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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Some guys ambushed me when I was taking a stroll yesterday, I think he used some device to swap minds. I just need your help," Perry said grateful that she suddenly believed him so quickly. "Wait, how do we know if he is Perry? He could just be a guy posing as him. And he's doing a horrible job at that considering he looks nothing like him," Flash pointed out, crossing his arms.
Hypnas smiled at the words of the man. "Sure," she said, but she looked at Tom and winked.

Cassie shook her head. "Ive been friends with Perry for a long time. I know his speech patterns and his body language like the back of my hand." she put her hand on Perry's shoulder. "This is Perry. Trust me."
Cassandra made it to the airport and she noticed the military private jet. At first she approached it and the military men stationed there wouldn't let her cross but when she showed her symbiote they immediately saluted her and let her into the plane.

Perry smiled. "Thanks Cass."

Joseph didn't have time to look at little broadcasts looking at problems that a different city has so he needed to leave, he had important business to take care of. First, was to take control of old Peter's Parker Industries and second, was to get a new suit. "I beg my leave. Goodbye everyone," he said and walked out.
Los Angeles

Tom got up slightly enraged "What do YOU mean our services won't be needed! If your a super hero you sure are giving all the other heroes out there in the world a bad image especially since this is wworldwide!" he exclaimed catching hiz breath.

"Tom take it easy" Jill said patting his back.

"Take it easy? Take it easy?! Jillian this nutjob-" he said but was cut off.

"That's quite enough" he said. "Sleep" he said looking at Tom and suddenly the man collapsed in his chair with his head down. "Tom!" she exclaimed "What did you do to-" "You to take a nap" he told Jillian and she passed out as well. "Now that the nuisances are taken care of" he said walking over to the anchorman table behind Tom and Jill he pushes the two out of their seats and on to the floor a thud is heard when their unconscious bodies hit the ground. "Let's get down to business oh and DON'T try to change the channel or cut this bbroadcasting" he ordered both the studio and all viewers.
Kelai watches this, his chi energy and willpower made him immune to Justice. He watches the camera, imagining all the people under his control

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Cassandra sat down on a chair and the flight commenced. Though it would be around an hour until she actually got there. So she needed to get comfortable and she turned on the TV to look at the broadcast.
Finn made it to the airport completely unaware that another hero was also there. He hurried into the building and maneuvered through the people to get to the correct counter. Seeing the lineup he sighed, this would take ages, they would be in the Dominican Republic before he got tickets. He hurriedly tapped his real foot as he waited and watched the broadcast. When the news anchors 'mysteriously' fell asleep, Finn groaned. Not Hypnas... "Great." He mumbled to himself.

Los Angeles

The man signaled to his companion to keep Hypnas at bay. "So you're all probably asking what I'm doing here, he's just another crazy villain that is planning on ruining our lives and the avengers or some other hero will beat him, but you're wrong. I'm not the villain here I'm going to be the law. My name is Justice and while I may not be your ideal superhero I'm the best thing you'll ever have. I won't tell you everything will alright, I won't promise you false things like people won't get hurt on my watch because that's a lie you either will or you won't" he said kicking his feet up on the anchormen desk. "At this moment heroes are probably coming here right now to stop me. But I'm not the enemy here. You wanna know what the real enemy is" he paused as he waited for Fist to take care of Hypnas before he continued. @National
Kyo was able to resist the power of the broadcast with his Chi. He also took note that the girl who flew in earlier appears to possess the same ability. Kyo watched the others to see what would be done about this.
Black Fist walked over to Hypnaa and stabs her pressure points, making her fall down to the floor "Insolent fool"

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Agent Venom, talk your daughter through everything, it was one of the generals. "Will do," Flash said and he walked to the exit. "Bye everyone," he said and he walked off.
Hypnas grunted and tell to t floor, but she smiled at both of them. "Fool?" she said, no show of pain in her voice. She stood. "Honestly, I'd like to help."
Kelai stabs at her six times in the back, making her completely oarakazeyed for a minute and also makes her unconscious

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Los Angeles

"Your weakness is lacking the ability to truly protect the weak and those who need it. And so I've decided that I'll lay out the law and take care of any evil doer or hero that harms humanity in any way or form" he says getting up "Fist bring in the prisoners we brought" he motions to Fist. "We have five prisoners here and I'm going to show you what I'm going to do and how you should protect people the right way".

Kelai grabs the five prisoners and takes them to justice, dumping them all on the floor. He closes the door and whispers "Stay here. We will talk to you soon Hypnas" He walks back over to Justice

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Flash took at seat in his house. "Alright, Cassandra. This man seems to have good intentions and of course, all of this is happening in L.A. I want you to talk to him first, use hostile actions if needed," Flash explained while sipping some coffee. "Understood," Cassandra responded back.
Los Angeles

"Now I'm sure you recognize these five prisoners, some have probably killed your families or friends or stolen something invaluable to you" he said as the camera zoomed in on each prisoner that stood up and stared at Justice angrily. "Now heroes watch closely THIS is how you protect the good from evil" noticing the prisoners were starting to near him Justice says. "Stay and watch until I say otherwise" they all froze and stood unable to move. Leaving the room for a couple of minutes he comes back with something in his arms and drops them on the table. Motioning towards the camera men they zoom in on the weapons. "G-guns" the cameraman stutterd "That's right guns" he said with a smile then waved the cameraman away.
Flash focused on the weapons. "Anti-Hero I see, he uses guns to kill his opponents. Just make sure not to draw your gun first and he shouldn't shoot," he advised. "I know dad, this isn't the first time I've done stuff like this," Cassandra responded.
Kelai watches, using his chi to sense any presence outside the building

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Ivory finally woke up, he was dizzy and looked down, eyes wide with shock, "Looks like...Marko hurt me worse than I thought...Owie..." Ivory fell down to his stomach and looked at the small pool of blood surrounding him, he looked at the busted phone he had picked up once again and saw that it now had low battery , "Only got one shot a-at this..." He dialed Cassie one more time...

(Sorry guys, I had to deal with family issues, I'm back and I read what happened so lets do this!)
"So, first we should catch the guy who had my body and interrogate him. Then we can-" Perry was stopped in the middle of his debriefing when Cassie's phone rang. "Um... I'll just wait after the call's done."
Redd and phoenix arrive at the tower, with redd still in his wyvern form. He roars, warning people to get back. Phoenix then hops off his back and enters the tower, salvaging any important thing that he can fit in two suitcases. "Cassie! Come and get as much as you can!" Phoenix shouted as he ran out the door. Redd waits, making sure that cassie gets her things. @sitanomoto @National @Who ever is at the tower.

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