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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

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Masaki sighs as he takes out his headphones, still worried about the risk of being found by Doves. He wasnt bothered about being found, it was the thought of having to fight that made him nervous. He sighs and then looks at Anthony and Kimi "well, I dont mind what we do.. As long as we stay clear of the 12th ward.. That place would just cause trouble" he sighs and then quickly goes up to his room to get changed into casual clothes and then went back down to the cafe to sit at the table he was sat at before. The customers started to leave as the cafe was about to close. Masaki sat there as he looked outside "To be honest, I want to stay here. I need sleep, and I like my room.. But if you guys wanna do something that badly I will go with you... I suppose"
Anthony grabbed his bag after making sure the shop was empty and the blinds were closed. " Pfft Masaki we aren't children we can handle ourselves. I had a ghoul try to attack me the other night and I fought him off. Tough S.O.B. but he didn't see my face because I made this."
Anthony said putting the mask in and then he pulled out his custom pistol he'd been foxing and cleaning for a while. " I bought a bunch of those bullets the doves use and that's how I hold my own. Besides they also work on people I had a dove accidentally peg me with one of these in my shoulder when I first saw a ghoul. It was trying to eat me and that cocky inspector missed the damn thing it killed him and I skipped away to the nearest hospital."

@Random Seer

"I do like this place too but we have to get out sometime" and completely doubting his story she sighs to herself and decided to think about something else.

"Anyways let's go with the liar" her face in exasperation of Anthony ' s unreliable story. Her hands covering her forehead feeling like Anthony is lying. However he does have a gun with the bullets.

"I weirdly can't wait to go"
A weird amount of honesty flowing from her words.Now thinking about ice skating at the 11th ward "And I'm never going out with you two after this I'm somewhat on Masaki side"

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" It's a true story the main reason I got away the other night was because the ghoul was a long ways away. Also that box carrier Tania got involved but still I held up pretty good. For a human." Anthony said putting the gun in his bag before lifting his shirt a little to show a long cut he'd gotten that would've been fatal if he hadn't been aware of the ghoul nearby. He looked at his phone and then realized he had an idea. "let's go don't worry Masaki this place will be safe for both our kind. Ghouls and people meet here every so often."

@Random Seer

"Well I suppose you are not dishonest, " Trying unsee what she saw. Kimi looks at Masaki. Looking at the clock as the time flicks by at 7:15.

Thinking about what he said about how moth humans and ghouls stay there.
" Well it seems safe, I hope that Doves have enough sense to not kill or harm humans as well" Kimi walks toward Masaki and whispers in his ear somewhat hoping to brainwash him with subliminal messages. Starting to feel like a mad man she stopped doing it after she said It's safe the 99th time.
"You two want me to rent you a room? Or do you want to go to a party and see a few humans get drunk and fight like morons." Anthony joked with how she kept whispering to Masaki. He then turned and opened the door planning to go to some place in the 10th ward.

@Random Seer

"You shut up" flicking a coffee bean at your head. "Keep making jokes if there is a Dove I'm going to leave you as soon as possible " Kimi ' s face red at the joke ready to nearly kill Anthony if he makes a single joke about this again. Embarrassed beyond belief she sits down. Until they got a answer from Masaki. "We could always go ourselfs, if you really want to go Anthony" she thought out loud. "If you don't want to go yourself Masaki you can stay here which would allow us to go." Thinking that might be a little self- centered of herself.
Alex slowly lifted his eyes, as he awoke. It seemed that he ended up falling asleep and missed his chance to enter the cafe. Seeing some people who were leaving the shop, he realized that maybe he could steal the money inside before anyone came back. Alex hide himself in the ally and watched for when he could make his move. It seemed like the people were all friends, but Alex couldn't figure out much besides that they were not complete strangers to each other.
She started to follow up with Anthony. Wondering if we are still going to the ice rink. A bit behind him she said "Do you still want to go Anthony ?" As she was going close to the alley way she saw what she saw before. She thought nothing of it. Looking up at Anthony feeling somewhat small. Thinking if Masaki doesn't want to go we can go there ourselfs. As she turns off the lobby ' s lights and goes back over to Anthony after finishing.

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Anthony smiled at Kimi and nodded. "I was only kidding earlier. If anybody was going to flirt with you it'd be me. Just because the word no had such a nice ring to it. Plus you're so cute when you get flustered." Anthony said deciding her honesty had to be rewarded with honesty of his. He would've asked her out if he didn't know that humans and ghouls could die if they tried to reproduce with each other.

@Random Seer
"Just shut up and go skating Mr Scar" Turning to the alley way to go to the next ward quickly. Her face even more pink now trying to cool it down she started to daydream about something else.

As she looks at the stars not noticing a shadow in the corner of her eye.
" I know that but that is still is embarrassing" Frowning at her unconditional honesty. That was weird she thought as she felt her coat lighten when looked behind her she say a figure. "Hey did you take my stuff?"

Alex shifted nervously. He had wanted to see if the girl would have any keys so he wouldn't have to break the lock, but didn't expect her to notice. "Ah, no! Why would I steal anything from a cute girl? Maybe besides said cute girl's number.." Alex answered, as he groaned in his mind while hiding the phone he swiped behind his back. Not exactly a sweet talker, but if she did get annoyed by the swipe it would just look as if Alex was a creep instead of a robber most likely. @Random Seer
Anthony smiled when she started to freak out. He really wished he could be with her since she was nice, hard working, and honesty. " I wasn't joking... " Anthony said but noticed she was lost in her head and then he noticed somebody pass by and she confronted the person. He didn't want her trying to get the guy with her Kagune. He put his mask on and aimed at the guy with a sigh. "Just give it back and we'll be able to be friends. Well sorta. Ok not really but I wouldn't try anything stupid." Anthony wouldn't normally be so hostile but he liked Kimi and wasn't gong to kill the guy just scare the less out of the way.

