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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Going down the slope on his shield was...interesting. "I'll be fine, get the bot to carry you above it if you need to. Focus on yourself!" He called back, now needing to take his own advice as he almost lost his balance. Sure he'd done his training, gymnastics and such, but this wasn't what he'd ever thought he'd be doing. Should have taken up skateboarding...

Aedans added momentum had him going at a nice speed while standing balanced on his shield, however there was an issue with maneuvering. The tree suddenly in his path forced him to tip his shield to the right which proved to be a mistake as he found himself careening hard. The shield tipped and suddenly Connor wasn't touching the ground, for just a second. More than enough time for panic though. However he did land on his shield again...but he was more of a turtle at this point. And well, there was an overhang ahead that he spotted as the shield was spiraling. The blonde couldn't tell which way was up, so he tensed into a ball as he went sailing over it.

Hitting the ground was less than desirable as he rolled each and every direction, or so it felt. The effect was dizzying, but he did come to a stop. Standing with a stupor he tried to look up the slope to see how the other boy was fairing but the fact that he saw three Aedan's was worrying.
Finn dunked the freshly welded led into a large tub of water before drying it off. He took to too large one off and strapped the new one on. Better proportioned and made of stronger material. He could handle it and hopefully Smasher could too. He glanced at his watch and saw that if he didn't leave home now he would be late.

His movements were awkward, hindered by the foreign object, but he still managed. As he walked past Stark tower on the way to the library he noticed the gathering going on inside, but no Alex, Connor or the son of Iron Fist. He felt a little bad that he hadn't had time to learn his name and vowed that if he saw him again that would be the first thing he would do.

He considered stopping by the tower before his Japanese class but decided against it. Any time a large group of here's convened there something bad went down. He made it to the library just in time and matched himself to the makeshift classroom.
Outside, in the cold snow outside the gulag, the battle was raging on : prisoners, either with make-shift weapons or stolen weapons from the armory, against HYDRA soldiers, dressed in their winter camo uniforms. A figure was fighting amongst the prisoners, having a trademark armor, with some black trousers and a ripped shirt. It was Alex. "Peresdacha svobodu !" He yelled, while shooting at two HYDRA soldiers. Some prisoners are taken down, others fight to the death, but one thing is sure, the revolt was working.

Out of the flames of the gulag, there exited a HYDRA soldier, wearing a red and orange uniform, along with a orange helmet with a visor painted to look like a skull. On the back, he had two cisterns, each connected to his hands. It looked like he could manipulate the flames coming out of his hands, burning prisoners, lifting them up and throwing them, even engulfing them in flames. He turns to look at Alex.

Alex knew the soldier was too much for him, but he would be damned if he would give up that easily. "Davayte posmotrim, chto u vas yest' , sobaka !" Alex yelled, shooting at the soldier. He turned his attention to Alex, yelling and charging, the flames following behind him. Alex dodged, the soldier hitting the wall. But, the soldier had nothing, as for Alex, his right arm received some burns, hurting him. He gave a small yell, gritting his teeth.
Rogue Military Squad

Amelia landed on a random rooftop in New York. She radioed in to the rest of her Squad. "I have nothing to report. No suspicious activity at all in the North End. Everyone else report in." She stated. Liona was the next to chip in. "Nothing but a few thugs in the South. How about you Allison?" Liona asked. "Zip. All quiet in the West. Tanya?"

"Not a Damn thing in the East. What should we do Amelia?" Tanya asked. "Everybody fall in." Amelia ordered. At her command, Liona and Allison climbed up the side of a building and headed to Amelia's location while Tanya flew there. As soon as they all reached the rooftop, Amelia laid out what they were gonna do next.

"Alright, it has been very quiet for the past couple of months, though it seems domestic crimes are increasing." She looked at the Avengers tower in the distance. "No thanks to them being locked up all the time and doing nothing. So, we are going to scope it out from here for right now and take a break alright?" The rest of the girls nodded their heads and looked off in different directions.
[QUOTE="subject 635]Thor looks at Cassie "ah there she is..." he walks to her "Cassie... asgard was working on some things... starting with technology... we are advanced now.. and I had built this for your father.. but I believe this helmet belongs to you now..." he unwraps the cloth and a asgardian helm is in thors hand.
View attachment 129323

Cassie took the helm in her hands gently and looked at it. She looked at Thor with tears in her eyes and smiled. "Thank you." Was all she was able to get out without bursting into full-on sobs.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Did tony die or something?)

