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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

He never drove, and marko now knew why. He thought he could just try it out to see how this all played out. Sadly, marko had no idea how to drive a car. He saw Stark Towers and went to brake, but he forgot where the brake was, and he swerved and crashed into the building. @Pyosimros @TheRegalRper

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The soldier quickly fell and felt the brutal punches again. A bullet flew near Aedan, a soldier shooting at him. One bullet just grazed Aedan's shoulder, then the soldier continued shooting, but not at Aedan, but at someone else. Alex, managed to get up, and picked up his discarded weapon, killing the HYDRA soldier.

Alex, after the kill, was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. His neck had a purple-ish tint where the hand was, and his face was bloodied from the punches. He tried to get up, only to fall down again. He felt his power fading away, the cold more warmer, and sleep much comforting than ever.

The Hydra soldier simply laughed, getting punch after punch. "Your friend you came to rescue is dead soon. Your blond friend too. You failed to save them, you failure." One thing was clear, that man, was not a normal soldier. (I swear, if you say 'well duh' jack, I will slap you across the face with a frozen catfish.)
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Marko stumbles our of the wrecked car as he looks at Jack and Perry, grinning, the car exploding behind him, knocking him over

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Perry looked down at him. "You think he's knocked out? Some people aren't as lucky to have a healing factor."

Cassandra ran over when there was a crash at Stark tower. "What happened?!"
Marko steadily gets up, still grinning. He signals "sorry" in sign language

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The sudden lack of weight on his arm had Connor turning his head to see Alex being held in the air and hit repeatedly. The blonde wasn't about to let it continue, attempting to sit up. Flinching as he moved his left arm, but he was slow and hurt and wasn't sure if he'd even stand in time, that's when he saw Aedan come flying into the fray, a smile crossing Connor's face at the sight. Though Alex now lay in the snow, not moving was worrying.

Connor made the effort to remove the shield, painfully mind you, from his left arm. Moving hurt, especially with only one working arm but he managed to shuffle through the snow over to the boy they'd come to rescue. The sight wasn't enjoyable, seeing Alex covered in injures. His speech interrupted by raspy tired breaths, his ribs we're on fire so that was probably not helping. "You...do not get to...check out now." He said reaching Alex's side while on his knees, his left arm dangling at his side while the shield was in his right hand. "We didn't drag... ourselves through this frozen country for you... to kick the bucket now." He was aware of Aedan still fighting. Where's that bot? Connor thought, knowing it was supposed to be trying to get them an extraction.
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"Good point doesn't mean I don't feel pain though aanyway" he said getting up. "You think Connor and aedan are chilling out somewhere? Possibly with Alex?"
Alex let out a small cough, holding his sides. He looked at Connor, slowly shaking his head. "Y-You should've let me alone... now..." He said, looking at Connor, then at Aedan. "I just... want to sleep. It's less... painful." Alex said, closing his eyes, breathing heavily. On the part where his arm was normal, there were many cuts, many bruises. The other one, the metallic one, had the red star almost scribbled off. Other from that, it looked like it has been tinkered with. "I'm just... a failure... like they said. Like, he said... Totenkopf... Totenkopf..." Alex repeatedly said, like an incatation, something burned in his mind.
Ivory felt the car crash up on the top floor, he turned to Cassie and said, "I know I said I'd stay but right now something is going on!" N

He ran to a narrow strip that led to the outside before jumping off it and putting on his mask as he fell, just before he hit the ground he shot out two weblines to help him land safely. He looked at the sight in front of him and saw Jack, he scowled and walked up to him, "What did you do to this boy?!"
Cassandra looked at him. She can't believe that she would ever cover for Jack but she did not. "My apologies, but his idiocy crashed the car into the wall. It wasn't any of us."

"What she means is that Marko crashed into the wall," Perry said.
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Pyosimros said:
Cassandra looked ain him. She can't believe that she would ever cover for Jack but she did not. "My apologizes, but his idiocy crashed the car into the wall. It wasn't any of us."
"What she means is that Marko crashed into the wall," Perry said.
Ivory turned around to retort but stopped dead when he saw the kid in the spider costume, he went back to something his dad said.

"Funny thing is, your uncle, the guy I was cloned from was a hero as well, matter o fact last I heard he finally settled down and started a family *laugh* if you ever meet his kid be sure to introduce yourself."

His dad had told him who his uncle was, and the hero he used to be, to see a kid wearing something so similar to what his uncle wore probably wasn't a coincidence. He swalloed hard and turned to the kid, "You, are-are you Peter Parkers kid?"
Connor would have rolled his eyes if not for the fact that his head was pounding and he knew it wouldn't help. "I don't care...what anybody said." Connor said standing up, finally taking a look at his left arm he could see the odd shape where the bones weren't placed properly.

"You listen to me Alexander Barnes. You--" He was cut off by a pain in his side causing him to grit his teeth, from latching his right hand onto the back of Alex's collar and giving it a pull. Ignore it, focus. "--do not sleep until.." Another pause as he tugged again, attempting to get them atleast out of the open. "...until we are back in New York." The snow made it easier to drag him but Alex and his armor was no lightweight and it was a slow process to get just ten feet away before stopping, trying to catch his breath.
Pyosimros said:
"Yah that's me, why?" Perry asked him. He gave him a confused look wondering why he would even care.
"Ivory are you sure you want to do this now?"

"Yeah I'm sure." He took a deep breath, "Did your dad ever tell you about a man named Ben Reilly, and I mean everything about him."
"His name was thrown around a couple times, never said who he was though," he answered. His suspicion more more as Ivory kept asking.
Pyosimros said:
s name was thrown around a couple times, never said who he was though," he answered. His suspicion more more as Ivory kept asking.
With a final breath Ivory thought to himself, "I can't to this, what would this do to him? His family, what would happen to them?" Then he remembered something else, something his mom told him...

"Remember, never second guess yourself, it gets you killed, and makes you miss opportunities. "

With that Ivory nodded, "Ben Reilly is your uncle-er kinda, it's complicated. And I..." He took off his mask, showing how some of their features were nearly exeactly the same, "Am his son." He forced a smile and extended a hand, "My name is Ivory, and it's nice to meet you cousin."

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