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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
Cassie had left the room when the fighting started to get away from everyone. She sat down at her lab table and put the helm that Thor had given to her on it next to her dad's old mask. She sat staring at them for a while before turning back to her suit and blowtorch.
Ivory landed back on the strip and ran inside, finally done with the awkward conversation downstairs. He came in to see Cassie leaving and quickly followed her to her lab, "Just because I was gone for one minute doesn't mean I'm going to leave forever, remember that Cass."
Pyosimros said:
(But I mean, aren't you supposed to be the only one trying to extract them?)
(Pretty sure that it isn't his intentions to extract them, more like he's there for a evil villain plot)
(I didn't see @Metaphysics message saying she arrived, so I thought they had been waiting a few days and I took initiative, but now they're here so I deleted the post)
Cassie jumped at all of the people in her lab. "I'm.... I'm working on a suit for a friend,"she said quietly. She smiled at Ivory. "I know." she heard Phoenix's call and returned it with a "Bring in!"

Pyosimros said:
Flash watched Cassie work. He hasn't left to chase the robot ladies though he still had his symbiote on. He tried to stay away from the blowtorch since his symbiote usually screams if it gets hit, though all those tank missiles fired at the alien Flash and the symbiote got used to it. "What are you making there?" Flash looked at it. He usually gets his gear made for him so he wasn't very used to the actual construction of weapons.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie jumped at all of the people in her lab. "I'm.... I'm working on a suit for a friend,"she said quietly. She smiled at Ivory. "I know." she heard Phoenix's call and returned it with a "Bring in!"
Ivory waited quietly for a moment before clearing his throat, "So Cass, you wanna talk about it?You're obviously not fine yet."
The girls left the burning and sinking ship and regrouped on a nearby roof. "It was them, bu hey didn't have the package you thought they would have." Amelia called into the Boss. The rest of the girls took off their suits and relaxed. After Amelia finished the call she followed suit.

"What do now?" Tanya asked.

"We wait. She doesn't have another lead yet." Amelia answered tiredly.
Viktoria looked around the HYDRA war-zone from the trees, searching for someone in particular. 'Where is he..?' she wondered, sighing. Obviously, he wasn't where she thought he'd be. She turned back, noticing a couple of footprints going away from the fighting. 'Over there,' she thought, heading in that direction; however, some of the footprints soon stopped..

Suddenly, she was attacked from behind. Because of the surprise and strength difference, she couldn't break free from the hold the man put her into. He kicked her knees back, forcing her to kneel down, and held her arms firm. There were at least eight HYDRA soldiers around her, and soon, the leader of this small group walked up to Vi, gun in hand. He pointed it at her head, getting ready to fire,"Any last words?" he spoke in Slovak, a smug smile across his face. "When I get out of this.." she started, but was startled and stopped when she heard the man laugh. "Even if you do get out of this, you don't even have any weapons to use against us!" he told her, grinning madly. Vi smiled,"You're right.. I don't have any weapons at all," she responds. Phasing through the man's grasp, she bolted right up. The man in front of her quickly realized that she had gotten out of the soldier's grasp and shot at her head; however, the bullet passed through, shooting the man behind her instead. Hearing the faint 'thud' of his dead body falling, she phased her arm through the chest of the man in front of her, whispering,"I am the weapon." With that, she quickly shut down/disrupted his electrical system, thus killing him. "Who's next?" she asked, looking around to find guns aiming at her.


A few moments later, eight dead bodies lay around Vi. Sighing, she muttered,"I still have to find him, but thanks to you guys, you delayed me.." The girl looked back at the remaining footprints and followed them.