@Random Seer

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Alex saw the boy with the mask and noticed the gun. He silently put out his hand and opened his palm to show the phone. "You know, you should be careful who you point your gun at. You never know who is who or what is what in this world, at least that's from what I know." Alex responded back in a calm monotone, while also taking out the money he had with his other hand and outstretching it as well to them. "Take the phone, or the money. Or both. Or maybe take it and kill me regardless. Your choice to make, not mine. I'm not the one with power here. I'm also not dumb enough to disobey someone who can kill me." Alex said to the boy bluntly. Alex would rather not die, but then again he had no real reason to live either. @Holo @Random Seer
" I just want her stuff. She'll take what's hers and you'll be perfectly fine." Anthony said looking at the boy with his face stern. He grabbed the phone and put it in Kimi's pocket for her then looked at the boy again. "You just picked the wrong person to try and rob is all. Trust me I understand being poor I really do. You should see where I live it doesn't even have a roof. The door is busted and I have 13 roommates." Anthony said trying to reason with the guy and being perfectly honest about the fact that he was barely scraping by and lived in a burned out building with a few pairs of clothes and a bunch of other homeless friends.

@Random Seer

Ryuu sighed and left some money on his table before leaving the cafe and sighed. "Everyday is exactly the same. It's so boring now..." He complains to himself. He then heard some people talking in an alley and sighed before walking into the alley to see what's going on. "If I'm lucky I might get some fresh meat."
Masaki sat there and ignored Kimis whispers as he finally gave in with a sigh, "fine... Fine I will go. But we need to be back here at a reasonable time" he looks at Kimi sternly and then turns to Anthony "I hope you know how to use that gun, it would be difficult to shoot something coming at you at a great speed. He sighed as he then saw the strange figure behind Kimi, asking her for her number. He was annoyed that he was trying to steal from the coffee shop, and the people in it "Trust me, I wouldnt try taking them.. Especially from us." He smiled when he handed them back. Looking at Anthonys gun then back at the other guy he says "Dont worry, he wont shoot you." He sighs and rests his head on the table
Kimi looks at Anthony "Well you are quick to fire aren't you" Holding pushing down his gun In slight annoyance of his actions.

"Li-ar" Waving her finger around rolling her eyes at his words. Grabbing her phone from the stealer. " Keep everything else. I enjoy working anyways. " Waving behind her.

"Anyways what is your name." Kimi asked curiously, "You can lie, or tell me the truth. However you should trust the me." Kimi said somewhat logically.
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Anthony looked at her and sighed putting the gun away and turning. "Sorry if I wanted to keep you out of trouble Kimi-Chan. Can't have a pretty thing like you being investigated." Anthony teased her before looking up ahead at the poor area of the ward. He then looked at Kimi and scowled. "I'm not lying I just know how to clean my clothes with the river water and I also know how to clean myself. I used to be one hell of a mask maker though. However the 20th ward mask shop is putting me out of business. I need the money to help my roommates."

@Random Seer

Masaki sighs as he goes to where all the action is occuring, he stood behind a wall with his arm crossed as he saw Anthony lower his gun and then he goes towards them. "Well, im sure pointing guns to people wont help you get cash." He sighed at Anthonys rash actions "You sure do have a rash way of thinking.. But I have to admit, thats a pretty gun... Can I play with it?" He said with a slightly childish giggle and looks at Kimi as she asks the questions
Alex found these people to be.....strange at best. "My name is Alex. I just need some money to stock up on supplies, nothing more nothing less. Sorry to bother you." He said to the girl, in a calm monotone. Unsure if he was actually safe, he slowly backed away from them as sometimes it was hard to tell who could possibly be a ghoul or not. Ghoul's are people, and people can hold grudges over the smallest of things.
Anthony had heard the tape many times before and had some cash saved up. He took two hundred dollars out and tired it with a rubber band. "Then stock up." Anthony said purposely ignoring Masaki and his rude comments. He tossed the money at the boy and started walking his destination having an added pit stop. "We'll stop by my home first so I can grab my sketch book. I like to not down mask ideas whenever they come to me."

@Random Seer


Masaki sighed and walked back into the cafe and started to make himself a fresh cup of coffee, when he did, he drank it while sat at the counter. "Its so much better like this... No people in here.. Its peaceful.." He talked to himself as he quietly sipped his coffee and made his way back out to the others when he finished. "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, its not safe these days" he asked Anthony
Alex awkwardly caught the rolled up money and stared wide-eyed at it for a moment. He was surprised the boy had just given him this much money after getting caught stealing the girl's phone and even threatening to shoot Alex by taking the gun out. Smiling like a little kid for a moment, Alex calmed himself down quickly and put his black face back on. "Thanks. Mind if you tell me your name? I'd like to at least know someone who helped me out without being begged or tricked." Alex asked, as that was usually his main source of income. He thought that in case this guy was a ghoul, if he was killed by doves then Alex could kill the people who killed him. Not for revenge, but as a sort of payback.
Naoya walk's to the coffee shop, Had being bed ridden since his surgery he finally got out and was excited about doing so. He opened the door and felt a little odd being out in public again. Never the less he walked to his table in the far corner by a window where he sat and pulled out his book and read.

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