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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Clair smiled softly at the nickname, she usually detested the kind of behavior but she found herself more at ease than anything else.

"Hey yourself quick draw, how are you holding up?"

She asked as the worry crept into her voice. Dimitri had been returned in a bad way so naturally Clair worried and hovered only slightly.
"Oh I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm actually running again! I might not be able to fight with the rest yet but I can make it to the store." He lied. Hopefully she couldn't tell how hard it was for him to breathe or that he had a fever that might kill some people. "This necklace you have me... It just has so many files. I've been at it for a few days and I haven't even scratched the surface."
Ivory sighed and looked at Harry, "I'm not trying to break anything mister Ousbourne, I just wanted to talk."
Clair smiled softly.

"The necklace can hold a lot of data and I presume Harry had a lot of data"

She stirred her coffee slowly as she spoke

"Do you need me to bring you anything?"

She asked as she finished up her breakfast and cleaned up her dishes.
He looked at the horribly messy state of his home. "Uhh I'm not sure If you want to be here at the moment... But I already have all the data if you want to come get the necklace and sift through it as well."
Allison took advantage of Marko's distraction and slipped out of the room. She couldn't go out the same way she came in because the one girl was still in there. Still cloaked, she wandered around the tower until she wandered into a different room. Allison froze when she saw that Clair was sitting in the room.
"Thank you for your concern but I'm fine. I'm alive, but a lot of people could die if Harry isn't stopped quickly. I won't let anyone else get hurt just because I-" He paused.

"Just because I was too slow."
Ivory was nervous, he had to keep up the act so Harry slipped, gave them something to make people doubt his word, "Alright-y so your not a fan of sports, your obviously a fan of the Avengers though so how bout this, you ask a question about us, I awnser. Simple enough for your small brain to understand?"
"That's more like it." Harry answered and tapped his pen and held up a piece of paper and read from it. "Which of you is the strategical leader? Who are the main members? And where have Connor Rodgers and Alexander Barnes been for the past few months?"
Reaper said:
"That's more like it." Harry answered and tapped his pen and held up a piece of paper and read from it. "Which of you is the strategical leader? Who are the main members? And where have Connor Rodgers and Alexander Barnes been for the past few months?"
Ivory blinked a few times before smirking, "Cassie Stark and Finn Banner are our strategist, everyone is a main member, if they've bleed with us and joined us its only fair that they're equal to us, and Conner and Alex..." Ivory froze up, unsure of how to awnser that one, "...They left the team to figure out their lives, but they'll be back soon!" Ivory yawned, "Those are boring questions, can we get more interesting ones please?"
Clair sighed to herself

"Dimitri...it was not your fault and you weren't too slow, we got the data and even with me and Cassandra helping, Harry had tech we did not account for and were caught off guard"
He lowered the paper. "Interesting questions? Like what? Who's dating? I doubt anything your team has done is particularly interesting to me."

Dimitri shrugged, even though no one could see it. "You all wanted to have a game plan but I just walked in. Played right into his hand. It won't happen again. Now, if you sincerely wanna help me, come get this here necklace and help me look through all this shit, ok?"
Allison began to slip past Clair quietly. She was opening the door on the other side of the room when I made a loud creaking noise. Allison looked back at Clair hoping she wouldn't notice. @The Dragon Rider
Reaper said:
He lowered the paper. "Interesting questions? Like what? Who's dating? I doubt anything your team has done is particularly interesting to me."
Dimitri shrugged, even though no one could see it. "You all wanted to have a game plan but I just walked in. Played right into his hand. It won't happen again. Now, if you sincerely wanna help me, come get this here necklace and help me look through all this shit, ok?"
Ivory pouted and stick out his tounge, "That's because your boring! All Im asking is you give me more interesting questions! How about this, you ask a question, I'll tell you if its boring, okay?"
Harry face palmed. "Oh why. Okay how about..... If all of the avengers were to.... Play football, with Cassie and Connor being team captains, who would they pick and who would win?"
John walked in on the room where everyone was. Sometimes he wondered how he gets clearance into this building, he's not officially an Avenger yet. But an ally. "What are you guys up to? I got a feeling I should be here," sometimes that feeling sucked. It can vary from a stomach ache that forces John to go or just a 'feeling.'
Reaper said:
Harry face palmed. "Oh why. Okay how about..... If all of the avengers were to.... Play football, with Cassie and Connor being team captains, who would they pick and who would win?"
Ivory looked at him questionably, "That question makes no sense, try again!"
"Pretty much like Civil War on that other earth, Stark leads one side, Rogers leads the other. People pick sides, and who will win?" John clarified the question as best as he could.

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