Vi soon saw two figures. One being dragged, the other trying to drag him. "Alex?" she thought, frowning as she saw the familiar metal arm. The girl squinted, and suddenly noticed how extremely beat up he was. She stopped dead in her tracks, her heart beating wildly. She wanted to scream, but held it in, trying to remain calm and steady her heartbeat. Instead, she focused on the man that was dragging her friend. 'Blonde hair, soldier appearance..' her eyes narrowed,'but the shield he's wearing..' Shaking her head, she turned invisible—her socks and bloodied scarf being exceptions—and rushed towards Alex's side. He'd probably explain who the blonde was, if he could talk. When she reached him, she touched his shoulder lightly, turning him invisible. "Alex, are you alright? Who is this man? Is he HYDRA? Did he hurt you? What happened to your arm?" she asked worriedly and annoyingly.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory waited quietly for a moment before clearing his throat, "So Cass, you wanna talk about it?You're obviously not fine yet."
Cassie smiled grimly. "What's to talk about?" she said. "Dad's dead."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled grimly. "What's to talk about?" she said. "Dad's dead."
Ivory growled, "That's exactly what you should talk about! I've been through this song and dance before Cass and let me tell you, if you let it consume you without talking about it, without support, then honestly a times gonna come when people are gonna try to take advantage of it and, screw, you OVER! What happens to the empire and legacy that your dad left if you continue wallowing in sadness huh?!" He grabbed her arm gently, "Cass, talk to me so you can sort this out."
Connor helped Alex to his feet attempting to help support Alex's weight, though his ribs told him that was easier said than done. Alex proceeded to call him Cap and briefly the boy considered bringing it up but this wasn't the time nor the place. They needed to get out of here, that was much easier said than done. He looked over Alex's shoulder and could still see Aedan battling the HYDRA soldier, he was worried about him, he needed to get back in there. Something was telling him he shouldn't, but he couldn't let his friend fight alone. They'd been side by side the last two months and he wasn't about to let him fight alone now.

That's when the sound of snow crunching caught his attention, and then Alex was gone? No he could still feel the boys weight. He found himself staring at a floating blood stained scarf, and a female voice coming out of nowhere. "I'm uh... Alex?"
Alex suddenly saw Viktoria, his eyes widening, but soon they came to a close, as he felt his wounds pulsating, all at once."Vi, what... No, he's... he's a friend... And no, I battled Whip and Firebat. Go help the other guy fighting bat... They are part of the Avengers." He said, looking at the giant mech in the battleground. "And that's... reinforcements." He said, coughing, and trying to get up. "Please Vi... I promised you a ride out of here... and this will be it... Now turn me visible please."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory growled, "That's exactly what you should talk about! I've been through this song and dance before Cass and let me tell you, if you let it consume you without talking about it, without support, then honestly a times gonna come when people are gonna try to take advantage of it and, screw, you OVER! What happens to the empire and legacy that your dad left if you continue wallowing in sadness huh?!" He grabbed her arm gently, "Cass, talk to me so you can sort this out."
Cassie looked at Ivory. "How, Ivory? How am I supposed to talk about the fact that my dad's death was...." she swallowed and looked at the mask.
A limousine pulled up to stark tower as Harry Osbourn II stepped out. He had a solemn look on his face as he entered through the front doors and looked around for a front desk.
Vi listened to Alex and nodded when he was finished. "Alright, but I'm sorry if some of your clothes turn inside out. You know that happens sometimes," she tells him, then lets go of his shoulder, turning them both visible. She then turned to Connor,"Take good care of him, okay? If he dies, I'll skin you alive, then throw you into an active volcano," she tells him before taking one last look at Alex, then heading towards Aedan.

@Archangel Galdrael , @AnnoDomini , @Crono ~
Alex turned his gaze to Connor, then at himself. Everything was in place. "She's getting better at this." Alex said, almost to himself. He then turned to Alex. "She's a real... gem if you get to... know her." Alex said, looking at Vi go. He then let out a groan. "C-Connor, hurry... put me down, there, near that t-tree... I can't walk that-" Alex said, starting to cough, blood coming out.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie looked at Ivory. "How, Ivory? How am I supposed to talk about the fact that my dad's death was...." she swallowed and looked at the mask.
Ivory walked in front of her and smiled, "By just, talking about it, get it off your chest." He sat down on her work station and had Savage's long black tendril latch on to her shoulder,

"We're all ears."