((Look on page 195-200 ish. Cass kicked Massacre's butt!))


[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Did tony die or something?)

((Actually go a little farther back.))
(Um there's a spark war going at the moment we'll be right back after these messages)

Jack was still lookin over his weapons wondering if he should add guns to his arsenal
Aedan moved swiftly after Connor, not needing the Null bot as it followed from the air behind, though even with the momentum control Aedan was unable to stop Connor from nastily launching off his shield as he tried to maneuver away from a tree, it just happened far too quickly for him to react. "Crap! Connor, are you ok?" He shouted as he neared the likely dazed man, well,the avalanche was quite large, but at least not as bad as he thought. The duo had managed to escape it, just. When he neared Connor he almost laughed, as he looked like he was incredibly drunk. "Connor? You still with me?" He asked amused.

Aedan glanced at the surroundings, and noticed the very faint sound of... Gunfire? It must be the gulag, they were close. He looked towards Connor,waiting for him to regain his composure.
Marko pulls out his spray cans, twirling them around. He has been going around the entire country tagging it. He then destroyed his ruined city. These two months only marked the end of everyone's emotional breakdown. He knew that there was still much for everyone else to conquer through

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie took the helm in her hands gently and looked at it. She looked at Thor with tears in her eyes and smiled. "Thank you." Was all she was able to get out without bursting into full-on sobs.
((Look on page 195-200 ish. Cass kicked Massacre's butt!))


((Actually go a little farther back.))
Ivory had held his tongue as Cassie received gifts and requests, clenching his fists at some of the requests.

"You okay there Ivory?"

Ivory nodded, "Yeah it's just, I've had to go through a similar grieving song and dance, I didn't feel as bad but still. Right now she isn't 0kay, not even close, she's just saying she is." He breathed deeply, "And yet no one seems to notice."

He looked around the room and his hands twitched towards his helmet, but he stayed his hand, "So many people I have to talk to here, so many..." He looked back at Cassie, "But Cassie comes first." He began to stride to her and paused as he got close, kneeling down in front of her and taking her hand, "I'm so sorry I disapearred Cass." He looked away for a moment but forced himself to look at her, "I felt so bad, I thought I was te reason your dad died. I realized I had to get stronger and better, and I did." He paused again and took a deep breath, "But I also got a second chance, and maybe you can to. I know I wasn't here before but I'm here now." He squeezed her hand, "And I'll give my all while I am."
"I'm fine." Connor said closing his eyes and giving his head a shake. "I'm fine..." He reiterated as he picked up his shield brushing the snow that coated it. "Have more faith in me would ya? And yourself for that matter. Told you we'd be alright." Though that tree came pretty close to making me a liar. He'd seen the look of concentration on Aedan's face, and noticed the gunfire. "Let's go." Connor said, taking a quick glance up at the null bot before heading in the general direction of the noise, though at first with some slightly clumsy steps.

Arriving at the scene Connor stopped in his tracks. There we're clearly two sides to the fight going on, the winter camo'd soldiers who we're a bit more organized in their positioning than the other group. They weren't soldiers like Connor had expected, wearing outfits that portrayed them as prisoners of the gulag. This wasn't an attack on the HYDRA base, it was an uprising. Bodies we're strewn about, gunships we're still buzzing around, and it looked as though half the place was on fire.

Connor smiled as he looked at Aedan, "Looks like we got some help afterall. If Alex is in there he'll be fighting, no doubt." Now it was just a matter of finding him in this mess. Which surprisingly didn't take long, upon seeing flames shooting in abnormal directions that brought Connors attention to the area he could see someone wearing black armor. It was like a lightbulb went off. "There!" Connor said, raising his arm and pointing at the area.
The flame soldier didn't let up. He started laughing, making a snake out of his flames, attacking Alex. He dodges, losing his weapon in the process. "Cyot!" Alex cried, looking at the giant snake hissing. He looked down, and had a plan. A stupid one at that, but was worth the try. He picks up some snow, and made a small snowball. The soldier, surprised, started to laugh harder, barely holding his snake, as his concentration started to break. Alex smiles and throws the snowball, picking up the weapon and shooting at his arm, hitting the right one and exploding his right launcher, his whole arm being engulfed in flames.

