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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Do you guys have to call her 'The Boss' or do you guys just not know his or her real name," Perry said and he walked into the room again with Jack.
"It is a code name to protect her and us. If people knew her real name it could endanger the mission and our lives. We just simply refer to her as the Boss to make it easier." Amelia stated.
"Okay, well I'm leaving Jack can stay if you'd want that," Perry headed out once again.

"Oh, we're going there. We're kicking down that door right now," John didn't know how he got in the middle of this, up on a five-story building with a low level street gang after him. They were weak, though they had guns. And he had their hostages. "You hear me amigo? We're coming for those people in the back of the truck and I'm going to kill you all as creatively as possible. After all the weeks of trouble you've given us, we've got you cornered. So get out of the truck now," John remained silent. He revved the engine and zoomed behind him. There were a few stray bullets that hit the truck but it didn't hit anyone. He quickly muttered a few incantations and a portal opened up on the building next to him and he drove through it.
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Jack decided to head back to the tower. "Anyway if you guys ever change your mind about those numbers then you know where to find me" he said with a wink before following Perry out. "Speaking of identities, when did you take up old Pete's mantel as Spider-Man?" he asked.

@Pyosimros @Pink Gorilla
"When the newest Spider-Man died my dad decided that I should be the next Spider-Man," Perry said and then his Spider-Sense started tingling. From a building on the right there was a giant hole that opened up and there was a truck driving through. "Watch out!!!" Perry jumped out of the way though he wasn't sure if Jack did. Though he should be fine because of his healing factor.

John quickly swerved into then alleyway when he saw Jack and he slammed the breaks. He went out of the truck and he worked on picking the lock on the back. "Are you guys okay?" He asked the two.
"Good," John finished picking the lock and the doors swung open. "You guys can leave now," he said to both the people in the truck and the two behind him. The men dispersed quickly onto the sidewalk. They were probably happy to be free.
"Of course I do," John said sarcastically. "I'll be taking my leave, goodbye," he abruptly ended the conversation and he walked off.
"Looks likw he can't take a joke " Jack said walking back to Stark Tower "But what's this bad feeling I have" he thought. "something I haven't felt in a while" he said.
Connor's eyes went wide as he the HYDRA soldier raised his arms towards him. Rolling to his right he grabbed his shield, raising it just in time to meet the flames and staying crouched behind it. The shield heated quickly as the flames wrapped around it and the soldier pressed closer, even through the carbon fiber suit he could feel the heat emitting from it. He heard the man laugh, saying something that was drowned out by the sound of cackling flames.

Then it stopped, and Connor quickly stood attempting to strike at him with his left arm with the shield attached, but was met with a knee to the gut. The blow knocked the air out of him, the vile taste of his stomach contents and blood mixed in his mouth as he stumbled backwards into the snow.

A swift kick to Connor's side had him doubled over on the ground before the HYDRA soldier stomped onto the shield attached to his arm. Connor cried out at the sharp pain in his arm, seeming to like Connor's reaction the soldier did it again with more force and put all his weight onto that leg afterward. The boy screamed as he felt the radius and ulna bones snap where the side of the shield dug into his arm. Connor weakly clutched at the large leg with his other arm in an attempt to stop the soldier as he swiveled his boot against the shield, the broken bones grinding against each other agonizingly.
Alex heard Connor scream, gathering his last sign of strength left and rose up, looking at the soldier. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, raising up. Alex ran and punched the flame soldier in his side, the soldier just looking at him. He remembered Alex, and was not happy to see him. With one fell swoop, he grabbed Alex by the throat, raising him up, starting to strangle him. Alex chocked as he grasped the man's arm, trying to escape the choke. His vision started to get blurry, oxygen was starting to get harder. A punch made Alex's head go back, and continued to receive punches, as a revenge for what Alex did to the soldier.
"Okay," he kept walking towards the tower. There wasn't really anything to say. Other then some missing people. "Hey, what happened to Aedan? Haven't seen the guy in a while."
Aedan stumbled into the snow, still recovering from the earlier missile that broke his focus, and almost got Alex killed. His head was spinning, and he could barely move. But he did notice he needed to, or else all three of them would die in this frozen, forsaken wasteland of despair. One of the soldiers was in the very process of murdering his friend, and his friend's friend. That, was simply unacceptable. Aedan pushed himself up, and immediately increased his own momentum, charging towards the soldier, and tackling him to the cold ground. Before forcing the man's momentum to halt, to prevent a retaliation, then he happily mirrored his earlier actions, of brutal punches to the face.
"Probably having a blast" he said

(Why is everyone aiming for fhat guy's face? I mean dang you gotta feel for the guy should i let Jack punch him in the face also?)
"Anyway whats with the metallic dragon that one of Stark''s creations or something?" he stated noticing the dragon outside.


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