"We're all ears."
Flash sat down on his wheelchair. He would be saying something though Ivory seemed to handle it. Flash was afraid of what the symbiote could do. Back in the day, he had a timer with the symbiote until he went insane. Like a ticking time bomb. He had to go through a process called Project Rebirth 2.0 to become the second super soldier in the US military which made the symbiote obedient though Flash became dependent on it for life.
Reinforcements? Connor asked himself, trying to see what Alex saw. The one thing that stuck out was the mech dragon, how had he not noticed it sooner? The blonde took in the girls words, still in surprise from having them both suddenly appear, a simple nod of the head before she ran off. "Wait!" He called out to her before taking the shield from it's place on his back and holding out in her direction. "Give this to the other guy, Aedan. It'll help." If Connor couldn't return to the fight he'd atleast help however he could.

Once she was gone he turned his attention back to Alex. "Why am I not surprised. You make friends wherever you go, you got me to like you in what felt like minutes." Then Alex's sudden groan and movement caught Connor off guard having him flinch slightly at the change in weight. Wasting no time as he helped Alex settle down, nearly toppling over in the process. He dropped to his knees next to Alex, he wanted to sit against the tree more than anything but he had to keep aware just in case. "You've got the serum in you right? Your healing?" He was worried, there was more blood than Connor was comfortable with.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory walked in front of her and smiled, "By just, talking about it, get it off your chest." He sat down on her work station and had Savage's long black tendril latch on to her shoulder,
"We're all ears."

"We're all ears."
Cassie felt the tendril and closed her eyes. "Massacre was right. I couldnt.... His death was...." she opened her eyes and looked at him. "It was my fault....." she looked at the ground, and then at the mask.
Flash looked at her. "It's not your fault, it's a hero's job to risk their lives to protect others. And he did that," he said calmly.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie felt the tendril and closed her eyes. "Massacre was right. I couldnt.... His death was...." she opened her eyes and looked at him. "It was my fault....." she looked at the ground, and then at the mask.
Ivory felt his hand grip to the table with great strength, and looked at Cassie, "Bullshit." He stood up, "I'm sorry Cass but I call BS, what could you have done huh?! Walk up there and take the blow that surly would have killed you?! All that would have changed is that your dad would be here instead of you." He paused and looked to the side like he was abou to cry but he forced the tears down, "None of us could do anything, Massacre had us beat and was just to damn quick." He had gone through this recently, the only thing he could do now was deliver the same exact speech his parents gave him with less understanding, "We all got caught off guard and two people payed with their lives, all that means is that now we have to get better. Get stronger so this NEVER happens again! The thing is though Cass, you can't just get better by wallowing in sadness, you need to get up and improve yourself. Get up and run, test your endurance, and while your at it milk the co-" He paused and cleared his throat as he realized he memorized the speech to well, "The point is that you have to make your dad proud, protect the city and better yourself, honer his memory."
Harry hit his own forehead. Of course there wasn't a person in the front to answer questions, Tony would have AI speak with people as they walked in. But what was Tony's AI's name.....

"Jeeves? Can you hear me? I'm Harry osbourn, Cassie and my father... Knew each other."
"I think I just have... endurance. I think I have... broken something inside." ALex said, laughing, and holding his stomach. He then looked at Connor, smiling. "I'm quite the charmer, huh?" He then looked at Vi go with Connor's shield. A few coughs later, Alex took something out of his side pouch, then sighing and leaning back, looking at a small vial. "I stole this... from their labs. They used this to... enhance other soldiers. Gave them rapid regeneration, but uncontrollable fits of rage. See... Those two." Alex says, still holding it. Then, suddenly, he smashes it, letting the blue liquid spill on the ground.

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