "I need to get back fast," he thought
"Thanks for the elephant" Lila spoke to Anthony. As she puts the paper elephant on the counter. She was going to pick it up later after the other employee returns to the coffee shop. She starts to take the other orders on the list that were not taken for a while. She also starts to read the recipes for each of the coffee shop's coffee and other foods.

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