Alex tackles him, knocking the huge colossus down, opening his helmet. "YA Zimniy Soldat !" Alex yelled, as he started to punch him with his titanium arm, making small cracks be heard. He looked almost not human, the savage blows he threw, the yells that came out with each blow sounded animal. Like a caged beast, taking its revenge on the captors. After a while, he realized what he had just down, looking at the soldier, his arm being bloody, his red star on the shoulder almost looking like a part of the blood. "Chto ... ya stal?" he said, looking at the face of the soldier. The soldier's eyes hot open, although his face was more than pummeled. Alex didn't let him get up.
Amelia turned to the girls. "I'm going to do a quick fly-by the Avengers Tower to see if I can see what they are doing, alright?" They all nodded toward her. "We'll be watching you from here." Allison stated. And at that, Amelia jumped from the building and headed towards the Avengers tower. When she neared, she slowed down so she could see better and began circling the tower. Amelia looked through the windows to see if she could see any activity while the rest of the squad looked from afar.

"See anything yet?" Liona asked.

"Not quite yet." Amelia reported. "But I will keep circling until I do."

"Roger that." Tanya said.
Marko looks through his room window. What a nice view. Esepcally the winged girl outside. Wait what? He opens his window and looks out at the winged person "The hell?" He wonders

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Jack who had a winged figure cast it's shadow as on him as he chose whether or not he wanted guns. Looking out the window he saw Amelia and gathering his weapons he headed-outside to see what this person wanted.
Amelia saw someone come outside of the tower and she paused midair. "Guys, someone just walked out of the tower. I am sending you the scan and pictures now."

"Alright, we will see if we can figure out who it is." Allison said.

"I'm going to land and see if I can get information." Amelia stated.

"That's a terrible idea! We don't know if this man is dangerous or not!" Tanya exclaimed.

"Just begin heading over and if I am threatened you will be nearby." Amelia said as she landed on the platform. She left her mask on so she could communicate with her comrades if needed. She waited for the man to say something first before she would do anything. She felt tall, but she is on raised mechanical legs so there is nothing she can do about it.
Marko sees the girl. He doesn't say anything, as if he did, the tower would explode, so he waits for her to say something

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Jack began scaling the wall running up it as fast as he could so as not to fall off. When he reached the roof of Stark Tower however he stuck his knife in the side to keep himself from falling over. "So miss to what do i owe this pleasure" he asked sraring at Ameli.

@Pink Gorilla
"I was just curious on what the 'New' Avengers have been doing for the past 2 months. Oh, that's right, nothing. I am more concerned about why haven't they been doing anything?" Amelia responded. She began pacing side to side, staring down at the man.

"I am cloaked and crawling up the tower." Allison stated.
Jack listened calmly at what Amelia said. "Nothing" you say he said as the wind blew by. "Have you checked the news recently?" he asked Amelia. "About the incident that occurred here two months ago and why some parts of the city are under construction" he finished.

@Pink Gorilla
"So? Doesn't mean you leave the citizen to fend for themselves. They need protecting and all you people are doing is laying around and rotting in this tower for all they know." Amelia stated. She looked to the side of the man and saw another man with charged up hands and she pulled out her grenade launcher and aimed it at him. She then whispered to her squad.

"Possible hostile." Amelia stated.

"Want us to engage?" Liona asked.

"No, Allison is coming, if they do attack we can handle them."

"I am at the top and watching you guys. If it goes South I will help you."

"Roger that." Amelia said.
Jack used the knife he had been holding to pull himself up to the roof of Stark tower. "Look kid" he said pulling out one of his katana's and sheathing his knife. "As a merc and assassin I don't like it when people tell me how to do my job or that I didn't do my job well especially after two guys died and i had 4th degree burns on both my legs" he finished with the wind blowing. "So I'll ask you one more time" he stated walking up to her weapon to the point where his face was inches from the nozzle. "Did or did you not hear what happened here 2 MONTHS ago?" he asked again but this time no humor or calmness about it was detected.

@Pink Gorilla

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