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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Los Angeles

"Now pick them up" he instructed the prisoners. With great hesitation each prisoner picked up the gun. "There are bullets on the table pick one up and load the gun" he said and again this time less reluctance they do as told. "Now point right here" he points to his chest. All of them point their guns to the Justice's chest. "Hahaha no no no I mean your own" he says still smiling and they do as they're told. "I'm sure you all know where this is going" he said walking to each one of them and spinning the barrel of all the guns as fast as he could. "Fire" a click from all the guns were heard and all prisoners closed their eyes but none of them died, no blood came out no one was injured. The prisoners sighed with relief. "Phew close one" Justice said with a sigh of relief. Turning towards the camera he sudddenly uttered. "Fire" gun shot sounds were heard again a click was heard. "See I don't want them to kill themselves he said gathering the guns from each prisoner. "No no" he said spinning the barrel and putting a bullet in each one. "I'll let them kill each other" he said turning to the camera and giving each prisoner a fully loaded gun they turned and shot themselves. Several thuds were heard and the room went quiet.
Kelai kicks the corpses away from him. "That should be a powerful message to all the people that believes everything can be protected properly. We shall bring order and peace

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Seeing the guns being pulled on the people Finn bolted from the airport, it would be quicker to run as Smasher. He gaped at the phone screen when they fell down dead. He clenched his fists together and gritted his teeth. Those people, good or bad, were now dead. There were so many other ways they could have handled the situation. He felt the muscles of his back ripple. Smasher took over and without much control he lunged towards L.A.
Los Angeles

"Now this is how you take care of evil" he said stepping on the body of one of the five prisoners. The cameraman moved the camera away thinking something vulgar was about to happen but when he turned it back the body and blood was gone. "So heroes a fair warning I'm keeping my eye on all of you" he said motioning for Fist and Hypnas to come next to him. "Oh yeah that reminds me I heard an old pal of mine recently joined the Avengers I'll be keeping my eye on you also Maniac" he said with a grin.

@sitanomoto @National

Jack swallowed. "It is him" he muttered under his breath siting in the nearest seat
Kelau tosses the bodies out of the room and looks into the camera "Get ready to feel true Justice" He says to the camera, and he smashes it with a swift jab "Let's go"

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LokiofSP said:
Ivory finally woke up, he was dizzy and looked down, eyes wide with shock, "Looks like...Marko hurt me worse than I thought...Owie..." Ivory fell down to his stomach and looked at the small pool of blood surrounding him, he looked at the busted phone he had picked up once again and saw that it now had low battery , "Only got one shot a-at this..." He dialed Cassie one more time...
(Sorry guys, I had to deal with family issues, I'm back and I read what happened so lets do this!)
sitanomoto said:
Ivory breathed a sigh of relief before grunting in pain, "C....Cassie....I need your...your help...I'm on 44th and Amsterdam...Things are a little dark an-an-and cold...I'm scared..." The phone turned off and Ivory curled into a ball, "After everything I did....This is how I go down?....I-I was so close to saving...My....Friends..."
(They could jump in but there's no point at the moment cuz he's about to leave if they did jump in it'd end kinda badly) @Pyosimros

"Time to go" he said grabbing Hypnas's hand and Kelai before teleporting out of the room. "And remember Big Brother is watching you" his voice echoed in the studio room before the cameras shut down.
"Who is it?" Perry whispered to her. This new suit had pretty much everything but something to enhance hearing.

(Yah, thought as much. I'll jump in when he's just not doing anything)
Kelai sighs "The only way we will learn. By death. That is all that will do to jeep a man down. We got our message clear to the Avengers" Kelai cracks his knuckles

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"I agree the message did get through to them didn't it" he said. "All heroes should be careful from now on though" he said sitting down.

Kelai sighs "Thank god this chi keeps me from listening to your crazy commands. He sighs as he sits down

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"Landing in approximately 20 minutes," the pilot said through the intercom. It was already halfway through the journey and Cassandra started to wonder if she should've brought anyone with her.
(Well, its not like there is a robotic dragon and a boy with two suitcases in front of the tower or anything. Its like no one notices with all these posts.)
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Well, its not like there is a robotic dragon and a boy with two suitcases in front of the tower or anything. Its like no one notices with all these posts.)

(M8....I am currently dying several blocks and avenues away with only one person in the RP who knows about it! I'm having a great time though, for real it's not that bad...Your character isn't at the risk of death.)
(SCREW DEATH!!! To take this to an inappropriate level Deadpool did it before... Sorry I didn't have to take it that way I feel bad now. ( :( ))
LokiofSP said:
(M8....I am currently dying several blocks and avenues away with only one person in the RP who knows about it! I'm having a great time though, for real it's not that bad...Your character isn't at the risk of death.)
(I know...... I am sorry. I am just a little irate at the moment, since I am really busy and stressed out. Again I am sorry. )
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](I know...... I am sorry. I am just a little irate at the moment, since I am really busy and stressed out. Again I am sorry. )

(No problem it's just you gotta find other ways to get yourself into the RP sometimes, like for example, just have the two walk in.)

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