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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Teri frowned as her phone rang suddenly. She pulled it out and put it against her ear and started to listen. "Okay, got it, I'll prep for it immediately." She said. "Jarvis, tell everyone that I'm going out for a rescue mission." She announced before heading into her room. She pulled out her guns and stuffed enough explosives for a minor insurgency. Before climbing into the roof. 'Escalation!' She thought. Soon rumbling could be heard as a giant dragon mech appeared and hovered in front of her. "Hello Esc! Like your new upgrades?" She greeted as she climbed on board and input coordinates.
"Let me just contact my leaders," Cassandra stepped a few steps back. "Hello? There's been a misunderstanding. The attack was provoked by someone," she looked at Jack. "Is there anything you need help with?" @Archangel Galdrael @Pink Gorilla
"Oh no, that would suck for both me and you because you can't get my number! Noooooooo," she smiled mockingly. "But in all seriousness, don't pick fights with mech ladies," she gestured her head over to the three cyborg ladies.
Pyosimros said:
"Oh no, that would suck for both me and you because you can't get my number! Noooooooo," she smiled mockingly. "But in all seriousness, don't pick fights with mech ladies," she gestured her head over to the three cyborg ladies.
((Wait... What's Cassandra contacting the General about?))
Pyosimros said:
(Um... Nothing in that post...)
(Though she was asking if she could help with anything)
((Ah, well, there won't be until Regal's new villain shows up))
"So, are we going to just hangout here in this sketchy building or are we going to do something else," Perry clasped his hands together and he looked at them all.
By this time, Dimitri was back in his house in the dark. He could fake a smile for a day or so, but it wore on him pretty hard and fast. He locked his front door and walked back into his room. As he sat in his computer chair and moved the mouse, his research page on oscorp remained from that morning. He noticed a trend in their funding that had happened twice before. Money spilled into an unknown agenda, and no one seemed to notice. The first time happened a few months before Normans death, and the second a few months after Harry took control of the company. Perhaps they were funding a project off the books? Whatever it was, Dimitri was determined to keep one eye on the news to see what the deal was.
Marko smacks himself on his forehead as he is running from the cops. How was he supposed to know that wall was private? It practically screamed "Spray me" so he did. And with a beautiful picture too, of a golden tree on fire. He takes a hard left turn and flies up to a balcony, sitting there until they leave.

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Connor had been moving to follow after Alex, a slowly nearing buzzy noise catching his attention briefly as it zipped overhead. The blast hit nearby and had knocked Connor off balance so that he wasn't directly behind Alex like they'd planned. The boy looked up in time to see that the soldier with the whips was moving again. Aedan. He quickly glanced over his shoulder at Aedan briefly seeing that he was recovering, the blast only knocking him off his feet.

With that being the case Connor was already two steps into rushing at Alex and the HYDRA soldier. He could hear Alex mocking him, and crying out in pain, which only fueled him to push his legs harder. He could see the object Alex wanted him to hit but the angle was awkward. Connor dove right, and spun himself once before sending the shield flying horizontally at the power supply. The shield hit then bounced off, the supply was only cracked, but the shield hit the building behind them before coming back and hitting the supply once more as Connor caught his balance from the dive.

The blonde hadn't had time to see if the damage had been done when he spotted the soldier from before starting to recover. He can still stand!? The guys face was a pulp, the fact that he still wanted to fight made no sense to the blonde. But he was eyeing Alex with the other HYDRA soldier, so Connor ran forwards and grabbed onto his back and flipping ontop of him, wrapping both of his legs around the mans armored neck. With his his hands intertwined into a large fist he hammered the guy in his vulnerable face with one blow. Normally that might not have hurt too much, but the fact that Alex had already pummeled it made the blow much more dangerous. The man started to stumble and Connor untangled his legs, and very sloppily jumped off.
Phoenix looked over his plans, trying to find a suitable handle to make a more balance blade that uses two hands. "How the hell am i supposed to balance this weapon?! it functions mainly off of the force the user exerts and its own weight!! In sword mode, it is pretty balanced, Like a massive sword." He thought, Groaning out of agony as he thought as hard as he could. The stress had taken a toll on him, since he went through multiple handle designs, but none seemed viable.
Amelia went over to her suit. "Now that we got all of that out of the way, what exactly do you guys want fom is. We told you what we wanted, so why did you follow us? There must be another reason." She said. (I am so sorry it took me so long to respond. I felt horrible and I felt like I was going to throw up so I thought it would be better if I laid down.)
(It's cool take your time)

"Well I think all we wanted was to explain to you what happened two months ago and since we already did that then that's all i have to say" Jack said.
"I actually have nothing to say. I'll take my leave now, bye," Cassandra walked outside and was hit with the fact that she had no idea what to do next.

Perry looked at them all again, and he said, "well I just saw Marko and Jack following you three so I wanted to check that out."
"Alright then, I guess-" Amelia was interrupted by a call over her radio. "One second." Amelia stepped away to answer the call and all the girls look at her as she spoke. Amelia turned back around to the girls. "It was the Boss..." All the girls turned to look at each other. "She has a mission for us..." (Ooooo new mysterious character!)
"What's with all the bosses? I mean symbiote lady over there has a boss, you guys have a boss. Are you all like secret agents or something? Nevermind I don't really want to know," Perry said and he shuffled silently.

"We're not agents. We are a rogue military group lead by the Boss. We are hunting a criminal organization and she sends us on missions to see if we can take them out." Liona stated and Amelia nodded when she finished.
"Same thing, right?" Perry walked out of the building. Nothing very interesting has occurred these past months, which was amazing since it was New York City.
Following Perry, Jack couldn't shake this bad feeling he had just started to get though it didn't bother him greatly he just couldn't shake it off. "What kind of organizations are you after here there's no one here for you to fight".
"They have a base here in New York, but they hide their tracks very well. Even with all our technology we are having a hard time tracking them." Liona stated.

"The Boss has been giving us updates and missions on leads she has." Allison said.
Alex let go of the guard, him beeing still dizzy from the hits he had received. Alex, not wasting any time, takled the soldier, and started to hit him, wanting to make sure he was down for the count.

But it seemed something changed in Alex. Although he had received many hits, was covered in scars, he still had the power to continue fighting. After a few more hits, Alex stopped, breath fast, the fell next to the soldier.

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