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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

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Masaki eventually gets to the coffee shop as he swings the door open with a worried look on his face"kimi what the hell were you thinking! you could have d- oh.." His attention focuses on Naoya "Your eye... He looks at Kimi "thats either impossible or extremely rare.." He leans up against the counter and looks at Naoya as he throws up. "Do you... Feel different?" He hands him a pocket mirror "look at your eye..."
I look up at the boy and slowly take his pocket mirror with shaky hands. I open it and look at myself. seeing my eye is all black except my red iris. My facial expression changes to fear stricken and I tear up I drop it and take steps back, falling down as I crawl back, I cover my left eye with my hands as I quake. "T-That's! W-what's wrong with my eye! What happened!" I start to cry, afraid. I look up at the boy. "W-what's wrong with me...?"
Masaki sighs as he walks over to the guy and sits down in front of him, looking at him dead in the eyes. "Your going to be fine.. Just stick here with us and we will look after you.. Although I doubt you will want to considering what we are. What you are as well" he gets up and makes coffee for everyone as he says with a sigh "You are half ghoul half human... Which is why you have one ghoul eye and one normal eye"... @Despairingly Lucky
Anthony walked into the coffee shop and looked at the floor before tossing his mask onto the ground. "Thanks guys just ditch me there. Oh well that's odd." Anthony says noticing the boy with one red eye. He then sighs and sits down looking at Kimi clearly worried. "Are you going to heal all right or do you need a snack first?" Anthony asked ready to supply some flesh but not all of it. If it was going to heal then he'd just use part of his shirt to bandage her up.

@Despairingly Lucky
I look down into my hands, still blood on them, still shivering in fear. "I-I'm... a ghoul... N-no! I'm a human! I've been my human my whole life!" I laugh nervously. "H-How could this be happening...?" I look around and see the boy who had just walked in. "R-right! I'm a human, Right!?" I try to latch on to anything to prove my humanity, extremely afraid of the truth I try with all my might to deny.
Masaki sighs and hands him a piece of a sandwich "Ghouls cant eat human food without throwing up, so eat this and see for yourself" he sighs and looks at Kimis wound and then to Anthony "she recklessly went after some Doves, luckily she wasnt too badly hurt.." He sighs and then looks back to Naoya "Its fine to be afraid, since your probably used to living like s human, but im afraid thats all got to change now, for your safety.. If the Doves get wind of you they will target you for certain.. One eyed ghouls are extremely rare.. And dangerous, with abilities surpasing that of a regular ghoul.
"So you're saying not only am I a ghoul but I'll be hunted because I'm 'rare'!?" I jolt up and look at everyone. I see him hand me a sandwich and swat it out of his hands. "I-I can't! I already tried to eat a cookie!" I start to cry, realizing my life is being torn apart by just this. "W-what can I eat? What can I drink." My iris goes extremely small. "I-I need help..."
Masaki starts to walk away as he heads to the door up to the lobby. "I was only being honest".. He looks at the hand that he swatted and sighed, he looked annoyed "Next time I wont be so lenient and just walk away.. Anyway Kimi and Anthony will help you, im tired so im heading upstairs" he leaves the cafe and goes up to the lobby, entering his room and sitting on his bed
I fall back again, my back hit's the wall and I slide down it. I put my hood up to hide my face. I bury my face in my hands and think everything over. having thought's stirring in my mind and wanted to calm them down and recollect.
"Stop freaking out and have some of this." Anthony said handing the boy a cup of coffee. He smiled and decided to make a slight joke. "You could always eat me. Well part of me anyways. After Kimi that is."

@Despairingly Lucky
I look up despite the truth behind the joke I smile. I hold the coffee and look at this. "Is it... drinkable...?" I ask even more timid then I was when we met which wasn't even 30 minutes ago.
Masaki sits there as he listens to Naoya freaking out. With a sigh he plugs in his headphones and lays on his bed "He will calm down soon.. Then I will help him" he says to himself starring up to the ceiling
"It'll be fine. You can drink coffee but the only thing you can eat is human flesh. Or other ghouls but that's gross and frowned upon." Anthony said lifting his shirt to show a lot of scars that are clearly from bites.
"Coffee and Flesh..." I nod and look at Anthony's wounds. "Are you a ghoul...? or... Why do you have wounds on you? Were you attacked by ghouls...?" I ask quietly. I have seemed to calm down a lot from in what state I was in.
Anthony laughed and took Kimi's hand again kissing it lovingly. "No I'm not a ghoul or I would've stolen Kimi's heart long ago. I'm merely emergency food that volunteered for the job. If only I were a ghoul then I could be with Kimi but I'm not. You have it lucky my friend." Anthony said being perfectly sincere and honest about the way he felt and why he wished he was the half ghoul and not the boy.

@Despairingly Lucky
"Kimi~..." I say her name to myself. a light blush on my have, showing how I feel about her also. I sigh and look up at you. "You're only a human? You seem too cool." I smirk and stand up. "Thank's for helping me... Just one thing..." I look away. "Where do I get the flesh?"
Anthony smiled and went into the back and brought out a small package. "The coffee shop helps ghouls I know where they keep the spare meet because I used to have a friend that was a ghoul. He introduced me to Kimi and the others. I only wish I could be with her but if I were to try we'd both end up dead." Anthony said looking at the floor as he handed the boy the package.
I open it up, seeing flesh. Not having anything to lose I eat it... And... Like it. I like it so much I eat it so quickly it's gone within 10 seconds or so. I smile and lay back, some blood around my mouth. My ghoul eye going back to normal. "Thank's again..." My eye's widen. "Hey... What's a Kagune...? I heard the word just earlier... It refers to ghouls... Right?"
"it's a Organ and a weapon that ghouls have. Kimi used her Kagune earlier. It sprouts from the back and is usually Kinda Colorful." Anthony says walking behind Kimi to start applying bandages to her back to soak up the blood from her Kagune coming out.
I close my eye's I try to use my kagune but find out I don't really know how. "Um... How do I... Um... Use it?"

*I'm gonna save my first kagune use for when I'm basically forced. being in a tight situation*
Anthony shrugged and threw the bandages away. "I haven't the slightest idea but you'll figure it out eventually. If you have one."
"O-okay..." I nod and look at my hand. "So... This is how it's going to be for now on huh...?" I sigh. Putting down my hood look around once again.
"Yep." Anthony said looking at the boy with a smile. He put his hand on the guy's shoulder. "You're a very lucky person."
Masaki comes back down to the coffee shop and starts to clear away everything that wasnt cleared up, he hears them talking about kagunes and he says "I would give it a few days before trying to use your kagune, but normally using it comes naturally for a ghoul" he looks at Naoya
She walks back off in her room in embarrassment, as well as to eat humans who have committed suicide. It was the better side of the ghoul world. As her arm starts to regenerate, she starts to overhear the boys again so she then now cleans herself off, from the leftovers of humans with a napkin not much blood that was left on her skin.She then continues Anthony ' s bandages with her own which after the food was consumed started to heal faster, after 5 minutes or so she took them off.As it wasn't noticeable for now.

Starting to get pink , she decided to tune out with her music. Seems as music is one of my few getaways Kimi thought to herself. Then she started to go off on a tantrum of ideas in her mind till then she turned out the music and the boys outside of the hallway, in the coffee shop lobby.
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